Do you have a passion for data? Do you like to keep up with the trends that affect the Canadian population? Do you enjoy being a walking encyclopedia of statistics of all kinds, just to win the battle of the board games? Whatever your interests, we have the solution for you! Subscribe to My StatCan, an updated interface that is now more modern and user-friendly.
What is it?
Created in 2014, My StatCan is a comprehensive and customizable portal that allows more than 80,000 users to subscribe to specific news releases from The Daily, articles, reports, products and data tables and to receive daily email notifications whenever content related to their subscriptions is updated.
When it comes to topics, subscribers can choose from over 30 categories. Agriculture, international trade, environment, immigration, languages, housing, Indigenous peoples, demographics, price indexes, health, labour, and tourism are among the many topics that users can explore in depth. Whether you are a researcher, an entrepreneur, a decision-maker or simply a curious person, there is something for you!
All new, all beautiful!
To enhance the My StatCan user experience, Statistics Canada has added the following options:
- a "What's New" page featuring all new content published at 8:30 a.m. on the same day (or the previous business day if the page is viewed on a weekend or holiday);
- a search engine to find and bookmark any content published in the last decade;
- the ability to subscribe to more disaggregated topics; and
- additional email notification options, including the ability to be notified whenever new statistical content is published.
No worries!
Are you a long-time user and worried about losing your subscriptions? Don't worry! Your account was automatically migrated. All content related to email notifications was transferred.
Contact information
For more information, contact the Statistical Information Service (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; infostats@statcan.gc.ca) or Media Relations (statcan.mediahotline-ligneinfomedias.statcan@statcan.gc.ca).