Not much trade is conducted between the Philippines and Canada, but the connection between the two countries is strong thanks to the 957,355 Canadians with Filipino roots who proudly call Canada home.
Over one-third (34.7%) of Canadians reporting Filipino roots living in Canada in 2021 arrived within the previous decade.
In fact, just under four in five (79.1%) Canadians reporting Filipino roots are immigrants. During the 2021 Census of Population, 757,410 people reported that they were born in the Philippines and had immigrated to Canada, making the Philippines the third largest source country for immigration to Canada, following India (1.2 million) and China (830,980).
Just over three-quarters (76.5%) of Filipino Canadians were living in Ontario (355,680 people), Alberta (203,960) or British Columbia (172,915) at the time of the census.
Filipino Canadians are hard working
Using our labour data as a barometer, Filipino Canadians are among the hardest working people in Canada.
Almost four in five (78.6%) Filipino Canadians aged 15 years and older were working or actively looking for a job in 2022, the highest labour force participation rate among all Canadians and well above the national average of 65.4%.
Filipino Canadians had an unemployment rate of 4.3% in 2022, a full percentage point below the national average of 5.3%.
In 2020, Filipino Canadians were most likely to be working in sales and service (182,535 people), health care (98,030), business, finance and administration (79,360) and the trades (65,985).
After paying their taxes, Filipino Canadians took home almost the same amount of money on average as the Canadian median in 2020.
Filipino Canadians have a strong sense of belonging to Canada
Although most Filipino Canadians are relative newcomers to Canada, over 9 in 10 (92.0%) reported a somewhat strong or very strong sense of belonging to Canada in the spring of 2022, compared with 84.2% of Canadians overall.
In fact, Filipino Canadians overall reported a much stronger sense of belonging to their province, town or city, or community than Canadians overall.
Contact information
For more information, contact the Statistical Information Service (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; infostats@statcan.gc.ca) or Media Relations (statcan.mediahotline-ligneinfomedias.statcan@statcan.gc.ca).