Though we’re well into the digital age, Canadians still like to get some ink done—in the form of a variety of print jobs, that is.
In June 2023, the printing and related support activities subsector sold and shipped $531 million worth of goods (at 2017 constant prices). Since we started tracking data for this subsector, the lowest monthly sales volume on record was $479 million in April 2020, and the highest was $1.2 billion in November 2003.
The subsector had 42,032 Canadians on the payroll in May 2023, down from a high of 86,162 in February 2001 (on a seasonally adjusted basis). It includes industries such as commercial screen printing, quick printing and digital printing. It also includes an industry of support activities.
In 2022, the subsector contributed nearly $3.5 billion (chained 2012 dollars, annual average) in gross domestic product.
Shirts and other swag
In June 2023, there were 769 business locations across Canada in the commercial screen printing industry. Establishments in this industry are primarily engaged in commercial printing and typically have a pre-press capability (i.e., to cut stencils).
In addition to screen printing on hats and clothing, these establishments can also print on other textile products such as napkins, placemats and towels. Other products include everything from posters to large-format banners to eyeglass frames.
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
There were 997 business locations nationwide in the digital printing industry.
Establishments in this Canadian industry use computer-controlled non-impact equipment, specialized scanners and colour-separation equipment to print billboards and large format graphic materials—some large enough to block out the scenery.
For commercial print jobs with a tight turnaround time, there were 381 locations in the quick printing Canadian industry.
Everything else
Paper signs and notices, notebooks, pamphlets, programs, catalogues, board games, books and magazines are just some of the other printing Canadian industry options. There were 3,168 business locations across the country offering a wide variety of these and other services.
Support activities
The support activities for printing Canadian industry had 548 business locations nationwide providing support services to commercial printers, such as pre-press and bindery work.
These services included preparation of various printing plates, typesetting, bookbinding and stamping.
StatCan surveys and forms
We print far less of our publications than we used to here at StatCan, with the advent of the Internet. However, if you require a printed version (including large print) or another accessible format, simply contact us to request it!
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