Lawns have been around for over five centuries, with their heyday in Canada occurring during the post-war housing boom up to the first decade of the 21st century. Sod sales in Canada have picked up since 2021, following a decade long rough patch.
There were 234 sod farms operating in Canada in 2022, 11 more than a year earlier but 86 fewer than a decade earlier.
Sod farmers reported a record low 1,405 employees in 2022, down from 1,440 a year earlier and one-third lower compared with a decade earlier. Over two-thirds of sod farm employees were seasonal workers. Full-time employment in the industry has fallen from 590 employees to 382 in the past decade.
Sod sales hit a seven-year high of $152.2 million in 2022, edging up 0.9% from a year earlier but down 6.5% from a decade earlier.
The drop in sod sales over the past decade may be driven by a shift away from the construction of single-detached dwellings in favour of multi-unit buildings, and a move away from traditional landscaping practices towards hardscaping.
The recent uptick in sod sales may reflect increased home building during the COVID-19 pandemic, as builders generally provide a lawn for their newly built single and row homes.
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