Statistics Canada has teamed up with Apolitical—an online learning platform—for a winning combination! After crafting a customized data literacy bootcamp for the platform, Statistics Canada's Data Literacy Training Initiative team was honoured, on January 18, 2022, to receive Apolitical’s 2021 Global Public Service Team of the Year Award in the category of Data and Digital Champions. This is Statistics Canada’s first time winning an Apolitical award.
Public servant teams from around the world were recognized for their exceptional work and nominated in five different categories: Climate Heroes, Community Innovators, Data and Digital Champions, Equity and Fairness Advocates, and User-Centred Policy Makers and Policy Deliverers.
The Data and Digital Champions category recognizes teams who are leaders in honing data and digital skills and who, according to Apolitical’s website, are “not only undertaking their own digital transformation journeys—they’re bringing others along with them.” Five international organizations were nominated for each award, and subscribers voted for the best team.
Statistics Canada joined teams from Scotland, Brazil, the United Kingdom and Colombia as winners in this exciting competition, with runners-up from Portugal, Chile, the Dominican Republic and Singapore.
Contact information
For more information, contact the Statistical Information Service (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; infostats@statcan.gc.ca) or Media Relations (statcan.mediahotline-ligneinfomedias.statcan@statcan.gc.ca).