Today, January 9, marks the launch of the 2026 Census of Population dissemination consultation, which will run until March 31, 2024.
During this period, Statistics Canada will collect experiences and recommendations from Canadians that will shape the 2026 Census of Population dissemination strategy and product line.
The first census of Canada took place in 1871, covering a variety of subjects in 211 questions. The findings were published in five bilingual volumes in 1873. Over 150 years later, the results of the Census of Population continue to paint a portrait of Canadians and the country—from small communities to entire provinces and territories.
Statistics Canada published approximately 1,430 times more data points in census data tables and related products than the number of people counted in the 2021 Census (36,991,981 people)—a record number of data points!
What is Census of Population dissemination?
Census of Population dissemination is the process of sharing findings from the census through a variety of products (data, analytical, and reference products). These products are released on specific dates according to topics and themes from the census.
With each census, Statistics Canada improves its methods of dissemination to the public by seeking ways of publishing results in a timely and accessible manner while maintaining high data quality standards.
The next Census of Population will be held in May 2026, with the dissemination process starting in 2027.
We want to ensure that users receive the maximum benefit from this Census of Population product line and release strategy, so your experiences and recommendations are important to us.
Why should I participate?
As part of the development of the Census Program, data users are invited to communicate their experiences and provide recommendations.
Suggestions, ideas and opinions that you express during the consultation ensure that Census of Population data are accessible and relevant. Your feedback helps to inform us of users’ needs and expectations.
How do I participate?
A consultation will be conducted by means of an electronic questionnaire available to users through the Statistics Canada website from Tuesday, January 9, 2024, to Sunday, March 31, 2024.
Comments collected during the consultation may be published anonymously in the 2026 Census of Population Dissemination Consultation report, which will be made available on the Statistics Canada website in fall 2024.
To respond to the 2026 Census of Population dissemination consultation, please fill out the electronic questionnaire that will be available on the 2026 Census of Population Dissemination Consultation page as of Tuesday, January 9, 2024.
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Contact information
For more information, contact the Statistical Information Service (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; infostats@statcan.gc.ca) or Media Relations (statcan.mediahotline-ligneinfomedias.statcan@statcan.gc.ca).