One of the biggest games of the year, the Super Bowl, is coming up in just a few days’ time. Let’s see how Canada measures up in terms of all the things that make the Super Bowl fun, such as food and drink, sports entertainment, even gambling.
Higher prices for key snack ingredients
Canadians love their potato chips. On average, households reported spending $84 a year on potato-based snack foods in 2021, up from $75 in 2019. By way of comparison, households spent $56 on frozen pizza.
Canadians also have a sweet tooth, judging by the $99 a year households spend on cookies and sweet biscuits.
Prices for most key snack food fixings continue to increase but at a slower pace from the previous Super Bowl. In December 2023, Canadians were paying 4.4% more for potato chips and other snack products and 9.0% more for cookies and crackers compared with February 2023.
Beer flat
Liquor stores, agencies and other retail outlets sold $9.1 billion of beer in the 2021/2022 fiscal year, down 0.7% from a year earlier and the third consecutive annual decrease. Canadians of legal drinking age drank the equivalent of 3.7 standard bottles of beer per week per person, the lowest volume of beer sales per person since we began tracking alcohol sales in 1949.
Beer accounted for just over one-third (34.9%) of total alcohol sales by value in 2021/2022.
Audiences rise
Economic activity in the performing arts, spectator sports and related industries, and heritage institutions subsector were up by 49% year over year in the first quarter of 2023, with more Canadians watching live events. Nevertheless, activity in the subsector remains below pre- pandemic levels.
Bets up for government-run lotteries
Some Canadians make a small wager through a government-run lottery on the outcome of the big game. On average, Canadian households spent $147 on government-run lotteries in 2021, up $26 from 2019.
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