Sales (seasonally adjusted) at food services and drinking places declined 1.9% to $7.9 billion in January. Full-service (-6.4%), special food services (-1.8%) and drinking places (-0.5%) reported lower sales, while limited-service eating places (+2.4%) reported higher sales.
Sales were down in seven provinces in January. In dollar terms, British Columbia (-6.9%), Saskatchewan (-2.3%), Quebec (-1.2%) and Ontario (-1.1%) had the largest declines, while Nova Scotia (+2.3%) reported the largest increase.
Prices for food purchased from restaurants were up 5.1% in January compared with January 2023, while prices for alcoholic beverages served in licensed establishments increased 5.3%.
Map 1: Sales at food services and drinking places
Monthly variations in dollars (seasonally adjusted), provinces

Description - Map 1: Sales at food services and drinking places, Monthly variations in dollars (seasonally adjusted), provinces
Sales at food services and drinking places
Monthly variations in dollars (seasonally adjusted), provinces
Newfoundland and Labrador
$89 million
Prince Edward Island
$37 million
Nova Scotia
$188 million
New Brunswick
$134 million
$1.5 billion
$3.1 billion
$221 million
$203 million
$1.0 billion
British Columbia
$1.3 billion
Source(s): Table 21-10-0019-01.
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