The 2024 Census Test is underway!

May 6, 2024, 11:00 a.m. (EDT)

The Census of Population and the Census of Agriculture are conducted every five years and are important undertakings that take years to plan. Census of Population data provide high-quality information that is used to plan services such as education, health care, and infrastructure in communities across the country. The Census of Agriculture offers an up-to-date picture of Canada's agriculture sector, informing decisions that support farmers and benefit Canada's agriculture and agri-food industry.

Beginning in May, and continuing until late June, Statistics Canada will be conducting the 2024 Census Test to evaluate the new and modified questions in the questionnaire, as well as the collection procedures and tools in preparation for the 2026 Census of Population and the 2026 Census of Agriculture.

Testing helps us ensure that high-quality data are available in 2026. The data helps inform policies, services, and resources in support of employment, education, and health care for communities throughout Canada.

About the 2024 Census Test

As part of its standard process, Statistics Canada conducts a comprehensive test of the revised census questionnaire and collection procedures two years before every census.

The test will take place from May 6 to June 28, 2024, spanning across all 10 provinces. Approximately 198,000 households and 10,000 agricultural operations have been randomly selected to participate in this test.

Out of the total sample, 89,000 households were randomly selected from the following areas: Halifax, Montréal, Saskatoon, Annapolis Valley, and Rimouski. Throughout the months of May and June, Statistics Canada enumerators will be in these communities to assist respondents in completing their census test questionnaire.

The remaining 108,700 households were randomly selected from all 10 provinces. These households will be required to complete a census test questionnaire but will not receive in-person follow up visits from census enumerators.

Participation and confidentiality

Households selected to participate in the 2024 Census Test will receive a letter with instructions for completing a questionnaire for their household. All information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act and will be kept strictly confidential.

The road to the 2026 Census

Statistics Canada continues to improve its processes to ensure the next census accurately represents the Canadian population. There are several milestones along the road to the 2026 Census.

If you are selected to participate in the 2024 Census Test, please complete your questionnaire as soon as possible! 

For more information, visit the 2024 Census Test page. 

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Contact information

For more information, contact the Statistical Information Service (toll-free 1-800-263-1136514-283-8300; or Media Relations (