StatsCAN Plus

Search help for StatsCAN Plus

How do I use the search box and filters?

  • You can initiate a search by entering keywords or selecting filters (e.g., under Type or Subject).
  • Filters can be used together or in any combination.
  • You can execute a search by clicking the Apply button.
  • You can start a new search by clicking the Clear all button.

How do I refine my search?

  • You can enter keywords in the search box and the results shown will include articles that have at least one of those keywords in the article.
    • For example, “labour force survey” will limit the results to articles containing one of more of the words entered.
  • You can use quotes around keywords to limit the search to a specific phrase.
    • For example, "labour force survey" will limit the results to articles containing that phrase.

How does the search work?

  • This search looks for results based on the combination of keywords entered and filters selected.
  • It performs a full text search by finding StatsCan Plus publications that contain the keywords in the title, in the body of the article, or the subject it is tagged to.
    • For example, when searching for the keyword "Diseases", the results will include all articles with the word 'Diseases' in the title, tagged subject or full text of the publication.

How are the results ordered?

  • The results will be displayed in descending order by Release date (i.e. most recently released at the top).
  • The results can be sorted by:
    • Title: sorts the results alphabetically (either ascending or descending).
    • Type: sorts the results by type (article, databyte or infobyte).
    • Release date: sorts the results by release date (either by newest to oldest).

What is meant by 'Type'?

StatsCan Plus publications are categorized by the following types:

  • Article - a text-based story that usually ranges between 250 and 750 words. It may or may not include visual elements.
  • Databyte - a short story that is usually less than 200 words, and includes both, a data visualization and a text.
  • Infobyte - a visual representation highlighting a data point or an interesting fact.