Geographic area amalgamations

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The following tables list the geographic amalgamations, in alphabetical order by census division and census consolidated subdivisions, within a province. This is the census division and census consolidated subdivision for which data are available.

  • The first column lists the names of the census divisions where an amalgamation took place. The name of the census division that is the largest component of the amalgamation is in bold type with its component census divisions, if necessary, listed beneath.
  • The second column contains the codes for the geographic areas - two digits for the province, two digits for the census agricultural region, two digits for the census division and three digits for the census consolidated subdivision.
  • The third column lists the names of the census consolidated subdivisions where an amalgamation was necessary. In most cases it is named by the largest component, shown in bold type, with the geographic areas merged for the amalgamation listed beneath.

Note: In some cases the geographic area amalgamations will have changed between 2006 and 2011. To access the geographic area amalgamations for 2006 please visit 2006 Census of Agriculture reference maps.

Geographic amalgamations and their components

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