Quebec and Ontario


This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


Survey purpose
The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on stored grains. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your answers are confidential.
The Statistics Act protects the confidentiality of information collected by Statistics Canada. Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Record linkages
To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements
To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have thelegal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial statistical agencies of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the Manitoba Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Fax or e-mail transmission disclosure
Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during the transmission of information by facsimile or e-mail. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.


Given name and initial(s)
Family name
Telephone number
Fax number
Other telephone number
Number and street name
Post office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
Postal code
E-mail address (if applicable)


Given name and initial(s)
Family name
Telephone number
Fax number
Other telephone number
Number and street name
Post office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
Postal code
E-mail address (if applicable)


Given name and initial(s)
Family name
Telephone number
Fax number
Other telephone number
Number and street name
Post office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
Postal code
E-mail address (if applicable)


The following questions refer to grains in storage on your farm on December 31, 20XX.

- grains harvested in or prior to 20XX;
- grains owned by someone else but stored on your farm;
- grains purchased for animal feed or seed.

- brand name feeds that were purchased (feed rations);
- grains that you own but are stored off your farm ( e.g. elevator, another farm, storage ticket, condominium storage).

IMPORTANT: Any crops harvested as forage or green silage should not be included as "grains in storage".

Units of measure
Bushels (BU)
Metric tonnes (MT)
Imperial tons (IT)
Kilograms (KG)
Pounds (LB)
Hundredweight (CWT)

1. Did you have any grains in storage on your farm on December 31, 20XX?

  1. Yes
  2. No

2. In the table below, indicate the quantity in storage on your farm on December 31, 20XX. Please indicate unit of measure.

Corn for Grain (include seed corn but exclude sweet corn)
Dry Beans, Coloured, total
Dry Beans, White Pea (Navy)
Mixed Grains (two or more grains sown together)
Rye (Spring and Fall)
Wheat Spring
Wheat Winter

3. What is the percent moisture content of the Corn for Grain in storage?

4. What percentage of your Corn for Grain in storage is intended for the commercial market?

5. What percentage of your Spring Wheat in storage is intended for human consumption?

6. What percentage of your Winter Wheat in storage is intended for human consumption?


1. As of December 31, 20XX, what is the total fixed permanent grain storage capacity on your farm?
(Indicate quantity and unit of measure)

2. As of December 31, 20XX, what percentage of total grain stored on your farm is stored using temporary storage methods ( e.g. silo bags, under tarp. etc. )?


Thank you for your cooperation

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta


This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


Survey purpose
The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on stored grains. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your answers are confidential.
The Statistics Act protects the confidentiality of information collected by Statistics Canada. Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Record linkages
To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements
To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have thelegal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial statistical agencies of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the Manitoba Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Fax or e-mail transmission disclosure
Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during the transmission of information by facsimile or e-mail. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.


Given name and initial(s)
Family name
Telephone number
Fax number
Other telephone number
Number and street name
Post office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
Postal code
E-mail address (if applicable)


Given name and initial(s)
Family name
Telephone number
Fax number
Other telephone number
Number and street name
Post office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
Postal code
E-mail address (if applicable)


Given name and initial(s)
Family name
Telephone number
Fax number
Other telephone number
Number and street name
Post office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
Postal code
E-mail address (if applicable)


The following questions refer to grains in storage on your farm on December 31, 20XX.

- grains harvested in or prior to 20XX;
- grains owned by someone else but stored on your farm;
- grains purchased for animal feed or seed.

- brand name feeds that were purchased (feed rations);
- grains that you own but are stored off your farm ( e.g. elevator, another farm, storage ticket, condominium storage).

IMPORTANT: Any crops harvested as forage or green silage should not be included as "grains in storage".

Units of measure
Bushels (BU)
Metric tonnes (MT)
Imperial tons (IT)
Kilograms (KG)
Pounds (LB)
Hundredweight (CWT)

1. Did you have any grains in storage on your farm on December 31, 20XX?

  1. Yes
  2. No

2. In the table below, indicate the quantity in storage on your farm on December 31, 20XX. Please indicate unit of measure.

Canary Seed
Chick Peas
Corn for Grain (include seed corn but exclude sweet corn)
Dry Beans, Coloured, total
Dry Beans, White Pea (Navy)
Dry Field Peas
Linola (solin)
Mixed Grains (two or more grains sown together)
Mustard Seed
Rye (Spring and Fall)
Sunflower Seed (include Sunola & other dwarf varieties)
Wheat, Durum
Wheat, Winter
Wheat Spring, Canadian Western Extra Strong (utility)
Wheat Spring, Hard Red
Wheat Spring, Prairie (include semi-dwarf varieties but exclude Soft White Spring Wheat)
Wheat Spring, Soft White (exclude White Prairie Spring Wheat)
Wheat Spring, Other (unlicensed varieties, including Grandin Wheat)


As of December 31, 20XX, what is the total fixed permanent grain storage capacity on your farm?
(Indicate quantity and unit of measure)

2. As of December 31, 20XX, what percentage of total grain stored on your farm is stored using temporary storage methods ( e.g. silo bags, under tarp. etc. )?


Thank you for your cooperation

2014 Census Program Test - Privacy impact assessment


The next census will be conducted in May 2016. As one of Statistics Canada’s major statistical programs, the census requires careful planning to ensure its successful completion. An essential element to ensuring its success is the census test, traditionally scheduled two years prior to the census.

The 2016 Census of Population and the 2016 National Household Survey will likely include new content, as well as modifications to data collection procedures employed for the 2011 Census Program. The 2014 Census Program Test is designed to:

  • evaluate the impact of content changes on data quality, where content is defined as wording of questions and response categories, paper questionnaire format and usability, and the functionality and usability of electronic questionnaire applications
  • validate intended system functionality through a live test with the opportunity to observe the behaviour of staff when using the new systems, procedures and tools.


The 2014 Census Program Test privacy impact assessment (PIA) identifies the privacy risks and associated mitigation measures planned for the 2014 Census Program Test, including a content test associated with the mandatory census questionnaire and the voluntary National Household Survey (NHS), as well as a field procedures test to validate modifications to the associated field procedures.

The PIA document summarizes Statistics Canada’s assessment of the privacy implications of the 2014 Census Program Test. This assessment complements the privacy impact assessments completed for the 2006 and 2011 censuses. It includes a review of the 10 privacy principles as they apply to the 2014 Census Test. Also included is an assessment of the risks to the privacy, confidentiality and security of respondents’ information as well as employees’ information with respect to staff engaged for field operations.

The PIA also identifies the risk areas and categorizes the level of potential risk (level 1 representing the lowest level of potential risk and level 4, the highest) associated with the collection and use of personal information.

Personal information of respondents:

  • Type of program or activity – Level 1: Program or activity that does not involve a decision about an identifiable individual.
  • Type of personal information involved and context – Level 3: Social insurance number, medical, financial, or other sensitive personal information, or the context surrounding the personal information is sensitive; personal information of minors or of legally incompetent individuals or involving a representative acting on behalf of the individual.
  • Program or activity partners and private sector involvement – Level 4: Private sector organizations, international organizations or foreign governments.
  • Duration of the program or activity – Level 1: One-time program or activity.
  • Program population – Not applicable: The program’s use of personal information is not for administrative purposes. Information is collected for statistical and related research purposes, under the authority of the Statistics Act.
  • Personal information transmission – Level 4: The personal information is transmitted using wireless technologies.
  • Technology and privacy: Systems employed for the 2014 Census Test are based on the technology approaches employed for the 2011 Census and the 2011 National Household Survey. The systems have been redeveloped to take advantage of updated technology and to introduce additional functionality identified through the evaluation of the 2011 Census Program.
  • Privacy breach: There is a very low risk of personal information being disclosed.

Personal information of personnel:

  • Type of program or activity – Level 2: Administration of program or activity and services.
  • Type of personal information involved and context – Level 3: Social insurance number, medical, financial, or other sensitive personal information, or the context surrounding the personal information is sensitive; personal information of minors or of legally incompetent individuals or involving a representative acting on behalf of the individual.
  • Program or activity partners and private sector involvement – Level 2: With other government institutions.
  • Duration of the program or activity – Level 1: One-time program or activity.
  • Program population – Level 1: The program's use of personal information for internal administrative purposes affects certain employees.
  • Personal information transmission – Level 4: The personal information is transmitted using wireless technologies.
  • Technology and privacy: Systems employed for the 2014 Census Test are based on the technology approaches employed for the 2011 Census and the 2011 National Household Survey. The systems have been redeveloped to take advantage of updated technology and to introduce additional functionality identified through the evaluation of the 2011 Census Program.
  • Privacy breach: There is a very low risk of personal information being disclosed without proper authorization.


Though a number of potential privacy concerns were identified, the privacy impact assessment provides information on how these are being addressed. The PIA concludes that appropriate mitigation measures have been implemented or are planned and that remaining risks are either negligible or are such that Statistics Canada is prepared to accept and manage the risk.

Audit of Statistical Infrastructure Branch – Tax Data

Audit Report

November 14, 2013
Project Number: 80590-78

Executive Summary

Through the terms and conditions of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in 2011, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Statistics Canada exchange information to facilitate and support statistical research and analysis associated with the administration of a number of their respective programs. The Tax Data Division is responsible for the development of centralized databases containing edited and imputed tax microdata accessible internally to user divisions, as well as managing and coordinating all aspects of the data requests made to the CRA under the MOU.

There are currently 29 active tax microdata files transmitted to Statistics Canada. Access has been granted to 36 divisions across the Agency, representing close to 700 individual users. TDD currently manages over 3,300 requests annually for access to available tax microdata files.

The objectives of the audit were to provide the Chief Statistician (CS) and the Departmental Audit Committee (DAC) with assurance that:

  • The TDD has an adequate and effective risk management framework in place to ensure the terms and conditions of the MOU pertaining to security of confidential taxpayer information are met; and
  • The information is being used, disclosed, retained and disposed of in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the MOU.

This audit was conducted under the authority of the approved Statistics Canada integrated Risk-Based Audit and Evaluation Plan 2013/14 to 2017/18.

Key Findings

TDD has implemented an adequate risk management framework to protect confidential taxpayer information. Roles and responsibilities are defined; corporate policies and directives specific to tax data, which meet or exceed the requirements of the MOU, have been developed and communicated to stakeholders.

The Data Access Request System (DARS) is used to manage and control access over TDD product files. It keeps an audit trail of: who is authorized to access tax payer information; the identification of data files that are to be accessed; planned usage and purpose; and the period for which authorization is granted. The DARS is an effective means to meet the requirements of the MOU.

While client-divisions are allowed to create additional files from original tax microdata files, they have not been reporting to TDD the required information on a regular or consistent basis, resulting in a segment of the location and users of tax information not reported to the ACS as required by the MOU.

CRA and Statistics Canada must ensure an audit trail of all accesses to information provided under the MOU is maintained and provided upon request. Such an audit trail is not kept. TDD management's understanding is that the requirements of the audit trail described in Appendix C-1 were sufficient to meet the requirements of Clause 30 of the MOU. The MOU is unclear as to the depth and breadth of an audit trail for all accesses to information provided under the MOU.

The MOU allows Statistics Canada to enter into agreements with Provincial Statistical Focal Points (SFP) and departments of the Government of Canada for the use of tax payer information for their jurisdiction. Testing revealed that agreements set out terms and conditions for the use, disclosure, retention and disposal of tax information in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the MOU.

Testing results of a sample of 33 recorded authorized tax microdata users revealed that most key physical and IT security practices and tools designed to protect taxpayer information met or exceeded the requirements of the MOU. Shared folders are commonly used to provide access to operational information to all employees within a team, group, division or selected employees within other divisions. The audit found that in some cases, the use of shared folders to disseminate tax data to other employees was not properly controlled, allowing unauthorized access to tax microdata, which does not respect the need-to-know principle.

Vulnerabilities were also identified during the audit, which could pose a risk to the confidentiality of tax microdata. Firstly, in an electronic work environment where managing large data sets is critical, having active USB ports provides the opportunity to remove confidential information from Statistics Canada premises, in a manner that is untraceable and undetectable. Secondly, retention periods and procedures for the disposal of tax microdata files are not clearly established.

Overall Conclusion

The TDD has implemented an adequate risk management framework to ensure the terms and conditions of the MOU pertaining to security of confidential taxpayer information are met. Management attention is required in two areas: 1) Ensure that reports on the location and uses of tax information is complete by including the information held by both TDD and client divisions. 2) Seeking clarification from CRA on the depth and breadth of an audit trail for all accesses to information provided under the MOU.

For the most part, tax information is being used, disclosed, retained and disposed of in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the MOU. Improvements are required in three areas: 1) Shared folders are restricted to authorized users only; 2) Consider and manage the risk of active USB ports on tax microdata users' computers; 3) Establishment of clear retention periods for tax microdata files.

Conformance with Professional Standards

The audit was conducted in accordance with the Internal Auditing Standards for the Government of Canada, which includes the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Internal Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.

Patrice Prud'homme
Chief Audit Executive



Through the terms and conditions of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in 2011, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Statistics Canada exchange information to facilitate and support statistical research and analysis associated with the administration of a number of their respective programs. Statistics Canada uses tax microdata as a direct replacement of survey data in the business statistics program. Divisions utilize these rich data sources to validate survey results by comparison, and to create record linkages. Statistics Canada uses tax microdata to achieve higher accuracy, greater geographical detail, improved timeliness, and lower response burden.

The purpose of the MOU is to clarify the roles and responsibilities and outline the conditions and procedures for the release of confidential taxpayer information between the CRA and Statistics Canada under the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act and the Statistics Act.

Tax Data Division (TDD) was formed in April 1997 for the purpose of centralizing Statistics Canada's acquisition and processing of tax microdata. The division is responsible for the development of centralized databases containing edited and imputed tax microdata, which are accessible internally to user divisions. TDD acts as a service provider to subject matter divisions and ensures that all clients are provided with information related to administrative data files and their use. There are currently 29 active tax microdata files transmitted to Statistics Canada. Access has been granted to 36 divisions across the Agency, representing close to 700 individual users. TDD currently manages over 3,300 requests annually for access to available tax microdata files.

Aside from the centralized repository of tax microdata within TDD, client divisions within Statistics Canada also handle a number of files containing sub-sets or specific variables drawn from tax microdata obtained from the TDD database. In accordance with the Directive on the Security of Sensitive Statistical Information (SSSI), responsibilities for the approval of use, access, storage and disposal of tax microdata are delegated to divisional directors. The Directive also states that divisional directors must report this information back to TDD on an annual basis.

Audit Objectives

The objectives of the audit were to provide the Chief Statistician (CS) and the Departmental Audit Committee (DAC) with assurance that:

  • The TDD has an adequate and effective risk management framework in place to ensure the terms and conditions of the MOU pertaining to security of confidential taxpayer information are met; and
  • The information is being used, disclosed, retained and disposed of in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the MOU.


The current MOU requires that an internal audit be conducted by each Agency within two years of its signing. The current MOU was signed in 2011. The scope of this audit included a risk-based examination of processes and mechanisms in place within Statistics Canada to support the receipt of tax microdata and its dissemination to Statistics Canada program fields.

Approach and Methodology

The audit work consisted of the examination of documents, interviews with key Senior Management and personnel, and a review of compliance with relevant policies and guidelines.

The field work consisted of the review and assessment of the processes and procedures in place to ensure compliance to security requirements of the MOU, as well as relevant policies and procedures.

The audit team conducted walkthroughs for a sample of 33 recorded authorized tax microdata users. A sample of authorized users was selected on a random and judgmental basis, from the list of approximately 700 users in the 36 client divisions across Statistics Canada. Employees of the Tax Data Division and 11 other client divisions across Statistics Canada were visited with little to no notice for an interview, physical inspection and sweep of their computer.

This audit was conducted in accordance with the Internal Auditing Standards for the Government of Canada, which includes the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.


This audit was conducted under the authority of the approved Statistics Canada integrated Risk-Based Audit and Evaluation Plan 2013/14 to 2017/18.

Findings, Recommendations and Management Response

Objective 1: The Tax Data Division (TDD) has an adequate and effective risk management framework in place to ensure the terms and conditions of the MOU pertaining to security of confidential taxpayer information are met.

Risk Management Framework

TDD has implemented an adequate risk management framework to protect confidential taxpayer information. Roles and responsibilities are defined; corporate policies and directives specific to tax data, which meet or exceed the requirements of the MOU, have been developed and communicated to stakeholders.

The Data Access Request System (DARS) is used to manage and control access over TDD product files. It keeps an audit trail of: who is authorized to access tax payer information; the identification of data files that are to be accessed; planned usage and purpose; and the period for which authorization is granted. The DARS is an effective means to meet the requirements of the MOU.

While client-divisions are allowed to create additional files from original tax microdata files, they have not been reporting to TDD the required information on a regular or consistent basis, resulting in a segment of the location and users of tax information not reported to the ACS as required by the MOU.

CRA and Statistics Canada must ensure an audit trail of all accesses to information provided under the MOU is maintained and provided upon request. Such an audit trail is not kept. TDD management's understanding is that the requirements of the audit trail described in Appendix C-1 were sufficient to meet the requirements of Clause 30 of the MOU. The MOU is unclear as to the depth and breadth of an audit trail for all accesses to information provided under the MOU.

The MOU allows Statistics Canada to enter into agreements with Provincial Statistical Focal Points (SFP) and departments of the Government of Canada for the use of tax payer information for their jurisdiction. Testing revealed that agreements set out terms and conditions for the use, disclosure, retention and disposal of tax information in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the MOU.

An effective control framework for the security of confidential tax microdata would enable Statistics Canada to comply with the terms and conditions of its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Canada Revenue Agency. Policies, directives, systems and written agreements should be in place to ensure the terms and conditions of the MOU are upheld, and to control and limit access to persons whose current work-related responsibilities require access to tax microdata.

Management of Tax Microdata within Statistics Canada

Ensuring compliance to the terms and conditions of the MOU is a responsibility that is shared amongst TDD, client divisions across Statistics Canada and divisions providing services at a corporate level.

Roles and Responsibilities

Respective roles and responsibilities can be summarized as follows:

  • TDD is responsible for providing program divisions across Statistics Canada with access to tax databases and for promoting and facilitating increased usage of tax microdata. TDD is also responsible for ensuring the security of tax microdata within Statistics Canada.
  • The Informatics Branch is responsible for the implementation of the IT Security Policy, the selection and assessment of IT security products for departmental deployment, providing IT security awareness and advice to divisions on IT security requirements of the MOU.
  • The Information Management Division (IMD) is responsible for the overall protection of information and the policy framework related to security.
  • Client divisions using tax microdata are responsible and accountable to ensure that physical and IT security requirements are being met within the division. TDD also delegates the responsibility of conformance to security requirements of the MOU to divisional directors. Delegated responsibilities include: computer processing and file storage requirements; requirements for marking, storing, erasing and disposing of documents and computer media; and requirements for electronic transmission and transportation.

Policies and Directives

Statistics Canada has a number of relevant policies and directives which apply to the handling of tax microdata:

  • Directive on the Security of Sensitive Statistical Information (SSSI);
  • IT Security Policy;
  • Security Practices Manual;
  • Network Use Policy; and
  • Directive on the Management of Statistical Microdata Files.

Risk Management

As part of Treasury Board policies, government programs must identify the risks that may preclude the achievement of objectives, assess the existing controls in place, and identify mitigation strategies to reduce risks.

At the operational level, the Tax Project Planning Group includes the TDD's Chiefs and considers risks surrounding the protection and confidentiality of tax microdata, as well as the TDD's compliance to the MOU with the CRA. TDD documents its risks using the corporate Risk Register document. TDD has taken into consideration both internal and external sources of risks and has documented details of its risk mitigation strategies, action plans, as they pertain to quality and timeliness of products delivered, as well as security of tax microdata.

Security Requirements

The MOU requires that Statistics Canada inform users of tax microdata on security requirements. TDD communicates with client divisions to ensure they understand their responsibilities pertaining to the security of tax microdata.

Two documents are distributed to tax microdata users within client divisions prior to granting access: TDD's "User Agreement" and "Best Practices" checklist provide a list of security requirements and practices for maintaining the confidentiality of tax microdata, which meet and in some cases exceed those included in the terms and conditions of the MOU. Also, the Director of TDD sends annual reminders to Directors within client divisions to remind them of their responsibilities surrounding tax data. The Statistics Canada Information and Privacy Breach Protocol defines what is considered an information breach and clearly states that if the breach involves tax microdata, the director, Tax Data Division must be contacted. No incidents involving tax microdata handled by internal client divisions have been reported.

Authorized Uses and Location

The Director (TDD) is responsible for keeping track of the location and uses of tax data within Statistics Canada.Appendix C-1 of the MOU makes reference to an audit trail which requires that the following information be kept: who is authorized to access and use tax microdata, the period for which this authorization is granted, and the purpose and the identification of tax microdata files that are to be accessed.

In order to manage access to tax microdata, TDD makes the distinction between two types of users:

  • Primary users are those who access original tax microdata files held by TDD. Only employees who submit a request as Primary Users can access TDD tax files. The system is effective in controlling access to these files and keeping complete lists of employees authorized to access files under the custody of TDD.
  • Secondary users are employees who access files created and held outside TDD's servers which contain tax microdata exported from TDD original tax files. Access to these derived files is controlled by client-divisions via file permissions approved by divisional directors, and activated by Information Technology Operations Division (ITOD). The MOU assigns responsibility for authorizing requests to access tax microdata held within TDD to the Director of TDD. The Directive on SSSI assigns the responsibility of authorizing access to tax microdata held outside TDD to divisional directors. This situation meets the requirement of the MOU.

TDD uses the corporate system called the Data Access Request System (DARS) to manage and control access over TDD product files. DARS is used by TDD to keep an audit trail of: who is authorized to access tax payer information; the identification of data files that are to be accessed; planned usage and purpose; and the period for which this authorization is granted. Testing was conducted to verify the effectiveness of the revocation and re-assignment processes when employees leave the Department or move to other divisions. Results showed that accesses are promptly revoked. The DARS is an effective means to meet the requirements of the MOU in this regard.


According to the MOU, the TDD Director is responsible for reporting periodically to the Assistant Chief Statistician, Informatics and Methodology Field on the location and uses of tax data within Statistics Canada.

As mentioned above, TDD uses the DARS to track primary and secondary users as part of its process of reporting to the ACS, based on whether they have direct access to TDD original tax files or access to a derived file created from a TDD file. The MOU does not require that this distinction be made.

ACS reports include information pertaining to active access authorizations and are produced on a monthly and quarterly basis, as follow:

  • Table 1: Report of Access to Tax Data Holdings by Type of Usage – Primary User;
  • Table 2: Report of Total Primary Unique Users of Tax Data Holdings by Division;
  • Table 3: Report of Access to Tax Data Holdings by Type of Usage – Secondary User;
  • Table 4: Report of Total Secondary Unique Users of Tax Data Holdings by Division;
  • Table 5: Report of Total Unique Users of Tax Data Holdings by Division;
  • Table 6: Report of Top 10 User Divisions; and
  • Table 7: Report of User Divisions – Current and Previous Month.

TDD effectively keeps track and reports to the ACS on the location and uses of tax microdata held within its division.

Statistics Canada policies allow client-divisions to create additional files from original tax microdata files. Accountability for protecting the confidentiality of this information has been delegated to client-users. Directors within these divisions have the authority to approve access to tax microdata contained in files kept under their jurisdiction. The Directive on the SSSI requires that divisional directors "report the location, users and use made of tax microdata provided by other divisions to the Director of Tax Data Division annually". The requirement for divisional directors to report annually to TDD is not aligned with the current monthly and quarterly reporting to the ACS. TDD management has confirmed that client divisions have not been providing the required information on a regular or consistent basis, which does not meet the Directive's requirement.

While TDD is able to report on location and uses for tax microdata held within its division, there is a gap for reporting on the location and uses of tax microdata held outside TDD. Consequently, a segment of the location and users of tax information is not reported to the ACS as required by the MOU.

Access Logs

Clause 30 of the MOU states that CRA and Statistics Canada must ensure an audit trail of all accesses to information provided under the MOU is maintained and provided upon request. In the context of protecting the security of information, the definition of an "audit trail" is a security-relevant chronological record showing who has accessed a computer system and what operations he or she has performed during a given period of time, which would provide documentary evidence of a sequence of activities.

According to interviews with TDD staff and management, as well as ITOD staff, logs for actual accesses to TDD tax files and derived files stored across the agency are not kept. TDD management stated that their understanding is that the requirements of the audit trail described in Appendix C-1 (i.e. who is authorized to access tax payer information; the identification of data files that are to be accessed; planned usage and purpose; and the period for which this authorization is granted) were sufficient to meet the requirements of Clause 30 of the MOU. The MOU is unclear as to the intended purpose of this requirement, its depth and breadth, and the retention period for which access logs should be maintained.

Sharing Tax Microdata with Other Federal Departments and Provincial Statistical Agencies

The MOU with CRA allows Statistics Canada to enter into agreements with Provincial Statistical Focal Points (SFP) and departments of the Government of Canada for the use of tax payer information for their jurisdiction. SFP are organizations which play somewhat the same role as Statistics Canada in terms of collecting and delivering statistical products at the provincial level and are bound by provincial laws similar to the Statistics Act. These organizations are pre-approved by the CRA as part of clause 11 of the MOU. Statistics Canada has agreements with eight (8) SFPs. Procedures to obtain permissions and records of authorization by directors are in place for the transfer of information to SFP and three federal government departments. The authorization is formally documented and evidenced on Disclosure Orders signed by the Chief Statistician.

A sample of three agreements was randomly selected and reviewed to assess whether the provisions of the MOU related to the use and protection of such information are upheld. Results revealed that in each case, the agreement set out terms and conditions for the use, disclosure, retention and disposal of tax information in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the MOU. The requirement to report suspected or actual security incidents involving tax microdata is part of written arrangements with external organizations to which Statistics Canada provides taxpayer or confidential information obtained under the MOU. No incidents involving external clients have been reported.


The Assistant Chief Statistician of Analytical Studies, Methodology and Statistical Infrastructure should ensure that:

  • Mechanisms are in place to ensure that the ACS is informed of the location and uses of tax information held within client divisions across Statistics Canada.
  • Clarification is sought from CRA on the depth and breadth of an audit trail of all accesses to information provided under the MOU, and that appropriate measures are taken to implement the requirement.

Management Response:

Management agrees with the recommendations.

  • The Director of TDD will implement a reporting process to ensure secondary uses and users of tax information will be provided to and monitored by TDD. Relevant information to be integrated into regular reporting to ACS of tax data use.

    Deliverables and Timeline: Corporate Access Request System (CARS). To be implemented by June 2014.
  • The Director of TDD will discuss and clarify with CRA.

    Deliverables and Timeline: Confirmation of the intent of Clause 30 of the MOU in terms of information requirements. Note: Should clarification result in different information requirements an action plan for implementation will be developed to achieve compliance. Risks – costs, SSC collaboration. Discussion to take place by December 2013. Implementation by September 2014.

Objective 2: The information is being used, disclosed, retained and disposed of in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the MOU.


Testing results of a sample of 33 recorded authorized tax microdata users revealed that most key physical and IT security practices and tools designed to protect taxpayer information met or exceeded the requirements of the MOU. Shared folders are commonly used to provide access to operational information to all employees within a team, group, division or selected employees within other divisions. The audit found that in some cases, the use of shared folders to disseminate tax data to other employees was not properly controlled, allowing unauthorized access to tax microdata, which does not respect the need-to-know principle.

Vulnerabilities were also identified during the audit, which could pose a risk to the confidentiality of tax microdata. Firstly, in an electronic work environment where managing large data sets is critical, having active USB ports provides the opportunity to remove confidential information from Statistics Canada premises, in a manner that is untraceable and undetectable. Secondly, retention periods and procedures for the disposal of tax microdata files are not clearly established.

Sound stewardship practices and procedures, such as adhering to guidelines and security policies and using the appropriate tools for safeguarding tax microdata should be in place to ensure that taxpayer information is being used, disclosed, retained and disposed of within Statistics Canada in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the MOU.

Part of this responsibility is delegated to directors of client divisions using tax microdata across Statistics Canada. TDD relies upon employees outside its jurisdiction to comply with the terms and conditions of the MOU. Also, as the vast majority of tax microdata is transmitted electronically from CRA and made available in electronic format, TDD is dependent upon the corporate IT infrastructure as a means to safeguard confidential microdata under the custody of Statistics Canada in what has become, for the most part, a paperless environment.

The audit team conducted walkthroughs for a sample of 33 recorded authorized tax microdata users. A sample of authorized users was selected on a random and judgmental basis, from the list of approximately 700 users in the 36 client divisions across Statistics Canada. Employees of the Tax Data Division and 11 other client divisions across Statistics Canada were visited with little to no notice for an interview, physical inspection and sweep of their computer hard drives to assess whether compliance of selected security measures outlined in TDD's "Best Practices" checklist were consistently applied; and to corroborate that IT applications and components of its infrastructure are in place in accordance with security requirements of the MOU.

Adherence to TDD Guidelines and the MOU

TDD's "Best Practices" checklist has 11 items, which relate to both physical and IT security. The audit team reviewed a number of key security practices and tools in place related to the use, disclosure, storage and disposal of tax microdata. All 33 employees complied with the following requirements, which meets or exceeds the requirements of the MOU:

  • Use of secure storage cabinets prescribed by corporate security;
  • Access to printers which meet confidentiality requirements;
  • Use of approved shredders prescribed by corporate security; and
  • Securing computer access when leaving the workstation.

Interviews were also conducted with the IT staff assigned to support the TDD, the IT Security team, network staff at Shared Services Canada assigned to Statistics Canada, the DARS team, and directors of four (4) client divisions. The following requirements pertaining to Statistics Canada's IT infrastructure met the requirement of the MOU:

  • Servers containing sensitive tax microdata are restricted to a secure closed network (Network A);
  • Servers do not have wireless communications capabilities;
  • Servers are kept within the secure data centre and are managed by IT/SSC;
  • Statistics Canada's password policy applies at the network-level. Configurations surrounding password life and standards were tested and controls in place meet the requirements of the MOU;
  • Practices for use of EFT protocol meet the requirement of the MOU;
  • Entrust is used for pre-encryption of files prior to sending via EFT; and
  • Workstations are delivered without wireless capability and when applicable, laptop wireless communications capabilities are disabled. Laptops available for borrowing from the common pool have wireless communications but cannot connect to Network A.

The audit found that in some cases, the use of shared folders to disseminate tax data to other employees was not properly controlled, allowing unauthorized access to tax microdata.

Employees in client divisions use shared folders to share and access tax microdata. This practice is in line with TDD's User Agreements, provided that these shared folders are restricted to authorized users, which are in turn reported to TDD. In its agreements with client divisions, this practice is recommended for sharing files containing tax microdata, as an alternative to using removable storage media with encryption.

The audit team selected two files created by client-division and tested the effectiveness of using shared folders to disseminate tax microdata to other divisional employees and other divisions. Results showed that these two folders were not restricted to authorized users only. Many of the employees with access to these two shared folders were not recorded in TDD's lists of authorized secondary users. Files containing tax microdata were stored on existing shared folders within the division, as opposed to storing them on shared folders created specifically for authorized tax microdata users.

While this practice ensures that tax microdata remains on a secure closed network and is restricted to Statistics Canada employees at all times, storing tax microdata on shared folders accessible to all employees of a division does not restrict its access to authorized users only on a need-to-know basis, as required under the MOU.

Vulnerabilities were also identified during the audit, which could pose a risk to the confidentiality of tax microdata:

Active USB Ports

The audit team identified vulnerabilities related to the protection of tax microdata associated with active USB ports on tax microdata users' computers.

A significant number of employees have stated that they bring personal USB keys to work and sometimes transfer music, photos and other personal information onto their work computer. A few users have stated that they use USB keys provided by the division, to transport electronic presentations, but that no tax microdata is stored on these keys. Some users have also said they connect their mobile phone device to their computer USB port for charging purposes. These devices have large electronic storage capacity onto which confidential information could be stored. Smartphones also have wireless public network access, which could be active while on Network A.

In an electronic work environment where managing large data sets is critical, having active USB ports provides the opportunity to remove confidential information from Statistics Canada premises, in a manner that is untraceable and undetectable.

Once confidential information is taken outside Statistics Canada's closed network, it can no longer be protected. The Informatics Branch is currently studying potential solutions to address risks associated to active USB ports.

Retention Period and Disposal of Tax Microdata

The MOU requires the disposal of tax microdata when no longer needed. However, the MOU does not provide guidelines as to how this determination is to be made. In reality, tax microdata could be kept indefinitely as it could always be useful for future studies.

The Directive on the Management of Statistical Microdata Files applies to all files containing sensitive information, including tax microdata. According to the Directive, tax microdata files fall under the category of administrative files which have a retention period of five years. In April 2013, TDD presented a proposal seeking an exemption for the retention of tax microdata files as stipulated in the Directive. TDD proposed that tax files received from CRA be considered as collection files, and in some cases as master files which could extend their retention period indefinitely.

TDD recognizes that there is a need to determine retention periods and procedures for the disposal of tax microdata files.


The Assistant Chief Statistician of Analytical Studies, Methodology and Statistical Infrastructure should ensure that:

  • Shared folders used by client divisions to disseminate tax microdata to other Statistics Canada employees are restricted to authorized users on the basis of the need-to-know principle and reported to TDD;
  • Risks associated with active USB ports on tax microdata users' computers are considered and managed;
  • Statistics Canada establishes clear retention periods for files containing tax microdata.

Management Response:

Management agrees with the recommendations.

  • The Director of TDD will implement a reporting process to ensure secondary uses and users of tax information will be provided to and monitored by TDD. Relevant information to be integrated into regular reporting to ACS. Process for access to comply with "need-to-know" principle through definition of roles.

    Deliverables and Timeline: Reporting to be included in conditions of use of tax data. To be implemented by January 2014. Corporate Access Request System (CARS). To be implemented by September 2014.
  • The Director of TDD will develop conditions of use of tax data in context of departmental security practices for portable storage devices and clearly communicate to programs using tax data.

    Deliverables and Timeline: Revised guidelines to data using divisions to include conditions of use and director attestation. To be implemented by January 2014.
  • The Director of TDD/ADS and the Director of IMD will ensure the Directive on management of statistical microdata is revised to provide clear guidelines in the treatment of all administrative data files.

    Deliverables and Timeline: Update the directive on management of statistical microdata. To be implemented by June 2014.


Appendix A: MOU Clauses in Scope

Appendix A: MOU Clauses in Scope
Clauses Requirements
11 StatCan undertakes to enter into written arrangements with each department or agency to which they propose to provide taxpayer or confidential information obtained under this MOU. These arrangements will ensure that the provisions of this MOU related to the use and protection of such information are upheld. Upon request, copies of such arrangements will be provided to the CRA.
12 Taxpayer and confidential information will not be shared by StatCan, where such sharing is authorized by law, to any other entity other than those noted in clause 11 above, without the written consent of the CRA.
30 The CRA and StatCan will ensure an audit trail of all accesses to information provided under this MOU is maintained, and provided upon request.
Appendix C-1 - (c) Physical Access and Record Management
Paragraph 1 Authorized access to the information is based on the need to perform assigned work related activities (need to know principle). The StatCan policy on the Security of Sensitive Statistical Information (SSSI) assigns to the Director, TDD the responsibility for authorizing all requests for access to micro tax data held by the TDD.
Paragraph 2 The Director, TDD has to the responsibility of authorizing all requests for access to micro tax data.
Paragraph 3 The Director is also responsible for keeping track of the location and uses of tax data within StatCan and to report on this periodically to the Assistant Chief Statistician, Informatics and Methodology Field.
Paragraph 4 StatCan must maintain an audit trail to ensure that the information is being used strictly in accordance with the legislation providing for its use and that all security requirements specified in this appendix are observed. As mandated by the SSSI, this audit trail must include a list of: who is authorized to access and use CRA data, the period for which this authorization is granted, and the purpose and the data files that are to be accessed. StatCan must also inform users of CRA data on security requirements and ensure that they adhere to them.
Appendix C-1 - (d) IT Storage and Transmission
Paragraph 1 Where the information is held on transportable media, passwords and full encryption must be used. This applies equally to backups of the confidential information stored on transportable media.
Paragraph 2 All computers that are used to access, process and store tax data will employ logical access controls (passwords) at the device and network level. 
Paragraph 3 Tax data cannot be transmitted by facsimile or by e-mail, unless the table in the e-mail is password protected or encrypted and that appropriate marking is applied on each page of the table.
Paragraph 4 Servers storing and transmitting unencrypted data, where used, must be located in a secure, controlled-access area. Controls must be in place to ensure that only authorized individuals can access the servers. Unless the information is encrypted continuously while outside the secure area, conduit must be used for all cabling and all cross-connect areas must be physically secured.
Paragraph 5 Network firewalls and access rules must be in place to prevent access to the information, other than to the identified persons. The information may be stored on and transmitted over approved networks not meeting these requirements, provided that it is encrypted. Alternatively, the information may be stored on a stand-alone computer with no external connections, or on a closed network. When a network transmits information that leaves a secure area (for example, to a StatCan office outside Ottawa), the data must be encrypted whenever it is outside the secure area.
Paragraph 6 Encryption of files transferred from the CRA to Statistics Canada and the files transferred from Statistics Canada to the CRA must use appropriate encryption keys as mandated by PWGSC.
Appendix C-1 - (f) Information Copying and Retention Copies and extracts of the information may only be made for the purposes of carrying out work as covered by this agreement. When no longer needed, any such copies or extracts must be destroyed in a secure manner. All electronic storage media used in the processing of the information, including all backups and transportable media, must be sanitized or destroyed on completion of their use. Destruction must occur within the secure area and meet the requirements of the Government Security Policy.
Appendix F - Electronic Transmission Security of electronic file transfer mechanism by FTP standard, including contingency plans in the event of an infrastructure failure related to the FTP delivery of an expected file.

Appendix B: Audit Objectives

Appendix B: Audit Objectives
Objectives Gathering Evidence
Key Information Sources Key data collection methods Key data analysis methods
1. The TDD has an adequate and effective management control framework and risk management practices in place to ensure the terms and conditions of the MOU pertaining to security of confidential taxpayer information are met.
  • Relevant TBS and/or Statistics Canada policies and procedure:
    • Network Use Policy
    • IT Security Policy
    • Directive on the Security of Sensitive Statistical Information
    • Directive on the Management of Statistical Microdata Files
    • Government Security Policy
    • Security Practice Manual
  • All levels of management/staff within Tax Data Division and other divisions having an impact on the MOU.
  • Corporate documents pertaining to governance, risk management and stewardship.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between SC and CRA
  • Interviews
  • Documentation review
  • Sampling
  • Verification
  • Analysis
  • Assessment
  • Walkthroughs
  • Testing
2. The information is being used, disclosed, retained and disposed of in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the MOU
  • Relevant TBS and/or Statistics Canada policies and procedure:
    • Network Use Policy
    • IT Security Policy
    • Directive on the Security of Sensitive Statistical Information
    • Directive on the Management of Statistical Microdata Files
    • Government Security Policy
    • Security Practice Manual
  • All levels of management/staff within Tax Data Division and other divisions having an impact on the MOU.
  • Corporate documents pertaining to governance, risk management and stewardship.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between SC and CRA
  • Interviews
  • Documentation review
  • Sampling
  • Verification
  • Analysis
  • Assessment
  • Walkthroughs
  • Testing

Appendix C: Acronyms

Appendix C: Acronyms
Acronym Description
IIA Institute of Internal Auditors
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
CRA Canada Revenue Agency
TDD Tax Data Division
DAC Departmental Audit Committee
DARS Data Access Request System
ACS Assistant Chief Statistician
CS Chief Statistician
IT Information Technology
SSC Shared Services Canada
ITOD Information Technology Operations Division
SFP Statistical Focal Point
SSSI Security of Sensitive Statistical Information
IMD Information Management Division
CMC Core Management Controls

Business Payrolls Survey

Vacation Reporting

This notice is intended to assist respondents who may not be familiar with the correct procedures for vacation reporting. Improper reporting can seriously affect the published statistics on levels of employment, earnings and hours and canmisrepresent your industry and area.

The most common reporting errors are:

a) Exclusion of employees on paid vacation: The survey covers employees on paid absence as well as employeesat work.

b) Inclusion of advance vacation pay with the regular pay for the reference period: See #2 below on how to report this data correctly.

Please review your procedures for vacation reporting in light of the following guidelines:

1. Vacation Paid When Taken

Data for employees receiving regular pay on vacation should be reported along with the regular employees.

2. Advance Vacation Pay

a) Added to Regular Paycheque: If the vacation pay is paid to the employees as a percentage of their regular pay throughout the year, include the amounts in Section A and in the other appropriate section(s).

b) Lump Sum Payment: When an employee receives his vacation pay in advance of the actual period of absence (for example, in conjunction with the immediately preceding regular pay or at any other time during the year), the advance vacation pay should be reported separately as a special payment.

If it is impossible to separate such advance vacation pay from the regular pay, report an earlier pay period which best reflects the regular level of activity.

3. Vacation Payments Withheld by Employer or Paid into a Trust

The proportion of vacation pay earned during the last pay period, and put aside or paid into a trust should be reported regularly with the last pay period.

Since these amounts will have already been reported on the Business Payrolls Survey when set aside by the employer, they are not to be included when paid out to the employees by the employer or from the union or association trust.

4. Vacation Closing

If the organization closes down for vacation during the reference period, report for employees that continue receiving their regular pay. Do not report for the employees for whom vacation pay has already been paid or attributed(see above).

If for any reason, you are unable to report according to the above guidelines, please include an explanation of the circumstances. If you have any questions concerning this or other matters related to the completion of the report, please contact Statistics Canada at the number provided in your documentation.

Business Payrolls Survey

Special Payments Made During the Month of December

Many special payments are paid to employees at the end of each year. This guide should help you in providing us with the necessary information concerning these specialpayments.

Report for special payments which are paid to employees for work performed or for other entitlements that are separate from regular wages and salaries; are paid at any time during the month of December and are not related exclusively to the last pay period of the month of December; and are usually recorded in the books usingthe cash basis method of accounting.

Following is a list of typical special payments made at the end of the year. This is not a comprehensive list. There may be other payments unique to your organization. If in doubt,please report the payment and explain what it covers.

Special payments can be for:

  • Any overtime paid during the reference month, including overtime accumulated from previous months
  • accumulated vacation pay
  • advance vacation pay
  • annual bonuses
  • Christmas bonuses
  • commissions and/or commission adjustments
  • cost of living adjustments
  • draws: annual, quarterly, monthly and/or periodic draws by owners of incorporated companies
  • other bonuses: ability, incentive, merit, piece work, production, sales, etc.
  • termination, severance and retirement payments

Report all moneys paid to your employees in the month of December. It is very important that you report the dates of the period the payment covers and not the payroll month in which the payment was paid out.

We thank you for your continuous cooperation and we wish you the very best during the New Year.

The LFS application consists of several questionnaire components (Contact, Household, Demographics, Rent, Labour Force Information and Exit), each of which is summarized below, followed by the lists of codesets. Each of the questionnaire components is comprised of a number of question blocks. For simplicity, as a result of the complexity of the logic within the application, not all possible questions and flows are presented. This is especially the case within the Contact Component where the scope of possible questions and flows is somewhat greater than that summarized below.

Selected dwellings are in the survey for six consecutive months. A birth interview corresponds to the first interview for a new household, and is usually conducted in person. Some birth interviews are now also conducted by telephone from centralized CATI work sites. Subsequent interviews are conducted in the following months, and are usually done by telephone.

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Contact component

The following information is collected at the start of each contact attempt.

II_R01A — Hello, I’m calling from Statistics Canada. My name is …
If interview in person, go to IC_R01
If birth interview by telephone, go to AR_Q01
If subsequent interview by telephone, go to SR_Q01

SR_Q01 — May I speak with … ?
If “Speaking”, go to IC_R01
If “Available”, go to II_R01B
If “Not available” or “No longer a household member”, go to AR_Q01
If “Wrong number”, go to TC_Q01

II_R01B — Hello, I’m calling from Statistics Canada. My name is …
Go to IC_R01

TC_Q01 — I would like to make sure I’ve dialed the right number. Is this: [telephone number]?
If yes, go to AR_Q01
If no, thank person and end call

AR_Q01 — May I speak with an adult member of the household?
If “Speaking” and CATI birth interview, go to TFCC_Q01
If “Speaking” and not CATI birth interview, go to IC_R01
If “Available”, go to II_R01C
If “Not available” and birth interview, go to ARA_Q01
If “Not available” and subsequent interview and SR_Q01= “Not available”, go to SRA_Q01
If “Not available” and subsequent interview and SR_Q01= “No longer a household member” or “Wrong number”, go to ARA_Q01

II_R01C — Hello, I’m calling from Statistics Canada. My name is …
If CATI birth interview, go to TFCC_Q01
If not CATI birth interview, go to IC_R01

SRA_Q01 — I would like to contact … When would he/she be available?
If “Available”, make appointment and then thank person and end call
If “Not available”, go to ARA_Q01

ARA_Q01 — When would an adult member of the household be available?
If “Available”, make appointment and then thank person and end call
If “Not available”, thank person and end call

TFCC_Q01 — In order to make sure I’ve reached the correct household, I need to confirm your address. Is it: [listing address]?
If yes, go to IC_R01
If no, go to TFCC_Q02

TFCC_Q02 — I would like to make sure I’ve dialed the right number. Is this: [telephone number]?
Thank person and end call

I’m calling regarding the Labour Force Survey.

LP_Q01 — Would you prefer to be interviewed in English or in French?
If CATI interview, go to MON_R01
If not CATI interview, go to Household Component

My supervisor may listen to this call for the purpose of quality control.

Household and demographics component

Household blocks

If CATI birth interview, go to MA_Q01
If subsequent interview in person, go to CMA_Q01
If subsequent interview by telephone, go to SD_Q01

Confirm the listing address.
Go to MA_Q01

SD_Q01 — I would like to confirm your address. Are you still living at: [listing address]?
If yes and listing address is the same as mailing address, go to CHM_Q01
If yes and listing address is different from mailing address, go to CMA_Q01
If no, go to SD_Q02
If “Respondent never lived there”, go to SD_Q05

SD_Q02 — Does anyone who was living with you at that address still live there?
If yes, go to SD_Q03
If no, thank person and end call

SD_Q03 — Can you provide me with the current telephone number for that address?
If yes, go to SD_Q04
If no, thank person and end call

SD_Q04 — What is that telephone number, including the area code?
Thank person and end call

SD_Q05 — I would like to make sure I’ve dialed the right number. Is this: [telephone number]?
Thank person and end call

CHM_Q01 — Is this also your mailing address?
If yes, go to TN_Q01
If no, go to MA_Q01

CMA_Q01 — I would like to confirm your mailing address. Is it: [mailing address]?
If yes, go to TN_Q01
If no, go to MA_Q01

MA_Q01 — What is your correct mailing address?
If birth interview in person, go to DW_N02
If birth interview by telephone, go to DW_Q01
If subsequent interview, go to TN_Q01

DW_Q01 — What type of dwelling do you live in? Is it a:
Read categories to respondent.
Go to TN_Q01

Select the dwelling type.

TN_Q01 — Is this dwelling owned by a member of this household?

The next few questions ask for important basic information on the people in your household.
If birth interview, go to USU_Q01
If subsequent interview, go to PV2_Q01

USU_Q01 — What are the names of all persons who usually live here?
Begin with adults who have responsibility for the care or support of the family.

RS_Q02 — Is anyone staying here temporarily?
If yes, go to TEM_Q01
If no, go to RS_Q04

TEM_Q01 — What are the names of all persons who are staying here temporarily?
Add a person only if he/she has no other usual residence elsewhere.

RS_Q04 — Are there any other persons who usually live here but are now away at school, in hospital, or somewhere else?
If yes, go to OTH1_Q01
If no, go to Individual Demographics

OTH1_Q01 — What are the names of the other people who live or stay here?
Add a person only if he/she has no other usual residence elsewhere.
Go to Individual Demographics

PV2_Q01 — Do the following people still live or stay in this dwelling?
If yes, go to RS_Q05
If no, go to RES_Q02

PV2_Q01_RES_Q02 — Is … no longer a member of the household or deceased?

RS_Q05 — Does anyone else now live or stay here?
If yes, go to OTH2_Q01
If no, go to Individual Demographics

OTH2_Q01 — What are the names of the other people who live or stay here?
Add a person only if he/she has no other usual residence elsewhere.

Demographics blocks

The following demographic information is collected for each household member.

ANC_Q01 — What is …’s date of birth?

ANC_Q02 — So …’s age on [date of last day of reference week] was [calculated age]. Is that correct?
If yes, go to SEX_Q01
If no, go to ANC_Q03

ANC_Q03 — What is …’s age?

Enter …’s sex.

If age<16, go to FI_N01
What is …’s marital status? Is he/she:
Read categories to respondent.

Enter …’s family identifier: A to Z.
Assign the same letter to all persons related by blood, marriage or adoption.

Determine a reference person for the family and select…’s relationship to that reference person. The reference person should be an adult involved in the care or support of the family.

IMM_Q01 — In what country was … born?
Specify country of birth according to current boundaries.
If 01-Canada, go to ABO_Q01

IMM_Q02 — Is ... now, or has he/she ever been, a landed immigrant in Canada?
A landed immigrant (permanent resident) is a person who has been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities.
If yes, go to IMM_Q03
If no, go to ABO_Q01

IMM_Q03 — In what year did … first become a landed immigrant?

If IMM_Q03 is more than five years ago go to ABO_Q01
In what month?

If Country of Birth is not Canada , USA or Greenland go to ED_Q01
Is ... an Aboriginal person, that is, North American Indian, Métis or Inuit?
If yes, go to ABO_Q02
If no, go to ED_Q01

If respondent has already specified the Aboriginal group(s), select the group(s) from list below; if not, ask: Is ... a North American Indian, Métis or Inuit?
Mark all that apply.

If age<14, go to CAF_Q01
What is the highest grade of elementary or high school … ever completed?
If “Grade 8 or lower” or “Grade 9 – 10”, go to ED_Q03
If “Grade 11 – 13”, go to ED_Q02

ED_Q02 — Did … graduate from high school (secondary school)?

ED_Q03 — Has … received any other education that could be counted towards a degree, certificate or diploma from an educational institution?
If yes, go to ED_Q04
If no, go to CAF_Q01

ED_Q04 — What is the highest degree, certificate or diploma… has obtained?

If (Country of Birth is Canada) or (IMM_Q02 is No) or (respondent has not received a post-secondary degree, certificate or diploma) go to CAF_Q01
In what country did … complete his/her highest degree, certificate or diploma?
Specify country of highest education according to current boundaries.

If age<16 or age>65, go to ANC_Q01 for next household member
Is … a full-time member of the regular Canadian Armed Forces?

For each person aged 15 or over who is not a full-time member of the regular armed forces complete the Labour force information component.

Rent component

The Rent Component is generated only for cases where the answer to TN_Q01 (“Is this dwelling owned by a member of this household?”) in the Household Component is “No”, and province/territory is not Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories or Nunavut.


The next few questions are about your rent. The information collected is used to calculate the rent portion of the Consumer Price Index.

If rent information exists from the previous month, go to RM_Q04
If dwelling type is not “Low-rise apartment” and not “High-rise apartment”, go to RM_Q02

On which floor do you live?

RM_Q02 — To the best of your knowledge, how old is your building?

RM_Q03 — How many bedrooms are there in your dwelling?

RM_Q04 — This month, is the rent for your dwelling subsidized by government or an employer, or a relative?
If yes, go to RM_Q04A
If no, go to RM_Q05

RM_Q04A — In what manner is the rent for your dwelling subsidized?

RM_Q05 — This month, are you operating a business from your dwelling?
If yes, go to RM_Q05A
If no, go to RM_Q06

RM_Q05A — Does the business affect the amount of rent paid?

RM_Q06 — How much is the total monthly rent for your dwelling?
If $0, go to RM_Q07
If >$0, go to RM_Q08

RM_Q07 — What is the reason that the rent is $0?
If RM_Q04 = yes, go to end of Rent Component

If rent information does not exist from the previous month, go to RM_Q09B
If there has been a complete change in household membership, go to RM_Q09B
If RM_Q04 = yes, go to RM_Q09B

Since last month, have there been any changes in the amount of rent paid?
If yes, go to RM_Q08A
If no, go to RM_Q09B

RM_Q08A — What is the reason for the change in rent since last month?
Mark all that apply.

If dwelling type is not “Low-rise apartment” and not “High-rise apartment”, go to RM_Q14
If rent information exists from the previous month and there has not been a complete change in household membership, go to RM_Q09S

Does this month’s rent include parking facilities?
If yes, go to RM_Q10
If no, go to RM_Q14

RM_Q09S — Since last month, have there been any changes in the parking facilities?
If yes, go to RM_Q10
If no, go to RM_Q14

RM_Q10 — What types of parking facilities are included in your rent?
Mark all that apply.

If “Closed garage or indoor parking” is not marked in RM_Q10, go to RM_Q12
How many closed garage or indoor parking spaces are included in your rent?

If “Outside parking with plug-in” is not marked in RM_Q10, go to RM_Q13
How many outside parking spaces with plug-in are included in your rent?

If “Outside parking without plug-in” is not marked in RM_Q10, go to RM_Q14
How many outside parking spaces without plug-in are included in your rent?

If rent information does not exist from the previous month, go to RM_Q15
If there has been a complete change in household membership, go to RM_Q15
If “Change in utilities, services, appliances, or furnishings” is marked in RM_Q08A, go to RM_Q15

Since last month, have there been any changes in the utilities, services, household appliances, or furnishings included in the rent?
If yes, go to RM_Q15
If no, go to end of Rent Component

RM_Q15 — Which of the following utilities, services, household appliances, or furnishings are included as part of the monthly rent?
Read list to respondent. Mark all that apply.

Labour force information component

In this component, a path is assigned according to the answers provided. This path is used to control the flow through the component. For paths 1, 2, 6, and 7 the path determines the labour force status, but for paths 3, 4 and 5 other conditions (for example, availability for work) must be considered to distinguish between those who are unemployed and those who are not in the labour force.


1 Employed, at work
2 Employed, absent from work
3 Temporary layoff
4 Job seeker
5 Future start
6 Not in labour force, able to work
7 Not in labour force, permanently unable to work

Job attachment block

LFI_Q100 — Many of the following questions concern ...’s activities last week. By last week, I mean the week beginning on Sunday, [date of first day of reference week], and ending last Saturday, [date of last day of reference week].
Last week, did ... work at a job or business?
(regardless of the number of hours)

If yes, then PATH = 1 and go to 102
If no, go to 101
If “Permanently unable to work”, then PATH = 7 and go to 104

LFI_Q101 — Last week, did ... have a job or business from which he/she was absent?
If no, go to 104

LFI_Q102 — Did he/she have more than one job or business last week?
If no, go to 110

LFI_Q103 — Was this a result of changing employers?
Go to 110

Past job attachment block

LFI_Q104 — Has he/she ever worked at a job or business?
If no, go to 170

LFI_Q105 — When did he/she last work?
If subsequent interview and no change in 105 and last month’s PATH = 3, go to 131
Else if subsequent interview and no change in 105 and last month’s PATH = 4 to 7, go to 170
Else if not within past year, go to 170
Else if PATH = 7, go to 131
Else if PATH not 7, go to 110

Job description block

LFI_Q110— If 103 = yes, I am now going to ask some questions about …’s new job or business. Was he/she an employee or self-employed?
If 103 = no, I am now going to ask some questions about the job or business at which he/she usually works the most hours. Was he/she an employee or self-employed?
Otherwise, Was he/she an employee or self-employed?
If not “Self-employed”, go to 114

LFI_Q111 — Did he/she have an incorporated business?

LFI_Q112 — Did he/she have any employees?

LFI_Q113 — What was the name of his/her business?
Go to 115

LFI_Q114 — For whom did he/she work?
(name of business, government department or agency, or person)

LFI_Q115 — What kind of business, industry or service was this?
(e.g., cardboard box manufacturing, road maintenance, retail shoe store, secondary school, dairy farm, municipal government)

LFI_Q116 — What kind of work was he/she doing?
(e.g., babysitting in own home, factory worker, forestry technician)

LFI_Q117 — What were his/her most important activities or duties?
(e.g., caring for children, stamp press machine operator, forest examiner)

LFI_Q118 — When did he/she start working for/at [name of employer/name of business]?

Absence – Separation block

If PATH = 1, go to 150
If 101 = no, go to 131

What was the main reason ... was absent from work last week?
If “Temporary layoff due to business conditions”, go to 134
If “Seasonal layoff”, go to 136
If “Casual job, no work available”, go to 137
Otherwise, PATH = 2 and go to 150

LFI_Q131 — What was the main reason ... stopped working at that [job/business]?
If not “ Lost job, laid off or job ended”, go to 137

LFI_Q132 — Can you be more specific about the main reason for his/her job loss?
If PATH = 7, go to 137
Else if “Business conditions”, go to 133
Otherwise, go to 137

LFI_Q133 — Does he/she expect to return to that job?
If no or “Not sure”, go to 137

LFI_Q134 — Has ...’s employer given him/her a date to return?
If yes, go to 136

LFI_Q135 — Has he/she been given any indication that he/she will be recalled within the next 6 months?

LFI_Q136 — As of last week, how many weeks had ... been on layoff?
If 130 = “Seasonal layoff”, go to 137
Else if 134 = no and 135 = no, go to 137
Else if on layoff more than 52 weeks, go to 137
Otherwise, PATH = 3 and go to 137

LFI_Q137 — Did he/she usually work more or less than 30 hours per week?
If PATH = 3, go to 190
Otherwise, go to 170

Work hours (Main job) block

The following questions refer to ...’s work hours at his/her [new] [job/business] [at name of employer].
If 110 = “Employee”, Excluding overtime, does the number of paid hours ... works vary from week to week?
Otherwise, Does the number of hours ... works vary from week to week?
If yes, go to 152

If 110 = “Employee”, Excluding overtime, how many paid hours does ... work per week?
Otherwise, How many hours does ... work per week?
If PATH = 2, go to 158
If 110 = “Employee”,go to 153
Otherwise, go to 157

If 110 = “Employee”, Excluding overtime, on average, how many paid hours does ... usually work per week?
Otherwise, On average, how many hours does ... usually work per week?
If PATH = 2, go to 158
If 110 = “Employee”, go to 153
Otherwise, go to 157

LFI_Q153 — Last week, how many hours was he/she away from this job because of vacation, illness, or any other reason?
If 0 hours, go to 155

LFI_Q154 — What was the main reason for that absence?

LFI_Q155 — Last week, how many hours of paid overtime did he/she work at this job?

LFI_Q156 — Last week, how many extra hours without pay did he/she work at this job?
If 150 = no, then actual hours = 151 - 153 + 155 + 156 and go to 158

LFI_Q157 — Last week, how many hours did he/she actually work at his/her [new] [job/business] [at name of employer]?

If 151 >= 29.5 or 152 >= 29.5, and PATH = 2, go to 162
If 151 >= 29.5 or 152 >= 29.5, and PATH = 1, go to 200

Does he/she want to work 30 or more hours per week [at a single job]?
If yes, go to 160

LFI_Q159 — What is the main reason ... does not want to work 30 or more hours per week [at a single job]?
If PATH = 2, go to 162
Otherwise, go to 200

LFI_Q160 — What is the main reason ... usually works less than 30 hours per week [at his/her main job]?
If not (“Business conditions” or “Could not find work with 30 or more hours per week”) and PATH = 2, go to 162
If not (“Business conditions” or “Could not find work with 30 or more hours per week”) and PATH = 1, go to 200

LFI_Q161 — At any time in the 4 weeks ending last Saturday, [date of last day of reference week], did he/she look for full-time work?
If PATH = 2, go to 162
Otherwise, go to 200

Absence block

LFI_Q162 — As of last week, how many weeks had ... been continuously absent from work?
If (110 is “Employee”) or (110 is “Self-employed” and 111 is yes), go to 163
Otherwise, go to 200

LFI_Q163 — Is he/she getting any wages or salary from his/her [employer/business] for any time off last week?
Go to 200

Job search - Future start block

If PATH = 7, go to 500
In the 4 weeks ending last Saturday, [date of last day of reference week], did ... do anything to find work?
If no and age >= 65, then PATH = 6 and go to 500
If no and age <= 64, go to 174
If yes, then PATH = 4 and go to 171

LFI_Q171 — What did he/she do to find work in those 4 weeks? Did he/she do anything else to find work?

LFI_Q172 — As of last week, how many weeks had he/she been looking for work?
[since the date last worked]

LFI_Q173 — What was his/her main activity before he/she started looking for work?
Go to 177

LFI_Q174 — Last week, did ... have a job to start at a definite date in the future?
If no, then PATH = 6 and go to 176

LFI_Q175 — Will he/she start that job before or after Sunday, [date of the first day after four weeks from the last day of reference week]?
If “Before the date above”, then PATH = 5 and go to 190
If “On or after the date above”, then PATH = 6 and go to 500

LFI_Q176 — Did he/she want a job last week?
If no, go to 500

LFI_Q177 — Did he/she want a job with more or less than 30 hours per week?

If PATH = 4, go to 190
What was the main reason he/she did not look for work last week?
If “Believes no work available”, go to 190
Otherwise, go to 500

Availability block

LFI_Q190 — Could he/she have worked last week [if he/she had been recalled/if a suitable job had been offered]?
If yes, go to 400

LFI_Q191 — What was the main reason ... was not available to work last week?
Go to 400

Earnings block

If 110 is not “Employee”, go to 300
If subsequent interview and no change in 110, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, go to 300

Now I’d like to ask a few short questions about ...’s earnings from his/her [new] job [at name of employer].
Is he/she paid by the hour?

LFI_Q201 — Does he/she usually receive tips or commissions?
If 200 = no, go to 204

LFI_Q202 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her hourly rate of pay?
Go to 220

LFI_Q204 — What is the easiest way for you to tell us his/her wage or salary, [including tips and commissions,] before taxes and other deductions?
Would it be yearly, monthly, weekly, or on some other basis?

If “Yearly”, go to 209
If “Monthly”, go to 208
If “Semi-monthly”, go to 207
If “Bi-weekly”, go to 206
If “Weekly” or “Other”, go to 205

LFI_Q205 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her weekly wage or salary, before taxes and other deductions?
Go to 220

LFI_Q206 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her bi-weekly wage or salary, before taxes and other deductions?
Go to 220

LFI_Q207 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her semi-monthly wage or salary, before taxes and other deductions?
Go to 220

LFI_Q208 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her monthly wage or salary, before taxes and other deductions?
Go to 220

LFI_Q209 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her yearly wage or salary, before taxes and other deductions?
Go to 220

Union block

LFI_Q220 — Is he/she a union member at his/her [new] job [at name of employer]?
If yes, go to 240

LFI_Q221 — Is he/she covered by a union contract or collective agreement?

Permanence block

LFI_Q240 — Is ...’s [new] job [at name of employer] permanent, or is there some way that it is not permanent?
(e.g., seasonal, temporary, term or casual)

If “Permanent”, go to 260

LFI_Q241 — In what way is his/her job not permanent?
Go to 260

Firm size block

LFI_Q260 — About how many persons are employed at the location where ... works for [name of employer]?
Would it be: [Less than 20, 20 to 99, 100 to 500, or over 500]?

Read categories to respondent.

LFI_Q261 — Does [name of employer] operate at more than one location?
If no, or 260 = “Over 500”, go to 300

LFI_Q262 — In total, about how many persons are employed at all locations?
Would it be: [Less than 20, 20 to 99, 100 to 500, or over 500]?

Read categories to respondent
Go to 300

Class of worker – Hours at other job block

If 102 = no, go to 400
Now I have a couple of questions about ...’s [other/old] job or business. Was he/she an employee or self-employed?
If not “Self-employed”, go to 320

LFI_Q301 — Did he/she have an incorporated business?

LFI_Q302 — Did he/she have any employees?

If 300 = “Employee”, Excluding overtime, how many paid hours [does/did] ... usually work per week at this job?
Otherwise, How many hours [does/did] ... usually work per week at this [business/family business]?
If PATH = 2, go to 400

LFI_Q321 — Last week, how many hours did ... actually work at this [job/business/family business]?
Go to 400

Temporary layoff job search block

If PATH not 3, go to 500
In the 4 weeks ending last Saturday, [date of last day of reference week], did ... look for a job with a different employer?
Go to 500

School attendance block

If age >= 65, go to END
Last week, was ... attending a school, college or university?
If no, go to 520

LFI_Q501 — Was he/she enrolled as a full-time or part-time student?

LFI_Q502 — What kind of school was this?
Go to 520

Returning students block

If survey month not May through August, go to END
Else if age not 15 to 24, go to END
Else if subsequent interview and 520 in previous month was “no”, go to END
Else if subsequent interview and 520 in previous month was “yes”, go to 521

Was he/she a full-time student in March of this year?
If no, go to END

LFI_Q521 — Does he/she expect to be a full-time student this fall?

Exit component

The following information is collected at the end of the LFS interview each month to gather information for future contacts and to thank respondents for their participation. In many cases, this information will be pre-filled for confirmation in subsequent interviews.

If rotate-out (for example, last month for interview), go to TY_R02
Before we finish, I would like to ask you a few other questions.

As part of the Labour Force Survey, we will contact your household next month during the week of [date of first day of next month survey week].
After this month, this dwelling has [calculated number of remaining interviews] LFS interview(s) left.

HC_Q01 — Who would be the best person to contact?

If no telephone number exists, go to TEL_Q02
I would like to confirm your telephone number. Is it [telephone number]?
If yes, go to PC_Q01
If no, go to TEL_Q02

TEL_Q02 — What is your telephone number, including the area code?

If CATI interview, go to PTC_Q01
May we conduct the next interview by telephone?
If yes, go to PTC_Q01
If no, go to PV_R01

In this case we will make a personal visit next month during the week of [date of first day of next month survey week].

If preferred time to call information does not exist from the previous month, go to PTC_Q02
I would like to confirm the time of day you would prefer that we call. Is it [preferred time to call]?
If yes, go to PTC_N03
If no, go to PTC_Q02

PTC_Q02 — What time of day would you prefer that we call? Would it be the morning, the afternoon, the evening, or ANY TIME?
Mark all that apply.

Enter any other information about the preferred time to call.

If CATI interview, go to TY_R01
If subsequent interview, go to TY_R01
If dwelling type is not “Single detached” and not “Double” and not “Row or terrace” and not “Duplex”, go to TY_R01

Is there another set of living quarters within this structure?
If yes, go to LQ_N02
If no, go to TY_R01

Remember to verify the cluster list and add one or more multiples if necessary.

Thank you very much for your participation in this month’s Labour Force Survey. Have a nice [day/evening].

Go to END

Thank you very much for your participation in the Labour Force Survey. Although your six months in the Labour Force Survey are over, your household may be contacted by Statistics Canada some time in the future for another survey. Have a nice [day/evening].

List of codesets

Codes for Contact component


1 Yes, speaking to respondent
2 Yes, respondent available
3 No, respondent not available
4 No, respondent no longer a household member
5 Wrong number


1 Yes, speaking to an adult member
2 Yes, an adult member is available
3 No, an adult member is not available

SRA_Q01 / ARA_Q01

1 Make hard appointment
2 Make soft appointment
3 Not available


1 English
2 French
3 Other

Codes for Household component


1 Yes
2 No
3 No, respondent never lived there

DW_Q01 / DW_N02

01 Single detached
02 Double
03 Row or terrace
04 Duplex
05 Low rise apartment of fewer than 5 stories or a flat
06 High rise apartment of 5 stories or more
07 Institution
08 Hotel; rooming/lodging house; camp
09 Mobile home
10 Other – Specify


1 No longer a member
2 Deceased

Codes for Individual demographics


1 Male
2 Female


1 Married
2 Living common-law
3 Widowed
4 Separated
5 Divorced
6 Single, never married


1 Reference person
2 Spouse
3 Son or daughter (birth, adopted or step)
4 Grandchild
5 Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
6 Foster child (less than 18 years of age)
7 Parent
8 Parent-in-law
9 Brother or sister
10 Other relative - Specify


Responses that do not correspond to one of the twelve countries explicitly listed are recorded as "Other –Search" and invoke a country search file containing a list of all current countries.

01 Canada
02 United States
03 United Kingdom
04 Germany
05 Italy
06 Poland
07 Portugal
08 China (People’s Republic of)
09 Hong Kong
10 India
11 Philippines
12 Vietnam
13 Other – Search


1 Yes
2 No


1 Yes
2 No


Mark all that apply.

1 North American Indian
2 Métis
3 Inuit (Eskimo)


1 Grade 8 or lower (Quebec: Secondary II or lower)
2 Grade 9 - 10 (Quebec: Secondary III or IV, Newfoundland and Labrador: 1st year of secondary)
3 Grade 11 - 13 (Quebec: Secondary V, Newfoundland and Labrador: 2nd to 4th year of secondary)


1 No postsecondary degree, certificate or diploma
2 Trade certificate or diploma from a vocational school or apprenticeship training
3 Non-university certificate or diploma from a community college, CEGEP, school of nursing, etc.
4 University certificate below bachelor’s level
5 Bachelor’s degree
6 University degree or certificate above bachelor’s degree


Responses that do not correspond to one of the twelve countries explicitly listed are recorded as "Other –Search" and invoke a country search file containing a list of all current countries.

01 Canada
02 United States
03 United Kingdom
04 Germany
05 Italy
06 Poland
07 Portugal
08 China (People’s Republic of)
09 Hong Kong
10 India
11 Philippines
12 Vietnam
13 Other – Search

Codes for Rent component


1 No more than 5 years old
2 More than 5 but no more than 10 years old
3 More than 10 but no more than 20 years old
4 More than 20 but no more than 40 years old
5 More than 40 years old


1 Income-related/Government agencies
2 Employer
3 Owned by a relative
4 Other - Specify


1 Change in utilities, services, appliances, or furnishings
2 Change in parking facilities
3 New Lease
4 Other - Specify


1 Closed garage or indoor parking
2 Outside parking with plug-in
3 Outside parking without plug-in


1 Heat – Electric
2 Heat - Natural Gas
3 Heat - Other Specify
4 Electricity
5 Cablevision
6 Refrigerator
7 Range
8 Washer
9 Dryer
10 Other major appliance – Specify
11 Furniture
12 None of the above

Codes for Labour force information


1 Yes
2 No
3 Permanently unable to work

LFI_Q110 / LFI_Q300

1 Employee
2 Self-employed
3 Working in a family business without pay


01 Own illness or disability
02 Caring for own children
03 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
04 Maternity or parental leave
05 Other personal or family responsibilities
06 Vacation
07 Labour dispute (strike or lockout) (Employees only)
08 Temporary layoff due to business conditions (Employees only)
09 Seasonal layoff (Employees only)
10 Casual job, no work available (Employees only)
11 Work schedule (e.g., shift work) (Employees only)
12 Self-employed, no work available (Self-employed only)
13 Seasonal business (excluding employees)
14 Other - Specify


01 Own illness or disability
02 Caring for own children
03 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
04 Pregnancy (Females only)
05 Other personal or family responsibilities
06 Going to school
07 Lost job, laid off or job ended (Employees only)
08 Business sold or closed down (excluding employees)
09 Changed residence
10 Dissatisfied with job
11 Retired
12 Other - Specify


1 End of seasonal job
2 End of temporary, term or contract job (non-seasonal)
3 Casual job
4 Company moved
5 Company went out of business
6 Business conditions (e.g., not enough work, drop in orders, retooling)
7 Dismissal by employer (e.g., fired)
8 Other - Specify

LFI_Q133 / LFI_Q521

1 Yes
2 No
3 Not sure

LFI_Q137 / LFI_Q177

1 30 or more hours per week
2 Less than 30 hours per week


01 Own illness or disability
02 Caring for own children
03 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
04 Maternity or parental leave
05 Other personal or family responsibilities
06 Vacation
07 Labour dispute (strike or lockout)
08 Temporary layoff due to business conditions
09 Holiday (legal or religious)
10 Weather
11 Job started or ended during week
12 Working short-time (e.g., due to material shortages, plant maintenance or repair, etc.)
13 Other - Specify


1 Own illness or disability
2 Caring for own children
3 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
4 Other personal or family responsibilities
5 Going to school
6 Personal preference
7 Other - Specify


1 Own illness or disability
2 Caring for own children
3 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
4 Other personal or family responsibilities
5 Going to school
6 Business conditions
7 Could not find work with 30 or more hours per week
8 Other - Specify


1 Public employment agency
2 Private employment agency
3 Union
4 Employers directly
5 Friends or relatives
6 Placed or answered ads
7 Looked at job ads
8 Other - Specify


1 Working
2 Managing a home
3 Going to school
4 Other - Specify


1 Before the date above
2 On or after the date above


1 Own illness or disability
2 Caring for own children
3 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
4 Other personal or family responsibilities
5 Going to school
6 Waiting for recall (to former job)
7 Waiting for replies from employers
8 Believes no work available (in area, or suited to skills)
9 No reason given
10 Other - Specify


1 Own illness or disability
2 Caring for own children
3 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
4 Other personal or family responsibilities
5 Going to school
6 Vacation
7 Already has a job
8 Other - Specify


1 Yearly
2 Monthly
3 Semi-monthly
4 Bi-weekly
5 Weekly
6 Other - Specify


1 Seasonal job
2 Temporary, term or contract job (non-seasonal)
3 Casual job
5 Other - Specify

LFI_Q260 / LFI_Q262

1 Less than 20
2 20 to 99
3 100 to 500
4 Over 500


1 Full-time
2 Part-time


1 Elementary, junior high school, high school or equivalent
2 Community college, junior college, or CEGEP
3 University
4 Other - Specify

Codes for Exit component


2 Morning
3 Afternoon
4 Evening
5 NOT morning
6 NOT afternoon
7 NOT evening


Update of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2011

April 1, 2014 (Previous notice)

The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada is currently being updated. The updated CIP will be available in 2016.

At this time, Statistics Canada is soliciting input from data producers and data users to ensure their needs continue to be met by CIP, and from individuals, user groups, representatives of educational institutions or ministries of education and educational experts to ensure that the illustrative examples in CIP remain current. Proposals for updates to CIP should be submitted to Guidelines for submissions are presented below to assist you in providing your input.

Input is requested by January 05, 2015 but will be accepted until March 31, 2015. Decisions on proposed updates will be made between April 2014 and April 2015. To enable us to fully consider your suggestions in time for inclusion in this update, please send them early in the consultation period. You may send more than one submission, if that enables you to comment earlier.


This is an update of the classification only. It is not a revision. Accordingly, class descriptions and titles cannot be changed; no new classes will be added; no classes will be moved within the classification; no classes will be merged; and no content will be moved between classes.

Updates that will be considered include:

  • Suggestions for new postsecondary educational programs to be added as examples that were not included in CIP Canada 2011. When making such proposals, please suggest to which existing CIP class the educational program should be added as an example. Please also include any information available concerning the content of the program and any institutions where it is offered.
  • Suggestions for revisions to examples that were included in CIP Canada 2011. Perhaps some examples reflect terminology that is no longer in use, or perhaps some examples should have been more specific. Please include any available supporting information.

Proposals should include supporting information on the rationale for the suggested example(s).

Submissions may be in either official language. They should contain contact information to allow follow up with the submitter to obtain further information or clarification, if required.

CIP Canada 2011 may be viewed on the Statistics Canada website at: Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2011.

Criteria for updates to CIP

Please consider the following criteria when preparing your input to the update of the Classification of Instructional Programs.

Proposed changes should:

  1. Be consistent with classification principles of mutual exclusivity, exhaustiveness, and homogeneity within classes.
  2. Be relevant, that is, the updates must be of analytical interest, result in enhanced data usefulness to users and be based on appropriate research or subject matter expertise.

Statistics Canada - Producer Prices Division


Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act
Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.
Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this act.


Survey purpose

The prices you report are essential to the production of indexes measuring the movement of prices in the Canadian economy. In order to enhance the information you provide in this survey, Statistics Canada plans to combine the responses relating to your organization with the information you previously provided on this survey.

The reporting form sets out our request for price information for the period shown. We urge you to read the instructions carefully and fill in the requested information. Thank you for your cooperation.

If necessary, please make address label corrections below.

City, Province
A1A 1A1

Please return the questionnaire by the end of the month.

Statistics Canada, Producer Prices Division, 170, Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6 Fax:  613-951-3117 or 1-855-314-8765

Statistics Canada

Should you require further information with respect to this report, please contact the Producer Prices Division Contact indicated on the reverse side. Please feel free to call collect or call 1-888-951-4550 for general enquiries.

The information and data pre-coded on this form reflects the respondent's preference.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Fax or other electronic transmission disclosure
Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or other electronic transmission.

However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.


Contact :



Commodity Specialist

(613) 951-

Commodity Specialist

To complete this Price Report:

1) In Box A enter the transaction price in effect on the 15th of the month indicated.

2) In Box B enter “NS” if no sales occurred and give an estimate in Box A for the transaction prices.

3) If there is any change in the description of product and/or transaction description please amend.

Product ID

  • Commodity Description:
  • Description of Product:
  • Transaction Description:
    • C1:
    • C3:
    • C2:
    • C4:

Date of last reported price change :

C1 to C4 Transaction description as specified above
Circle reasons for price change
Further explanation of price change
(pertinent market information)


  • A
  • B
  • C1
  • C2
  • C3
  • C4
  • D
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

Reasons for price change :

  1. Material costs
  2. Labour costs
  3. Competitive factors
  4. Physical content
  5. Terms of sale
  6. Exchange rate
  7. Others - describe