The LFS application consists of several questionnaire components (Contact, Household, Demographics, Rent, Labour Force Information and Exit), each of which is summarized below, followed by the lists of codesets. Each of the questionnaire components is comprised of a number of question blocks. For simplicity, as a result of the complexity of the logic within the application, not all possible questions and flows are presented. This is especially the case within the Contact Component where the scope of possible questions and flows is somewhat greater than that summarized below.
Selected dwellings are in the survey for six consecutive months. A birth interview corresponds to the first interview for a new household, and is usually conducted in person. Some birth interviews are now also conducted by telephone from centralized CATI work sites. Subsequent interviews are conducted in the following months, and are usually done by telephone.
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Contact component
The following information is collected at the start of each contact attempt.
II_R01A — Hello, I’m calling from Statistics Canada. My name is …
If interview in person, go to IC_R01
If birth interview by telephone, go to AR_Q01
If subsequent interview by telephone, go to SR_Q01
SR_Q01 — May I speak with … ?
If “Speaking”, go to IC_R01
If “Available”, go to II_R01B
If “Not available” or “No longer a household member”, go to AR_Q01
If “Wrong number”, go to TC_Q01
II_R01B — Hello, I’m calling from Statistics Canada. My name is …
Go to IC_R01
TC_Q01 — I would like to make sure I’ve dialed the right number. Is this: [telephone number]?
If yes, go to AR_Q01
If no, thank person and end call
AR_Q01 — May I speak with an adult member of the household?
If “Speaking” and CATI birth interview, go to TFCC_Q01
If “Speaking” and not CATI birth interview, go to IC_R01
If “Available”, go to II_R01C
If “Not available” and birth interview, go to ARA_Q01
If “Not available” and subsequent interview and SR_Q01= “Not available”, go to SRA_Q01
If “Not available” and subsequent interview and SR_Q01= “No longer a household member” or “Wrong number”, go to ARA_Q01
II_R01C — Hello, I’m calling from Statistics Canada. My name is …
If CATI birth interview, go to TFCC_Q01
If not CATI birth interview, go to IC_R01
SRA_Q01 — I would like to contact … When would he/she be available?
If “Available”, make appointment and then thank person and end call
If “Not available”, go to ARA_Q01
ARA_Q01 — When would an adult member of the household be available?
If “Available”, make appointment and then thank person and end call
If “Not available”, thank person and end call
TFCC_Q01 — In order to make sure I’ve reached the correct household, I need to confirm your address. Is it: [listing address]?
If yes, go to IC_R01
If no, go to TFCC_Q02
TFCC_Q02 — I would like to make sure I’ve dialed the right number. Is this: [telephone number]?
Thank person and end call
I’m calling regarding the Labour Force Survey.
LP_Q01 — Would you prefer to be interviewed in English or in French?
If CATI interview, go to MON_R01
If not CATI interview, go to Household Component
My supervisor may listen to this call for the purpose of quality control.
Household and demographics component
Household blocks
If CATI birth interview, go to MA_Q01
If subsequent interview in person, go to CMA_Q01
If subsequent interview by telephone, go to SD_Q01
Confirm the listing address.
Go to MA_Q01
SD_Q01 — I would like to confirm your address. Are you still living at: [listing address]?
If yes and listing address is the same as mailing address, go to CHM_Q01
If yes and listing address is different from mailing address, go to CMA_Q01
If no, go to SD_Q02
If “Respondent never lived there”, go to SD_Q05
SD_Q02 — Does anyone who was living with you at that address still live there?
If yes, go to SD_Q03
If no, thank person and end call
SD_Q03 — Can you provide me with the current telephone number for that address?
If yes, go to SD_Q04
If no, thank person and end call
SD_Q04 — What is that telephone number, including the area code?
Thank person and end call
SD_Q05 — I would like to make sure I’ve dialed the right number. Is this: [telephone number]?
Thank person and end call
CHM_Q01 — Is this also your mailing address?
If yes, go to TN_Q01
If no, go to MA_Q01
CMA_Q01 — I would like to confirm your mailing address. Is it: [mailing address]?
If yes, go to TN_Q01
If no, go to MA_Q01
MA_Q01 — What is your correct mailing address?
If birth interview in person, go to DW_N02
If birth interview by telephone, go to DW_Q01
If subsequent interview, go to TN_Q01
DW_Q01 — What type of dwelling do you live in? Is it a:
Read categories to respondent.
Go to TN_Q01
Select the dwelling type.
TN_Q01 — Is this dwelling owned by a member of this household?
The next few questions ask for important basic information on the people in your household.
If birth interview, go to USU_Q01
If subsequent interview, go to PV2_Q01
USU_Q01 — What are the names of all persons who usually live here?
Begin with adults who have responsibility for the care or support of the family.
RS_Q02 — Is anyone staying here temporarily?
If yes, go to TEM_Q01
If no, go to RS_Q04
TEM_Q01 — What are the names of all persons who are staying here temporarily?
Add a person only if he/she has no other usual residence elsewhere.
RS_Q04 — Are there any other persons who usually live here but are now away at school, in hospital, or somewhere else?
If yes, go to OTH1_Q01
If no, go to Individual Demographics
OTH1_Q01 — What are the names of the other people who live or stay here?
Add a person only if he/she has no other usual residence elsewhere.
Go to Individual Demographics
PV2_Q01 — Do the following people still live or stay in this dwelling?
If yes, go to RS_Q05
If no, go to RES_Q02
PV2_Q01_RES_Q02 — Is … no longer a member of the household or deceased?
RS_Q05 — Does anyone else now live or stay here?
If yes, go to OTH2_Q01
If no, go to Individual Demographics
OTH2_Q01 — What are the names of the other people who live or stay here?
Add a person only if he/she has no other usual residence elsewhere.
Demographics blocks
The following demographic information is collected for each household member.
ANC_Q01 — What is …’s date of birth?
ANC_Q02 — So …’s age on [date of last day of reference week] was [calculated age]. Is that correct?
If yes, go to SEX_Q01
If no, go to ANC_Q03
ANC_Q03 — What is …’s age?
Enter …’s sex.
If age<16, go to FI_N01
What is …’s marital status? Is he/she:
Read categories to respondent.
Enter …’s family identifier: A to Z.
Assign the same letter to all persons related by blood, marriage or adoption.
Determine a reference person for the family and select…’s relationship to that reference person. The reference person should be an adult involved in the care or support of the family.
IMM_Q01 — In what country was … born?
Specify country of birth according to current boundaries.
If 01-Canada, go to ABO_Q01
IMM_Q02 — Is ... now, or has he/she ever been, a landed immigrant in Canada?
A landed immigrant (permanent resident) is a person who has been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities.
If yes, go to IMM_Q03
If no, go to ABO_Q01
IMM_Q03 — In what year did … first become a landed immigrant?
If IMM_Q03 is more than five years ago go to ABO_Q01
In what month?
If Country of Birth is not Canada , USA or Greenland go to ED_Q01
Is ... an Aboriginal person, that is, North American Indian, Métis or Inuit?
If yes, go to ABO_Q02
If no, go to ED_Q01
If respondent has already specified the Aboriginal group(s), select the group(s) from list below; if not, ask: Is ... a North American Indian, Métis or Inuit?
Mark all that apply.
If age<14, go to CAF_Q01
What is the highest grade of elementary or high school … ever completed?
If “Grade 8 or lower” or “Grade 9 – 10”, go to ED_Q03
If “Grade 11 – 13”, go to ED_Q02
ED_Q02 — Did … graduate from high school (secondary school)?
ED_Q03 — Has … received any other education that could be counted towards a degree, certificate or diploma from an educational institution?
If yes, go to ED_Q04
If no, go to CAF_Q01
ED_Q04 — What is the highest degree, certificate or diploma… has obtained?
If (Country of Birth is Canada) or (IMM_Q02 is No) or (respondent has not received a post-secondary degree, certificate or diploma) go to CAF_Q01
In what country did … complete his/her highest degree, certificate or diploma?
Specify country of highest education according to current boundaries.
If age<16 or age>65, go to ANC_Q01 for next household member
Is … a full-time member of the regular Canadian Armed Forces?
For each person aged 15 or over who is not a full-time member of the regular armed forces complete the Labour force information component.
Rent component
The Rent Component is generated only for cases where the answer to TN_Q01 (“Is this dwelling owned by a member of this household?”) in the Household Component is “No”, and province/territory is not Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories or Nunavut.
The next few questions are about your rent. The information collected is used to calculate the rent portion of the Consumer Price Index.
If rent information exists from the previous month, go to RM_Q04
If dwelling type is not “Low-rise apartment” and not “High-rise apartment”, go to RM_Q02
On which floor do you live?
RM_Q02 — To the best of your knowledge, how old is your building?
RM_Q03 — How many bedrooms are there in your dwelling?
RM_Q04 — This month, is the rent for your dwelling subsidized by government or an employer, or a relative?
If yes, go to RM_Q04A
If no, go to RM_Q05
RM_Q04A — In what manner is the rent for your dwelling subsidized?
RM_Q05 — This month, are you operating a business from your dwelling?
If yes, go to RM_Q05A
If no, go to RM_Q06
RM_Q05A — Does the business affect the amount of rent paid?
RM_Q06 — How much is the total monthly rent for your dwelling?
If $0, go to RM_Q07
If >$0, go to RM_Q08
RM_Q07 — What is the reason that the rent is $0?
If RM_Q04 = yes, go to end of Rent Component
If rent information does not exist from the previous month, go to RM_Q09B
If there has been a complete change in household membership, go to RM_Q09B
If RM_Q04 = yes, go to RM_Q09B
Since last month, have there been any changes in the amount of rent paid?
If yes, go to RM_Q08A
If no, go to RM_Q09B
RM_Q08A — What is the reason for the change in rent since last month?
Mark all that apply.
If dwelling type is not “Low-rise apartment” and not “High-rise apartment”, go to RM_Q14
If rent information exists from the previous month and there has not been a complete change in household membership, go to RM_Q09S
Does this month’s rent include parking facilities?
If yes, go to RM_Q10
If no, go to RM_Q14
RM_Q09S — Since last month, have there been any changes in the parking facilities?
If yes, go to RM_Q10
If no, go to RM_Q14
RM_Q10 — What types of parking facilities are included in your rent?
Mark all that apply.
If “Closed garage or indoor parking” is not marked in RM_Q10, go to RM_Q12
How many closed garage or indoor parking spaces are included in your rent?
If “Outside parking with plug-in” is not marked in RM_Q10, go to RM_Q13
How many outside parking spaces with plug-in are included in your rent?
If “Outside parking without plug-in” is not marked in RM_Q10, go to RM_Q14
How many outside parking spaces without plug-in are included in your rent?
If rent information does not exist from the previous month, go to RM_Q15
If there has been a complete change in household membership, go to RM_Q15
If “Change in utilities, services, appliances, or furnishings” is marked in RM_Q08A, go to RM_Q15
Since last month, have there been any changes in the utilities, services, household appliances, or furnishings included in the rent?
If yes, go to RM_Q15
If no, go to end of Rent Component
RM_Q15 — Which of the following utilities, services, household appliances, or furnishings are included as part of the monthly rent?
Read list to respondent. Mark all that apply.
Labour force information component
In this component, a path is assigned according to the answers provided. This path is used to control the flow through the component. For paths 1, 2, 6, and 7 the path determines the labour force status, but for paths 3, 4 and 5 other conditions (for example, availability for work) must be considered to distinguish between those who are unemployed and those who are not in the labour force.
1 Employed, at work
2 Employed, absent from work
3 Temporary layoff
4 Job seeker
5 Future start
6 Not in labour force, able to work
7 Not in labour force, permanently unable to work
Job attachment block
LFI_Q100 — Many of the following questions concern ...’s activities last week. By last week, I mean the week beginning on Sunday, [date of first day of reference week], and ending last Saturday, [date of last day of reference week].
Last week, did ... work at a job or business?
(regardless of the number of hours)
If yes, then PATH = 1 and go to 102
If no, go to 101
If “Permanently unable to work”, then PATH = 7 and go to 104
LFI_Q101 — Last week, did ... have a job or business from which he/she was absent?
If no, go to 104
LFI_Q102 — Did he/she have more than one job or business last week?
If no, go to 110
LFI_Q103 — Was this a result of changing employers?
Go to 110
Past job attachment block
LFI_Q104 — Has he/she ever worked at a job or business?
If no, go to 170
LFI_Q105 — When did he/she last work?
If subsequent interview and no change in 105 and last month’s PATH = 3, go to 131
Else if subsequent interview and no change in 105 and last month’s PATH = 4 to 7, go to 170
Else if not within past year, go to 170
Else if PATH = 7, go to 131
Else if PATH not 7, go to 110
Job description block
LFI_Q110— If 103 = yes, I am now going to ask some questions about …’s new job or business. Was he/she an employee or self-employed?
If 103 = no, I am now going to ask some questions about the job or business at which he/she usually works the most hours. Was he/she an employee or self-employed?
Otherwise, Was he/she an employee or self-employed?
If not “Self-employed”, go to 114
LFI_Q111 — Did he/she have an incorporated business?
LFI_Q112 — Did he/she have any employees?
LFI_Q113 — What was the name of his/her business?
Go to 115
LFI_Q114 — For whom did he/she work?
(name of business, government department or agency, or person)
LFI_Q115 — What kind of business, industry or service was this?
(e.g., cardboard box manufacturing, road maintenance, retail shoe store, secondary school, dairy farm, municipal government)
LFI_Q116 — What kind of work was he/she doing?
(e.g., babysitting in own home, factory worker, forestry technician)
LFI_Q117 — What were his/her most important activities or duties?
(e.g., caring for children, stamp press machine operator, forest examiner)
LFI_Q118 — When did he/she start working for/at [name of employer/name of business]?
Absence – Separation block
If PATH = 1, go to 150
If 101 = no, go to 131
What was the main reason ... was absent from work last week?
If “Temporary layoff due to business conditions”, go to 134
If “Seasonal layoff”, go to 136
If “Casual job, no work available”, go to 137
Otherwise, PATH = 2 and go to 150
LFI_Q131 — What was the main reason ... stopped working at that [job/business]?
If not “ Lost job, laid off or job ended”, go to 137
LFI_Q132 — Can you be more specific about the main reason for his/her job loss?
If PATH = 7, go to 137
Else if “Business conditions”, go to 133
Otherwise, go to 137
LFI_Q133 — Does he/she expect to return to that job?
If no or “Not sure”, go to 137
LFI_Q134 — Has ...’s employer given him/her a date to return?
If yes, go to 136
LFI_Q135 — Has he/she been given any indication that he/she will be recalled within the next 6 months?
LFI_Q136 — As of last week, how many weeks had ... been on layoff?
If 130 = “Seasonal layoff”, go to 137
Else if 134 = no and 135 = no, go to 137
Else if on layoff more than 52 weeks, go to 137
Otherwise, PATH = 3 and go to 137
LFI_Q137 — Did he/she usually work more or less than 30 hours per week?
If PATH = 3, go to 190
Otherwise, go to 170
Work hours (Main job) block
The following questions refer to ...’s work hours at his/her [new] [job/business] [at name of employer].
If 110 = “Employee”, Excluding overtime, does the number of paid hours ... works vary from week to week?
Otherwise, Does the number of hours ... works vary from week to week?
If yes, go to 152
If 110 = “Employee”, Excluding overtime, how many paid hours does ... work per week?
Otherwise, How many hours does ... work per week?
If PATH = 2, go to 158
If 110 = “Employee”,go to 153
Otherwise, go to 157
If 110 = “Employee”, Excluding overtime, on average, how many paid hours does ... usually work per week?
Otherwise, On average, how many hours does ... usually work per week?
If PATH = 2, go to 158
If 110 = “Employee”, go to 153
Otherwise, go to 157
LFI_Q153 — Last week, how many hours was he/she away from this job because of vacation, illness, or any other reason?
If 0 hours, go to 155
LFI_Q154 — What was the main reason for that absence?
LFI_Q155 — Last week, how many hours of paid overtime did he/she work at this job?
LFI_Q156 — Last week, how many extra hours without pay did he/she work at this job?
If 150 = no, then actual hours = 151 - 153 + 155 + 156 and go to 158
LFI_Q157 — Last week, how many hours did he/she actually work at his/her [new] [job/business] [at name of employer]?
If 151 >= 29.5 or 152 >= 29.5, and PATH = 2, go to 162
If 151 >= 29.5 or 152 >= 29.5, and PATH = 1, go to 200
Does he/she want to work 30 or more hours per week [at a single job]?
If yes, go to 160
LFI_Q159 — What is the main reason ... does not want to work 30 or more hours per week [at a single job]?
If PATH = 2, go to 162
Otherwise, go to 200
LFI_Q160 — What is the main reason ... usually works less than 30 hours per week [at his/her main job]?
If not (“Business conditions” or “Could not find work with 30 or more hours per week”) and PATH = 2, go to 162
If not (“Business conditions” or “Could not find work with 30 or more hours per week”) and PATH = 1, go to 200
LFI_Q161 — At any time in the 4 weeks ending last Saturday, [date of last day of reference week], did he/she look for full-time work?
If PATH = 2, go to 162
Otherwise, go to 200
Absence block
LFI_Q162 — As of last week, how many weeks had ... been continuously absent from work?
If (110 is “Employee”) or (110 is “Self-employed” and 111 is yes), go to 163
Otherwise, go to 200
LFI_Q163 — Is he/she getting any wages or salary from his/her [employer/business] for any time off last week?
Go to 200
Job search - Future start block
If PATH = 7, go to 500
In the 4 weeks ending last Saturday, [date of last day of reference week], did ... do anything to find work?
If no and age >= 65, then PATH = 6 and go to 500
If no and age <= 64, go to 174
If yes, then PATH = 4 and go to 171
LFI_Q171 — What did he/she do to find work in those 4 weeks? Did he/she do anything else to find work?
LFI_Q172 — As of last week, how many weeks had he/she been looking for work?
[since the date last worked]
LFI_Q173 — What was his/her main activity before he/she started looking for work?
Go to 177
LFI_Q174 — Last week, did ... have a job to start at a definite date in the future?
If no, then PATH = 6 and go to 176
LFI_Q175 — Will he/she start that job before or after Sunday, [date of the first day after four weeks from the last day of reference week]?
If “Before the date above”, then PATH = 5 and go to 190
If “On or after the date above”, then PATH = 6 and go to 500
LFI_Q176 — Did he/she want a job last week?
If no, go to 500
LFI_Q177 — Did he/she want a job with more or less than 30 hours per week?
If PATH = 4, go to 190
What was the main reason he/she did not look for work last week?
If “Believes no work available”, go to 190
Otherwise, go to 500
Availability block
LFI_Q190 — Could he/she have worked last week [if he/she had been recalled/if a suitable job had been offered]?
If yes, go to 400
LFI_Q191 — What was the main reason ... was not available to work last week?
Go to 400
Earnings block
If 110 is not “Employee”, go to 300
If subsequent interview and no change in 110, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, go to 300
Now I’d like to ask a few short questions about ...’s earnings from his/her [new] job [at name of employer].
Is he/she paid by the hour?
LFI_Q201 — Does he/she usually receive tips or commissions?
If 200 = no, go to 204
LFI_Q202 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her hourly rate of pay?
Go to 220
LFI_Q204 — What is the easiest way for you to tell us his/her wage or salary, [including tips and commissions,] before taxes and other deductions?
Would it be yearly, monthly, weekly, or on some other basis?
If “Yearly”, go to 209
If “Monthly”, go to 208
If “Semi-monthly”, go to 207
If “Bi-weekly”, go to 206
If “Weekly” or “Other”, go to 205
LFI_Q205 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her weekly wage or salary, before taxes and other deductions?
Go to 220
LFI_Q206 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her bi-weekly wage or salary, before taxes and other deductions?
Go to 220
LFI_Q207 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her semi-monthly wage or salary, before taxes and other deductions?
Go to 220
LFI_Q208 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her monthly wage or salary, before taxes and other deductions?
Go to 220
LFI_Q209 — [Including tips and commissions,] what is his/her yearly wage or salary, before taxes and other deductions?
Go to 220
Union block
LFI_Q220 — Is he/she a union member at his/her [new] job [at name of employer]?
If yes, go to 240
LFI_Q221 — Is he/she covered by a union contract or collective agreement?
Permanence block
LFI_Q240 — Is ...’s [new] job [at name of employer] permanent, or is there some way that it is not permanent?
(e.g., seasonal, temporary, term or casual)
If “Permanent”, go to 260
LFI_Q241 — In what way is his/her job not permanent?
Go to 260
Firm size block
LFI_Q260 — About how many persons are employed at the location where ... works for [name of employer]?
Would it be: [Less than 20, 20 to 99, 100 to 500, or over 500]?
Read categories to respondent.
LFI_Q261 — Does [name of employer] operate at more than one location?
If no, or 260 = “Over 500”, go to 300
LFI_Q262 — In total, about how many persons are employed at all locations?
Would it be: [Less than 20, 20 to 99, 100 to 500, or over 500]?
Read categories to respondent
Go to 300
Class of worker – Hours at other job block
If 102 = no, go to 400
Now I have a couple of questions about ...’s [other/old] job or business. Was he/she an employee or self-employed?
If not “Self-employed”, go to 320
LFI_Q301 — Did he/she have an incorporated business?
LFI_Q302 — Did he/she have any employees?
If 300 = “Employee”, Excluding overtime, how many paid hours [does/did] ... usually work per week at this job?
Otherwise, How many hours [does/did] ... usually work per week at this [business/family business]?
If PATH = 2, go to 400
LFI_Q321 — Last week, how many hours did ... actually work at this [job/business/family business]?
Go to 400
Temporary layoff job search block
If PATH not 3, go to 500
In the 4 weeks ending last Saturday, [date of last day of reference week], did ... look for a job with a different employer?
Go to 500
School attendance block
If age >= 65, go to END
Last week, was ... attending a school, college or university?
If no, go to 520
LFI_Q501 — Was he/she enrolled as a full-time or part-time student?
LFI_Q502 — What kind of school was this?
Go to 520
Returning students block
If survey month not May through August, go to END
Else if age not 15 to 24, go to END
Else if subsequent interview and 520 in previous month was “no”, go to END
Else if subsequent interview and 520 in previous month was “yes”, go to 521
Was he/she a full-time student in March of this year?
If no, go to END
LFI_Q521 — Does he/she expect to be a full-time student this fall?
Exit component
The following information is collected at the end of the LFS interview each month to gather information for future contacts and to thank respondents for their participation. In many cases, this information will be pre-filled for confirmation in subsequent interviews.
If rotate-out (for example, last month for interview), go to TY_R02
Before we finish, I would like to ask you a few other questions.
As part of the Labour Force Survey, we will contact your household next month during the week of [date of first day of next month survey week].
After this month, this dwelling has [calculated number of remaining interviews] LFS interview(s) left.
HC_Q01 — Who would be the best person to contact?
If no telephone number exists, go to TEL_Q02
I would like to confirm your telephone number. Is it [telephone number]?
If yes, go to PC_Q01
If no, go to TEL_Q02
TEL_Q02 — What is your telephone number, including the area code?
If CATI interview, go to PTC_Q01
May we conduct the next interview by telephone?
If yes, go to PTC_Q01
If no, go to PV_R01
In this case we will make a personal visit next month during the week of [date of first day of next month survey week].
If preferred time to call information does not exist from the previous month, go to PTC_Q02
I would like to confirm the time of day you would prefer that we call. Is it [preferred time to call]?
If yes, go to PTC_N03
If no, go to PTC_Q02
PTC_Q02 — What time of day would you prefer that we call? Would it be the morning, the afternoon, the evening, or ANY TIME?
Mark all that apply.
Enter any other information about the preferred time to call.
If CATI interview, go to TY_R01
If subsequent interview, go to TY_R01
If dwelling type is not “Single detached” and not “Double” and not “Row or terrace” and not “Duplex”, go to TY_R01
Is there another set of living quarters within this structure?
If yes, go to LQ_N02
If no, go to TY_R01
Remember to verify the cluster list and add one or more multiples if necessary.
Thank you very much for your participation in this month’s Labour Force Survey. Have a nice [day/evening].
Go to END
Thank you very much for your participation in the Labour Force Survey. Although your six months in the Labour Force Survey are over, your household may be contacted by Statistics Canada some time in the future for another survey. Have a nice [day/evening].
List of codesets
Codes for Contact component
1 Yes, speaking to respondent
2 Yes, respondent available
3 No, respondent not available
4 No, respondent no longer a household member
5 Wrong number
1 Yes, speaking to an adult member
2 Yes, an adult member is available
3 No, an adult member is not available
SRA_Q01 / ARA_Q01
1 Make hard appointment
2 Make soft appointment
3 Not available
1 English
2 French
3 Other
Codes for Household component
1 Yes
2 No
3 No, respondent never lived there
DW_Q01 / DW_N02
01 Single detached
02 Double
03 Row or terrace
04 Duplex
05 Low rise apartment of fewer than 5 stories or a flat
06 High rise apartment of 5 stories or more
07 Institution
08 Hotel; rooming/lodging house; camp
09 Mobile home
10 Other – Specify
1 No longer a member
2 Deceased
Codes for Individual demographics
1 Male
2 Female
1 Married
2 Living common-law
3 Widowed
4 Separated
5 Divorced
6 Single, never married
1 Reference person
2 Spouse
3 Son or daughter (birth, adopted or step)
4 Grandchild
5 Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
6 Foster child (less than 18 years of age)
7 Parent
8 Parent-in-law
9 Brother or sister
10 Other relative - Specify
Responses that do not correspond to one of the twelve countries explicitly listed are recorded as "Other –Search" and invoke a country search file containing a list of all current countries.
01 Canada
02 United States
03 United Kingdom
04 Germany
05 Italy
06 Poland
07 Portugal
08 China (People’s Republic of)
09 Hong Kong
10 India
11 Philippines
12 Vietnam
13 Other – Search
1 Yes
2 No
1 Yes
2 No
Mark all that apply.
1 North American Indian
2 Métis
3 Inuit (Eskimo)
1 Grade 8 or lower (Quebec: Secondary II or lower)
2 Grade 9 - 10 (Quebec: Secondary III or IV, Newfoundland and Labrador: 1st year of secondary)
3 Grade 11 - 13 (Quebec: Secondary V, Newfoundland and Labrador: 2nd to 4th year of secondary)
1 No postsecondary degree, certificate or diploma
2 Trade certificate or diploma from a vocational school or apprenticeship training
3 Non-university certificate or diploma from a community college, CEGEP, school of nursing, etc.
4 University certificate below bachelor’s level
5 Bachelor’s degree
6 University degree or certificate above bachelor’s degree
Responses that do not correspond to one of the twelve countries explicitly listed are recorded as "Other –Search" and invoke a country search file containing a list of all current countries.
01 Canada
02 United States
03 United Kingdom
04 Germany
05 Italy
06 Poland
07 Portugal
08 China (People’s Republic of)
09 Hong Kong
10 India
11 Philippines
12 Vietnam
13 Other – Search
Codes for Rent component
1 No more than 5 years old
2 More than 5 but no more than 10 years old
3 More than 10 but no more than 20 years old
4 More than 20 but no more than 40 years old
5 More than 40 years old
1 Income-related/Government agencies
2 Employer
3 Owned by a relative
4 Other - Specify
1 Change in utilities, services, appliances, or furnishings
2 Change in parking facilities
3 New Lease
4 Other - Specify
1 Closed garage or indoor parking
2 Outside parking with plug-in
3 Outside parking without plug-in
1 Heat – Electric
2 Heat - Natural Gas
3 Heat - Other Specify
4 Electricity
5 Cablevision
6 Refrigerator
7 Range
8 Washer
9 Dryer
10 Other major appliance – Specify
11 Furniture
12 None of the above
Codes for Labour force information
1 Yes
2 No
3 Permanently unable to work
LFI_Q110 / LFI_Q300
1 Employee
2 Self-employed
3 Working in a family business without pay
01 Own illness or disability
02 Caring for own children
03 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
04 Maternity or parental leave
05 Other personal or family responsibilities
06 Vacation
07 Labour dispute (strike or lockout) (Employees only)
08 Temporary layoff due to business conditions (Employees only)
09 Seasonal layoff (Employees only)
10 Casual job, no work available (Employees only)
11 Work schedule (e.g., shift work) (Employees only)
12 Self-employed, no work available (Self-employed only)
13 Seasonal business (excluding employees)
14 Other - Specify
01 Own illness or disability
02 Caring for own children
03 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
04 Pregnancy (Females only)
05 Other personal or family responsibilities
06 Going to school
07 Lost job, laid off or job ended (Employees only)
08 Business sold or closed down (excluding employees)
09 Changed residence
10 Dissatisfied with job
11 Retired
12 Other - Specify
1 End of seasonal job
2 End of temporary, term or contract job (non-seasonal)
3 Casual job
4 Company moved
5 Company went out of business
6 Business conditions (e.g., not enough work, drop in orders, retooling)
7 Dismissal by employer (e.g., fired)
8 Other - Specify
LFI_Q133 / LFI_Q521
1 Yes
2 No
3 Not sure
LFI_Q137 / LFI_Q177
1 30 or more hours per week
2 Less than 30 hours per week
01 Own illness or disability
02 Caring for own children
03 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
04 Maternity or parental leave
05 Other personal or family responsibilities
06 Vacation
07 Labour dispute (strike or lockout)
08 Temporary layoff due to business conditions
09 Holiday (legal or religious)
10 Weather
11 Job started or ended during week
12 Working short-time (e.g., due to material shortages, plant maintenance or repair, etc.)
13 Other - Specify
1 Own illness or disability
2 Caring for own children
3 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
4 Other personal or family responsibilities
5 Going to school
6 Personal preference
7 Other - Specify
1 Own illness or disability
2 Caring for own children
3 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
4 Other personal or family responsibilities
5 Going to school
6 Business conditions
7 Could not find work with 30 or more hours per week
8 Other - Specify
1 Public employment agency
2 Private employment agency
3 Union
4 Employers directly
5 Friends or relatives
6 Placed or answered ads
7 Looked at job ads
8 Other - Specify
1 Working
2 Managing a home
3 Going to school
4 Other - Specify
1 Before the date above
2 On or after the date above
1 Own illness or disability
2 Caring for own children
3 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
4 Other personal or family responsibilities
5 Going to school
6 Waiting for recall (to former job)
7 Waiting for replies from employers
8 Believes no work available (in area, or suited to skills)
9 No reason given
10 Other - Specify
1 Own illness or disability
2 Caring for own children
3 Caring for elder relative (60 years of age or older)
4 Other personal or family responsibilities
5 Going to school
6 Vacation
7 Already has a job
8 Other - Specify
1 Yearly
2 Monthly
3 Semi-monthly
4 Bi-weekly
5 Weekly
6 Other - Specify
1 Seasonal job
2 Temporary, term or contract job (non-seasonal)
3 Casual job
5 Other - Specify
LFI_Q260 / LFI_Q262
1 Less than 20
2 20 to 99
3 100 to 500
4 Over 500
1 Full-time
2 Part-time
1 Elementary, junior high school, high school or equivalent
2 Community college, junior college, or CEGEP
3 University
4 Other - Specify
Codes for Exit component
2 Morning
3 Afternoon
4 Evening
5 NOT morning
6 NOT afternoon
7 NOT evening