Watch our videos about Statistics Canada's role, activities, survey results and more.
- About Statistics Canada
- Participating in surveys
- Statistical data
- Census
- National Household Survey
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About Statistics Canada
How does Statistics Canada estimates the number of non-permanent residents?
Release date: March 19, 2025
This video presents Statistics Canada's method for estimating the number of non-permanent residents.
Structural Economic and Lasting Social Changes: Enduring Impact of COVID-19 on the Health of Canadians
Release date: December 21, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of Canadians in many ways. Tracking the impact of the pandemic on health requires short and long-term thinking. In this presentation, you will learn about how Statistics Canada has been responsive to evolving health data needs through the identification of research priorities, development of new survey content, making projections into the future and producing new dissemination products to reach more Canadians.
Identifying pandemic hubs (health regions)
Release date: June 13, 2022
The Data Science and Modern Methods Forum is a virtual event series created to inform Statistics Canada employees of the department's ongoing data science projects. This presentation by Andres Solis Montero, Lead Data Scientist and Saeid Molladavoudi, Senior Data Science Advisor, from the June 2021 forum event features the ways in which they identified pandemic hubs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Learning optimal intervention strategies through agent-based reinforcement learning
Release date: June 13, 2022
This presentation by Data Science Division data scientists, Nicholas Denis and Blair Drummond from the June 2021 forum event, features optimal intervention strategies through agent-based reinforcement learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Data Science and Modern Methods Forum – June 23, 2021
Release date: June 13, 2022
The Data Science and Modern Methods Forum is a virtual event series created to inform Statistics Canada employees of the department's ongoing data science projects. This highlight reel from the June 2021 forum event features some of the innovative data science projects our agency has been working on.
Data Governance – Responsible privacy
Release date: March 9, 2022
There are many challenges facing Canadians today: income inequality, an aging population, urbanization, technological change, globalization, a shift to more renewable energy sources, and even emerging issues like the COVID-19 pandemic. To be able to respond, Canadians need data they can trust.
30th Anniversary of the Fundamental Principles of Statistics
Release date: February 11, 2022
To mark the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics(FPOS) by the UNECE, Statistics Canada and some of its partners reflect on Principle 1: the need for data to be relevant, impartial and accessible to all.
Canada's National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
Release date: December 4, 2020
Statistics Canada's Women's Subcommittee recognizes Canada's National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women.
Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
Release date: January 15, 2014
Find out how the 10 fundamental principles of official statistics guide Statistics Canada.
Participating in surveys
Parental Experiences Survey
Release date: October 31, 2024
We invite selected participants to share their experiences in the Parental Experiences Survey, running from October 29, 2024 to January 31, 2025. Your insights will help us better understand the needs of parents and improve support for families across Canada. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on maternal and newborn care!
2024 Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth (CHSCY)
Release date: October 1, 2024
This video invites all selected participants to complete the Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth, taking place from October 1, 2024, to February 2, 2025. Participation is vital in helping us understand and improve the health of children and youth!
Accessibility In Canada: Results from the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability
Release date: May 28, 2024
Using data from the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability, this American Sign Language video examines disability characteristics among Canadians aged 15 years of age and older, as well as their employment experiences and information on income and poverty, and unmet needs for disability supports because of cost.
Canadian Survey on Disability: From 2017 to 2022, American Sign Language
Release date: December 1, 2023
This American Sign Language video highlights disability and accessibility data from the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability included in The Daily.
Results from the Survey on Early Learning and Child Care Arrangements: Children with Long-term Conditions and Disabilities, American Sign Language
Release date: April 24, 2023
This American Sign Language video provides an introduction to the Survey on Early Learning and Child Care Arrangements – Children with Long-term Conditions & Disabilities. Specifically, it includes a brief description of what participating in the survey involves, the benefits of participating in the survey, and information on privacy and confidentiality.
Introduction to the Survey on Accessible Print Materials, American Sign Language
Release date: March 15, 2023
This American Sign Language video provides an introduction to the Survey on Accessible Print Materials. Specifically, it includes a brief description of the benefits of participating in the survey, what participating in the survey involves, how respondents were selected to participate, and information on privacy and confidentiality.
Canadian Health Measures Survey
Release date: September 15, 2022
Statistics Canada, in partnership with Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, conducts the Canadian Health Measures Survey. This video encourages participation from all who have been selected for the survey. Participation in the Canadian Health Measures survey provides valuable health data not typically obtained during a routine visit to a doctor or another health professional.
Time Use Survey: How does the diary work and what questions are asked?
Release date: July 6, 2022
This video is a tool for respondents who have been selected for the Time Use Survey 2022, and explores how to complete the time diary.
Time Use Survey: What if I was doing more than one activity at the same time?
Release date: July 6, 2022
This video explores how to report simultaneous activities within the time diary of the Time Use Survey 2022.
Time Use Survey: Reporting travel activities
Release date: July 6, 2022
This video explores what to do if a travel edit is triggered while completing the time diary of the Time Use Survey 2022.
2022 Indigenous Peoples Survey
Release date: May 31, 2022Correction date: June 17, 2022
This video encourages participation from all who have been selected for the Indigenous Peoples Survey, running from May to October, 2022.
Canadian Health Measures Survey: Mobile examination centre video tour
Release date: April 5, 2018
This walkthrough has the viewer moving through each room and section of the Mobile Examination Clinic's three trailers.
Statistical data
Almost half of persons with disabilities or long-term conditions face barriers in their online activities
Release date: February 24, 2025
This American Sign Language video highlights key findings on accessibility barriers among persons with disabilities or long-term conditions aged 15 and over. The population covered by the Survey Series on Accessibility – Experiences with Accessibility and Information and Communication Technology (SSA-EAICT) comprised those who participated in the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) and who agreed to participate in future surveys. A series of screening questions were asked in the SSA-EAICT to confirm a disability or long-term condition among participants. Only those who had a disability or long-term condition at the time of collection were surveyed.
Accessibility barriers related to employment among persons with disabilities or long-term conditions, 2024
Release date: February 17, 2025
This American Sign Language video highlights key findings on accessibility barriers among employed persons aged 15 to 64 with disabilities or long-term conditions. The population covered by the SSA-EAE comprised those who participated in the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) and who agreed to participate in future surveys. A series of screening questions were asked in the SSA-EAE to confirm a disability or long-term condition among participants. Only those who had a disability or long-term condition at the time of collection were surveyed.
Barriers to Accessibility in Canada: Public Spaces, American Sign Language
Release date: February 03, 2025
This American Sign Language video uses the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability to explore the experiences of barriers to accessibility in public spaces among persons with disabilities aged 15 years and over. More closely examining the barriers encountered by persons with disabilities as they navigate their environments is important in furthering progress towards an accessible and inclusive Canada.
Results from the Survey on Accessible Print Materials, American Sign Language
Release date: October 3, 2023
Using data from the Survey on Accessible Print Material (SAPM), this American Sign Language video examines access to alternate format material among Canadians who had difficulties with print material.
Simplify Information Extraction with AI powered solutions
Release date: September 1, 2023
Study these three financial documents. In the next 5 seconds, can you find and identify the name of store, telephone number and total price? Ready? GO!
What is the pay gap between persons with and without disabilities? American Sign Language
Release date: June 27, 2023
Using data from the Canadian Income Survey (CIS), this American Sign Language video examines the earnings pay gap among persons with and without disabilities.
Canada by the million
Release date: June 16, 2023
Hello Canada, your Chief Statistician here. I'm pleased to report that we are now 40 million Canadians What an exciting milestone for our country, we are now living through one of these moments of great change, and I for one can't wait to see what kind of future we will build.
2021 Census of Population: Age, Sex at Birth and Gender, Type of Dwelling
Release date: June 12, 2023
A presentation on the second set of results from the 2021 Census of Population. This presentation provides an overview of the age, sex and gender concepts and the type of dwelling concepts, as well as information on results, and how to access data products and resources and more.
2021 Census of Population: Families, households and marital status, Canadian military experience, and Income
Release date: June 05, 2023
A presentation on the third set of results from the 2021 Census of Population. This presentation provides an an overview of key results, including marital status and family structure, with data on the gender diversity of couples, a new question on current and past military service in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), income concepts and definitions, as well as information on results, and how to access data products and resources and more.
Market Basket Measure
Release date: May 9, 2023
With the release of Opportunity for All – Canada's First Poverty Reduction Strategy, by the Government of Canada, the Market Basket Measure (MBM) was established as Canada's Official Poverty Line. According to the MBM, a family lives in poverty if it does not have enough income to purchase a specific basket of goods and services in its community. In this short video, you will learn how the MBM basket is constructed and compared to a family's disposable income when measuring poverty statistics in Canada.
2023 Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth (CHSCY)
Release date: March 21, 2023
This video provides a description of the objectives and purpose of the Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth.
Education in Canada (American Sign Language)
Release date: January 5, 2023
This American Sign Language video highlights commuting data from the seventh release of the 2021 Census of Population included in The Daily.
How people get to work in Canada (American Sign Language)
Release date: January 5, 2023
This American Sign Language video highlights commuting data from the seventh release of the 2021 Census of Population included in The Daily.
The changing dynamics of the Canadian labour force (American Sign Language)
Release date: January 5, 2023
This American Sign Language video highlights commuting data from the seventh release of the 2021 Census of Population included in The Daily.
Instruction in the minority official language (American Sign Language)
Release date: January 5, 2023
This American Sign Language video highlights commuting data from the seventh release of the 2021 Census of Population included in The Daily.
How do persons with disabilities spend their time?
Release date: December 2, 2022
This American Sign Language video examines how persons with disabilities spend their days on selected activities. Analysis of time use opens a window into the experiences of persons with disabilities, particularly their perceptions of time.
Ethnocultural and religious composition of the population (American Sign Language)
Release date: November 9, 2022
This American Sign Language video highlights data on ethnocultural and religious diversity from the sixth release of the 2021 Census of Population included in The Daily.
Portrait of citizenship and immigration in Canada (American Sign Language)
Release date: November 9, 2022
This American Sign Language video highlights data on immigration, place of birth and citizenship from the sixth release of the 2021 Census of Population included in The Daily.
Seeing Everyone: Gender Diversity Data
Release date: October 24, 2022
This event highlights results from the 2021 Census, including new information about sex at birth, gender and diversity of couples.
Canada's housing portrait
Release date: October 14, 2022
This American Sign Language video highlights housing data from the fifth release of the 2021 Census of Population included in the Daily.
First Nations people, Métis and Inuit in Canada
Release date: October 14, 2022
This American Sign Language video highlights data on First Nations, Métis and Inuit people from the fifth release of the 2021 Census of Population included in the Daily.
Survey on Savings for Persons with Disabilities, 2020, American Sign Language
Release date: April 04, 2022 Correction date: April 29, 2022
This descriptive video provides an American Sign Language translation of the Daily for the Survey on Savings for Persons with Disabilities.
A profile of Canadians with a mobility disability and visible minorities with a disability, American Sign Language
Release date: December 3, 2020
This American Sign Language video highlights data from the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability to present certain characteristics of Canadians whose everyday activities are limited by a mobility difficulty. In addition, this video provides a look at the experiences of groups designated as visible minorities who have a disability.
Impact of COVID-19 on Canadians living with long-term conditions and disabilities, American Sign Language
Release date: August 27, 2020
From June 23 to July 6, 2020, approximately 13,000 Canadians with long-term conditions or disabilities participated in an online questionnaire "Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians: Living with Long-Term Conditions and Disabilities."
What is the Labour Force Survey?
Release date: September 6, 2019
An overview of Statistics Canada's Labour Force Survey, including key changes over time and examples of how the data are used.
Statistics for all seasons: A two-minute primer on seasonal adjustment
Release date: Nov 22, 2017
Seasonal adjustment is a statistical technique used to remove fluctuations in economic data that occur every year at the same time and in a similar fashion. This video provides an overview of seasonal adjustment, how it is used and how it affects the economy.
Behind every number: A portrait of Canada
Release date: June 26, 2017
This video takes the viewer on a journey across Canada, highlighting that behind every number, we're writing Canada's story together.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Your Experience of Price Change
Release date: January 22, 2016
This video explains how and why the price change reported by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) may vary from the prices Canadians see on the shelves. It tells the story of Joe and Izzy, and how they each perceive price change as compared with the CPI.
What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
Release date: December 1, 2015
This video defines the value-added GDP (PIB valeur ajoutée) and details how it is measured.
An overview of Canada's Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Release date: August 22, 2014
This video provides an overview of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). It defines the CPI and looks at what it measures and how it is used.
Portrait of Official-Language Minorities in Canada
Release date: April 17, 2014
The video summarizes and updates the analyses that Statistics Canada released in the Portraits of Official-Language Minorities in Canada (Catalogue number 89-642-X) series. These portraits are based on a wide range of statistics drawn from the censuses of population and the Survey on the Vitality of Official-Language Minorities.
Here's Why You Should Use Census Data
Release date: November 23, 2023
Let's start making sense of census data. It's a powerful tool to make data-driven decisions, like market research for a small business or employment trends for post-secondary students.
2021 Census: New Indigenous content
Release date: September 12, 2022
For the first time, the 2021 Census of Population included a question on Enrollment under an Inuit land claims agreement and one on membership in a Métis organization or Settlement. These questions will help to fill data gaps on Indigenous peoples.
Linguistic diversity and use of English and French in Canada
Release date: September 1, 2022
This American Sign Language video highlights language data from the fourth release of the 2021 Census of Population included in the Daily.
Income profile of Canadians
Release date: August 12, 2022
This American Sign Language video highlights income data from the third release of the 2021 Census of Population included in the Daily.
Canadian Military Experience
Release date: August 12, 2022
This American Sign Language video highlights military experience data from the third release of the 2021 Census of Population included in the Daily.
A portrait of Canada's families
Release date: August 12, 2022
This American Sign Language video highlights families data from the third release of the 2021 Census of Population included in the Daily.
Census: Partners using our data, Part 2
Release date: July 20, 2022
Our valued partners highlight how Census data is used by their organizations.
2021 Census: Sex at birth and gender - the whole picture
Release date: April 6, 2022
This video presents information on the new gender question in the 2021 Census and the added precision of 'at birth' to the sex question. It highlights the importance of these modifications for greater data inclusivity and the benefits for all individuals in Canada.
Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohorts (CanCHECs): Creation of a new health surveillance program
Release date: December 18, 2019
This video describes a new health surveillance program at Statistics Canada: The Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohort (CanCHEC).
Release date: October 24, 2012
Annie Turner, Analyst, presents a national overview of the language data, 2011 Census.
- Archived – Video: Language Archived
Families, Households, and Marital Status
Release date: September 19, 2012
Anne Milan, Sociologist, presents a national overview of the family, household and marital status data, 2011 Census.
Age and Sex
Release date: May 29, 2012
Laurent Martel, Demography Expert, presents an overview of the age and sex data, 2011 Census, at the national level.
- Archived – Video: Age and Sex Archived
Population and Dwelling Counts
Release date: February 8, 2012
Laurent Martel, Demography Expert, presents the highlights of the 2011 Census Population and dwelling counts.
National Household Survey
Aboriginal Peoples
Release date: May 8, 2013
Annie Turner, Analyst, presents a brief portrait of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, 2011 National Household Survey.
- Archived – Video: Aboriginal Peoples Archived
Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity
Release date: May 8, 2013
Tina Chui, Sociologist, presents a brief overview of immigration and ethnocultural diversity in Canada, 2011 National Household Survey.
Release date: June 26, 2013
Sarah Jane Ferguson, Analyst, presents a brief portrait of education in Canada, 2011 National Household Survey.
- Archived – Video: Education Archived
Release date: June 26, 2013
Vincent Ferrao, Analyst, presents a brief overview of labour in Canada, 2011 National Household Survey.
- Archived – Video: Labour Archived
Release date: September 11, 2013
Brian Murphy, Economist, presents a brief portrait of income in Canada, 2011 National Household Survey.
- Archived – Video: Income Archived
Release date: September 11, 2013
Jerry Situ, Senior analyst, presents a brief overview of housing in Canada, 2011 National Household Survey.
- Archived – Video: Housing Archived
Community Fire Risk Reduction
Release date: August 17, 2022
Community Fire Risk Reduction Dashboard: A geospatial tool to identify at-risk neighbourhoods and to target fire prevention
New Canadian International Merchandise Trade (CIMT) Web Application
Release date: October 5, 2021
Discover this modern tool which will provide Statistics Canada's trade data users with a number of enhancements, including access to the full 8-digit (exports) and 10-digit (imports) Harmonized System product categories, as well as insights on CIMT in a more user-friendly, efficient and visually appealing manner.
How to use the data tables
Release date: June 2, 2018
Discover the new display and functionality of Statistics Canada data tables
Statistics Canada Recruitment for Youth
Release date: November 15, 2022
Your work environment is what you make it, and we want the youth of today to shape the future of our organization. This video showcases various career paths one could take within Statistics Canada.
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