In 2021/2022, 64% of people in Canada said they were hopeful about the future, down from 75% in 2016.
Some population groups had below-average levels of hopefulness. For example, persons with a disability, difficulty or long-term condition were less likely to feel hopeful about the future. Also among those feeling less hopeful were LGBTQ2+ people and people who live alone.
This decline could be tied to the disruption and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as economic and social challenges, such as experiences of unemployment, increasing cost of living, or discrimination.
Factors associated with a sense of hopefulness included living in larger households with children and having a strong sense of belonging to a local community.
These data come from the 2016 General Social Survey, as well as the Canadian Social Survey—one of Statistics Canada’s latest initiatives—which collects information on a variety of social topics such as health, well-being, impacts of COVID-19, activities, time use, and emergency preparedness.
For more information, check out our new infographic on Hopefulness in Canada.
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