Snow-capped mountains are part of the natural beauty in many parts of the country. Canada’s highest peak is Mount Logan, which reaches 5,959 metres in elevation and is hidden away in the St. Elias Mountains of Yukon. Mount Logan stands alongside 17 of Canada’s 20 highest peaks, all located in Kluane National Park and Reserve, a popular tourist destination in southwestern Yukon.
Nationally, tourists spent $96.0 billion in 2017. Tourism’s economic contribution varied across the provinces and territories, its share of gross domestic product ranging from 1.4% in Nunavut and Saskatchewan to 3.6% in Yukon. Greeting travellers from around the globe who come to explore Kluane’s impressive landscape, these Canadian peaks will stand prouder than ever tomorrow, representing Canada in celebration of International Mountain Day (December 11, 2021).
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