Have you heard? This summer, the world’s biggest event in statistics and data science is coming to Canada! The 64th International Statistical Institute’s (ISI) World Statistics Congress (WSC) will be held in Ottawa, Ontario, from July 16 to July 20, 2023. StatsCAN Plus had the pleasure of catching up with Conchita Kleijweg, Director of the ISI, to get the scoop on the conference and what to look forward to.
Statistical science for a better world
Since its foundation in 1885, the ISI has upheld the same mission: to foster collaboration among statisticians and data scientists around the world to make statistics more meaningful and impactful.
The WSC, held every two years since 1887, has been a critical catalyst for this mission. “What we're doing with our international conferences—it's about networking, really meeting and sharing knowledge, the latest scientific insights and best practices,” says Kleijweg.
With more than 200 events planned, the WSC expects to bring more than 2,000 statisticians and data scientists from over 120 countries and from various backgrounds—such as academia, official statistics, health and business—together in an engaging environment. Attendees can look forward to a programme filled with insightful and engaging lectures, networking events, courses, and even satellite events.
Though contexts vary, “All around the world, you often have the same issues,” says Kleijweg. Today’s common concerns include misinformation, policy for artificial intelligence, climate change, inequality and more. These are some of the topics to be covered at the congress. “It is so interesting to learn from other countries as to how they are dealing with [such issues] and to give inspiration. We offer a platform with this [WSC] to do all these kinds of things.”
“[Most] of these scientific sessions are not just one person explaining their research, but they also invite panellist discussions to really interact, and have time for the audience to ask questions and to have discussions. So that’s also one way of really connecting and networking. It’s very accessible.” There will also be several small sessions: “We have 22 parallel rooms, so that’s really challenging, of course, because sometimes you want to go to one and the other, and how are you going to choose? Well, you have to make a choice!”
Supporting the statisticians and data scientists of tomorrow
Students and young professionals are also sure to benefit from the WSC, through the Young Statisticians event held on Saturday, July 15, as well as poster sessions and short courses offered at the University of Ottawa in the days before the conference.
Kleijweg and the ISI also aim to learn from and connect with the younger attendees to bolster the conference’s engagement efforts. “We are going to bring together about four to five young statisticians from different continents to work together as a group to create and post daily reports to our social media channels.” So, whether you will be in attendance or not, be sure to keep up with the daily updates on Twitter!
World Statistics Congress: More than just presentations
At this year’s congress, Kleijweg and the ISI hope to provide opportunities to connect through their social programmes, such as the opening ceremony and reception, gala dinner, and a walking tour through the host city. In addition to formal gathering spaces such as the ISI lounge, participants will be able to take advantage of an online platform to connect with one another, exchange ideas and arrange meetings: “We're going to make it very easy for people to connect and to find each other,” says Kleijweg.
Click here to learn more about the WSC and see the detailed programme. Interested in attending? It’s not too late to register! Click here for registration details.
Contact information
For more information, contact the Statistical Information Service (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; infostats@statcan.gc.ca) or Media Relations (statcan.mediahotline-ligneinfomedias.statcan@statcan.gc.ca).