Description - Food services and drinking places, April 2023
April 2023 sales (seasonally adjusted)
+ 0.7% to $7.7 billion
Sales were up after provinces fully lifted COVID restrictions, employees began returning to the workplace, and attendance at special events resumed.
Monthly sales, by industry
Special food services
$661.7 million
Limited-service restaurants
$3.5 billion
Full-service restaurants
$3.4 billion
Drinking places (alcoholic beverages)
$189.9 million
Sales in food services and drinking places
Largest monthly variations in dollars (seasonally adjusted), provinces and territories
British Columbia
$1.3 billion
$988.3 million
$3.1 billion
$1.5 billion
Year-over-year sales, April 2023 (not seasonally adjusted)
$7.5 billion
+12.3% from April 2022
+23.0% from April 2019 (pre-pandemic)
Price variations, April 2023 versus April 2022
Food purchased from restaurants
Alcoholic beverages served in licensed establishments
Note: For complete data, please see table 21-10-0019-01 Monthly survey of food services and drinking places and table 18-10-0004-13 Consumer Price Index by product group, monthly, percentage change, not seasonally adjusted, Canada, provinces, Whitehorse, Yellowknife and Iqaluit.
Sources: Statistics Canada, Monthly Survey of Food Services and Drinking Places, Consumer Price Index, April 2023.
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