We all know that everyone has different tastes, but it’s rare for someone not to like this delicious breakfast. In this article, we look at this kid-approved classic—pancakes topped with strawberries, blueberries and maple syrup—by the numbers. Sweet!
In recent years, some of the products used to make this popular breakfast have seen declines. Let’s take a look at what caused this.
In 2021, a total of 51.4 million litres of maple syrup and products were produced in Canada, down from 65.0 million litres in 2020. This decrease in production was the result of a shorter maple season, brought on by warm spring temperatures in the four maple-producing provinces.
Meanwhile, strawberry sales rose 1.0% year over year to $128.6 million in 2021. One reason is that u-pick activities have been very popular since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In contrast, because of the difficult growing conditions experienced in Western Canada, particularly the Prairies, total wheat production fell 38.5% to 21.7 million tonnes in 2021, the biggest ever year-over-year decline in yield.
Nevertheless, pancakes are here to stay, so let’s mark this day and whip up a batch!
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