On a balance-of-payments basis, the combined value of Canada’s imports increased 1.4% to $770.2 billion from 2022 to 2023, while exports decreased by the same percentage to $768.3 billion.
Moderating this decline was the $7.6 billion worth of exports to the Netherlands, a 14.5% increase from 2022 to 2023. Among Canada’s top 10 principal trading partners, the Netherlands was one of two to see a yearly increase in total export value from Canada, along with China (+6.0% to $31.0 billion).
Energy products, metal ores and non-metallic minerals are the drivers
On a customs basis, Canada exported $2.4 billion worth of energy products to the Netherlands in 2023. This represented nearly one-third (32.3%) of the total export value to that country and was the largest contributor among the main product categories.
The value of energy products exported was up 88.3% from 2022, the largest increase among all main product categories. That rise was driven by an increase in crude oil and bitumen.
Metal ores and non-metallic minerals ($1.5 billion) and metal and non-metallic mineral products ($1.1 billion) ranked second and third, respectively, in export values, and both were up from 2022.
Electronics, motor vehicles and parts, and industrial machinery increase in export value
From 2022 to 2023, export value of electronic and electrical equipment and parts rose slightly to $408.6 million, while that of industrial machinery, equipment and parts were up to $331.5 million.
Exports value of motor vehicles and parts reached $173.6 million in 2023 (+39.8%), while aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts were valued at $93.0 million (+39.5%).
Consumer goods and other industrial products decline in value
The $679.2 million worth of consumer goods exported to the Netherlands in 2023 was down in value by nearly half (-47.6%) from 2022. This decrease was almost entirely due to the pharmaceutical and medicinal products group.
The $341.1 million worth of basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products was down from 2022 (-31.4%).
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