The Weekly Review, August 26 to 30, 2024

August 30, 2024, 2:00 p.m. (EDT)

Average commuting time in May 2024 returns to pre-pandemic levels

The number of commuters reached 16.5 million in May, continuing an upward trend that followed notable declines recorded during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. The number of commuters was up 585,000 (+3.7%) in May 2024 compared to May 2023, driven by employment growth (+373,000 or +1.9%) and by an increase in the share of the employed population working at locations other than home. By May 2024, the era of shorter commuting times had come to an end, as the average commute time to work for regular commuters was 26.4 minutes, on par with the previous high of 26.3 minutes reached in May 2016.

Source: More Canadians commuting in 2024

School-aged children and youth most likely to have visited an oral health professional in the past year

Approximately three in four Canadians aged 12 years and older (72%) reported during the period from November 2023 to March 2024 that they had visited an oral health professional in the past year. This was down from 75% in 2018 but up from 65% in 2022. School-aged children and youth aged 6 to 17 years (about 88%) were most likely to have visited an oral health care professional in the previous 12 months, while children younger than 6 years (52%) were least likely to have seen one.

Source: Dental visits returning to levels seen before the COVID-19 pandemic among Canadians in the provinces, 2023-2024

Wheat production is expected to increase in 2024 as yields rise

In 2024, Canadian farmers are projected to produce more wheat, canola, oats, and soybeans, but less corn for grain and barley, compared with 2023, according to recent yield model estimates using satellite imagery and agroclimatic data. In 2024, increased production for almost all crops is expected to be driven by higher yields because of overall better growing conditions in Western Canada as of the end of July, compared with a year earlier. Nationally, wheat production is projected to grow by 4.3% year over year to 34.4 million tonnes in 2024. The increase is expected to be led by higher yields, which are anticipated to rise by 5.9% to 48.5 bushels per acre.

Source: Model-based principal field crop estimates, July 2024

Real gross domestic product increases in the second quarter of 2024

Real gross domestic product increased 0.5% in the second quarter after rising 0.4% in the first quarter. Higher government final consumption expenditures, business investment in engineering structures and machinery and equipment, and household spending on services in the second quarter were moderated by declines in exports, residential construction and household spending on goods.

Source: Gross domestic product, income and expenditure, second quarter 2024  

Goods deficit increases in the second quarter of 2024

Canada's current account balance (on a seasonal adjusted basis) posted an $8.5 billion deficit in the second quarter, widening $3.1 billion from the previous quarter. This increase reflected a higher trade in goods deficit combined with a deterioration of the investment income balance and was partially offset by a lower trade in services deficit. The trade in goods and services balance posted a $5.4 billion deficit in the second quarter, a $1.1 billion increase from the first quarter. The growth was largely due to the larger increase in imports than in exports of goods.

Source: Canada's balance of international payments, second quarter 2024

Approximately three in four Canadians willing and able to provide care for a close family member with a serious illness

In 2021, Canadian seniors (65 years and older) constituted almost one-fifth (19%) of the overall population. In addition, the number of people living with life-limiting illnesses, including cancer, is increasing. In early 2024, most Canadians reported being willing and able to provide care for a close family member with a serious illness. Helping out with household activities (77%) was the leading type of support Canadians were willing and able to provide, followed by meal preparation (73%) and managing care (73%).

Source: Canadians care: How willing and able are Canadians to help those with a life-limiting illness

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