StatsCAN Plus

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Title Type Release date
Pie all day Article 2024-01-16
House plants: The gift that keeps on giving Article 2024-01-10
Busy bees in ‘23 Article 2024-01-02
For the love of potatoes! Databyte 2023-12-14
Stats that are local: Spending more on cocoa Article 2023-12-13
A Christmas sweater story spun from sheep data Article 2023-12-08
How much does it cost to make your favourite sandwich? Article 2023-12-07
Cheaper fertilizer and fuel help to slow price increases for farmers Article 2023-11-24
Pumpkin-spice up your life Databyte 2023-10-31
What’s the food environment in your neighbourhood? Databyte 2023-10-26
Rolled higher up: Taking stock of Canadian oats Article 2023-10-24
Not cheaper by the dozen: Prices, and other egg-cellent numbers Article 2023-10-13
Fall harvest: What’s in season? Databyte 2023-10-12
Thanksgiving foods: Which years have been the most plentiful? Article 2023-10-06
Stats for the coffee bean-counters Article 2023-09-29
Canadian fertilizer filling a growing need Article 2023-09-27
Say cheese(burgers)! Databyte 2023-09-15
The grass was a little greener in the sod industry in 2022 Databyte 2023-09-11
Where the buffalo roam Databyte 2023-08-31
Is there a link between the proximity of restaurants and the frequency that Canadian youth dine out and drink sugary drinks? Article 2023-08-18
World to Canada: Pass the mustard Article 2023-08-11
Food Day Canada: Canadian farmers and fishers bring something special to the table Article 2023-08-04
Millions of peaches, peach stats for free Databyte 2023-08-02
It’s BBQ season! Infographic 2023-07-31
Over a billion reasons to wing this story Article 2023-07-28