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Title Type Release date
Flying high on National Bird Day Databyte 2022-01-05
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Canada Article 2022-01-04
International travel: we’re travelling more than in 2020, but still not as much as before the pandemic Databyte 2022-01-04
We wish you a happy and healthy holiday season! Announcement 2021-12-23
A nod to eggnog Databyte 2021-12-23
Sobering data on impaired driving this holiday season Article 2021-12-22
Maple syrup: The quintessential Canadian sweetener Databyte 2021-12-21
Providing and using child care in Canada Article 2021-12-20
Canadian peaks Databyte 2021-12-10
Cookies for all this weekend! Databyte 2021-12-10
Telework is changing the way we use transit Article 2021-12-08
Episode 2: Unravelling: Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian families Databyte 2021-12-08
Will you respond? Article 2021-12-07
Taking stock of the farm damage caused by flooding in British Columbia Article 2021-12-07
Family Matters Databyte 2021-12-06
How have Canadians been using the Internet during the COVID-19 pandemic? Article 2021-12-03
Curling up with a good book 2021-12-02
Automobiles and planes, but not trains: How Canadians have returned home during the pandemic Article 2021-12-02
Do your chores! Databyte 2021-12-02
Jumping into December Databyte 2021-12-01
A beautiful, sunny fall Article 2021-12-01
Canada’s most charitable metropolitan areas Article 2021-11-30
Prices are rising, but by how much? Article 2021-11-29
Let’s go (online) shopping! Databyte 2021-11-26
Get in touch with Statistics Canada—we’re here to help! Databyte 2021-11-25