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Title Type Release date
Wool you look at these knit-picked numbers Article 2022-12-15
Agog about eggnog, and the grog that adds punch Databyte 2022-12-08
Countin’ around the Christmas tree, let statistics spirit ring Article 2022-12-06
Growing and raising costs for farmers Article 2022-11-29
Portraits of French-speaking communities across the country 2022-11-07
Halloween by the numbers Databyte 2022-10-31
Peeling back the numbers: Canada’s apple statistics Databyte 2022-10-28
World Food Day: Feeding Canadians and those abroad Article 2022-10-14
Thanksgiving in Canada: stuffing you full of statistics Databyte 2022-10-06
Inflation taking a bite out of breakfast Databyte 2022-10-06
Drought drags down Saskatchewan economy in 2021 Article 2022-09-23
The road to zero contact: The AgZero initiative aims to produce the same great data with less burden Article 2022-08-29
Quebec farmers help make breakfast sweet Databyte 2022-08-25
Can’t sleep, count sheep 2022-08-23
The bee-list: honey, here’s some data from across the Canadian pollination Article 2022-08-10
Corn, sweet corn Article 2022-08-05
Getting out to the “green gym” Databyte 2022-07-08
A sweet (data) bite: Canada’s love for chocolate Databyte 2022-07-07
Strawberry fields forever? Article 2022-07-04
A Canada Day with local flavour Databyte 2022-06-30
More Canadian wheat would sure be sweet Article 2022-06-29
Check out our new Sustainable Development Goals infographics! Infobyte 2022-06-24
A gouda’mount of data—all you need to know about cheese Article 2022-06-03
Ready, set, garden! Article 2022-05-20
Do you mix me yet? 2022-05-13