The following supplementary information tables are available on Statistics Canada's website:
Reporting on green procurement
This supplementary information table supports reporting on green procurement activities in accordance with the Policy on Green Procurement.
1. Context
Although Statistics Canada is not bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act and is not required to develop a full Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy, Statistics Canada adheres to the principles of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) by complying with the Policy on Green Procurement.
The Policy on Green Procurement supports the Government of Canada's effort to promote environmental stewardship. In keeping with the objectives of the policy, Statistics Canada supports sustainable development by integrating environmental performance considerations into the procurement decision‑making process through the actions described in the 2019 to 2022 FSDS "Greening Government" goal.
2. Commitments
Greening Government: The Government of Canada will transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient and green operations.
Federal Sustainable Development Strategy target(s) |
Federal Sustainable Development Strategy contributing action(s) |
Corresponding departmental action(s) |
Starting point(s), performance indicator(s), target(s) |
Results achieved |
Contribution by each departmental result to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy goal and target |
Actions supporting the Greening Government goal and the Policy on Green Procurement
Departments will use environmental criteria to reduce their environmental impact and ensure best value in government procurement decisions.
- Integrate environmental considerations into procurement management processes and controls.
- Ensure paper purchased by Statistics Canada is made from recycled material.
- To reduce waste generated and minimize the environmental impacts of assets throughout their lifecycle, Statistics Canada will continue to embed environmental considerations in public procurement in accordance with the Policy on Green Procurement.
- Copy paper purchased by Statistics Canada contains a minimum of 30% recycled content and has a forest certification, ECOLOGO certification or equivalent certification.
- Statistics Canada incorporates environmental considerations into all public procurement by releasing all solicitations electronically, accepting electronic bids, and using existing procurement instruments available through Public Services and Procurement Canada that include environmental considerations.
- 100% of copy paper purchased contains a minimum of 30% recycled content and is certified to a recognized environmental standard to reduce the environmental impact of its production.
Motivate suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of their goods, services and supply chains.
Departments will adopt clean technology and undertake clean technology demonstration projects.
Support for green procurement will be strengthened, including guidance, tools and training for public service employees.
- Ensure that decision makers and materiel management and procurement specialists have the necessary training and awareness to support green procurement.
- Ensure that key officials include support for and contributions to the Government of Canada's Policy on Green Procurement objectives in their performance evaluations.
- 100% of specialists in procurement and materiel management have completed training on green procurement.
- Performance evaluations of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management include support for and contributions to green procurement in the given fiscal year.
- 100% of specialists in procurement and materiel management have completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course (C215) or equivalent.
- 100% of performance evaluations of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management are aligned to support the objectives of the Government of Canada Policy on Green Procurement.
Motivate suppliers to green their goods, services and supply chain.
3. Report on integrating sustainable development
During the 2020–21 reporting cycle, Statistics Canada had no proposals that required a strategic environmental assessment and no public statements were produced.
Gender-based Analysis Plus
Section 1: Institutional Gender-based Analysis Plus capacity
As Canada's national statistical agency, Statistics Canada ensures Canadians have the information they need on Canada's economy, society and environment. With the importance of Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) steadily increasing over the past several years, the need for more detailed statistical information and disaggregated data has also increased. To best support its data users—including other government departments—and better its own organizational and accountability outcomes, Statistics Canada continues to increase its GBA+ capacity across the agency.
A significant GBA+ milestone occurred in 2018–19 with the development of Statistics Canada's Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics, which is responsible for reporting to Canadians and other government departments, generating new information, and building statistical capacity. To reach these objectives, the Centre developed a public-facing Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub, allowing data users to easily access and analyze Statistics Canada's GBA+ data holdings. The Centre is well placed to ensure that the agency is exercising leadership both internally and externally.
Within the agency, the Centre conducts GBA+ training, and all Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board submissions continue to include a GBA+ analysis and commitment to disaggregate data to the fullest extent possible. Externally, the Centre supports federal departments in their commitment to GBA+ analysis through data development and capacity building. In 2020–21, to further the availability of information on gender, diversity and inclusion, the agency worked extensively with Women and Gender Equality Canada to conduct research, training and other initiatives related to GBA+.
Statistics Canada strives to build a workforce that is representative of the Canadian population and continues to set objectives to further diversify and enrich its talent pool at all levels throughout the agency.
In 2020–21, the agency recognized the importance of greater accountability through structured governance and reporting to employment equity committees. As a result, the agency introduced the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Accountability Framework to better serve its employees and community through clearly identified roles and responsibilities.
Finally, the agency continued the development of two action plans to improve diversity and inclusion within the workplace—the 2021–25 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan: Moving Forward Together, and the Integrity and Respect Action Plan. These action plans are dynamic and data-driven strategies that include concrete measures, processes and tools designed to promote diversity and inclusion, eliminate systemic barriers in appointment processes, and increase representation across the agency.
Section 2: Gender and diversity impacts by program
Core responsibility: Statistical information
Program name: Economic and Environmental Statistics
The Economic and Environmental Statistics program produces a wide range of economic and environmental statistics such as national and international accounts, manufacturing, wholesale, retail, research and development, price indexes, finance, tourism, transportation, agriculture, and the environment.
Target population: All Canadians
Key impacts:
Economic and Environmental Statistics: Key impacts
Performance indicators |
Observed results 2020–21 |
Data source |
Comment |
Availability of economic and environmental analytical products relevant to GBA+ |
Number of Economic and Environmental Statistics analytical products and insights relevant to GBA+ and made available on Statistics Canada's website
Description: This indicator measures the number of Economic and Environmental Statistics analytical products and insights (e.g., research articles, studies, fact sheets) relevant to GBA+ released through The Daily and made available on the Statistics Canada website. GBA+ factors used to calculate this indicator include one or more of the following: sex or gender, Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, people with disabilities, immigrants, people who identify as LGBTQ2+, and those living in rural areas.
45 |
Statistics Canada website |
None |
As part of the agency's commitment to making GBA+ disaggregated data available to Canadians, the Economic and Environmental Statistics program accomplished the following in 2020–21:
- National Economic Accounts program: To support the economic participation and prosperity pillar of the Gender Results Framework, the human resources modules for the infrastructure accounts and selected satellite accounts (natural resources, environment) contain detailed breakdowns for men and women.
- Corporations Returns Act: In March 2021, Statistics Canada released new data on the gender composition of corporate boards in Canada in 2017 and 2018. These data highlight women in leadership and strategic decision-making roles in corporations that conduct business in Canada.
GBA+ data collection plan:
In 2020–21, Statistics Canada continued to identify and address data gaps across its statistical programs. Statistics Canada responded by enhancing existing survey programs and integrating data sources to enable reporting on key population groups. Measures taken included integrating existing data sources, developing new survey questions, oversampling key population groups to allow for disaggregation and adding indicators to existing surveys.
Statistics Canada is currently developing a set of key performance indicators to measure the availability of disaggregated data relevant to GBA+ and exploring the possibility of measuring the relevance and impact of the data.
Core responsibility: Statistical information
Program name: Socio-economic Statistics
The Socio-economic Statistics program provides integrated information and relevant analysis on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of individuals, families and households, as well as on the major factors that affect their well-being. Many of the statistical products produced allow for GBA+ analyses for key population groups.
Target population: All Canadians
Key impacts:
Socio-economic Statistics: Key impacts
Performance indicators |
Observed results 2020–21 |
Data source |
Comment |
Initiatives that support GBA+ capacity building |
Number of GBA+ consultations, training sessions and presentations conducted by the agency for external stakeholders
Description: This indicator measures the number of GBA+ capacity building activities conducted by the agency for external stakeholders. |
18 |
Administrative data contained in an Excel spreadsheet titled "Number of GBA+ consultations" |
None |
Availability of socio-economic analytical products relevant to GBA+ |
Number of Socio-economic Statistics analytical products and insights relevant to GBA+ and made available on Statistics Canada's website
Description: This indicator measures the number of Socio-economic Statistics analytical products and insights (e.g., research articles, studies, fact sheets) relevant to GBA+ released through The Daily and made available on the Statistics Canada website. GBA+ factors used to calculate this indicator include one or more of the following: sex or gender, Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, people with disabilities, immigrants, people who identify as LGBTQ2+, and those living in rural areas. |
224 |
Statistics Canada website |
None |
Number of Gender Results Framework indicators released by sex or gender
Description: This indicator measures the number of sex or gender disaggregated data tables, which correspond to Gender Results Framework indicators, made available through the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub. |
36 |
Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub |
This represents 84% of the Gender Results Framework indicators. |
Number of Gender Results Framework indicators released by sex or gender and other identity factor
Description: This indicator measures the number of data tables disaggregated by sex or gender and other identity factors, which correspond to Gender Results Framework indicators, made available through the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub. |
7 |
Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub |
This represents 16% of the Gender Results Framework indicators. |
Number of GBA+ socio-economic products related to the impacts of COVID-19
Description: This indicator measures the number of analytical products related to the impacts of COVID-19 on diverse population groups in Canada that have been made available. |
15 |
Administrative data from Diversity and Sociocultural Statistics |
None |
Number of page visits to the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub
Description: This indicator measures the number of page visits to the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub in a given fiscal year. |
47,024 |
Adobe Analytics |
None |
Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics: The creation of the Centre in 2018–19 brought together much of the agency's GBA+ expertise, and its Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub centralized resources relevant to GBA+; promoted and provided greater access to research and detailed statistical information, including data disaggregated by sex, gender and other diversity characteristics; and reported on the Government of Canada's Gender Results Framework indicators.
Given the importance of statistical standards in the agency's work, the Centre released an infographic defining what statistical standards are and their importance. Moreover, the Centre, in collaboration with the Centre for Statistical and Data Standards, began developing a standard for measuring sexual orientation and completed the first round of consultations with experts within the federal government, academia and community organizations in early 2020. The second phase, which included 17 focus groups, took place in summer 2020. Since late January 2021, the proposed sexual orientation standards have been available for public review. A final round of qualitative testing will take place in late March 2021. This work is ongoing.
In collaboration with other government departments, Statistics Canada played a substantive role in filling important data gaps and making national standards available. Furthermore, recognizing the increasing need for GBA+ disaggregated data, the Centre worked with other Statistics Canada program areas to develop strategic priorities and an action plan to ensure that the data needed to disaggregate at the lowest level of population or geographic detail possible were available, while meeting quality requirements and respecting confidentiality. The action plan proposal outlined the need for data to be disaggregated by gender, for Indigenous peoples, people with disabilities and people in groups designated as visible minorities. Additional disaggregation priorities include people who identify as LGBTQ2+, children and youth, seniors, immigrants, veterans, people living in minority official language communities, and those living in low-income situations.
In addition, as part of the agency's commitment to making GBA+ disaggregated data available to Canadians, the Socio-economic Statistics program had the following key developments in 2020–21:
- Social inclusion program: From the funding provided by Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy, Diversity and Sociocultural Statistics continued to work on developing its conceptual framework on social inclusion, including a large number of social inclusion indicators based on 2016 Census data (to be later updated with 2021 Census data) and data from other surveys such as the General Social Survey. Work continues to progress on this project. These indicators will be presented in the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub using a new disaggregated classification of ethnocultural groups that combines the population group question with the ethnic and cultural origin question. Work is currently underway on the Social Indicators Visualization Project to produce indicators that will be used in a new interactive tool presented on the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub.
- General Social Survey on Social Identity: The new cycle of the General Social Survey on Social Identity will allow for the disaggregation of data for some specific ethnocultural groups.
- Labour Force Survey: The survey was updated in July 2020 to begin collecting information on the labour market activities of population groups designated as visible minorities.
- Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics: The agency published 11 justice-related analytical reports and 34 fact sheets from a GBA+ perspective. In addition, the agency engaged with police, academics and community groups to develop new variables to capture more detailed information on hate-motivated crime. Gender and selected diversity indicators are available on the accused and victim files.
Supplementary information sources:
Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub
GBA+ data collection plan:
In 2020–21, Statistics Canada continued to identify and address data gaps across its statistical programs. Statistics Canada responded by enhancing existing survey programs and integrating data sources to enable reporting on key population groups. Measures taken included integrating existing data sources, developing new survey questions, oversampling key population groups to allow for disaggregation and adding indicators to existing surveys.
Statistics Canada is currently developing a set of key performance indicators to measure the availability of disaggregated data relevant to GBA+ and exploring the possibility of measuring the relevance and impact of the data.
Core responsibility: Statistical information
Program name: Cost-recovered Statistical Services
Through the Cost-recovered Statistical Services program, Statistics Canada conducts special surveys to gather new data; produces high-quality statistics that are currently not part of the agency's data holdings; and conducts on-demand special analytical projects to meet specific needs of federal, provincial and territorial institutions and other clients.
Target population: All Canadians
Key impacts:
At this time, indicators for cost-recovered products are included in their respective program area (i.e., Economic and Environmental Statistics, Socio-economic Statistics, Centres of Expertise) and not identified separately.
In 2020–21, the Cost-recovered Statistical Services program had requests from a few departments to produce statistical information with a focus on GBA+ analysis.
- Funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada:
- Economic analysis projects focused on human capital by gender, gross domestic product by gender, the performance gaps between women-owned and men-owned enterprises, Black business owners, and people with disabilities and business ownership in Canada.
- Social analysis projects focused on gender differences in science, technology, engineering and math enrolment and graduation; education and work experiences of women with disabilities; fathers' use of parental leave; gender gaps and characteristics of elected and appointed members of legislative bodies; and neighbourhoods, vulnerable populations and well-being across genders.
- Health analysis projects focused on the extent to which the timing and the type of abuse are associated with receiving social assistance in adulthood, and whether there are differential effects of abuse on the probability of receiving social welfare according to the sex of the individual.
- Funded by Employment and Social Development Canada, information was provided related to early learning and child care, which has a strong effect on women as it impacts their participation in the labour force and they make up a majority of the child care workforce.
- Funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, information was provided focusing onspecific immigrant groups in the labour market (including during the pandemic), predicting factors for employment earnings, and trends in the number and characteristics of international students in Canada.
GBA+ data collection plan:
In 2020–21, Statistics Canada continued to identify and address data gaps across its statistical programs. Statistics Canada responded by enhancing existing survey programs and integrating data sources to enable reporting on key population groups. Measures taken included integrating existing data sources, developing new survey questions, oversampling key population groups to allow for disaggregation and adding indicators to existing surveys.
Statistics Canada is currently developing a set of key performance indicators to measure the availability of disaggregated data relevant to GBA+ and exploring the possibility of measuring the relevance and impact of the data.
Core responsibility: Statistical information
Program name: Census Program
The Census Program provides statistical information and analyses that measure changes in the Canadian population and its demographic characteristics, and in the agricultural sector. The program includes the Census of Population and the Census of Agriculture.
Target population: All Canadians
Key impacts:
Census Program: Key impacts
Performance indicators |
Observed results 2016 Census |
Data source |
Comment |
Availability of Census Program indicators relevant to GBA+ |
Number of GBA+ factors for which Census of Population statistical products are disaggregated
Description: This indicator measures the number of GBA+ factors for which the Census of Population statistical products are made available on Statistics Canada's website.
16 |
Statistics Canada website |
Factors included are:
- Indigenous peoples
- Age and sex
- Education
- Families, households and marital status
- Housing
- Immigration and ethnocultural diversity
- Income
- Labour
- Language
- Language of work
- Mobility and migration
Percentage of Census of Population analytical products and insights relevant to GBA+ and made available on Statistics Canada's website
Description: This indicator measures the percentage of Census of Population products and insights (e.g., data tables, census profile, highlight tables) relevant to GBA+ released through The Daily and made available on the Statistics Canada website. GBA+ factors used to calculate this indicator include one or more of the following: age, sex, language, Indigenous peoples, education, immigration, income, etc.
100% |
Statistics Canada website |
All Census of Population products include one or more GBA+ factors. |
Number of GBA+ factors for which Census of Agriculture statistical products are disaggregated
Description: This indicator measures the number of GBA+ factors for which the Census of Agriculture statistical products are made available on Statistics Canada's website.
11 factors |
Statistics Canada website |
Factors included are:
- Sex
- Language
- Geography
- Income
- Age
- Education
- Indigenous peoples
- Immigration status
- Employment class
- Operating arrangement (e.g., ownership)
- Capital
Percentage of key users and clients satisfied with the level of detail in the census statistical products.
Description: This indicator measures the overall satisfaction of key users and clients with the level of detail available in the census statistical products they used. The level of detail is not exclusive to GBA+ factors. The question is answered on a five-point satisfaction scale (very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, and very satisfied). Only the responses of satisfied and very satisfied are included in the result.
75% |
Census Dissemination Consultation |
None |
The 2021 Census of Population added and modified more than 30 questions that measure concepts such as immigration, language group, ethnic origin and visible minority status, as well as new questions for Métis and Inuit. These indicators allow for robust intersectional analysis across all key identity characteristics, age groups and geographies.
Supplementary information sources:
2021 Census questionnaires
GBA+ data collection plan:
In 2020–21, Statistics Canada continued to identify and address data gaps across its statistical programs. Statistics Canada responded by enhancing existing survey programs and integrating data sources to enable reporting on key population groups. Measures taken included integrating existing data sources, developing new survey questions, oversampling key population groups to allow for disaggregation and adding indicators to existing surveys.
Statistics Canada is currently developing a set of key performance indicators to measure the availability of disaggregated data relevant to GBA+ and exploring the possibility of measuring the relevance and impact of the data.
Core responsibility: Statistical information
Program name: Centres of Expertise
The Centres of Expertise support all Statistics Canada programs to ensure that Canadian citizens, businesses, governments, universities and other institutions have access to the most detailed, timely and accurate information at the lowest cost possible—both in terms of dollars and response burden—while protecting the privacy of their information. The Centres undertake innovative research, analysis and data development activities and continually seek new data sources, leading-edge methods and systems, cost-effective operations, and new statistical products to address the current and future information needs of Canadians.
Target population: All Canadians
Key impacts:
Census Program: Key impacts
Performance indicators |
Observed results |
Data source |
Comment |
Availability of analytical products relevant to GBA+ produced by Statistics Canada's Centres of Expertise |
Number of Centres of Expertise analytical products and insights relevant to GBA+ and made available on Statistics Canada's website
Description: This indicator measures the number of Centres of Expertise analytical products and insights (e.g., research articles, studies, fact sheets) relevant to GBA+ released through The Daily and made available on the Statistics Canada website. GBA+ factors used to calculate this indicator include one or more of the following: sex or gender, Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, people with disabilities, immigrants, people who identify as LGBTQ2+ and those living in rural areas.
63 |
Statistics Canada website |
None |
In 2020–21, as part of the agency's commitment to make GBA+ disaggregated data available to Canadians, the Centres of Expertise program had the following key developments:
- Sustainable development goals:
Statistics Canada updated data for the Global Indicator Framework, which includes disaggregation and published 17 fact sheets. Additionally, to monitor progress on national priorities, Statistics Canada developed and released the Canadian Indicator Framework, which includes 76 indicators and GBA+-relevant disaggregation.
- Economic analysis focused on statistical information on private enterprises by gender of primary owner, age of primary owner and enterprise size. Statistics on hours worked, labour compensation and other labour market information by gender, education, age, and paid versus self-employed were updated and used for calculating the contribution of labour skills to productivity and economic growth.
- Health analysis: The 2016 Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohort was updated with deaths from 2016 to 2019 to allow the use of detailed information (e.g., age, sex, ethnicity). In addition, four GBA+-relevant papers using an immigration lens or a quality-of-life lens were published. Other reports completed include hospitalizations and mortality among immigrant men and women, among Indigenous men and women, and, in some instances, among various ethnic groups.
Social analysis: The Centres further developed income-tax-related data sources in terms of data validation, additional linkage feasibility, and the retrospective addition of a gender variable to files (1983 to 2018). New indicators were developed to measure multi-dimensional income mixing and distribution at the neighbourhood level, and social inclusion across a set of economic, social and health variables.
A number of intersectional research projects that examined the gender pay gap, economic and labour market trends among diverse groups, and educational and social outcomes such as life satisfaction of women, racialized groups, seniors, youth, and immigrants were published.
As part of Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy, two research projects were completed on the economic participation of racialized groups, including differences in weekly earnings of men and women in designated visible minority categories and differences across broad workplace sectors (e.g., private versus public, large versus small firms).
- Social Policy Simulation Database and Model: Three COVID-19-specific versions of the Social Policy Simulation Database and Model were released. The models allow users to analyze the distributional effects of tax and transfer policies across a number of dimensions, including gender.
Supplementary information sources:
Sustainable Development Goals Data Hub
GBA+ data collection plan:
In 2020–21, Statistics Canada continued to identify and address data gaps across its statistical programs. Statistics Canada responded by enhancing existing survey programs and integrating data sources to enable reporting on key population groups. Measures taken included integrating existing data sources, developing new survey questions, oversampling key population groups to allow for disaggregation and adding indicators to existing surveys.
Statistics Canada is currently developing a set of key performance indicators to measure the availability of disaggregated data relevant to GBA+ and exploring the possibility of measuring the relevance and impact of the data.
Section 3: Program links to Gender Results Framework
Core responsibility: Statistical information
Program links to Gender Results Framework
Program name |
Education and skills development |
Economic participation and prosperity |
Leadership and democratic participation |
Gender-based violence and access to justice |
Poverty reduction, health and well-being |
Gender equality around the worldTable note 1 |
Economic and Environmental Statistics |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Socio-economic Statistics |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Cost-recovered Statistical Services |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Census Program |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Centres of Expertise |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
- Table note 1
Statistics Canada disseminates Gender Results Framework indicators via the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub. At present, Statistics Canada does not report on indicators related to gender equality around the world.
Return to table note 1 referrer
Section 4: Program links to Quality of Life Framework
Core responsibility: Statistical information
Program links to Quality of Life Framework
Prosperity |
Health |
Environment |
Society |
Good governance |
Economic and Environmental Statistics |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Socio-economic Statistics |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Cost-recovered Statistical ServicesTable note 1 |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Census ProgramTable note 2 |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Centres of Expertise |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
- Table note 1
Further examination is required to assess the feasibility of using cost-recovered statistical services to produce health-, environment- and society-related indicators within the Quality of Life Framework.
Return to table note 1 referrer
- Table note 2
Further examination is required to assess the feasibility of using the Census of Population or Census of Agriculture to produce environment-related indicators within the Quality of Life Framework.
Return to table note 2 referrer
Response to parliamentary committees and external audits
Response to parliamentary committees
There were no parliamentary committee reports requiring a response in 2020–21.
Response to audits conducted by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada (including audits conducted by the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development)
There were no audits in 2020–21 requiring a response.
Response to audits conducted by the Public Service Commission of Canada or the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
There were no audits in 2020–21 requiring a response.