Type of private household, category

The data for this variable are reported using the following classification(s) and/or list(s):

'Type' refers to a general character, form, or a characteristic that distinguishes a particular group or class of things.

In the context of household, type refers to the types of groupings of persons and living arrangements found in private households.

'Private household' refers to a person or group of persons who occupy the same dwelling and do not have a usual place of residence elsewhere in Canada or abroad. The household universe is divided into two sub-universes on the basis of whether the household is occupying a collective dwelling or a private dwelling. The latter is a private household.

Note: In the 2011 National Household Survey, 'Type of private household' is referred to as 'Household Type'.

Size of private household, category

The data for this variable are reported using the following classification(s) and/or list(s):

  • Household size
  • 'Number of persons (one or more)' is expressed as a number ranging from one to the maximum number on the file.

'Size' refers to the number of persons or things in the statistical unit or to its physical dimensions.

In the context of household, size refers to the number of persons residing in private households. Collective households and households outside Canada are not included.

'Private household' refers to a person or group of persons who occupy the same dwelling and do not have a usual place of residence elsewhere in Canada or abroad. The household universe is divided into two sub-universes on the basis of whether the household is occupying a collective dwelling or a private dwelling. The latter is a private household.

Note: In the 2011 National Household Survey, 'Size of private household' is referred to as 'Household size'.

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Tuition and living accommodation costs for full-time students at Canadian degree granting institutions (TLAC)
For the academic year 2013-2014

Centre for Education Statistics
April 2014

Completed questionnaire must be returned by June 14, 2013

If you require further information or assistance in completing this questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact Nicole Paquin at (613) 951- 4311 (Nicole.Paquin@statcan.gc.ca).

I. Introduction

A. Description

The Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs for Full-time Students at Canadian Degree-granting Institutions Survey was developed to provide student financial information (tuition fees and living accommodation costs) on all universities and degree-granting colleges in Canada.

This information:

  • gives stakeholders, the public and students an annual guide to tuition costs as well as providing information on trends in tuition fees;
  • contributes to a better understanding of the student financial position for that level of education;
  • helps in the development of policies in this sector;
  • is used to calculate the Consumer Price Index;
  • facilitates interprovincial comparisons;
  • facilitates comparisons across institutions.

B. Reference period

The actual cycle of this survey is for the 2013-2014 academic year.

C. Population

The target population is all public degree-granting institutions (universities and colleges) in Canada.

Please note that the survey is targeting institutions that have degree granting status for the school year 2013-2014. Institutions that do not have degree granting status should be excluded, even if they provide portions of programs that lead to a degree granted by another institution. The survey is being limited to institutions whose operations are primarily funded by provincial governments. Institutions without any grants from the Education department (and those who receive Grants from the Health department only) are not included.

Note: For universities participating for the first time and for colleges and university-colleges offering degrees, please fill in the questionnaire for degree programs only (not for other certificate or diploma programs offered).

D. Field of study

The fields of study classification for both graduate and undergraduate programs are adapted from the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2000, Statistics Canada's standard for field of study classification. The CIP's structure comprises several groupings developed jointly by Statistics Canada and the National Center for Education Statistics in the USA. It is based on work undertaken as part of the creation of the North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) by Canada, the United States and Mexico.

The adapted groupings are

For undergraduate programs:

  • Education
  • Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies
  • Humanities
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Law
  • Business, Management and Public Administration
  • Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies
  • Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Architecture and Related Technologies
  • Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation
  • Dentistry
  • Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Health (other than Medicine), Parks, Recreation and Fitness
  • Personal, Protective and Transportation Services
  • Other

For graduate programs:

  • All the undergraduate program groupings plus;
  • Executive MBA
  • Regular MBA

In order to report discipline fees in the right program, please refer to Appendix A: CIP groupings list for TLAC.

Most of the categories are straightforward, however please note those listed below as they have caused confusion in the past.

Tuition fees for

  • 31.0505 Kinesiology must be reported under Other Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness program
  • 31.0501 Health and Physical Education must be reported under Other Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness program
  • 03.0103 Environmental Studies must be reported under Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation program.
  • 03.0104 Environmental Sciences must be reported under Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation program.

Note: Dental, Medical and Veterinary Residency Programs offered in teaching hospitals and similar locations that may lead to advanced professional certification are excluded.

More information on the classification structure

E. Submission Date

The completed questionnaire must be returned by June 14, 2013 by uploading the file back in the Secure Internet Site (E-File transfer Service). For the Authorization to release data form, (page 7 of the document) please print it, sign it and return by fax at (613) 951-0709 or 1-800-755-5514.

If you require further information or assistance in completing this questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact Nicole Paquin at (613) 951- 4311 (Nicole.Paquin@statcan.gc.ca).

II. Instructions


Whenever possible, final fees and living accommodation costs should be reported. If they have not yet been determined, your best estimate should be reported and the box showing that these are estimated fees for 2013-2014 should be checked.

Note: For reporting fees with decimals, please use a dot only (not a comma).
(For example $2415.45)

Although tuition fees and living accommodation costs can be reported on any basis, tables produced by Statistics Canada will reflect an academic year of two semesters, eight months or 30 credits in order to create a basis for comparison.

In situations where the institutions are not reporting tuition on an academic year basis, the following adjustments will be made to the data.

In order to report them on an academic year basis:

  • Semester (Figures will be multiplied by two for two semesters/ year)
  • Per credit (We will assume 30 credits/year and multiply X 30)

Previous year data for 2011-2012 of each part has been pre-filled. Please take time to verify data and make any required changes.

Part A: Tuition fees for full-time students

When reporting “Tuition fees per full-time students” in part A, only the cost of tuition should be reported. Do not include additional fees for materials or equipment. If such program specific fees exist, please make a note in the area provided for comments.

The “Canadian Students” category in Part A includes Canadian citizens, permanent residents and all other students paying the regular fees. If fees are different for foreign students, please indicate in the comments section the rules determining how a student is classified as foreign.

For Quebec and Nova-Scotia, the Lower fees are for students with their permanent address in the province and the Upper fees represent those for students having an out-of-province permanent address.

Part B: Additional Compulsory fees for full-time Canadian Students

In part B, please report compulsory fees for full-time Canadian students in the first row of the table.  Fees that differ according to field of study should be reported in the specific program rows below.

Important note: “Partial” compulsory fees such as Health Plan and Dental Plan fees that can be opted out by a student if proof of comparable coverage is presented should not be included in the compulsory fees but only indicated in the comments section.

Part C: Living accommodation costs at residences/housing

In part C, if it is not possible to separate the room and the meal plan costs for single students, only a total should be shown.

III. Definitions

Tuition Fees

Tuition that is charged to a full-time student (with a full load of 30 credits per year).

Compulsory fees

Fees that cover a range of services that varies from university to university, year to year, and even faculty to faculty or school to school within the same university. They include general fees (admission, registration, examination,, internship, etc.), technology fees, student services fees, student association fees, contributions to student activities, copyright fees, premiums for compulsory insurance plans, fees for athletics and recreational activities, and various other fees (transcript, degree, laboratory, uniform, etc.).

These fees are those that all students within each applicable program grouping category must pay. An example of fees that do not apply to everybody are Laboratory Fees that are charged for classes with labs and is for the cost of laboratory materials and supplies used by a student.

Excluded are ‘partial’ compulsory fees such as Health Plan and Dental Plan fees that can be opted out by a student if proof of comparable coverage is presented.

Athletics fees

Mandatory fees to support intercollegiate athletics covering athletics facilities, and campus recreation (intramurals, fitness and recreation courses, etc.)

Health Services fees

Mandatory fees to support the on-campus clinic facilities which provide the services of doctors and nurses.

Reminder:  “Partial” compulsory fees such as Health Plan and Dental Plan fees that can be opted out by a student if proof of comparable coverage is presented should not be included in the compulsory fees but only indicated in the comments section.  

Student Association fees

Mandatory fees supporting the general operating expenses of the association.

IV. Suggestions for improvements

Statistics Canada would welcome any suggestions for changes in the survey which you may wish to propose.
1-800-307-3382 or 613-951-7608

Appendix A : CIP grouping list for TLAC

1- Education

13. Education

13.01 Education, General
13.02 Bilingual, Multilingual and Multicultural Education
13.03 Curriculum and Instruction
13.04 Educational Administration and Supervision
13.05 Educational/Instructional Media Design
13.06 Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Research
13.07 International and Comparative Education
13.09 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
13.10 Special Education and Teaching
13.11 Student Counselling and Personnel Services
13.12 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods
13.13 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas
13.14 Teaching English or French as a Second or Foreign Language
13.15 Teaching Assistants/Aides
13.99 Education, Other

2- Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies

50. Visual and Performing Arts

50.01 Visual and Performing Arts, General
50.02 Crafts/Craft Design, Folk Art and Artisanry
50.03 Dance
50.04 Design and Applied Arts
50.05 Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft
50.06 Film/Video and Photographic Arts
50.07 Fine Arts and Art Studies
50.09 Music
50.99 Visual and Performing Arts, Other

10. Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services

10.01 Communications Technology/Technician
10.02 Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians
10.03 Graphic Communications
10.99 Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services, Other

3- Humanities

16. Aboriginal and Foreign Languages, Literatures and Linguistics

16.01 Linguistic, Comparative and Related Language Studies and Services
16.02 African Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.03 East Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.04 Slavic, Baltic and Albanian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.05 Germanic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.06 Modern Greek Language and Literature
16.07 South Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.08 Iranian/Persian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.09 Romance Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.10 Aboriginal Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.11 Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.12 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.13 Celtic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.14 Southeast Asian and Australasian/Pacific Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.15 Turkic, Ural-Altaic, Caucasian and Central Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.16 Sign Language
16.17 Second Language Learning
16.99 Aboriginal and Foreign Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other

23. English Language and Literature/Letters

23.01 English Language and Literature, General
23.04 English Composition
23.05 English Creative Writing
23.07 Canadian and American Literature
23.08 English Literature (British and Commonwealth)
23.10 English Speech and Rhetorical Studies
23.11 English Technical and Business Writing
23.99 English Language and Literature/Letters, Other

24. Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities

24.01 Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities

30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies

30.13 Medieval and Renaissance Studies
30.21 Holocaust and Related Studies
30.22 Classical and Ancient Studies

38. Philosophy and Religious Studies

38.01 Philosophy, Logic and Ethics
38.02 Religion/Religious Studies
38.99 Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other

39. Theology and Religious Vocations

39.02 Bible/Biblical Studies
39.03 Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology
39.04 Religious Education
39.05 Religious/Sacred Music
39.06 Theological and Ministerial Studies
39.07 Pastoral Counselling and Specialized Ministries
39.99 Theology and Religious Vocations, Other

54. History

54.01 History

55. French Language and Literature/Letters

55.01 French Language and Literature, General
55.03 French Composition
55.04 French Creative Writing
55.05 French Canadian Literature
55.06 French Literature (France and the French Community)
55.07 French Speech and Rhetorical Studies
55.08 French Technical and Business Writing
55.99 French Language and Literature/Letters, Other

4- Social and Behavioural Sciences

05. Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender Studies

05.01 Area Studies
05.02 Ethnic, Cultural Minority and Gender Studies
05.99 Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender Studies, Other

09. Communication, Journalism and Related Programs

09.01 Communication and Media Studies
09.04 Journalism
09.07 Radio, Television and Digital Communication
09.09 Public Relations, Advertising and Applied Communication
09.10 Publishing
09.99 Communication, Journalism and Related Programs, Other

19. Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences

19.00 Work and Family Studies
19.01 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General
19.02 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Business Services
19.04 Family and Consumer Economics and Related Services
19.05 Foods, Nutrition and Related Services
19.06 Housing and Human Environments
19.07 Human Development, Family Studies and Related Services
19.09 Apparel and Textiles
19.99 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, Other

30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies

30.05 Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution
30.10 Biopsychology
30.11 Gerontology
30.14 Museology/Museum Studies
30.15 Science, Technology and Society
30.17 Behavioural Sciences
30.20 International/Global Studies
30.23 Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity Studies
30.25 Cognitive Science

42. Psychology

42.01 Psychology, General
42.02 Clinical Psychology
42.03 Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics
42.04 Community Psychology
42.05 Comparative Psychology
42.06 Counselling Psychology
42.07 Developmental and Child Psychology
42.08 Experimental Psychology
42.09 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
42.10 Personality Psychology
42.11 Physiological Psychology/Psychobiology
42.16 Social Psychology
42.17 School Psychology
42.18 Educational Psychology
42.19 Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology
42.20 Clinical Child Psychology
42.21 Environmental Psychology
42.22 Geropsychology
42.23 Health/Medical Psychology
42.24 Psychopharmacology
42.25 Family Psychology
42.26 Forensic Psychology
42.99 Psychology, Other

45. Social Sciences

45.01 Social Sciences, General
45.02 Anthropology
45.03 Archeology
45.04 Criminology
45.05 Demography and Population Studies
45.06 Economics
45.07 Geography and Cartography
45.09 International Relations and Affairs
45.10 Political Science and Government
45.11 Sociology
45.12 Urban Studies/Affairs
45.99 Social Sciences, Other

5- Law

22. Legal Professions and Studies

22.00 Non-professional General Legal Studies (Undergraduate)
22.01  Law (LLB, JD, BCL)
22.02  Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies (Post-LLB/JD)
22.03 Legal Support Services
22.99  Legal Professions and Studies, Other

6- Executive MBA (for graduate related data)

52. Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services (Specifically the MBA compressed graduate programs for executives)

7- Regular MBA (for graduate related data)

52. Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services (Specifically graduate MBA programs in the regular stream)

8- Business, Management and Public Administration

30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies

30.16 Accounting and Computer Science

44. Public Administration and Social Service Professions

44.00 Human Services, General
44.02 Community Organization and Advocacy
44.04 Public Administration
44.05 Public Policy Analysis
44.07 Social Work
44.99 Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other

52. Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services  (excluding the MBA programs).

52.01 Business/Commerce, General
52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations
52.03 Accounting and Related Services
52.04 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services
52.05 Business/Corporate Communications
52.06 Business/Managerial Economics
52.07 Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations
52.08 Finance and Financial Management Services
52.09 Hospitality Administration/Management
52.10 Human Resources Management and Services
52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce
52.12 Management Information Systems and Services
52.13 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods
52.14 Marketing
52.15 Real Estate
52.16 Taxation
52.17 Insurance
52.18 General Sales, Merchandising and Related Marketing Operations
52.19 Specialized Sales, Merchandising and Marketing Operations
52.20 Construction Management
52.99 Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services, Other

9- Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies

26. Biological and Biomedical Sciences

26.01 Biology, General
26.02 Biochemistry/Biophysics and Molecular Biology
26.03 Botany/Plant Biology
26.04 Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences
26.05 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology
26.07 Zoology/Animal Biology
26.08 Genetics
26.09 Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences
26.10 Pharmacology and Toxicology
26.11 Biomathematics and Bioinformatics
26.12 Biotechnology
26.13 Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and Population Biology
26.99 Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other

30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies

30.01 Biological and Physical Sciences
30.18 Natural Sciences
30.19 Nutrition Sciences
30.24 Neuroscience

40. Physical Sciences

40.01 Physical Sciences, General
40.02 Astronomy and Astrophysics
40.04 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology
40.05 Chemistry
40.06 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences
40.08 Physics
40.99 Physical Sciences, Other

41. Science Technologies/Technicians

41.01 Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician
41.02 Nuclear and Industrial Radiologic Technologies/Technicians
41.03 Physical Science Technologies/Technicians
41.99 Science Technologies/Technicians, Other

10- Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences

11. Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services

11.01 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, General
11.02 Computer Programming
11.03 Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician
11.04 Information Science/Studies
11.05 Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst
11.06 Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications
11.07 Computer Science
11.08 Computer Software and Media Applications
11.09 Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
11.10 Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management
11.99 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other

25. Library Science

25.01 Library Science/Librarianship
25.03 Library Assistant/Technician
25.99 Library Science, Other

27. Mathematics and Statistics

27.01 Mathematics
27.03 Applied Mathematics
27.05 Statistics
27.99 Mathematics and Statistics, Other

30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies

30.06 Systems Science and Theory
30.08 Mathematics and Computer Science

11- Engineering

14. Engineering

14.01 Engineering, General
14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering
14.04 Architectural Engineering
14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering
14.06 Ceramic Sciences and Engineering
14.07 Chemical Engineering
14.08 Civil Engineering
14.09 Computer Engineering
14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
14.11 Engineering Mechanics
14.12 Engineering Physics
14.13 Engineering Science
14.14 Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering
14.18 Materials Engineering
14.19 Mechanical Engineering
14.20 Metallurgical Engineering
14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering
14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
14.23 Nuclear Engineering
14.24 Ocean Engineering
14.25 Petroleum Engineering
14.27 Systems Engineering
14.28 Textile Sciences and Engineering
14.31 Materials Science
14.32 Polymer/Plastics Engineering
14.33 Construction Engineering
14.34 Forest Engineering
14.35 Industrial Engineering
14.36 Manufacturing Engineering
14.37 Operations Research
14.38 Surveying Engineering
14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering
14.99 Engineering, Other

15. Engineering Technologies/Technicians

15.00 Engineering Technology, General
15.01 Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician
15.02 Civil Engineering Technology/Technician
15.03 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians
15.04 Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians
15.05 Environmental Control Technologies/Technicians
15.06 Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians
15.07 Quality Control and Safety Technologies/Technicians
15.08 Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians
15.09 Mining and Petroleum Technologies/Technicians
15.10 Construction Engineering Technology/Technician
15.11 Engineering-related Technologies
15.12 Computer Engineering Technologies/Technicians
15.13 Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians
15.14 Nuclear Engineering Technology/Technician
15.15 Engineering/Industrial Management
15.99 Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other

12- Architecture and Related Technologies

04. Architecture and Related Services

04.02 Architecture (BArch, BA/BSc, MArch, MA/MSc, PhD)
04.03 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning
04.04 Environmental Design/Architecture
04.05 Interior Architecture
04.06 Landscape Architecture (BSc, BSLA, BLA, MSLA, MLA, PhD)
04.08 Architectural History and Criticism
04.09 Architectural Technology/Technician
04.99 Architecture and Related Services, Other

30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies

30.12 Historic Preservation and Conservation

46. Construction Trades

46.00 Construction Trades, General
46.01 Masonry/Mason
46.02 Carpentry/Carpenter
46.03 Electrical and Power Transmission Installers
46.04 Building/Construction Finishing, Management and Inspection
46.05 Plumbing and Related Water Supply Services
46.99 Construction Trades, Other

47. Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians

47.00 Mechanics and Repairers, General
47.01 Electrical/Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technology
47.02 Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC, HVACR)
47.03 Heavy/Industrial Equipment Maintenance Technologies
47.04 Precision Systems Maintenance and Repair Technologies
47.05 Stationary Energy Sources Installer and Operator
47.06 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technologies
47.99 Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians, Other

48. Precision Production

48.00 Precision Production Trades, General
48.03 Leatherworking and Upholstery
48.05 Precision Metal Working
48.07 Woodworking
48.08 Boilermaking/Boilermaker
48.99 Precision Production, Other

13- Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation

01. Agriculture, Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences

01.00 Agriculture, General
01.01 Agricultural Business and Management
01.02 Agricultural Mechanization
01.03 Agricultural Production Operations
01.04 Agricultural and Food Products Processing
01.05 Agricultural and Domestic Animal Services
01.06 Applied Horticulture/Horticultural Business Services
01.07 International Agriculture
01.08 Agricultural Public Services
01.09 Animal Sciences
01.10 Food Science and Technology
01.11 Plant Sciences
01.12 Soil Sciences
01.99 Agriculture, Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences, Other

03. Natural Resources and Conservation

03.01 Natural Resources Conservation and Research

03.0103 Environmental Studies
03.0104 Environmental Science

03.02 Natural Resources Management and Policy
03.03 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management
03.05 Forestry
03.06 Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management
03.99 Natural Resources and Conservation, Other

14- Dentistry

51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences

51.04 Dentistry
51.05 Advanced/Graduate Dentistry and Oral Sciences (Cert., MSc, PhD)

15- Medicine

51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences

51.12 Medicine

16- Nursing

51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences

51.1601 Nursing/Registered Nurse (RN, ASN, BScN, MScN)
51.1607 Nursing and midwifery
51.1608 Nursing sciences (MSc, PhD)

17- Pharmacy

51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences

51.2001 Pharmacy (PharmD [USA], PharmD or BSc/BPharm [Canada])
51.2003 Pharmaceutics and Drug Design (MSc, PhD)
51.2004 Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (MSc, PhD)
51.2007 Pharmacoeconomics/Pharmaceutical Economics (MSc, PhD)
51.2099 Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Administration, Other

18- Veterinary Medicine

51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences

51.2401 Veterinary medicine
51.2501 Veterinary Sciences/Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2510 Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2504 Veterinary microbiology and immunobiology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2505 Veterinary pathology and pathobiology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2507 Large Animal/Food Animal and Equine Surgery and Medicine (Cert.MSc, PhD)

19- Other health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness

31. Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies

31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies
31.03 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management
31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness

31.0501 Health and Physical Education, General
31.0505 Kinesiology and Exercise Science

31.99 Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, Other

51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences

51.00 Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General
51.01 Chiropractic (DC)
51.02 Communication Disorders Sciences and Services
51.06 Dental Support Services and Allied Professions
51.0601 Dental assisting
51.0602 Dental hygiene
51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services
51.0710 Medical clerk
51.08 Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services
51.0801 Medical assistant
51.0805 Pharmacy assistant
51.0808 Veterinary assistant
51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention and Treatment Professions
51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions
51.11 Health/Medical Preparatory Programs
51.14 Medical Scientist (MSc, PhD)
51.15 Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions
51.1602 Nursing-administration (MScn, MSc, PhD)
51.1614 Nursing assistant, nursing aide
51.17 Optometry (OD)
51.18 Ophthalmic and Optometric Support Services and Allied Professions
51.19 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy (DO)
51.21 Podiatric Medicine/Podiatry (DPM)
51.22 Public Health
51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions
51.26 Health Aides/Attendants/Orderlies
51.27 Medical Illustration and Informatics
51.31 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services
51.32 Bioethics/Medical Ethics
51.33 Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Medical Systems
51.34 Alternative and Complementary Medical Support Services
51.35 Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic Services
51.36 Movement and Mind-Body Therapies
51.37 Energy-based and Biologically-based Therapies
51.99 Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other

20- Personal, Protective and Transportation Services

12. Personal and Culinary Services

12.03 Funeral Service and Mortuary Science
12.04 Cosmetology and Related Personal Grooming Services
12.05 Culinary Arts and Related Services
12.99 Personal and Culinary Services, Other

28. Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers in the Armed Forces

28.05 Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers in the Armed Forces

29. Military Technologies

29.01 Military Technologies

43. Security and Protective Services

43.01 Criminal Justice and Corrections
43.02 Fire Protection
43.99 Security and Protective Services, Other

49. Transportation and Materials Moving

49.01 Air Transportation
49.02 Ground Transportation
49.03 Marine Transportation
49.99 Transportation and Materials Moving, Other

21- Other

21. Technology Education/Industrial Arts Programs

21.01 Technology Education/Industrial Arts Programs

30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies

30.99 Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other

32. Basic Skills

32.01 Basic Skills

33. Citizenship Activities

33.01 Citizenship Activities

34. Health-related Knowledge and Skills

34.01 Health-related Knowledge and Skills

35. Interpersonal and Social Skills

35.01 Interpersonal and Social Skills

36. Leisure and Recreational Activities

36.01 Leisure and Recreational Activities

37. Personal Awareness and Self-improvement

37.01 Personal Awareness and Self-improvement

53. High School/Secondary Diploma and Certificate Programs

53.01 High School/Secondary Diploma Programs
53.02 High School/Secondary Certificate Programs

Confidential when completed.

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C0009 Email address

If necessary, please make address label corrections in the boxes below (please print).

C0001 Legal name

C0002 Business name

C0008 First name of contact

C0028 Last name of contact

C0021 Title of contact

C0004 Address (number and street)

C0005 City

C0006 Province/territory or state

C0053 Country

C0007 Postal code/zip code

C0010 Language preference

1 English

2 French

This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19. COMPLETION OF THIS QUESTIONNAIRE IS A LEGAL REQUIREMENT UNDER THIS ACT.


Purpose of this survey

The data collected in this quarterly survey are used to produce indexes that measure the prices of rental and leasing activities for the commercial and industrial machinery and equipment industry. Businesses use these indexes to gain a better understanding of their industry and assess their performance, while Statistics Canada uses these indexes to estimate inflation adjusted growth and productivity from this sector of the economy. The information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Record linkages

In order to enhance the information you provide in this survey, Statistics Canada plans to combine the responses relating to your organization with the information you previously provided on this survey. Statistics Canada may also combine the information you provide with other survey or administrative data sources.

Your participation is important

Your participation is vital to ensuring that the information collected in this survey is accurate and comprehensive.

Return procedures.... Need help?

Please return the completed questionnaire to Statistics Canada within 15 days of receipt by mail using the return envelope. You can also fax it to 1-888-883-7999 or email to bsso@statcan.gc.ca.

Lost the return envelope or need help?

Call us at 1-877-604-7828 or mail to: Statistics Canada, Operations and Integration Division, 150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0T6.

Fax or other electronic transmission disclosure

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during the transmission of information by facsimile or e-mail. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded to all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

A. Main business activity

Please check(√) below the one industry that most accurately describes your firm's main business activity.

53241 - Construction, transportation, mining and forestry machinery and equipment rental and leasing.
Renting, leasing or chartering of heavy machinery and equipment without operators. Heavy machinery and equipment include airplanes, bareboat, vessels, bulldozers, commercial boats, construction equipment, construction machinery, cranes, earth moving equipment, mining and forestry machinery, oil field equipment, railway cars and scaffolding.

53242 - Office machinery and equipment rental and leasing.
Renting or leasing of office machinery and equipment. Office equipment includes business machines, computer peripheral equipment, duplicating machines, office furniture and computers.

53249 - Other commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing.
Rental and leasing of commercial and industrial machinery and equipment not classified above. The other machinery and equipment category includes agricultural machinery and equipment, commercial equipment (none coin operated), farm equipment, industrial machinery, equipment and trucks, materials handling machinery and equipment, medical equipment, metalworking machinery and equipment, motion picture equipment, painting equipment, public address systems, theatrical equipment (except costumes), sawmill machinery, sound and lighting equipment, studio properties for film production, textile machinery, vending machines, welding equipment and woodworking machinery and equipment.

If you have completed this survey before, has your firm's main activity changed since the previous report?

  • No
  • Yes, please specify.

B to D. Price information - ITEM 1, 2 and 3

Below is the information previously reported by your establishment in this survey. Please review carefully.

Has any of the information previously provided for this item (see below) changed since the previous report?

  • No
  • Yes, please update the information below.
  • "Pre-filled"
    • Type of transaction
    • Average rental/lease contract length (days)
    • Origin of client
    • Type of client
    • Type of price charged
    • Industry
    • Brand
    • Year
    • Model #
    • Other identifying characteristics
    • Unit of measure
  • Item1, Item 2, Item 3
    • Month 1, Month 2, Month 3
      • Rental/leasing price (CAN$)
        • "Pre-filled"
      • Reason(s) for rental/leasing price change
        (mark all that apply)
        • Overheads
        • Market conditions
        • Inflation
        • Exchange rates
        • Change in equipment
        • Change in contract terms
        • Other change in service
      • Change in price due to selected cause

E. Comments 

F. Certification

Name of person to contact about this questionnaire (please print)

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Telephone number
  • Extension number
  • Fax number
  • E-mail address

I certify that the information contained herein is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of authorized person
Date completed (yyyy - mm - dd)

Time to complete questionnaire

How long did you spend collecting and reporting the information needed to complete this questionnaire?

  • minutes

Pre-filled questionnaire

In order to facilitate the completion of next quarter's questionnaire, we can provide you with a copy of the information you provided this quarter. Do you authorize us to send a pre-filled questionnaire containing the information you provided this quarter?

Please check:

  • Yes, please send a pre-filled questionnaire.
  • No, please send a blank questionnaire.
  • Signature
  • Date (yyyy - mm - dd)

Thank you for completing this questionnaire.

Please make a copy of this completed questionnaire for your records.


Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics

Purpose of the Legal Aid Survey

The purpose of the Legal Aid Survey is to provide national information of relevance to issues faced by government policy-makers, legal aid administrators, and the public. The survey scope encompasses data relating to services provided by or funded in whole or in part by the Legal Aid Plan. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

General Instructions

  1. Please complete and return by:
  2. Please refer to the Scoring Guide for survey definitions and instructions regarding what to measure and how to record it.  If there are deviations from the survey definitions, please note these in the comment section provided for each question.  As well, please indicate in the comment section, any changes in legal aid service delivery in your jurisdiction that may have affected this year's data.
  3. Please provide a figure in all boxes.  If there is no amount for a particular box, enter one of the following:
    0 - when the amount is zero;
    X - when the figure is not available in your jurisdiction (for example, a breakdown of total applications by criminal and civil matters, although relevant, is not available from jurisdictional data sources);
    N - when the figure is not applicable in your jurisdiction (for example, the number of private lawyers when the Legal Aid Plan is exclusively Judicare).
  4. All dollar figures are to be reported in thousands of Canadian dollars.
  5. Please fax the completed paper version of the form to:
    Legal Aid Survey
    Courts Program
    Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics
    Fax (613) 951-6615
    Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or other electronic transmission. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Or, submit the completed questionnaire via Statistics Canada's e-File Transfer Service at http://www.statcan.gc.ca/ec-ce/eft-tef

Section 1: Revenues, Expenditures and Personnel

Question 1
How much revenue did the Legal Aid Plan receive from each of the following sources during the fiscal year (in thousands of Canadian dollars)?

Revenues from each of the following:

  • Government contributions
  • Interest from lawyer's trust accounts
  • Contributions of the legal profession
  • Client contributions and cost recoveries
  • Other (please specify type and amount of revenue)
  • Total revenues

Are revenues reported as:

  • Cash-Based or
  • Accrual-Based

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Question 2
What were the Legal Aid Plan's direct legal services expenditures during the fiscal year (in thousands of Canadian dollars)? (For each of the following categories: Staff, Private Law Firms, Total)

Direct Legal Services Expenditures

  • Federal Criminal Matters (For each of the following categories: Adult, Youth, Sub-Total (Federal) (A))
  • Provincial/Territorial Offences (B)
  • Civil Matters (For each of the following categories: Family, Other, Sub-Total (Civil) (C))
  • Total Direct Legal Services Expenditures (A)+(B)+(C)

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Question 3
What were the Legal Aid Plan's expenditures for each of the following categories during the fiscal year (in thousands of Canadian dollars)?


  • Direct legal services expenditures (see Total from question 2)
  • Other program expenditures (includes external project expenditures, legal research activities, public legal education and grants to other agencies)
  • Central administrative expenditures
  • Other expenditures (please specify type and amount of expenditure)
  • Total expenditures

Are expenditures reported as:

  • Cash-Based or
  • Accrual-Based

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Question 4
What were the personnel resources of the Legal Aid Plan as of March 31? (For each of the following categories: Direct Legal Service Staff, Other Staff, Total Staff)This refers to the number of full-time and part-time staff employed by the Legal Aid Plan on March 31.

Personnel Resources

  • Lawyers (include notaries) (For each of the following categories: Full-Time, Part-Time, Total)
  • Non-Lawyers (include paralegals) (For each of the following categories: Full-Time, Part-Time, Total)

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Question 5
In the fiscal year, how many active members of the private bar were involved in the provision of legal aid services on behalf of the Legal Aid Plan? (include notaries)

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Section 2: Caseload Characteristics

Question 6
How many applications for legal aid were received during the fiscal year? Application refers to a formal request evidenced in writing. Do not include requests for duty counsel services, inquiries made at the "front desk" of the legal aid office, or telephone or e-mail inquiries.

Number of Applications Received

  • Federal Criminal Matters (For each of the following categories: Adult, Youth, Sub-Total (Federal) (A))
  • Provincial/Territorial Offences (B)
  • Civil Matters (For each of the following categories: Family, Other, Sub-Total (Civil) (C))
  • Total Applications (A)+(B)+(C)

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Question 7
How many applications for legal aid were refused during the fiscal year and for what reasons? (For each of the following categories: Financial Ineligibility, Coverage Restrictions, Lack of Merit, Non-Compliance/Abuse, Other, Total) Include applications for which no services were approved, as well as those applications denied for full service that subsequently received summary service.  If an application involves two reasons for refusal, choose the more important of the two and count it as the major reason.

Number of Applications Refused

  • Federal Criminal Matters
  • Provincial/Territorial Offences
  • Civil Matters (Family)
  • Civil Matters (Other)
  • Sub-Total Civil
  • Total Refused Applications

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Question 8
How many full service applications for legal aid were approved and assigned to STAFF LAWYERS during the fiscal year for each of the following categories? Exclude all summary services (including written legal opinions) and duty counsel services.

Number of Applications Approved

  • Federal Criminal Matters (For each of the following categories: Adult, Youth, Sub-Total (Federal) (A))
  • Provincial/Territorial Offences (B)
  • Civil Matters (For each of the following categories: Family, Other, Sub-Total (Civil) (C))
  • Total Approved Full Service Applications (A)+(B)+(C)

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Question 9
How many full service applications for legal aid were approved and assigned to PRIVATE LAWYERS during the fiscal year for each of the following categories? Exclude all summary services (including written legal opinions) and duty counsel services.

Number of Applications Approved

  • Federal Criminal Matters (For each of the following categories: Adult, Youth, Sub-Total (Federal) (A))
  • Provincial/Territorial Offences (B)
  • Civil Matters (For each of the following categories: Family, Other, Sub-Total (Civil) (C))
  • Total Approved Full Service Applications (A)+(B)+(C)

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Question 10
How many applications for legal aid were approved for summary service during the fiscal year? Exclude applications that requested extensive legal assistance (full service) but received summary service upon refusal, and applications originally approved for full service but subsequently rendered summary services.

Number of Applications Approved

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Question 11
How many times were duty counsel services provided to clients during the fiscal year for each of the following categories? Count the number of units of service provided not the number of persons assisted.

Number of Units of Service

  • Federal Criminal Matters (For each of the following categories: Adult, Youth, Sub-Total (Federal) (A))
  • Civil Matters (For each of the following categories: Family, Other, Sub-Total (Civil) (B))
  • Total Duty Counsel Services (A)+(B)

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Question 12
In the fiscal year, how many civil dossiers were processed under the Interprovincial Reciprocity Agreement for each province and territory? (For each of the following categories: Incoming, Outgoing)

Number of Civil Dossiers

  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Nova Scotia
  • New Brunswick
  • Quebec
  • Ontario
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Yukon Territory
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut
  • Outside Canada
  • Total Civil Dossiers

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

Question 13
In the fiscal year, how many appeals were approved for service and how many were refused? (For each of the following categories: Approved, Refused, Total Appeals)Appeal refers to an appeal of a lower court or administrative tribunal decision, not an appeal of a refused application.

Number of Appeals

  • Federal Criminal Matters
  • Civil Matters
  • Total Appeals

Comments/Deviations from scoring rules (please specify).

  • Respondent:
  • Jurisdiction:
  • Contact:
  • Phone number:
  • Date:

Thank you for your important contribution to the Legal Aid Survey

Statistics Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. S19
Confidential When Completed
STC/CCJ – 160-60104; CCJS/55452-3