Annual Trucking Survey, 2010

Confidential when completed.

Collected under authority of Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this act.

Si vous préférez ce questionnaire en français, veuillez nous appeler au numéro sans frais :   1-800-386-1273.

A – Introduction

Survey purpose
The purpose of this survey is to measure the size, structure and economic performance of the trucking industry and to analyzeits impact on the Canadian economy.

The Statistics Act protects the confidentiality of information collected by Statistics Canada. For more detail, please consult the last page of this questionnaire.

Data-sharing agreements
To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government departments for the sharing of data. The data will be kept confidential and used for statistical purposes only by these organizations.

For further details on data-sharing agreements and data linkage, please consult the last page of this questionnaire.

Fax or other electronic transmission disclosure
Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or other electronic transmission. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Please report for all of the trucking operations of this business that are located in Canada.

Please return the questionnaire within 30 days of receipt.

Please mail the completed questionnaire in the enclosed envelope or fax it to Statistics Canada at 1-888-883-7999.

Lost the return envelope or need help? Call us at 1-800-386-1273 or mail to:
Statistics Canada, Business Survey Section/Central Region, 150 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6

Visit our website at

If necessary, please make address label corrections in the boxes below.

Legal name
Business name
Title of contact
First name of contact
Last name of contact
Address (number and street)
Province/territory or state
Postal code/zip code
Language preference

  1. English
  2. French

5-5403-149.1: 2010-12-29 STC/TRA-400-75218

General Reporting Instructions

1. Please report all dollar amounts in Canadian dollars (CAN$).
2. All revenue and expense figures should exclude GST/HST, PST and TVQ.
3. Please print in ink.
4. When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimates.
5. If necessary, please see the enclosed reporting guide for more detailed explanations and definitions.

Main Business Activity

Please check the main activity, at this business unit, which most accurately describes the principal source of revenue.

  1. Transportation by truck of general and/or specialized freight (local or long distance trucking)
  2. Other activity, please specify

Note: If you responded "Other activity", please call 1-800-386-1273 for further instructions.

Reporting Period

Please report for the period January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010. If your fiscal year is different from the calendar year, please report for the most recent fiscal year ending between April 1, 2010 and March 31, 2011.

Please indicate below the period covered by this questionnaire:

From: (yyyy/mm/dd)
To: (yyyy/mm/dd)

Business Type

Is this an owner operator business (lease operator, broker, independent)?

  • Yes
  • no - Please go to Section B – Revenue
  • Don’t know - Please go to Section B – Revenue

If you have answered Yes, please indicate, as percentages, the distribution of your total revenue generated from your work on behalf of:

1. For-hire carriers
2. Private carriers (private trucking)
3. Others, please specify: (e.g., freight forwarders, brokers, agents, etc.)
4. Total (sum of questions 1 to 3) = 100%

B – Revenue

Please report your revenue earned during the reporting period (in dollars). Can$

  1. Operating revenue from trucking
  2. All other operating revenue
    Exclude interest and dividend income. Please report this amount at question 4.
  3. Total operating revenue (sum of questions 1 and 2)
  4. Investment revenue (e.g., interest and dividend income)
  5. Total revenue (sum of questions 3 and 4)

C – Trucking revenue by type of movement

Please report the distribution of your trucking revenue according to where your business moved shipments during the reporting period (as percentages, decimals are acceptable).

  1. Domestic movements within a province or territory (intraprovincial shipments)
  2. Domestic movements between provinces or territories (interprovincial shipments)
  3. International movements into Canada (e.g., from the United States or Mexico)
  4. International movements out of Canada (e.g., to the United States or Mexico)
  5. Total (sum of questions 1 to 4) = 100%

D – Trucking revenue by region of pick-up

  1. Newfoundland and Labrador
  2. Prince Edward Island
  3. Nova Scotia
  4. New Brunswick
  5. Quebec
  6. Ontario
  7. Manitoba
  8. Saskatchewan
  9. Alberta
  10. British Columbia
  11. Yukon
  12. Northwest Territories
  13. Nunavut
  14. Outside Canada
  15. Total (sum of questions 1 to 14) = 100%

E – Trucking revenue by type of product hauled

Please report the distribution of your trucking revenue during the reporting period by type of product hauled(as percentages, decimals are acceptable).

  1. Bulk liquids and bulk gases
  2. Dry bulk
  3. Climate-controlled boxed, palletized and other packed goods, including intermodal containers
  4. Not climate-controlled boxed, palletized and other packed goods, including intermodal containers
  5. Automobiles and light-duty trucks
  6. Live animals
  7. Waste, without collection
  8. All other goods
  9. Moving services (i.e., household, office and institutional goods)
  10. Total (sum of questions 1 to 9) = 100%

F – Expenses

Please report your expenses incurred during the reporting period (in dollars). Can$

  1. Salaries, wages and benefits
    (for employees who have been issued a T4 statement)
  2. Payments to owner operators
  3. Purchased transportation services (e.g., road, rail, etc.), warehousing and storage expenses
  4. Vehicle fuel
  5. Repairs and maintenance
  6. Rental and leasing (e.g., vehicles, equipment, buildings)
  7. Insurance premiums (e.g., liability, vehicles, equipment, buildings)
  8. Utilities and telecommunications
  9. Depreciation of tangible and intangible assets
    (e.g., vehicles, equipment,buildings)
  10. All other operating expenses (e.g., financial and professional service fees, property and business taxes, licences and permits, office supplies, etc.)
    Exclude interest expenses. Please report this amount at question 12.
  11. Total operating expenses (sum of questions 1 to 10)
  12. Other expenses (e.g., interest expenses such as interest on loans to buy vehicles and equipment and interest portion of mortgage payment)
  13. Total expenses (sum of questions 11 and 12)

G – Employment

Please report the average number of people employed during the reporting period.
Include full-time, part-time and temporary employees and employees absent with pay.

  1. Salaried drivers (exclude owner operators)
  2. All other salaried employees (exclude owner operators)
  3. Total salaried employees (sum of questions 1 and 2)
  4. Owner operators (do not count yourself)

H – Fleet and Equipment

Please report the number of vehicles and equipment in service at the end of the reporting period.
Include units owned and/or leased by your business. exclude vehicles owned by owner operators.

Powered Units

1. Straight trucks

2. Road tractors

3. All other powered units

4. Total powered units (sum of questions 1 to 3)

Non-powered Units

5. Vans and/or semi-trailers, non-climate controlled

6. Vans and/or semi-trailers, climate controlled (e.g., reefers)

7. Flat decks

8. Tanks

9. All other non-powered units

10. total non-powered units (sum of questions 5 to 9)

I – Contact Information

Person primarily responsible for completing this questionnaire, if different from the label.

  • Mr.
  • Mrs.
  • Miss
  • Ms

Last name
First name
E-mail address
Telephone number
Extension number
Fax number
Website address
Date (yyyy/mm/dd)

I certify that the information contained herein is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

J – Comments

1. How long did you spend collecting the data and completing this questionnaire? (e.g., 1 hour 30 minutes)

2. We invite your comments below. If necessary, please attach a separate page. Please be assured that we review all comments with the intent of improving the survey.

K – General Information


Your answers are confidential.
Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey records from Statistics Canada.

Information from this survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will be published in aggregate form only.

Data-sharing agreements
To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, who must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, as well as the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Transportation and Works, the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board, the Quebec Department of Transportation, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the Alberta Ministry of Transportation.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Statistics Canada has also entered into a Section 12 agreement with Transport Canada whereby the information collected will be provided to Transport Canada pursuant to the Canada Transportation Act and the Carriers and Transportation Undertakings Information Regulations. In this case, respondents do not have the right to object to sharing their information since the party to the Agreement is authorized by law to require the respondent to provide the information.

Data linkage
To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada revenue agency.

For more information about these data-sharing agreements, please contact Statistics Canada at 1-800-386-1273 or visit our website at

Thank you for completing this questionnaire.

Please retain a copy for your records.

Quarterly Survey of Telecommunications

1st Quarter 2011

Business Special Surveys and Technology Statistics Division

This report covers the period from: month 2011 to month 2011

Confidential when completed

Respondent company

  • Legal Name
  • Operating Name
  • Contact Person
  • Job Title
  • Street
  • City
  • Province
  • Postal Code
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • E-mail
  • Website

Correct as required

  • Legal Name
  • Operating or Trade Name (if different from legal name)
  • Contact person responsible for this survey (please print clearly)
  • Job Title
  • Street
  • City
  • Province
  • Postal Code
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • E-mail
  • Website

Information for Respondents

Survey Purpose

This survey collects financial and operating data for the statistical measurement and analysis of the telecommunications industry. These data will be aggregated to produce national estimates of activity by industry. Those estimates are used by government, the private sector, international telecommunications organizations, academics, analysts, and the general public to better understand this sector's role in the social and economic fabric of Canada.


This quarterly survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada 1985, Chapter S19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under this Act.


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their permission or as permitted by the Statistics Act. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

Data Sharing Agreements

To reduce response burden and to ensure more uniform statistics, Statistics Canada has entered into a data sharing agreement under section 12 of the Statistics Act to share information from all respondents with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).

Subsection 12(2) of the Statistics Act provides that where a respondent gives notice in writing to the Chief Statistician that the respondent objects to the sharing of the information by Statistics Canada, the information not be shared with the department or corporation unless the department or corporation is authorized by law to require the respondent to provide the information.

The CRTC is authorized by law to require the respondent to provide the information under section 37 of the Telecommunications Act. Information provided to the CRTC will be treated in accordance with the requirements of section 39 of the Telecommunications Act.

Planned Record Linkage

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Return Procedures

Please return the completed questionnaire(s) within 30 days of receipt. If you anticipate difficulty in making this deadline, please inform Statistics Canada of your expected filing date. Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during facsimile or other electronic transmission. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Reporting Instructions

Please complete all questions that pertain to your operations.

To reduce the chances of call-backs to verify data, please record "N/A" for those items that are not relevant to your company.

Detailed instructions and definitions of terms used in the questionnaire are found in the Reporting Guide.


If you require assistance, please contact:
Jo Anne Lambert
Telephone: (613) 951-6673
Facsimile: (613) 951-9920

Thank you for your co-operation

Revenues (in thousands for the quarter)

1. Telecommunications operating revenues

  1. Local and access  (include basic local service, optional local features, contribution, equipment, and other local and access)
  2. Long distance (include settlement)
  3. Data
  4. Private line
  5. Internet
  6. Mobile and paging
    • Retail
    • Wholesale
  7. Broadcast distribution (basic and non-basic programming)
  8. Other operating revenues
  • Total operating revenues

Network and subscribers (in thousands at quarter end)

2. Number of fixed network lines by market (Voice-grade equivalents) - Access dependent and independent

  1. Residential
  2. Business
  3. Wholesale
  4. Lines for internal use (OTS)
  • Total network lines

3. Number of mobile and paging subscriptions

  1. Retail (Residential and business)
  2. Wholesale     
  • Total mobile and paging subscriptions

4. Number of Internet subscriptions

  1. Dial-up
  2. High speed - Cable modem
  3. High speed - Digital subscriber line (DSL)
  4. High speed - Other
  • Total number of Internet subscriptions

5. Number of multi-channel video services subscriptions

  1. By phone line
  2. By cable
  3. By satellite
  4. Other
  • Total multi-channel video services subscriptions

Volume (in thousands at quarter end)

6. Long distance minutes - Fixed               

  1. Retail
    • January
    • February
    • March
    • Total
  2. Wholesale
    • January
    • February
    • March
    • Total
  • Total long distance minutes
    • January
    • February
    • March
    • Total

Note: Please include Domestic, US, and International long distance minutes.

7. Number of short message service (SMS)

  1. To mobile devices
  2. From mobile devices
  • Total number of short message service (SMS)

8. Mobile voice minutes 

  1. Toll minutes (Long distance)
  2. Non-toll minutes (Basic voice)
  • Total mobile voice minutes

Capital expenditures (in thousands for the quarter)

9. Capital expenditures



Please print the name of the person responsible for this return:


I certify that the information provided in this report is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

  • Phone no.
  • Position
  • Date

Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual

5-3600-57.3 STC/UES-190-60182

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2011 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey records from Statistics Canada.

Information from this survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will be published in aggregate form only.

Help Line: 1-800-972-9692

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
F - Industry characteristics
G - Personnel
H - Sales by type of client
I - Sales by client location
J - International transactions
K - Provincial/territorial distribution
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

Below is a description of each main activity.

Publishing of periodicals

Magazine or periodical publishers primarily engaged in carrying out operations necessary for producing and distributing magazines and other periodicals, including gathering, writing, soliciting and editing articles, and preparing and selling advertisements. These periodicals are published at regular intervals, typically on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis and may be published in print or electronic forms.

Publishing of shoppers and real estate guides

Publications that have little or no editorial content and are intended to sell goods and services such as real estate or cars.


  • advertising periodicals;
  • comic books;
  • financial magazines;
  • juvenile magazines;
  • newsletters;
  • television guides;
  • shoppers and real estate guides.


  • publications available exclusively on the Internet;
  • dailies and their inserts (except magazine-style inserts);
  • catalogues;
  • prospectuses;
  • circulars;
  • flyers;
  • directories;
  • show programs;
  • government-issued periodicals.

If none of the above activities apply to your business unit, please call 1-800-972-9692 for further instructions.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services ( e.g. , rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances ( e.g. , room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc. )


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance ( e.g. , property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc. )


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets ( e.g. , amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

F - Industry characteristics

1. Advertising revenue

a) General interest periodicals

These periodicals cover multiple topics of general interest intended to appeal to a broad audience. Examples include arts, culture, leisure and entertainment; home and lifestyles; and political, social and business news. They are aimed at an entire market or a large portion of that market for the purpose of informing and entertaining the readers. Include shoppers and real estate guides and exclude religious periodicals.

b) Business or trade periodicals

These periodicals deal with industries, occupations, professions and scholarly publications aimed at professional audiences interested in keeping up-to-date with new research and developments in their profession or fields of interest. Include business, farming, professional and scholarly periodicals.

c) Other periodicals

Include religious magazines (periodicals primarily religious in purpose and content) and specialized advertising magazines that target institutional or corporate markets.

Circulation net of sales returns

11. Other copies sold

Include back issues.

12. Controlled circulation

This refers to issues distributed on a regular basis to consumers selected by publishing organizations. This circulation is free to the final customer and in general, is audited.

G - Personnel

To fully measure the contribution of all human capital in this industry, we require information on the number of partners and proprietors as well as the number and classification of workers.

1. Number of partners and proprietors, non-salaried (if salaried, report at question 2 below)

For unincorporated businesses, please report the number of partners and proprietors for whom earnings will be the net income of the partnership or proprietorship.

2. Paid employees

a) Average number of paid employees during the reporting period

To calculate the average number employed, add the number of employees in the last pay period of each month of the reporting period and divide this sum by the number of months (usually 12).


  • partners and proprietors, non-salaried reported at question 1 above.

b) Percentage of paid employees (from question 2a) who worked full time

Full-time employment consists of persons who usually work 30 hours or more per week. Please specify the percentage of paid employees who have been working full time by rounding the percentage to the nearest whole number.

3. Number of contract workers for whom you did not issue a T4, such as freelancers and casual workers (estimates are acceptable)

Contract workers are not employees, but workers contracted to perform a specific task or project in your organization for a specific duration, such as self-employed persons, freelancers and casual workers. These workers are not issued a T4 information slip. Please report the number of contract workers employed by your organization during the fiscal year.

H - Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

1. Clients in Canada

a) Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.


  • sales to Crown corporations.

b) Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

c) Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.


  • sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

2. Clients outside Canada

Please report the share of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.


  • sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

I - Sales by client location

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your total sales by client location (first point of sale).

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

The percentage in question 14 must equal question 2 in section H.

J - International transactions

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, and royalties and licences fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

K - Provincial/territorial distribution

This section is intended to collect information on the locations operated by your business during the reporting period.

Please report the number of business units or locations operating in Canada during the reporting period. Business unit is defined as the lowest level of the firm for which accounting records are maintained for such details as revenue, expenses and employment.

Please report data for the provinces or territories in which you have business units and indicate if you are reporting in Canadian dollars or percentages.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Please visit our website at call us at 1-800-972-9692 for more information about these data-sharing agreements.

Thank you!

Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual

5-3600-138.3 STC/UES-425-75390

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2011 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act.The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey records from Statistics Canada.

Information from this survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will be published in aggregate form only.

Help Line: 1-800-972-9692

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
F - Industry characteristics
G - Personnel
H - Sales by type of client
I - Sales by client location
J - International transactions
K - Provincial/territorial distribution
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

Below is a description of each main activity.

Interior design services

Business units primarily engaged in planning, designing and administering of projects in interior spaces to meet the physical and aesthetic needs of people, taking into consideration building codes, health and safety regulations, traffic patterns and floor planning, mechanical and electrical needs, and interior fittings and furniture.


  • retail or wholesale locations that also provide interior design or decorating as a service.

Industrial design services

Business units primarily engaged in creating and developing designs and specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of products.


  • automobile industrial design services;
  • industrial design consulting services;
  • furniture design services;
  • scale modelling services;
  • industrial package design.


  • designers of clothing, shoes or jewellery;
  • business units applying principles of engineering in the design, development and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes and systems.

Graphic design services

Business units primarily engaged in planning, designing and managing the production of visual communication, so as to convey specific messages or concepts, clarify complex information or project visual identities.


  • commercial art services;
  • medical illustration services;
  • silk-screen design services.


  • web page designers;
  • printers and publishers;
  • advertising firms (i.e., those creating or placing display advertising, or those purchasing advertising time or space from media owners and reselling it directly to advertising agencies or advertisers).

Other specialized design services

Business units not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in providing professional design services.

Include specialized design services for:

  • clothing;
  • shoes;
  • jewellery;
  • handbags;
  • fashion;
  • textiles;
  • theatrical set;
  • floats;
  • museum exhibits.


  • computer design services.

If none of the above activities describes your main source of revenue, please call 1-800‑972‑9692 for further instructions.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance (e.g., property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

F - Industry characteristics

Interior design services

1. Interior design services, including construction management

Interior design services, in which the contract includes the management by the designer, of the construction process to put into place the design. Includes programming, conceptual design development (i.e., schematics), design development, specification of necessary items and components, preparation of construction documents and contract administration. Includes interior design services related to the restoration or renovation of historic buildings.

a) Residential interior design services, except historical restoration

Interior design services for residential buildings, in which the contract includes the management by the designer, of the construction process to put into place the design. Includes programming, conceptual design development (i.e., schematics), design development, specification of necessary items and components, preparation of construction documents and contract administration.


  • interior design services related to the restoration or renovation of historic buildings.

b) Non-residential interior design services, except historical restoration

Interior design services for non-residential buildings, in which the contract includes the management by the designer, of the construction process to put into place the design. Includes programming, conceptual design development (i.e., schematics), design development, specification of necessary items and components, preparation of construction documents and contract administration.


  • interior design services related to the restoration or renovation of historic buildings.

c) Historic building interior design services, including historical restoration

Interior design services for buildings in which the historic character of the building must be taken into account. Includes services related to restorations, and to changes in use.


  • interior decorating services;
  • interior design consulting services;
  • architectural design services.

2. Interior design services, not including construction management

Interior design services, in which the contract does not include any construction management services.


  • interior lighting design services;
  • window treatment design services;
  • colour and finish selection services;
  • furniture, fixtures and equipment layout services.

3. Interior decorating services

Providing aesthetic services associated with interior spaces.

Industrial design services

4. Product industrial design services

Design services that optimize the manufacturing efficiency, functionality and appearance of products.


  • the determination of the materials, construction methods and technology, mechanisms, shape, colour, and surface finishes of the product, taking into consideration human needs, safety, market appeal and efficiency in production, distribution, use and maintenance.


  • design of clothing, footwear, jewellery and textiles; please report these amounts in this section, at question 13 below.

5. Model design and manufacturing services

Design and manufacturing services for models of new product concepts; models can be full or reduced-scale.

Graphic design services

6. Corporate identity and communications graphic design services

Designing the corporate identity and image, internal communications, and external communications.


  • the design of a consistent set of logos, graphic style, printed and electronic materials.


  • graphic design of advertisements and brand identities.

7. Advertising graphic design services

Designing the visual appearance of an advertisement or advertising campaign.


  • brand identity design services.


  • creating complete advertisements or advertising campaigns.

8. Commercial illustration services

Provision of illustrations for use in graphic design projects.

9. Graphic interface and interaction design services

The design of software interfaces, except those related to website design.


  • the design of video game interfaces.

10. Book, magazine and newspaper graphic design services

Graphic design of books, magazines and newspapers, including their covers and interior layout, and selection of typefaces.

11. Broadcast and motion picture graphic design services

Design graphics for motion picture and television use, such as titles, opening and closing montages, bumpers, transitions and interstitials, blue/green screen removal and animations.

12. All other graphic design services


  • signage and wayfinding graphic design services;
  • packaging graphic design services;
  • typeface design services.

Fashion, jewellery, footwear and other design services

13. Clothing, shoe, textile, jewellery, and other specialized design services not elsewhere classified

Other design services including clothing, footwear, jewellery, parade floats, textiles, and patterns to be used in the manufacture of individual components of clothing and footwear.

Related services and products

14. Website design and development services


  • software publishers;
  • Internet service providers, web search portals, and data processing services;
  • computer systems design and related services.

15. Consulting services

Providing advice and guidance about specialized design issues.

16. Printing services

Printing copies of images and documents for others, for a fee.

17. Drafting services

Producing detailed layouts, plans, drawings, illustrations, graphics or models based on engineering or architectural specifications, for use in the design, manufacture, installation, construction, repair or maintenance of buildings, structures, systems or components.

18. Sales of merchandise purchased for resale as is

Retail or wholesale sales of merchandise.

19. All other sales (please specify)


  • interior decorating services;
  • consulting services (not associated with the production of a design);
  • market research services;
  • advertising creative services (e.g., creating complete advertisements or advertising campaigns).

20. Total sales

The sum of questions 1 to 19.

G - Personnel

To fully measure the contribution of all human capital in this industry, we require information on the number of partners and proprietors as well as the number and classification of workers.

1. Number of partners and proprietors, non-salaried (if salaried, report at question 2 below)

For unincorporated businesses, please report the number of partners and proprietors for whom earnings will be the net income of the partnership or proprietorship.

2. Paid employees

a) Average number of paid employees during the reporting period

To calculate the average number employed, add the number of employees in the last pay period of each month of the reporting period and divide this sum by the number of months (usually 12).


  • partners and proprietors, non-salaried reported at question 1 above.

b) Percentage of paid employees (from question 2a) who worked full time

Full-time employment consists of persons who usually work 30 hours or more per week. Please specify the percentage of paid employees who have been working full time by rounding the percentage to the nearest whole number.

3. Number of contract workers for whom you did not issue a T4, such as freelancers and casual workers (estimates are acceptable)

Contract workers are not employees, but workers contracted to perform a specific task or project in your organization for a specific duration, such as self-employed persons, freelancers and casual workers. These workers are not issued a T4 information slip. Please report the number of contract workers employed by your organization during the fiscal year.

H - Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

1. Clients in Canada

a) Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.


  • sales to Crown corporations.

b) Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

c) Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.


  • sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

2. Clients outside Canada

Please report the share of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.


  • sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

I - Sales by client location

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your total sales by client location (first point of sale).

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

The percentage in question 14 must equal question 2 in section H.

J - International transactions

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, and royalties and licences fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

K - Provincial/territorial distribution

This section is intended to collect information on the locations operated by your business during the reporting period.

Please report the number of business units or locations operating in Canada during the reporting period. Business unit is defined as the lowest level of the firm for which accounting records are maintained for such details as revenue, expenses and employment.

Please report data for the provinces or territories in which you have business units and indicate if you are reporting in Canadian dollars or percentages.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Please visit our website at  or call us at 1-800-972-9692 for more information about these data-sharing agreements.

Thank you!

Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual


Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2011 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey records from Statistics Canada.

Information from this survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will be published in aggregate form only.

Help Line: 1-800-972-9692

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
F - Industry characteristics
G - Personnel
H - Sales by type of client
I - Sales by client location
J - International transactions
K - Provincial/territorial distribution
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

The main activity of an enterprise engaged in consulting services is to provide client firms with expert advice and make recommendations such as the adoption of approaches and processes and the establishment of strategies. For the benefit of client firms, such a consulting enterprise can also undertake the work itself that arises from its own recommendations i.e., their actual implementation

However, for this survey, to be considered a consulting services enterprise, the enterprise must generate the majority of its revenues from advice that it provides to client firms and not from the implementation of its own recommendations.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

Below is a description of each main activity.

Administrative management consulting and general management consulting services

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing advice and assistance to other organizations on administrative management issues, such as:

  • financial planning and budgeting;
  • equity and asset management;
  • records management;
  • office planning;
  • strategic and organizational planning;
  • site selection;
  • new business start-up;
  • business process improvement.

This Canadian industry also includes general management consultants that provide to their clients a full range of administrative, human resource, marketing, process, physical distribution and logistics consulting services or other management consulting services:

  • administrative management;
  • human resource management;
  • marketing management;
  • process management;
  • physical distribution management;
  • logistics consulting services management;
  • other management consulting services.


  • administrative management consultants;
  • business start-up consulting services;
  • financial management consulting services (except investment advice);
  • general management consulting services;
  • records management consulting services;
  • reorganization consulting services;
  • site selection consulting services;
  • strategic planning consulting services.

Exclude establishment where the principal activity is:

  • providing office or general administrative services on a day-to-day basis.

Human resources consulting services

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing advice and assistance to other organizations on human resource management issues such as:

  • human resource and personnel policies, practices and procedures;
  • employee benefits planning, communication, and administration;
  • compensation systems planning;
  • wage and salary administration.

Include the following consulting services:

  • actuarial;
  • benefit;
  • compensation;
  • labour relations;
  • employee assessment;
  • employee compensation;
  • human resource;
  • organization development;
  • personnel management.

Exclude establishments where the principal activity is:

  • executive search consultants;
  • providing professional and management development training.

Other management consulting services

This Canadian industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other Canadian industry, primarily engaged in providing advice and assistance to other organizations on management issues.


  • customer services management consulting services;
  • customs consulting services;
  • efficiency experts;
  • freight rate consulting services;
  • inventory planning and control management consulting services;
  • logistics management consulting services;
  • manufacturing operations improvement consulting services;
  • materials management consulting services;
  • new product development consulting services;
  • operations research consulting services;
  • physical distribution consulting services;
  • production planning and control consulting services;
  • productivity improvement consulting services;
  • sales management consulting services;
  • tariff consulting services;
  • telecommunications management consulting services.

Environmental consulting services

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing advice and assistance to other organizations on environmental issues, such as the control of environmental contamination from pollutants, toxic substances and hazardous materials. These establishments identify problems, measure and evaluate risks, and recommend solutions. They employ a multi-disciplined staff of scientists, engineers and other technicians, with expertise in areas such as

  • air and water quality;
  • asbestos contamination;
  • remediation;
  • environmental law.

Examples of establishments in this industry are environmental consultants, sanitation consultants and site remediation consultants.

Other scientific and technical consulting services

This Canadian industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in providing advice and assistance to other organizations on scientific and technical issues

Include the following consulting services:

  • agricultural (technical);
  • agrology;
  • agronomy;
  • economic;
  • energy;
  • hydrology;
  • livestock breeding;
  • motion picture;
  • nuclear energy;
  • occupational health and safety;
  • physics;
  • safety.

None of the above — Please call 1-800‑972‑9692 for further instructions.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance (e.g., property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

F - Industry characteristics

Management consulting services

1. Strategic management consulting services

Providing advice and guidance concerning the overall strategic direction, planning, structuring and control of an organization.

Include consulting on:

  • business strategy and planning;
  • corporate development and restructuring;
  • crisis management;
  • the development of an organization’s overall direction and objectives;
  • the determination of the organization’s strategy to achieve the selected direction and objectives;
  • the selection of a method for carrying out the strategy, including selection among such methods as a merger or acquisition, joint venture, outsourcing, or other alliance, divestiture, new business venture or use of new technology;
  • designing or redesigning the organizational structure.

2. Financial management consulting services

Providing advice and guidance concerning financial strategies, planning and control.


  • advice and guidance on projects related to working capital and liquidity management;
  • the determination of an appropriate capital structure;
  • capital investment proposals, asset management;
  • accounting policy and procedures;
  • budgeting and budgetary controls;
  • financial consulting services related to mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures such as advice on methods of valuations, methods of payment, and methods of control;
  • international finance.

3. Marketing management consulting services

Providing advice and guidance on projects related to marketing strategy, market development and sales management and development.


  • identifying external opportunities and challenges that can be addressed by marketing;
  • analysing internal strengths and weaknesses;
  • determining which goods and services to offer;
  • target markets;
  • competitive position;
  • features of goods and services including customer service programs;
  • pricing;
  • advertising, and distribution channels (including franchising);
  • marketing expenditure level;
  • sales management and development.

4. Compensation and benefits consulting services

Providing advice and guidance related to compensation and benefits systems.


  • base salary or hourly wages;
  • fringe benefits, and incentive compensation;
  • non-cash compensation;
  • employee services and benefits such as pension and retirement and savings plans, welfare and health plans;
  • early retirement proposals.

Scope of services may consist of:

  • job evaluation and job rating systems;
  • performance appraisals;
  • executive compensation;
  • incentive and bonus plans;
  • job and positions analysis and evaluations;
  • comparative wage-and-salary surveys;
  • pay for performance programs, profit sharing plans, executive compensation, termination packages.

5. Other human resources management consulting services

Providing advice and guidance concerning the development or modification of human resource strategies, policies, practices and procedures except concerning compensation and benefits.


  • consulting on recruitment;
  • organizational development (improving functioning within and between groups);
  • employee training and development needs;
  • outplacement procedures and plans for assistance to employees;
  • succession planning;
  • compliance with government regulations in areas such as health, safety, workers’ compensation and employment equity;
  • labour-management relations;
  • employee assistance programs;
  • human resources audits.

6. Operations and supply chain management consulting services

Operations management is concerned with the management of physical, financial and human resources with the objective of producing goods and services. Supply chain management is a bundled service.


  • inventory management services;
  • warehousing and storage services and distribution services.

May include advice and guidance concerning:

  • productivity improvement;
  • cost reduction;
  • quality improvements in goods and services;
  • registration for quality management systems;
  • improvements to logistical operations such as production planning and control;
  • the management of supply sources, inventories, distribution networks, and transportation.

7. Other management consulting services

Services, related to the field of management consulting, that are provided by management consulting firms.


  • economic and social research services;
  • arbitration and conciliation services (except by lawyer, attorney, or paralegal offices);
  • other related products such as:

Actuarial consulting services, except for employee pensions and other benefits

Providing advice and guidance on actuarial matters such as life insurance and annuities; property and casualty insurance; public pension, health and other social insurance plans; income loss and marriage breakdown.

Expert witness services

Providing testimony before a court or administrative body, by a witness who, by virtue of experience, training, skill or knowledge, is recognized as being qualified to render an informed opinion on matters relating to a field or subject.

Training services, management

Providing management-related training and education services, in fields such as strategic management, financial management, marketing management, human resources management, and operations and logistics management on a stand-alone basis.

Project management

Planning, supervising, and co-ordinating the activities involved in carrying out a project, with regard to time, cost, project team membership, performance requirements, and other constraints. This product refers only to those situations in which project management is offered as a stand-alone service.

Environmental consulting services

8. Environmental assessments

Objective studies undertaken for any one or more of the following purposes:

  • identify whether or not environmental contamination exists at a particular site, and if so, determine the source, nature, and extent of the contamination;
  • assess the risk to public health and safety from environmental contamination associated with a project that is proposed or in place;
  • evaluate the impact on the ecology, society, or economy of environmental contamination resulting from human or natural activity.

9. Environmental audits

An independent assessment of the current status of a party’s compliance with applicable environmental requirements or of a party’s environmental compliance policies, practices, and controls.

10. Site remediation planning services

Preparation of a plan for the abatement of environmental contamination, usually at a specific site, and incorporating such technical or other criteria as may be prescribed by law or regulation.

11. Natural resource management consulting services

The provision of objective information, advice, and guidance concerning the best practices for the ecologically sustainable development and use of:

  • lands and forests;
  • bodies of water;
  • oil, gas, and mineral deposits;
  • wildlife populations;
  • other natural resources.

12. Waste management consulting services

The provision of objective information, advice, and guidance concerning the best practices for the minimization, transport, handling, disposal, and/or recycling of waste.

13. Environmental policy development consulting services

Advising public or private institutions on the design, development, and implementation of environmental statutes, regulations, standards, or practices. Consulting services of this type may extend to the drafting of such statutes, regulations, standards or practices on behalf of the client.

14. Other environmental consulting services

All other advisory services not elsewhere classified that are provided by environmental consultants.

Scientific and technical consulting services

15. Economic consulting services

Providing advice related to the description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.


  • consulting services related to macroeconomic modeling;
  • economic forecasting;
  • economic issues arising from competition, regulations, public policy and finance;
  • expert witness services;
  • consulting in agricultural economics.

16. Geological and geophysical consulting services

Providing advice concerning the geology of mineral, oil and natural gas resource exploration and development.


  • geophysical methods;
  • expert witness services;
  • resource and reserve estimates, audits and reviews;
  • independent valuations of mineral, oil and natural gas properties;
  • preparation of independent reports for stock exchange listings;
  • feasibility studies of mineral, oil and natural gas properties;
  • mineral, oil and natural gas property and project evaluation services;
  • geophysical survey design, including selection of methods;
  • appraisal of geological, geophysical or geochemical anomalies.

17. Soil management, crop and animal production consulting services

Providing advice in relation to the scientific management of agricultural land as well as crop or animal production.


  • related to tree farming;
  • crop fertilization;
  • animal breeding;
  • soil conservation.

18. Heritage consulting services

Providing advice concerning the identification, investigation, preservation and interpretation of historical or heritage resources. Includes advice related to the use of historical and archaeological research.


  • built heritage assessments;
  • archaeological site impact or mitigation;
  • advice on local, national or international regulations and standards for heritage sites or properties;
  • advice on obtaining government grants concerning heritage sites;
  • traditional uses of land, water and natural resources by aboriginal peoples.

19. Occupational health and safety consulting services

Providing advice concerning health and related safety standards in commercial, industrial, and government workplaces and facilities.


  • industrial hygiene;
  • workplace health risk assessments;
  • ergonomics;
  • confined space entry;
  • health hazard testing and evaluations;
  • safety standard requirements.

20. Other scientific and technical consulting services

Providing advice on scientific and technical matters not elsewhere classified.


  • pharmaceutical;
  • chemistry;
  • atomic energy.

G - Personnel

To fully measure the contribution of all human capital in this industry, we require information on the number of partners and proprietors as well as the number and classification of workers.

1. Number of partners and proprietors, non-salaried (if salaried, report at question 2 below)

For unincorporated businesses, please report the number of partners and proprietors for whom earnings will be the net income of the partnership or proprietorship.

2. Paid employees

a) Average number of paid employees during the reporting period

To calculate the average number employed, add the number of employees in the last pay period of each month of the reporting period and divide this sum by the number of months (usually 12).


  • partners and proprietors, non-salaried reported at question 1 above.

b) Percentage of paid employees (from question 2a) who worked full time

Full-time employment consists of persons who usually work 30 hours or more per week. Please specify the percentage of paid employees who have been working full time by rounding the percentage to the nearest whole number.

3. Number of contract workers for whom you did not issue a T4, such as freelancers and casual workers (estimates are acceptable)

Contract workers are not employees, but workers contracted to perform a specific task or project in your organization for a specific duration, such as self-employed persons, freelancers and casual workers. These workers are not issued a T4 information slip. Please report the number of contract workers employed by your organization during the fiscal year.

H - Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

1. Clients in Canada

a) Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.


  • sales to Crown corporations.

b) Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

c) Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.


  • sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

2. Clients outside Canada

Please report the share of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.


  • sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

I - Sales by client location

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your total sales by client location (first point of sale).

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

The percentage in question 14 must equal question 2 in section H.

J - International transactions

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, and royalties and licences fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

K - Provincial/territorial distribution

This section is intended to collect information on the locations operated by your business during the reporting period.

Please report the number of business units or locations operating in Canada during the reporting period. Business unit is defined as the lowest level of the firm for which accounting records are maintained for such details as revenue, expenses and employment.

Please report data for the provinces or territories in which you have business units and indicate if you are reporting in Canadian dollars or percentages.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Please visit our website at  or call us at 1-800-972-9692 for more information about these data-sharing agreements.

Thank you!

2011 Survey of Service Industries: Book Publishers

Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual

5-3600-31.3 STC/UES-425-75178

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2011 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey records from Statistics Canada.

Information from this survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will be published in aggregate form only.

Help Line: 1-800-972-9692

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
F - Industry characteristics
G - Personnel
H - Sales by type of client
I - Sales by client location
J - International transactions
K - Provincial/territorial distribution
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

Below is a description of each main activity.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance (e.g., property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

F - Industry characteristics

What to report as books


  • titles bearing an ISBN published under the publisher’s own imprint or under an imprint for which the publisher has acquired the publishing, management and marketing rights;
  • non-periodical printed publications having at least 48 pages of text or illustrations, collated or bound, excluding covers;
  • non-periodical printed publications having less than 48 pages but which you consider to be (are marketed as) a book (e.g., children’s books and poetry books);
  • titles published in print, audio, CD-ROM, online e-books and other formats;
  • titles published with non-book goods such as toys, etc.;
  • titles sold under the form of masters for the purpose of reproduction (e.g., educational materials);
  • atlases.


  • publications issued for advertising purposes such as trade catalogues, prospectuses, tourist advertising, etc.;
  • instruction books for assembling or operating machines, household appliances, etc., sold with the product;
  • test sheets and music scores;
  • timetables, price lists, directories, entertainment programs, calendars, school yearbooks, horoscopes, etc.;
  • publications for internal use only, such as company regulations, reports, etc.;
  • blank books such as ledgers and diaries;
  • colouring books;
  • newspapers and magazines;
  • government publications and charts;
  • publications containing advertising other than the publisher’s own promotional materials.

A title is defined as a work produced for sale through any print, audio, CD-ROM, online e-books or other formats.Reporting guide: Book Publishers 5-3600-31.3 Page 6

Sources of revenue

1. Sales of own and agency titles (net of returns) (book sales only)

Own titles

  • Works published (or co-published) in Canada by a firm holding the Canadian territorial rights to these titles.
  • Agency titles
  • Titles which are published or reprinted outside of Canada, but sold in Canada.
  • Revenue from pre-sold books should be reported in the year in which they are delivered.

3. Grants

Non-repayable financial aid that should be reported according to the source of the grant:

a) Federal
b) Provincial/Territorial
c) Other sources (e.g., municipal, corporate) (please specify)

Please report the amount awarded in the fiscal year for which you are reporting.

6. Dollar value of book returns for the reporting year

To calculate the dollar value of book returns for the year for which you are reporting, please apply the same valuation method used to calculate inventories reported below, in this section, at Cost of titles sold.

Net sales value of titles sold in Canada by customer category

Customer category

7. Exclusive agents, distributors or wholesalers


  • sales to firms who will further distribute and sell at wholesale prices (intermediaries).

8. Direct to retail

a) Bookstores


  • campus bookstores;
  • chain bookstores with outlets in most major cities in Canada;
  • big box retailers;
  • independent bookstores that have either one outlet or several outlets within a narrow geographic area (city, province).

b) Other trade sales

Include :

  • warehouse clubs and discount stores which are primarily retail;
  • department stores.

9. Library sales, direct and wholesale

Include :

  • government libraries;
  • special libraries;
  • public libraries;
  • educational libraries.

10. Educational institutions

Include :

  • elementary-secondary level institutions (ELHI);
  • postsecondary institutions (college, university).


  • sales to educational libraries.

11. General public

Include publisher’s sales:

  • through the mail;
  • at home (door-to-door, home parties);
  • in shopping centres (kiosks);
  • in the workplace;
  • at school fairs;
  • through publisher’s own websites.

These are sales directly to the reader; the books are not purchased to be resold.

12. Other


  • Internet retailers from all websites.


  • sales from publisher’s own websites; please report this amount, in this section, at question 11 above.5-3600-31.3 Page 7 Reporting guide: Book Publishers

Cost of titles sold

14. Opening inventory and

17. Closing inventory (less obsolescence or decrease in value)

Please report inventory at book value (i.e., the value maintained in accounting records).


  • inventory owned by this business unit within or outside Canada;
  • inventory held at any warehouse, sales outlet, in transit or on consignment.


  • inventory held on consignment for others.

15. Purchases


  • purchases of materials to be used in book printing;
  • purchases of non-book goods for resale.

16. Direct costs related to publishing

a) Production employee salaries, wages and benefits

Please report salaries, wages and benefits paid to employees involved in the production of a book.

Include, for example:

  • designers;
  • editors.

Guidelines for questions 19 and 20, 21 to 28

Please refer to the definitions listed below when reporting amounts for questions 19 and 20 and on the grid on pages 7 and 8 of the questionnaire for questions 21 to 28.

Please complete the questions 19 and 20 and questions 21 to 28 for books only, in all formats (not any other published material that your firm produces). For the description of books to report, please refer to page 5 of this reporting guide, at the beginning of Section F.

Number of copies sold by commercial category

Please report the number of books sold in Canada during the fiscal year. The publisher’s own titles are to be reported separately from exclusive agency books sold.

If precise numbers are not available, please provide your best estimate and indicate, in the margin, that estimates have been provided.

Own titles

Works published (or co-published) in Canada by a firm holding the Canadian territorial rights to these titles.

Exclusive agency

Titles that are published or reprinted outside of Canada, but sold in Canada. Publishers who also act as exclusive agents should report their agency sales in the Exclusive agency rows.

Commercial category

There are five commercial categories used to designate the target market of a title:


Titles published mainly to be used as educational material for students and teachers.


  • elementary-secondary level (ELHI);
  • post-secondary level (college, university);
  • workbooks, readers and teacher’s manuals as well as reference books done specifically for the educational system.

Children’s books

Titles published for children and young adult markets.


  • picture books;
  • board books;
  • texts which are not primarily intended as textbooks;
  • children’s reference books.


  • colouring books.

Tradebooks (other trade, all formats)

Titles published for consumption by the adult public at large.


  • mass market paperbacks;
  • trade paperbacks;
  • trade hardcovers;
  • literary fiction and non-fiction;
  • bibles and hymnals;
  • poetry and drama;
  • non-fiction such as history, political, biographies.Reporting guide: Book Publishers 5-3600-31.3 Page 8


Titles designed primarily for general reference purposes aimed at a diversified public.

Include, for example:

  • dictionaries;
  • encyclopedias;
  • thesauruses;
  • atlases.

Scholarly, professional and technical

Titles aimed at the academic community, usually published by university presses, research institutes and learned societies or publications containing reference material aimed at a specific group of individuals such as accountants, lawyers or electricians.


  • specialized reference books.

Sales Information - questions 21 to 28

In Canada

Sales of merchandise where the delivery address is in Canada.


  • sales of rights in Canada.


Sales of products having physically crossed the Canadian border going to a foreign address.


  • sales of rights abroad.

Other foreign sales

Sales of books printed outside Canada and sold outside Canada from a foreign base (i.e., never crossed the Canadian border).


  • sales of rights abroad.


Canadian authors

A Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who is an author or an editor in the case of anthologies or collected works.

Foreign authors

A person who is not a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who is an author or an editor in the case of anthologies or collected works.

Adapted and/or translated titles

The citizenship of the title’s original author should be given, and not the citizenship of the adaptor or translator.

A title written by more than one author

The citizenship should be given as Canadian if at least one of the authors (or editors) is a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, and they have made a substantial contribution to the book (one half or more of the content).

G - Personnel

To fully measure the contribution of all human capital in this industry, we require information on the number of partners and proprietors as well as the number and classification of workers.

1. Number of partners and proprietors, non-salaried (if salaried, report at question 2 below)

For unincorporated businesses, please report the number of partners and proprietors for whom earnings will be the net income of the partnership or proprietorship.

2. Paid employees

a) Average number of paid employees during the reporting period

To calculate the average number employed, add the number of employees in the last pay period of each month of the reporting period and divide this sum by the number of months (usually 12).


  • partners and proprietors, non-salaried reported at question 1 above.

b) Percentage of paid employees (from question 2a) who worked full time

Full-time employment consists of persons who usually work 30 hours or more per week. Please specify the percentage of paid employees who have been working full time by rounding the percentage to the nearest whole number.

3. Number of contract workers for whom you did not issue a T4, such as freelancers and casual workers (estimates are acceptable)

Contract workers are not employees, but workers contracted to perform a specific task or project in your organization for a specific duration, such as self-employed persons, freelancers and casual workers. These workers are not issued a T4 information slip. Please report the number of contract workers employed by your organization during the fiscal year.5-3600-31.3 Page 9 Reporting guide: Book Publishers

H - Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

1. Clients in Canada

a) Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.


  • sales to Crown corporations.

b) Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

c) Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.


  • sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

2. Clients outside Canada

Please report the share of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.


  • sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

I - Sales by client location

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your total sales by client location (first point of sale).

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

The percentage in question 14 must equal question 2 in section H.

J - International transactions

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, and royalties and licences fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

K - Provincial/territorial distribution

This section is intended to collect information on the locations operated by your business during the reporting period.

Please report the number of business units or locations operating in Canada during the reporting period. Business unit is defined as the lowest level of the firm for which accounting records are maintained for such details as revenue, expenses and employment.

Please report data for the provinces or territories in which you have business units and indicate if you are reporting in Canadian dollars or percentages.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Please visit our website at call us at 1-800-972-9692 for more information about these data-sharing agreements.

Thank you!

Annual Trucking Survey Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the Annual Trucking Survey. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Business Survey Section/Central Region, Statistics Canada, toll-free at: 1-800-386-1273

A – Introduction

Main Business Activity

Please indicate the main activity which most accurately represents your principal source of revenue. This is to ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire. Below is a description of the trucking industry, the population included in this survey.

Truck Transportation: The sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in the transportation of goods by truck. These establishments may carry general freight or specialized freight. Specialized freight comprises goods that, because of size, weight, shape or other inherent characteristics, require specialized equipment for transportation. Establishments may operate locally, that is within a metropolitan area and its hinterland, or over long distances, that is between metropolitan areas. Owner operators are included in the survey.

Business Type

Please indicate if you are an owner operator or not. You may wish to refer to the following definitions of the main types of trucking businesses.

Owner Operator: A business whose main activity is to provide hauling services under contract (short or long term) to for-hire and/or private carriers. Owner operator businesses are typically made up of drivers that have their own trucks. Apartfrom their smaller size, the main characteristic of this business type is that owner operators do not deal directly with shippers, but with the carriers to whom they are under contract. For this survey, independent truck drivers - truck drivers that own their own equipment, work for themselves rather than for a larger carrier and are responsible for collecting their own accounts - are also classified as owner operators. Owner operators may also be referred to as lease operators, or brokers.

For-Hire Carrier: A business whose main activity is to undertake the transport of goods by truck for compensation. For-hire carriers operate a fleet of trucks (owned and/or leased) and hire salaried drivers and/or owner operators.

Private Carrier: A business whose main activity is not trucking (e.g., manufacturing, retailing, wholesaling, etc.), but which maintains a fleet of trucks (owned and/or leased) to haul its own freight. A private carrier’s first function is to provide logistical support to the business’ main activity. Private carriers may employ salaried drivers and/or hire owner operators.

B – Revenue

Please report your revenue earned during the reporting period (in dollars).

  • Include all revenue within or outside Canada recorded in your accounts for sales to other businesses and for transfers to other units of your business.
  • Exclude GST/HST, PST and TVQ

1. Operating revenue from trucking

  • Include all trucking-related charges such as fuel surcharge fees, trace charges, etc.
  • Include all revenue received from services performed by owner operators on behalf of your business.
  • Exclude interest and dividend income. Please report this amount in this section, in question 4 in this section.

2. All other operating revenue

  • Include all operating revenue from sources other than trucking, such as storage and warehousing, van line commission and insurance, vehicles and equipment rentals, packaging and crating, etc.
  • Exclude interest and dividend income. Please report this amount in question 4 in this section.

3. Total operating revenue

  • Add the amounts reported in questions 1 and 2.

4. Investment revenue

This is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

5. Total revenue

  • Add amounts reported in questions 3 and 4.

C – Trucking revenue by type of movement

Please ensure the sum of the parts adds to 100%.

D – Trucking revenue by region of pick-up

Region of pick-up represents where the company picked up the shipment, as opposed to the ultimate origin of the shipment.

Please ensure the sum of the parts adds to 100%.

E – Trucking revenue by type of product hauled

1. Bulk liquids and bulk gases

  • Includes bulk liquids and gases that must be temperature-controlled or pressurized such as crude petroleum oil, petroleum products, liquid and gaseous chemicals, milk and water.

2. Dry bulk

  • Includes bulk commodities such as coal, mine ores, cereal grain, sand, gravel, cement, dry chemicals, dry plastics, fertilizer products, wood chips, flour and sugar.

3. Climate-controlled boxed, palletized and other packed goods, including intermodal containers

  • Includes goods that must be kept within given ranges of temperature and/ or humidity, packed in boxes, crates, sacks, drums, or on hangers, hooks or pallets, and intermodal containers.

4. Not climate-controlled boxed, palletized and other packed goods, including intermodal containers

  • Includes goods not requiring climate control, packed in boxes, crates, sacks, drums, or on hangers, hooks or pallets, and intermodal containers. Includes small packages, documents and letters.

5. Automobiles and light-duty trucks

6. Live animals

  • Includes farm animals, such as cattle, horses, hogs and poultry.

7. Waste, without collection

  • Includes solid and liquid waste, residential and non-residential waste, hazardous and non-hazardous waste, and specialized intermodal containers.

8. All other goods

  • Includes goods that are not packed, such as logs, pulp, lumber, structural steel, pipe, and glass; large items, such as construction machinery and equipment, and industrial machinery and equipment; and loose goods that are contained only by the vehicle in which they are carried, such as fresh produce travelling short distances, and scrap, but not dry bulk or waste.

9. Moving services

  • Includes household, office and institutional goods, and goods requiring special handling and protection.

10. Please ensure the sum of the parts adds to 100%.

F – Expenses

Please report your expenses incurred during the reporting period (in dollars)

1. Salaries, wages and benefits for employees who have been issued a T4 – Statement

  • Include vacation pay, bonuses and commissions.
  • Include the employer portion of employee benefits such as Canada Pension Plan, employment insurance, medical/life insurance, etc.
  • Exclude payments to owner operators. Please report this amount in question 2 in this section.
  • Exclude expenses associated with employment agencies or personnel suppliers (agency drivers). Please report this amount in question 10 in this section.

2. Payments to owner operators

  • Include all costs related to the use of owner operators. In special cases, this might also include owner operator vehicle fuel expenses.
  • Exclude expenses associated with employment agencies or personnel suppliers (agency drivers). Please report this amount in question 10 in this section.

3. Purchased transportation services, warehousing and storage expenses

  • Include linehaul and local trucking, rail and any other multimodal purchased transportation expenses, e.g. water carriers, airlines.
  • Exclude payments to owner operators. Please report this amount in question 2 in this section.
  • Exclude expenses associated with employment agencies or personnel suppliers (agency drivers). Please report this amount in question 10 in this section.

4. Vehicle fuel expenses

  • Include fuel expenses only for vehicles owned or leased by this business.
  • Include excise taxes.
  • Exclude fuel purchased for heat generation and lubricants.

5. Repairs and maintenance

  • Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of buildings and structures, vehicles, machinery and equipment.
  • Include costs related to materials (e.g., lubricants), parts (e.g., tires) and external labour associated with these expenses (e.g., janitorial services).

6. Rental and leasing

  • Include both short (rental) and long term (capital) leases of motor vehicles, equipment and real estate.
  • Exclude amount paid for drivers.

7. Insurance premiums

  • Include professional and other liability insurance, motor vehicle and property insurance, executive life insurance, bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

8. Utilities and telecommunications

  • Include light, heat, water and power expenses, telephone, fax, cellular phone, or pager services for transmission of voices, data or images, Internet access charges, wireless telecommunication services, satellite telecommunication services, online access services, online information provision services and satellite transmission of radio and music programs.

9. Depreciation of tangible and intangible assets

  • Include direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements, amortization of intangible assets (e.g., goodwill), deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs.

10. All other operating expenses

  • Include financial, legal, accounting and other professional and business service fees, property and business taxes, licences and permits, payments to employment agencies or personnel suppliers, advertising and marketing expenses, office supplies, postage and courier expenses, accommodation and meals while travelling, allowance for bad debts, donations and inventory adjustments, etc.
  • Exclude interest expenses, such as interest on loans to buy vehicles and equipment. Please report this amount in question 12 in this section.

11. Total operating expenses

  • Add the amounts reported in questions 1 to 10.

12. Other expenses

  • Include interest expenses such as interest on loans to buy vehicles and equipment and the interest portion of mortgage payments.

13. Total expenses

  • Add the amounts reported in questions 11 and 12.

G – Employment

Please report the average number of people employed during the reporting period.

  • Include full-time, part-time and temporary employees and employees absent with pay.

1. Salaried drivers

  • Exclude owner operators. Please report this number in question 4 in this section.

2. All other salaried employees

  • Include office staff, mechanics, garage hands, etc.
  • Exclude owner operators. Please report this number in question 4 in this section.

3. Total salaried employees

  • Add the amounts reported in questions 1 and 2.
  • Please ensure the total number of salaried employees is consistent with the salaries, wages and benefits expenses reported in Section F, Question 1.

4. Owner operators

  • Do not count yourself if you are an owner operator.
  • Exclude drivers from employment agencies or personnel suppliers.
  • Please ensure the total number of owner operators is consistent with the payments to owner operators reported in Section F, Question 2

H – Fleet and equipment

Please report the number of vehicles and equipment in service at the end of the reporting period.

Powered and non-powered units

  • Include units owned and/or leased by your business.
  • Exclude vehicles and equipment owned by owner operators.
  • Please ensure the total number of vehicles and equipment is consistent with the depreciation expenses reported in Section F, Question 9 and the rental and leasing expenses reported in Section F, Question 6.

Powered units

  • Please ensure the total number of powered units is consistent with the vehicle fuel expenses reported in Section F, Question 4 and the repair and maintenance expenses reported in Section F, Question 5.

To reduce the need for follow-up, please review the questionnaire for completeness

Thank you.

Unified Enterprise Survey

5-3600-121.3 STC/UES-375-75377

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2011 Annual Non-Store Retail Survey. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1- 800-972-9692

Table of contents

A - Introduction
Reporting instructions
Main business activity
Reporting period information
B - Revenue
C - Cost of goods sold
D - Expenses
E - Distribution of total operating revenue by method of sale
F - Distribution of total operating revenue by type of customer
G - Location of customer
H - Events that may have affected your business unit
I - Comments
J - Contact information
Commodity Annex to the 2011 Annual Non-Store Retail Survey

This guide is designed to provide additional information to assist you in completing the questionnaire and related annex. The 2011 Annual Non-Store Retail Survey questionnaire is divided into ten sections identified with capital letters A to J. Each of the ten sections is further subdivided into headings and question numbers. Guideline items in this guide correspond to sections and question numbers that are on the survey questionnaire.

A - Introduction

The introduction includes information on the survey purpose, coverage, data-sharing agreements, confidentiality of the data provided, the return of the questionnaire, and a warning about fax or other electronic transmission of the survey. Please read this information.

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their prior consent. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and will be published in an aggregate form only.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, who must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Data linkage

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Reporting instructions

1. Please print in ink.

2. Please report all dollar amounts in Canadian dollars (CAN$).

3. All dollar amounts reported should be rounded to the nearest whole dollar (e.g., $55,417.40 should be rounded to $55,417). All percentages reported should be rounded to the nearest whole percent (e.g., 37.3% to 37%, 75.8% to 76%).

4. When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimates.

Main business activity

Are you a non-store retailer? (yes - no)

Non-store retailers are primarily engaged in retailing merchandise by non-store retail methods. To reach their customers and market their merchandise, they employ such methods as broadcasting infomercials, broadcasting and publishing direct-response advertising, publishing traditional and electronic catalogues, home delivery, door-to-door solicitation, in-home demonstration, temporary display of merchandise (temporary stands or stalls), distribution by vending machines, and distribution by office coffee services.

Business units primarily engaged in retailing heating oil, liquefied petroleum gas and other fuels via direct selling are considered to be non-store retailers for the purpose of this survey.

Non-store retailers typically sell merchandise to the general public for personal or household consumption, but some may also serve business and institutional clients.

If you answer “no”, indicating that your business unit is not defined as non-store retailer, please call 1‑800‑972‑9692 for further instructions.

Reporting period information

Please report for your fiscal year ending between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012. Indicate the start and end dates.

If the fiscal period for which you are reporting is less than a full year, please check the appropriate reason(s). More than one reason may be checked.

Revenue, cost of goods sold and expenses

Sections B, C and D are designed to gather information from your business unit’s financial records. Not all of the itemized details in the three sections are applicable to every business unit. Please report only for items that are relevant to your business unit.

B - Revenue

All revenue reported should exclude sales taxes (GST/HST, PST and TVQ) and be net of returns, discounts, sales allowances, and charges for outward transportation by common or contract carriers. Do not deduct the value of trade-ins.

1. Revenue from sales of goods (purchased for resale or manufactured)


  • excise taxes (such as those on gasoline, liquor, and tobacco) and other taxes that are levied on the manufacturer/importer and included in the cost of products purchased by this business unit;
  • sales of all goods purchased for resale as well as revenue from sales of goods manufactured; please report gross sales of new and used goods less returns and discounts;
  • parts used in generating repair and maintenance revenue; please report the labour portion of repair and maintenance in this section, at question 4 below.

Do not deduct the value of trade-ins.


  • taxes collected directly from customers and paid directly by this operating unit to provincial and federal tax agencies;

2. Revenue from shipping and handling charges

Please report shipping and handling charges that are not embedded in the price of the merchandise, and which are therefore not reflected in the amount reported in this section, at question 1 above.

3. Commission revenue and fees earned from selling merchandise on account of others

As part of revenue, please report the gross amount of commissions and fees earned by this business unit while acting as an independent sales contractor, agent, distributor or sales representative selling goods owned by other business units. The value of the commission received, not the total value of the sale, should be reported here.

4. All other operating revenue

Please report all other operating revenue not specified and reported above.


  • the labour portion of revenue from installations and repair and maintenance work; please report amounts for the parts used in this section, at question 1 above;
  • revenue from the rental and leasing of office space and other real estate  as well as equipment rental;
  • fees and commissions for displaying items on websites or in catalogues;
  • revenue from other services;
  • revenue from warranties.


  • interest and dividend income; please report these amounts in this section, at question 6 below.

5. Total operating revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 4 in this section.

6. Non-operating revenue

Non-production-related revenue of this business unit.

Include, for example:

  • interest and dividend income.

7. Total revenue

The sum of questions 5 and 6 in this section.

C - Cost of goods sold

1. Opening inventory and 3. Closing inventory

Please report inventories at book value (i.e., the value maintained in the accounting records).

Include opening and closing inventories of all types such as:

  • goods purchased for resale;
  • raw materials;
  • goods in process;
  • finished products;
  • parts used in generating repair and maintenance revenue.

Closing inventory should reflect all inventory adjustments.


  • inventory held on consignment for others.

2. Purchases

Please report the purchases of new and used goods purchased for resale and, if applicable, raw materials.


  • shipping and handling charges, and the cost of insurance, if applicable;
  • import duties and all taxes paid, except for the deductible GST/HST/TVQ;
  • transfer of goods received from within your own company;
  • freight-in and the value of goods taken in trade, less returns and discounts.

4. Cost of goods sold

The sum of questions 1 and 2 minus question 3.

1. Salaries and wages of employees

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as air tickets for holidays);
  • retroactive wage payments;
  • direct employee labour costs (i.e., related to any manufacturing activity or installation service).

Exclude all payments and expenses associated with outside contract workers and casual labour for whom a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid was not issued such as:

  • a receptionist or a filing clerk under direct contract to you;
  • pay for temporary workers paid through an agency;
  • payments to an employment agency or personnel supplier;
  • charges for personnel search services under direct contract to you.

Please report these amounts in this section, at question 8.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Please report the employer portion of employee benefits.


  • employee life and extended health care insurance plans (e.g., medical, dental, drug and vision care plans);
  • Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) contributions;
  • employer pension contributions;
  • workers’ compensation (provincial or territorial plan applicable to this business unit);
  • employment insurance premiums (EI);
  • retiring allowances or lump sum payments to employees at time of termination or retirement;
  • all other employee benefits and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Total labour remuneration

The sum of questions 1 and 2 or the total if you cannot provide the above breakdown.

4. Rental and leasing expenses


  • rent of office space or other real estate;
  • motor vehicles (without driver);
  • computers and peripherals (without operator);
  • other machinery and equipment (without operator);
  • furniture and fixtures.


  • rental and leasing of vehicles, machinery and equipment with driver or operator; please report these items in this section, at question 8 below.

5. Advertising and promotion


  • planning, creating and placement services of advertising;
  • purchase of advertising space or time;
  • other advertising services;
  • trade fair and exhibition services, including booth space, tables, temporary telephone, fax or computing services and equipment;
  • expenses related to the preparation and distribution of catalogues.

6. Amortization and depreciation expenses

Include the amortization and depreciation expenses on this business unit’s:

  • capital assets;
  • intangible assets;
  • capital lease obligations.


  • amortization and depreciation expenses on vehicles owned by the business unit that are leased to others.

7. Management fees and other service fees charged by head office and other business support units


  • any management or service fees paid to head office.

8. All other operating expenses

Please report all other operating expenses not specified and reported above.


  • all payments and expenses associated with outside workers;
  • rental and leasing of vehicles, machinery and equipment with driver or operator;
  • legal and audit expenses;
  • bad debt expenses;
  • donations;
  • office supplies;
  • goods transportation, warehousing and storage expenses;
  • other costs (these are non-labour costs related to any manufacturing activity or installation service).


  • interest expenses; please report these amounts, in this section, at question 10.

9. Total operating expenses

The sum of questions 3 to 8 of this section.

10. Other expenses


  • interest expenses on capital lease obligations;
  • interest on loans;
  • the interest portion of mortgage payments.

11. Total expenses

The sum of questions 9 and 10 of this section.

E - Distribution of total operating revenue by method of sale

Method of sale is determined by the method used to reach customers to make the sale, i.e., the method that was used at point of sale.

In this section, you are asked to provide a percentage breakdown of your total operating revenue (as reported in Section B, at question 5) according to the applicable method of sale. If precise numbers are not available, please provide your best estimates.

1. Electronic shopping and mail-order

a) Internet

Please report the percentage of sales generated through online Internet orders, regardless of the method of delivery and payment.

b) Electronic auctions

Please report the percentage of sales made from electronic auctions.

c) Telephone

Please report the percentage of sales made from telephone solicitation and telephone orders in response to advertising.

d) Catalogue and mail-order

Please report the percentage of sales made from mail-order catalogues and flyers, including sales made from catalogue showrooms without stock.

e) Subscriptions

Please report the percentage of sales to magazines and newspapers subscriptions.


  • subscriptions sold in person and regular home delivery; please report these sales in this section, at question 3c.

2. Vending machine and coffee service

a) Vending machine

Please report the percentage of sales made through a device that automatically dispenses merchandise after a requisite amount of money is inserted into the device.


  • food products;
  • non-food products;
  • bulk items.


  • gasoline;
  • newspapers;
  • juke boxes;
  • arcade games;
  • amusement rides;
  • automatic photography machines;
  • photocopiers;
  • coin-operated laundry.

Please report these amounts in this section, at question 4 below.

b) Coffee service

Please report the percentage of sales generated from manual office coffee machines where the operator normally sells or leases the machines and supplies coffee on a regular basis.

3. Direct selling

If you are engaged in direct selling and are acting as an independent sales contractor, an agent, a distributor or a sales representative of a company, please provide the company name in the space provided.

a) Door-to-door

Please report the percentage of sales made in person through individual canvassing.

b) Party plan

Please report the percentage of sales made in person at group demonstrations such as house parties.

c) Home delivery

Please report the percentage of sales made from regular delivery (usually daily) of newspapers, milk, bread, etc. to private households.


  • the percentage of sales made from the delivery of fuel to households as well as to institutions and businesses, for final consumption.

d) Other direct selling methods

Please report the percentage of sales made from other direct selling methods such as: roadside stands; exhibition booths; newspaper coin boxes; kiosks in shopping centres.

Please specify the method of sale in the space provided.

4. All other methods

Please report the percentage of sales made from any other method of sale, such as from your own retail store; sales to independent agents; and wholesale sales.

Please specify the method in the space provided.


  • gasoline;
  • newspapers;
  • juke boxes;
  • arcade games;
  • amusement rides;
  • automatic photography machines;
  • photocopiers;
  • coin-operated laundry.

F - Distribution of total operating revenue by type of customer

In this section, you are asked to provide a percentage breakdown of your total operating revenue (as reported in Section B, at question 5) according to the type of customer to whom the goods or services were delivered.

Data on your revenue by type of customer will be used to improve information on the origin of the demand for goods and services. Statistics Canada recognizes that this may be a difficult question to answer. If precise numbers are not available, please provide your best estimates.

G - Location of customer

In this section, you are asked to provide a percentage breakdown of your total operating revenue (as reported in Section B, at question 5) according to the location of the customers to whom the goods or services were delivered.

Data on your revenue by customer location will be used to improve information on the movement of goods and services between provinces and territories and to other countries. Statistics Canada recognizes that this may be a difficult question to answer. If precise numbers are not available, please provide your best estimates.

H - Events that may have affected your business unit

In this section, in the space provided, please make note of any factors (e.g., strike, layoffs, weather) that affected your business as compared to last year. Your response reduces the likelihood of further inquiries seeking to understand significant changes, from one year to the next, in reported values.

I - Comments

Statistics Canada invites you to comment on any aspect of the survey. All comments are appreciated and reviewed.

J - Contact information

If the person completing the Commodity Annex is not the same as the person completing the Annual Non-Store Retail Survey, please provide the information requested in Section J. Should there be any further questions about the information provided, Statistics Canada will then be able to contact the appropriate person.

Commodity Annex to the 2011 Annual Non-Store Retail Survey

In this Annex, you are asked to provide a breakdown of your sales of goods and services by commodity.

If you are a sales agent earning a commission from the sales of products owned by others, please report only the value of the commission revenue received, not the total value of the sale.

Do not provide a breakdown of your expenses here.

To assist you in determining how to classify the products and services that you sell, according to the commodity classification used by Statistics Canada for the purpose of this survey, consult the Indexes A and B  at

If you report an amount in commodity Other Y0000 on page 6, please provide details in the space provided.

The amount reported at Total sales of goods and services Z0000 on page 6 should equal the sum of all reported commodity sales.

Thank you

2011 Annual Retail Trade Survey

Unified Enterprise Survey

5-3600-151.3 STC/UES-375-75376

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2011 Annual Retail Trade Survey. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1- 800-972-9692

Table of contents

General information
Part A
A - Introduction
Reporting instructions
Main business activity
Reporting period information
Revenue, cost of goods sold and expenses
B - Revenue
C - Cost of goods sold
D - Expenses
E - Distribution of total operating revenue
F - Events that may have affected your business unit
H - Comments
J - Contact information
Part B - Location details
I - Independent retail dealer
II - Retail commissionned agent
III - Lessee
IV - Oil refinery or other wholesale supplier

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada uses your survey responses to compile operating and financial statistics for the retail sector by province/territory and Canada as a whole. By accurately reporting your business units activity, you contribute to measuring provincial/territorial and Canadian economic output - the gross domestic product (GDP), as well as provide an accurate portrait of the store retailing sector in Canada.

Retailers also make significant use of the data from these surveys to:

  • track their performance against industry averages;
  • evaluate expansion plans;
  • prepare business plans for investors;
  • determine payments with respect to performance based contracts;
  • plan marketing strategies.

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their prior consent. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and will be published in an aggregate form only.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, who must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkage

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.


This guide is designed to provide additional information and to assist you in completing the questionnaire.

The Annual Retail Trade Survey is comprised of 2 parts. Part A of the questionnaire requests information on revenue earned and expenses incurred by your business unit, information typically found on the income statement of the business unit. Part A is divided into six sections identified with capital letters A to F. Each section is further subdivided by headings and letters.

Part B of the questionnaire requests detailed information on individual locations. Part B serves 2 important purposes:

  • First, if you operate in more than one province or territory, the data you provide are used to allocate your economic activity to the provinces/territories in which it actually takes place. This is important for measuring the GDP for each province/territory.
  • Second, by having data on individual stores, aggregate performance measures can be developed that allow you to make comparisons of the performance of your company against industry standards for similar types of operations.

Electronic reporting

The Retail Trade questionnaire is available in both a paper and an electronic format. The electronic version is particularly useful for companies with a large number of locations and allows the location detail to be loaded from a variety of software formats. Should you wish to change from the paper questionnaire to the electronic questionnaire, or the reverse, please call the Help Line number on the front page. Guideline items in this guide correspond to sections and question numbers on the survey questionnaire.

Part A

The first step is to verify the business covered by this survey. Statistics Canada requests that you report for either your entire business unit or that part that is described in the pre-printed area (hereafter referred to as the coverage statement) at the top of the first page. This may include one or more banners in the same industry class and under the same legal ownership. If any of the information in the coverage statement and address information is not correct, please provide corrections in the spaces provided.

A - Introduction

The introduction includes information on the survey purpose, data-sharing agreements, coverage, confidentiality of data provided, return of the questionnaire and a warning about fax or other electronic transmission disclosure. Please read this information.

Reporting instructions

1. Please print in ink.

2. Please report all dollar amounts in Canadian dollars (CAN$).

3. All dollar amounts reported should be rounded to the nearest whole dollar (e.g., $55,417.40 should be rounded to $55,417). All percentages reported should be rounded to the nearest whole percent (e.g., 37.3% to 37%, 75.8% to 76%).

4. When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimates.

Main business activity

1. Is this business unit primarily a store retailer?

(yes - no)

Store retailers operate fixed point-of-sale locations, located and designed to attract a high volume of walk-in customers. In general, retail stores have extensive displays of merchandise and use mass-media advertising to attract customers. They typically sell merchandise to the general public for personal or household consumption, but some also serve business and institutional clients. If sales to individuals and households equal or exceed 10% of the total sales generated by the business unit, then that business unit is typically classified to the retail trade industry. These include business units such as office supply stores, computer and software stores, gasoline stations, building material dealers, plumbing supply stores and electrical stores.

Catalogue sales showrooms and mobile home dealers are treated as store retailers.

If you answer “no”, indicating that your business unit is not a store retailer as defined above, then please call 1 ‑800‑972‑9692 for further instructions.

2. How many retail locations does this business unit cover?

Please provide the number of stores included in this questionnaire.

3. Is this business unit a franchise operation?

(yes - no)

Definition of a franchise: a person, group of persons, partnership or incorporated company granted a contractual privilege permitting the sale of a product, use of a trade name or provision of a service within a specific territory and/or in a specified manner.

4. Main lines of merchandise and services

Please list up to three principal lines of merchandise and services sold by this business unit and indicate the estimated percentage of total operating revenue associated with each one. This information is used to determine whether you have been correctly classified into one of 65 retail store industries.

Your principal lines of merchandise should be broadly described (e.g., men’s clothing; clothing accessories; new cars and trucks; wide range of general merchandise, etc).

Reporting period information

Please report for your fiscal year ending between April 1, 2010 and March 31, 2011. Indicate the start and end dates.

Revenue, cost of goods sold and expenses

Sections B, C and D are designed to gather information from your business unit’s financial records. Not all of the itemized details in the three sections apply to every business unit. Please report for these items that are relevant to your business unit.


If you are reporting for a retail gasoline service station, please see Appendix 1 to this guide for additional information specific to this industry.

If you are reporting for beer, wine and/or liquor stores and your company also completes the Monthly Survey on Sales and Inventory of Alcoholic Beverages, please see Appendix 2 to this guide for additional information on completing this questionnaire.

B - Revenue

All revenue reported should exclude sales taxes (GST/HST, PST and TVQ) and be net of returns, discounts, sales allowances, and charges for outward transportation by common or contract carriers. Do not deduct the value of trade-ins.

1. Sales of all goods purchased for resale, net of returns and discounts


  • excise taxes (such as those on gasoline, liquor, and tobacco) and other taxes that are levied on the manufacturer/importer and included in the cost of products purchased by this business unit;
  • sales of all goods purchased for resale; please report gross sales of new and used goods less returns and discounts;
  • parts used in generating repair and maintenance revenue; report the labour portion of repair and maintenance at question 5 below.

Do not deduct the value of trade-ins.


  • taxes collected directly from customers and paid directly by this operating unit to provincial and federal tax agencies;
  • sales and revenue from concessions. Please report commission revenue from concessions at question 2 below.

2. Commission revenue and fees earned from selling merchandise on behalf of others

Include, for example:

  • commission received for merchandise sold, such as used clothing, automobiles and gasoline;
  • commission revenue from concessions.

A concession is a separately-owned business operated as a department within your premises, usually under licence or contractual agreement.

The value of the commissions received and not the total value of sales should be reported here.

3. Commission revenue and fees earned from selling services on behalf of others

Include, for example:

  • commission revenue received from selling lottery tickets, bus tickets, phone cards, fax and/or photocopying services.

The value of the commission and not the total value of sales received should be reported here.

4. Sales of goods manufactured as a secondary activity by this retailing business unit

Please report revenue from sales of goods of own manufacture.

5. Labour revenue from repair and maintenance


  • labour revenue for installations, warranty and repair work.

Parts used in generating installation, repair and maintenance revenue are to be included at question 1 above.

6. Revenue from rental and leasing of goods and equipment


  • video/computer game rental;
  • rug shampoo equipment rental;
  • tool rental.

7. Revenue from rental of real estate


  • revenue received from renting out or leasing property owned by this business unit.

8. All other operating revenue

Please report all other operating revenue not specified and reported above.


  • revenue from warranties;
  • placement fees for displaying items on websites, store windows, catalogues;
  • revenue from shipping and handling charges that are not included in the price of the merchandise;
  • fees and commissions from concessions;
  • donations, subsidies and grants.


  • interest and dividend income.

Please report these amounts at question 10 (see next page).

9. Total operating revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 8 in this section.

10. Non-operating revenue

Non-production-related revenue by this business unit.


  • interest and dividend income.

11. Total revenue

The sum of questions 9 and 10 in this section.

C - Cost of goods sold

1. Opening inventory and 3. Closing inventory

Please report inventories at book value (i.e., the value maintained in the accounting records).

Include opening and closing inventories of all types, such as:

  • goods purchased for resale;
  • raw materials;
  • goods in process;
  • finished products;
  • parts for use in generating repair and maintenance revenue.

Closing inventory should reflect all inventory adjustments.


  • inventory held on consignment for others.

2. Purchases

Please report the purchases of new and used goods purchased for resale and, if applicable, raw materials.


  • shipping and handling charges, and the cost of insurance, if applicable;
  • import duties and all taxes paid, except for the deductible GST/HST/TVQ;
  • transfer of goods received from within your own company;
  • freight-in and the value of goods taken in trade, less returns and discounts.

4. Cost of goods sold

The sum of questions 1 and 2 minus question 3.

D - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • retroactive wage payments;
  • direct employee labour costs (e.g., related to any manufacturing activity or installation service).

Exclude all payments and expenses associated with outside contract workers and casual labour for whom a T4-Statement of Remuneration Paid was not issued such as:

  • the cost of a receptionist or a filing clerk under direct contract to you;
  • payments to employment agencies or personnel suppliers, (e.g., pay for temporary workers paid through an agency and charges for personnel search services under direct contract to you).

Please report these amounts in this section, at question 8.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include :

  • employee life and extended health care insurance plans (e.g., medical, dental, drug and vision care plans);
  • Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) contributions;
  • employer pension contributions;
  • workers’ compensation (provincial or territorial plan applicable to this business unit);
  • employment insurance premiums (EI);
  • retiring allowances or lump sum payments to employees at time of termination or retirement;
  • all other employee benefits and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Total labour remuneration

The sum of questions 1 and 2 or the total if you cannot provide the above breakdown.

4. Rental and leasing expenses


  • rent of office space or other real estate;
  • motor vehicles (without driver);
  • computers and peripherals (without operator);
  • other machinery and equipment (without operator);
  • furniture and fixtures.


  • rental and leasing of vehicles, machinery and equipment with driver or operator; please report these items at question 8 below.

5. Advertising and promotion


  • planning, creating and placement services of advertising;
  • purchase of sale of advertising space or time;
  • other advertising services;
  • trade fair and exhibition organization services.

6. Amortization and depreciation expenses

Include the amortization and depreciation expenses on this business unit’s:

  • capital assets;
  • intangible assets;
  • capital lease obligations.


  • amortization and depreciation expenses on vehicles owned by this business unit that are leased to others.

7. Management fees and other service fees charged by head office and other business support units


  • any management or service fees paid to head office.

8. All other operating expenses

Please report all other operating expenses not specified and reported above.


  • all payments and expenses associated with outside contract workers;
  • rental and leasing of vehicles, machinery and equipment with driver or operator;
  • goods transportation, warehousing and storage expenses;
  • bad debt;
  • donations;
  • other costs (these are non-labour costs related to any manufacturing activity or installation service).


  • interest expenses; please report these amounts at question 10 below.

9. Total operating expenses

The sum of questions 3 to 8 in this section.

10. Other expenses


  • interest expenses on capital lease obligations;
  • interest on loans;
  • the interest portion of mortgage payments.

11. Total expenses

The sum of questions 9 and 10 in this section.

E - Distribution of total operating revenue

Statistics Canada recognizes that this may be a difficult section to answer. If precise numbers are not available, please provide your best estimates.

1. By type of customer

In this section you are asked to indicate the percentage of total operating revenue (reported in Section B, at question 9) from individuals and households and from all other customers.

Data on your revenue by type of customer are used to determine the percentage of revenue in the retail trade sector that originates from end use consumption by individuals and households and the percentage that is derived from purchases for other uses.

2. By method of sale

In this section you are asked to indicate the percentage of total operating revenue earned from in-store sales, e-commerce, catalogue, mail-order and telephone and all other methods.

Data on your revenue by method of sale are used to measure the evolving means by which traditional store retailers reach their clientele.

a) In-store sales

Please report the percentage of total operating revenue of goods or services which are purchased in a fixed point-of-sale location accessible to the public. Sales at pumps for gasoline stations are considered in-store sales.

b) E-commerce

Please report the percentage of total operating revenue of goods or services, whether between businesses, households, individuals, governments, conducted over internet applications. The goods and services are ordered over those networks, but the payment and ultimate delivery of the good or service may be conducted on or off-line.

c) Catalogue, mail order or telephone

Please report the percentage of total operating revenue generated from customers ordering their goods from catalogues and mail order flyers. Include sales purchased via telephone and fax.

d) All other methods

Please report the percentage of total operating revenue of goods or services from all other methods. This includes trade shows, special events, in-home sales and card lock.

F - Events that may have affected your business unit

In this section, in the space provided, please make note of any factors (e.g., strike, layoffs, weather) that affected your business as compared to last year. Your response reduces the likelihood of further inquiries seeking to understand significant changes from one year to the next in reported values.

H - Comments

Statistics Canada invites you to comment on any aspect of the survey. All comments are appreciated and reviewed.

J - Contact information

If the name of the person completing the questionnaire is not the same as the one indicated in the pre-printed area (on page 1), please provide the information requested at Section J of the questionnaire. Should there be questions about the information provided, Statistics Canada will then be able to contact the appropriate person.

Part B - Location details

This section serves two important purposes.

Part B appears in the form of an information grid. Information requested in the column headings about each store operation is to be reported in the rows of the grid.

The column headings are:

  • North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code;
  • name and address;
  • total operating revenue;
  • gross leasable area (the portion of total floor area designed for tenants’ occupancy and exclusive use, measured from the centreline of joint partitions and the centre of outside walls; includes both owned and leased areas);
  • whether the store operated for only part of the year, and, if so, the dates of operation.

Please be advised that to reduce your burden of response, the questionnaire contains information you have provided in the past. We will continue to pre-fill the questionnaire unless otherwise notified. Please review this information and provide corrections, if necessary. Please add any new stores that you may have opened during the fiscal year covered by this questionnaire.

Please refer to Retail NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) - Reference Guide (5-3600-156)for the applicable NAICS codes for retail trade. The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code is requested for each of the locations reported in Part B of the questionnaire.

More information and detailed instructions are included in the Part B Survey.


I - Independent retail dealer

An independent retail dealer purchases gasoline for resale from a supplier (e.g., an oil refinery or wholesaler), i.e., owns the inventories.

An independent dealership is a typical retail operation and should report all data as requested on the questionnaire.

A franchisee is usually an independent retail dealer.

Reporting instructions:

Section B - Revenue


  • provincial sales taxes (PST and TVQ);
  • goods and services tax (GST) or harmonized sales tax (HST).


  • excise taxes;
  • revenue from repairs, rentals, car washes and other services.

II - Retail commissionned agent

A retail commissioned agent sells petroleum products on consignment and does not own the inventory of gasoline; may also purchase and carry inventories of other merchandise for resale.

A retail commissioned agent also receives a commission or flat fee from supplier of products sold on consignment.

Reporting instructions:

Section B - Revenue

Please report only the commissions or fees received for consignment sales, plus excise taxes, and total sales of other merchandise not on consignment, as well as revenue from repairs, rentals, car washes and other services.


  • provincial sales taxes (PST and TVQ);
  • goods and services tax (GST), or harmonized sales tax (HST).

Section C, questions 1, 2 and 3 (inventories and cost of goods sold)


  • inventories and purchases of goods held on consignment.


  • all other merchandise, preferably valued at cost price.

Section D, questions 1, 2 and 3 (labour remuneration)

Report as requested on questionnaire.

III - Lessee

For purposes of the survey, a lessee can be either an independent dealer or a retail commissioned agent.

If a lessee purchases gasoline for resale, i.e., he owns the inventories, he should report as an independent dealer.

If a lessee sells gasoline on consignment, i.e., he does not own the inventories, he should report as a retail commissioned agent.

IV - Oil refinery or other wholesale supplier

An oil-producing company, refinery or other wholesale supplier involved in gasoline retailing through:

a) company owned-and-operated gasoline service stations;


b) retail commissioned agents or lessees who sell company-owned gasoline on consignment.

Reporting instructions:

Report for each location, depending upon its type, i.e.:

  • company-owned;


  • retail commissioned agent or lessee.

Section B - Revenue

a) Company owned-and-operated stations


  • total retail sales of petroleum products;
  • sales of all other merchandise;
  • receipts from repairs, rentals, car washes and other services;
  • excise taxes.


  • provincial sales taxes (PST and TVQ);
  • goods and services tax (GST) or harmonized sales tax (HST).

b) Retail commissioned agents or lessees who sell on consignment


  • only the value of retail sales of petroleum products sold on consignment, including excise taxes.


  • commissions or fees paid to agents or lessees;
  • provincial sales taxes (PST and TVQ);
  • goods and services tax (GST) or harmonized sales tax (HST).

Section C, questions 1, 2 and 3 (inventories and cost of goods sold)

Report total inventories of petroleum products held at retail locations (both company owned-and-operated and retail commissioned agents or lessees), as well as at any other locations where the inventories are segregated pending sale on consignment or through company owned-and-operated outlets.

Inventories should be reported at transfer or wholesale value.

For company owned-and-operated stations, inventories of other merchandise held for resale (e.g.,  food, auto parts, etc.) should also be reported.

Section C, question 2 (purchases)

Report the transfer or wholesale value of all petroleum products sold on consignment or through company owned-and-operated stations.

Purchases of other merchandise sold through company owned-and-operated outlets should also be included, at cost of goods sold.

Section D, questions 1, 2 and 3 (labour remuneration)

Report for all employees of company owned-and-operated stations, plus a portion of the administrative salaries (overhead) applicable to both the company owned-and-operated outlets as well as to the stations operated by retail commissioned agent or lessees who sell on consignment.


If none of the above categories applies to your service station business, please enclose a note with your questionnaire.


The information in this appendix applies, if and only if, your company is requested to complete the Monthly Survey on Sales and Inventory of Alcoholic Beverages.

If you are not sure whether your company receives the Monthly Survey on Sales and Inventory of Alcoholic Beverages, please call us at 1 800‑972‑9692 for clarification.

If you are primarily a retailer of beer, wine and/or liquor and your company also receives the Monthly Survey on Sales and Inventory of Alcoholic Beverages, you are requested to complete the entire questionnaire for both your retail and wholesale trade operations.

The definition of store retailers is included in Section A of this Guide under Main Business Activity. Your retail stores should be reported in Part B of the questionnaire with NAICS code 445310 - Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores.

Your wholesale distribution centres (i.e., distribution outlets that are not retail stores and that sell directly to commercial accounts) should be reported in Part B of the questionnaire with NAICS code 413220 - Alcoholic Beverage Wholesaler-Distributors.

If your company has transfer pricing between its wholesale and retail operations, these values should neither be included as revenue for the wholesale component nor as an expense for the retail component.

It is expected that the total operating revenue that you report on this questionnaire will be similar to the total sales, excluding taxes, that have been reported for the relevant months on the Survey on Sales and Inventory of Alcoholic Beverages. If there is a substantial difference and you have not provided an explanation in the Comments section, it is likely that Statistics Canada will telephone you in an attempt to understand the reasons for the differences.

Thank you!

2011 Annual Wholesale Trade Survey

Unified Enterprise Survey

5-3600-143.3 STC/UES-380-75374

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2011 Annual Wholesale Trade Survey. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1- 800-972-9692

Table of contents

A - Introduction
Reporting instructions
Main business activity
Revenue,cost of goods sold and expenses
B - Revenue
C - Cost of goods sold
D - Expenses
E - Distribution of operating revenue by location and type of customer
F - Events that may have affected your business unit
G - Key variables by province/territory of operation
H - Province/country of origin and destination of goods sold
I - Comments

This guide is designed to provide additional information to assist you in completing the questionnaire. The Annual Wholesale Trade Survey is divided into nine sections identified with capital letters A to I. Each of the sections is further subdivided into headings and question numbers. Guideline items in this guide correspond to sections and question numbers that are on the survey questionnaire.

A - Introduction

The introduction includes information on the survey purpose, coverage, data-sharing agreements, confidentiality of the data provided, information on the return of the questionnaire, and a warning about fax or other electronic transmission disclosure. Please read this information.

If the name of the person completing the questionnaire is not the same as the one indicated in the preprinted area (on page 9), please provide the information requested at the bottom of page 9. Should there be questions about the information provided, Statistics Canada will then be able to contact the appropriate person.

Reporting instructions

1. Please print in ink.

2. Please report all dollar amounts in Canadian dollars (CAN$).

3. All dollar amounts reported should be rounded to the nearest whole dollar (e.g., $55,417.40 should be rounded to $55,417). All percentages reported should be rounded to the nearest whole percent (e.g., 37.3% to 37%, 75.8% to 76%).

4. Please include all electronic commerce transactions.

5. When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimates.

Main business activity

1. Principal source of revenue

A business unit is defined as the lowest level of the firm for which separate records are kept for details such as revenue, expenses and employment.

Statistics Canada defines business units in the wholesale sector as follows:

Wholesale merchants are engaged in the buying and selling of goods on their own account (i.e., take title of the goods). In addition, they may provide, or arrange for the provision of logistics, marketing and support services, including packaging and labelling, breaking bulk, inventory management, shipping, in-store or co-op promotions, handling of warranty claims and product training. Wholesale merchants are known by a variety of trade designations depending on their relationship with suppliers or customers or the distribution method they employ. Examples include wholesalers, wholesale distributors, drop shippers, (takes an order and be responsible for the transportation of a product from the manufacturer to the final customer), rack-jobbers (wholesaler who will place his display cases in client stores and usually consigns the merchandise they hold), import-export merchants, dealer-owned co-operatives and banner wholesalers.

Wholesale agents or brokers are engaged in the buying and/or selling, on a commission or fee basis, goods owned by others. Wholesale agents and brokers are known by a variety of trade designations including import-export agents, wholesale commission agents, wholesale brokers, and manufacturer’s representatives and agents. Buying groups who combine the purchasing power of their members and guarantee supplier payment for which members pay a fee, annual dues, etc., to the buying group, are also included.

If your business unit does not meet either of these definitions, please call 1-800‑972‑9692 for further instructions.

Enclosed with the questionnaire is a supplement that lists all identified wholesale operations. Please update any new openings, closures, changes of address and changes of ownership for these wholesale operations occurring within the fiscal year being reported on your questionnaire.

2. Main lines of merchandise and services

Please list up to three main lines of merchandise and services sold by this business unit and indicate the estimated percentage of the total operating revenue associated with each one.

Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012. Indicate the start and end  dates.

Revenue, cost of goods sold and expenses

Sections B, C and D are designed to gather information from your business unit’s financial records. Not all of the itemized details in the three sections apply to every business unit. Please report for those items that are relevant to your business unit.

B - Revenue

All revenue reported should exclude sales taxes (GST/HST, PST and TVQ) and be net of returns, discounts, sales allowances, and charges for outward transportation by common or contract carriers. Do not deduct the value of trade-ins.

1. Sales of all goods purchased for resale, net of returns and discounts or rebates provided to your clients


  • excise taxes (such as those on gasoline, liquor, and tobacco) and other taxes that are levied on the manufacturer/importer and included in the cost of products purchased by this business unit;
  • sales of all goods purchased for resale; please report gross sales of new and used goods less returns, discounts and rebates;
  • parts used in generating repair and maintenance revenue; report the labour portion of repair and maintenance at question 4 below;
  • any sales made to any member company of your enterprise.

Do not deduct the value of trade-ins.


  • taxes collected directly from customers and paid directly by this operating unit to provincial and federal tax agencies.

2. a) Commission revenue and fees earned selling merchandise on behalf of others

Please report the gross amount of commission and fees earned by this business unit while acting as an agent or broker selling goods owned by other businesses.

2. b) Value of goods where commission and fees were earned by you acting as an agent or broker

As supplementary information to the reported commission revenue, please report the sale value of those goods upon which you have reported earning a commission or fee.

3. Sales of goods manufactured as a secondary activity by this wholesaling business unit

Please report revenue from sales of goods of own manufacture.

4. Labour revenue from repair and maintenance


  • labour revenue from installation, repair and maintenance work.

Parts used in generating installation, repair and maintenance revenue are to be included at question 1 above.

5. Revenue from rental and leasing of office space, other real estate, goods and equipment


  • rental and leasing of office space, other real estate, goods and equipment, whether or not they have been produced by your business unit.

6. All other operating revenue

Report all other operating revenue not reported above.


  • revenue from warranties;
  • revenue from shipping, and handling and storing goods for others that has not been included in the price of the goods.


  • interest and dividend income.

Please report these amounts at question 8 below.

7. Total operating revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 6 above, excluding 2b.

8. Non-operating revenue

Non-production-related revenue of this business unit.


  • interest and dividend income.

9. Total revenue

The sum of questions 7 and 8 below.

C - Cost of goods sold

1. Opening inventory and 3. Closing inventory

Report inventories at book value (i.e., the value maintained in your accounting records).

Include opening and closing inventories of all types such as:

  • raw materials;
  • goods in process;
  • finished products;
  • parts used in generating repair and maintenance revenue;
  • goods purchased for resale;
  • inventory owned by this business unit within or outside Canada (including inventory at any warehouse, selling outlet, in transit, or out on consignment).

Closing inventory should reflect all inventory adjustments.


  • inventory held on consignment for others.

2. Purchases of goods

Please report the purchases of new and used goods for resale and, if applicable, raw materials.

Please report the laid-down cost to this business unit (including shipping and handling, if applicable).


  • shipping and handling charges, and the cost of insurance, if applicable;
  • import duties and all taxes paid, except for the deductible GST/HST/TVQ;
  • transfer of goods received from within your own company.

If your accounting records do not permit you to make the distinction between goods purchased from outside the firm and goods manufactured by business units of your own firm, please provide your best estimate.

4. Cost of goods sold

The sum of questions 1 and 2 minus question 3.

1. Salaries and wages of employees

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as air tickets for holidays);
  • retroactive wage payments.

Exclude all payments and expenses associated with outside contract workers and casual labour for whom a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid was not issued such as:

  • a receptionist or a filing clerk under direct contract to you;
  • pay for temporary workers paid through an agency;
  • charges for personnel search services under direct contract to you.

Please report these amounts at question 8, next page.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Please report the employer portion of employee benefits.


  • employee life and extended health care insurance plans (e.g., medical, dental, drug and vision care plans);
  • Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) contributions;
  • employer pension contributions;
  • workers’ compensation (provincial or territorial plan applicable to this business unit);
  • employment insurance premiums (EI);
  • retiring allowances or lump sum payments to employees at time of termination or retirement;
  • all other employee benefits and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Total labour remuneration

The sum of questions 1 and 2 or the total if you cannot provide the breakdown for Salaries and wages of employees and the Employer portion of employee benefits

4. Rental and leasing expenses


  • rent of office space or other real estate;
  • motor vehicles (without driver);
  • computers and peripherals (without operator);
  • other machinery and equipment (without operator);
  • rental or leasing services concerning other goods (videotapes, televisions, furniture, etc.).


  • rental and leasing of vehicles, machinery and equipment with driver or operator; report those costs with the associated function (e.g., the rental of a transportation company truck and driver to deliver a product to a customer at your business unit’s expense would be charged to other operating expenses).

Please report this amount at question 8 next page.

5. Advertising and promotion


  • planning, creating and placement services of advertising;
  • purchase of advertising space or time;
  • other advertising services;
  • trade fair and exhibition services (e.g., booth space, tables, temporary telephone, fax or computing services and equipment).

6. Amortization and depreciation expenses

Include the amortization and depreciation expenses on this business unit’s:

  • capital assets;
  • intangible assets;
  • capital lease obligations.

7. Management fees and other service fees charged by head office and other business support units


  • any management or service fees paid to head office.

8. All other operating expenses

Report all other operating expenses not specified and reported above.

Include  for example:

  • property and business taxes, licences and other permits, including building permits and development changes;
  • legal and audit expenses;
  • bad debt expenses;
  • donations;
  • office supplies;
  • rental and leasing of vehicles, machinery and equipment with driver or operator.


  • interest expenses.

Please report these amounts at question 10 below.

9. Total operating expenses

The sum of questions 3 to 8 of this section.

10. Other expenses


  • interest expenses on capital lease obligations;
  • interest on loans;
  • the interest portion of mortgage payments.

11. Total expenses

The sum of questions 9 and 10 above.

E - Distribution of total operating revenue by location and type of customer

1.You are asked to indicate the percentage distribution of total operating revenue by the location of your customers within or outside Canada. For example, 70% of total operating revenue is from customers in Canada and 30% is from customers outside of Canada.

2. For your Canadian customers, you are asked to report the percentage distribution of total operating revenue by the type of customer.

F - Events that may have affected your business unit

In the space provided, please make note of any factors (e.g., strike, layoffs, weather) that affected your business unit as compared to last year. Your response reduces the likelihood of further inquiries seeking to understand significant changes, from one year to the next, in reported values.

G - Key variables by province/territory of operation

Section G applies only if you are reporting for more than one wholesale operation and the wholesale operations are located in more than one province/territory.

For example, if you are reporting for wholesale operations located in Nova Scotia and Ontario, you would report for the province/territory where your wholesale operations are located.

Please indicate whether you are reporting in either Canadian dollars ($) or in percentages (%) by ticking the appropriate box.

If you report in Canadian dollars, the Canada Totals should equal the totals reported in Sections B, C and D, at the indicated questions. If you report in percentages, the Canada Totals should equal 100%.

H - Province/country of origin and destination of goods sold

Why is Section H so important?

  • to apportion harmonized sales tax revenues and to distribute various other federal funds like equalization payments, for example. The information you provide us with has an impact on the sources of provincial/territorial government revenues which contribute to the financing of various provincial/territorial activities such as building roads and running schools and hospitals.
  • to measure the provincial/territorial gross domestic product - an indicator of the performance of provincial/territorial economies. Businesses depend on such indicators to make a number of important decisions such as where to expand their operations and to identify new markets for their goods and services.
  • to assess regional disparities, the resolution of which may result in various government programs such as providing business assistance and initiating investment such as construction of wharves or airports.
  • to assess the movement of goods and services among provinces/territories and the impact of any trade barriers.

How to complete this section

In this section you are asked to provide – for your

total goods and for each province/territory in which you have wholesale business operations – the province/territory/country where your supplier is located (origin) and the province/territory/country where your customer is located (destination).

Please note that your best estimates are acceptable.

For costs of goods sold and sales of goods:

In dollars or percentages, report for each product the proportion of total cost of goods sold and sales of goods in each province/territory.

For origin:

Please provide the percentages that the cost of goods sold represented in each province/territory or foreign country where your supplier(s) is/are located. The supplier is the last business from whom you purchased your goods, that is, the wholesaler’s point of purchase.

For destination:

Please provide the percentages of total sales in each province/territory or foreign country where your customer(s) is/are located.

Please note:

  • Intermediate shipping points do not affect the origin and destination of a product.
  • “Total sales” is equal to question 1 + question 3 in Section B - Revenue.
  • If the supplier(s) and/or customer(s) have/has a shipping address different from the invoicing address, use the shipping address to determine origin and destination.
Table of origin and destination



If your business operation(s) that is/are situated in Ontario bought goods from a supplier in the U.S.A. then the origin would be 100% U.S.A.

If your business operation(s) that is/are located in Ontario, sold goods to customers in Ontario and Nova Scotia, and of the total sales by the business operation(s) in Ontario, 15% were in Ontario, and 85% in Nova Scotia, these would be the destination percentages of your sales.

If your business operation(s) that is/are situated in Alberta purchased goods from both Saskatchewan and Ontario and this represented 10% and 90% respectively of the total purchases, the origin would be 10% for Saskatchewan and 90% for Ontario.

If your business operation(s) in Alberta shipped the goods directly to your customer in Alberta (the “ship to address) then, the destination would be “Alberta.

If your supplier for machinery is in California, but the machinery was shipped from a warehouse in Toronto, Ontario, to your address in Alberta, via Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., the Origin you would report would be “Ontario - the “ship from address of your supplier.

Example of a company that has business units with wholesale operations in two provinces:

Figure 1

Figure 1 is an image consisting of two circles. The top circle depicts wholesale operations in British Columbia. On the left hand side, arrows going into the circle indicate that 75% of the goods originate from British Columbia and 25% from China. On the right side of the circle are three arrows extending from the circle indicating that 60% of goods goes to British Columbia, 35% to Saskatchewan and 5% to Mexico.The bottom circle depicts wholesale operations in Ontario. On the left hand side, arrows going into the circle indicate that 40% of goods (mangos grown in Mexico) originate from the United States and 60% of goods originate from Ontario. On the right side of the circle are two arrows extending from the circle indicating that 70% of goods goes to Ontario and 30% to Quebec.

You would complete Section H as follows:

Table 1
1 British Columbia  
103 Fresh fruit  
    N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que Ont. Man. Sask. Alta B.C. Y.T. N.W.T. Nvt. USA China Other Total
Cost of goods sold: % Purchased from (origin)                 50 25         25   100%
Sales of goods: % Sold to (destination)               35   60           5 100%
Table 2
2 Ontario  
103 Fresh fruit  
    N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que Ont. Man. Sask. Alta B.C. Y.T. N.W.T. Nvt. USA China Other Total
Cost of goods sold: % Purchased from (origin)           60               40     100%
Sales of goods: % Sold to (destination)         30 70                     100%

I - Comments

Statistics Canada invites you to comment on any aspect of the survey. All comments are appreciated and reviewed.

Thank you!