Confidential when completed. This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on stored grains and the crops you intend to seed this year.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable business, institution or individual without the previous written consent of that business, institution or individual. The data reported on this questionnaire will be treated in confidence, used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other Legislation.

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure of your information if you choose to return it by fax, e-mail or other electronic means. Upon receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide the level of protection required by the Statistics Act.

Review the information on the label. If any information is incorrect or missing, please make the necessary corrections in the boxes below.

  • Farm Name (if applicable)
  • Surname or Family Name
  • Usual First Name and Initial
  • Area Code
  • Telephone
  • R.R.
  • Box No.
  • Number and Street Name
  • Postal Code
  • Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
  • E-mail Address (if applicable)
  • Partner's Name (if applicable)
  • Telephone
  • Partner's Name (if applicable)
  • Telephone
  • Corporation Name (if applicable)

Section A Grains in storage

The following questions refer to grains in storage on your farm on March 31, 2010.


  • grains harvested in or prior to 2009;
  • grains owned by someone else but stored on your farm;
  • grains purchased for animal feed or seed.


  • brand name feeds that were purchased (feed rations);
  • grains that you own but are stored off your farm (e.g. elevator, another farm, storage ticket, condominium storage).

Important: Any crops harvested as forage or green silage should not be included as "grains in storage".

1. Will you have any grains in storage on your farm on March 31, 2010?

  • Yes
  • No (go to section B.)

2. Indicate the expected quantity in storage on your farm on March 31, 2010.

Quantity in storage
Unit of measure

  • bu
  • mt
  • it
  • kg
  • lb
  • cwt
  • Other

a. Barley
b. Canola
c. Corn for Grain (include seed corn but exclude sweet corn)
3. What is the percent moisture content of the Corn for Grain in storage? (If Quebec respondent, go to question 4. Else, go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to section B.)
d. Dry Beans, Coloured, total
e. Dry Beans, White Pea (Navy)
f. Mixed Grains (two or more grains sown together)
g. Oats
h. Rye (Spring and Fall)
i. Soybeans
j. Wheat, Spring

  • (If Quebec respondent, go to question 5. Else, go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to section B.)

k. Wheat, Winter

  • (If Quebec respondent, go to question 6. Else, go to section B.)

(Go to section B.)


Quebec respondents only

4. What percentage of your Corn for Grain in storage is intended for the commercial market?

5. What percentage of your Spring Wheat in storage is intended for human consumption?

6. What percentage of your Winter Wheat in storage is intended for human consumption?

(Go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to section B.)

The following questions deal with all land operated.


  • Land rented from other operations and Crown or public land used for agricultural purposes.


  • Land rented to other operations.

Section B Fall Rye and Winter Wheat

1. Did you seed any Fall Rye or Winter Wheat in the fall of 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (go to section C.)

2. Which crops did you seed?

  • Fall Rye
  • Winter Wheat

(Go to the next question.)

3. Indicate the area seeded and the area remaining to be harvested as grain.

Seeded area

  • ac
  • ha
  • arp

Remaining to harvest as grain area

a. Fall Rye
b. Winter Wheat (If Quebec respondent, go to question 4. Else, go to section C.)
c. Total remaining to harvest as grain area (sum of 3a to 3b)

(Go to section C.)


Quebec respondents only

4. What percentage of your Winter Wheat remaining to be harvested as grain, is intended for human consumption?

(Go to section C.)

Section C Seeding intentions

1. Do you plan to seed any crops in 2010?

  • Yes
  • No (go to section D.)

2. Indicate the area you plan to seed.

Seeded area

  • ac
  • ha
  • arp

a. Barley (include Winter Barley seeded in the fall of 2009)
b. Buckwheat
c. Canola (include Winter Canola seeded in the fall of 2009)
d. Corn for Grain (include seed corn but exclude sweet corn)
e. Dry Beans, Black (Black Turtle, Preto)
f. Dry Beans, Cranberry (Romano)
g. Dry Beans, Dark Red Kidney
h. Dry Beans, Faba (Fava, Broad)
i. Dry Beans, Great Northern
j. Dry Beans, Light Red Kidney
k. Dry Beans, Pinto
l. Dry Beans, Small Red (Red Mexican)
m. Dry Beans, White Pea (Navy)
n. Dry Beans, Other and unknown
o. Fodder Corn
p. Mixed Grains (two or more grains sown together)
q. Oats
r. Potatoes
s. Soybeans
t. Spring Rye
u. Sugar Beets
v. Tobacco
w. Wheat, Spring

  • (If Quebec respondent, go to question 3. Else, go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to section D.)

x. Other Field Crops (list in comments)
y. Total seeded area (sum of 2a to 2x)

(Go to section D.)


Quebec respondents only

3. What percentage of your Spring Wheat area is intended for human consumption?

(Go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to section D.)

Section D Tame hay and forage seed

Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures


  • Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixed with varieties of clover, trefoil, bromegrass, timothy, orchardgrass, canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, soudan-sorghum and wheatgrass.


  • All forage crop area harvested or to be harvested for commercial seed purposes, crops harvested or that will be harvested green to be used to feed animals and under-seeded areas.

Other Tame Hay


  • Varieties of clover, trefoil, bromegrass, timothy, orchardgrass, canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, soudan-sorghum and wheatgrass.


  • Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures, all forage crop area harvested or to be harvested for commercial seed purposes and crops harvested or that will be harvested green to be used to feed animals.

Forage Seed


  • All forage crop area harvested or to be harvested for seed purposes such as alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures, varieties of clover, trefoil, bromegrass, timothy, orchardgrass, canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, soudan-sorghum and wheatgrass.


  • Forage crops harvested or to be harvested for hay or to be used for pasture.

1. Will you have any Tame Hay or Forage Seed in 2010?

  • Yes
  • No (go to section E.)

2. Which crops will you have?

  • Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures (go to question 3.)
  • Other Tame Hay (go to question 4.)
  • Forage Seed (go to question 5.)

Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures

3. Wat will be your total area of Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures? (Exclude under-seeded areas.)

Total area

  • ac
  • ha
  • arp

a. Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures

(Go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to question 6.)

Other Tame Hay

4. What will be your total area of all Other Tame Hay? (Exclude under-seeded areas.)

Total area

  • ac
  • ha
  • arp

a. Other Tame Hay

(Go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to question 6.)

Forage Seed

5. What will be your total area of Forage Seed? (Exclude under-seeded areas.)

Total area

  • ac
  • ha
  • arp

a. Forage Seed

(Go to the next question.)

6. Total Tame Hay and Forage Seed areas (sum of D3 to D5)

Total area

  • ac
  • ha
  • arp

(Go to section E.)

Section E Land Balance

Land for pasture or grazing:

All land which is being used for pasture, grazing, native pasture, native hay, rangeland and grazable bush used for the grazing or feeding of livestock.

  • Areas to be harvested as dry hay, silage or forage seed;
  • Community pastures, co-operative grazing associations or grazing reserves.

If a field is used the same year for harvesting Tame Hay and as a pasture, count it only once as a Tame Hay field.

Other Land:

  • Area of farmstead: farm buildings, farmyard, home garden and roads;
  • Idle land: improved land which was cropped, pastured or used for agricultural purposes last year, but is not being cropped this year;
  • Fall crop area ploughed under but not reseeded;
  • New broken land: land which has been cleared and prepared for cultivation but will not be cropped;
  • Winterkilled land: winterkilled area from crops sown in the previous fall, which will not be reseeded or pastured to another crop;
  • Wasteland, woodland, cut-over land, slough, swamp, marshland and irrigation ditches;
  • Summerfallow land: land on which no crop will be grown during the year, but which may be cultivated or worked for weed control and/or moisture conservation, or it may simply be left to lay fallow in order to renew the soil;
  • Chemfallow: summerfallow where herbicides are used without working the soil;
  • Fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, maple trees, Christmas trees and sod.

What will be your total area of Land for pasture or grazing and Other Land in 2010?

Land Use
Total area

  • ac
  • ha
  • arp

1. Land for pasture or grazing
2. Other Land
3. Total Land Balance (sum of E1 to E2)

(Go to section F.)

Section F Total Land Area

What will be the Total Land Area in 2010?

Land Use
Total area

  • ac
  • ha
  • arp

1. Total Land Area
2. Sum of sections B3c + C2y + D6 + E3
3. Difference between F1 and F2 (F1-F2). If the difference is substantial, please explain in comments.

(Go to section G.)

Section G Federal/Provincial Agreement to Share Information

1. Federal/Provincial Agreement to Share Information

Ontario and British Columbia Residents:

To avoid duplication of enquiry, this survey is conducted under a co-operative agreement to share information with your provincial department of agriculture in accordance with Section 12 of the Statistics Act. Any information shared with a provincial ministry of agriculture is released in aggregate form only. The provincial ministry of agriculture must guarantee the confidentiality of all shared data. Statistics Canada does not provide the respondent's name or address to any provincial ministry of agriculture.

Do you agree to share this information?

  • Yes
  • No (go to question 2.)

Quebec Residents:

To avoid duplication of enquiry, this survey is conducted under a co-operative agreement to share information in accordance with Section 11 of the Statistics Act, with Statistics Canada and l'Institut de la statistique du Québec.

2. Request for survey results

  • Yes
  • No (go to question 3.)

3. Total interview time

  • Time (end of survey)


Confidential when completed. This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on stored grains and the crops you intend to seed this year.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable business, institution or individual without the previous written consent of that business, institution or individual. The data reported on this questionnaire will be treated in confidence, used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other Legislation.

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure of your information if you choose to return it by fax, e-mail or other electronic means. Upon receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide the level of protection required by the Statistics Act.

Review the information on the label. If any information is incorrect or missing, please make the necessary corrections in the boxes below.

  • Farm Name (if applicable)
  • Surname or Family Name
  • Usual First Name and Initial
  • Area Code
  • Telephone
  • R.R.
  • Box No.
  • Number and Street Name
  • Postal Code
  • Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)
  • E-mail Address (if applicable)
  • Partner's Name (if applicable)
  • Telephone
  • Partner's Name (if applicable)
  • Telephone
  • Corporation Name (if applicable)

Section A Grains in storage

The following questions refer to grains in storage on your farm on March 31, 2010.


  • grains harvested in or prior to 2009;
  • grains owned by someone else but stored on your farm;
  • grains purchased for animal feed or seed.


  • brand name feeds that were purchased (feed rations);
  • grains that you own but are stored off your farm (e.g. elevator, another farm, storage ticket, condominium storage).

Important: Any crops harvested as forage or green silage should not be included as "grains in storage".

1. Will you have any grains in storage on your farm on March 31, 2010?

  • Yes
  • No (go to section B.)

2. Indicate the expected quantity in storage on your farm on March 31, 2010.

Quantity in storage
Unit of measure

  • bu
  • mt
  • it
  • kg
  • lb
  • cwt
  • Other

a. Barley
b. Canary Seed
c. Canola
d. Chick Peas
e. Corn for Grain (include seed corn but exclude sweet corn)
f. Dry Beans, Coloured, total
g. Dry Beans, White Pea (Navy)
h. Dry Field Peas
i. Flaxseed
j. Lentils
k. Linola (solin)
l. Mixed Grains (two or more grains sown together)
m. Mustard Seed
n. Oats
o. Rye (Spring and Fall)
p. Soybeans
q. Sunflower Seeds (include Sunola & other dwarf varieties)
r. Wheat, Durum
s. Wheat, Winter
t. Wheat Spring, Canadian Western Extra Strong (utility)
u. Wheat Spring, Hard Red
v. Wheat Spring, Prairie (include semi-dwarf varieties but exclude Soft White Spring Wheat)
w. Wheat Spring, Soft White (exclude White Prairie Spring Wheat)
x. Wheat Spring, Other (unlicensed varieties, including Grandin Wheat)

(Go to section B.)

The following questions deal with all land operated.


  • Land rented from other operations and Crown or public land used for agricultural purposes.


  • Land rented to other operations.

Section B Fall Rye and Winter Wheat

1. Did you seed any Fall Rye or Winter Wheat in the fall of 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (go to section C.)

2. Which crops did you seed?

  • Fall Rye
  • Winter Wheat

(Go to the next question)

3. Indicate the area seeded and the area remaining to be harvested as grain.

Seeded area

  • ac
  • ha

Remaining to harvest as grain area

  • Fall Rye
  • Winter Wheat
  • Total remaining to harvest as grain area (sum of 3a to 3b)

(Go to section C.)

Section C Seeding intentions

1. Do you plan to seed any crops in 2010?

  • Yes
  • No (go to section D.)

2. Indicate the area you plan to seed.

Seeded area

  • ac
  • ha

a. Barley
b. Borage Seed
c. Buckwheat
d. Canary Seed, Hairless (Canario)
e. Canary Seed, Regular
f. Canola
g. Caraway Seed
h. Chick Peas, Desi
i. Chick Peas, Kabuli
j. Chick Peas, Other and unknown
k. Coriander Seed
l. Corn for Grain (include seed corn but exclude sweet corn)
m. Dry Beans, Black (Black Turtle, Preto)
n. Dry Beans, Cranberry (Romano)
o. Dry Beans, Dark Red Kidney
p. Dry Beans, Faba (Fava, Broad)
q. Dry Beans, Great Northern
r. Dry Beans, Light Red Kidney
s. Dry Beans, Pinto
t. Dry Beans, Small Red (Red Mexican)
u. Dry Beans, White Pea (Navy)
v. Dry Beans, Other and unknown
w. Dry Field Peas – green
x. Dry Field Peas – yellow
y. Dry Field Peas - other and unknown
z. Flaxseed
aa. Fodder Corn
ab. Lentils - large green
ac. Lentils - red
ad. Lentils - small green
ae. Lentils - other and unknown
af. Linola (solin)
ag. Mixed Grains (two or more grains sown together)
ah. Mustard Seed - brown
ai. Mustard Seed - oriental
aj. Mustard Seed - yellow
ak. Mustard Seed - other and unknown
al. Oats
am. Potatoes
an. Safflower
ao. Soybeans
ap. Spring Rye
aq. Sugar Beets
ar. Sunflower Seeds (include Sunola & other dwarf varieties)
as. Triticale
at. Wheat, Durum
au. Wheat Spring, Canadian Western Extra Strong (utility)
av. Wheat Spring, Hard Red
aw. Wheat Spring, Red Prairie (semi-dwarf varieties)
ax. Wheat Spring, White Prairie (include semi-dwarf varieties but exclude Soft White Spring Wheat)
ay. Wheat Spring, Soft White (exclude White Prairie Spring Wheat)
az. Wheat Spring, Other (unlicensed varieties, including Grandin Wheat)
ba. Other Field Crops (list in comments)
bb. Total seeded area (sum of 2a to 2ba)

(Go to section D.)

Section D Tame Hay and Forage Seed

Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures


  • Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixed with varieties of clover, trefoil, bromegrass, timothy, orchardgrass, canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, soudan-sorghum and wheatgrass.


  • All forage crop area harvested or to be harvested for commercial seed purposes, crops harvested or that will be harvested green to be used to feed animals and under-seeded areas.

Other Tame Hay


  • Varieties of clover, trefoil, bromegrass, timothy, orchardgrass, canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, soudan-sorghum and wheatgrass.


  • Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures, all forage crop area harvested or to be harvested for commercial seed purposes and crops harvested or that will be harvested green to be used to feed animals.

Forage Seed


  • All forage crop area harvested or to be harvested for seed purposes such as alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures, varieties of clover, trefoil, bromegrass, timothy, orchardgrass, canarygrass, ryegrass, fescue, soudan-sorghum and wheatgrass.


  • Forage crops harvested or to be harvested for hay or to be used for pasture.

1. Will you have any Tame Hay or Forage Seed in 2010?

  • Yes
  • No (go to section E.)

2. Which crops will you have?

  • Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures (go to question 3.)
  • Other Tame Hay (go to question 4.)
  • Forage Seed (go to question 5.)

Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures

3. What will be your total area of Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures? (Exclude under-seeded areas.)

Total area

  • ac
  • ha

a. Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixtures
(Go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to question 6.)

Other Tame Hay

4. What will be your total area of all Other Tame Hay? (Exclude under-seeded areas.)

Total area

  • ac
  • ha

a. Other Tame Hay
(Go to the next crop. If this is the last crop, go to question 6.)

Forage Seed

5. What will be your total area of Forage Seed? (Exclude under-seeded areas.)

Total area

  • ac
  • ha

a. Forage Seed
(Go to the next question.)

6. Total Tame Hay and Forage Seed areas (sum of D3 to D5)

Total area

  • ac
  • ha

(Go to the section E.)

Section E Land Balance


Land on which no crop will be grown during the year, but which may be cultivated or worked for weed control and/or moisture conservation, or it may simply be left to lay fallow in order to renew the soil.

  • Chemfallow: summerfallow where herbicides are used without working the soil;
  • Winterkilled land: winterkilled area from crops sown in the previous fall, which will not be reseeded or pastured to another crop;
  • Fall crop area ploughed under but not reseeded;
  • Idle land: improved land which was cropped, pastured or used for agricultural purposes last year, but is not being cropped this year.

Land for pasture or grazing:

All land which is being used for pasture, grazing, native pasture, native hay, rangeland and grazable bush used for the grazing or feeding of livestock.

  • Areas to be harvested as dry hay, silage or forage seed;
  • Community pastures, co-operative grazing associations or grazing reserves.

If a field is used the same year for harvesting Tame Hay and as a pasture, count it only once as a Tame Hay field.

Other Land:

  • Area of farmstead: farm buildings, farmyard, home garden and roads;
  • New broken land: land which has been cleared and prepared for cultivation but will not be cropped;
  • Wasteland, woodland, cut-over land, slough, swamp, marshland and irrigation ditches;
  • Fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, maple trees, Christmas trees and sod.

What will be your total area of Summerfallow, Land for pasture or grazing and Other Land in 2010?

Land Use
Total area

  • ac
  • ha

1. Summerfallow
2. Land for pasture or grazing
3. Other Land
4. Total Land Balance (sum of E1 to E3)

(Go to section F.)

Section F Total Land Area

What will be the Total Land Area in 2010?

Land Use
Total area

  • ac
  • ha

1. Total Land Area
2. Sum of sections B3c + C2bb + D6 + E4
3. Difference between F1 and F2 (F1-F2). If the difference is substantial, please explain in comments.

(Go to section G.)

Section G Federal/Provincial Agreement to Share Information

1. Federal/Provincial Agreement to Share Information

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia Residents:

To avoid duplication of enquiry, this survey is conducted under a co-operative agreement to share information with your provincial department of agriculture in accordance with Section 12 of the Statistics Act. Any information shared with a provincial ministry of agriculture is released in aggregate form only. The provincial ministry of agriculture must guarantee the confidentiality of all shared data.

Statistics Canada does not provide the respondent's name or address to any provincial ministry of agriculture.

Do you agree to share this information?

  • Yes
  • No (go to question 2.)

2. Request for survey results

  • Yes
  • No (go to question 3.)

3. Total interview time

  • Time (end of survey)


Government Finance Statistics: Conceptual Adjustments

Differences exist between CSNA (Canadian System of National Accounts) and pure GFS (Government Finance Statistics) statistics. Government CSNA data, as noted above, originate from public accounts information. This information is adapted to the CSNA framework and is incorporated into products such as the Income and Expenditure Accounts, Financial Flows, National Balance Sheet and Input-Output tables. Finally, a mapping between the CSNA and GFS is performed to arrive at those quarterly estimates. In the mapping to GFS certain conceptual adjustments are made to the CSNA data (it should be noted that once the GFS is implemented, the data will be consistent with the Canadian System of National Accounts and the conceptual differences between the two sets of data will disappear).

  1. The GFS framework requires that revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities of non-autonomous public sector pension plans at the federal (Central) and provincial (State) government levels be included in the GFS Statement of Operations and the GFS Balance sheet. For the CSNA-mapped GFS quarterly data, these pension plans incomes and expenses are not included. In the CSNA, these pension plans’ liabilities are treated as liabilities of the government sector and are assets of the household sector while incomes and expenses of these pension plans are captured in the household sector accounts.
  2. The GFS framework requires the elimination of all inter and intra-government transactions between components of government in order to avoid double-counting. These revenue and expense transactions include transfers, interest flows, taxes paid and received, and purchases and sales of goods and services. In the CSNA, all inter and intra-governmental transfers are eliminated in calculating total government sector income and outlay. Also, transactions (interest flows, taxes paid and received, purchases and sales of goods and services and transfers) between budgetary operations (departments/ministries) and special funds are being eliminated. The new quarterly GFS submission reflects this CSNA presentation. Interest flows, taxes paid and received purchases and sales of goods and services between governments are not eliminated in calculating total government sector income and outlay as the necessary information, especially on a quarterly basis, is not available.
  3. For the financial flows and balance sheet, the elimination of inter and intra-governmental transactions is not performed in the CSNA except for transactions between budgetary operations and special funds. For this quarterly GFS data, inter and intra-governmental transactions (for total government) are eliminated for Treasury Bills and bonds only. As a result, the GFS series will differ from the corresponding series within the CSNA.
  4. In the CSNA balance sheet, the valuation of residential and non-residential structures and machinery and equipment are depreciated at replacement cost. Inventory estimates are the accumulation of the value of physical change estimates for the federal (Central) government in the income and outlay accounts (the CSNA does not currently calculate value of physical change for other government sub-sectors). Land estimates are derived using land to structure ratios.
  5. The CSNA mapped GFS balance sheet data is on a market value basis. Book value and market value estimates of financial assets and liabilities are the same except for bonds, shares and foreign investment. Market value estimates of these categories are derived using market to book factors obtained from various sources. The market valuation basis is also used in the CSNA annual financial accounts submissions to the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) .
  6. For most financial categories of the balance sheet, the change in balance sheet values between two periods will not be equal to the estimates of financial flows for the period. The measure of this difference is due to many factors including foreign currency changes and market revaluations, allowances and write-offs, and additional data information. These are referred to as other economic flows and as noted above the CSNA does not currently compile an other change in assets account.

Government Finance Statistics: Nomenclature

The GFS framework requires that data be produced for all levels of government as well as consolidated general government category. The CSNA-mapped quarterly GFS data is produced for the federal, provincial, territorial and local levels of government as well as the Canada Pension Plan and Quebec Pension Plan. These categories correspond to the following GFS nomenclature:

Levels of Government
Central government Federal government (F)
State government Provincial/Territorial government (P)
Local government Local government (L)
Social security Canada and Quebec Pension Plans (SS)
General government ΣF+P+L+SS less inter-sector transactions

Government Finance Statistics: Description of the Four Financial Statements

The core of the GFS analytic framework is a set of four financial statements. These are (1) the Statement of Government Operations; (2) the Statement of Other Economic Flows; and (3) the Balance Sheet. In addition, the framework includes a Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash to provide key information on liquidity. Each of these statements is described below:

  1. The Statement of Government Operations summarizes all transactions and derives important analytic balances from this information. Revenue minus expense equals the net operating balance, which is a summary measure of the effect of the government’s transactions on net worth. The subsequent deduction of the net acquisition of nonfinancial assets from the net operating balance produces a balance called net lending/borrowing, which measures the extent to which government either provides financial resources to the other sectors of the economy and the rest of the world (net lending) or uses financial resources generated by the other sectors (net borrowing). Net lending/borrowing is also equal to the government financing requirement derived as the net of transactions in financial assets and liabilities. It is a measure of the financial impact of government activity on the rest of the economy.
  2. The Statement of Other Economic Flows presents information on changes in net worth that arise from flows other than transactions. These flows are classified as either changes in the value (revaluations, or holding gains or losses) or the volume of assets and liabilities. The balancing item of this statement is the change in net worth resulting from other economic flows.
  3. The Balance Sheet presents the stocks of assets, liabilities, and net worth at the end of the accounting period. The government’s net worth is defined as the difference between total assets and total liabilities. Another balancing item that can be derived from the Balance Sheet is net financial worth, which is defined as total financial assets minus total liabilities.
  4. The Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash shows the amounts of cash generated and used in current operations, transactions in nonfinancial assets, and transactions involving financial assets and liabilities, excluding cash itself. The balancing item, net change in the stock of cash, is the sum of the net cash received from these three sources of cash flows.

At this time, the CSNA-mapped quarterly GFS (Government Finance Statistics) data includes estimates of the Statement of Government Operations and the Balance Sheet. The Canadian System of National Accounts does not publish a revaluation and other changes in assets account and therefore a mapping to the GFS Statement of Other Economic Flows could not be developed. Data for the Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash will be developed at a later date.

Please complete and return this questionnaire to Statistics Canada by mail or fax 613-951-3868 promptly by the 10th day of the month. If you have any questions about this survey please call toll-free at 1-800-216-2299. Thank you for your cooperation.

This survey collects monthly production, stocks and sales data needed to produce statistics concerning your industry. Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.
This document is confidential when completed.

  • Report for month of
  1. Stocks (at the last day of the month)
  2. Production (for the entire month)

Butter, butter oil (kg)

  • Butter
  • Whey Butter
  • Butter Oil (Ghee)

Cheddar cheese (kg)

  • Total cheddar  
  • Of the total, how much is:
    • Mild Cheddar (stocks only)
    • Medium Cheddar (stocks only)
    • Old Cheddar (stocks only)

Mozzarella cheese (kg)

  • Mozzarella American Full Fat (27-28% B.F.)
  • Mozzarella American Low Fat (17-20% B.F.)
  • Mozzarella Italian Full Fat (22-24% B.F.)
  • Mozzarella Italian Low Fat (15% B.F.)
  • All Other Mozzarella Cheese

Cheeses other than cheddar and mozzarella (kg)

  • Total all other varieties
    • Bakers
    • Bocconcini
    • Brick
    • Caciocavallo
    • Casata
    • Colby
    • Cream Cheese
    • Edam
    • Emmental
    • Farmer's
    • Feta
    • Fruilano
    • Gouda
    • Havarti
    • Marble
    • Monterey Jack
    • Parmesan 
    • Pizza
    • Provolone 
    • Ricotta
    • Romano
    • Skim Milk
    • Swiss  
    • Other (specify)

Other products (kg)

  • Processed cheese
  • Cottage cheese (curds and creamed)
  • Yogurt (do not include fruit or additives)
  • Sour cream (regular and light)

Concentrated products (kg)

  • Concentrated Milk (Evaporated Whole Milk) 
  • Sweetened Concentrated Milk (Condensed Whole Milk)
  • Concentrated Skim Milk (Evaporated Skim Milk)
  • Sweetened Concentrated Skim Milk (Condensed Skim Milk)
  • Concentrated Partly Skimmed Milk (2%) (Evaporated Partly Skimmed Milk (2%))
  • Skim Milk Powder (instantized included)
  • Whole Milk Powder
  • Buttermilk Powder 
  • Whey Powder  
  • Other (specify)

Frozen products (L)


  • Total Ice Cream Mix
  • Soft Ice Cream (over 5% B.F.) (mix only) 
  • Hard Ice Cream (over 5% B.F.) (mix only) 
  • Hard Ice Cream (over 5% B.F.)  (frozen only) 
  • Soft Frozen Yogurt Mix (mix only)
  • Hard Frozen Yogurt Mix (mix only)
  • Ice Milk Mix (less than 5% B.F.) (mix only)
  • Milkshake Mix (mix only)
  • Sherbet (frozen only)
  • Water Ices (frozen only)
  • Other (specify)

Milk and cream sales (L)

This section covers all fluid milk and cream processed and packaged in your plant and sold in your province.  Do not include bulk cream sent to other processing plants for packaging into fluid creams.


  • Standard Milk (3.25% B.F. +)
  • 2% Partly Skimmed Milk (1.9% to 2.1% B.F.)
  • 1% Partly Skimmed Milk (0.9% to 1.1% B.F.)
  • Skim Milk (under .3% B.F.)
  • Buttermilk
  • Chocolate Milk or Dairy Drink
  • Cereal Cream (10.0% to 15.9% B.F.)
  • Table Cream (16.0 to 31.9% B.F.)
  • Whipping Cream (32.0% B.F.)  
  • Eggnog
  • Other (specify)
  • Date
  • Signature
  • Telephone

General Information


Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey records from Statistics Canada.
Information from this survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will be published in aggregate form only.
Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys from administrative sources.
Data-sharing agreements  

To avoid duplication of enquiry, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial statistical agencies, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.
Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and farm operations may not object to the sharing of their data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial statistical agencies of Ontario and Manitoba.
The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to farm operations located within the jurisdiction of the respective province.

Fax or other electronic transmission disclosure

There could be a risk of disclosure during the facsimile or electronic transmission. However, upon receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide the level of protection afforded for all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.


Include production for the entire calendar month. Do not include reworked butter and manufacturing milk and cream.

Stocks on hand are to be counted and recorded at the end of business on the last day of each month. Include all manufacturer's stocks owned whether they are stored in your storage room, shelves or presses, in a rented room, a public warehouse, a cheese grading station or ready for shipment. Do not include stocks held on Canadian Dairy Commission accounts.


Include salted, unsalted, whipped, light, cultured, sweet, calorie reduced butter and dairy spread. Reworked butter and manufacturing cream must NOT be considered as butter.

Total cheddar cheese:

Include all sizes: block, stirred curd, curd and Cheddar cheese used to make Processed cheese.

Mild cheddar:

Include stocks of Cheddar cheese matured for less than 3 months or processed, sold and labelled as "Mild Cheddar cheese".

Medium cheddar:

Include stocks of Cheddar cheese matured for 3 to 9 months or processed, sold and labelled as "Medium Cheddar cheese".

Old/strong cheddar:

Include stocks of Cheddar cheese matured for more than 9 months or processed, sold and labelled as "Old/Strong/Extra-old Cheddar cheese".

Processed cheese:

Include Processed cheese, Processed cheese food, Processed cheese spread made from Cheddar cheese or other cheeses.

Pizza cheese:

Report cheeses other than Mozzarella cheese that are used as topping for pizza under "Cheeses other than Cheddar and Mozzarella".

Curd cheese:

Report cheese curd other than Cheddar curd under "Cheeses other than Cheddar and Mozzarella".


Do not include liquid yogurt and fruit or additives.


Terminology obtained from "Terminology Series, Dairy Industry", Terminology Directorate Translation Bureau, Secretary of State, March 1995, 2nd Edition and from the National Dairy Council.

Inventory Statement of Butter and Cheese

Please complete and return this questionnaire to Statistics Canada by mail or fax (613-951-3868) promptly by the 10th day of the month. If you have any questions about this survey please call toll-free at 1-800-216-2299. Thank you for your cooperation.

Confidential when completed. This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

  1. Holders of the commodities listed on this form, whether owned by themselves, or by others, are required to report the products on hand in their establishments or stored elsewhere in specially rented rooms to which only they have access, except in emergency. Products held in public storage, common or cold, will be reported by operators of those establishments.
  2. The objective of this survey is to produce monthly estimates of stocks.
  3. The inventory should be taken at the opening of business, on the first business day of the month and the report should be mailed promptly, so that it will reach Ottawa no later than the morning of the sixth of the month. The figures reported are used to produce statistics on inventories of butter and cheese.

Include Stocks Held on Government Accounts

Dairy Products (domestic and imported) (Kilograms)

Butter and Butter Oil (include unsalted butter)

  • Creamery butter
    • held under Plan A
    • held under Plan B
    • held privately
    • Total
  • Whey butter
  • Butter oil


  • Cheddar (all sizes, curds included)
  • Other factory cheese (all varieties except cheddar and process)
  • Processed cheese

Dairy Processors Stocks

Of products listed above identify the quantities owned by dairy processors.

  1. no quantity
  2. Name of processor
  • Date

The above statement is hereby certified to be correct.

  • Signature

General Information


Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. Therefore, for example, the Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey records from Statistics Canada.

Information from this survey will be used for statistical purposes only and will be published in aggregate form only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To avoid duplication of enquiry, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial statistical agencies, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and farm operations may not object to the sharing of their data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial statistical agencies of New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to farm operations located within the jurisdiction of the respective province.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal and provincial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician at the address below. Please specify the name of the survey and the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

Statistics Canada
Chief Statistician
R. H. Coats Building, 26th Floor, Section A
100 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the New Brunswick Agriculture and Aquaculture department, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Manitoba Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives and the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands.

For agreements with provincial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to farm operations located within the jurisdiction of the respective province.

Fax or other electronic transmission disclosure

There could be a risk of disclosure during the facsimile or electronic transmission. However, upon receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide the level of protection afforded for all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Confidential (when completed). Please complete and return this questionnaire to Statistics Canada by mail or fax (902-895-7435) promptly by the10th day of the month. If you have any questions about this survey please call collect (902-893-7251). Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Report for month of

Survey results are used to produce statistics on dairy products. For your guidance in answering the questions, refer to the instructions at the bottom. Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19. This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

Fax or Other Electronic Transmission Disclosure: Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during the facsimile or other electronic transmission. However, upon receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

  1. Production (for the entire month)
  2. Stocks (at the last day of the month)

Butter, butter oil (kg)

  • Butter
  • Whey Butter
  • Butter Oil and Ghee

Cheddar cheese (kg)

  • Total cheddar: (all sizes, including Cheddar used to make Processed cheese)
  • Of the total, how much is:
    • Mild Cheddar (stocks only)
    • Medium Cheddar (stocks only)
    • Old Cheddar (stocks only)

Mozzarella cheese (kg)

  • Mozzarella American Full Fat (27-28% B.F.)
  • Mozzarella American Low Fat (17-20% B.F.)
  • Mozzarella Italian Full Fat (22-24% B.F.)
  • Mozzarella Italian Low Fat (15% B.F.)
  • All Other Mozzarella Cheese

Cheeses other than cheddar and mozzarella (kg)

  • Total all other varieties (specify major varieties)
  • Processed cheese (kg)
  • Cottage cheese (curds and creamed) (kg)
  • Yogurt (do not include fruit or additives) (kg)
  • Sour cream (regular and light) (L)

Concentrated products (kg)

  • Concentrated Milk (Evaporated Whole Milk)
  • Sweetened Concentrated Milk (Condensed Whole Milk)
  • Concentrated Skim Milk (Evaporated Skim Milk)
  • Sweetened Concentrated Skim Milk (Condensed Skim Milk)
  • Concentrated Partly Skimmed Milk (2%) (Evaporated Partly Skim Milk (2%))
  • Skim Milk Powder (instantized included)
  • Whole Milk Powder
  • Buttermilk Powder
  • Whey Powder
  • Other (specify)

Frozen products (L)

  1. Production mix
  2. Production frozen
  • Soft Ice Cream (over 5% B.F.)
  • Hard Ice Cream (over 5% B.F.)
  • Soft Frozen Yogurt Mix (mix only)
  • Hard Frozen Yogurt Mix (mix only)
  • Ice Milk Mix (less than 5% B.F.) (mix only)
  • Milkshake Mix (mix only)
  • Sherbet (frozen only)
  • Water Ices (frozen only)
  • Other (specify)


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Telephone

Survey purpose

The purpose of this survey is to produce monthly statistics on production and stocks of various dairy products. The information is kept confidential and grouped with others to provide valuable statistics for milk marketing agencies, farmers and processor associations, and government departments.


Include production for the entire calendar month. Do not include reworked butter and manufacturing milk and cream.

Stocks on hand are to be counted and recorded at the end of business on the last day of each month. Include all manufacturer's stocks owned whether they are stored in your storage room, shelves or presses, in a rented room, a public warehouse, a cheese grading station or ready for shipment. Do not include stocks held on Canadian Dairy Commission accounts.


Include salted, unsalted, whipped, light, cultured, sweet, calorie reduced butter and dairy spread.
Reworked butter and manufacturing cream must NOT be considered as butter.

Total cheddar cheese:

Include all sizes: block, stirred curd, curd and Cheddar cheese used to make processed cheese.

Mild cheddar:

Include stocks of Cheddar cheese matured for less than 3 months or processed, sold and labelled as "Mild Cheddar cheese".

Medium cheddar:

Include stocks of Cheddar cheese matured for 3 to 9 months or processed, sold and labelled as "Medium Cheddar cheese".

Old/strong cheddar:

Include stocks of Cheddar cheese matured for more than 9 months or processed, sold and labelled as "Old/Strong/Extra-old Cheddar cheese".

Processed cheese:

Include Processed cheese, Processed cheese food, Processed cheese spread made from Cheddar cheese or other cheeses.

Pizza cheese:

Report cheeses other than Mozzarella cheese that are used as topping for pizza under "Cheeses other than Cheddar and Mozzarella".

Curd cheese:

Report cheese curd other than Cheddar curd under "Cheeses other than Cheddar and Mozzarella".


Terminology obtained from "Terminology Series, Dairy Industry", Terminology Directorate Translation Bureau, Secretary of State, March 1995, 2nd Edition and from the National Dairy Council.

Keep a copy for your files


Confidential (when completed). Please complete and return this questionnaire to Statistics Canada by mail or fax (613-951-3868) promptly by the 10th day of the month. If you have any questions about this survey please call toll-free at 1-800-216-2299. Thank you for your cooperation. Mail/fax (613-951-3868) promptly by the 10th day of the month.

Survey results are used to produce statistics on dairy products. For your guidance in answering the questions, refer to the instructions on reverse.

This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

  • Report for month of
  1. Stocks (at the last day of the month)
  2. Production (for the entire month)

Butter, butter oil (kg)

  • Butter
  • Whey Butter
  • Butter Oil and Ghee

Cheddar cheese (kg)

  • Total cheddar: (all sizes, including Cheddar used to make Processed cheese)
  • Of the total, how much is:
    • Mild Cheddar (stocks only)
    • Medium Cheddar (stocks only)
    • Old Cheddar (stocks only)

Mozzarella cheese (kg)

  • Mozzarella American Full Fat (27-28% B.F.)
  • Mozzarella American Low Fat (17-20% B.F.)
  • Mozzarella Italian Full Fat (22-24% B.F.)
  • Mozzarella Italian Low Fat (15% B.F.)
  • All Other Mozzarella Cheese

Cheeses other than cheddar and mozzarella (kg)

  • Total all other varieties (specify major varieties)
  • Processed cheese (kg)
  • Cottage cheese (curds and creamed) (kg)
  • Yogurt (do not include fruit or additives) (kg)
  • Sour cream (regular and light) (L)

Concentrated products (kg)

  • Concentrated Milk (Evaporated Whole Milk)
  • Sweetened Concentrated Milk (Condensed Whole Milk)
  • Concentrated Skim Milk (Evaporated Skim Milk)
  • Sweetened Concentrated Skim Milk (Condensed Skim Milk)
  • Concentrated Partly Skimmed Milk (2%) (Evaporated Partly Skim Milk (2%))
  • Skim Milk Powder (instantized included)
  • Whole Milk Powder
  • Buttermilk Powder
  • Whey Powder
  • Other (specify)

Frozen products (L)

  1. Production mix
  2. Production frozen
  • Soft Ice Cream (over 5% B.F.)
  • Hard Ice Cream (over 5% B.F.)
  • Soft Frozen Yogurt Mix (mix only)
  • Hard Frozen Yogurt Mix (mix only)
  • Ice Milk Mix (less than 5% B.F.) (mix only)
  • Milkshake Mix (mix only)
  • Sherbet (frozen only)
  • Water Ices (frozen only)
  • Other (specify)


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Telephone

Survey purpose

The purpose of this survey is to produce monthly statistics on production and stocks of various dairy products. The information is kept confidential and grouped with others to provide valuable statistics for milk marketing agencies, farmers and processor associations, and government departments.


Include production for the entire calendar month. Do not include reworked butter and manufacturing milk and cream.

Stocks on hand are to be counted and recorded at the end of business on the last day of each month. Include all manufacturer's stocks owned whether they are stored in your storage room, shelves or presses, in a rented room, a public warehouse, a cheese grading station or ready for shipment. Do not include stocks held on Canadian Dairy Commission accounts.


Include salted, unsalted, whipped, light, cultured, sweet, calorie reduced butter and dairy spread.
Reworked butter and manufacturing cream must NOT be considered as butter.

Total cheddar cheese:

Include all sizes: block, stirred curd, curd and Cheddar cheese used to make processed cheese.

Mild cheddar:

Include stocks of Cheddar cheese matured for less than 3 months or processed, sold and labelled as "Mild Cheddar cheese".

Medium cheddar:

Include stocks of Cheddar cheese matured for 3 to 9 months or processed, sold and labelled as "Medium Cheddar cheese".

Old/strong cheddar:

Include stocks of Cheddar cheese matured for more than 9 months or processed, sold and labelled as "Old/Strong/Extra-old Cheddar cheese".

Processed cheese:

Include Processed cheese, Processed cheese food, Processed cheese spread made from Cheddar cheese or other cheeses.

Pizza cheese:

Report cheeses other than Mozzarella cheese that are used as topping for pizza under "Cheeses other than Cheddar and Mozzarella".

Curd cheese:

Report cheese curd other than Cheddar curd under "Cheeses other than Cheddar and Mozzarella".


Terminology obtained from "Terminology Series, Dairy Industry", Terminology Directorate Translation Bureau, Secretary of State, March 1995, 2nd Edition and from the National Dairy Council.

Newfoundland residents please note:

To avoid duplication of inquiries, this survey is conducted under a joint agreement to collect and share information with the Newfoundland Department of Forestry and Agriculture. If you object to sharing information with the above agency, please inform us in writing and mail your letter along with the completed questionnaire in the enclosed postage free envelope.

Keep a copy for your files


CONFIDENTIAL when completed
This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on livestock and crops. The statistics produced from the survey enable those active in the agricultural sector to observe and assess changes in the industry, measure performance and keep the agricultural community and general public informed of developments. The questions in Section I (Cattle and Calves Supplementary) are sponsored by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, to aid in the analysis of the cattle sector since bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

Statistics Canada is collecting information concerning the farm described on the label. If the operators of this holding manage any other farm(s) entirely separate from this farm ( i.e. , separate accounting books are kept), please do not include any data for the other farm(s) on this questionnaire.

Section A.

When answering the questions, please include as of October 1, 2009 ...

... all livestock (cattle or calves, pigs, and/or sheep or lambs) on your operation regardless of ownership, including livestock pastured, custom fed or fed under contract for others.

... all livestock owned by the operator and held on Crown land, community pastures, and grazing projects.

... Please DO NOT REPORT livestock (cattle or calves, pigs and/or sheep or lambs) which are owned by you but kept on a farm, ranch or feedlot operated by someone else.

Section B. Crops seeded in the fall of 2008

1. Did you seed any Winter Wheat in the fall of 2008?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section C.)

2. Indicate the area seeded, the area harvested as grain and the yield or total production you obtained. (Include UOM , see Section D.)

  • Winter Wheat
  • Seeded area
  • Harvested area
  • Yield/production

(Go to Section C.)

Section C. Crops seeding intentions for the fall of 2009

1. Do you intend to seed any Winter Wheat in the fall of 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section D.)

2. What area do you intend to seed in the fall of 2009? (Include UOM , see Section D.)

  • Winter Wheat

  • Intended area

(Go to Section D.)

Section D. Seeded area, harvested area and yield

1. Did you seed any crops for grain or plant any potatoes in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section E.)

2.  Which of the following crops did you seed or will you seed in 2009?  (Report seeded area, harvested area or expected to be harvested (as grain), yield/production you obtained or expect to obtain, and UOM , see Section D.)

  1. Mixed Grains (two or more grains sown together)
  2. Oats
  3. Barley
    1. Corn for grain (include seed corn and exclude sweet corn)
    2. What is the percentage of moisture content?
    1. Fodder corn (If yield or production not known, go to question 3 page 4)
    2. What is the percentage of moisture content?
  4. Spring Wheat
  5. Soybeans
  6. Potatoes
  7. Other Field Crops (list in comments)

(Go to Section E.)

Unit of measure (UOM)


  • Acres
  • Hectares


  • Bushels (BU)
  • Kilograms (KG)
  • Metric Tonnes (MT)
  • Imperial Tons (IT)
  • Pounds (LB)
  • Hundred weight (CWT)

Total Production

  • Bushels (BU)
  • Kilograms (KG)
  • Metric Tonnes (MT)
  • Imperial Tons (IT)
  • Pounds (LB)
  • Hundred weight (CWT)

Other UOM

  • Barrels per Acre (potatoes NB)
  • Barrels per Hectare (potatoes NB)
  • Total Production - Barrels (potatoes NB)
  • Other (enter units in comments)

Production - Fodder Corn

3. What types of silos and/or other forms of production for fodder corn silage do you have?

  1. Vertical silos (include round and/or cylinder) (Go to Question 4.)
  2. Horizontal silos and/or other forms of horizontal silage (include bins, pits, stack silos, bunker silos, trench silos and bag silage) (Go to Question 5.)
  3. Other forms of production for silage (include forage wagons) (Go to Question 6.)

4. What are the dimensions, the percent moisture content and the percentage filled of the (1st, 2nd, ... 6th) vertical silo? (Report silo diameter and height in feet, % full, and % moisture.)

Production in vertical silos (include round and/or cylinder)

  • Silo 1
  • Silo 2
  • Silo 3
  • Silo 4
  • Silo 5
  • Silo 6

(Go to the next type of silo/other form in Question 3. If this is the last type of silo/other form, go to the next crop in Section D, Question 2. If this is the last crop, go to Section E.)

5. What are the dimensions, the percent moisture content and the percentage filled of the (1st, 2nd, ... 6th) horizontal silo and/or of the (1st, 2nd, ... 6th) other form of horizontal silage? (Report silo width, length, and height in feet, % full, and % moisture.)

Production in horizontal silos and/or other forms of horizontal silage (include bins, pits, stack silos, bunker silos, trench silos and bag silage)

  • Silo 1
  • Silo 2
  • Silo 3
  • Silo 4
  • Silo 5
  • Silo 6

(Go to the next type of silo/other form in Question 3. If this is the last type of silo/other form, go to the next crop in Section D, Question 2. If this is the last crop, go to Section E.)

6. What are the weight and the percent moisture content of the (1st, 2nd, ... 6th) other form of production for silage? (Report weight, UOM , and % moisture.)

Other forms of production for silage (include forage wagons)

  • Other Form 1
  • Other Form 2
  • Other Form 3
  • Other Form 4
  • Other Form 5
  • Other Form 6

Unit of measure (UOM)


  • MT
  • IT
  • KG
  • LB

(Go to the next crop in Section D, Question 2. If this is the last crop, go to Section E.)

Section E. Tame hay

1. Are you growing any Tame Hay in 2009? (Exclude all forage crop area used only for pasture.)

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section F.)

2. What is your total area of Tame Hay in 2009? (Exclude under-seeded areas. Include UOM .)

  • Tame Hay
  • Total area

(Go to Question 3.)

3. What area of Tame Hay did you harvest or expect to harvest this year?
(Count different cuts of the same area only once. Include UOM .)

  • Tame Hay
  • Harvested area

(Go to Question 4.)

4. Did you harvest any of your Tame Hay as dry hay?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Question 8.)

5. What total production of dry hay did you obtain? (Include first and all subsequent harvests from the same Tame Hay area this year. Include UOM .)

  • Tame Hay as dry hay
  • Production of dry hay

See units of measure (UOM) table in Section D.

(If a value is entered, go to Question 8, else go to Question 6.)

6. Did you bale any of your Tame Hay as dry hay? (Include first and all subsequent harvests from the same Tame Hay area this year. Report number of bales, average weight of bales and UOM .)

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Question 7.)

Production of dry hay in the form of bales

  • Square bale
  • Round bale
  • Other types

(Go to Question 7.)

7. Did you produce any other forms of your Tame Hay as dry hay?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Question 8.)

Other forms of production of dry hay (include forage wagons and hay stacks.  Report weight and UOM .)

  • Other Form 1
  • Other Form 2

(Go to Question 8.)

8. Did you harvest any of your Tame Hay for silage?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section F.)

9. What is the total production of silage that you obtained from your tame hay? ? (Include UOM .)

  • Tame Hay
  • Production for silage

See units of measure (UOM) table in Section D.

(If value is entered, go to Section F, else go to Question 10.)

10. Did you bale any of your Tame Hay for silage? (Report number of bales, average weight of bales, UOM , and % moisture.)

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Question 11.)

Production for silage in the form of bales

  • Square bale
  • Round bale
  • Other types

(Go to Question 11.)

11. Did you produce any other forms of your Tame Hay for silage?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section F.)
  1. Vertical silos (include round and/or cylinder) (Go to Question 12.)
  2. Horizontal silos and/or other forms of horizontal silage (include bins, pits, stack silos, bunker silos, trench silos and bag silage) (Go to Question 13.)
  3. Other forms of production for silage (include forage wagons and hay stacks) (Go to Question 14.)

12. What are the dimensions, the percent moisture content and the percentage filled of the (1st, 2nd, ... 6th) vertical silo? (Report silo diameter and height in feet, % full, and % moisture.

Production in vertical silos (include round and/or cylinder)

  • Silo 1
  • Silo 2
  • Silo 3
  • Silo 4
  • Silo 5
  • Silo 6

(Go to the next type of silo/other form in Question 11. If this is the last type of silo/other form, go to Section F.)

13. What are the dimensions, the percent moisture content and the percentage filled of the (1st, 2nd, ... 6th) horizontal silo and/or of the (1st, 2nd, ... 6th) other form of horizontal silage? (Report silo width, length, height in feet, % full, and % moisture.)

Production in horizontal silos and/or other forms of horizontal silage (include bins, pits, stack silos, bunker silos, trench silos and bag silage)

  • Silo 1
  • Silo 2
  • Silo 3
  • Silo 4
  • Silo 5
  • Silo 6

(Go to the next type of silo/other form in Question 11. If this is the last type of silo/other form, go to Section F.)

14. What are the weight and the percent moisture content of the (1st, 2nd, ... 6th) other form of production for silage? (Report weight, UOM , and % moisture.)

Other forms of production for silage (include forage wagons and hay stacks)

  • Other Form 1
  • Other Form 2
  • Other Form 3
  • Other Form 4
  • Other Form 5
  • Other Form 6

(Go to Section F.)

Section F. Total farm area

1. What is your total area of land for pasture or grazing and other land in 2009? (Report total area and UOM .)

  • Land for pasture or grazing
  • Other land
  • Total farm area operarted

(Go to Section H.)

Section H. Cattle and/or calves

1. On October 1, 2009 did you have any cattle or calves on this operation?
Include animals you own on grazing projects, community pastures or Crown land.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section J.)

2.  Are cattle or calves kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number at October 1, 2009

3. Bulls, 1 year and over
4. Dairy cows
5.  Beef cows
6. Calves, under 1 year
7. Heifers, 1 year and over

  1. for Dairy Replacement Heifers (1 year and over)
  2. for Beef Replacement Heifers (1 year and over)
  3. for Slaughter or Feeder Heifers (1 year and over)

8. Steers, 1 year and over
9. Total cattle and/or calves (sum of questions 3 to 8)
10. (On this operation) How many calves were born alive between July 1 and October 1, 2009?
11. (On this operation) How many cows and heifers do you expect to calve between October 1 and December 31, 2009?

(Go to Section I.)

Section I. Cattle and calves supplementary

At October 1, 2009

1. Of the dairy cows reported (Section H, Question 4), how many are more than 10 years of age? ( i.e. cows born before 1999)
2. Of the beef cows reported (Section H, Question 5), how many are more than 10 years of age? ( i.e. cows born before 1999)
3. Of the (Section H, Question 7c) feeder heifers reported, how many are in the following three weight categories;

  1. More than (or equal to) 1100  lb (500  kg )
  2. Between 900 lb and 1100  lb (409 to 500  kg )
  3. Less than (or equal to) 900  lb (409  kg )

4. Of the (Section H, Question 8) steers (1 year and over) reported, how many are in the following three weight categories;

  1. More than (or equal to) 1250  lb (568  kg )
  2. Between 1000  lb and 1250  lb (455 to 568  kg )
  3. Less than (or equal to) 1000  lb (455  kg )

5. Of those (Section H, Question 7c) feeder heifers and/or (Section H, Question 8) steers (1 year and over ) reported as of October 1, how many are being fed a finishing ration (mostly grain)?
6. Of those feeder heifers (Section H, Question 7c) and/or steers (1 year and over ) (Section H, Question 8) reported as of October 1, how many are under 21 months of age?

(Go to Section J.)

Section J. Pigs

1. On October 1, 2009 did you have any pigs (on this operation)?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Question 1a)

1a. Were there any pigs (on this operation) during the past three months July, August and September 2009?

  • Yes (Answer Questions 7, 8 and 9.)
  • No (Go to Section K.)

2. Are pigs kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number at October 1, 2009

3. Boars, 6 months and over
4. Sows, for breeding and bred gilts
5. All other pigs

  1. Under 45 pounds (-20  kg ) (Include suckling pigs)
  2. 45 to 130  pounds (20 to 60  kg )
  3. Over 130 pounds (60+  kg )

6. Total pigs (sum of questions 3 to 5)
7. (On this operation) How many sows and bred gilts farrowed during July, August and September 2009?
8. How many pigs were born alive during the same period (July, August and September 2009)?
9. Of the (number) pigs born alive, how many died or were destroyed before weaning during July, August and September 2009?
10.  How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during October, November and December 2009?
11.  How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during January, February and March 2010?

(Go to Section K.)

Section K. Sheep and/or lambs

1. On October 1, 2009 did you have any sheep or lambs (on this operation)?  Include animals you own on grazing projects, community pastures or crownland.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Question 1a)

1a. Were there any sheep or lambs kept (on this operation) between July 1 and October 1, 2009?

  • Yes (Please answer Questions 8, 9 and 10.)
  • No       

2. Are sheep or lambs kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number at October 1, 2009

3. Rams, 1 year and over
4. Ewes
5. Replacement lambs
6. Market lambs
7. Total sheep and lambs (sum of questions 3 to 6)
8.  (On this operation) How many lambs were born between July 1 and October 1, 2009?
9. How many sheep and lambs died, including those killed by disease or predators, between July 1 and October 1, 2009?
10. (On this operation) How many lambs do you expect to be born between October 1 and December 31, 2009?
