Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual

5-3600-28.3 STC/UES-425-75105

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2009 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1-888-881-3666

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their prior consent. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. The Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and will be published in an aggregate form only.

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
G - Personnel
H - Sales by type of client
I - Sales by client location
K - Provincial/territorial distribution
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

Below is a description of each main activity.

Consumer electronics and appliance rental

This industry comprises business units primarily engaged in renting out consumer electronics and appliances.


  • leasing or renting computers;
  • renting household furniture or party and banquet supplies (please see Other consumer goods rental below).

Formal wear and costume rental

This industry comprises business units primarily engaged in renting out formal wear, costumes (including theatrical) and other clothing.


  • laundering and renting uniforms and other work apparel.

Video tape and disc rental

This industry comprises business units primarily engaged in renting out pre-recorded video tapes and discs to the general public.


  • retailing pre-recorded video tapes and discs;
  • distributing motion pictures and videos to movie theatres and other distributors;
  • renting video recorders and players (please see Consumer electronics and appliance rental above).

Other consumer goods rental

This industry comprises business units, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in renting out consumer goods.


  • retailing and renting musical instruments;
  • renting consumer electronics and appliances (please see Consumer electronics and appliance rental above);
  • formal wear and costume rental (please see Formal wear and costume rental above);
  • renting pre-recorded video tapes (please see Video tape and disc rental above);
  • renting a general line of products such as lawn and garden equipment, home repair tools, and party and banquet equipment (please see General rental centres below);
  • renting commercial and industrial medical equipment.

General rental centres

This industry comprises business units primarily engaged in renting out a range of consumer, commercial and industrial equipment. These business units typically operate from conveniently located facilities in which they maintain an inventory of goods and equipment that are rented out for short periods of time.


  • home repair tools;
  • lawn and garden equipment;
  • contractors’ and builders’ tools and equipment;
  • moving equipment and supplies;
  • party and banquet equipment and supplies.


  • renting and leasing heavy construction equipment, without operator;
  • renting personal and household goods;
  • renting party and banquet supplies (please see Other consumer goods rental above).

If none of the above activities describes your main source of revenue, please call 1-888-881-3666 for further instructions.

4. Is this business unit engaged in sales financing?

(yes – no)

Sales financing

Sales financing business units lend money to consumers and businesses for the purchase of goods and services, using a contractual instalment sales agreement, either directly from, or through arrangements with, dealers of the products.


  • acceptance companies of motor vehicle manufacturers and heavy equipment manufacturers;
  • business units engaged in the purchase of instalment and credit card receivables.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in Section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • research and development;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance (e.g., property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • education and training expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

G - Personnel

To fully measure the contribution of all human capital in this industry, we require information on the number of partners and proprietors as well as the number and classification of workers.

1. Number of partners and proprietors, non-salaried (if salaried, report at question 2 below)

For unincorporated businesses, please report the number of partners and proprietors for whom earnings will be the net income of the partnership or proprietorship.

2. Paid employees

a) Average number of paid employees during the reporting period

To calculate the average number employed, add the number of employees in the last pay period of each month of the reporting period and divide this sum by the number of months (usually 12).


  • partners and proprietors, non-salaried reported at question 1 above.

b) Percentage of paid employees (from question 2a) who worked full time

Full-time employment consists of persons who usually work 30 hours or more per week. Please specify the percentage of paid employees who have been working full time by rounding the percentage to the nearest whole number.

3. Number of contract workers for whom you did not issue a T4, such as freelancers and casual workers (estimates are acceptable)

Contract workers are not employees, but workers contracted to perform a specific task or project in your organization for a specific duration, such as self-employed persons, freelancers and casual workers. These workers are not issued a T4 information slip. Please report the number of contract workers employed by your organization during the fiscal year.

H - Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

1. Clients in Canada

a) Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.


  • sales to Crown corporations.

b) Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

c) Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.


  • sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

2. Clients outside Canada

Please report the share of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.


  • sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

I - Sales by client location

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your total sales by client location (first point of sale).

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

The percentage in question 14 must equal question 2 in section H.

J - International transactions

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, and royalties and licences fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

K - Provincial/territorial distribution

This section is intended to collect information on the locations operated by your business during the reporting period.

Please report the number of business units or locations operating in Canada during the reporting period. Business unit is defined as the lowest level of the firm for which accounting records are maintained for such details as revenue, expenses and employment.

Please report data for the provinces or territories in which you have business units and indicate if you are reporting in Canadian dollars or percentages.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

For more information about these data-sharing agreements, please contact Statistics Canada at 1-888-881-3666 or visit our website at

Thank you!

Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual

5-3600-3.3 STC/UES-425-60129

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2009 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1-888-881-3666

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their prior consent. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. The Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and will be published in an aggregate form only.

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
K - Provincial/territorial distribution
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

Below is a description of each main activity.

Personal care services

Barber shops

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing hair care services to men, including hair cutting and styling, and the trimming or shaving of beards and moustaches.


  • unisex hair salons;
  • hair replacement centres.

Beauty salons and/or esthetic services

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing hair care services to women, providing esthetic services such as manicures and pedicures, non-medical skin treatments, or a combination of these services.


  • cosmetician/esthetician schools;
  • practices of dermatologists;
  • unisex hair salons;
  • hair removal and hair replacement studios.

Unisex hair salons

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in cutting and styling men’s or women’s hair. Establishments that combine hair care services for men or women with esthetic services are also included.

Other personal care services

This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in providing personal care services.


  • bath houses;
  • ear piercing services;
  • hair removal (electrolysis);
  • hair replacement services;
  • massage parlours;
  • saunas;
  • scalp treatment services;
  • tattoo parlours;
  • turkish baths;
  • weight reduction centres (non-medical).


  • health clubs and similar facilities featuring exercise and other active physical fitness conditioning.

Laundry services

Coin-operated laundries and dry cleaners

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing self-service, coin-operated laundry and dry cleaning facilities for public use.

Dry cleaning and laundry services, except coin-operated

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in laundering, dry cleaning, and pressing apparel and linens of all types, including leather. These establishments may also provide clothing repair and alteration services. Laundry pick-up and delivery stations, operated independently from power laundries and dry cleaning plants, and establishments primarily engaged in cleaning, repairing and storing fur garments are also included.

Exclude establishments primarily engaged in:

  • retailing fur garments, combined with cleaning, repairing or storing;
  • storing furs for the trade;
  • operating clothing alteration and repair shops.

Linen and uniform supply

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in supplying and laundering towels, napkins, tablecloths, sheets, gowns, aprons, diapers and other linen items, for household or commercial use, typically on a contract basis. Establishments engaged in supplying and laundering commercial and industrial uniforms, laboratory coats, safety gloves, and flame and heat resistant clothing are also included.

Exclude establishments primarily engaged in:

  • renting formal wear and costumes.

Funeral services

Funeral homes

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in preparing the dead for burial or interment and conducting funerals.

Cemeteries and crematoria

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating sites or structures reserved for the interment of human or animal remains, and cremating the dead. Includes mausoleums, memorial gardens, and pet cemeteries.

Other personal services

Pet care services, except veterinary

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in grooming and boarding pet animals.


  • animal shelters;
  • boarding kennels;
  • pet grooming, sitting, or training services.


  • breeding and raising pets;
  • operating animal hospitals;
  • operating humane societies.

Photo finishing laboratories (except one-hour)

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in developing film and making photographic slides, prints and enlargements, on a large-scale basis, typically for commercial clients, and providing specialty services not normally available from one-hour finishing laboratories.


  • laboratories that process film for the motion picture industry.

One-hour photo finishing

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in developing film and printing still photographs for the public, through the use of automated photo finishing equipment located in shopping malls and other convenient locations. These establishments may also retail photographic supplies.

Exclude establishments primarily engaged in:

  • providing access to coin-operated photo machines.

Parking lots and garages

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating parking lots and parking garages. These establishments provide temporary parking services for motor vehicles, usually on an hourly, daily, or monthly basis.


  • valet parking services.

Exclude establishments primarily engaged in:

  • the dead storage of automobiles.

All other personal services

This industry comprises establishments, not classified elsewhere, primarily engaged in providing personal services.


  • bail bonding;
  • checkroom services;
  • coin-operated service machine operation (i.e., scales, shoe shine, lockers, blood pressure, photo);
  • comfort station operation;
  • escort services;
  • party planning services;
  • personal shopping services;
  • psychic services;
  • shoeshine services;
  • special occasion greeting services.


  • private households employing nannies or other domestics;
  • babysitting (child care) in own home.

If none of the above activities describes your main source of revenue, please call 1-888-881-3666 for further instructions.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in Section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • research and development;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance (e.g., property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • education and training expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

K - Provincial/territorial distribution

This section is intended to collect information on the locations operated by your business during the reporting period.

Please report the number of business units or locations operating in Canada during the reporting period. Business unit is defined as the lowest level of the firm for which accounting records are maintained for such details as revenue, expenses and employment.

Please report data for the provinces or territories in which you have business units and indicate if you are reporting in Canadian dollars or percentages.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

For more information about these data-sharing agreements, please contact Statistics Canada at 1-888-881-3666 or visit our website at

Thank you!

Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual

5-3600-35.3 STC/UES-425-60137

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2009 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1-888-881-3666

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their prior consent. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. The Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and will be published in an aggregate form only.

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
F - Industry characteristics
G - Personnel
H - Sales by type of client
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

Below is a description of each main activity.

Hotel: provides short stay suites or guest rooms in a multi-storey or high-rise structure accessible from the interior only.

Motor hotel: provides short stay suites or guest rooms in a low-rise structure accessible from the interior and exterior.

Motel: provides short stay suites or guest rooms in a one or two storey structure accessible from the exterior only.

Resort: provides short stay, full services suites or guest rooms.

Casino hotel: provides short stay suites or guest rooms with a casino on the premises.

All other accommodation: provides short stay lodging but is not yet classified to any other industry.


  • youth hostels;
  • tourist homes;
  • dormitories.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in Section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • research and development;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance (e.g., property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • education and training expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

F - Industry characteristics

Please provide a breakdown of your sales.

1. Room or unit accommodation for travellers

Please report all revenues derived from room rentals.

2. Rental of recreational vehicle and tent sites for travellers or fees from overnight camps

Include any fee revenue from rental of sites.

3. Meals and non-alcoholic beverages, prepared and served or dispensed, for immediate consumption

Include all food sale revenue for restaurants owned by your establishment.

4. Alcoholic beverages, prepared and served or dispensed for immediate consumption

Include all sales from restaurants, bars, owned by the establishment, including in-room bar.

5. Sale of merchandise (e.g., packaged food and beverages, newspapers, magazines, books, tobacco, cigarettes, and souvenirs)

Include items sold from vending machines or merchandise from a store owned by the establishment.

6. Telephone and Internet access services

Include all revenues from telephone calls, Internet services.

7. Rental of space and equipment

Include revenues derived from renting out conference rooms, banquet rooms, and any concession machines.

8. Amusement and recreational services

Examples include golf courses, skiing and admissions to live performances.

9. Other services

Include any other revenues derived from services such as parking and laundry services.

10. Other revenue not elsewhere specified

Include any revenues which do not correspond to any of the above revenue items.

Cost of goods sold

Provide a breakdown either in Canadian dollars or percentages.

12. Cost of food products used in meal preparation

Corresponds to the costs related to the sales derived from meals and non-alcoholic beverages (purchases).

13. Cost of alcoholic beverages used or sold

Corresponds to the costs related to the sales derived from alcoholic beverages.

14. Cost of all other merchandise sold

Corresponds to the costs (purchases) related to the sales of all other merchandise.

15. Total cost of goods sold

All costs associated with questions 12 to 14.

Occupancy rate

16. Total number of rooms in this establishment

Refers to the total number of physical rooms in the property.

17. Total number of room-nights available over your 2009 reporting period

Refers to the average number of rooms that were available for use and not under repair or renovations.

Paid employees

Please provide a breakdown of your employees accordingly: full-time full-year, full-time seasonal, part-time full-year or part-time seasonal. Full time is defined as 30 hours or more and part time less than 30 hours. If this is not within your definition of full-time and part-time, please specify your hourly limit.

G - Personnel

To fully measure the contribution of all human capital in this industry, we require information on the number of partners and proprietors as well as the number and classification of workers.

1. Number of partners and proprietors, non-salaried (if salaried, report at question 2 below)

For unincorporated businesses, please report the number of partners and proprietors for whom earnings will be the net income of the partnership or proprietorship.

2. Paid employees

a) Average number of paid employees during the reporting period

To calculate the average number employed, add the number of employees in the last pay period of each month of the reporting period and divide this sum by the number of months (usually 12).


  • partners and proprietors, non-salaried reported at question 1 above.

b) Percentage of paid employees (from question 2a) who worked full time

Full-time employment consists of persons who usually work 30 hours or more per week. Please specify the percentage of paid employees who have been working full time by rounding the percentage to the nearest whole number.

3. Number of contract workers for whom you did not issue a T4, such as freelancers and casual workers (estimates are acceptable)

Contract workers are not employees, but workers contracted to perform a specific task or project in your organization for a specific duration, such as self-employed persons, freelancers and casual workers. These workers are not issued a T4 information slip. Please report the number of contract workers employed by your organization during the fiscal year.

H - Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

1. Clients in Canada

a) Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.


  • sales to Crown corporations.

b) Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

c) Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.


  • sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

2. Clients outside Canada

Please report the share of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.


  • sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

For more information about these data-sharing agreements, please contact Statistics Canada at 1-888-881-3666 or visit our website at

Thank you!

2009 Survey of Service Industries: Motion Picture Theatres

Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual

5-3600-225.3 STC/UES-190-60136

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2009 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1-888-881-3666

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their prior consent. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. The Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and will be published in an aggregate form only.

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
F - Industry characteristics
G - Personnel
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

Below is a description of each main activity.

Motion picture theatres and film festivals

This industry comprises business units primarily engaged in exhibiting motion pictures, either indoors or outdoors.

Please check the second box only if your main activity is a drive-in.


  • business units providing occasional motion picture exhibition services, such as those provided during film festivals.

If none of the above activities describes your main source of revenue, please call 1-888-881-3666 for further instructions.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in Section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • research and development;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance (e.g., property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • education and training expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

F - Industry characteristics

1. Total admission receipts

Please report revenue from admissions.

Canadian films are classified as those film productions meeting any one of the following criteria:

  • a production certified for a capital cost allowance of 30% since 1988 (prior to 1988 the allowance was 100%);
  • a production made in Canada by Canadians prior to the introduction of the Capital Cost Allowance Program;
  • a production certified under the Film or Video Production Tax Credit (1995);
  • a production financed with assistance of Telefilm Canada;
  • a production by the National Film Board (NFB);
  • a production certified by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC);
  • an official co-production recognized under a treaty between Canada and another country;
  • a production financed with any assistance from:

- Canada Council for the Arts;

- CBC/Radio Canada;

- The Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation;

- la Société générale des industries culturelles du Québec (SOGIC);

- Manitoba Film and Sound;

- Saskatchewan Film Development Corporation;

- British Columbia Film;

- Ontario Media Development Corporation (formerly the OFDC);

- New Brunswick Film;

- Alberta Motion Picture Development Corporation.

2. Advertising revenue

Please report revenue earned from business promotion activities.


  • on-screen advertising of products;
  • the distribution of sample products and newspapers;
  • the display of posters in the lobby;
  • revenue from government advertising (e.g., military recruiting or anti-smoking messages);
  • revenue received from selling advertising for smaller theatre chains.


8. Film rental and royalty payments

Please report expense amounts for film rental and royalty payments; this total should also be included in Section E.

Amusement taxes

10. Amusement taxes collected

Please report the total amount of amusement taxes (municipal, provincial, territorial, etc.) collected by you on admissions.

Theatre operations

14. Number of seats


  • the total number of seats in all auditoriums of the theatre or hall.

15. Number of vehicle parking spaces

Please report for drive-ins only.

16. Usual number of performances per screen per week


  • each showing of a film for which an admission fee is charged; a double billing is counted as one performance.

Language of screening, questions 19 to 21

These questions refer to the language in which a film is shown. For dubbed films, this is the language in which the film was dubbed and not the original language of the film.

G - Personnel

To fully measure the contribution of all human capital in this industry, we require information on the number of partners and proprietors as well as the number and classification of workers.

1. Number of partners and proprietors, non-salaried (if salaried, report at question 2 below)

For unincorporated businesses, please report the number of partners and proprietors for whom earnings will be the net income of the partnership or proprietorship.

2. Paid employees

a) Average number of paid employees during the reporting period

To calculate the average number employed, add the number of employees in the last pay period of each month of the reporting period and divide this sum by the number of months (usually 12).


  • partners and proprietors, non-salaried reported at question 1 above.

b) Percentage of paid employees (from question 2a) who worked full time

Full-time employment consists of persons who usually work 30 hours or more per week. Please specify the percentage of paid employees who have been working full time by rounding the percentage to the nearest whole number.

3. Number of contract workers for whom you did not issue a T4, such as freelancers and casual workers (estimates are acceptable)

Contract workers are not employees, but workers contracted to perform a specific task or project in your organization for a specific duration, such as self-employed persons, freelancers and casual workers. These workers are not issued a T4 information slip. Please report the number of contract workers employed by your organization during the fiscal year.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

For more information about these data-sharing agreements, please contact Statistics Canada at 1-888-881-3666 or visit our website at

Thank you!

Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual

5-3600-229.3 STC/UES-190-60138

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2009 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1-888-881-3666

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their prior consent. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. The Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and will be published in an aggregate form only.

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

Below is a description of each main activity.

Film, television and video post-production

Business units primarily engaged in providing post-production services to the motion picture and video industries, including specialized motion picture video post-production services, such as editing, film/tape transferring, dubbing, subtitling, creating credits, closed captioning, and producing computer graphics, animation and special effects, as well as printing and processing motion picture films.


  • business units that do work for the film industry, but function as a sound recording studio;
  • business units primarily engaged in manufacturing magnetic and optical media or the mass reproduction of recordings on such media.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in Section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • research and development;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance (e.g., property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • education and training expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

For more information about these data-sharing agreements, please contact Statistics Canada at 1-888-881-3666 or visit our website at

Thank you!

Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual

5-3600-227.3 STC/UES-190-60134

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2009 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1-888-881-3666

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their prior consent. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. The Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and will be published in an aggregate form only.

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
F - Industry characteristics
G - Personnel
H - Sales by type of client
I - Sales by client location
J - International transactions
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

Below is a description of each main activity.

Film and video distribution

This industry is comprised of business units primarily engaged in acquiring distribution rights and distributing film and video productions to motion picture theatres, television networks and stations, and other exhibitors. Film, television and video distributors are business units acting as the middleperson in the film and video industry between producers and exhibitors. They obtain geographic rights to films; manufacture DVDs and videocassettes through duplication and packaging; promote and market films; and arrange for their exhibition.


  • film distribution agencies;
  • motion picture film distributors;
  • television show syndicators;
  • video distribution.

If this activity does not describe your main source of revenue, please provide a brief description of your main activity and call 1-888-881-3666 for further instructions.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in Section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • research and development;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance (e.g., property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • education and training expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

F - Industry characteristics

1. Licensing rights to exhibit, televise or rent feature films

Please include licensing contracts known as “revenue sharing” agreements.

A Canadian production must meet any one of the following criteria:

  • be certified for a capital cost allowance of 30% (prior to 1988 the allowance was 100%);
  • be made in Canada by Canadians prior to the introduction of the Capital Cost Allowance Program;
  • be certified under the Film or Video Production Tax Credit (1995);
  • be produced with financial assistance of Telefilm Canada;
  • be a production of the National Film Board (NFB);
  • be certified by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC);
  • be an official co-production recognized under a treaty between Canada and another country;
  • be produced with the financial assistance of any of:

- Canada Council for the Arts;

- CBC/Radio Canada;

- the Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation;

- la Société générale des industries culturelles du Québec (SOGIC);

- Manitoba Film and Sound;

- Saskatchewan Film Development corporation;

- British Columbia Film;

- Ontario Media Development Corporation

(formerly the OFDC);

- New Brunswick Film;

- Alberta Motion Picture Development Corporation.

G - Personnel

To fully measure the contribution of all human capital in this industry, we require information on the number of partners and proprietors as well as the number and classification of workers.

1. Number of partners and proprietors, non-salaried (if salaried, report at question 2 below)

For unincorporated businesses, please report the number of partners and proprietors for whom earnings will be the net income of the partnership or proprietorship.

2. Paid employees

a) Average number of paid employees during the reporting period

To calculate the average number employed, add the number of employees in the last pay period of each month of the reporting period and divide this sum by the number of months (usually 12).


  • partners and proprietors, non-salaried reported at question 1 above.

b) Percentage of paid employees (from question 2a) who worked full time

Full-time employment consists of persons who usually work 30 hours or more per week. Please specify the percentage of paid employees who have been working full time by rounding the percentage to the nearest whole number.

3. Number of contract workers for whom you did not issue a T4, such as freelancers and casual workers (estimates are acceptable)

Contract workers are not employees, but workers contracted to perform a specific task or project in your organization for a specific duration, such as self-employed persons, freelancers and casual workers. These workers are not issued a T4 information slip. Please report the number of contract workers employed by your organization during the fiscal year.

H - Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

1. Clients in Canada

a) Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.


  • sales to Crown corporations.

b) Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

c) Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.


  • sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

2. Clients outside Canada

Please report the share of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.


  • sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

I - Sales by client location

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your total sales by client location (first point of sale).

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

The percentage in question 14 must equal question 2 in section H.

J - International transactions

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, and royalties and licences fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

For more information about these data-sharing agreements, please contact Statistics Canada at 1-888-881-3666 or visit our website at

Thank you!

Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual

5-3600-228.3 STC/UES-190-60135

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2009 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1-888-881-3666

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their prior consent. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. The Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and will be published in an aggregate form only.

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
F - Industry characteristics
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

Below is a description of each main activity.

Film, television and video production

This industry is comprised of business units primarily engaged in producing videos, movies, television programs or commercials.

Include the production of:

  • animated films;
  • commercials;
  • motion pictures;
  • television shows;
  • music videos;
  • instructional videos (education/training);
  • industrial/corporate videos.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in Section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • research and development;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance (e.g., property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • education and training expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

F - Industry characteristics

Production revenue for titles produced in-house and contract productions by type

In-house production revenue refers to revenue generated while producing titles for which you own the copyright. Contract productions are those protected by copyright but produced under contract for others.

Includes sales, royalties, licence fees and licence fee top-ups.

12. Is this business unit associated with any other incorporated production companies or single-purpose production companies that were active in 2009? (yes – no)

Below are definitions of associated, single-purpose production, incorporated production and active companies.

Associated applies to the following cases:

  • the company owns at least 50% of another incorporated production or production company;
  • the company has a parent or parents that own at least 50% of the company’s interests;
  • the parent(s) of this company own(s) other incorporated productions or production companies.

Single purpose production company refers to:

  • a separate business unit that directs and controls the allocation of resources relating to its Canadian operations and for which separate financial and balance sheet accounts are maintained.

Incorporated production company refers to:

  • a separate legal entity for which separate financial records are kept.


A company is considered active in 2009 if it generated revenue and/or expenses in 2009.

14. Please specify the name(s) of the parent company (companies).

Parent company

A legal entity that owns the major controlling interest of this company.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

For more information about these data-sharing agreements, please contact Statistics Canada at 1-888-881-3666 or visit our website at

Thank you!

Unified Enterprise Survey - Annual

5-3600-26.3 STC/UES-425-60132

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2009 Survey of Service Industries. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1-888-881-3666

Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their prior consent. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. The Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and will be published in an aggregate form only.

Table of contents

B - Main business activity
C - Reporting period information
D - Revenue
E - Expenses
F - Industry characteristics
G - Personnel
H - Sales by type of client
I - Sales by client location
J - International transactions
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

B - Main business activity

1. Please describe the nature of your business.

To ensure that you have received the appropriate questionnaire, you are asked to describe the nature of your business. The description should briefly state the main activities of your business unit.

2. Please check the one main activity which most accurately represents your main source of revenue.

A "business unit" is defined as a level of the firm for which separate records are kept for revenues, expenses and employment.The information technology industries covered by this survey are defined using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The NAICS is part of an international framework to allow for the comparison of industrial performance between different countries. The three industries covered are:

  • software publishers (includes packaged software development and publishing);
  • data processing, hosting and related services (includes web hosting, streaming services, application hosting, processing and preparation of reports from data supplied by the customer, optical scanning, data entry etc.);
  • computer systems design and related services (includes information technology consulting, systems and network design, systems engineering, customized software programming and integration, website design and development, etc.).

In order to help you choose the category that best describes the activity of your business, we include a formal definition of the inclusions and exclusions of each category below. If you require further help on this question, or if you feel that you are part of another NAICS industry, please call our help line.

Software publishers

This industry comprises commercial units primarily engaged in publishing computer software, usually for multiple clients and generally referred to as packaged software. Establishments in this industry carry out operations necessary for producing and distributing computer software, such as designing, providing documentation, assisting in installation and providing support services to software purchasers. These establishments may design and publish, or publish only.


  • computer software publishing (including designing and developing), packaged;
  • computer software, all formats, packaged, publishers;
  • games, computer software, packaged, publishers;
  • publishers, packaged computer software, all formats.


  • mass duplication of software;
  • reselling packaged software;
  • publishing software exclusively on the Internet;
  • providing access to software for clients from a central host site;
  • custom designing software to meet the needs of specific users.

Data processing, hosting, and related services

This industry comprises commercial units primarily engaged in providing hosting or data processing services. Hosting establishments may provide specialized hosting activities, such as web hosting, streaming services or application hosting, or may provide general time-share mainframe facilities to clients. Data processing establishments may provide complete processing and preparation of reports from data supplied by the customer; specialized services, such as automated data entry; or they may make data processing resources available to clients on an hourly or time-sharing basis.


  • application hosting;
  • automatic data processing, computer services;
  • computer input preparation services;
  • computer processing;
  • computer time-sharing services;
  • computer time, rental;
  • computer processing services;
  • data entry services;
  • data processing, computer services;
  • disk and diskette conversion services;
  • leasing of computer time;
  • microfilm recording and imaging service;
  • optical scanning data services;
  • service bureaus, computer;
  • web hosting.


  • processing financial transactions;
  • computer facilities management;
  • data keying or keypunch services, text processing or desktop publishing;
  • access to microcomputers and office equipment from a retail location.

Computer systems design and related services

This industry comprises commercial units primarily engaged in providing expertise in the field of information technologies through one or more activities, such as writing, modifying, testing and supporting software to meet the needs of a particular customer. This includes: the creation of Internet home pages; planning and designing computer systems that integrate hardware, software and communication technologies; on-site management and operation of clients’computer and data processing facilities; providing advice in the field of information technologies; and other professional and technical computer-related services.


  • application software programming services, custom;
  • CAD/CAM systems services;
  • CAE (computer-aided engineering) systems services;
  • computer consulting services;
  • computer disaster recovery services;
  • computer facilities management services;
  • computer hardware consulting services;
  • computer programming services, custom;
  • computer programs or systems software development, custom;
  • computer software consulting services;
  • computer software programming
    services, custom;
  • computer software systems analysis and design, custom;
  • computer systems analysis and design services;
  • computer systems design consulting services;
  • computer systems integrators;
  • computer-aided design (CAD) systems services;
  • data processing facilities management services;
  • design and system analysis, computer services (software);
  • facilities management services, computer;
  • facilities support services, computer;
  • information management system design services, computer;
  • internet page design services, custom;
  • local area network (LAN) systems integrators;
  • management information systems design consulting services;
  • office automation, computer systems integration;
  • requirements analysis, computer hardware;
  • software installation services;
  • systems engineering (system integration);
  • systems integration, computer;
  • web page developing.


  • retailing computer hardware and software and providing support services;
  • publishing packaged software;
  • providing data processing services.

C - Reporting period information

Please report information for your fiscal year (normal business year) ending between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010. Please indicate the reporting period covered by this questionnaire.

A detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections.

1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., rental and leasing income, commissions, fees, admissions, services revenue) Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales);
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales;
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes;
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

2. Grants, subsidies, donations and fundraising

Please report contributions received during the reporting period.


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government;
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

3. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Please include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

4. Investment income (dividends and interest)

Investment income is defined as the portion of a company’s income derived from its investments, including dividends and interest on stocks and bonds.

Include interest from:

  • foreign sources;
  • bonds and debentures;
  • mortgage loans;
  • G.I.C. interest;
  • loan interest;
  • securities interest and deposits with bank interest.


  • equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates; these amounts should be reported in Section E, at question 25.

5. Other revenue (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 4 above.

6. Total revenue

The sum of questions 1 to 5.

E - Expenses

1. Salaries and wages of employees who have been issued a T4 statement

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay;
  • bonuses (including profit sharing);
  • employee commissions;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays);
  • severance pay.


  • all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers; please report these amounts in this section, at question 5.

2. Employer portion of employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans;
  • insurance plans;
  • employment insurance;
  • pension plans;
  • workers’ compensation;
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans;
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

3. Commissions paid to non-employees

Please report commission payments to outside workers without a T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid.


  • commission payments to independent real estate agents and brokers.

4. Professional and business services fees


  • legal;
  • accounting and auditing;
  • consulting;
  • education and training;
  • research and development;
  • architect;
  • appraisal;
  • management and administration.

5. Subcontract expenses (include contract labour, contract work and custom work)

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers.

6. Charges for services provided by your head office


  • parent company reimbursement expenses and interdivisional expenses.

7. Cost of goods sold, if applicable (purchases plus opening inventory minus closing inventory)

Report cost of purchased goods that were resold during the reporting period. If applicable, report cost of goods and material used in manufacturing of sold products.


  • goods purchased for resale: purchases during the period (including freight-in) plus opening inventory less closing inventory;
  • materials used in manufacturing of products sold: report only the material component of cost of finished manufactured goods that were sold during the reporting period.


  • direct and indirect labour costs (salaries, wages, benefits, and commissions);
  • overhead and all other costs normally charged to cost of goods sold, such as depreciation, energy costs, utilities, sub-contracts, royalties, transportation, warehousing, insurance, rental and leasing; these expenses should be reported elsewhere in the detailed categories provided.

8. Office supplies


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines;
  • diskettes and computer upgrade expenses;
  • data processing.


  • postage and courier;
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications expenses (please report this amount in this section, at question 14).

9. Rental and leasing (include rental of premises, equipment, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses;
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses;
  • rental and leasing of computer and peripheral expenses;
  • studio lighting and scaffolding, and other machinery and equipment expenses;
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

10. Repair and maintenance (e.g., property, equipment, vehicles)

Include expenses for the repair and maintenance of:

  • buildings and structures;
  • vehicles (including vehicle fuel);
  • machinery and equipment;
  • security equipment;
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses.

Also include janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

11. Insurance (include professional liability, motor vehicles, etc.)


  • professional and other liability insurance;
  • motor vehicle and property insurance;
  • executive life insurance;
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.

12. Advertising, marketing and promotions (report charitable donations at question 22)


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses;
  • catalogues, presentations and displays;
  • meeting and convention expenses;
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion;
  • fundraising expenses.

13. Travel, meals and entertainment


  • passenger transportation, accommodation and meals while travelling;
  • other travel allowances as well as meal, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

14. Utilities and telecommunications expenses (include gas, heating, hydro, water, telephone and Internet expenses)


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane;
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts;
  • vehicle fuel.

15. Property and business taxes, licences and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • beverage taxes and business taxes;
  • trade licence fees;
  • membership fees and professional licence fees.

16. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks;
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs;
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses;
  • franchise fees.

17. Delivery, warehousing, postage and courier


  • amounts paid for courier, custom fees, delivery and installation;
  • distribution, ferry charges and cartage;
  • freight and duty, shipping, warehousing and storage.

18. Financial service fees


  • explicit service charges for financial services;
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges;
  • collection expenses and transfer fees;
  • registrar and transfer agent fees;
  • security and exchange commission fees;
  • other financial service fees.


  • interest expenses.

19. Interest expenses

Please report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.

Include interest on:

  • short-term and long-term debt;
  • capital leases;
  • bonds and debentures and mortgages.

20. Amortization and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements;
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, deferred charges, organizational costs, and research and development costs).

21. Bad debts

A bad debt is the portion of receivables deemed uncollectible, typically from accounts receivable or loans.


  • allowance for bad debts.

Bad debt recoveries are to be netted from bad debt expenses.

22. All other expenses (please specify)


  • amounts not included in questions 1 to 21;
  • charitable and political expenses;
  • research and development expenses;
  • education and training expenses;
  • recruiting expenses.

23. Total expenses

The sum of questions 1 to 22.

24. Corporate taxes, if applicable


  • federal, provincial and territorial current income taxes and federal, provincial and territorial provision for deferred income taxes.

25. Gains (losses) and other items


  • realized gains/losses on disposal of assets and realized gains/losses on sale of investments;
  • foreign exchange gains/losses, subsidiary/affiliate share of income/losses and other division
  • joint venture income/losses and partnership income/losses;
  • unrealized gains/losses, extraordinary items, legal settlements, and other unusual items;
  • write-offs.

26. Net profit/loss after tax and other items

Total revenue less Total expenses minus Corporate taxes plus Gains (losses) and other items.

F - Industry characteristics

Sales breakdown by products

1. Information technology (IT) technical consulting services

The provision of advice or expert opinion on technical matters related to the use of information technology. This includes advice on matters such as hardware and software requirements and procurement, systems integration, and systems security. The provision of expert testimony on IT related issues are also included here.

2. Custom software design and development services

a) Web site design and development services

This service consists of designing the structure and content of a web page and/or writing the computer code necessary to create and implement a web page.

b) Database design and development services

This service consists of designing the structure and content of a database and/or of writing the computer code necessary to create and implement a database (data warehouse). Exclude contracts where the design and development of a database is bundled with the on-going management of the data holdings and are classified in the data management services sub-category.

c) Customization and integration of packaged software

This service consists of adapting (modifying, configuring, etc.) and installing an existing application so that it is functional within the clients’ information system environment.

d) Other custom application design and development services

This service consists of adapting (modifying, configuring, etc.) and installing an existing application so that it is functional within the clients’ information system environment or creating software to meet the specific needs of the clients.

3. Computer systems and network design and development services

a) Network design and development services (include network security design)

This service consists of designing, developing and implementing customer’networks such as Intranets, Extranets and Virtual Private Networks.

b) Computer systems design, development and integration services

This service consists of assessing an organization’computer requirements, advising on hardware and software acquisitions, developing system specifications and either putting the new system in place or providing the client with the necessary specifications to put the new system in place.

4. Hosting and information technology (IT) infrastructure provisioning services (e.g. Website hosting, application service provisioning, business process management services, collocation, data storage and management)

  • Web site hosting services

    The service of providing the infrastructure to host a customer’s web site and related files in a location that provides fast, reliable connection to the Internet.

  • Application service provisioning (ASP)

    The provision of leased software applications from a centralized, hosted, and managed computing environment.

  • Business process management

    A bundled service package that combines information-technology-intensive services with labour (manual or professional depending on the solution), machinery, and facilities to support, host and manage a business process for a client.

  • Collocation

    The provision of rack space within a secured facility for the placement of servers and enterprise platforms. The service includes the space for the client’hardware and software, connection to the Internet or other communication networks, and routine monitoring of servers. Clients are responsible for the management of the operating system, hardware, and software.

  • Data storage

    The service of administering storage and back-up management of data such as remote back-up services, storage, or hierarchical storage management (migration).

  • Data management

The ongoing management and administration of data as an organizational resource. Services may include performing data modelling, data mobilization, data mapping/rationalization, data mining and system architecture.

5. IT infrastructure and network management services

The service of managing and monitoring a client’s IT infrastructure including hardware, software and networks.

a) Network management

The service of managing and monitoring communication networks and connected hardware to diagnose networking problems and gather capacity and usage statistics for the administration and fine-tuning of network traffic. These services also remotely manage security systems or provide security-related services.

b) Computer systems management services

Providing day-to-day management and operation of a client’s computer system.

6. Information and document transformation services (e.g., imaging, data conversion and migration)

The service of converting paper documents into digital or other machine-readable formats. The service generally involves the following components: 1) document preparation, 2) scanning, optical character recognition, and other data capture activities, 3) delivery or output of the information captured into a database or a physical medium.

7. IT technical support services (for hardware or software; include disaster recovery services)

  • The provision of technical expertise to solve problems for the client in using software, hardware, or entire computer system.
  • The provision of customer support in using or troubleshooting software and includes upgrade services and the provision of patches and updates.
  • The provision of customer support in using or troubleshooting the computer hardware and software. It includes testing and cleaning on a routine basis, and repair of IT equipment. Includes technical assistance in moving a client’computer system to a new location.
  • The provision of technical expertise to solve specialized problems for the client using a computer system. These specialized services include computer auditing and assessment, data recovery, and disaster recovery.
  • Services of auditing or assessing computer operations without providing advice or other follow-up action. Includes auditing, assessing and documenting a server, network or process for components, capabilities, performance, or  security.
  • Retrieving a client’s data from a damaged or unstable hard drive or other storage medium.
  • Providing standby computer equipment and duplicate software in a separate location to enable a client to relocate regular staff to resume and maintain routine computerized operations in event of a disaster such as a fire or flood.

8. Software publishing

a) System software (include programming languages)

Publication of low-level software required to manage computer resources and support the production or execution of application programs but which is not specific to any particular application.

  • Operating system software

    Software that controls a computer and its peripherals. Modern operating systems such as Windows 97, 98 and 2000, and NT handle many of a computer’s basic  functions.

  • Network software

    Software that monitors an active communications network in order to diagnose problems and gather statistics for administration and fine-tuning.

  • Database management software

    A program that manages all facets of a database. Primary services of database management software include storage, modification and extraction of data. Database management software also regulates user access and protects data against damage.

  • Development tools and programming languages software

    Software used to assist in the development and/or authoring of computer programs. Software products that support the professional developer in the design, development, and implementation of a variety of software systems and solutions (includes all program development tools and programming languages software).

b) Application software (include entertainment and gaming software)

Any self-contained program that performs a specific function directly for the end user.

  • General business productivity and home use applications

    Software used for general business purposes to improve productivity, or in the home for entertainment, reference or educational purposes (includes office suite applications such as word processors, spreadsheets, simple databases, graphics applications, project management software, computer-based training software, games, reference, home education, etc.).

  • Cross-industry applications

    Software that is designed to perform and/or manage a specific business function or process that is not unique to a particular industry (includes professional accounting software, human resource management, customer relations management software, geographic information system software, web page/site design software, etc.).

  • Vertical market applications

    Software that performs a wide range of business functions for a specific industry such as manufacturing, retail, healthcare, engineering, restaurants, etc.

  • Utilities software

    A small computer program that performs a very specific task. Utilities differ from other software applications in terms of size, cost and complexity. Examples include: compression programs, anti-virus, search engines, font, file viewers, and voice recognition software. Software that monitors an active communications network in order to diagnose problems and gather statistics for administration and fine-tuning.

G - Personnel

To fully measure the contribution of all human capital in this industry, we require information on the number of partners and proprietors as well as the number and classification of workers.

1. Number of partners and proprietors, non-salaried (if salaried, report at question 2 below)

For unincorporated businesses, please report the number of partners and proprietors for whom earnings will be the net income of the partnership or proprietorship.

2. Paid employees

a) Average number of paid employees during the reporting period

To calculate the average number employed, add the number of employees in the last pay period of each month of the reporting period and divide this sum by the number of months (usually 12).


  • partners and proprietors, non-salaried reported at question 1 above.

b) Percentage of paid employees (from question 2a) who worked full time

Full-time employment consists of persons who usually work 30 hours or more per week. Please specify the percentage of paid employees who have been working full time by rounding the percentage to the nearest whole number.

3. Number of contract workers for whom you did not issue a T4, such as freelancers and casual workers (estimates are acceptable)

Contract workers are not employees, but workers contracted to perform a specific task or project in your organization for a specific duration, such as self-employed persons, freelancers and casual workers. These workers are not issued a T4 information slip. Please report the number of contract workers employed by your organization during the fiscal year.

H - Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

1. Clients in Canada

a) Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.


  • sales to Crown corporations.

b) Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

c) Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.


  • sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

2. Clients outside Canada

Please report the share of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.


  • sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

I - Sales by client location

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your total sales by client location (first point of sale).

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

The percentage in question 14 must equal question 2 in section H.

J - International transactions

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, and royalties and licences fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

For more information about these data-sharing agreements, please contact Statistics Canada at 1-888-881-3666 or visit our website at

Thank you!

Feed Grain Purchases

Confidentiality: Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable business without the previous written consent of that business. The data reported on this questionnaire will be treated in confidence and used for statistical purpose only. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation.

Authority: Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

Purpose:This information will be used to improve the supply and disposition statistics for grains and the measurement of the value of feed grains in the Prairie Provinces by Statistics Canada. These data will be combined with those of other companies and published in summary totals at the provincial level.


  1. Please report, in metric tonnes, purchases of grain bought directly from farmers and from all grain dealers whether licensed or not.
    • Grain purchased from licensed primary, process or terminal elevators.
    • Purchases of grain products (soybean meal, etc.).
    • Purchases already reported to the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC).
  2. Your firm's operations in each province should be reported on a separate questionnaire.
  3. Please indicate in the comments section any unusual events which may affect the data for this period such as unusual prices, poor weather, transportation difficulties or changes in your operation.
  4. Return your completed questionnaire, by January 15, 2010, by mail to Agriculture Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa (Ontario), K1A 0T6 or by facsimile to (613) 951-3868. Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure of your information if you choose to return it by fax, e-mail or other electronic means. Upon receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide the level of protection required by the Statistics Act. If you have any questions, please contact the Grain Marketing Unit at (613) 951-3050. Thank you for your co-operation!

Purchases from August 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009

  • Grain:
    • Barley
    • Corn
    • Wheat, Excluding Durum
    • Oats
    • Peas
    • Soybeans (Roasted)
    • Other Grains (Specify)
  • Grain Originating from:
    • Manitoba
    • Saskatchewan
    • Alberta
    • British Columbia
    • Eastern Provinces
    • Other Countries
  • Total: (metric tonnes)

Contact person
E-mail address
Telephone number

2009 Annual Head Office Survey

Unified Enterprise Survey

5-3600-123.3 STC/UES-307-75135

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2009 Annual Head Office Survey. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada help line at the number below.

Help Line: 1-888-881-3666

Table of contents

A - Introduction
B - Revenue
C - Expenses
D - Inventory of this head office
E - Employment at this head office
General information
Survey purpose
Data-sharing agreements
Record linkages

A - Introduction

Survey purpose

This survey of head offices is conducted to improve the accuracy and completeness of statistics on businesses in Canada. On behalf of the enterprise as a whole, head office units purchase a wide range of services from external businesses (e.g., legal, advertising, insurance), perform general administrative functions (e.g., payroll, employment, accounting) and manage specialized units within the enterprise (e.g., sales centres, warehouses, trucking facilities, research and development centres). Because these account for significant expenses and employment, these data must be included in the statistics for the whole economy.

Some head offices undertake additional actions, such as generating revenue, either through transactions with external clients or with internal clients (i.e., other units of this firm), or allocating their expenses to other business units. These issues are vital to providing a complete picture of how the firm performs and they are covered by the content of this survey questionnaire.

These data will be aggregated with information from other sources to produce official estimates of national and provincial/territorial economic production in Canada, as well as official estimates of activity by industry. Those estimates are used by government for national and regional programs and policy planning and by the private sector for industry performance measurement and market development.


Your answers are confidential.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information from this survey which would identify a person, business, or organization, without their prior consent. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by either the Access to Information Act or any other legislation. The Canada Revenue Agency cannot access identifiable survey data from Statistics Canada.

These survey data will only be used for statistical purposes and will be published in an aggregate form only.


Please complete this questionnaire only for the business unit(s) described in the pre-printed area on the front page of the questionnaire.

Reporting period information

Please report information for your 12-month fiscal period ending between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010.

B - Revenue

Revenue in this section has been classified into two main categories, revenue from transactions with external clients and revenue from transactions with internal clients.


  • all Canadian revenue (including electronic commerce) recorded in your accounts for sales or transfers to other businesses and to other units of your business;
  • all revenue (including electronic commerce) received from outside Canada by this business unit.


  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes such as GST/HST, PST and TVQ collected for remittance to a government agency.

Revenue at this head office

Revenue from external clients,
questions 2 to 7

In addition to the sales of goods and services to external clients, some head offices act as a wholesale arm for the enterprise and record all revenue from transactions with external clients, while still performing the administrative functions for the enterprise.


  • only revenue from a third party or non-affiliated businesses.


  • receipts from billings to other business units of the firm.

2. Sales of goods manufactured and/or assembled by business units affiliated with this head office, and transferred to this head office for sale to external clients


  • any and all goods manufactured or assembled at plants of this firm (or on location where installation is an extension of the manufacturing process) where the final selling price is collected through this head office. The value for the above would be reported at the manufacturing location at book transfer value or cost; please report this value in section C, question 1.


  • any and all goods manufactured or assembled at plants of this firm where final selling price is billed through the plant directly to the customer.

3. Sales of goods purchased for resale, in the same condition as purchased, bought from business units not affiliated with this head office (i.e., third party) for sale to external clients


  • value of shipments of goods purchased and resold in the same condition as purchased - billed through this head office;
  • all sales of consignment goods from abroad and goods manufactured abroad from own materials billed through this head office.

Costs relating to the above items should be reported in section C, question 2.


  • any goods purchased and sold in the same condition as purchased, sales of consignment goods from abroad and goods manufactured abroad from own materials that are billed through other business units of the firm.

If your accounting records do not permit you to make the distinction between goods purchased for resale, in the same condition as purchased, and goods of own manufacture, please provide your best estimate.

4. Sales of services produced by employees of this business unit for sale to external clients


  • management services;
  • consulting services;
  • data processing services;
  • administrative services;
  • revenue generated by research and development work;
  • service revenue.

5. Revenue from rental and leasing from external clients


  • any revenue accruing from the rental or lease of real estate property, whether or not any buildings involved have been produced by business units of your firm;
  • machinery and equipment purchased by this head office and leased or rented out to other business units or to the general public (machinery of all kinds, engines, trucks of all types, trailers, other equipment, etc.).


  • revenue from the rental or lease of machinery and equipment produced by business units of your firm.

6. Other operating revenue from external clients


  • commissions, royalties and franchise fees;
  • other operating revenue not included above.

Revenue from internal clients,
questions 8 and 9

Revenue from transactions with internal clients (e.g., other units of this firm) are identified because head offices may account for significant expenses (e.g., legal, advertising, insurance) and employment in an enterprise. Some head offices allocate these expenses to other business units of the enterprise.


  • only revenue received from other business units of this firm.


  • receipts from billings to a third party or non-affiliated businesses.

8. Management fees and any other service fees provided by and paid to this head office by other units of the firm

Please report all management or any other service fees received by this head office from other business units of the firm for services provided by this head office and other business support units.

Include fees such as:

  • legal;
  • payroll;
  • advertising;
  • insurance;
  • promotion fees, etc.

9. All other operating revenue from other units of the firm not reported above


  • royalties, commissions and franchise fees;
  • intra-company sales.

12. Non-operating revenue


  • interest and dividend income;
  • gains on sales of assets;
  • gains from exchange rate changes;
  • all other non-operating revenue.

C - Expenses


  • all expenses (including expenses for electronic commerce) within or outside Canada recorded by this business unit;
  • all expenses this Head Office may have directly allocated to other units of this firm.


  • GST/HST and TVQ;
  • expenses incurred by business units located outside Canada.

1. Cost of goods sold by business units affiliated with this head office and transferred to this head office for sale to external clients (The sales of these goods is to be reported in section B, question 2.)

Cost of goods sold is the amount at which an item appears in the books of accounts and financial statements of business units affiliated with this head office.

2. Cost of goods purchased for resale in the same condition as purchased, purchased from business units not affiliated with this head office (The sale of these goods is to be reported in section B, question 3.)

Please report the laid-down cost to head office (or other business support unit). If your accounting records do not permit you to make the distinction between goods purchased from outside the firm and goods manufactured by establishments of your own firm, please provide your best estimate.

3. Salaries and wages of head office employees ONLY.

Employees are defined as those workers for whom you completed a Canada Revenue Agency

T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid.

Amounts reported for salaries, wages and commissions should be gross, before any deductions at source.


  • vacation pay;
  • overtime payments;
  • bonuses;
  • director’s fees;
  • profits shared with employees;
  • commissions paid to regular employees;
  • taxable allowances (e.g., car expenses).


  • employer contributions to workers’ compensation; please report these payments in section C, question 2.
  • employer contributions to employee welfare and benefit plans (e.g., for pensions, insurance, medicare and supplementary employment benefits); please report these payments in section C, question 2.

4. Employer portion of employee benefits


  • contributions to provincial or territorial health and education payroll taxes applicable to this business unit;
  • employee life and extended health care insurance plans (e.g., medical, dental, drug and vision care plans);
  • Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) contributions;
  • employer pension contributions;
  • workers’ compensation (provincial or territorial plan applicable to this head office or other business support unit);
  • employment insurance premiums (EI);
  • retiring allowances or lump sum payments to employees at time of termination or retirement;
  • all other employee benefits such as childcare and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans.

Expenses in questions 5-16 are for services purchased from external businesses only (e.g., third parties).


  • management fees or any other service fees that will be reported in this section, questions 25a and b.

5. Transportation, shipping (contracted out), warehousing, storage, postage and courier expenses


  • railway transport services of freight, letters and parcels;
  • road transport services of freight, letters and parcels;
  • moving services of household and office furniture and other goods;
  • transport services via pipeline;
  • coastal and transoceanic water transport services of freight;
  • air transport services of freight, letters or parcels;
  • rental services of truck, vessels for coastal and transoceanic transport, inland water vessels or aircraft with operator;
  • refrigerated storage services;
  • bulk liquid or gas storage services;
  • inland water transport services of freight;
  • postage and courier services.

6. Telephone and other telecommunication expenses


  • telephone, fax, cellular phone, or pager services for transmission of voice, data or image;
  • Internet access charges and purchased cable and satellite transmission of television, radio and music programs;
  • wired telecommunication services;
  • wireless telecommunication services;
  • satellite telecommunication services;
  • online access services;
  • online information provision services.

7. Rental and leasing expenses


  • rental of office space or other real estate;
  • motor vehicles (without driver);
  • computers and peripherals (without operator);
  • other machinery and equipment (without operator);
  • rental or leasing services concerning other goods (e.g., video tape, televisions, furniture);
  • purchased energy, fuel and water expenses (if applicable).


  • rental and leasing of vehicles, machinery and equipment with driver or operator; please report these costs with the associated function (e.g., rental services concerning goods transported by motor vehicle with operator should be reported in this section, question 5).

8. Purchased repair and maintenance service expenses, including janitorial and cleaning services


  • materials, parts and labour;
  • purchased repair and maintenance service expenses for buildings, structures and motor vehicles;
  • purchased repair and maintenance service expenses for other goods (e.g., fabricated metal products or furniture repair services).


  • property management fees; please report these amounts in this section, question 16.

9. Payments to employment agencies or personnel suppliers


  • executive search services;
  • employment agency services;
  • supply of office support personnel services;
  • supply of domestic help personnel services;
  • supply of other commercial or industrial workers services;
  • supply of medical personnel services;
  • supply of other personnel services.

10. Purchased research and development expenses (contracted out)

Include research and experimental development expenses in:

  • physical sciences;
  • chemistry and biology;
  • engineering and technology;
  • agricultural sciences;
  • medical sciences and pharmacy;
  • cultural sciences, sociology and psychology;
  • economics and law.

11. All other professional and business services


  • legal fees;
  • accounting and auditing fees;
  • technical service fees;
  • consulting fees;
  • education and training fees.

12. Insurance premiums


  • life insurance and individual pension services;
  • accident and health insurance services;
  • motor vehicle, marine, aviation and other transport insurance services;
  • freight insurance services;
  • general liability insurance services;
  • credit and surety insurance services.


  • payments on behalf of employees which are considered to be taxable benefits; please report these amounts in this section, question 4 above.

13. Advertising and promotion expenses


  • planning, creating and placement services of advertising;
  • purchase or sale of advertising space or time, on commission;
  • trade fair and exhibition organization services.

14. Travel, meal and entertainment expenses


  • passenger transportation, accommodation, meals while travelling, and other travel allowances;
  • meal serving services with full restaurant services;
  • catering services, providing meals to outside;
  • performing arts event promotion and organization services;
  • performing arts facility operation services;
  • other performing arts and live entertainment services.

15. Royalties and franchise fees


  • franchise fees;
  • patents;
  • trademarks;
  • copyrights.

16. All other purchased service expenses not specified above


  • property management fees;
  • waste and hazardous material removal fees;
  • financial service fees;
  • bank charges;
  • credit and debit card commissions;
  • sewage treatment services;
  • tank emptying and cleaning services.


  • interest expenses.

17. Office supply expenses


  • paper;
  • photocopier, printer and fax machine supplies;
  • diskettes;
  • writing instruments;
  • other office supplies.

If not capitalized, also include computers, printers, photocopiers, computer software and office furniture, etc.


  • postage and courier expenses; please report these amounts in this section, question 5;
  • telephone and other telecommunication expenses; please report these amounts in this section, question 6.

18. Operating, repair and maintenance supply expenses


  • supplies for the operation, repair and maintenance of your equipment, vehicles and buildings.


  • expenses that are covered in your rental and leasing expenses; please report these amounts in this section, question 7;
  • expenses that are covered in your repair and maintenance service expenses; please report these amounts, including janitorial and cleaning services, in this section, question 8.

20. Total purchased energy and water utility expenses


  • electricity;
  • gasoline;
  • fuel oil;
  • diesel fuel;
  • propane;
  • natural gas;
  • water.


  • motor vehicle fuel expenses;
  • energy expenses that are covered in your rental and leasing expenses; please report these amounts in this section, question 7.

21. Amortization and depreciation (include this business unit’s assets and capital lease obligations)

Amortization is the gradual writing off of capitalized costs.

Depreciation is the accounting process whereby the cost of capital assets is systematically allocated to current operations over the term of its useful life. This process recognizes the gradual exhaustion of the service capacity of the capital assets.

22. Property and business taxes, licences and other permits, including building permits and development charges


  • property taxes, except those covered in your rental and leasing expenses;
  • property transfer taxes;
  • large corporation capital taxes;
  • vehicle licence fees;
  • lot levies;
  • lease fees to governments (e.g., access to shoreline, stumpage fees);
  • building permits and development charges.

24. All other expenses


  • bad debt expense;
  • write-offs;
  • donations and inventory adjustments.

25.a Management fees or any other service fees paid to affiliates or third parties outside Canada


  • management fees or any other service fees paid by this head office (or other business support unit) to other units of the firm located outside Canada.

25.b Management fees or any other service fees paid to affiliates or third parties in Canada


  • management fees or any other service fees paid by this head office (or other business support unit) to other units of the firm located in Canada.

Inventories are to be reported at book value (i.e., the value maintained in the accounting records).


  • inventory owned by this business unit within or outside Canada (including inventory held at any warehouse, selling outlet, in transit, or on consignment).


  • inventory held on consignment for others.

1. Goods manufactured and/or produced by business units affiliated with this head office and transferred to this head office for sale to external clients


  • stocks of finished goods.


  • raw materials, goods in process.

2. Goods purchased for resale in the same condition as purchased, from business units not affiliated with this head office and sold to external clients


  • goods which are purchased for resale without further processing.

Please note that the purchases and sales of such goods for resale are to be reported in section B, question 3 and in section C, question 2.

E - Employment at this head office

To calculate the average number of people employed, add the number of people employed in the last pay period of each month and divide this sum by the number of months in the reporting period (usually twelve).


  • full-time, part-time and temporary employees;
  • employees absent with pay who are part of your payroll, including those working in ancillary units that form part of the head office.


  • contract and subcontract workers who are not part of your payroll;
  • company pensioners;
  • persons working on a full commission basis for whom you are not making Canada Pension Fund (CPP) or Quebec Pension Fund (le Régime des rentes du Québec) or employment insurance (EI) contributions;
  • outside directors of incorporated companies.

General information

Survey purpose

Statistics Canada conducts this survey to obtain detailed and accurate data on this industry, which is recognised as being an important contributor to the Canadian economy. Your responses are critically important to produce reliable statistics used by businesses, non-profit organizations and all levels of government to make informed decisions in many areas.

The information from this survey can be used by your business to benchmark your performance against an industry standard, to plan marketing strategies or to prepare business plans for investors. Governments use the data to develop national and regional economic policies and to develop programs to promote domestic and international competitiveness. The data are also used by trade associations, business analysts and investors to study the economic performance and characteristics of your industry.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which must keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Please note that Statistics Canada does not share any individual survey information with the Canada Revenue Agency.

For more information about these data-sharing agreements, please contact Statistics Canada at 1-888-881-3666 or visit our website at

Thank you!