Archived – Contract and IT Expenditures Management Frameworks

Final audit report
Contract and IT Expenditures Management Frameworks

Statistics Canada
April 15, 2010
Project Number: 80590-59
 ( Document (PDF, 75.15 KB) )

Executive summary

Statistics Canada's contracting and IT expenditures management practices are key management processes supporting its role and mandate. From April 1, 2007 to August 31, 2009, there were 8,102 contracts estimated at $95.05 million awarded (goods or services partially or totally delivered) under Statistics Canada's delegated contracting authority.

The audit objectives were to provide the Chief Statistician and the Departmental Audit Committee (DAC) with assurance that:

  • The Contracting Management Control Framework is adequate and effective;
  • The activities supporting the Contracting Management Control Framework are compliant with the Government of Canada and Statistics Canada contracting policies; and,
  • The Management Control Framework for IT Expenditures on goods and services is managed in accordance with the prescribed policies.

The audit was conducted by the Internal Audit Services in accordance with the Government of Canada's Policy on Internal Audit.

Summary Results

The key elements of the Contracting Management Control Framework (CMCF) exist, but the addition of a departmental Contract Review Board is required.

The activities supporting the CMCF are compliant to policies, weaknesses have been identified in the area of monitoring, performance evaluation and contract file documentation.

The examination was based on an analysis of policies, guidelines, documents, interviews with key employees and management, and an analysis of a sample of 60 contract files.

The audit found that the key elements of the Contracting Management Control Framework exist, but the addition of a Contract Review Board at the departmental level is required. The activities supporting the Contracting Management Control Framework are compliant with most of the Government of Canada and Statistics Canada's contracting policies, however control weaknesses have been identified. Statistics Canada needs to improve its management monitoring activities, performance evaluations, and contract file documentation. Combined, these activities will improve the departmental risk management strategies.

The third objective, "The Management Control Framework for IT Expenditures on Goods and Services", will be reported through the Office of Comptroller General's Management of Information Technology Assets in Large Departments and Agencies horizontal audit which was conducted in parallel.



In its attempt to create an open, fair and transparent federal procurement system, the Government of Canada has put policies in place to strengthen public sector procurement procedures. The general direction provided by the government aims to tighten control measures in order to help departments and agencies be more accountable. As a result spending must be assessed regularly and management frameworks must be in place to ensure due diligence and proper stewardship of public funds. Robust controls in Contract Management and Information Technology (IT) ExpendituresFootnote 1 will provide the organization with stronger mechanisms for governance and accountability and improve management of public funds.

Statistics Canada's contracting and IT expenditures management practices are key management processes supporting its role and mandate. Based on data from the Corporate Support Services Division, from April 1, 2007 to August 31, 2009, there were 8,102 contracts, including IT expenditures, estimated at $95.05 million awarded under Statistics Canada's delegated contracting authority. The risk assessment indicated that regional procurement initiatives were numerous but of low valueFootnote 2. Therefore, these contracts were excluded from the scope. Also excluded were contracts under $5,000. The remaining procurement effort represented 1,582 contracts with a value of $88.64 million for an average of $56,028 per contract, this was considered significant.

The audit examined business practices and controls to determine the level of compliance with Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) and Statistics Canada policies and procedures with regards to Contract Management and IT Expenditures Management Framework. The themes "Contract Management Framework" and "Management of Expenditures on IT Goods and Services" were identified in the Risk-Based Audit Plan (RBAP) 2008/09-2010/11 as areas to be audited. To improve efficiencies, these themes were combined into the audit of Contract and IT Expenditures Management Frameworks.


The audit was undertaken by the Internal Audit Services in accordance with Statistics Canada's RBAP 2008/09-2010/11 which was approved by the Internal Audit Committee on March 19, 2008.

Audit Objectives

The objectives of the audit were to provide the Chief Statistician and the Departmental Audit Committee with assurance that:

  • The Contracting Management Control Framework (CMCF) is adequate and effective;
  • Activities supporting the CMCF are compliant to the Government of Canada and Statistics Canada contracting policies; and
  • The Management Control Framework for IT Expenditures on goods and services is managed in accordance with the prescribed policies.

Criteria used for each objective are found in Appendix A.

Scope and Approach

The scope of the audit focused on assessing Statistics Canada's contracts and IT expenditures issued under the delegated authority of the Chief Statistician. The scope included the management control frameworks that supports the contracting and IT expenditures functions at Statistics Canada. Contracts managed by Materiel and Contracts Services Section (MACS) where goods or services were partially or totally delivered through the designated period of April 1, 2007 to August 31, 2009 with a value of $5,000 and above were in scope. The period included contracts that have gone through the full life cycle as well as more recent contracts that followed revised procedures based on the review of the readiness assessment of financial statements. During this period, 1,582 in-scope contracts were issued for a total value of $88.64 million. A sample of 60 contracts was selected for a value of $19.53 million.

Excluded from the scope are all contracts from regional offices and contracts less than $5,000.

The audit was conducted in accordance with the Government of Canada's Policy on Internal Audit.

Appendix B provides information on the selected sample.

The examination included the following divisions:

  1. Financial Management Operations and Systems Division (FMOSD),
  2. Corporate Support Services Division (CSSD) including Materiel and Contracts Services Section (MACS),
  3. Informatics Technology Services Division (ITSD) and System Development Division (SDD),
  4. Resource Management Division (RMD), and
  5. Five selected client divisions to MACS.

The examination was based on an analysis of policies, guidelines, documents, interviews with key employees and management, and an analysis of a sample of 60 contract files.

The sample of contract files contained various types of procurement such as Advanced Contract Award Notice; Aboriginal; Competitive; Non competitive; Networking Equipment Support Services; Professional Services On-Line; and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) contracts. The total value of the sample represents $19.53 million.

In September 2009, during the conduct of this audit, Statistics Canada was informed that it had been selected in the sample of the Office of the Comptroller General's (OCG) Management of Information Technology Assets in Large Departments and Agencies horizontal audit. Statistics Canada internal audit staff were involved in the execution phase of this audit. The OCG audit focused on the governance of IT assets and was similar to our third objective, "The Management Control Framework for IT Expenditures on goods and services is managed in accordance with the prescribed policies". For this reason the third objective was conducted through the OCG audit and summary results will be commented on in their report.

Findings, Recommendations and Management Responses

In relation to the first objective, the audit found that the key elements of the Contracting Management Control Framework exist, but the addition of a Contract Review Board at the departmental level is required.

Evidence collected for the second objectives indicate that the activities supporting the CMCF are compliant with the Government of Canada and Statistics Canada contracting policies, but control weaknesses have been identified. Statistics Canada should improve its management monitoring activities, performance evaluations, and contract file documentation. Combined, these activities will improve the departmental risk management strategies. In addition, the expenditure control system was working as intended since April 1, 2009.

The examination results for third objective, the IT Control Framework, will be reported under the OCG audit as indicated in the scope of this audit.

All recommendations and proposed responses and action plans should be considered within the existing Statistics Canada Management structure.

Contracting Management Control Framework

Key elements of CMCF are in place. However, a Contract Review Board is not established.

An adequate and effective CMCF is necessary to systematically identify, assess, mitigate and manage risks associated with procurement activities and ensure compliance with the Financial Administration Act (FAA), and the Treasury Board Contracting Policy and regulations. The Treasury Board Contracting Policy states that "it is the responsibility of departments and agencies to ensure that adequate control frameworks for due diligence and effective stewardship of public funds are in place and working".

The audit revealed that key elements of the CMCF, such as an organizational structure, departmental procedures and guidelines, a database, and the delegation of financial signing authorities, are in place. However, a Contract Review Board is not established. The following cases are examples of contracts that could have benefited from the review and approval of a Contract Review Board before the contracts were awarded in order to reduce the risk associated with the contracting process. The first example is a sampled contract valued at $2.37 million, where deficiencies relative to contract administration and close-out were identified. Another example is a contract issued for $212,000 although the request for a service contract and the statement of work stated that the total payment to the supplier would not exceed $200,000 including goods and services taxes (GST) with a 6 months option for $100,000 including GST. The option was exercised for $106,000 although less than 40% of the value of the initial contract had been expended; and an invoice was received after the year was closed with a note stating that they would try to pay the amount out of uncommitted funds.

Considering that Statistics Canada awards several significant contracts to support its role and mandate, there is a risk that a competitive, transparent and fair contracting process as well as the receipt of value-for-money could not be assured. In addition, a Contract Review Board would provide management with the assurance that the riskier contracts are being reviewed and ensure compliance with Treasury Board directives. The Contract Review Board would also limit the potential risk of conflict of interest or favouritism.

Recommendation #1

It is recommended that the Assistant Chief Statistician (ACS) of Census and Operations ensure the establishment of a Contract Review Board to review high risk contracts.

Management Response

Management accepted the recommendation

Management propose to include as members on the new Contract Review Board the Director General (DG) of Operations, DG of Informatics, DG of Planning and Evaluation, Director of Corporate Support Services Division, Chief of Materiel and Contract Services, and as required, the Legal Advisor. Management will establish the Terms of Reference and develop a communication strategy.

Deliverables and Timeline:

  • Contract Review Board established (terms of reference and members) and communication strategy
  • Director General, Operations – June 2010.

Monitoring and Performance Evaluation

There is no evidence that contract activities are being fully and appropriately monitored; and, no performance evaluation reports included in any of the sampled contract files audited.

Monitoring of contracts and contractor performance evaluations are fundamental activities supporting the CMCF and help to make it adequate and effective. As already mentioned above, departments are responsible for due diligence and effective stewardship of public funds and monitoring is one of the activities helping to achieve this responsibility. The Treasury Board Contracting Policy states that "the contracting authority should appoint a procurement officer and the technical authority should appoint a project officer (who may be the same person), to be responsible and accountable for monitoring the work".

Furthermore, the Treasury Board Contracting Policy stipulates that "on completion of the contract, the contracting authority should evaluate the work performed by the consultant or professional. The evaluation should be undertaken by officials competent in the particular fields involved. If judgmental comments are provided, they should be supported by complete and factual detail".

During our review, we noted that there was no evidence that contract activities are being fully and appropriately monitored; and, there were no performance evaluation reports included in any of the 60 contract files which we examined. For example, based on shipping and receiving information, for one of the sampled contracts, some items had not been received two years after the due date of the deliverables. This could have been avoided if contracting activities were appropriately monitored and contractors performance evaluated.

Divisional representatives stated that performance evaluations are only conducted on an informal and as required basis.

The lack of appropriate contract monitoring and contract performance evaluation could potentially have a negative impact on the department's reputation. Additionally, there is a risk of not detecting that the delivery (goods or service) was not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract which could lead to not obtaining best value-for-money.

Recommendation #2

It is recommended that the Assistant Chief Statistician (ACS) of Census and Operations ensure that performance evaluation is completed during the course and at the conclusion of each contract in accordance with Treasury Board directives; and a contract monitoring program be established.

Management Response

Management accepted the recommendation.

Performance Evaluation

Management will develop formal procedures for performance evaluation of suppliers at the conclusion for all contracts above $5,000.00 and of a duration of 6 months or less. Contracts above $5,000.00, but of a duration of more than 6 months, formal procedures will be developed for performance evaluation at the mid-point and at the conclusion of the contract period. Management will update the procurement checklist to include performance evaluation of suppliers.

Deliverables and Timeline:

  • Performance evaluation form and updated procurement checklist
  • Director, Corporate Support Services Division – June 2010


Management will develop and establish a contract monitoring program in order to ensure adequate contract management framework and activities supporting this framework are monitored.

Deliverables and Timeline:

  • Contract monitoring program scope and establish roles and responsibilities
  • Director, Corporate Support Services Division – October 2010

Contract Files Documentation

The contracting files were inconsistently documented and showed deficiencies throughout the sample audited. Only a small portion of files were complete and well documented.

Complete and appropriate documentation in a procurement file is necessary to effectively manage all aspects of the procurement process. The Treasury Board Contracting Policy stipulates that "Procurement files shall be established and structured to facilitate management oversight with a complete audit trail that contains contracting details related to relevant communications and decisions including the identification of involved officials and contracting approval authorities". In addition, a complete file ensures that the principles of enhanced access, competition, fairness and best value expressed in the Treasury Board Contracting Policy are applied.

Statistics Canada strives to meet the objectives and directives of the Treasury Board Contracting Policy. Our sample review identified files which were complete and well documented. These files included a procurement checklist which was prepared and confirmed that the contract had been completed in accordance with the established procedures. These files also included a chronological history of the contract process. However, this procedure was not consistent throughout the sample and limited to a few files. We noted the following deficiencies in several files:

  • The procurement checklist was not followed consistently;
  • Solicitation source list of qualified suppliers was not on file;
  • There was no evidence of alternatives analysis and cost benefit analysis;
  • Results of proposals evaluation were not on file;
  • Proposals from unsuccessful bidders were not on file and there was no reference advising where they were being kept;
  • Notification to unsuccessful bidders was not on file;
  • Monitoring and performance evaluation reports were not on file; and,
  • Supplier invoices were not in the contract file.

The audit found that sole-source justifications were documented; moreover, the Statistics Canada directive to obtain the Assistant Chief Statistician's approval for sole-sourcing exceeding $5,000 was followed. However, there was no assurance that the prices quoted were competitive to similar contracts in the industry. Also, successful suppliers in a non-competitive process were not being asked to confirm that the prices being quoted for items such as per diems were not higher than comparable contracts they were involved in.

There is a risk that incomplete documentation and an inappropriate audit trail will not support the decision making process and departmental risk management strategies.

Recommendation #3

It is recommended that the Assistant Chief Statistician (ACS) of Census and Operations ensure Corporate Support Services Division develops formal procedures of periodic reviews of contract files, which would ensure that the contract files are consistently prepared and standardized by all procurement officers. .

Management Response

Management accepted the recommendation.

Management will develop a quality control review process. The process will be applied for contract files above $5,000.00. Management will also update the procurement checklist to include all documents that should be included in each contract file.

Deliverables and Timeline:

  • Quality control review process and updated procurement checklist
  • Chief, Materiel and Contract Services – July 2010


For contracts awarded since April 1, 2009 the financial requirements are in accordance with the FAA.

The audit identified deficiencies related to the financial aspects of contracts awarded before April 1, 2009. However, for contracts awarded since this date, the financial requirements are in accordance with the Financial Administration Act (FAA). The improvement is attributed to the implementation of recommendations following a study on "Assessment of Capital Assets Expenditures" by Financial Management Operations Systems Division (FMOSD) and of an internal audit of "Asset Protection and Life Cycle Management", both carried out in 2008. In view of these circumstances, no recommendation is necessary.


Appendix A: Audit Objectives and their Criteria

Objective 1: The Contracting Management Control Framework is adequate and effective

  • Management and planning of contracting practices are adequate
  • Contract information is accurately and appropriately reported and reliable
  • Evidence that proper monitoring and training practices are in place

Objective 2: The activities supporting the Contracting Management Control Framework are compliant to Government of Canada and Statistics Canada contracting policies

  • Evidence of proper approval process concerning the contracting activities (Sections 32 and 34)
  • Evidence of proper approval practices for payment (Section 33)
  • Evidence of compliance with Treasury Board Contracting Policy (Contracting steps and reporting to TBS are followed)

Objective 3 : The Management Control Framework for IT Expenditures on goods and services is managed in accordance with the prescribed policies

  • Effective planning and budgeting processes are in place for acquiring IT goods and services which best support the departmental objectives, priorities and operations
  • The organization is taking the necessary steps to ensure efficient and cost effective performance, use and maintenance of IT goods and services

Appendix B: Selection of Contract Sample

In Scope Contracts from April 1, 2007 to August 31, 2009 This table describes the In Scope Contracts from April 1, 2007 to August 31, 2009
Type of contract Contracts in Scope Contracts Sampled
Number $ Value Number $ Value
ACAN 26 $4,448,013 4 $1,829,601
Aboriginal 3 $64,894 2 $59,891
Competitive 925 $44,596,446 24 $13,822,061
Non competitive 438 $10,972,322 15 $336,352
NESS 30 $2,374,963 5 $268,175
PS Online or PWGSC 144 $25,058,816 7 $2,891,009
Other 16 $1,120,189 3 $324,838
Total 1,582 $88,635,643 60 $19,531,927

ACAN: Advanced Contract Award Notice

MERX: An Internet-based service that allows public-sector organizations to publish and manage opportunity notices and associated documentation online

NESS: Networking Equipment Support Services

PS Online: Professional Services On-Line


Footnote 1

Throughout the report, IT expenditures relate to IT expenditures on goods and services.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

Based on data from the Corporate Support Services Division, regional offices awarded 2,522 contracts for a total amount of $1.99 million from April 1, 2007 to August 31, 2009. This represents an average of $792 per contract, an amount considered low risk.

Return to footnote 2 referrer

CONFIDENTIAL when completed. This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on livestock and crops. The statistics produced from the survey enable those active in the agricultural sector to observe and assess changes in the industry, measure performance and keep the agricultural community and general public informed of developments. All information will be kept confidential under the authority of the Statistics Act.

  • Corporation Name
  • Farm or Operation Name
  • Contact Name
  • Area Code
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • Number and Street Name
  • R.R.
  • Box No .
  • Postal Code
  • Post Office (name of city, town or village where mail is received)

Section A. Crops seeded

1. Did you/do you plan to seed any crops in 2009?

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Question 3)

2. Which of the following crops did you seed or will you seed in 2009? (Include seeded area) UOM (ac, ha)

  • Spring Wheat
  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Mixed Grains (two or more sown together)
  • Corn for Grain
  • Fodder Corn
  • Potatoes
  • Soybeans
  • Other Crops

3. Did you seed any Winter Wheat in the fall of 2008?

  • Yes (Go to Question 4)
  • No (Go to Question 6)

4. What area of Winter Wheat did you seed in the fall of 2008? UOM (ac, ha)

  • Winter Wheat seeded in the fall of 2008 (Go to Question 5)

5. What area is remaining to be harvested? UOM (ac, ha)

  • Winter Wheat remaining to be harvested (Go to Question 6)

6. Will you have any area in Hay or Forage seed in 2009?

  • Yes (Go to selected crops)
  • No (Go to Question 7)

Selected Crops: Total area UOM (ac, ha)

  • All other Hay (including clover, Timothy, Alfalfa and/or alfalfa mixtures)
  • Forage seed

7. What is your total area in 2009? (Land Use) UOM (ac, ha)

  1. Pasture (Note: If a field is used the same year for harvesting hay as pasture, count it only once as a hay field.)
  2. Other Land
  3. Total Farm Area Operated

Section B. Cattle and/or calves

1. On June 1, 2009 do you expect to have any cattle or calves on this operation? Include grazing projects, community pastures or crownland.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section C)

2. Are cattle or calves kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number at June 1, 2009:

3. Bulls, 1 year and over

4. Dairy cows (calved at least once, incl. cows that would normally have been culled)

5. Beef cows (calved at least once, incl. cows that would normally have been culled)

6. Calves, under 1 year

7. Heifers, 1 year and over

  1. for dairy replacement Heifers (1 year and over)
  2. for beef replacement Heifers (1 year and over)
  3. for slaughter or feeder Heifers (1 year and over)

8. Steers, 1 year and over

9. Total cattle and/or calves (sum of questions 3 to 8)

10. (On this operation) How many calves do you expect to be born alive between January 1 and June 30, 2009?

11. (On this operation) How many cows and heifers do you expect to calve between July 1 and December 31, 2009?

At June 1, 2009:

12. Of the dairy cows reported (Section B, Question 4), how many are more than 10 years of age? ( i.e. cows born before 1999)

13. Of the beef cows reported (Section B, Question 5), how many are more than 10 years of age? ( i.e. cows born before 1999)

14. Of the (Section B, Question 7c) feeder heifers reported, how many are in the following three weight categories;

  1. More than (or equal to) 1100 lb (500 kg)
  2. Between 900 lb and 1100 lb (409-500 kg)
  3. Less than (or equal to) 900 lb (409 kg)

15. Of the (Section B, Question 8) steers (1 year and over) reported, how many are in the following three weight categories;

  1. More than (or equal to) 1250 lb (568 kg)
  2. Between 1000 lb and 1250 lb (455-568 kg)
  3. Less than (or equal to) 1000 lb (455 kg)

16. Of those (Section B, Question 7c) feeder heifers and/or (Section B, Question 8) steers (1 year and over) reported as of June 1, how many are being fed a finishing ration (mostly grain)?

17. Of those feeder heifers (Section B, Question 7c) and/or steers (1 year and over) (Section B, Question 8) reported as of June 1, how many are under 21 months of age?

Section C. Pigs

1. On June 1, 2009 do you expect to have any pigs (on this operation)?

  • Yes (Go to Question 2)
  • No (Go to Question 1a)

1. (a) Were there any pigs (on this operation) during April, May and June, 2009?

  • Yes (Answer Questions 7, 8 and 9)
  • No (Go to Section D)

2. Are pigs kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number at June 1, 2009:

3. Boars, 6 months and over

4. Sows, for breeding and bred gilts

5. All other pigs

  1. Under 45 pounds (-20 kg) (Include suckling pigs)
  2. 45 to 130 pounds (20 to 60 kg)
  3. Over 130 pounds (60+ kg)

6. Total pigs (sum of questions 3 to 5)

7. (On this operation) How many sows and bred gilts farrowed or are expected to farrow during April, May and June 2009?

8. How many pigs were born alive or will be born alive during the same period (April, May and June 2009)?

9. Of the number of pigs born alive, how many do you expect to die or to be destroyed before weaning during April, May and June 2009?

10. How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during July, August and
September 2009?

11. How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during October, November and December 2009? 

Section D. Sheep and/or lambs

1. On June 1, 2009 do you expect to have any sheep or lambs (on this operation)? Include grazing projects, community pastures or crownland.

  • Yes (Go to Question 2)
  • No (Go to Question 1a)

1. (a) Were there any sheep or lambs kept (on this operation) between January 1 and May 31, 2009?

  • Yes (Answer Questions 8, 9 and 10)
  • No

2. Are sheep or lambs kept on this operation for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number at June 1, 2009:

3. Rams, 1 year and over

4. Ewes

5. Replacement lambs

6. Market lambs

7. Total sheep and lambs (sum of questions 3 to 6)

8. (On this operation) How many lambs do you expect to be born between January 1 and June 30, 2009?

9. How many sheep and lambs died or will die, including those killed by disease or predators, between January 1 and June 30, 2009?

10. (On this operation) How many lambs do you expect to be born between July 1 and December 31, 2009?

CONFIDENTIAL when completed. This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on the hog industry. The statistics produced from the survey enable those active in the agricultural sector to observe and assess changes in the industry, measure performance and keep the agricultural community and general public informed of developments.

Statistics Canada is collecting information concerning the farm described on the label. If the operators of this holding manage any other farm(s) entirely separate from this farm (i.e., separate accounting books are kept), please do not include any data for the other farm(s) on this questionnaire.

A. When answering the questions, please include as of April 1, 2009:

  • All pigs on your operation regardless of ownership, including hogs custom fed or fed under contract for others.
  • Please do not report pigs which are owned by you but kept on a farm owned by someone else.

B. Pigs

1. On April 1, 2009 do you expect to have any pigs (on this operation)?

  • Yes (Go to Question 2)
  • No (Go to Question 1a)

1 (a). Were there any pigs (on this operation) during the past three months (January, February and March)?

  • Yes (Go to Section C and answer Questions 1, 2 and 3.)
  • No

2. Are pigs kept on this operation for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number on April 1, 2009

3. Boars, 6 months and over 

4. Sows, for breeding and bred gilts

5. All other pigs

  1. Under 45 pounds (-20 kg) (include suckling pigs)
  2. 45 to 130 pounds (20 to 60 kg)
  3. Over 130 pounds (60+ kg)

6. Total pigs (sum of questions 3 to 5)

C. Farrowings

1. (On this operation) How many sows and bred gilts farrowed during January, February and March, 2009? (If none, go to question 4)

2. How many pigs were born alive during the same period (January, February and March, 2009)?

3. Of the number of pigs born alive, how many died or were destroyed before weaning during January, February and March, 2009?

4. How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during April, May and June, 2009?

5. How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during July, August and September, 2009?

D. Shipments

1. How many pigs did this operation ship for slaughter in Canada between January 1st and March 31st, 2009?

2. How many pigs did this operation ship for export to the United States during the same period (between January 1st and March 31st, 2009)?

3. How many pigs did this operation ship to another farm in Canada for feeding or breeding purposes during the same period (between January 1st and March 31st, 2009)?

4. What was the total number of pigs shipped by this operation during the same period (between January 1st and March 31st, 2009)?

E. Federal/provincial agreement to share information

New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia only:

To reduce response burden and to ensure more uniform statistics, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements under Section 12 of the Statistics Act with:

  • the New Brunswick Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ontario Central Statistics Services
  • the Manitoba Department of Agriculture
  • Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food
  • the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

The information collected and shared will be kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes. Any information shared with a provincial ministry of agriculture is released in aggregate form only. The provincial ministry of agriculture must guarantee the confidentiality of all shared data.Statistics Canada does not provide the respondent's name or address to any provincial ministry of agriculture.

Do you agree to share this information?

  • Yes
  • No

Québec only:

To avoid duplication of enquiry this survey is conducted under a co-operative agreement with l'Institut de la statistique du Québec pursuant to Section 11 of the Statistics Act. The Québec Statistics Act includes the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of information as the Federal Statistics Act.


CONFIDENTIAL when completed. This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on livestock. The statistics produced from the survey enable those active in the agricultural sector to observe and assess changes in the industry, measure performance and keep the agricultural community and general public informed of developments. The questions in Section C (Cattle and Calves Supplementary) are sponsored by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, to aid in the analysis of the cattle sector and the administration of the BSE adjustment programs including the Cattle Set Aside Program.

Statistics Canada is collecting information concerning the farm described on the label. If the operators of this holding manage any other farm(s) entirely separate from this farm (i.e., separate accounting books are kept), please do not include any data for the other farm(s) on this questionnaire.

Section A

When answering the questions, please include as of January 1, 2009 ...

... all livestock (cattle or calves, pigs, and/or sheep or lambs) on your operation regardless of ownership, including livestock custom fed, fed under contract for others and livestock pastured.

... all livestock owned by the operator and held on crownland, community pastures, and grazing projects.

... Please do not report livestock (cattle or calves, pigs and/or sheep or lambs) which are owned by you but kept on a farm, ranch or feedlot operated by someone else.

Section B. Cattle and/or calves

 1. On January 1, 2009 do you expect to have any cattle or calves on this operation? Including grazing projects, community pastures or crownland.

  • Yes 
  • No (Go to Section D)

2. Are cattle or calves kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Inventory questions - Total Number at January 1, 2009:

3. Bulls, 1 year and over  

4. Dairy cows  

5. Beef cows  

6. Calves, under 1 year  

7. Heifers, 1 year and over

  1. for dairy Replacement Heifers (1 year and over)
  2. for beef Replacement Heifers (1 year and over)
  3. for slaughter or feeder Heifers (1 year and over)

8. Steers, 1 year and over 

9. Total cattle and/or calves (sum of questions 3 to 8)

Questions on production - Total Number at January 1, 2009:

10. (On this operation) How many calves were born alive in the last 6 months (between July 1 and December 31st, 2008?

11. (On this operation) How many cows and heifers do you expect to calve between January 1 and June 30, 2009?

Section C. Cattle and calves supplementary

At January 1, 2009:

1. Of the dairy cows reported (Section B, Question 4), how many are more than 10 years of age? ( i.e. cows born before 1999)

2. Of the beef cows reported (Section B, Question 5), how many are more than 10 years of age? ( i.e . cows born before 1999)

3. Of the feeder heifers reported (Section B, Question 7c), how many are in the following three weight categories;

  1. More than (or equal to) 1100 lbs (500kg)?
  2. Between 900 lbs and 1100 lbs (409-500kg)?
  3. Less than (or equal to) 900 lbs (409kg)?

4. Of the steers (1 year and over) reported (Section B, Question 8), how many are in the following three weight categories;

  1. More than (or equal to) 1250 lbs (568kg)?
  2. Between 1000 lbs and 1250 lbs (455-568kg)?
  3. Less than (or equal to) 1000 lbs (455kg)?

5. Of those feeder heifers (Section B, Question 7c) and/or steers (1 year and over) (Section B, Question 8) reported as of January 1, how many are being fed a finishing ration (mostly grain)?

6. Of those feeder heifers (Section B, Question 7c) and/or steers (1 year and over) (Section B, Question 8) reported as of January 1, how many are under 21 months of age?

Section D. Pigs

 1. On January 1, 2009 do you expect to have any pigs (on this operation)?

  • Yes (Go to Question 2)
  • No (Go to Question 1a)

1. (a) Were there any pigs (on this operation) during the past three months (October, November and December 2008)?

  • Yes (Answer Questions 7, 8 and 9)
  • No (Go to Section E)

 2. Are pigs kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number at January 1, 2009:

3. Boars, 6 months and over

4. Sows, for breeding and bred gilts

5. All other pigs

  1. Under 45 pounds (-20 kg) (Include suckling pigs)
  2. 45 to 130 pounds (20 to 60 kg)
  3. Over 130 pounds (60+ kg)

6. Total pigs (sum of questions 3 to 5)

7. (On this operation) How many sows and bred gilts farrowed during October, November and December 2008?

8. How many pigs were born alive during the same period (October, November and
December 2008)?

9. Of the number of pigs born alive, how many died or were destroyed before weaning during October, November and December 2008?

10. How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during January, February and March 2009?

11. How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during April, May and June 2009?

12. How many pigs did this operation ship for slaughter in Canada between October 1st and December 31st, 2008?

13. How many pigs did this operation ship for export to the United States during the same period (between October 1st and December 31st, 2008)?

14. How many pigs did this operation ship to another farm in Canada for feeding or breeding purposes during the same period (between October 1st and December 31st, 2008)?

15. What was the total number of pigs shipped by this operation during the same period (between October 1st and December 31st, 2008)?

Section E. Sheep and/or lambs

 1. On January 1, 2009 do you expect to have any sheep or lambs on this operation? Including grazing projects, community pastures or crownland.

  • Yes (Go to Question 2)
  • No (Go to Question 1a)

1. (a) Were there any sheep or lambs kept on this operation between July 1 and December 31st, 2008?

  • Yes (Answer Questions 8, 9 and 10)
  • No (Go to Section F)

2. Are sheep or lambs kept on this operation for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Inventory questions - Total Number at January 1, 2009:

3. Rams, 1 year and over

4. Ewes

5. Replacement lambs

6. Market lambs

7. Total sheep and lambs (sum of questions 3 to 6)

Questions on production - Total Number at January 1, 2009:

8. (On this operation) How many lambs were born in the last 6 months (between July 1 and December 31st, 2008)?

9. How many sheep and lambs died, including those killed by disease or predators, between July 1 and December 31st, 2008?

10. (On this operation) How many lambs do you expect to be born between January 1 and June 30, 2009?

Section F. Federal/provincial agreement to share information

New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia only:

To reduce response burden and to ensure more uniform statistics, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements under Section 12 of the Statistics Act with:

  • the New Brunswick Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ontario Central Statistics Services
  • the Manitoba Department of Agriculture
  • Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food
  • the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

The information collected and shared will be kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes. Any information shared with a provincial ministry of agriculture is released in aggregate form only. The provincial ministry of agriculture must guarantee the confidentiality of all shared data.

Statistics Canada does not provide the respondent's name or address to any provincial ministry of agriculture.

Do you agree to share this information?

  • Yes
  • No

Québec only:

To avoid duplication of enquiry this survey is conducted under a co-operative agreement with l'Institut de la statistique du Québec pursuant to Section 11 of the Statistics Act. The Québec Statistics Act includes the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of information as the Federal Statistics Act.


CONFIDENTIAL when completed. This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, c. S-19. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on livestock. The statistics produced from the survey enable those active in the agricultural sector to observe and assess changes in the industry, measure performance and keep the agricultural community and general public informed of developments. The questions in Section C (Cattle and Calves Supplementary) are sponsored by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, to aid in the analysis of the cattle sector and the administration of the BSE adjustment programs including the Cattle Set Aside Program.

Statistics Canada is collecting information concerning the farm described on the label. If the operators of this holding manage any other farm(s) entirely separate from this farm (i.e., separate accounting books are kept), please do not include any data for the other farm(s) on this questionnaire

Section A.

When answering the questions, please include as of July 1, 2009 ...

... all livestock (cattle or calves, pigs, and/or sheep or lambs) on your operation regardless of ownership, including livestock custom fed, fed under contract for others and livestock pastured.

... all livestock owned by the operator and held on crownland, community pastures, and grazing projects.

... Please do not report livestock (cattle or calves, pigs and/or sheep or lambs) which are owned by you but kept on a farm, ranch or feedlot operated by someone else.

Section B. Cattle and/or calves

 1. On July 1, 2009 do you expect to have any cattle or calves on this operation? Including grazing projects, community pastures or crownland.

  • Yes
  • No (Go to Section D)

2. Are cattle or calves kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Inventory questions - Total Number at July 1, 2009

3. Bulls, 1 year and over

4. Dairy cows

5. Beef cows

6. Calves, under 1 year

7. Heifers, 1 year and over

  1. for dairy Replacement Heifers (1 year and over)
  2. for beef Replacement Heifers (1 year and over)
  3. for slaughter or feeder Heifers (1 year and over) 

8. Steers, 1 year and over

9. Total cattle and/or calves (sum of questions 3 to 8)

Questions on production - Total Number at July 1, 2009

10. (On this operation) How many calves were born alive in the last 6 months between January 1 and June 30, 2009?

11. (On this operation) How many cows and heifers do you expect to calve between July 1 and December 31, 2009?

Section C. Cattle and calves supplementary

At July 1, 2009:

1. Of the dairy cows reported (Section B, Question 4), how many are more than 10 years of age? ( i.e. cows born before 1999)

2. Of the beef cows reported (Section B, Question 5), how many are more than 10 years of age? ( i.e. cows born before 1999)

3. Of the (Section B, Question 7b) feeder heifers reported, how many are in the following three weight categories;

  1. More than (or equal to) 1100 lb (500 kg)
  2. Between 900 lb and 1100 lb (409-500 kg)
  3. Less than (or equal to) 900 lb (409 kg)

4. Of the (Section B, Question 8) steers (1 year and over) reported, how many are in the following three weight categories;

  1. More than (or equal to) 1250 lb (568 kg)
  2. Between 1000 lb and 1250 lb (455-568 kg)
  3. Less than (or equal to) 1000 lb (455 kg)

5. Of those (Section B, Question 7b) feeder heifers and/or (Section B, Question 8) steers (1 year and over) reported as of July 1, how many are being fed a finishing ration (mostly grain)?

6. Of those feeder heifers (Section B, Question 7b) and/or steers (1 year and over ) (Section B, Question 8) reported as of July 1, how many are under 21 months of age?

Section D. Pigs

1. On July 1, 2009 do you expect to have any pigs on this operation?

  • Yes (Go to Question 2)
  • No (Go to Question 1a)

1. (a) Were there any pigs (on this operation) during April, May and June, 2009?

  • Yes (Answer Questions 7, 8 and 9)
  • No (Go to Section E)

2. Are pigs kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Total Number at July 1, 2009:

3. Boars, 6 months and over

4. Sows, for breeding and bred gilts

5. All other pigs

  1. Under 45 pounds (-20 kg) (Include suckling pigs)
  2. 45 to 130 pounds (20 to 60 kg)
  3. Over 130 pounds (60+ kg)

6. Total pigs (sum of questions 3 to 5)

7. (On this operation) How many sows and bred gilts farrowed or are expected to farrow during April, May and June 2009?

8. (On this operation) How many pigs were born alive or will be born alive during the same period (April, May and June 2009)?

9. Of the number of pigs born alive, how many do you expect to die or to be destroyed before weaning during April, May and June 2009?

10. How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during July, August and
September 2009?

11. How many sows and bred gilts are expected to farrow during October, November and December 2009?

Section E. Sheep and/or lambs

 1. On July 1, 2009 do you expect to have any sheep or lambs (on this operation)? Including grazing projects, community pastures or crownland.

  • Yes (Go to Question 2)
  • No (Go to Question 1a)

1. (a) Were there any sheep or lambs kept (on this operation) between January 1 and June 30, 2009?

  • Yes (Answer Questions 8, 9 and 10)
  • No (Go to Section F)

2. Are sheep or lambs kept (on this operation) for someone else? (If yes include them as part of inventory.)

  • Yes
  • No

Inventory questions - Total Number at July 1, 2009

3. Rams, 1 year and over

4. Ewes

5. Replacement lambs

6. Market lambs

7. Total sheep and lambs (sum of questions 3 to 6)

Questions on production - Total Number at July 1, 2009

8. (On this operation) How many lambs were born in the last 6 months (between January 1 and June 30, 2009)?

9. How many sheep and lambs died or will die, including those killed by disease or predators, between January 1 and June 30, 2009?

10. (On this operation) How many lambs do you expect to be born between July 1 and December 31, 2009?

Section F. Federal/provincial agreement to share information

New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia only:

To reduce response burden and to ensure more uniform statistics, Statistics Canada has entered into data sharing agreements under Section 12 of the Statistics Act with:

  • the New Brunswick Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ontario Central Statistics Services
  • the Manitoba Department of Agriculture
  • Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food
  • the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

The information collected and shared will be kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes. Any information shared with a provincial ministry of agriculture is released in aggregate form only. The provincial ministry of agriculture must guarantee the confidentiality of all shared data.

Statistics Canada does not provide the respondent's name or address to any provincial ministry of agriculture.

Do you agree to share this information?

  • Yes
  • No

Québec only:

To avoid duplication of enquiry this survey is conducted under a co-operative agreement with l'Institut de la statistique du Québec pursuant to Section 11 of the Statistics Act. The Québec Statistics Act includes the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of information as the Federal Statistics Act.


Ever users
Past use
Location of use
Individual use
Specific use
Government online
Electronic commerce
Non use
Privacy and security
Personal income
Income ranges

Section: Introduction (ST)

Beginning of section

If IntSession = 1 (AskFirst) (Go to ST_R01)
Else (Go to ST_R02)

We are conducting a study about Internet use, to better understand how Canadians are using the Internet and its influence on the economy. The questions will cover your personal non-business Internet use and the purchases you may have made over the Internet during the past 12 months. Even if you are not an Internet user, it is important that we obtain your views. Your answers will be kept confidential and only used for statistical purposes. This survey is voluntary. Collection Registration Number - STC/SDD-040-75115.

Default: (Go to ST_END)

We called earlier for you to complete a study on Internet use. The questions will cover your personal non-business Internet use and the purchases you may have made over the Internet during the past 12 months. Even if you are not an Internet user, it is important that we obtain your views. Your answers will be kept confidential and only used for statistical purposes. This survey is voluntary. Collection Registration Number - STC/SDD-040-75115

End of section

Section: Ever users  (EV)

Beginning of section

Have you ever used the Internet (E-mail or World Wide Web) from home, work, school, or any other location for personal non-business use?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. DK, RF

Coverage: All respondents

How many years have you used the Internet?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Less than 1 year
  2. 1 to 2 years (1 year or more but less than 2 years)
  3. 2 to 5 years (2 years or more but less than 5 years)
  4. 5 or more years
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1

End of Section

Section: Past use  (PU)

Beginning of Section

If EV_Q01 = 1 (Yes) (Go to PU_Q01)
Else (Go to PU_END)

Did you use the Internet during the past 12 months for personal non-business use?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1

When was the last time you used the Internet?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

This question refers to Internet use for personal non-business use.

  1. 1 to 2 years (1 year or more but less than 2 years)
  2. 2 to 5 years (2 years or more but less than 5 years)
  3. 5 or more years
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=2

During the period that you last used the Internet, how often did you use it? Was it ... ?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  1. At least once a day
  2. At least once a week (but not every day)
  3. At least once a month (but not every week)
  4. Less than once a month
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=2

From what location(s) did you use the Internet in the past?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.


  1. Home
  2. Work (for personal non-business use)
  3. School
  4. Public library
  5. Another location (Go to PU_Q05)
  6. DK, RF


Default: (Go to PU_Q06)

Coverage:EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=2


From what other location(s), not previously mentioned, did you use the Internet?

Interviewer: Probe for what type of location; do not read list or give examples. Mark all that apply.

  1. Relatives' home
  2. Friends' or neighbours' home
  3. Government office, department or kiosk (including Community Access Program site)
  4. Internet or cyber café, or similar
  5. Voluntary organisation
  6. During travel (including hotel, airport, other office)
  7. Through a mobile telephone or another wireless personal digital assistant (PDA)
  8. Other - Specify (Go to PU_S05)
    DK, RF                     

Default: (Go to PU_Q06)

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=2 and PU_Q04=5

From what other location(s), not previously mentioned, did you use the Internet?

Interviewer: Specify. (80 spaces)

Note: DK, RF are not allowed.

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=2 and PU_Q04=5 and PU_Q05=08

What are the reason(s) you no longer use the Internet from any location?

Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  1. Too costly (service or equipment)
  2. Used at work, no longer in that position
  3. Used in school, no longer in school
  4. Too difficult to use
  5. No need
  6. I do not want to mistakenly give out personal information
  7. Concerned for exposure to objectionable material
  8. Other security, confidentiality or privacy concerns
  9. Equipment broken
  10. No time, too busy
  11. No computer access
  12. Other - Specify (Go to PU_S06)
    DK, RF

Default: (Go to PU_END)

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=2

What are the other reason(s) you no longer use the Internet?

Interviewer: Specify. (80 spaces)

Note: DK, RF are not allowed.

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=2 and PU_Q06=12

End of Section

Section: Location of use  (LU)

Beginning of Section

If PU_Q01 = 1 (Yes) (Go to LU_Q01)
Else (Go to LU_END)

During the past 12 months, did you use the Internet for personal non-business use:
... from home?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, did you use the Internet for personal non-business use:
... from work?

Interviewer: Do not include use from home for telework or home based business.

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, did you use the Internet for personal non-business use:
... as a student from school?

Interviewer: Do not include if respondent is a teacher or professor using in school for work.

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, did you use the Internet for personal non-business use:
... from a public library?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, did you use the Internet for personal non-business use:
... from another location, not previously mentioned?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to LU_END)
    DK, RF (Go to LU_END)

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1

From what other location(s), not previously mentioned, did you use the Internet during the past 12 months?

Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  1. Relatives' home
  2. Friends' or neighbours' home
  3. Government office, department or kiosk (including Community Access Program site)
  4. Internet or cyber café, or similar
  5. Voluntary organisation
  6. During travel (including hotel, airport, other office)
  7. Through a mobile telephone or another wireless personal digital assistant (PDA)
  8. Other - Specify (Go to LU_S06)
    DK, RF

Default: (Go to LU_END)

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q05=1

From what other location(s), not previously mentioned, did you use the Internet during the past 12 months?

Interviewer: Specify.(80 spaces)

Note: DK, RF are not allowed.

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q05=1 and LU_Q06=08

End of Section

Section:Individual use  (IU)

Beginning of Section

If LU_Q01 = 1 (Yes) (Go to IU_R01)
Else (Go to IU_END)

The next questions relate to your Internet use from home, during the past 12 months.

Are you currently connected to the Internet at home by ... ?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  1. Telephone line connected to a computer
  2. Cable line connected to a computer
  3. (Connected through) a television
  4. Satellite dish
  5. Wireless (e.g., cellular telephone, personal digital assistant (PDA))
  6. Other connection
  7. I am not currently connected to the Internet but was in the past 12 months
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

If IU_Q01=06 (Other connection) (Go to IU_S01)
Else If IU_Q01=07 (I am not) (Go to IU_Q06)
Else (Go to IU_Q02)

What other connection do you use to access the Internet at home?

Interviewer: Specify. (80 spaces)

Note: DK, RF are not allowed.

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and IU_Q01=06

Through what devices can you access the Internet from home?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  1. Home personal computer
  2. Portable computer
  3. Digital television or set top box
  4. Video games machine (console) with Internet connection
  5. A mobile telephone or another wireless personal digital assistant (PDA)
  6. Other device
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and IU_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06)

If IU_Q02=06 (Other connection) (Go to IU_S02)
Else (Go to IU_Q03)

What other devices can your household use to access the Internet from home?

Interviewer: Specify.(80 spaces)

Note: DK, RF are not allowed.

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and IU_Q02=06

How often do you use the Internet at home in a typical month?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  1. At least once a day
  2. At least once a week (but not every day)
  3. At least once a month (but not every week)
  4. Less than once a month
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and IU_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06)

In a typical week, on average, how many hours do you spend on the Internet, at home?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Less than 5 hours
  2. Between 5 and 9 hours
  3. Between 10 and 19 hours
  4. Between 20 and 29 hours
  5. Between 30 and 39 hours
  6. 40 hours or more per week
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and IU_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06)

If IU_Q01=02 (Cable) or 04 (Satellite dish) (Go to IU_END)
If IU_Q01=01 (Telephone), 03 (Television), 05 (Wireless), or 06 (Other connection) (Go to IU_Q05)
Else(Go to IU_END)

Do you access the Internet at home using a high speed connection?

  1. Yes (Go to IU_END)
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and IU_Q01=(01,03,05,06)

Is there a cable or telephone high speed Internet service available in your area?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and IU_Q01=(01,03,05,06) and IU_Q05=2

End of Section

Section: Specific use  (SU)

Beginning of Section

If LU_Q01 = 1 (Yes) (Go to SU_Q01)
Else (Go to SU_END)

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... for e-mail?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to use an instant messenger (e.g., MSN , ICQ)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to search for information about Canadian municipal, provincial or federal government(s)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to communicate with Canadian municipal, provincial or federal government(s) (e.g., e-mail, online applications, online surveys)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to search for medical or health related information?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... for education, training or school work?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... for travel information or making travel arrangements?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to search for employment?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... for electronic banking (e.g., to pay bills, view statements, mortgage or interest rates, transfers among accounts)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to research investments?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to play games?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to obtain or save music? (Free or paid downloads)

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to obtain or save software? (Free or paid downloads)

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to view the news or sports (e.g., scores, follow a sporting event or team)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to obtain weather reports or road conditions?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to listen to the radio over the Internet?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to download or watch TV over the Internet?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to download or watch a movie over the Internet?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to research community events?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to research other specific matters such as genealogy, religion, history, home renovations, parenting, pet care, maps, etc.. ?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... for general browsing for fun or leisure (surfing)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to contribute content or to participate in discussion groups (blogging, message boards, posting images)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to make telephone calls?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... to sell goods or services (through auction sites)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet at home:
... for any other reasons?

  1. Yes (Go to SU_S25)
  2. No
    DK, RF

Default: (Go to SU_END)

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

For what other reason(s), not previously mentioned, did you use the Internet during the past 12 months?

Interviewer: Specify. (80 spaces)

Note: DK, RF are not allowed.

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and SU_Q25=1

End of Section

Section: Government online  (GL)

Beginning of Section

If LU_Q01 = 1 (Yes) (Go to GL_C01B)
Else (Go to GL_END)

The next questions relates to governments in Canada.

If SU_Q03 = 1 (Yes) or SU_Q04 = 1 (Yes)(Go to GL_Q01)
Else (Go to GL_END)

During the past 12 months, have you used the Internet for personal non-business use for any of the following reasons?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  1. Search for government related information
  2. File your income tax
  3. Download a government form (e.g., a passport or Social Insurance Number form)
  4. Submit a completed form
  5. Access information on a government program or service
  6. Communicate with government departments or with an elected official (e.g., member of parliament)
  7. Vote in a municipal, provincial or federal election
  8. Provide your opinion during an online government consultation
  9. Other - Specify (Go to GL_S01)
    DK, RF

Default: (Go to GL_END)

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and (SU_Q03=1 or SU_Q04=1)

What other reasons have you used the Internet for personal non-business use? (Related to obtaining information or communicating with government in Canada)

Interviewer: Specify. (80 spaces)

Note: DK, RF are not allowed.

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and (SU_Q03=1 or SU_Q04=1) and GL_Q01=09

End of Section

Section: Electronic commerce  (EC)

Beginning of Section

If PU_Q01 = 1 (Yes)(Go to EC_R01)
Else (Go to EC_END)

The next few questions are about the Internet and its influence on purchases of goods and services. These relate to orders you made during the past 12 months for personal or household consumption only.  You may or may not have paid for these goods or services over the Internet. These questions do not include purchases for a business.

During the past 12 months, have you ordered a good or service over the Internet? (For your personal or household use, not business use.)

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to EC_Q08)
    DK, RF (Go to EC_Q08)

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, what types of goods or services were ordered?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  1. Computer software
  2. Computer hardware
  3. Music (e.g., CDs, tapes, MP3)
  4. Books, magazines, online newspapers
  5. Videos, digital video disc (DVD discs)
  6. Other entertainment products (concert, theatre tickets)
  7. Food, condiments, beverages
  8. Prescription drugs
  9. Other health, beauty, vitamins
  10. Clothing, jewellery and accessories
  11. Housewares (e.g., large appliances, furniture)
  12. Consumer electronics (e.g., camera, computer, stereo, TV, DVD player, VCR)
  13. Automotive (e.g., cars, trucks, recreational vehicles or products)
  14. Travel arrangements (e.g., hotel reservations, travel tickets, rental cars)
  15. Flowers - gifts
  16. Sports equipment
  17. Toys and games
  18. Real Estate
  19. Other - Specify (Go to EC_S02)
    DK, RF

Default: (Go to EC_Q03)

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and EC_Q01=1

What other type of goods or services were ordered?

Interviewer: Specify. (80 spaces)

Note: DK, RF are not allowed.

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and EC_Q01=1 and EC_Q02=19

During the past 12 months, how many separate orders for goods or services did you place over the Internet?

Interviewer: Number of transactions, not articles purchased. (3 spaces) [Min: 1 Max: 995]

  • DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and EC_Q01=1

During the past 12 months, what was the estimated total cost, in Canadian dollars, of the goods and services you ordered over the Internet?

Interviewer: Probe for estimate. Round to the nearest dollar value. (6 spaces)  [Min: 0 Max: 999995]

  • DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and EC_Q01=1

If EC_Q03 = RESPONSE(Go to EC_Q05)
Else (Go to EC_C06)

Of the total number of separate orders placed over the Internet, how many of these orders were from companies in Canada?

Interviewer: Number of transactions, not articles purchased.(3 spaces) [Min: 0 Max: 995]

  • DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and EC_Q01=1 and EC_Q03=1:995

If (EC_Q05 > 0) and (EC_Q05 < EC_Q03)(Go to EC_Q06)
Else (Go to EC_Q07)

Of the total amount spent on goods or services ordered over the Internet, how much was spent on goods and services from companies in Canada?

Interviewer: Probe for estimate. Round to the nearest dollar value. (6 spaces)  [Min: 0 Max: 999995]

  • DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and EC_Q01=1 and EC_Q05>0 and EC_Q05<EC_Q03

During the past 12 months, how did you pay for these goods or services ordered over the Internet?

Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  1. Paid directly over the Internet (with a credit or debit card)
  2. Credit card over the telephone
  3. Payment on delivery (COD)
  4. By cheque
  5. Other
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and EC_Q01=1

Have you used the Internet to 'Window Shop' for personal or household products or services? That is, have you used the Internet during the past 12 months to narrow down the search for goods or services without placing an order directly over the Internet?

  1. Yes
  2. No (Go to EC_END)
    DK, RF (Go to EC_END)

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1

What types of goods or services were these?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.

  1. Computer software
  2. Computer hardware
  3. Music (e.g., CDs, tapes, MP3)
  4. Books, magazines, online newspapers
  5. Videos, digital video disc (DVD discs)
  6. Other entertainment products (concert, theatre tickets)
  7. Food, condiments, beverages
  8. Prescription drugs
  9. Other health, beauty, vitamins
  10. Clothing, jewellery and accessories
  11. Housewares (e.g., large appliances, furniture)
  12. Consumer electronics (e.g., camera, computer, stereo, TV, DVD player, VCR)
  13. Automotive (e.g., cars, trucks, recreational vehicles or products)
  14. Travel arrangements (e.g., hotel reservations, travel tickets, rental cars)
  15. Flowers - gifts
  16. Sports equipment
  17. Toys and games
  18. Real Estate
  19. Other - Specify (Go to EC_S09)
    DK, RF

Default: (Go to EC_Q10)

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and EC_Q08=1

What other type of goods or services were these?

Interviewer: Specify. (80 spaces)

Note: DK, RF are not allowed.

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and EC_Q08=1 and EC_Q09=19

Did the search for goods and services using the Internet, 'Window Shopping', later result in a direct purchase from a retailer? That is, a purchase that did not involve the ordering or payment of a good or service over the Internet.

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=1 and PU_Q01=1 and LU_Q01=1 and EC_Q08=1

End of Section

Section: Non use  (NU)

Beginning of Section

If EV_Q01 = 1 and PU_Q01 = 1 (Yes) (Go to NU_END)
Else (Go to NU_Q01)

During the next 12 months, do you plan to use the Internet from any location?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: EV_Q01=2 and PU_Q01=2

If EV_Q01 = 2 (Go to NU_Q02)
Else (Go to NU_END)

What are the reason(s) you do not use the Internet?

Interviewer: Mark all that apply.

  1. Cost (service or equipment)
  2. Limited access to a computer
  3. Internet or computer too difficult to use
  4. No need / not useful
  5. Not enough time
  6. Lack of skills or training
  7. Too much objectionable material on Internet
  8. Confidentiality, security or privacy concerns
  9. No interest
  10. Fear of technology
  11. Age reasons/Seniors
  12. Disability
  13. Other - Specify (Go to NU_S02)
    DK, RF

Default: (Go to NU_END)

Coverage: EV_Q01=2

What are the other reason(s) you do not use the Internet?

Interviewer: Specify. (80 spaces)

Note:  DK, RF are not allowed.

Coverage: EV_Q01=2 and NU_Q02=13

End of Section

Section: Privacy and security  (PS)

Beginning of Section

The next set of questions relate to privacy and security concerns on the Internet.

In general, how concerned (are you/would you be) about privacy on the Internet? For example, people finding out what websites you have visited, others reading your e-mail?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Not at all concerned
  2. Concerned
  3. Very concerned
    DK, RF

Coverage: All respondents

How concerned (are you/would you be) about conducting banking transactions over the Internet?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Not at all concerned
  2. Concerned
  3. Very concerned
    DK, RF

Coverage: All respondents

How concerned (are you/would you be) about using your credit card over the Internet?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Not at all concerned
  2. Concerned
  3. Very concerned
    DK, RF

Coverage: All respondents

How concerned (are you/would you be) about providing personal financial information to government departments over the Internet? (e.g., applying for employment insurance or a student loan?)

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Not at all concerned
  2. Concerned
  3. Very concerned
    DK, RF

Coverage:  All respondents

How concerned (are you/would you be) about giving personal, non financial information to a government official in Canada over the Internet?

Interviewer: Read categories to respondent.

  1. Not at all concerned
  2. Concerned
  3. Very concerned
    DK, RF

Coverage: All respondents

End of Section

Section: Income  (INC)

Beginning of Section

Various measures of income are needed to study the relationship between overall economic situation and use of the Internet.

From which of the following sources did your household receive any income during the past 12 months?
Interviewer: Read categories to respondent. Mark all that apply.                       

  1. Wages and salaries 
  2. Income from self-employment
  3. Dividends and interest on bonds, savings, stocks
  4. Employment Insurance
  5. Workers Compensation
  6. Benefits from Canada or Quebec pension plan
  7. Retirement pensions, superannuation and annuities
  8. Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement
  9. Child Tax Benefit
  10. Provincial or municipal social assistance or welfare
  11. Child Support
  12. Alimony
  13. Other income (e.g., rental, scholarships, other government income)
  14. No income
  15. DK, RF

Coverage: All respondents

If INC_Q01 = 14 (No income) (Go to INC_END)
Else (Go to INC_Q02)

What is your best estimate of the total income before taxes and deductions of all household members, from all sources, during the past 12 months?

(7 spaces) [Min: 0 Max: 9999995]

  • DK, RF

Coverage:  INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13)

If INC_Q02 = DK, RF (Go to INC_B03)
Else (Go to INC_C04)

Call INR block. Value for IncomeType parameter is 1 (Household).

If Info.Hhldmems = 1 then set PrsnIncome = HHLDIncome (Go to INC_END)
Else (Go to INC_Q04)

Section: Personal income  (INP)

What is your best estimate of your personal total income before taxes and deductions from all sources, during the past 12 months?

(7 spaces) [Min: 0 Max: 9999995]

  • DK, RF

Coverage: INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and household size>1

If INC_Q04 = DK, RF (Go to INC_B05)
Else (Go to INC_END)

Call INR block. Value for IncomeType parameter is 2 (Personal).

End of Section

Section: Income ranges  (INR)

Beginning of Section

Can you estimate in which of the following groups your (personal/household) income falls?
Was (your total/the total household) income less than $60,000?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and (INC_Q02=(DK, RF) or INC_Q04=(DK, RF))

If INR_Q01 = 1 (Yes) (Go to INR_Q02)
Else (Go to INR_C03)

Was (your total/the total household) income less than $30,000?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and (INC_Q02=(DK, RF) or INC_Q04=(DK, RF)) and INR_Q01=1

If INR_Q02 = 1 (Yes) (Go to INR_Q03)
Else (Go to INR_C04)

Was (your total/the total household) income less than $20,000?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and (INC_Q02=(DK, RF) or INC_Q04=(DK, RF)) and INR_Q02=1

If INR_Q03 = 1 (Yes) (Go to INR_Q04)
Else(Go to INR_C05)

Was (your total/the total household) income less than $10,000?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and (INC_Q02=(DK, RF) or INC_Q04=(DK, RF)) and INR_Q03=1

If INR_Q02 = 2 (No) (Go to INR_Q05)
Else(Go to INR_C06)

Was (your total/the total household) income less than $40,000?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: NC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and (INC_Q02=(DK, RF) or INC_Q04=(DK, RF)) and INR_Q01=1 and INR_Q02=2

If INR_Q05 = 2 (No)(Go to INR_Q06)
Else(Go to INR_C07)

Was (your total/the total household) income less than $50,000?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and (INC_Q02=(DK, RF) or INC_Q04=(DK, RF)) and INR_Q01=1 and INR_Q05=2

If INR_Q01 = 2 (No)(Go to INR_Q07)
Else(Go to INR_C08)

Was (your total/the total household) income less than $100,000?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and (INC_Q02=(DK, RF) or INC_Q04=(DK, RF)) and INR_Q01=2

If INR_Q07 = 1 (Yes) (Go to INR_Q08)
Else (Go to INR_C09)

Was (your total/the total household) income less than $80,000?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and (INC_Q02=(DK, RF) or INC_Q04=(DK, RF)) and INR_Q07=1

If INR_Q08 = 1 (Yes) (Go to INR_Q09)
Else (Go to INR_C10)

Was (your total/the total household) income less than $70,000?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and (INC_Q02=(DK, RF) or INC_Q04=(DK, RF)) and INR_Q08=1

If INR_Q08 = 2 (No)(Go to INR_Q10)
Else (Go to INR_C11)

Was (your total/the total household) income less than $90,000?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and (INC_Q02=(DK, RF) or INC_Q04=(DK, RF)) and INR_Q07=1 and INR_Q08=2

If INR_Q07=2 (NO) (Go to INR_Q11)
Else (Go to INR_END)

Was (your total/the total household) income less than $150,000?

  1. Yes
  2. No
    DK, RF

Coverage: INC_Q01=(01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13) and (INC_Q02=(DK, RF) or INC_Q04=(DK, RF)) and INR_Q07=2

End of Section

For the Academic Year 2009-2010

Confidential when completed

Pour recevoir le questionnaire en français, téléphonez au sans frais 1-800-307-3382 ou 613-951-7608.

Please make any corrections to the address label here:

  • Name of institution
  • Office to which questionnaire should be directed
  • Name and title of principal contact
  • Street address
  • City, Province
  • Postal code

Office to which inquiries on tuition should be directed (if different from above)

  • Telephone

Office to which inquiries on living accommodation costs should be directed (if different from above)

  • Telephone

Report completed

  • by (Reporting Officer)
  • Date
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • E-mail

Information for Respondents


Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada 1985, Chapter S19.

Survey Objective

This survey is designed to obtain information about tuition and living accommodation costs at Canadian universities. The information will be published by Statistics Canada and used to calculate the Consumer Price Index.


If you require assistance in the completion of this questionnaire or have any questions regarding the survey, please call us at (613) 951-4311, (613) 951-1506 or fax your query to 613-951-1333.

General Instructions

Parts A, B, and C

  1. Whenever possible, final fees and living accommodation costs should be reported. If they have not yet been determined your best estimate should be reported. Place an "e" after each estimated figure on the questionnaire.
  2. Although tuition fees and living accommodation costs can be reported on any basis, tables produced by Statistics Canada will reflect an academic year of two semesters, eight months or 30 credits in order to create a basis for comparison. When data adjustments are required to create a fit with the standard academic year, this will be footnoted.
  3. Please report fees in the "lower" column. Where fees vary, (for example, according to year within the program) report the actual range, both upper and lower, and explain the variance in the "comments" section.

    Part A only

  4. When reporting "Tuition fees per full-time student" in Part A, only the cost of tuition should be reported. Do not include additional fees for materials or equipment. If program specific fees exist, please make a note in the area provided for comments. For example, uncharacteristically high fees for an Executive MBA program should be noted in the comments section. Such comments will be footnoted in the data tables produced.
  5. The "Canadian Students" category in Part A includes Canadian citizens, permanent residents and all other students paying the regular fees. If fees vary for foreign students, please attach a brief note on the rules determining how a student is classified as foreign.

    Part B only

  6. In Part B, please report compulsory fees for all full-time students where these fees do not vary according to their field of study and/or report compulsory fees for full-time students, where these fees do vary according to the field of study. If there are fees which apply only to foreign students, please make a note in the area provided for comments. Such comments will be footnoted in the data tables produced.

    Part C only

  7. In Part C, if it is not possible to separate the room and meal plan costs for single students, only a total should be shown.

Tuition and living accommodation costs for full-time students at Canadian degree granting institutions
For Academic Years 2008-2009 and 2009-2010

Part A: Tuition fees for full-time students

Upon which basis will you report Undergraduate tuition fees? (please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester (4 months)
  • Per credit
  • Other, please specify

Please record 2009-2010 and 2008-2009 full-time tuition fees for each undergraduate program offered by your institution.

Part A: Tuition fees for full-time students, undergraduate program
  2009-2010 Actual/Estimated Tuition Fees 2008-2009 Actual Tuition Fees
  Canadian students Foreign students Canadian students Foreign students
Graduate programs Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies                
Social and Behavioural Sciences                
Business, Management and Public Administration                
Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies                
Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences                
Architecture and Related Technologies                
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation                
Veterinary medicine                
Other Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness                
Personal, Protective and Transportation services                



Part A: Tuition fees for full-time students

Upon which basis will you report Graduate tuition fees? (please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester (4 months)
  • Per credit
  • Full year (12 months)
  • Other, please specify

Please record 2009-2010 and 2008-2009 full-time tuition fees for each graduate program offered by your institution.

Part A: Tuition fees for full-time students, graduate program
  2009-2010 Actual/Estimated Tuition Fees 2008-2009 Actual Tuition Fees
  Canadian students Foreign students Canadian students Foreign students
Graduate programs Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies                
Social and Behavioural Sciences                
Executive MBA                
Regular MBA                
Business, Management and Public Administration                
Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies                
Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences                
Architecture and Related Technologies                
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation                
Veterinary medicine                
Other Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness                
Personal, Protective and Transportation services                



Part B: Additional Compulsory fees for full-time Undergraduate Canadian Students

Do not include foreign student fees; make note in "Comments" section instead

Upon which basis will you report additional compulsory fees? (please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester (4 months)
  • Other, please specify

Please record 2009-2010 and 2008-2009 additional compulsory fees charged to full-time Canadian students in undergraduate programs.

Part B: Additional Compulsory fees for full-time Undergraduate Canadian Students
  2009-2010 Actual/Estimated Additional 2008-2009 Actual Additional
  Compulsory Fees Compulsory Fees
Undergraduate programs Athletics Health Services Student Association Other please specify*** Total Athletics Health Services Student Association Other please specify*** Total
Please report compulsory fees for all full-time Undergraduate students where these fees do not vary according to their field of study                    
Please report below compulsory fees for full-time Undergraduate students, where these fees do vary according to the field of study  
Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies                    
Social and Behavioural Sciences                    
Business, Management and Public Administration                    
Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies                    
Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences                    
Architecture and Related Technologies                    
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation                    
Veterinary medicine                    
Other Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness                    
Personal, Protective and Transportation services                    

Comments: (Please enter additional clarifications where necessary. Please also refer to General Instructions):
*** If fees are reported in "Other please specify***" please provide further details, in the space below, on the type of fee reported. Please also indicate if the level of this tuition fee is determined by the institution's administration (e.g., a department of the institution, the finance department or others) or byother groups independently of the institution (e.g., a group that is not influenced or directed by the university administration).


Part B: Additional Compulsory fees for full-time Graduate Canadian Students

Do not include foreign student fees; make note in "Comments" section instead

Upon which basis will you report additional compulsory fees? (please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester (4 months)
  • Other, please specify

Please record 2009-2010 and 2008-2009 additional compulsory fees charged to full-time Canadian students in graduate programs.

Part B: Additional Compulsory fees for full-time Graduate Canadian Students
  2009-2010 Actual/Estimated Additional 2008-2009 Actual Additional
  Compulsory Fees Compulsory Fees
Graduate programs Athletics Health Services Student Association Other please specify*** Total Athletics Health Services Student Association Other please specify*** Total
Please report compulsory fees for all full-time graduate students where these fees do not vary according to their field of study                    
Please report below compulsory fees for full-time graduate students, where these fees do vary according to the field of study  
Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies                    
Social and Behavioural Sciences                    
Executive MBA                    
Regular MBA                    
Business, Management and Public Administration                    
Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies                    
Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences                    
Architecture and Related Technologies                    
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation                    
Veterinary medicine                    
Other Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness                    
Personal, Protective and Transportation services                    

Comments: (Please enter additional clarifications where necessary. Please also refer to General Instructions):
*** If fees are reported in "Other please specify***" please provide further details, in the space below, on the type of fee reported. Please also indicate if the level of this tuition fee is determined by the institution's administration (e.g., a department of the institution, the finance department or others) or by other groups independently of the institution (e.g., a group that is not influenced or directed by the university administration).

Part C: Living accommodation costs at residences/housing

Upon which basis will you report residence/housing costs for single students? (Please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester
  • Month
  • Week
  • Day

Please record 2009-2010 costs charged to single students.
(Where necessary make revisions to last year's data included in the attached tables in the "2008-2009 Actual Accommodation Fees" space provided.)

Part C: Living accommodation costs at residences/housing, for single students
  2009-2010 Actual/Estimated Accommodation Fees 2008-2009 Actual Accommodation Fees
  Lower Upper Lower Upper
Room only        
Meal plan only        
Room and meal plan package        

Upon which basis will you report residence/housing costs for married students?
(Please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester
  • Month
  • Week
  • Day

Please record 2009-2010 costs charged to married students.
(Where necessary make revisions to last year’s data included in the attached tables in the "2008-2009 Actual Accommodation Fees" space provided.)

Part C: Living accommodation costs at residences/housing, for married students
  2009-2010 Actual/Estimated Accommodation Fees 2008-2009 Actual Accommodation Fees
  Lower Upper Lower Upper

Comments: (Please refer to General Instructions)


Authorization to release data

I hereby give permission to the Chief Statistician of Canada to authorise the release of individual tuition and living accommodation cost data relating to this organization that has been provided to the survey on Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs for Full-time Students at Canadian Degree Granting Institutions for Academic Year 2009-2010.


Name: (Please print)




Please return the completed questionnaire and the authorization to release data form to:

Eric Bouchard
Operations and Integration Division
Statistics Canada
Jean-Talon Building, 2nd floor, B-17
Tunney's Pasture
Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
Tel: (613) 951-3777
Fax: (613) 951-0709

For the Academic Year 2010-2011

Confidential when completed

Pour recevoir le questionnaire en français, téléphonez au sans frais 1-800-307-3382 ou 613-951-7608.

Please make any corrections to the address label here:

  • Name of institution
  • Office to which questionnaire should be directed
  • Name and title of principal contact
  • Street address
  • City, Province
  • Postal code

Office to which inquiries on tuition should be directed (if different from above)

  • Telephone

Office to which inquiries on living accommodation costs should be directed (if different from above)

  • Telephone

Report completed

  • by (Reporting Officer)
  • Date
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • E-mail

Information for Respondents


Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada 1985, Chapter S19.

Mandatory Surveys

"This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act. Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act."

Confidentiality Statement

"Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics which would divulge information obtained from this survey that relates to any identifiable business, institution or individual without the previous written consent of that business, institution or individual."

Survey Objective

This survey is designed to obtain information about tuition and living accommodation costs at Canadian universities. The information will be published by Statistics Canada and used to calculate the Consumer Price Index.


If you require assistance in the completion of this questionnaire or have any questions regarding the survey, please call us at (613) 951-4311, (613) 951-1506 or fax your query to 613-951-1333.

General Instructions

Please refer to TLAC survey respondent guide for complete instructions.

Note: Whenever possible, final fees and living accommodation costs should be reported. If they have not yet been determined your best estimate should be reported. If it applies, please check the box showing that these are estimated fees for 2010-2011.

Tuition and living accommodation costs for full-time students at Canadian degree granting institutions
For Academic Years 2010-2011 and 2009-2010

Part A: Tuition fees for full-time students

Upon which basis will you report Undergraduate tuition fees? (please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester (4 months)
  • Per credit
  • Other, please specify

Please record 2010-2011 and 2009-2010 full-time tuition fees for each undergraduate program offered by your institution.

Part A: Tuition fees for full-time students, undergraduate program
  2010-2011 Tuition Fees Actual (or Estimated) 2009-2010 Actual Tuition Fees
  Canadian students Foreign students Canadian students Foreign students
Graduate programs Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies                
Social and Behavioural Sciences                
Business, Management and Public Administration                
Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies                
Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences                
Architecture and Related Technologies                
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation                
Veterinary medicine                
Other Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness                
Personal, Protective and Transportation services                



Part A: Tuition fees for full-time students

Upon which basis will you report Graduate tuition fees? (please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester (4 months)
  • Per credit
  • Full year (12 months)
  • Other, please specify

Please record 2010-2011 and 2009-2010 full-time tuition fees for each graduate program offered by your institution.

Part A: Tuition fees for full-time students, graduate program
  2010-2011 Tuition Fees Actual (or Estimated) 2009-2010 Actual Tuition Fees
  Canadian students Foreign students Canadian students Foreign students
Graduate programs Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies                
Social and Behavioural Sciences                
Executive MBA                
Regular MBA                
Business, Management and Public Administration                
Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies                
Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences                
Architecture and Related Technologies                
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation                
Veterinary medicine                
Other Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness                
Personal, Protective and Transportation services                



Part B: Additional Compulsory fees for full-time Undergraduate Canadian Students

Do not include foreign student fees; make note in "Comments" section instead

Upon which basis will you report additional compulsory fees? (please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester (4 months)
  • Other, please specify

Please record 2010-2011 and 2009-2010 additional compulsory fees charged to full-time Canadian students in undergraduate programs.

Part B: Additional Compulsory fees for full-time Undergraduate Canadian Students
  2010-2011 Additional Compulsory Fees Actual(or Estimated) 2009-2010 Additional Compulsory
Fees actual
  Compulsory Fees Compulsory Fees
Undergraduate programs Athletics Health Services Student Association Other please specify*** Total Athletics Health Services Student Association Other please specify*** Total
Please report compulsory fees for all full-time Undergraduate students where these fees do not vary according to their field of study                    
Please report below compulsory fees for full-time Undergraduate students, where these fees do vary according to the field of study  
Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies                    
Social and Behavioural Sciences                    
Business, Management and Public Administration                    
Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies                    
Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences                    
Architecture and Related Technologies                    
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation                    
Veterinary medicine                    
Other Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness                    
Personal, Protective and Transportation services                    

Comments: (Please enter additional clarifications where necessary. Please also refer to Survey respondent guide):
*** If fees are reported in "Other please specify***" please provide further details, in the space below, on the type of fee reported. Please also indicate if the level of this tuition fee is determined by the institution's administration (e.g., a department of the institution, the finance department or others) or byother groups independently of the institution (e.g., a group that is not influenced or directed by the university administration).


Part B: Additional Compulsory fees for full-time Graduate Canadian Students

Do not include foreign student fees; make note in "Comments" section instead

Upon which basis will you report additional compulsory fees? (please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester (4 months)
  • Other, please specify

Please record 2010-2011 and 2009-2010 additional compulsory fees charged to full-time Canadian students in graduate programs.

Part B: Additional Compulsory fees for full-time Graduate Canadian Students
  2010-2011 Additional Compulsory Fees Actual (or Estimated) 2009-2010 Additional Compulsory
Fees actual
  Compulsory Fees Compulsory Fees
Graduate programs Athletics Health Services Student Association Other please specify*** Total Athletics Health Services Student Association Other please specify*** Total
Please report compulsory fees for all full-time graduate students where these fees do not vary according to their field of study                    
Please report below compulsory fees for full-time graduate students, where these fees do vary according to the field of study  
Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies                    
Social and Behavioural Sciences                    
Executive MBA                    
Regular MBA                    
Business, Management and Public Administration                    
Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies                    
Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences                    
Architecture and Related Technologies                    
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation                    
Veterinary medicine                    
Other Health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness                    
Personal, Protective and Transportation services                    

Comments: (Please enter additional clarifications where necessary. Please also refer to Survey respondent guide):
*** If fees are reported in "Other please specify***" please provide further details, in the space below, on the type of fee reported. Please also indicate if the level of this tuition fee is determined by the institution's administration (e.g., a department of the institution, the finance department or others) or byother groups independently of the institution (e.g., a group that is not influenced or directed by the university administration).

Part C: Living accommodation costs at residences/housing

Upon which basis will you report residence/housing costs for single students? (Please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester (4 months)
  • Month
  • Week
  • Day

Please record 2010-2011 costs charged to single students.
(Where necessary make revisions to last year's data included in the attached tables in the "2009-2010 Accommodation Fees Actual" space provided.)

Part C: Living accommodation costs at residences/housing, for single students
  2010-2011 Accommodation Fees Actual
(or Estimated)
2009-2010 Accommodation Fees Actual
  Lower Upper Lower Upper
Room only        
Meal plan only        
Room and meal plan package        

Upon which basis will you report residence/housing costs for married students?
(Please check one)

  • Academic year (8 months)
  • Semester (4 months)
  • Month
  • Week
  • Day

Please record 2010-2011 costs charged to married students.
(Where necessary make revisions to last year's data included in the attached tables in the "2009-2010 Accommodation Fees Actual" space provided.)

Part C: Living accommodation costs at residences/housing, for married students
  2010-2011 Accommodation Fees Actual
(or Estimated)
2009-2010 Accommodation Fees Actual
  Lower Upper Lower Upper

Comments: (Please refer to General Instructions)


Authorization to release data

I hereby give permission to the Chief Statistician of Canada to authorise the release of individual tuition and living accommodation cost data relating to this organization that has been provided to the survey on Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs for Full-time Students at Canadian Degree Granting Institutions for Academic Year 2010-2011.


Name: (Please print)




Please return the completed questionnaire and the authorization to release data form to:

Cory Lusk
Operations and Integration Division
Statistics Canada
Jean-Talon Building, 2nd floor, B-17
Tunney's Pasture
Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
Tel: (613) 951-3354
Fax: (613) 951-0709

Centrefor Education Statistics

Tuition and living accommodation costs for full-time students at Canadian degree granting institutions (TLAC)
For the academic year 2010-2011

March 2010

Completed questionnaire, must be returned by June 15, 2010

Please return in the enclosed envelope or by fax at (613) 951-0709 or 1-800-755-5514. If you require further information or assistance in completing this questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact Nicole Paquin at (613) 951-4311 ( You can also contact Bernard Bourgoin at (613) 951-1506 (

Table of content

I. Introduction
   A. Description
   B. Reference period
   C. Population
   D. Field of study
   E. Submission Date

II. Instructions
   Part A: Tuition fees for full-time students
   Part B: Additional Compulsory fees for full-time Canadian Students
   Part C: Living accommodation costs at residences/housing

III. Definitions

IV. Suggestions for improvements

Appendix A: CIP grouping list for TLAC

I. Introduction

A. Description

The Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs for Full-time Students at Canadian Degree-granting Institutions Survey was developed to provide student financial information (tuition fees and living accommodation costs) on all universities and degree-granting colleges in Canada.

This information:

  • gives stakeholders, the public and students an annual guide to tuition costs as well as providing information on trends in tuition fees;
  • contribute to a better understanding of the student financial position for that level of education;
  • helps in the development of policies in this sector;
  • is used to calculate the Consumer Price Index;
  • facilitates interprovincial comparisons;
  • facilitates comparisons across institutions.

B. Reference period

The actual cycle of this survey is for 2010-2011 academic year.

C. Population

The target population is all public degree-granting institutions (universities and colleges) in Canada.

Please note that the survey is targeting institutions that have degree granting status for school year 2010-2011. Institutions that do not have degree granting status should be excluded, even if they provide portions of programs that lead to a degree granted by another institution. Beginning with this year cycle, the survey is being limited to institutions whose operations are primarily funded by provincial governments. Privately funded institutions with degree-granting authority are excluded from this survey.

D. Field of study

The fields of study classification for both graduate and undergraduate programs are adapted from the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), Statistics Canada's standard for field of study classification. The CIP's structure comprises several groupings developed jointly by Statistics Canada and the National Center for Education Statistics in the USA. It is based on work undertaken as part of the creation of the North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) by Canada, the United States and Mexico.

The adapted groupings are
For undergraduate programs:

  • Education
  • Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies
  • Humanities
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Law
  • Business, Management and Public Administration
  • Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies
  • Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Architecture and Related Technologies
  • Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation
  • Dentistry
  • Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Health (other than Medicine), Parks, recreation and Fitness
  • Personal, Protective and Transportation Services
  • Other

For graduate programs:

  • All the undergraduate program grouping plus;
  • Executive MBA
  • Regular MBA

In order to report a discipline fees in the right program, please refer to Appendix A: CIP groupings list for TLAC.

Most of the categories are straightforward, however please note those listed below as they have caused confusion in the past.

  • Tuition fees for
    • 31.0505 kinesiologymust be reported under Other Health, Parks, Recreation and fitness program
    • 31.0501 health and physical education must be reported under Other Health, Parks, Recreation and fitness program
    • 03.0103 Environmental Studies must be reported under Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation program.
    • 03.0104 Environmental Sciences must be reported under Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation program.

Note: Dental, Medical and Veterinary Residency Programs offered in teaching hospitals and similar locations, that may lead to advanced professional certification are excluded.

For more information on the classification structure, you may go to the following link:

E. Submission Date

Completed questionnaire, must be returned by June 15, 2010 in the enclosed return envelope or by fax at (613) 951-0709 or 1-800-755-5514. If you require further information or assistance in completing this questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact Nicole Paquin at (613) 951-4311 ( You can also contact Bernard Bourgoin at (613) 951-1506 (

II. Instructions


Whenever possible, final fees and living accommodation costs should be reported. If they have not yet been determined, your best estimate should be reported and the box showing that these are estimated fees for 2010-2011 should be checked.

Part A: Tuition fees for full-time students

When reporting "Tuition fees per full-time students" in part A, only the cost of tuition should be reported. Do not include additional fees for materials or equipment. If such program specific fees exist, please make a note in the area provided for comments.

The "Canadian Students" category in Part A includes Canadian citizens, permanent residents and all other students paying the regular fees. If fees are different for foreign students, please indicate in the comments section the rules determining how a student is classified as foreign.

For Quebec and Nova-Scotia, the Lower fees are for students with their permanent address in the province and the Upper fees represent those for students having an out-of-province permanent address.

Part B: Additional Compulsory fees for full-time Canadian Students

In part B, please report compulsory fees for full-time students in the first row of the table. Fees that are different according to field of study should be reported in the program specific rows below. If there are fees which apply only to foreign students, please make a note in the area provided for comments. Such comments will be footnoted in the data tables produced.

Important note: "Partial" compulsory fees such as Health Plan and Dental Plan fees that can be opted out by a student if proof of comparable coverage is presented should not be included in the compulsory fees but only indicated in the comments section.

Part C: Living accommodation costs at residences/housing

In part C, if it is not possible to separate the room and the meal plan costs for single students, only a total should be shown.

III. Definitions

Tuition Fees

Tuition that is charged to a full-time student.

Compulsory fees

Fees that are covering a range of services that varies from university to university, year to year, and even faculty to faculty or school to school within the same university. They include general fees (admission, registration, examination,, internship, etc.), technology fees, student services fees, student association fees, contributions to student activities, copyright fees, premiums for compulsory insurance plans, fees for athletics and recreational activities, and various other fees (transcript, degree, laboratory, uniform, etc.).

These fees are those that all students within each applicable program categories must pay. Example of fees that do not apply to everybody are Laboratory Fees that are charged for classes with lab and is for the cost of laboratory materials and supplies used by a student.

Excluded are 'partial' compulsory fees such as Health Plan and Dental Plan fees that can be opted out by a student if proof of comparable coverage is presented.

Athletics fees

Mandatory fees to support intercollegiate athletics covering athletics facilities, campus recreation (intramurals, fitness and recreation courses, etc.)

Health Services fees

Mandatory fees to support the on-campus clinic facilities which provide the services of doctors and nurses.

Student Association fees

Mandatory fees supporting the general operating expenses of the association.

IV. Suggestions for improvements

Statistics Canada would welcome any suggestions for changes in the survey which you may wish to propose.   1-800-307-3382 or 613-951-7608

Appendix A: CIP grouping list for TLAC

  1. Education
    13. Education
    • 13.01 Education, General
    • 13.02 Bilingual, Multilingual and Multicultural Education
    • 13.03 Curriculum and Instruction
    • 13.04 Educational Administration and Supervision
    • 13.05 Educational/Instructional Media Design
    • 13.06 Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Research
    • 13.07 International and Comparative Education
    • 13.09 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
    • 13.10 Special Education and Teaching
    • 13.11 Student Counselling and Personnel Services
    • 13.12 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods
    • 13.13 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas
    • 13.14 Teaching English or French as a Second or Foreign Language
    • 13.15 Teaching Assistants/Aides
    • 13.99 Education, Other
  2. Visual and Performing Arts, and Communications Technologies
    50. Visual and Performing Arts
    • 50.01 Visual and Performing Arts, General
    • 50.02 Crafts/Craft Design, Folk Art and Artisanry
    • 50.03 Dance
    • 50.04 Design and Applied Arts
    • 50.05 Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft
    • 50.06 Film/Video and Photographic Arts
    • 50.07 Fine Arts and Art Studies
    • 50.09 Music
    • 50.99 Visual and Performing Arts, Other
    10. Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services
    • 10.01 Communications Technology/Technician
    • 10.02 Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians
    • 10.03 Graphic Communications
    • 10.99 Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services, Other
  3. Humanities
    16. Aboriginal and Foreign Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.01 Linguistic, Comparative and Related Language Studies and Services
    • 16.02 African Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.03 East Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.04 Slavic, Baltic and Albanian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.05 Germanic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.06 Modern Greek Language and Literature
    • 16.07 South Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.08 Iranian/Persian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.09 Romance Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.10 Aboriginal Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.11 Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.12 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.13 Celtic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.14 Southeast Asian and Australasian/Pacific Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.15 Turkic, Ural-Altaic, Caucasian and Central Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    • 16.16 Sign Language
    • 16.17 Second Language Learning
    • 16.99 Aboriginal and Foreign Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
    23. English Language and Literature/Letters
    • 23.01 English Language and Literature, General
    • 23.04 English Composition
    • 23.05 English Creative Writing
    • 23.07 Canadian and American Literature
    • 23.08 English Literature (British and Commonwealth)
    • 23.10 English Speech and Rhetorical Studies
    • 23.11 English Technical and Business Writing
    • 23.99 English Language and Literature/Letters, Other
    24. Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities
    • 24.01 Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities
    30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies
    • 30.13 Medieval and Renaissance Studies
    • 30.21 Holocaust and Related Studies
    • 30.22 Classical and Ancient Studies
    38. Philosophy and Religious Studies
    • 38.01 Philosophy, Logic and Ethics
    • 38.02 Religion/Religious Studies
    • 38.99 Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other
         39. Theology and Religious Vocations
    • 39.02 Bible/Biblical Studies
    • 39.03 Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology
    • 39.04 Religious Education
    • 39.05 Religious/Sacred Music
    • 39.06 Theological and Ministerial Studies
    • 39.07 Pastoral Counselling and Specialized Ministries
    • 39.99 Theology and Religious Vocations, Other
    54. History
    • 54.01 History
    55. French Language and Literature/Letters
    • 55.01 French Language and Literature, General
    • 55.03 French Composition
    • 55.04 French Creative Writing
    • 55.05 French Canadian Literature
    • 55.06 French Literature (France and the French Community)
    • 55.07 French Speech and Rhetorical Studies
    • 55.08 French Technical and Business Writing
    • 55.99 French Language and Literature/Letters, Other
  4. Social and Behavioural Sciences
    05. Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender Studies
    • 05.01 Area Studies
    • 05.02 Ethnic, Cultural Minority and Gender Studies
    • 05.99 Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender Studies, Other
    09. Communication, Journalism and Related Programs
    • 09.01 Communication and Media Studies
    • 09.04 Journalism
    • 09.07 Radio, Television and Digital Communication
    • 09.09 Public Relations, Advertising and Applied Communication
    • 09.10 Publishing
    • 09.99 Communication, Journalism and Related Programs, Other
    19. Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences
    • 19.00 Work and Family Studies
    • 19.01 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General
    • 19.02 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Business Services
    • 19.04 Family and Consumer Economics and Related Services
    • 19.05 Foods, Nutrition and Related Services
    • 19.06 Housing and Human Environments
    • 19.07 Human Development, Family Studies and Related Services
    • 19.09 Apparel and Textiles
    • 19.99 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, Other
    30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies
    • 30.05 Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution
    • 30.10 Biopsychology
    • 30.11 Gerontology
    • 30.14 Museology/Museum Studies
    • 30.15 Science, Technology and Society
    • 30.17 Behavioural Sciences
    • 30.20 International/Global Studies
    • 30.23 Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity Studies
    • 30.25 Cognitive Science
    42. Psychology
    • 42.01 Psychology, General
    • 42.02 Clinical Psychology
    • 42.03 Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics
    • 42.04 Community Psychology
    • 42.05 Comparative Psychology
    • 42.06 Counselling Psychology
    • 42.07 Developmental and Child Psychology
    • 42.08 Experimental Psychology
    • 42.09 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
    • 42.10 Personality Psychology
    • 42.11 Physiological Psychology/Psychobiology
    • 42.16 Social Psychology
    • 42.17 School Psychology
    • 42.18 Educational Psychology
    • 42.19 Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology
    • 42.20 Clinical Child Psychology
    • 42.21 Environmental Psychology
    • 42.22 Geropsychology
    • 42.23 Health/Medical Psychology
    • 42.24 Psychopharmacology
    • 42.25 Family Psychology
    • 42.26 Forensic Psychology
    • 42.99 Psychology, Other
    45. Social Sciences
    • 45.01 Social Sciences, General
    • 45.02 Anthropology
    • 45.03 Archeology
    • 45.04 Criminology
    • 45.05 Demography and Population Studies
    • 45.06 Economics
    • 45.07 Geography and Cartography
    • 45.09 International Relations and Affairs
    • 45.10 Political Science and Government
    • 45.11 Sociology
    • 45.12 Urban Studies/Affairs
    • 45.99 Social Sciences, Other
  5. Law
    22. Legal Professions and Studies
    • 22.00 Non-professional General Legal Studies (Undergraduate)
    • 22.01 Law (LLB, JD, BCL)
    • 22.02 Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies (Post-LLB/JD)
    • 22.03 Legal Support Services
    • 22.99 Legal Professions and Studies, Other
  6. Executive MBA (for graduate related data)
    52. Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services (Specifically the MBA compressed graduate programs for executives)
  7. Regular MBA (for graduate related data)
    52. Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services (Specifically graduate MBA programs in the regular stream)
  8. Business, Management and Public Administration
    30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies
    • 30.16 Accounting and Computer Science
    44. Public Administration and Social Service Professions
    • 44.00 Human Services, General
    • 44.02 Community Organization and Advocacy
    • 44.04 Public Administration
    • 44.05 Public Policy Analysis
    • 44.07 Social Work
    • 44.99 Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other
    52. Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services (excluding the MBA programs).
    • 52.01 Business/Commerce, General
    • 52.02 Business Administration, Management and Operations
    • 52.03 Accounting and Related Services
    • 52.04 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services
    • 52.05 Business/Corporate Communications
    • 52.06 Business/Managerial Economics
    • 52.07 Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations
    • 52.08 Finance and Financial Management Services
    • 52.09 Hospitality Administration/Management
    • 52.10 Human Resources Management and Services
    • 52.11 International Business/Trade/Commerce
    • 52.12 Management Information Systems and Services
    • 52.13 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods
    • 52.14 Marketing
    • 52.15 Real Estate
    • 52.16 Taxation
    • 52.17 Insurance
    • 52.18 General Sales, Merchandising and Related Marketing Operations
    • 52.19 Specialized Sales, Merchandising and Marketing Operations
    • 52.20 Construction Management
    • 52.99 Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services, Other
  9. Physical and Life Sciences and Technologies
    26. Biological and Biomedical Sciences
    • 26.01 Biology, General
    • 26.02 Biochemistry/Biophysics and Molecular Biology
    • 26.03 Botany/Plant Biology
    • 26.04 Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences
    • 26.05 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology
    • 26.07 Zoology/Animal Biology
    • 26.08 Genetics
    • 26.09 Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences
    • 26.10 Pharmacology and Toxicology
    • 26.11 Biomathematics and Bioinformatics
    • 26.12 Biotechnology
    • 26.13 Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and Population Biology
    • 26.99 Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies
    • 30.01 Biological and Physical Sciences
    • 30.18 Natural Sciences
    • 30.19 Nutrition Sciences
    • 30.24 Neuroscience
    40. Physical Sciences
    • 40.01 Physical Sciences, General
    • 40.02 Astronomy and Astrophysics
    • 40.04 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology
    • 40.05 Chemistry
    • 40.06 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences
    • 40.08 Physics
    • 40.99 Physical Sciences, Other
    41. Science Technologies/Technicians
    • 41.01 Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician
    • 41.02 Nuclear and Industrial Radiologic Technologies/Technicians
    • 41.03 Physical Science Technologies/Technicians
    • 41.99 Science Technologies/Technicians, Other
  10. Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences
    11. Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services
    • 11.01 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, General
    • 11.02 Computer Programming
    • 11.03 Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician
    • 11.04 Information Science/Studies
    • 11.05 Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst
    • 11.06 Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications
    • 11.07 Computer Science
    • 11.08 Computer Software and Media Applications
    • 11.09 Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
    • 11.10 Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management
    • 11.99 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other
    25. Library Science
    • 25.01 Library Science/Librarianship
    • 25.03 Library Assistant/Technician
    • 25.99 Library Science, Other
    27. Mathematics and Statistics
    • 27.01 Mathematics
    • 27.03 Applied Mathematics
    • 27.05 Statistics
    • 27.99 Mathematics and Statistics, Other
    30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies
    • 30.06 Systems Science and Theory
    • 30.08 Mathematics and Computer Science
  11. Engineering
    14. Engineering
    • 14.01 Engineering, General
    • 14.02 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
    • 14.03 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering
    • 14.04 Architectural Engineering
    • 14.05 Biomedical/Medical Engineering
    • 14.06 Ceramic Sciences and Engineering
    • 14.07 Chemical Engineering
    • 14.08 Civil Engineering
    • 14.09 Computer Engineering
    • 14.10 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
    • 14.11 Engineering Mechanics
    • 14.12 Engineering Physics
    • 14.13 Engineering Science
    • 14.14 Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering
    • 14.18 Materials Engineering
    • 14.19 Mechanical Engineering
    • 14.20 Metallurgical Engineering
    • 14.21 Mining and Mineral Engineering
    • 14.22 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
    • 14.23 Nuclear Engineering
    • 14.24 Ocean Engineering
    • 14.25 Petroleum Engineering
    • 14.27 Systems Engineering
    • 14.28 Textile Sciences and Engineering
    • 14.31 Materials Science
    • 14.32 Polymer/Plastics Engineering
    • 14.33 Construction Engineering
    • 14.34 Forest Engineering
    • 14.35 Industrial Engineering
    • 14.36 Manufacturing Engineering
    • 14.37 Operations Research
    • 14.38 Surveying Engineering
    • 14.39 Geological/Geophysical Engineering
    • 14.99 Engineering, Other
    15. Engineering Technologies/Technicians
    • 15.00 Engineering Technology, General
    • 15.01 Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician
    • 15.02 Civil Engineering Technology/Technician
    • 15.03 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians
    • 15.04 Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians
    • 15.05 Environmental Control Technologies/Technicians
    • 15.06 Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians
    • 15.07 Quality Control and Safety Technologies/Technicians
    • 15.08 Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians
    • 15.09 Mining and Petroleum Technologies/Technicians
    • 15.10 Construction Engineering Technology/Technician
    • 15.11 Engineering-related Technologies
    • 15.12 Computer Engineering Technologies/Technicians
    • 15.13 Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians
    • 15.14 Nuclear Engineering Technology/Technician
    • 15.15 Engineering/Industrial Management
    • 15.99 Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
  12. Architecture and Related Technologies
    04. Architecture and Related Services
    • 04.02 Architecture (BArch, BA/BSc, MArch, MA/MSc, PhD)
    • 04.03 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning
    • 04.04 Environmental Design/Architecture
    • 04.05 Interior Architecture
    • 04.06 Landscape Architecture (BSc, BSLA, BLA, MSLA, MLA, PhD)
    • 04.08 Architectural History and Criticism
    • 04.09 Architectural Technology/Technician
    • 04.99 Architecture and Related Services, Other
    30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies
    • 30.12 Historic Preservation and Conservation
    46. Construction Trades
    • 46.00 Construction Trades, General
    • 46.01 Masonry/Mason
    • 46.02 Carpentry/Carpenter
    • 46.03 Electrical and Power Transmission Installers
    • 46.04 Building/Construction Finishing, Management and Inspection
    • 46.05 Plumbing and Related Water Supply Services
    • 46.99 Construction Trades, Other
    47. Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians
    • 47.00 Mechanics and Repairers, General
    • 47.01 Electrical/Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technology
    • 47.02 Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC, HVACR)
    • 47.03 Heavy/Industrial Equipment Maintenance Technologies
    • 47.04 Precision Systems Maintenance and Repair Technologies
    • 47.05 Stationary Energy Sources Installer and Operator
    • 47.06 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technologies
    • 47.99 Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians, Other
    48. Precision Production
    • 48.00 Precision Production Trades, General
    • 48.03 Leatherworking and Upholstery
    • 48.05 Precision Metal Working
    • 48.07 Woodworking
    • 48.08 Boilermaking/Boilermaker
    • 48.99 Precision Production, Other
  13. Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation
    01. Agriculture, Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences
    • 01.00 Agriculture, General
    • 01.01 Agricultural Business and Management
    • 01.02 Agricultural Mechanization
    • 01.03 Agricultural Production Operations
    • 01.04 Agricultural and Food Products Processing
    • 01.05 Agricultural and Domestic Animal Services
    • 01.06 Applied Horticulture/Horticultural Business Services
    • 01.07 International Agriculture
    • 01.08 Agricultural Public Services
    • 01.09 Animal Sciences
    • 01.10 Food Science and Technology
    • 01.11 Plant Sciences
    • 01.12 Soil Sciences
    • 01.99 Agriculture, Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences, Other
    03. Natural Resources and Conservation
    • 03.01 Natural Resources Conservation and Research
      • 03.0103 Environmental Studies
      • 03.0104 Environmental Science
    • 03.02 Natural Resources Management and Policy
    • 03.03 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management
    • 03.05 Forestry
    • 03.06 Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management
    • 03.99 Natural Resources and Conservation, Other
  14. Dentistry
    51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences
    • 51.04 Dentistry
    • 51.05 Advanced/Graduate Dentistry and Oral Sciences (Cert., MSc, PhD)
  15. Medicine
    51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences
    • 51.12 Medicine
  16. Nursing
    51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences
    • 51.1601 Nursing/Registered Nurse (RN, ASN, BScN, MScN)
    • 51.1607 Nursing and midwifery
    • 51.1608 Nursing sciences (MSc, PhD)
  17. Pharmacy
    51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences
    • 51.2001 Pharmacy (PharmD [USA], PharmD or BSc/BPharm [Canada])
    • 51.2003 Pharmaceutics and Drug Design (MSc, PhD)
    • 51.2004 Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (MSc, PhD)
    • 51.2007 Pharmacoeconomics/Pharmaceutical Economics (MSc, PhD)
    • 51.2099 Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Administration, Other
  18. Veterinary Medicine
    51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences
    • 51.2401 Veterinary medicine
    • 51.2501 Veterinary Sciences/Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General (Cert., MSc, PhD)
    • 51.2510 Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health (Cert., MSc, PhD)
    • 51.2504 Veterinary microbiology and immunobiology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
    • 51.2505 Veterinary pathology and pathobiology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
    • 51.2507 Large Animal/Food Animal and Equine Surgery and Medicine (Cert., MSc, PhD)
  19. Other health, Parks, Recreation and Fitness
    31. Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies
    • 31.01 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies
    • 31.03 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management
    • 31.05 Health and Physical Education/Fitness
      • 31.0501 Health and Physical Education, General
      • 31.0505 Kinesiology and Exercise Science
    • 31.99 Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, Other
    51. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences
    • 51.00 Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General
    • 51.01 Chiropractic (DC)
    • 51.02 Communication Disorders Sciences and Services
    • 51.06 Dental Support Services and Allied Professions
    • 51.0601 Dental assisting
    • 51.0602 Dental hygiene
    • 51.07 Health and Medical Administrative Services
    • 51.0710Medical clerk
    • 51.08 Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services
    • 51.0801 Medical assistant
    • 51.0805 Pharmacy assistant
    • 51.0808 Veterinary assistant
    • 51.09 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention and Treatment Professions
    • 51.10 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions
    • 51.11 Health/Medical Preparatory Programs
    • 51.14 Medical Scientist (MSc, PhD)
    • 51.15 Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions
    • 51.1602 Nursing-administration (MScn, MSc, PhD)
    • 51.1614Nursing assistant, nursing aide
    • 51.17 Optometry (OD)
    • 51.18 Ophthalmic and Optometric Support Services and Allied Professions
    • 51.19 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy (DO)
    • 51.21 Podiatric Medicine/Podiatry (DPM)
    • 51.22 Public Health
    • 51.23 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions
    • 51.26 Health Aides/Attendants/Orderlies
    • 51.27 Medical Illustration and Informatics
    • 51.31 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services
    • 51.32 Bioethics/Medical Ethics
    • 51.33 Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Medical Systems
    • 51.34 Alternative and Complementary Medical Support Services
    • 51.35 Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic Services
    • 51.36 Movement and Mind-Body Therapies
    • 51.37 Energy-based and Biologically-based Therapies
    • 51.99 Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other
  20. Personal, Protective and Transportation Services
    12. Personal and Culinary Services
    • 12.03 Funeral Service and Mortuary Science
    • 12.04 Cosmetology and Related Personal Grooming Services
    • 12.05 Culinary Arts and Related Services
    • 12.99 Personal and Culinary Services, Other
    28. Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers in the Armed Forces
    • 28.05 Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers in the Armed Forces
    29. Military Technologies
    • 29.01 Military Technologies
    43. Security and Protective Services
    • 43.01 Criminal Justice and Corrections
    • 43.02 Fire Protection
    • 43.99 Security and Protective Services, Other
    49. Transportation and Materials Moving
    • 49.01 Air Transportation
    • 49.02 Ground Transportation
    • 49.03 Marine Transportation
    • 49.99 Transportation and Materials Moving, Other
  21. Other
    21. Technology Education/Industrial Arts Programs
    • 21.01 Technology Education/Industrial Arts Programs
    30. Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies
    • 30.99 Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other
    32. Basic Skills
    • 32.01 Basic Skills
    33. Citizenship Activities
    • 33.01 Citizenship Activities
    34. Health-related Knowledge and Skills
    • 34.01 Health-related Knowledge and Skills
    35. Interpersonal and Social Skills
    • 35.01 Interpersonal and Social Skills
    36. Leisure and Recreational Activities
    • 36.01 Leisure and Recreational Activities
    37. Personal Awareness and Self-improvement
    • 37.01 Personal Awareness and Self-improvement
    53. High School/Secondary Diploma and Certificate Programs
    • 53.01 High School/Secondary Diploma Programs
    • 53.02 High School/Secondary Certificate Programs

Tenure of private household, category

The data for this variable are reported using the following classification(s) and/or list(s):

'Tenure' refers to whether the household owns or rents their private dwelling. The private dwelling may be situated on rented or leased land or be part of a condominium. A household is considered to own their dwelling if some member of the household owns the dwelling even if it is not fully paid for, for example if there is a mortgage or some other claim on it. A household is considered to rent their dwelling if no member of the household owns the dwelling. A household is considered to rent that dwelling even if the dwelling is provided without cash rent or at a reduced rent, or if the dwelling is part of a cooperative.

Note: For historical and statutory reasons, shelter occupancy on reserves (or settlements) does not lend itself to the usual classification by standard tenure categories. Therefore, a special category, band housing, has been created and is used in the 2011 National Household Survey.

'Private household' refers to a person or group of persons who occupy the same dwelling and do not have a usual place of residence elsewhere in Canada or abroad. The household universe is divided into two sub-universes on the basis of whether the household is occupying a collective dwelling or a private dwelling. The latter is a private household.