Forecasting power consumption in remote northern Canadian communities

By: Alireza Rahimnejad Yazdi, Lingjun Zhou and Zarrin Langari, Digital Accelerator, Natural Resources Canada; Ryan Kilpatrick, CanmetENERGY Ottawa, Natural Resources Canada


Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has been helping northern and remote Canadian communities transition from traditional fossil fuel-based power to renewable, green energy. Most of these communities are geographically isolated and powered by fossil fuel generators. To support this initiative, researchers at NRCan needed to accurately forecast these communities' annual power consumption to determine what kind of renewable energy would best support these communities. To do this, they used historical data with an hourly resolution, as well as population and weather data. By coming up with a typical hourly power consumption profile for any community, we can reasonably estimate the hourly power usage for communities lacking historical data.

With publicly available data provided by its client NRCan's CanmetENERGY Ottawa (CE-O), the Digital Accelerator team focused the analysis on power consumption data of 11 remote communities in the Nunavik region of northern Quebec. The data was given at hourly resolution for years 2013, 2014, 2015. Given that this analytical approach uses the average power consumption across these three available years, the power consumption data of a given year leaks into the model that is used to make a prediction for that year, and this leakage undermines the validity of any measured performance metrics.

We consider that remote community electricity consumption has a nonlinear relationship with variables, such as weather, population, age/efficiency of appliances, building age, and in the case of electric heating, occupancy rates and habits. However, since most traditional prediction approaches lack a learning mechanism, it's difficult to describe the nonlinear relationship between electricity consumption and influencing variables, which results in low forecast accuracy.

Our analysis will determine if machine learning (ML) techniques can produce a more accurate prediction of remote community electric loads compared to CE-O's analytical approach and determine which type of ML techniques is the most appropriate for this application. We also hope to apply the selected ML technique to create typical hourly synthetic diesel electric load profiles to the set of remote communities missing the granular hourly power usage data.

Before we did this, we assumed the following:

  • The communities' populations stay constant throughout the entire year, which means at every point in time, a house has the same number of occupants and don't have snowbirds, for example.
  • There are no major temperature fluctuations. With the advent of climate change, extreme weather phenomena such as extremely hot or cold spells in a short period of time, could lead to inaccurate modeling.
  • There are no major changes in latent variables that could contribute to power consumption not included in the dataset. This is a very strong requirement, given that we don't know what these latent variables are.

Data preprocessing and exploratory data analysis

An exploratory data analysis (EDA) was performed to investigate the data by discovering patterns, spotting anomalies, and checking for the presence of missing data with the help of summary statistics and graphical representations. We also identified typical energy use features for any community during EDA to help estimate the granular level power usage for communities with only annual/total power consumption data.

Various models such as linear regression, LGBM (light gradient boosting machine), XGBoost, Theta Forecaster, Ensemble Forecaster, Auto-ARIMA, Auto-ETS, naïve forecast, Fast Fourier Transformation and neural networks were used to make forecasts and their performances were compared.

As part of the data preparation, population and power consumption data were combined by calculating the power consumption per capita. Then, the power consumption data per capita were plotted over time. Power consumption data have three components: trends, seasonality, and noise. Features in the data were assumed to hold predictive power and were therefore chosen to be used in the final model.

The latitude and longitude information varied too little to provide meaningful input and were discarded for this stage. Visualization showed the following information:

Figure 1. The x-axis for two plots below is datetime, the first hour being 12:00 am, Jan 01, 2013

Two-line charts plotting the power consumption per capita against the datetime, and temperature against the datetime. The power consumption per capita has obvious dips during the warmer months, such as July, and peaks over colder months, such as January. The temperature and power consumption per capita are negatively correlated.

The autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation calculations for power consumption per capita data. The autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation plots both show peaks every 24 hours indicating a strong correlation every 24 hours. This means the exact s
Figure 2. Note that the x-axis above is hour, where 12:00 am, Jan 01, 2013, is the first hour and 11:00pm, Dec 31, 2015, is the last hour.

The autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation calculations for power consumption per capita data. The autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation plots both show peaks every 24 hours indicating a strong correlation every 24 hours. This means the exact same hour of a previous and current day share similar power usages.

There are in total 26,280 hours over three years. Both autocorrelation (ACF) and partial autocorrelation (PACF) show that there's a strong correlation every 24 hours. This makes sense because the daily power consumption usually follows a repeatable pattern. The PACF is the ACF with the intermediate correlations removed. For example, PACF of lag 3 is the ACF of lag 3 minus the ACF of lag 1 and 2. Autocorrelation and Partial Autocorrelation in Time Series Data gives a detailed discussion for their differences. We can see clearly from the PACF that power usage is strongly correlated with its own value 24 hours prior.

A zoomed-in version of the power consumption per capita against datetime. We can see peak usage approximately every 24 hours
Figure 3. A zoomed-in version of the historical power consumption data. The x-axis here is datetime, to the precision of hours.

A zoomed-in version of the power consumption per capita against datetime. We can see peak usage approximately every 24 hours.

The following is a summary of the patterns we found in the images above.

  • There's an inverse relationship between normalized temperature and power consumption per capita.
  • There's a weak increasing trend in power consumption, but overall, there's a repeated annual pattern.
  • Within a year, power usages go up in cold months and down in warmer months. Note that how much power usage goes up in cold months, and down in warmer months differs from community to community.
  • Within a day, there's higher power usage during wake hours than during rest hours, with the peak around midday. Note that the peak value differs from community to community.


The following image is a forecast based on neural networks. Forecasts with other algorithms have similar appearances.

A simulated power consumption per capita forecast for next year (in orange) plotted against the actual next year's power consumption per capita data (in blue). We can see the simulated power usage almost overlaps with the actual power usage. After comparing the performance of various algorithms with mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), we obtained to the results specified in Table 1.]
Figure 4. The x-axis is hours, with 12:00 am, Jan 01, 2013, as the first hour.

A simulated power consumption per capita forecast for next year (in orange) plotted against the actual next year's power consumption per capita data (in blue). We can see the simulated power usage almost overlaps with the actual power usage.

After comparing the performance of various algorithms with mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), we obtained to the results specified in the below table.

Community Neural Network MAPE LGBM MAPE Linear MAPE Theta MAPE Naïve MAPE Manual approach
2013 2014 2015
Inukjuak 7.1% 6.7% 6.5% 8.2% 7.7% 12.9% 7.5% 4.9%
Salluit 6.2% 6.8% 6.7% 6.7% 6.1% 7.7% 6.0% 5.0%
Quaqtag 10.7% 8.8% 8.3% 11.5% 12.2% 16.1% 11.7% 5.7%
Aupaluk 7.9% 8.8% 8.8% 13% 7.8% 10.2% 9.5% 8.6%
Ivujivik 12.9% 14.9% 14.9% 14.9% 13.9% 14.3% 6.3% 6.3%
Kuujjuaq 4.4% 5.3% 5.4% 7.4% 5.4% 5.0% 4.7% 5.4%
Kangirsuk 8.1% 11.0% 10.8% 9.0% 8.8% 8.4% 8.4% 7.8%
Umiujaq 5.4% - - - - 10.9% 9.3% 7.1%
Kuujjuarapik 6.6% 4.8% 4.8% 4.9% 5.2% 98.9% 6.6% 7.4%
Kangiqsualujjuaq 7.9% 7.4% 7.5% 11.7% 7.1% 8.1% 9.0% 8.4%
Puvirnituq 6,2% - - - - 12.5% 7.5% 5.5%
  • All the above approaches share similar procedures. We first conducted a temporal split on the data to arrive at a train and test data set. Then we trained the machine learning models on the training data and measured the performance by three different metrics that are commonly used for regression problems: MAE (mean absolute error), RMSE (root mean squared error) and MAPE. Finally, we tuned the hyperparameters to reach the best performance for each model.
  • The neural network model has four layers. The first three layers have 32 units with relu activation and last layer has one unit with a linear activation. The loss function and optimizer are MSE (mean squared error) and RMS (root mean square) prop, respectively. Early stopping, the validation loss was used to stop train and avoid overfitting. MAPE of less than 10% was achieved for nine out of 11 communities.
  • For the LGBM, Linear, and Theta forecaster model, we first decomposed the data by removing seasonality and trend to arrive at the residual, then trained the model on the residual and reversed the process to arrive at a prediction.
    • The difference:
      • LGBM is a tree-based model and fast to train
      • Linear is a linear regression model and trained just as fast as LGBM
      • Theta is an exponential smoothing model and took some time to train
  • For naïve forecasting, we simply shifted the previous year's power consumption and used it as current year's power consumption prediction.
  • The last column shows the manual approach used by CE-O that illustrates the difference between the predicted and measured power consumptions for the year 2013, 2014, and 2015, respectively. The reason there are three values is due to the way manual approach works.

Here are our observations based on the results:

  • Across multiple communities, the various machine learning approaches and models provide similar accuracy. The complex neural network model is only slightly better but does not significantly outperform simpler models such as LGBM or Linear Regression.
  • Naïve forecast, namely shifting the previous year's power consumption record as current year's power usage forecast, can provide just as good a result as any other model. This would not work if the increasing trend is stronger. Naïve forecast is surprisingly difficult to beat. This is common for time series prediction and comes from the observation that there is an evident annual repeated pattern in power consumption.
  • There are other potentially useful algorithms such as Fourier analysis, LSTM (long short-term memory networks), Auto ARIMA,but they're all inefficient and computationally expensive to capture the repeatable pattern to produce meaningful results. At one point, the authors tried to use auto ARIMA to simulate the time series, but our GPU (graphics processing unit) workstation crashed after five and a half hours of intense computing. 260G of RAM was filled while its CPU (central processing unit) scores were running at 100%.

What we discovered

When compared to the manual approach, ML and naïve forecasting can, on average, perform two to three percent better.

The risk of large errors from the manual approach (16.1% and 98.9%) is significantly reduced. Machine learning approaches appear to be more stable. Given the fact that naïve forecasting can perform just as well as a machine learning algorithm, it might be more efficient to consider the use of a previous year's power consumption as our future forecast. However, we must ensure that there is an annual repeatable pattern in the data by conducting a thorough EDA.

The end goal is to create a "typical" hourly power consumption profile for communities with only external variables' history, such as weather data history. By "typical" power consumption profile, we mean the cookie-cutter results once external variables are given. For example, if two communities have the same climate data then they would have the same power consumption per capita at each hour of the year. We were limited from fulfilling this objective for a few reasons:

  • We notice that the power consumption per capita are in the same order of numbers (in between 0.5 kw and 1.9 kw). However, an average person in some communities still uses significantly more power than in other communities. This will be a challenge for creating a "typical" power consumption profile for an average user in a "typical" community. Some type of normalization may be needed.
  • In the community of Ivujivik, the power consumption for year 2014 does not match the patterns we identified through EDA. It fluctuates significantly throughout the year and does not fit the pattern of low power usage during warmer months and high-power usage during colder months. Further attention is needed to identify why this exists.

The future of this project

There's potential for this project to be extended. If we decide to move forward, a new agreement will be put in place to obtain more recent data with more diverse communities from more geo-locations and climate types/regions, and to collect higher resolution data and identify universal patterns across more datasets. If a richer and more diverse dataset is feasible, we would attempt to develop new models that can predict power consumption for communities without power usage records. We could explore the relationship between power consumption and external variables.

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Periodical publishers: CVs for operating revenue - 2021

Periodical publishers: CVs for operating revenue - 2021
Table summary
This table displays the results of CVs for operating revenue - periodical publishers. The information is grouped by Geography (appearing as row headers), CVs for operating revenue, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Geography CVs for operating revenue
Canada 0.67
Atlantic provinces 0.00
Quebec 0.69
Ontario 1.11
Prairie provinces 0.29
British Columbia and Territories 0.95

Executive Summary of Statistics Canada: Road to Accessibility, 2023-2025

Release date: December 23, 2022

The Executive Summary of Statistics Canada: Road to Accessibility, 2023-2025 is currently available in the following alternative formats:

The Executive Summary can be provided in any accessible or alternate format upon request.

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Executive Summary of Statistics Canada: Road to Accessibility, 2023-2025

"StatCan: Road to Accessibility (Plan)" is an accessibility framework, to ensure that employees and the public we serve have the best experience possible in our services, products and facilities. The Plan will guide Statistics Canada (StatCan) in removing barriers and in building an accessibility confident culture.

To implement the Plan, StatCan will:

  • Work with persons with disabilities and partners to prioritise our commitments;
  • Gather feedback on the plan to ensure that future editions continue to answer the needs of Canadians;
  • Update the Plan to reflect lessons learned, ongoing research and best practices; and
  • Submit a yearly progress report on the implementation of the Plan and publish updates on


We conducted consultations with persons with disabilities and other experts in the field. These consultations defined the current barriers in StatCan, and where we should be, relating to all areas in the Accessible Canada Act.

Specifically, we:

  • Conducted an accessibility assessment with an external consulting firm; and
  • Gathered data from the:
    • StatCan's Employment and Accessibility Survey;
    • StatCan's Employee Wellness Survey; and
    • the Public Service Employee Survey.

Road to Accessibility Priority Areas – from the Accessible Canada Act

StatCan: Road to Accessibility is structured around priority areas, as described below.

Each area is defined in more detail in the Plan, along with the:

  • Desired state – where we should be;
  • Key priorities from 2023 to 2025;
  • Specific barriers identified for that particular area;
  • Actions and commitments to address the barriers identified;
  • Measurement indicators; and
  • A StatCan team responsible for that area's specific work.
Priority area 1. Employment:

The "employment" area ensures that candidates and employees with disabilities and those who experience barriers are supported throughout their employment journey.

The key priorities are to:

  • Improve the recruitment of persons with disabilities;
  • Make accommodations quicker; and
  • Offer more career development opportunities.
Priority area 2. Built environment:

The "built environment" area ensures that workspaces and the work environment are accessible for all.

The key priorities are to:

  • Assess the accessibility status of StatCan spaces; and
  • Coordinate renovations in the National Capital Region to maximize accessibility.
Priority area 3. Information and communication technologies (ICT):

The "information and communication technologies (ICT)" area ensures all products and services provided to employees are accessible.

The key priorities are to:

  • Improve knowledge on accessibility;
  • Integrate accessibility considerations in every stage of development; and
  • Achieve accessibility compliance.
Priority area 4. Communications (other than ICT):

The "communications (other than ICT)" area ensures that all information is clear, direct, and easy for all to understand.

The key priorities are to:

  • Remove accessibility barriers;
  • Develop an accessibility awareness communication plan; and
  • Promote the use of accessible communication.
Priority area 5. Procuring (buying) goods, services and facilities:

The "procuring (buying) goods, services and facilities" area ensures that accessibility is considered at the start of the buying process.

The key priorities are to:

  • Require accessibility checks throughout the procurement (buying) process;
  • Increase accessibility awareness; and
  • Consider accessibility needs when buying.
Priority area 6. Designing and delivering programs and services

The "designing and delivering programs and services" area ensures that surveys, programs, and services are inclusive and accessible by design and at the start.

The key priorities are to:

  • Remove and prevent accessibility barriers; and
  • Develop standardized accessibility services.

StatCan additional priority areas

The priority areas above are based on priority areas defined in the Accessible Canada Act.

StatCan has added two additional priority areas not mentioned in the Accessible Canada Act, to emphasize the importance of workplace accommodation and culture change.

Priority area 7. Culture

The "workplace culture" area ensures that our organization is disability-confident and inclusive to all.

The key priorities are to:

  • Build awareness and education for all employees; and
  • Establish accessibility accountability at StatCan.
Priority area 8. Workplace accommodation

The "workplace accommodation" area ensures accommodation is made on a confidential, case-by-case basis.

The key priorities are to:

  • Increase the accommodation capacity;
  • Communicate accommodation opportunities and procedures; and
  • Track accommodation requests.

StatCan accessibility commitment

StatCan is committed to prevent, identify and remove accessibility barriers. In the coming years StatCan will:

  • Refine its accessibility measurement framework to track results;
  • Implement a planning and reporting structure; and
  • Report on the feedback received and action taken.

Our departmental accessibility efforts will advance through a steady stream of design, planning, implementation, reflection and adjustment that we hope will lead to a barrier-free StatCan by 2040.

Accessibility is everyone's responsibility, and everyone can help shape StatCan's accessibility commitment. We all must take part in ensuring the future state of accessibility at StatCan. We invite your comments and suggestions as we travel the road to accessibility together.

2022 Annual Industrial Consumption of Energy Survey

Why do we conduct this survey?

This survey is conducted by Statistics Canada in order to collect the necessary information to support the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP). This program combines various survey and administrative data to develop comprehensive measures of the Canadian economy.

The statistical information from the IBSP serves many purposes, including:

  • obtaining information on the supply of and/or demand for energy in Canada
  • enabling governmental agencies to fulfill their regulatory responsibilities in regards to public utilities
  • enabling all levels of government to establish informed policies in the energy area
  • assisting the business community in the corporate decision-making process.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the response burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations.

Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Enterprise Statistics Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at or by fax at 613-951-6583.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut as well as with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government, the Quebec Forest Industry Council, the ministère des Finances du Québec, the ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques du Québec, the ministère de l'Énergie et des Ressources naturelles du Québec, Transition énergétique Québec, the Manitoba Department of Growth, Enterprise and Trade, Alberta Energy, the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, the Canada Energy Regulator, Natural Resources Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Business or organization and contact information

1. Verify or provide the business or organization's legal and operating name, and correct information if needed.

Note: Legal name should only be modified to correct a spelling error or typo.

Legal name

The legal name is one recognized by law, thus it is the name liable for pursuit or for debts incurred by the business or organization. In the case of a corporation, it is the legal name as fixed by its charter or the statute by which the corporation was created.

Modifications to the legal name should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

To indicate a legal name of another legal entity you should instead indicate it in question 3 by selecting "Not currently operational" and then choosing the applicable reason and providing the legal name of this other entity along with any other requested information.

Operating name

The operating name is a name the business or organization is commonly known as if different from its legal name. The operating name is synonymous with trade name.

  • Legal name
  • Operating name (if applicable)

2. Verify or provide the contact information for the designated contact person for the business or organization, and correct information if needed.

Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Preferred language of communication
    • English
    • French
  • Mailing address (number and street)
  • City
  • Province, territory or state
  • Postal code or ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) code:
  • Country
    • Canada
    • United States
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
  • Fax number (including area code)

3. Verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

  • Operational
  • Not currently operational - e.g., temporarily or permanently closed, change of ownership
    Why is this business or organization not currently operational?
    • Seasonal operations
      • When did this business or organization close for the season?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
    • Ceased operations
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Bankruptcy
        • Liquidation
        • Dissolution
        • Other - Specify the other reasons why operations ceased
    • Sold operations
      • When was this business or organization sold?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the buyer?
    • Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations
      • When did this business or organization amalgamate?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
      • What are the legal names of the other amalgamated businesses or organizations?
    • Temporarily inactive but will reopen
      • When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
      • Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive?
    • No longer operating due to other reasons
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?

4. Verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

Note: The described activity was assigned using the North American Industry Classification System.

This question verifies the business or organization's current main activity as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS, are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

The target entity for which NAICS is designed are businesses and other organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. They include farms, incorporated and unincorporated businesses and government business enterprises. They also include government institutions and agencies engaged in the production of marketed and non-marketed services, as well as organizations such as professional associations and unions and charitable or non-profit organizations and the employees of households.

The associated NAICS should reflect those activities conducted by the business or organizational units targeted by this questionnaire only, as identified in the "Answering this questionnaire" section and which can be identified by the specified legal and operating name. The main activity is the activity which most defines the targeted business or organization's main purpose or reason for existence. For a business or organization that is for-profit, it is normally the activity that generates the majority of the revenue for the entity.

The NAICS classification contains a limited number of activity classifications; the associated classification might be applicable for this business or organization even if it is not exactly how you would describe this business or organization's main activity.

Please note that any modifications to the main activity through your response to this question might not necessarily be reflected prior to the transmitting of subsequent questionnaires and as a result they may not contain this updated information.

The following is the detailed description including any applicable examples or exclusions for the classification currently associated with this business or organization.

Description and examples

  • This is the current main activity.
  • This is not the current main activity.

Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity.

e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development

Main activity

5. You indicated that _ is not the current main activity. Was this business or organization's main activity ever classified as _ ?

  • Yes
    When did the main activity change?
  • No

6. Search and select the industry classification code that best corresponds to this business or organization's main activity.

How to search:

  • if desired, you can filter the search results by first selecting the business or organization's activity sector
  • enter keywords or a brief description that best describe the business or organization's main activity
  • press the Search button to search the database for an activity that best matches the keywords or description you provided
  • select an activity from the list.

Select this business or organization's activity sector (optional)

  • Farming or logging operation
  • Construction company or general contractor
  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer
  • Provider of passenger or freight transportation
  • Provider of investment, savings or insurance products
  • Real estate agency, real estate brokerage or leasing company
  • Provider of professional, scientific or technical services
  • Provider of health care or social services
  • Restaurant, bar, hotel, motel or other lodging establishment
  • Other sector

Enter keywords or a brief description, then press the Search button

Electricity generation

1. Did this business generate electricity?

A form of energy generated by friction, induction or chemical change that is caused by the presence and motion of elementary-charged particles.

Electricity Generation:
Please provide the total amount of electricity generated including what was consumed by the plant and sold.

Note: If the plant consumed any of the electricity it generated, please include the quantity consumed in question 5.

  • Yes
  • No

2. How much electricity did this business generate?

Note: Report the total quantity of electricity generated; regardless of whether it was consumed by this business or sold to others.

  • Quantity generated

Unit of measure

  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilowatt-hour (kWh)
  • Megawatt-hour (MWh)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)

Type of energy consumed

3. Which types of energy were consumed by the business?

Include energy consumed: as fuel for the production process (also heating, on-site transportation, to produce steam for own use); to produce electricity; to produce steam for sale or transfer to another business; and for non-energy use (such as atomization, as feedstock to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends).

Select all that apply.

A form of energy generated by friction, induction or chemical change that is caused by the presence and motion of elementary-charged particles. The electricity that is consumed can either be received by the establishment (purchased) or produced by the establishment (self-generated).

Natural gas:
A mixture of hydrocarbons, comprised principally of methane (CH4), originating in the gaseous phase or in solution with crude oil in porous geologic formations beneath the earth's surface.

A gaseous, straight-chained hydrocarbon. A colourless, paraffinic gas extracted from natural gas or refinery gas streams, consisting of molecules composed of three atoms of carbon and eight atoms of hydrogen (C3H8). Used primarily in residential and commercial heating and cooling, as transportation fuel and petrochemical feedstock.

Middle distillates (diesel, light fuel oil, kerosene)

All grades of distillate fuel used for diesel engines, including those with low sulphur content (lower than 0.05%). Exclude diesel used for transportation off the plant site.

Light fuel oil:
A light petroleum distillate used for power burners. Include fuel oil no. 2, fuel oil no. 3, furnace fuel oil, gas oils and light industrial fuel.

Kerosene and other middle distillates:
Include kerosene (a light petroleum distillate that is used in space heaters, cook stoves and water heaters, and is suitable for use as a light source when burned in wick-fed lamps; also known as stove oil), fuel oil no. 1 and mineral lamp oil. Exclude gasoline used for transportation off the plant site.

Heavy fuel oil (Canadian/Foreign):
All grades of residual type fuels, including those with low sulphur content. Usually used for steam and electric power generation, and diesel motors.
Include heavy fuel oil nos. 4, 5, 6 and bunker C.

Wood and wood waste:
Wood and wood energy used as fuel, including round wood (cord wood), lignin, wood scraps from furniture and window frame manufacturing, wood chips, bark, sawdust, shavings, lumber rejects, forest residues, charcoal and pulp waste from the operation of pulp mills, sawmills and plywood mills.

Spent pulping liquor (Black liquor):
A recycled by-product formed during the pulping of wood in the paper-making process. It is primarily made up of lignin and other wood constituents, and chemicals that are by-products of the manufacture of chemical pulp. It is burned as fuel or in a recovery boiler which produces steam which can be used to produce electricity.

Solid or liquid waste materials used as a combustible energy source. Include the burning of wastepaper, packing materials, garbage and other industrial, agricultural and urban refuse. It is often used to generate electricity. Please specify type.

A gas resulting from the vaporization of a liquid or the sublimation of a solid, generated by condensing or non condensing turbines. The steam that is consumed can either be produced by the establishment (self-generated) or received by the establishment (purchased). Report purchased or self-generated steam used as fuel for the production process, used to produce electricity and used for a non-energy use (such as atomization or as feed in process application). However, steam consumed as a motive force to move liquid and gas streams, or steam used to moisturize feed for another process should not be reported.

Special note:
The consumption of fuels used to generate steam for use within the establishment (self-generated steam) should be reported under "as fuel" for those fuels. For example, if 100 cubic metres of heavy fuel oil was used to produce self-generated steam, the consumption of 100 cubic metres should be included under "as fuel" for heavy fuel oil.

A readily combustible, black or brownish-black rock-like substance, whose composition, including inherent moisture, consists of more than 50% by weight and 70% by volume of carbonaceous material. It is formed from plant remains that have been compacted, hardened, chemically altered and metamorphosed by heat and pressure over geologic time without access to air.

Bituminous coal (Canadian/Foreign):
A dense, black coal, often with well-defined bands of bright and dull material with a moisture content usually less than 20%. It has a higher heating value and higher volatile matter and ash content than sub-bituminous coal; the heating value of bituminous coal typically ranges from 23.3 to 30.2 terajoules per kilotonne. Used in making coke, in steam and electricity production, as well as in the production of steel. Metallurgical coal is typically bituminous coal.

Sub-bituminous coal (Canadian/Foreign):
A black coal used primarily for thermal generation. It has a high moisture content, between 15% and 40% by weight. Its sulphur content is typically quite low; its ash content is also usually low, but volatile matter is usually high and can exceed 40% of the weight. Heating value varies from 16.3 terajoules per kilotonne to slightly over 20.9 terajoules per kilotonne.

Low-rank, brown coals which are distinctly brown and woody or claylike in appearance, and which contain relatively high moisture contents (between 30% and 70% of the fuel by weight). Used almost exclusively for electric power generation.

A hard, black, lustrous coal containing a high percentage of fixed carbon, a low percentage of volatile matter, little moisture content, low sulfur, low ash and a high heating value at or above 27.7 terajoules per kilotonne that burns with a nearly smokeless flame. Generally used in the production of steel.

Coal coke (Canadian/Foreign):
A hard, porous product made from the carbonization (baking) of bituminous coal in ovens in substoichiometric atmosphere at high temperatures to the extent that the volatile matter of the coal is released and the coal passes through a "plastic stage" to become metallurgical coke. Often used as a fuel and a carbon input (reducing agent) in smelting iron ore in an integrated steel mill (blast furnace). Coke breeze and foundry coke are included in this category.

Coal tar:
Organic material separated from coke oven gas evolved during coking operations (a black and viscous liquid). This category includes pyridine, tar acids, naphthalene, creosote oil and coal pitch.

Light coal oil:
Condensable products (primarily benzene, toluene, xylene and solvent naphtha) obtained during distillation of the coke oven gas, following removal of the coal tar.

Coke oven gas:
Obtained as a by-product of solid fuel carbonization and gasification operations carried out by coke producers and iron and steel plants.

Petroleum coke (Canadian/Foreign):
A final product, often called a "waste product", of the petroleum refining process, which is the output of the refinery after all of the distillates and oils have been distilled from crude oil, leaving a product that has the appearance of coal. There are various types, e.g., "sponge", "shot", and "fluid" coke, which are differentiated according to size. Petroleum coke is a residue high in carbon content and low in hydrogen that is the final product of thermal decomposition in the condensation process in cracking. It is typically high in sulfur, low in volatile matter, low in ash and low in moisture. It may be sold as is or further purified by calcining for specialty uses, including anode production. It may also be burned as fuel in various processes, ranging from power plants to cement kilns.
Heating value is typically around 40 terajoules per kilotonne.

Refinery fuel gas:
Any un-separated mixture of gases produced in refineries by distillation, cracking, reforming and other processes. The principal constituents are methane, ethane, ethylene, normal butane, butylenes, propane, propylene, etc. (et cetera) Also known as still gas. Still gas is used as a refinery fuel and a petrochemical feedstock.

Coke on catalyst (Catalyst coke):
In many catalytic operations (e.g., catalytic cracking), carbon is deposited on the catalyst, thus deactivating the catalyst. The catalyst is reactivated by burning off the carbon, which is used as a fuel in the refining process. This carbon or coke is not recoverable in a concentrated form.

Bitumen emulsion (Orimulsion):
A thick oil and water emulsion. It is made by mixing bitumen with about 30% water and a small amount of surfactant. Behaves similarly to fuel oil and was developed for industrial use.

A normally gaseous, straight-chain hydrocarbon. A colourless, paraffinic gas extracted from natural gas or refinery gas streams, consisting of molecules composed of two atoms of carbon and six atoms of hydrogen (C2H6). Ethane is used as petrochemical feedstock in production of chemicals and plastics and as a solvent in enhanced oil recovery process.

A normally gaseous hydrocarbon. A colourless, paraffinic gas extracted from natural gas or refinery gas streams, consisting of molecules composed of four atoms of carbon and ten atoms of hydrogen (C4H10). Butane is used primarily for blending in high-octane gasoline, for residential and commercial heating, and in the manufacture of chemicals and synthetic rubber.

A feedstock destined primarily for the petrochemical industry (e.g., ethylene manufacture or aromatics production). Naphtha specialties comprise all finished products within the naphtha boiling range of 70°C to 200°C that are used as paint thinners, cleaners or solvents.
Include gas oil used as petrochemical feedstocks.

By-product gas:
A mixture of hydrocarbons and hydrogen produced from chemical processes such as ethane cracking.

Flared gas:
Gas that is being burned as a means of disposal to the environment usually when it contains odorous or toxic components. Flared gas should be reported "as non-energy use".

Any energy commodity consumed not otherwise identified above. Specify in the space provided along with the unit of measure.

  • Electricity - self-generated or purchased
  • Natural gas
  • Propane
  • Diesel consumed on site
  • Light fuel oil
  • Kerosene and other middle distillates
  • Heavy fuel oil
  • Wood and wood waste
  • Spent pulping liquor
  • Steam - self-generated or purchased
  • Coal - Bituminous
  • Coal - Sub-bituminous
  • Coal - Anthracite
  • Coal - Lignite
  • Coal coke
  • Coal tar
  • Light coal oil
  • Coke oven gas
  • Petroleum coke
  • Refinery fuel gas
  • By-product gas
  • Coke on catalyst
  • Bitumen emulsion (orimulsion)
  • Ethane
  • Butane
  • Naphtha
  • Flared gas
  • Refuse - Specify the type of refuse consumed:
  • Other - Specify other energy consumed not listed:

Electricity consumed

4. What unit of measure will you use to report electricity?

Unit of Measure

  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilowatt-hour (kWh)
  • Megawatt-hour (MWh)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)

5. What was the quantity of self-generated and purchased electricity consumed as fuel?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

A form of energy generated by friction, induction or chemical change that is caused by the presence and motion of elementary-charged particles. The electricity that is consumed can either be received by the establishment (purchased) or produced by the establishment (self-generated).

Amount consumed as fuel:

The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the plant consumed self-generated electricity, please ensure you reported the total amount of electricity that was generated in question 1. If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

What was the quantity of self-generated and purchased electricity consumed as fuel?
  Quantity of self-generated electricity consumed Quantity of purchased electricity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.

Natural gas consumed

6. What unit of measure will you use to report natural gas?

Unit of Measure

  • 100 cubic feet (Ccf)
  • Cubic foot (ft3)
  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Litre (L)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

7. What was the quantity of natural gas consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Natural gas:
A mixture of hydrocarbons, comprised principally of methane (CH4), originating in the gaseous phase or in solution with crude oil in porous geologic formations beneath the earth's surface.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. Some examples of natural gas used for non-energy use are:

  • used as a reducing agent to produce direct reduced iron (DRI)
  • used as feed to produce hydrogen and ammonia.
What was the quantity of natural gas consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Propane consumed

8. What unit of measure will you use to report propane?

Unit of Measure

  • 33-Pound cylinder
  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Litre (L)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

9. What was the quantity of propane consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

A gaseous, straight-chained hydrocarbon. A colourless, paraffinic gas extracted from natural gas or refinery gas streams, consisting of molecules composed of three atoms of carbon and eight atoms of hydrogen (C3H8). Used primarily in residential and commercial heating and cooling, as transportation fuel and petrochemical feedstock.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam.

What was the quantity of propane consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Diesel consumed on-site

10. What unit of measure will you use to report diesel?

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Litre (L)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

11. What was the quantity of diesel consumed on-site for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

All grades of distillate fuel used for diesel engines, including those with low sulphur content (lower than 0.05%). Exclude diesel used for transportation off the plant site.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam.

What was the quantity of diesel consumed on-site for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Light fuel oil consumed

12. What unit of measure will you use to report light fuel oil?

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Litre (L)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

13. What was the quantity of light fuel oil consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Light fuel oil:
A light petroleum distillate used for power burners. Include fuel oil no. 2, fuel oil no. 3, furnace fuel oil, gas oils and light industrial fuel.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam.

What was the quantity of light fuel oil consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  

Kerosene and other distillates consumed

14. What unit of measure will you use to report kerosene and other middle distillates?

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Litre (L)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

15. What was the quantity of kerosene and other middle distillates consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Kerosene and other middle distillates:
Include kerosene (a light petroleum distillate that is used in space heaters, cook stoves and water heaters, and is suitable for use as a light source when burned in wick-fed lamps; also known as stove oil), fuel oil no. 1 and mineral lamp oil. Exclude gasoline.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam.

What was the quantity of kerosene and other middle distillates consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  

Heavy fuel oil consumed

16. What unit of measure will you use to report heavy fuel oil?

Unit of Measure

  • Barrel (Bbl)
  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Litre (L)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

17. What was the quantity of imported and Canadian heavy fuel oil consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Heavy fuel oil (Canadian/Foreign):
All grades of residual type fuels, including those with low sulphur content. Usually used for steam and electric power generation, and diesel motors.
Include heavy fuel oil nos. 4, 5, 6 and bunker C.

Amount consumed as fuel:

The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam.

What was the quantity of imported and Canadian heavy fuel oil consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity of imported heavy fuel oil consumed Quantity of Canadian heavy fuel oil consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business    
To produce electricity    
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Wood and wood waste consumed

18. What unit of measure will you use to report wood and wood waste?

Unit of Measure

  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)

19. What was the quantity of wood and wood waste consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Wood and wood waste:
Wood and wood energy used as fuel, including round wood (cord wood), lignin, wood scraps from furniture and window frame manufacturing, wood chips, bark, sawdust, shavings, lumber rejects, forest residues, charcoal and pulp waste from the operation of pulp mills, sawmills and plywood mills.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

What was the quantity of wood and wood waste consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  

Spent pulping liquor consumed

20. What unit of measure will you use to report spent pulping liquor?

Unit of Measure

  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)

21. What was the quantity of spent pulping liquor consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Spent pulping liquor (Black liquor):
A recycled by-product formed during the pulping of wood in the paper-making process. It is primarily made up of lignin and other wood constituents, and chemicals that are by-products of the manufacture of chemical pulp. It is burned as fuel or in a recovery boiler which produces steam which can be used to produce electricity.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

What was the quantity of spent pulping liquor consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  

Steam consumed

22. What unit of measure will you use to report steam?

Unit of Measure

  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)

23. What was the quantity of self-generated and purchased steam consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

A gas resulting from the vaporization of a liquid or the sublimation of a solid, generated by condensing or non condensing turbines. The steam that is consumed can either be produced by the establishment (self-generated) or received by the establishment (purchased). Report purchased or self-generated steam used as fuel for the production process, used to produce electricity and used for a non-energy use (such as atomization or as feed in process application). However, steam consumed as a motive force to move liquid and gas streams, or steam used to moisturize feed for another process should not be reported.

Special note:
The consumption of fuels used to generate steam for use within the establishment (self-generated steam) should be reported under "as fuel" for those fuels. For example, if 100 cubic metres of heavy fuel oil was used to produce self-generated steam, the consumption of 100 cubic metres should be included under "as fuel" for heavy fuel oil.

What was the quantity of self-generated and purchased steam consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity of self-generated
steam consumed
Quantity of purchased
steam consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating and on-site transportation.
To produce electricity    
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Bituminous coal consumed

24. What unit of measure will you use to report bituminous coal?

Unit of Measure

  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)

25. What was the quantity of imported and Canadian bituminous coal consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Bituminous coal (Canadian/Foreign):
A dense, black coal, often with well-defined bands of bright and dull material with a moisture content usually less than 20%. It has a higher heating value and higher volatile matter and ash content than sub-bituminous coal; the heating value of bituminous coal typically ranges from 23.3 to 30.2 terajoules per kilotonne. Used in making coke, in steam and electricity production, as well as in the production of steel. Metallurgical coal is typically bituminous coal.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of imported and Canadian bituminous coal consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity of imported
bituminous coal
Quantity of Canadian
bituminous coal
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business    
To produce electricity    
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Sub-bituminous coal consumed

26. What unit of measure will you use to report sub-bituminous coal?

Unit of Measure

  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)

27. What was the quantity of imported and Canadian sub-bituminous coal consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Sub-bituminous coal (Canadian/Foreign):
A black coal used primarily for thermal generation. It has a high moisture content, between 15% and 40% by weight. Its sulphur content is typically quite low; its ash content is also usually low, but volatile matter is usually high and can exceed 40% of the weight. Heating value varies from 16.3 terajoules per kilotonne to slightly over 20.9 terajoules per kilotonne.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of imported and Canadian sub-bituminous coal consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity of imported
sub-bituminous coal
Quantity of Canadian
sub-bituminous coal
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business    
To produce electricity    
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Imported anthracite coal consumed

28. What unit of measure will you use to report imported anthracite coal?

Unit of Measure

  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)

29. What was the quantity of imported anthracite coal consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

A hard, black, lustrous coal containing a high percentage of fixed carbon, a low percentage of volatile matter, little moisture content, low sulfur, low ash and a high heating value at or above 27.7 terajoules per kilotonne that burns with a nearly smokeless flame. Generally used in the production of steel.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of imported anthracite coal consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Canadian lignite coal consumed

30. What unit of measure will you use to report Canadian lignite coal?

Unit of Measure

  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)

31. What was the quantity of Canadian lignite coal consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Low-rank, brown coals which are distinctly brown and woody or claylike in appearance, and which contain relatively high moisture contents (between 30% and 70% of the fuel by weight). Used almost exclusively for electric power generation.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of Canadian lignite coal consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Coal coke consumed

32. What unit of measure will you use to report coal coke?

Unit of Measure

  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)

33. What was the quantity of imported and Canadian coal coke consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Coal coke (Canadian/Foreign):
A hard, porous product made from the carbonization (baking) of bituminous coal in ovens in substoichiometric atmosphere at high temperatures to the extent that the volatile matter of the coal is released and the coal passes through a "plastic stage" to become metallurgical coke. Often used as a fuel and a carbon input (reducing agent) in smelting iron ore in an integrated steel mill (blast furnace). Coke breeze and foundry coke are included in this category.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of imported and Canadian coal coke consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity of imported coal
coke consumed
Quantity of Canadian coal
coke consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business    
To produce electricity    
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Coal tar consumed

34. What unit of measure will you use to report coal tar?

Unit of Measure

  1. Barrel (Bbl)
  2. Cubic metre (m3)
  3. Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  4. U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  5. Gigajoule (GJ)
  6. Litre (L)
  7. Million Btu (MMBtu)
  8. Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

35. What was the quantity of coal tar consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Coal tar:
Organic material separated from coke oven gas evolved during coking operations (a black and viscous liquid). Include pyridine, tar acids, naphthalene, creosote oil and coal pitch.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of coal tar consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Light coal oil consumed

36. What unit of measure will you use to report light coal oil?

Unit of Measure

  • Barrel (Bbl)
  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Litre (L)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

37. What was the quantity of light coal oil consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Light coal oil:
Condensable products (primarily benzene, toluene, xylene and solvent naphtha) obtained during distillation of the coke oven gas, following removal of the coal tar.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of light coal oil consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Coke oven gas consumed

38. What unit of measure will you use to report coke oven gas?

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Litre (L)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

39. What was the quantity of coke oven gas consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Coke oven gas:
Obtained as a by-product of solid fuel carbonization and gasification operations carried out by coke producers and iron and steel plants.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of coke oven gas consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Petroleum coke consumed

40. What unit of measure will you use to report petroleum coke?

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Litre (L)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

41. What was the quantity of imported and Canadian petroleum coke consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Petroleum coke (Canadian/Foreign):
A final product, often called a "waste product", of the petroleum refining process, which is the output of the refinery after all of the distillates and oils have been distilled from crude oil, leaving a product that has the appearance of coal. There are various types, e.g., "sponge", "shot", and "fluid" coke, which are differentiated according to size. Petroleum coke is a residue high in carbon content and low in hydrogen that is the final product of thermal decomposition in the condensation process in cracking. It is typically high in sulfur, low in volatile matter, low in ash and low in moisture. It may be sold as is or further purified by calcining for specialty uses, including anode production. It may also be burned as fuel in various processes, ranging from power plants to cement kilns.
Heating value is typically around 40 terajoules per kilotonne.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of imported and Canadian petroleum coke consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity of imported
petroleum coke consumed
Quantity of Canadian
petroleum coke consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business    
To produce electricity    
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Refinery fuel gas consumed

42. What unit of measure will you use to report refinery fuel gas?

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Litre (L)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

43. What was the quantity of refinery fuel gas consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Refinery fuel gas:
Any un-separated mixture of gases produced in refineries by distillation, cracking, reforming and other processes. The principal constituents are methane, ethane, ethylene, normal butane, butylenes, propane, propylene, etc. (et cetera) Also known as still gas. Still gas is used as a refinery fuel and a petrochemical feedstock.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

What was the quantity of refinery fuel gas consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  

By-product gas consumed

44. What was the quantity of by-product gas consumed as fuel?

e.g., for the production process, heating, on-site transportation, to produce steam for own use

By-product gas:
A mixture of hydrocarbons and hydrogen produced from chemical processes such as ethane cracking.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

  • Quantity consumed

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

Coke on catalyst consumed

45. What unit of measure will you use to report coke on catalyst?

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Litre (L)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

46. What was the quantity of coke on catalyst consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Coke on catalyst (Catalyst coke):
In many catalytic operations (e.g., catalytic cracking), carbon is deposited on the catalyst, thus deactivating the catalyst. The catalyst is reactivated by burning off the carbon, which is used as a fuel in the refining process. This carbon or coke is not recoverable in a concentrated form.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of coke on catalyst consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Bitumen emulsion (orimulsion) consumed

47. What unit of measure will you use to report bitumen emulsion (orimulsion)?

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Litre (L)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

48. What was the quantity of bitumen emulsion (orimulsion) consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Bitumen emulsion (Orimulsion):
A thick oil and water emulsion. It is made by mixing bitumen with about 30% water and a small amount of surfactant. Behaves similarly to fuel oil and was developed for industrial use.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of bitumen emulsion (orimulsion) consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Ethane consumed

49. What unit of measure will you use to report ethane?

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Litre (L)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

50. What was the quantity of ethane consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

A normally gaseous, straight-chain hydrocarbon. A colourless, paraffinic gas extracted from natural gas or refinery gas streams, consisting of molecules composed of two atoms of carbon and six atoms of hydrogen (C2H6). Ethane is used as petrochemical feedstock in production of chemicals and plastics and as a solvent in enhanced oil recovery process.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of ethane consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Butane consumed

51. What unit of measure will you use to report butane?

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Litre (L)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

52. What was the quantity of butane consumed for each of the following purposes?

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

A normally gaseous hydrocarbon. A colourless, paraffinic gas extracted from natural gas or refinery gas streams, consisting of molecules composed of four atoms of carbon and ten atoms of hydrogen (C4H10). Butane is used primarily for blending in high-octane gasoline, for residential and commercial heating, and in the manufacture of chemicals and synthetic rubber.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of butane consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Naphtha consumed

53. What was the quantity of naphtha consumed for non-energy use?

e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

A feedstock destined primarily for the petrochemical industry (e.g., ethylene manufacture or aromatics production). Naphtha specialties comprise all finished products within the naphtha boiling range of 70°C to 200°C that are used as paint thinners, cleaners or solvents.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

  • Quantity consumed

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Litre (L)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

Flared gas consumed

54. What was the quantity of flared gas consumed for non-energy use?

e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Flared gas:
Gas that is being burned as a means of disposal to the environment usually when it contains odorous or toxic components. Flared gas should be reported "as non-energy use".

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

  • Quantity consumed

Unit of Measure

  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

Refuse consumed

55. What unit of measure will you use to report the type of refuse?

i.e., (In other words) the refuse you specified in Question 3

Unit of Measure

  • 100 cubic feet (Ccf)
  • Barrel (Bbl)
  • Cubic foot (ft3)
  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Litre (L)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

56. What was the quantity of the type of refuse consumed for each of the following purposes?

i.e., (In other words) the refuse you specified in Question 3.

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Solid or liquid waste materials used as a combustible energy source. Include the burning of wastepaper, packing materials, garbage and other industrial, agricultural and urban refuse. It is often used to generate electricity. Please specify type.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam.

What was the quantity of the type of refuse consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Other energy consumed

57. What unit of measure will you use to report the other energy?

i.e., (In other words) the other energy you specified in Question 3.

Unit of Measure

  • 100 cubic feet (Ccf)
  • 33-Pound cylinder
  • Barrel (Bbl)
  • Cubic foot (ft3)
  • Cubic metre (m3)
  • Imperial gallon (imp. gal.)
  • U.S. gallon (U.S. gal)
  • Gigajoule (GJ)
  • Kilogram (kg)
  • Litre (L)
  • Long ton (LT)
  • Metric tonne (MT)
  • Million Btu (MMBtu)
  • Pound (lb)
  • Short ton (ST)
  • Thousands of cubic metres (000m3)

58. What was the quantity of the other energy consumed for each of the following purposes?

i.e., (In other words) the other energy you specified Question 3.

Use the unit of measure you selected in the question above.

Any energy commodity consumed not otherwise identified on the questionnaire. Include gasoline used on site but exclude gasoline used for transportation off the plant site. Specify in the space provided along with the unit of measure.

Amount consumed as fuel:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to:

  • power production processes, heating, on-site transportation
  • produce steam for own use (e.g., steam which is then used to heat the plant, to generate electricity or for non-energy use).

Note: If the energy commodity was used to produce steam for own use, please also respond to the consumption of self-generated steam question.

Amount consumed to produce steam for sale:
The quantity of the energy commodity used in the production of steam that is delivered to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding. Energy used to produce steam which is used internally by your plant is reported consumed "as fuel".

Amount consumed to produce electricity:
The quantity of the energy commodity used to generate electricity either for the plant's own use or for delivery to another establishment, as per a sales contract or other understanding.

Amount consumed for non-energy use:
The quantity of the energy commodity used for other purposes than as fuel in the plant production process or to produce electricity or steam. For example, anthracite used for non-energy use are used as feed (as a reducing agent) to produce ferrosilicon, silicon metal, iron and steel.

What was the quantity of the other energy consumed for each of the following purposes?
  Quantity consumed
As fuel for the production process
Also include energy consumed for heating, on-site transportation and to produce steam for own use.
To produce steam for sale or transfer to another business  
To produce electricity  
For non-energy use
e.g., atomization, as feed to produce other products, as a reducing agent or used in gasoline blends

Steam sales

59. Did this business produce steam to sell or transfer to others?

  • Yes
  • No

60. What was the quantity of steam sold or transferred to other businesses in the industries below?

Report in gigajoules.

Steam sales: Please report the amount of steam sold or transferred to another plant in Gigajoules (GJ).

What was the quantity of steam sold or transferred to other businesses in the industries below?
  Quantity in gigajoules
Include apartment buildings.
Paper manufacturing  
Chemical manufacturing  
All other manufacturing  
Public administration  
Commercial and institutional  

Changes or events

61. Indicate any changes or events that affected the reported changes in your energy consumption for this business or organization, compared with the last reporting period.

Select all that apply.

Reasons for changes in energy consumption: This section aims to reduce the necessity for further inquiries. Statistics Canada compares responses to this questionnaire with those from previous years. Please indicate the reasons that best describe significant changes in your energy consumption from the previous year along with an explanation.

  • Fuel switch - Specify the fuel switch:
  • Fuel price changes - Specify the fuel price changes:
  • Technology changes - Specify the technology changes:
  • Process changes - Specify the process changes:
  • Awareness of energy efficiency - Specify the awareness of energy efficiency:
  • New contract or loss of contract - Specify the new contract or loss of contract:
  • Plant expansion or contraction - Specify the plant expansion or contraction:
  • Change in product line - Specify the change in product line:
  • Other - Specify the other changes or events:
  • No changes or events

Contact person

1. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information.

Is the Provided Given Name, Provided Family Name the best person to contact?

  • Yes
  • No

Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
  • The maximum number of characters is 5.
  • Fax number (including area code)


1. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.

  • Hours
  • Minutes

2. Do you have any comments about this questionnaire?

Enter your comments

CVs for operating revenue - Wholesale trade – 2021

CVs for operating revenue - Wholesale trade - 2021
Table summary
This table displays the results of CVs for operating revenue - Wholesale trade for 2020. The information is grouped by Geography (appearing as row headers), CVs for operating revenue, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Geography CVs for operating revenue
Canada 2.84
Newfoundland and Labrador 5.55
Prince Edward Island 0.54
Nova Scotia 2.43
New Brunswick 1.22
Quebec 2.73
Ontario 4.39
Manitoba 3.92
Saskatchewan 1.30
Alberta 1.54
British Columbia 2.43
Yukon 3.68
Northwest Territories 7.54
Nunavut 0.00