Retail Trade Survey (Monthly): CVs for total sales by geography - December 2021

CVs for Total sales by geography
This table displays the results of Retail Trade Survey (monthly): CVs for total sales by geography – December 2021. The information is grouped by Geography (appearing as row headers), Month and Percent (appearing as column headers)
Geography Month
Canada 0.6
Newfoundland and Labrador 1.4
Prince Edward Island 0.9
Nova Scotia 2.0
New Brunswick 1.7
Quebec 1.5
Ontario 1.1
Manitoba 1.6
Saskatchewan 2.9
Alberta 1.2
British Columbia 1.1
Yukon Territory 1.8
Northwest Territories 0.3
Nunavut 0.8

Explainable Machine Learning, Game Theory, and Shapley Values: A technical review

By: Soufiane Fadel, Statistics Canada

Machine learning models are often seen as an opaque black box. They take a collection of features to use as input and generate predictions. Following the training phase, a few common questions come up. How do different features influence prediction results? What are the most significant variables influencing prediction outcomes? Should I believe the findings, despite the fact that the model performance indicators seem to be excellent? As a result, model explainability is important in machine learning. The insights obtained from such interpretability methods are useful for debugging, guiding feature engineering, directing future data collection, informing human decision-making, and building trust.

To be more specific, let us distinguish between two critical ideas in machine learning – interpretability and explainability. Interpretability refers to the degree to which a machine learning model can accurately link a cause (input) with an outcome (output). On the other hand, explainability refers to the degree to which the internal workings of a machine or deep learning system can be articulated in human words. In other words, it's the ability to explain what's happening.

In this article, we'll also look at Shapley values, which are one of the most often-used model explanation methods. We'll provide a technical overview of the details underlying Shapley value analysis and outline the foundation of how Shapley values are computed by mathematically formalizing the concept and by also showing an example to illustrate the Shapley value's analysis within a machine learning problem.

What are Shapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) values?

If you search for 'SHAP analysis' you'll discover that the word originates from a 2017 article by Lundberg and Lee, titled "A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions", which introduces the idea of "Shapley Additive exPlanations" (also known as SHAP). When using SHAP, the aim is to provide an explanation for a machine learning model's prediction by computing the contribution of each feature to the prediction. The technical explanation for the concept of SHAP is the computation Shapley values from coalitional game theory. Shapley values were named in honour of Lloyd Shapley, who introduced the concept in 1951 and went on to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2012. Simply put, Shapley values are a method for showing the relative impact of each feature (or variable) we're measuring on the eventual output of the machine learning model by comparing the relative effect of the inputs against the average.

Game Theory and Cooperative Game Theory

First, let's explain game theory so we can understand how it's used to analyze machine learning models. Game theory is a theoretical framework for social interactions with competing actors. It's the study of optimum decision-making by independent and competing agents in a strategic context. A "game" is any scenario in which there are many decision makers, each of whom seeks to maximize their outcomes. The optimal choice will be influenced by the decisions of others. The game determines the participants' identities, preferences, and possible tactics, as well as how these strategies influence the result. In the same context, cooperative game theory (a branch of game theory) posits that coalitions of players are the main units of decision-making and may compel cooperative conduct. As a result, cooperative games may be seen as a competition between a coalition of players rather than between individual players. So the goal is to develop a "formula" for measuring each player's contribution to the game, this formula is the Shapley value.

Shapley Values: Intuition

The scenario is as follows: a coalition of players collaborates in order to achieve a specific total benefit as a result of their collaboration. Given that certain players may make more contributions to the coalition than others and that various players may have varying levels of leverage or efficiency, what ultimate distribution of profit among players should result in any given game? In other words, we want to know how essential each participant is to the total collaboration, and what kind of reward can he or she anticipate as a result? One potential solution to this issue is provided by the Shapley coefficient values. So within the machine learning context, the feature values of a data instance serve as coalition members. Shapley values will then tell us how to divide the "payout" among the features in a fair manner, which is the prediction. A player may be a single feature value, as in tabular data. A player may alternatively be defined as a set of feature values.

Shapley Values: Formalism

It's important to understand the mathematical basis and the properties that support the Shapley value framework. This will be discussed in more detail in this section.

Shapley value formula

The Shapley value is defined as the marginal contribution of variable value to prediction across all conceivable "coalitions" or subsets of features. In other words, it is one approach to redistribute the overall profits among the players, given that they all cooperate. The amount that each "player" (or feature) gets  after a game is defined as the following:

ϕix=SF{i} |S|!|F|-|S|-1!|F|!fS{i}xS{i}-fSxS


  • x: the observation input
  • ϕi(x): Shapley value for the feature i for the input x for the game/model f.
  • F: the set of all features
  • fS: the trained model on the subset of features S.
  • fSi: the trained model on the subset of features S and {i}.
  • xS: the restricted input of x given the subset of features S.
  • xSi: the restricted input of x given the subset of features S and {i}.

This could be reformulated and expressed as:

ϕix=1|F|SF{i}Averaging |F|-1|S|-1combinatorial  weightsfS{i}xS{i}-fSxSmarginal contribution

The concept of Shapley values may be split into three components: averaging, combinatorial weights, and marginal contribution. It's preferable to read from right to left while developing intuition.

  • The marginal contribution is how much the model changes when a new feature i is added. Given a set of features S, we denote fs as the model trained with features S present. fS{i} is the model trained with an extra feature I. When these two models make different predictions, the quantity between square bracket is exactly how much they differ from each other.
  • Combinatorial weight is the weight to give to each of the different subsets of features with size |S| (excluding the feature i).
  • And finally, averaging will determine the average of all marginal contributions from all conceivable subset sizes ranging from 0 to |F|-1 . We must omit the one feature for which we wish to evaluate the feature's importance.

Theoretical Properties

Shapley values have a number of desirable characteristics; such values satisfy the following four properties: Efficiency, Symmetry, Dummy, and Linearity. These aspects may be considered a definition of a fair weight when taken together.

Four properties of a Shapley value
  Definition Mathematical formalism
Efficiency The sum of the Shapley values of all features equals the value of the prediction trained with all the features, so that the total prediction is distributed among the features. iFϕix=fFx
Symmetry The contributions of two feature values should be the same if they contribute equally to all possible coalitions. [SF\{i,j}:fS{i}(xS{i})=fS{j}(xS{j})]ϕi(x)=ϕj(x)
Dummy A feature that does not change the predicted value regardless of which coalition of feature values it is added to should have a Shapley value of 0. SF:[fS{i}(xS{i})=fS(xS)ϕi(x)=0]
Linearity If two models described by the prediction functions f and g are combined, the distributed prediction should correspond to the contributions derived from f and the contributions derived from g. ϕif+gx=ϕifx+ϕigx

Consider the following scenario: You trained a random forest model, which implies the prediction is based on an average of several different decision trees. You may compute the Shapley value for each tree independently, average them, and use the resulting Shapley value to calculate the feature value in a random forest. This is guaranteed by the linearity property.

Machine Learning Application Example: Interpretability

The theoretical qualities of Shapley values are all interesting and desirable to have, but in practice we may not be able to determine the precise Shapley value because of practical constraints. Obtaining the precise Shapley value formulation takes a significant amount of processing time. When it comes to real-world situations, the approximate answer is often most practical because there are 2|F| potential coalitions of the feature values. Calculation of the exact Shapley value is computationally too costly. Fortunately, we can apply certain approximation approaches; the quality of these techniques affects how well the theoretical characteristics hold. Several research tests have been conducted to demonstrate the SHAP approximation results are more consistent when compared to the values produced by other commonly used algorithms.

The following figure will provide an example of how to examine the contributions of features to investigate the predictions of an "Xgboost" model that estimates the sale price for homes using 237 explanatory variables, describing nearly every aspect of residential homes in Ames, lowa. The dataset for this analysis is publicly accessible on: Kaggle - House Prices - Advanced Regression Techniques.

Figure 1

Figure 1 - example of how to examine the contributions of features to investigate the predictions of an Xgboost model that estimates the sale price for homes
Description - Figure 1

Expected value of a home changes based on features such as living area size, garage size, square footage, bathroom, etc. The model output for this prediction changes based on each feature to come up with an overall predicted value of the home. The y axis has a list of each feature name and its value. The x axis is the expected value of the model output, E[f(X) = 182711.595. The features, and their value, are listed with their positive or negative contribution as follows:
7 565 = GR Liv Area +18693.31
7 = OverallQual +13485.23
650 = GarageArea +10668.53
7050 = LotArea -7660.98
3 = ExterQual +6583.78
1057 = 1stFlrSF -6415.29
9 = AgeBuilt +6133.73
3 = GarageFinish +5648.2
1 = HalfBath +5301.53
228 Other features +7397.47

The bottom of this plot starts as the expected value of the model output (182K). Each row above it, shows how the positive (red) or negative (blue) contribution of each feature moves the value from the expected model output, to the model output for this prediction (242K). The gray text before the feature names shows the value of each feature for this sample. According to this graph, we can conclude that 228 other features add a total of $7,397.47 to the predetermined value. And that each numbered variable above impacts the value by over $5,000. The expected price of this particular home climbs to over $18,000 with a floor area of 7,500 square feet. The price is discounted by $7,660.98 due to the size of the lot being 7,050 square feet.


As discussed, Shapley values have mathematically satisfied theoretical properties as a solution to game theory problems. The framework provides contrastive explanations which means that instead of comparing a prediction to the average prediction of the full dataset, you may compare it to a subset or even a single data point. It explains a prediction as a game played by the feature values.

Furthermore, this methodology is one of the few explanation methods with a strong theory, since the mathematical axioms (efficiency, symmetry, dummy, additivity) provide a reasonable foundation for the explanation.

Finally, it's worth mentioning that this strategy is only one of many possible solutions. However, the Shapley value is often preferable since it is based on a solid theory, fairly divides the effects, and provides a complete explanation.


Bosa, K. (2021). Responsible use of machine learning at Statistics Canada.

Cock, D. D. (2011). Ames, Iowa: Alternative to the Boston Housing Data. Journal of Statistics Education.

Molnar, C. (2021). Interpretable Machine Learning: A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable.

Scott Lundberg, S.-I. L. (2017). A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions.

Yadvinder Bhuller, H. C., & O'Rourke, K. (n.d.). From Exploring to Building Accurate Interpretable Machine Learning Models for Decision-Making: Think Simple, not Complex.

All machine learning projects at Statistics Canada are developed under the agency's Framework for Responsible Machine Learning Processes that provides guidance and practical advice on how to responsibly develop automated processes.

Date modified:

Wholesale Trade Survey (monthly): CVs for total sales by geography - December 2021

Wholesale Trade Survey (monthly): CVs for Total sales by geography – November 2021
Geography Month
202012 202101 202102 202103 202104 202105 202106 202107 202108 202109 202110 202111 202112
Canada 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.9
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.2 1.2 2.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4
Prince Edward Island 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Nova Scotia 6.3 1.8 1.7 2.6 4.8 8.1 3.0 2.3 2.5 3.1 2.3 2.2 5.5
New Brunswick 3.5 3.4 2.6 1.1 1.1 1.9 3.4 2.1 1.9 2.4 2.1 4.0 1.6
Quebec 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.8 3.1 2.9 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8
Ontario 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.9 1.1 1.2 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.7
Manitoba 2.5 1.7 2.4 1.8 2.8 5.3 1.7 0.8 1.1 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.7
Saskatchewan 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.5 1.3 1.7 1.0 0.8 0.7
Alberta 1.7 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.1 1.0 1.4 2.1 1.0
British Columbia 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.2 1.7 1.2
Yukon Territory 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Northwest Territories 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Nunavut 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Real Estate Agents, Brokers, Appraisers and Other Real Estate Activities: CVs for operating revenue – 2020

Real Estate Agents, Brokers, Appraisers and Other Real Estate Activities: CVs for operating revenue – 2020
Geography CVs for operating revenue
Offices of real estate agents and brokers
Canada 0.78
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.61
Prince Edward Island 0.00
Nova Scotia 0.66
New Brunswick 0.58
Quebec 1.69
Ontario 1.31
Manitoba 0.81
Saskatchewan 1.34
Alberta 1.22
British Columbia 0.95
Yukon 0.00
Northwest Territories 0.00
Nunavut 0.00

Why are we conducting this survey?

This survey is conducted by Statistics Canada in order to collect the necessary information to support the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP). This program combines various survey and administrative data to develop comprehensive measures of the Canadian economy.

The statistical information from the IBSP serves many purposes, including:

  • calculating each province and territory's fair share of federal-provincial transfer payments for health, education and social programs
  • establishing government programs to assist businesses
  • assisting the business community in negotiating contracts and collective agreements
  • supporting the government in making informed decisions about fiscal, monetary and foreign exchange policies
  • indexing social benefit programs and determining tax brackets
  • enabling academics and economists to analyze the economic performance of Canadian industries and to better understand rapidly evolving business environments.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations.

Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Enterprise Statistics Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at or by fax at 613-951-6583.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

1. Verify or provide the business or organization's legal and operating name and correct where needed.

Note: Legal name modifications should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information.

Legal Name
The legal name is one recognized by law, thus it is the name liable for pursuit or for debts incurred by the business or organization. In the case of a corporation, it is the legal name as fixed by its charter or the statute by which the corporation was created.

Modifications to the legal name should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

To indicate a legal name of another legal entity you should instead indicate it in question 3 by selecting 'Not currently operational' and then choosing the applicable reason and providing the legal name of this other entity along with any other requested information.

Operating Name
The operating name is a name the business or organization is commonly known as if different from its legal name. The operating name is synonymous with trade name.

Legal name

Operating name (if applicable)

2. Verify or provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire and correct where needed.

Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.

First name

Last name


Preferred language of communication

  • English
  • French

Mailing address (number and street)


Province, territory or state

Postal code or ZIP code


  • Canada
  • United States

Email address

Telephone number (including area code)

Extension number (if applicable)
The maximum number of characters is 10.

Fax number (including area code)

3. Verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

  • Operational
  • Not currently operational

Why is this business or organization not currently operational?

  • Seasonal operations
    • When did this business or organization close for the season?
      • Date
    • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
      • Date
  • Ceased operations
    • When did this business or organization cease operations?
      • Date
    • Why did this business or organization cease operations?
      • Bankruptcy
      • Liquidation
      • Dissolution
      • Other - specify the other reasons for ceased operations
  • Sold operations
    • When was this business or organization sold?
      • Date
    • What is the legal name of the buyer?
  • Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations
    • When did this business or organization amalgamate?
      • Date
    • What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
    • What are the legal names of the other amalgamated businesses or organizations?
  • Temporarily inactive but will re-open
    • When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
      • Date
    • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
      • Date
    • Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive?
  • No longer operating due to other reasons
    • When did this business or organization cease operations?
      • Date
    • Why did this business or organization cease operations?

4. Verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

Note: The described activity was assigned using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information, including a detailed description of this activity complete with example activities and any applicable exclusions.

This question verifies the business or organization's current main activity as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS, are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

The target entity for which NAICS is designed are businesses and other organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. They include farms, incorporated and unincorporated businesses and government business enterprises. They also include government institutions and agencies engaged in the production of marketed and non-marketed services, as well as organizations such as professional associations and unions and charitable or non-profit organizations and the employees of households.

The associated NAICS should reflect those activities conducted by the business or organizational units targeted by this questionnaire only, as identified in the 'Answering this questionnaire' section and which can be identified by the specified legal and operating name. The main activity is the activity which most defines the targeted business or organization's main purpose or reason for existence. For a business or organization that is for-profit, it is normally the activity that generates the majority of the revenue for the entity.

The NAICS classification contains a limited number of activity classifications; the associated classification might be applicable for this business or organization even if it is not exactly how you would describe this business or organization's main activity.

Please note that any modifications to the main activity through your response to this question might not necessarily be reflected prior to the transmitting of subsequent questionnaires and as a result they may not contain this updated information.

The following is the detailed description including any applicable examples or exclusions for the classification currently associated with this business or organization.

Description and examples

  • This is the current main activity
  • This is not the current main activity

Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity

e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development

Main activity

5. You indicated that is not the current main activity.

Was this business or organization's main activity ever classified as: ?

  • Yes
    When did the main activity change?
  • No

6. Search and select the industry classification code that best corresponds to this business or organization's main activity.

How to search:

  • if desired, you can filter the search results by first selecting this business or organization's activity sector
  • enter keywords or a brief description that best describes this business or organization main activity
  • press the Search button to search the database for an activity that best matches the keywords or description you provided
  • then select an activity from the list.

Select this business or organization's activity sector (optional)

  • Farming or logging operation
  • Construction company or general contractor
  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer
  • Provider of passenger or freight transportation
  • Provider of investment, savings or insurance products
  • Real estate agency, real estate brokerage or leasing company
  • Provider of professional, scientific or technical services
  • Provider of health care or social services
  • Restaurant, bar, hotel, motel or other lodging establishment
  • Other sector

Enter keywords or a brief description, then press the Search button

7. You have indicated that the current main activity of this business or organization is:

Main activity

Are there any other activities that contribute significantly (at least 10%) to this business or organization's revenue?

  • Yes, there are other activities
  • No, that is the only significant activity

Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's secondary activity

e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development

8. Approximately what percentage of this business or organization's revenue is generated by each of the following activities?

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.

This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  Percentage of revenue
Main activity  
Secondary activity  
All other activities  
Total percentage  

Reporting period information

1. What are the start and end dates of this business's or organization's most recently completed fiscal year?

For this survey, the end date should fall between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022.

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information, including examples of reporting periods.

Here are twelve common fiscal periods that fall within the targeted dates:

  • May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021
  • June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021
  • July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
  • August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021
  • September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021
  • October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021
  • November 1, 2020 to October 31, 2021
  • December 1, 2020 to November 30, 2021
  • January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021
  • February 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022
  • March 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022
  • April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

Here are other examples of fiscal periods that fall within the required dates:

  • September 18, 2020 to September 15, 2021 (e.g., floating year-end)
  • June 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 (e.g., a newly opened business).

Fiscal year start date

Fiscal year-end date

2. What is the reason the reporting period does not cover a full year?

Select all that apply.

  • Seasonal operations
  • New business
  • Change of ownership
  • Temporarily inactive
  • Change of fiscal year
  • Ceased operations
  • Other - Specify reason the reporting period does not cover a full year

Additional reporting instructions

1. Throughout this questionnaire, please report financial information in thousands of Canadian dollars.

For example, an amount of $763,880.25 should be reported as:

CAN$ '000$: 764,000

I will report in the format above


1. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what was this business's revenue from each of the following sources?


  • a detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections
  • these questions are asked of many different industries. Some questions may not apply to this business

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.


a. Sales of goods and services (e.g., fees, commissions, services revenue)

Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business's ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales)
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

b. Rental and leasing

Include rental or leasing of apartments, commercial buildings, land, office space, residential housing, investments in co-tenancies and co-ownerships, hotel or motel rooms, long and short term vehicle leasing, machinery or equipment, storage lockers, etc.

c. Commissions

Include commissions earned on the sale of products or services by businesses such as advertising agencies, brokers, insurance agents, lottery ticket sales, sales representatives and travel agencies - compensation could also be reported under this item (for example, compensation for collecting sales tax).

d. Subsidies (including grants, donations, fundraising and sponsorships)


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

e. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted materials such as musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

f. Dividends


  • dividend income
  • dividends from Canadian sources
  • dividends from foreign sources
  • patronage dividends.

Exclude equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates.

g. Interest


  • investment revenue
  • interest from foreign sources
  • interest from Canadian bonds and debentures
  • interest from Canadian mortgage loans
  • interest from other Canadian sources.

Exclude equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates.

h. All other revenue (Include intracompany transfers)

Include amounts not included in questions a. to g.

Total revenue

The sum of sub-questions a. to h.

This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
a. Sales of goods and services  
b. Rental and leasing  
c. Commissions  
d. Subsidies  
e. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
f. Dividends  
g. Interest  
h. Other  
Total revenue  


The following questions are about e-commerce activities.

E-commerce revenue: Sales of goods and services conducted over the Internet with or without online payment.

Include all revenue for which an order is received and commitment to purchase is made via the Internet, although payment can be made by other means, such as orders made on web pages, an extranet, mobile devices or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Exclude orders made by telephone, facsimile or email.

Sales from automated kiosks located within the business's establishments are excluded from E-commerce sales.

1. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what was this business's total revenue?


  • sales of goods and services
  • rental, leasing and property management
  • commissions
  • subsidies, grants, donations, fundraising and sponsorships
  • royalties
  • rights
  • licensing and franchise fees
  • dividends, interest and other revenue.

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Total revenue in CAN$ '000

2. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business have any e-commerce revenue?

E-commerce revenue: Sales of goods and services conducted over the Internet with or without online payment.

Include all revenue for which an order is received and commitment to purchase is made via the Internet, although payment can be made by other means, such as orders made on web pages, an extranet, mobile devices or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Exclude orders made by telephone, facsimile or email.

  • Yes
  • No

3. Of the amount reported in total revenue, what was the total e-commerce revenue?

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Total e-commerce revenue in CAN$ '000

4. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business make sales over the Internet through any of the following methods?

Select all that apply.

  • Mobile app
    Include sales through any app, or application, that is downloaded and designed to run on a handheld device such as a smartphone or tablet (for example, places where a user may download these apps, including Apple's App Store, Google Play or Blackberry App World).
  • Company website
    Include sales through a browser-based website where your organization maintains control of the content.
  • Third-party website
    Include sales through a browser-based website where a third-party maintains the structure of the website and control of the look and feel while your company only provides the product to be sold (for example, Amazon, Expedia or Etsy).
  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
    A standard format for exchanging business data. EDI is based on the use of message standards, ensuring that all participants use a common language.
  • Via a mobile app
  • Via your company website
  • Via a third-party website
  • Via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • Other - Specify the other methods

5. Does this business have any full-time staff dedicated solely to activities related to e-commerce?

  • Yes
  • No

6. Why did this business not make sales over the Internet?

Select all that apply.

  • Goods and services do not lend themselves to online sales
  • Prefer to maintain current business model
  • Lack of skilled workers to implement and maintain e-commerce infrastructure
  • Cost of development is too high
  • Security concerns
  • Other -Specify the other reasons


1. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what were this business's expenses for the following items?


  • a detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections
  • these questions are asked of many different industries. Some questions may not apply to this business

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.


-a. Cost of goods sold

Many business units distinguish their costs of materials from their other business expenses (selling, general and administrative). This item is included to allow you to easily record your costs/expenses according to your normal accounting practices.


  • cost of raw materials and/or goods purchased for resale - net of discounts earned on purchases
  • freight in and duty.

Exclude all costs associated with salaries, wages, benefits, commissions and subcontracts (report at Employment costs and expenses, and Subcontracts).

-b. -Employment costs and expenses

-b1. Salaries, wages and commissions

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay
  • bonuses (including profit sharing)
  • employee commissions
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays)
  • severance pay.

Exclude all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers (report at Subcontracts).

-b2. Employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans
  • insurance plans
  • employment insurance
  • pension plans
  • workers' compensation
  • association dues
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

c. Subcontracts

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers
  • custom work and contract work
  • subcontract and outside labour
  • hired labour.

d. Research and development fees

Expenses from activities conducted with the intention of making a discovery that could either lead to the development of new products or procedures, or to the improvement of existing products or procedures.

e. Professional and business fees


  • legal services
  • accounting and auditing fees
  • consulting fees
  • education and training fees
  • appraisal fees
  • management and administration fees
  • property management fees
  • information technology (IT) consulting and service fees (purchased)
  • architectural fees
  • engineering fees
  • scientific and technical service fees
  • other consulting fees (management, technical and scientific)
  • veterinary fees
  • fees for human health services
  • payroll preparation fees
  • all other professional and business service fees.

Exclude service fees paid to Head Office (report at All other costs and expenses).

f. Utilities

Utility expenses related to operating your business unit such as water, electricity, gas and heating.


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications
  • vehicle fuel (report at All other costs and expenses).

g. Office and computer related expenses


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines
  • postage and courier (used in the day to day office business activity)
  • computer and peripherals upgrade expenses
  • data processing.

Exclude telephone, Internet and other telecommunication expenses (report at Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication).

h. Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication


  • internet
  • telephone and telecommunications
  • cellular telephone
  • fax machine
  • pager.

i. Business taxes, licenses and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes
  • vehicle license fees
  • beverage taxes and business taxes
  • trade license fees
  • membership fees and professional license fees
  • provincial capital tax.

j. Royalties, franchise fees and memberships


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses
  • franchise fees.

Exclude Crown royalties

k. Crown charges

Federal or Provincial royalty, tax, lease or rental payments made in relation to the acquisition, development or ownership of Canadian resource properties.


  • Crown royalties
  • Crown leases and rentals
  • oil sand leases
  • stumpage fees.

l. Rental and leasing


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses
  • studio lighting and scaffolding
  • machinery and equipment rental expenses
  • storage expenses
  • road and construction equipment rental
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

m. Repair and maintenance


  • buildings and structures
  • machinery and equipment
  • security equipment
  • vehicles
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses
  • janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

n. Amortization and depreciation


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, patents, franchises, copyrights, trademarks, deferred charges, organizational costs).

o. Insurance

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.


  • professional and other liability insurance
  • motor vehicle and property insurance
  • executive life insurance
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

p. Advertising, marketing, promotion, meals and entertainment


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses
  • catalogues, presentations and displays
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion
  • fundraising expenses
  • meals, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

q. Travel, meetings and conventions


  • travel expenses
  • meeting and convention expenses, seminars
  • passenger transportation (e.g., airfare, bus, train)
  • accommodations
  • travel allowance and meals while travelling
  • other travel expenses.

r. Financial services


  • explicit service charges for financial services
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges
  • collection expenses and transfer fees
  • registrar and transfer agent fees
  • security and exchange commission fees
  • other financial service fees.

Exclude interest expenses (report at Interest expense).

s. Interest expense

Report the cost of servicing your company's debt.


  • interest
  • bank charges
  • finance charges
  • interest payments on capital leases
  • amortization of bond discounts
  • interest on short-term and long-term debt, mortgages, bonds and debentures.

t. Other non-production-related costs and expenses


  • charitable donations and political contributions
  • bad debt expense
  • loan losses
  • provisions for loan losses (minus bad debt recoveries)
  • inventory adjustments.

u. All other costs and expenses (including intracompany expenses)


  • production costs
  • pipeline operations, drilling, site restoration
  • gross overriding royalty
  • other producing property rentals
  • well operating, fuel and equipment
  • other lease rentals
  • other direct costs
  • equipment hire and operation
  • log yard expense, forestry costs, logging road costs
  • freight in and duty
  • overhead expenses allocated to cost of sales
  • other expenses
  • cash over/short (negative expense)
  • reimbursement of parent company expense
  • warranty expense
  • recruiting expenses
  • general and administrative expenses
  • interdivisional expenses
  • interfund transfer (minus expense recoveries)
  • exploration and development (including prospect/geological, well abandonment and dry holes, exploration expenses, development expenses)
  • amounts not included in sub-questions a. to t. above.

Total expenses

The sum of sub-questions a. to u.

This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
a Cost of goods sold  
a1. Opening inventories  
a2. Purchases  
a3. Closing inventories  
a4. Cost of goods sold  
b. Employment costs and expenses  
b1. Salaries, wages and commissions  
b2. Employee benefits  
c. Subcontracts  
d. Research and development fees  
e. Professional and business fees  
f. Utilities  
g. Office and computer related expenses  
h. Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication  
i. Business taxes, licenses and permits  
j. Royalties, franchise fees and memberships  
k. Crown charges  
l. Rental and leasing  
m. Repair and maintenance  
n. Amortization and depreciation  
o. Insurance  
p. Advertising, marketing, promotion, meals and entertainment  
q. Travel, meetings and conventions  
r. Financial services  
s. Interest expense  
t. Other non-production-related costs and expenses  
u. All other costs and expenses  
Total expenses   

Industry characteristics

1. What were this business's sales for each of the following goods and services?

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

a. Information technology (IT) technical consulting services

The provision of advice or expert opinion on technical matters related to the use of information technology. Include advice on matters such as hardware and software requirements and procurement, systems integration and systems security. The provision of expert testimony on IT-related issues are also included here.

b. Custom software design and development services

b1. Website design and development services

This service consists of designing the structure and content of a web page and/or writing the computer code necessary to create and implement a web page.

b2. Database design and development services

This service consists of designing the structure and content of a database and/or of writing the computer code necessary to create and implement a database (data warehouse). Exclude contracts where the design and development of a database is bundled with the on-going management of the data holdings and are classified in the data management services sub category.

b3. Customization and integration of packaged software

This service consists of adapting (modifying, configuring, etc.) and installing an existing application so that it is functional within the clients' information system environment.

b4. Video game design and development services

b5. Other custom software development services

This service consists of adapting (modifying, configuring, etc.) and installing an existing application so that it is functional within the client's information system environment or creating software to meet the specific needs of the clients.

c. Computer systems and network design and development services

c1. Network design and development services (include network security design)

This service consists of designing, developing and implementing customer networks such as Intranets, Extranets and Virtual Private Networks.

c2. Computer systems design, development and integration services

This service consists of assessing an organization's computer requirements, advising on hardware and software acquisitions, developing system specifications and either putting the new system in place or providing the client with the necessary specifications to put the new system in place.

d. Hosting and information technology (IT) infrastructure provisioning services (e.g., Website hosting, application service provisioning, business process management services, collocation, data storage and management)

Website hosting services

The service of providing the infrastructure to host a customer's website and related files in a location that provides fast, reliable connection to the Internet.

Application service provisioning (ASP)

The provision of leased software applications from a centralized, hosted, and managed computing environment.

Business process management services

A bundled service package that combines information-technology-intensive services with labour (manual or professional depending on the solution), machinery and facilities to support, host and manage a business process for a client.


The provision of rack space within a secured facility for the placement of servers and enterprise platforms. The service includes the space for the client's hardware and software, connection to the Internet or other communication networks and routine monitoring of servers. Clients are responsible for the management of the operating system, hardware and software.

Data storage

The service of administering storage and back-up management of data such as remote back-up services, storage or hierarchical storage management (migration).

Data management

The ongoing management and administration of data as an organizational resource. Services may include performing data modelling, data mobilization, data mapping/rationalization, data mining and system architecture.

e. IT infrastructure and network management services

e1. Network management services

The service of managing and monitoring communication networks and connected hardware to diagnose networking problems and gather capacity and usage statistics for the administration and fine-tuning of network traffic. These services also remotely manage security systems or provide security-related services.

e2. Computer systems management services

Providing day-to-day management and operation of a client's computer system.

f. Information and document transformation services (e.g., imaging, data conversion and migration)

The service of converting paper documents into digital or other machine-readable formats. The service generally involves the following components: 1) document preparation; 2) scanning, optical character recognition and other data capture activities; 3) delivery or output of the information captured into a database or a physical medium.

g. IT technical support services (for hardware or software; include disaster recovery services)

The provision of technical expertise to solve problems for the client in using software, hardware or entire computer system.

The provision of customer support in using or troubleshooting software and include upgrade services and the provision of patches and updates.

The provision of customer support in using or troubleshooting the computer hardware and software. It includes testing and cleaning on a routine basis and repair of IT equipment. Includes technical assistance in moving a client's computer system to a new location.

The provision of technical expertise to solve specialized problems for the client using a computer system. These specialized services include computer auditing and assessment, data recovery and disaster recovery.

Services of auditing or assessing computer operations without providing advice or other follow-up action. Includes auditing, assessing and documenting a server, network or process for components, capabilities, performance or security.

Retrieving a client's data from a damaged or unstable hard drive or other storage medium.

Providing standby computer equipment and duplicate software in a separate location to enable a client to relocate regular staff to resume and maintain routine computerized operations in the event of a disaster such as a fire or flood.

h. Software publishing

h1. System software (include programming languages)

Publication of low-level software required to manage computer resources and support the production or execution of application programs but which is not specific to any particular application.

Operating system software

Software that controls a computer and its peripherals. Modern operating systems such as Linux, Macintosh OSX and Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 handle many of a computer's basic functions.

Network software

Software that monitors an active communications network in order to diagnose problems and gather statistics for administration and fine-tuning.

Database management software

A program that manages all facets of a database. Primary services of database management software include storage, modification and extraction of data. Database management software also regulates user access and protects data against damage.

Development tools and programming languages software

Software used to assist in the development and/or authoring of computer programs. Software products that support the professional developer in the design, development and implementation of a variety of software systems and solutions (includes all program development tools and programming languages software).

h2. Application software

Any self-contained program that performs a specific function directly for the end user.

General business productivity and home use applications

Software used for general business purposes to improve productivity, or in the home for entertainment, reference or educational purposes (include office suite applications such as word processors, spreadsheets, simple databases, graphics applications, project management software, computer-based training software, games, references, home education, etc.).

Cross-industry applications

Software that is designed to perform and/or manage a specific business function or process that is not unique to a particular industry (include professional accounting software, human resource management, customer relations management software, geographic information system software, web page/site design software, etc.).

Vertical market applications

Software that performs a wide range of business functions for a specific industry such as manufacturing, retail, healthcare, engineering, restaurants, etc.

Utilities software

A small computer program that performs a very specific task. Utilities differ from other software applications in terms of size, cost and complexity (examples Include: compression programs, anti-virus, search engines, font, file viewers and voice recognition software. Software that monitors an active communications network in order to diagnose problems and gather statistics for administration and fine-tuning).

This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
Information technology (IT) technical consulting services  
Custom software design and development services  
Website design and development services  
Database design and development services  
Customization and integration of packaged software  
Video game design and development services  
Other custom software development services  
Computer systems and network design and development services  
Network design and development services  
Computer systems design, development and integration services  
Hosting and IT infrastructure provisioning services  
IT infrastructure and network management services  
Network management services  
Computer systems management services  
Information and document transformation services  
IT technical support services for hardware or software  
Software publishing  
System software  
Application software  
Video gaming software  
Re-sale of computer hardware and software (retail and wholesale)  
Computer hardware  
IT related training services  
Total sales of goods and services  

2. Approximately what percentage (%) of this business's total revenue was generated by new or substantially improved products or services introduced by this business during the three-year period 2017-2020?


3. Approximately what percentage of this business's total expenses was related to product research and development?


4. Approximately what percentage of this business's total revenue was from developing or publishing gaming software products?


Sales by type of client

1. What was this business's breakdown of sales by the following types of client?

Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

a. to c. Clients in Canada

a. Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

b. Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.

Include sales to Crown corporations.

c. Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.

Include: sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

d. Clients outside Canada

Please report the percentage of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.

Include sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Clients in Canada — individuals and households  
Clients in Canada — businesses  
Clients in Canada — governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions  
Clients outside Canada  
Total percentage  

Sales by consumer location

1. What was the percentage breakdown of this business's sales by consumer location?

Consumer location is the location where the goods or services will ultimately be used.

If ultimate consumer location is not known, the following are acceptable substitutes:

  • shipping destination
  • client's billing address
  • location of this business's retail customers
  • location of this business's warehouse/distribution centres.
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Newfoundland and Labrador  
Prince Edward Island  
Nova Scotia  
New Brunswick  
British Columbia  
Northwest Territories  
United States  
All other countries  
Total percentage  

International transactions - revenue received from exports

1. During the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business receive revenue from clients outside Canada for the sale of products, services, royalties, rights, licensing or franchise fees?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

  • Yes
  • No

2. What was the revenue received from clients outside Canada?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

Revenue received (CAN$ '000)

3. What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
Total percentage  

4. What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by country?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by country?
a. United States  
b. Mexico  
c. Provide the percentage of revenue received from any other countries - top 4 clients only  
c1. Other country 1
Begin entering the name of the other country by typing the first few letters to narrow down
the choices or enter your own answer
Specify other country 1:
c2. Other country 2
Begin entering the name of the other country by typing the first few letters to narrow down
the choices or enter your own answer
Specify other country 2:
c3. Other country 3
Begin entering the name of the other country by typing the first few letters to narrow down
the choices or enter your own answer
Specify other country 3:
c4. Other country 4
Begin entering the name of the other country by typing the first few letters to narrow down
the choices or enter your own answer
Specify other country 4:
Total percentage  
List of countries
  • Aruba
  • Afghanistan
  • Angola
  • Anguilla
  • Åland Islands
  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Argentina
  • Armenia
  • American Samoa
  • Antarctica
  • French Southern Territories
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Burundi
  • Belgium
  • Benin
  • Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba
  • Burkina Faso
  • Bangladesh
  • Bulgaria
  • Bahrain
  • Bahamas
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Saint Barthélemy
  • Belarus
  • Belize
  • Bermuda
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Barbados
  • Brunei Darussalam
  • Bhutan
  • Bouvet Island
  • Botswana
  • Central African Republic
  • Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  • Switzerland
  • Chile
  • China
  • Côte d'Ivoire
  • Cameroon
  • Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
  • Congo, Republic of the
  • Cook Islands
  • Colombia
  • Comoros
  • Cape Verde
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Curaçao
  • Christmas Island
  • Cayman Islands
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Germany
  • Djibouti
  • Dominica
  • Denmark
  • Dominican Republic
  • Algeria
  • Ecuador
  • Egypt
  • Eritrea
  • Western Sahara
  • Spain
  • Estonia
  • Ethiopia
  • Finland
  • Fiji
  • Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
  • France
  • Faroe Islands
  • Micronesia, Federated States of
  • Gabon
  • United Kingdom
  • Georgia
  • Guernsey
  • Ghana
  • Gibraltar
  • Guinea
  • Guadeloupe
  • Gambia
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Greece
  • Grenada
  • Greenland
  • Guatemala
  • French Guiana
  • Guam
  • Guyana
  • Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
  • Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  • Honduras
  • Croatia
  • Haiti
  • Hungary
  • Indonesia
  • Isle of Man
  • India
  • British Indian Ocean Territory
  • Ireland, Republic of
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Iceland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Jamaica
  • Jersey
  • Jordan
  • Japan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kenya
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Cambodia
  • Kiribati
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Korea, South
  • Kuwait
  • Laos
  • Lebanon
  • Liberia
  • Libya
  • Saint Lucia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Sri Lanka
  • Lesotho
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Latvia
  • Macao Special Administrative Region
  • Saint Martin (French part)
  • Morocco
  • Monaco
  • Moldova
  • Madagascar
  • Maldives
  • Marshall Islands
  • Macedonia, Republic of
  • Mali
  • Malta
  • Burma (Myanmar)
  • Montenegro
  • Mongolia
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Mozambique
  • Mauritania
  • Montserrat
  • Martinique
  • Mauritius
  • Malawi
  • Malaysia
  • Mayotte
  • Namibia
  • New Caledonia
  • Niger
  • Norfolk Island
  • Nigeria
  • Nicaragua
  • Niue
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Nepal
  • Nauru
  • New Zealand
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Panama
  • Pitcairn
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Palau
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Poland
  • Puerto Rico
  • Korea, North
  • Portugal
  • Paraguay
  • West Bank and Gaza Strip (Palestine)
  • French Polynesia
  • Qatar
  • Réunion
  • Romania
  • Russian Federation
  • Rwanda
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sudan
  • Senegal
  • Singapore
  • South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • Saint Helena
  • Svalbard and Jan Mayen
  • Solomon Islands
  • Sierra Leone
  • El Salvador
  • San Marino
  • Somalia
  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • Serbia
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Suriname
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Sweden
  • Swaziland
  • Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
  • Seychelles
  • Syria
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • Chad
  • Togo
  • Thailand
  • Tajikistan
  • Tokelau
  • Turkmenistan
  • Timor-Leste
  • Tonga
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Tuvalu
  • Taiwan
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • United States Minor Outlying Islands
  • Uruguay
  • Uzbekistan
  • Holy See (Vatican City State)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Venezuela
  • Virgin Islands, British
  • Virgin Islands, United States
  • Viet Nam
  • Vanuatu
  • Wallis and Futuna
  • Samoa
  • Kosovo
  • Yemen
  • South Africa, Republic of
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe

International transactions - purchases from outside Canada (imports)

5. During the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business make payments to suppliers outside Canada for the purchase of products, services, royalties, rights, licensing or franchise fees?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

  • Yes
  • No

6. What were the payments made to suppliers outside Canada?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

Payments made (CAN$ '000)

7. What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
Total percentage  

8. What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by country?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by country?
a. United States  
b. Mexico  
c. Provide the percentage of revenue received from any other countries - top 4 clients only  
c1. Other country 1
Begin entering the name of the other country by typing the first few letters to narrow down
the choices or enter your own answer
Specify other country 1:
c2. Other country 2
Begin entering the name of the other country by typing the first few letters to narrow down
the choices or enter your own answer
Specify other country 2:
c3. Other country 3
Begin entering the name of the other country by typing the first few letters to narrow down
the choices or enter your own answer
Specify other country 3:
c4. Other country 4
Begin entering the name of the other country by typing the first few letters to narrow down
the choices or enter your own answer
Specify other country 4:
Total percentage  
List of countries
  • Aruba
  • Afghanistan
  • Angola
  • Anguilla
  • Åland Islands
  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Argentina
  • Armenia
  • American Samoa
  • Antarctica
  • French Southern Territories
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Burundi
  • Belgium
  • Benin
  • Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba
  • Burkina Faso
  • Bangladesh
  • Bulgaria
  • Bahrain
  • Bahamas
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Saint Barthélemy
  • Belarus
  • Belize
  • Bermuda
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Barbados
  • Brunei Darussalam
  • Bhutan
  • Bouvet Island
  • Botswana
  • Central African Republic
  • Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  • Switzerland
  • Chile
  • China
  • Côte d'Ivoire
  • Cameroon
  • Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
  • Congo, Republic of the
  • Cook Islands
  • Colombia
  • Comoros
  • Cape Verde
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Curaçao
  • Christmas Island
  • Cayman Islands
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Germany
  • Djibouti
  • Dominica
  • Denmark
  • Dominican Republic
  • Algeria
  • Ecuador
  • Egypt
  • Eritrea
  • Western Sahara
  • Spain
  • Estonia
  • Ethiopia
  • Finland
  • Fiji
  • Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
  • France
  • Faroe Islands
  • Micronesia, Federated States of
  • Gabon
  • United Kingdom
  • Georgia
  • Guernsey
  • Ghana
  • Gibraltar
  • Guinea
  • Guadeloupe
  • Gambia
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Greece
  • Grenada
  • Greenland
  • Guatemala
  • French Guiana
  • Guam
  • Guyana
  • Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
  • Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  • Honduras
  • Croatia
  • Haiti
  • Hungary
  • Indonesia
  • Isle of Man
  • India
  • British Indian Ocean Territory
  • Ireland, Republic of
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Iceland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Jamaica
  • Jersey
  • Jordan
  • Japan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kenya
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Cambodia
  • Kiribati
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Korea, South
  • Kuwait
  • Laos
  • Lebanon
  • Liberia
  • Libya
  • Saint Lucia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Sri Lanka
  • Lesotho
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Latvia
  • Macao Special Administrative Region
  • Saint Martin (French part)
  • Morocco
  • Monaco
  • Moldova
  • Madagascar
  • Maldives
  • Marshall Islands
  • Macedonia, Republic of
  • Mali
  • Malta
  • Burma (Myanmar)
  • Montenegro
  • Mongolia
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Mozambique
  • Mauritania
  • Montserrat
  • Martinique
  • Mauritius
  • Malawi
  • Malaysia
  • Mayotte
  • Namibia
  • New Caledonia
  • Niger
  • Norfolk Island
  • Nigeria
  • Nicaragua
  • Niue
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Nepal
  • Nauru
  • New Zealand
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Panama
  • Pitcairn
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Palau
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Poland
  • Puerto Rico
  • Korea, North
  • Portugal
  • Paraguay
  • West Bank and Gaza Strip (Palestine)
  • French Polynesia
  • Qatar
  • Réunion
  • Romania
  • Russian Federation
  • Rwanda
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sudan
  • Senegal
  • Singapore
  • South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • Saint Helena
  • Svalbard and Jan Mayen
  • Solomon Islands
  • Sierra Leone
  • El Salvador
  • San Marino
  • Somalia
  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • Serbia
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Suriname
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Sweden
  • Swaziland
  • Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
  • Seychelles
  • Syria
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • Chad
  • Togo
  • Thailand
  • Tajikistan
  • Tokelau
  • Turkmenistan
  • Timor-Leste
  • Tonga
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Tuvalu
  • Taiwan
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • United States Minor Outlying Islands
  • Uruguay
  • Uzbekistan
  • Holy See (Vatican City State)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Venezuela
  • Virgin Islands, British
  • Virgin Islands, United States
  • Viet Nam
  • Vanuatu
  • Wallis and Futuna
  • Samoa
  • Kosovo
  • Yemen
  • South Africa, Republic of
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe


1. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, did this business experience in 2021 additional expenses to comply with public health and safety guidelines or corporate guidelines to be allowed to operate?

Additional expenses could include: purchases of cleaning supplies, sanitation measures, protective equipment for employees or customers and costs to retrofit business operations (e.g., Plexiglass barriers, new equipment that facilitates physical distancing, additional labour costs).
Public health and safety guidelines refer to guidelines from a federal, provincial or municipal health agency.


What were the total additional expenses in fiscal year 2021?
Report in thousands of dollars. For expenses less than $500, enter "0".
When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Additional labour costs, if applicable (CAN$ '000)
$ ,000
Other additional expenses (CAN$ '000)
$ ,000

As a result of the additional expenses or business conditions, did this business delay plans to expand operating capacity or undertake investments?



2. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021 which of the following ways did this business change operating methods? 

Include both temporary and ongoing changes.

Select all that apply.

  • Adopt or expand upon a contact-less business model (e.g., e-commerce sales, drive-through, delivery, curbside pickup, offer virtual services )
  • Retrofit the workspace
  • Invest in e-commerce platforms
  • Use business intelligence technologies (e.g., cloud-based computing systems and big data analytic tools)
  • Develop new supply chains
  • Ask some or all employees to work from home
  • Introduce or accelerate the introduction of new goods and services
  • Increase prices charged to customers of certain goods and services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Decrease prices charged to customers of certain goods and services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Change marketing strategy (Include re-allocating marketing budget)
  • Increase marketing budget
  • Decrease marketing budget
  • Expand to new markets
  • Substitute capital for labour (e.g., automation, robots for use in producing goods and services)
  • Provided extra staff training (e.g., job specific training, managerial training, training in new technology, training in new business practices, digital skills training, data literacy skills, other training and development)
  • Downsize business activities (e.g., reduce goods and services offered)
  • Reduce labour costs (e.g., lay off employees, furlough employees, request employees take vacation, reduce hours of employees, offer early retirement package, outsource work)
  • Reduce costs other than labour costs
  • Take other actions
  • Specify the additional actions taken


  • No changes to operating methods in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

3. Due to COVID-19, did this business receive public financial relief to avoid layoffs through the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy or Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy programs?

How much did your business obtain through these means?
Financial relief received (CAN$ '000)
$ ,000


Notification of intent to web scrape

1. Does this business have a website?

Statistics Canada is piloting a web data extraction initiative, also known as web scraping, which uses software to search and compile publicly available data from business websites. As a result, we may visit the website for this business to search for, and compile, additional information. This initiative should allow us to reduce the reporting burden on businesses, as well as produce additional statistical indicators to ensure that our data remain accurate and relevant.

We will do our utmost to ensure the data are collected in a manner that will not affect the functionality of the website. Any data collected will be used by Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes only, in accordance with the agency's mandate.

Please visit Statistics Canada's web scraping initiative page for more information.

Please visit Statistics Canada's transparency and accountability page to learn more.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Statistics Canada Client Services, toll-free at 1-877-949-9492 (TTY: 1-800-363-7629) or by email at

Changes or events

5. Indicate any changes or events that affected the reported values for this business or organization, compared with the last reporting period.

Select all that apply.

  • Strike or lock-out
  • Exchange rate impact
  • Price changes in goods or services sold
  • Contracting out
  • Organizational change
  • Price changes in labour or raw materials
  • Natural disaster
  • Recession
  • Change in product line
  • Sold business or business units
  • Expansion
  • New or lost contract
  • Plant closures
  • Acquisition of business or business units
  • Other - Specify the other changes or events:
  • No changes or events

Contact person

6. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information.

Is the provided given names and the provided family name the best person to contact?

  • Yes
  • No

Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?

First name:

Last name:


Email address:

Telephone number (including area code):

Extension number (if applicable):
The maximum number of characters is 5.

Fax number (including area code):


7. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.



8. Do you have any comments about this questionnaire?

Why are we conducting this survey?

This survey is conducted by Statistics Canada in order to collect the necessary information to support the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP). This program combines various survey and administrative data to develop comprehensive measures of the Canadian economy.

The statistical information from the IBSP serves many purposes, including:

  • calculating each province and territory's fair share of federal-provincial transfer payments for health, education and social programs
  • establishing government programs to assist businesses
  • assisting the business community in negotiating contracts and collective agreements
  • supporting the government in making informed decisions about fiscal, monetary and foreign exchange policies
  • indexing social benefit programs and determining tax brackets
  • enabling academics and economists to analyze the economic performance of Canadian industries and to better understand rapidly evolving business environments.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations.
Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Enterprise Statistics Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at or by fax at 613-951-6583.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Business or organization and contact information

1. Verify or provide the business or organization's legal and operating name and correct where needed.

Note: Legal name modifications should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

Legal Name

The legal name is one recognized by law, thus it is the name liable for pursuit or for debts incurred by the business or organization. In the case of a corporation, it is the legal name as fixed by its charter or the statute by which the corporation was created.

Modifications to the legal name should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

To indicate a legal name of another legal entity you should instead indicate it in question 3 by selecting 'Not currently operational' and then choosing the applicable reason and providing the legal name of this other entity along with any other requested information.

Operating Name

The operating name is a name the business or organization is commonly known as if different from its legal name. The operating name is synonymous with trade name.

  • Legal name
  • Operating name (if applicable)

2. Verify or provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire and correct where needed.

Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Preferred language of communication
    • English
    • French
  • Mailing address (number and street)
  • City
  • Province, territory or state
  • Postal code or ZIP code
  • Country
    • Canada
    • United States
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
    The maximum number of characters is 10.
  • Fax number (including area code)

3. Verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

  • Operational
  • Not currently operational
    Why is this business or organization not currently operational?
    • Seasonal operations
      • When did this business or organization close for the season?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
    • Ceased operations
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Bankruptcy
        • Liquidation
        • Dissolution
        • Other - Specify the other reasons for ceased operations
    • Sold operations
      • When was this business or organization sold?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the buyer?
    • Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations
      • When did this business or organization amalgamate?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
      • What are the legal names of the other amalgamated businesses or organizations?
    • Temporarily inactive but will re-open
      • When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
      • Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive?
    • No longer operating due to other reasons
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?

4. Verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

Note: The described activity was assigned using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

This question verifies the business or organization's current main activity as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS, are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

The target entity for which NAICS is designed are businesses and other organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. They include farms, incorporated and unincorporated businesses and government business enterprises. They also include government institutions and agencies engaged in the production of marketed and non-marketed services, as well as organizations such as professional associations and unions and charitable or non-profit organizations and the employees of households.

The associated NAICS should reflect those activities conducted by the business or organizational units targeted by this questionnaire only, as identified in the 'Answering this questionnaire' section and which can be identified by the specified legal and operating name. The main activity is the activity which most defines the targeted business or organization's main purpose or reason for existence. For a business or organization that is for-profit, it is normally the activity that generates the majority of the revenue for the entity.

The NAICS classification contains a limited number of activity classifications; the associated classification might be applicable for this business or organization even if it is not exactly how you would describe this business or organization's main activity.

Please note that any modifications to the main activity through your response to this question might not necessarily be reflected prior to the transmitting of subsequent questionnaires and as a result they may not contain this updated information.

The following is the detailed description including any applicable examples or exclusions for the classification currently associated with this business or organization.

Description and examples

  • This is the current main activity
    • Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity
    • e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development
  • This is not the current main activity

Main activity

5. You indicated that is not the current main activity.

Was this business or organization's main activity ever classified as:?

  • Yes
    • When did the main activity change?
    • Date
  • No

6. Search and select the industry classification code that best corresponds to this business or organization's main activity.

Select this business or organization's activity sector (optional)

  • Farming or logging operation
  • Construction company or general contractor
  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer
  • Provider of passenger or freight transportation
  • Provider of investment, savings or insurance products
  • Real estate agency, real estate brokerage or leasing company
  • Provider of professional, scientific or technical services
  • Provider of health care or social services
  • Restaurant, bar, hotel, motel or other lodging establishment
  • Other sector

7. You have indicated that the current main activity of this business or organization is:

Main activity

Are there any other activities that contribute significantly (at least 10%) to this business or organization's revenue?

  • Yes, there are other activities
    • Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's secondary activity
    • e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development
  • No, that is the only significant activity

8. Approximately what percentage of this business or organization's revenue is generated by each of the following activities?

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.

Approximately what percentage of this business or organization's revenue is generated by each of the following activities?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  Percentage of revenue
Main activity  
Secondary activity  
All other activities  
Total percentage  

Reporting period information

1. What are the start and end dates of this business's or organization's most recently completed fiscal year?

For this survey, the end date should fall between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022.

Here are twelve common fiscal periods that fall within the targeted dates:

  • May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021
  • June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021
  • July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
  • August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021
  • September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021
  • October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021
  • November 1, 2020 to October 31, 2021
  • December 1, 2020 to November 30, 2021
  • January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021
  • February 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022
  • March 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022
  • April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

Here are other examples of fiscal periods that fall within the required dates:

  • September 18, 2020 to September 15, 2021 (e.g., floating year-end)
  • June 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 (e.g., a newly opened business).
  • Fiscal year start date
  • Fiscal year-end date

2. What is the reason the reporting period does not cover a full year?

Select all that apply.

  • Seasonal operations
  • New business
  • Change of ownership
  • Temporarily inactive
  • Change of fiscal year
  • Ceased operations
  • Other
    • Specify reason the reporting period does not cover a full year

Additional reporting instructions

1. Throughout this questionnaire, please report financial information in thousands of Canadian dollars.

For example, an amount of $763,880.25 should be reported as:
CAN$ ‘000


1. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what was this business's revenue from each of the following sources?


  • a detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections
  • these questions are asked of many different industries. Some questions may not apply to this business

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.


a. Sales of goods and services (e.g., fees, commissions, services revenue)

Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business's ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales)
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

b. Rental and leasing

Include: rental or leasing of apartments, commercial buildings, land, office space, residential housing, investments in co-tenancies and co-ownerships, hotel or motel rooms, long and short term vehicle leasing, machinery or equipment, storage lockers, etc.

c. Commissions

Include: commissions earned on the sale of products or services by businesses such as advertising agencies, brokers, insurance agents, lottery ticket sales, sales representatives and travel agencies - compensation could also be reported under this item (for example, compensation for collecting sales tax)

d. Subsidies (including grants, donations, fundraising and sponsorships)


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

e. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted materials such as musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

f. Dividends


  • dividend income
  • dividends from Canadian sources
  • dividends from foreign sources
  • patronage dividends.

Exclude equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates.

g. Interest


  • investment revenue
  • interest from foreign sources
  • interest from Canadian bonds and debentures
  • interest from Canadian mortgage loans
  • interest from other Canadian sources.

Exclude equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates.

h. Other revenue - please specify

Include amounts not included in questions a. to g.

Total revenue

The sum of sub-questions a. to h.

For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what was this business's revenue from each of the following sources?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
Sales of goods and services  
Rental and leasing  
Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
Total revenue  


1. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what were this business's expenses for the following items?


  • a detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections
  • these questions are asked of many different industries. Some questions may not apply to this business

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.


a. Cost of goods sold

Many business units distinguish their costs of materials from their other business expenses (selling, general and administrative). This item is included to allow you to easily record your costs/expenses according to your normal accounting practices.


  • cost of raw materials and/or goods purchased for resale - net of discounts earned on purchases
  • freight in and duty.

Exclude all costs associated with salaries, wages, benefits, commissions and subcontracts (report at Employment costs and expenses, and Subcontracts).

b. Employment costs and expenses

b1. Salaries, wages and commissions

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay
  • bonuses (including profit sharing)
  • employee commissions
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays)
  • severance pay.

Exclude all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers (report at Subcontracts).

b2. Employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans
  • insurance plans
  • employment insurance
  • pension plans
  • workers' compensation
  • association dues
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

c. Subcontracts

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers
  • custom work and contract work
  • subcontract and outside labour
  • hired labour.

d. Research and development fees

Expenses from activities conducted with the intention of making a discovery that could either lead to the development of new products or procedures, or to the improvement of existing products or procedures.

e. Professional and business fees


  • legal services
  • accounting and auditing fees
  • consulting fees
  • education and training fees
  • appraisal fees
  • management and administration fees
  • property management fees
  • information technology (IT) consulting and service fees (purchased)
  • architectural fees
  • engineering fees
  • scientific and technical service fees
  • other consulting fees (management, technical and scientific)
  • veterinary fees
  • fees for human health services
  • payroll preparation fees
  • all other professional and business service fees.

Exclude service fees paid to Head Office (report at All other costs and expenses).

f. Utilities

Utility expenses related to operating your business unit such as water, electricity, gas, heating and hydro.


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications
  • vehicle fuel (report at All other costs and expenses).

g. Office and computer related expenses


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines
  • postage and courier (used in the day to day office business activity)
  • computer and peripherals upgrade expenses
  • data processing.

Exclude telephone, Internet and other telecommunication expenses (report at Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication).

h. Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication


  • internet
  • telephone and telecommunications
  • cellular telephone
  • fax machine
  • pager.

i. Business taxes, licenses and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes
  • vehicle license fees
  • beverage taxes and business taxes
  • trade license fees
  • membership fees and professional license fees
  • provincial capital tax.

j. Royalties, franchise fees and memberships


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses
  • franchise fees.

Exclude Crown royalties

k. Crown charges

Federal or Provincial royalty, tax, lease or rental payments made in relation to the acquisition, development or ownership of Canadian resource properties.


  • Crown royalties
  • Crown leases and rentals
  • oil sand leases
  • stumpage fees.

l. Rental and leasing


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses
  • studio lighting and scaffolding
  • machinery and equipment rental expenses
  • storage expenses
  • road and construction equipment rental
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

m. Repair and maintenance


  • buildings and structures
  • machinery and equipment
  • security equipment
  • vehicles
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses
  • janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

n. Amortization and depreciation


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, patents, franchises, copyrights, trademarks, deferred charges, organizational costs).

o. Insurance

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.


  • professional and other liability insurance
  • motor vehicle and property insurance
  • executive life insurance
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

p. Advertising, marketing, promotion, meals and entertainment


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses
  • catalogues, presentations and displays
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion
  • fundraising expenses
  • meals, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

q. Travel, meetings and conventions


  • travel expenses
  • meeting and convention expenses, seminars
  • passenger transportation (e.g., airfare, bus, train)
  • accommodations
  • travel allowance and meals while travelling
  • other travel expenses.

r. Financial services


  • explicit service charges for financial services
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges
  • collection expenses and transfer fees
  • registrar and transfer agent fees
  • security and exchange commission fees
  • other financial service fees.

Exclude interest expenses (report at Interest expense).

s. Interest expense

Report the cost of servicing your company's debt.


  • interest
  • bank charges
  • finance charges
  • interest payments on capital leases
  • amortization of bond discounts
  • interest on short-term and long-term debt, mortgages, bonds and debentures.

t. Other non-production-related costs and expenses


  • charitable donations and political contributions
  • bad debt expense
  • loan losses
  • provisions for loan losses (minus bad debt recoveries)
  • inventory adjustments.

u. All other costs and expenses (including intracompany expenses)


  • production costs
  • pipeline operations, drilling, site restoration
  • gross overriding royalty
  • other producing property rentals
  • well operating, fuel and equipment
  • other lease rentals
  • other direct costs
  • equipment hire and operation
  • log yard expense, forestry costs, logging road costs
  • freight in and duty
  • overhead expenses allocated to cost of sales
  • other expenses
  • cash over/short (negative expense)
  • reimbursement of parent company expense
  • warranty expense
  • recruiting expenses
  • general and administrative expenses
  • interdivisional expenses
  • interfund transfer (minus expense recoveries)
  • exploration and development (including prospect/geological, well abandonment & dry holes, exploration expenses, development expenses)
  • amounts not included in sub-questions a. to t. above.

Total expenses

The sum of sub-questions a. to u.

For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what were this business's expenses for the following items?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
Cost of goods sold  
Opening inventories  
Closing inventories  
Cost of goods sold  
Employment costs and expenses  
Salaries, wages and commissions  
Employee benefits  
Research and development fees  
Professional and business fees  
Office and computer related expenses  
Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication  
Business taxes, licenses and permits  
Royalties, franchise fees and memberships  
Crown charges  
Rental and leasing  
Repair and maintenance  
Amortization and depreciation  
Advertising, marketing, promotion, meals and entertainment  
Travel, meetings and conventions  
Financial services  
Interest expense  
Other non-production-related costs and expenses  
Total expenses   

Industry characteristics

Please thoroughly read through question one and its sections prior to answering. Not all sections may apply to your company's line of business; only report the sales which pertain to your company's line of business.

1. What were this business's sales for each of the following goods and services?

Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

What were this business's sales for each of the following goods and services?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
Sound recording sales from masters owned or licensed  
Digital downloads - albums  
Digital downloads - singles  
Compact discs  
Other formats  
Total sound recordings sales from masters owned or licensed  
Streaming sales from masters owned or licensed  
Subscription supported streaming  
Advertising supported streaming  
Other streaming  
Total streaming sales from masters owned or licensed  
Studio and live recording services for clients  
Administration of copyrights for others  
Concert revenues  
Other sales  
Total sales of goods and services  

2. Of the $40,000 total sound recording sales and streaming sales reported in question 1 a. through g., what were the sales for Canadian artists?

Of the $40,000 total sound recording sales and streaming sales reported in question 1 a. through g., what were the sales for Canadian artists?

Sound recording and streaming sales for Canadian artists

3. Did this business earn any revenues from royalties or rights to use musical works or sound recordings?

  • Yes
  • No

Please thoroughly read through question four and its sections prior to answering. Not all sections may apply to your company's line of business; only report the sales which pertain to your company's line of business.

4. What were this business's revenues from royalties and rights?

Include royalties from foreign sources

Please report in thousands of Canadian dollars.

What were this business's revenues from royalties and rights?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
Licensing rights and royalty revenues to use musical works  
Performing rights  
Public Performance  
Online music services  
Audiovisual (broadcast and online video)  
Total performing rights  
Reproduction rights  
Synchronization rights  
Online music services  
Physical sales  
Digital download sales  
Total reproduction rights  
Print licensing rights  
Total print licensing rights  
Total licensing rights and royalty revenues to use musical works  

Please thoroughly read through question five and its sections prior to answering. Not all sections may apply to your company's line of business; only report the sales which pertain to your company's line of business.

5. What were this business's revenues from royalties and rights?

Include royalties from foreign sources.

Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

What were this business's revenues from royalties and rights?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
Licensing rights and royalty revenues to use sound recordings  
Performing rights  
Public performance  
Online music services  
Total performing rights  
Reproduction and making available rights  
Synchronization rights  
Online music services  
Physical sales  
Digital download sales  
Total reproduction and making available rights  
Total licensing rights and royalty revenues to use sound recording  

6. Of the total royalties and rights, what was the percentage of the following?

  • Percentage from domestic market
  • Percentage from foreign market

7. How many recordings have you commercially released by language of recording in 2021?

Please place albums with multiple languages in the language of the majority of tracks. Singles are sound recordings that have not been released on an album.

Exclude all music videos, recordings distributed for another organization, and finished products purchased for resale.

Note: Please report the number of recordings released in 2019 only, regardless of support.

How many recordings have you commercially released by language of recording in 2019?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  Singles - number Album - number
Canadian artists ─ number of recordings released in 2019    
Other languages or instrumentals ─ no lyrics    
Total number of recordings released in 2019 by Canadian artists    
Other artists ─ number of recordings released in 2019    
Other languages or instrumentals ─ no lyrics    
Total number of recordings released in 2019 by other artists    

Sales by type of client

1. What was this business's breakdown of sales by the following types of client?

Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

a. to c. Clients in Canada

a. Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

b. Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.

Include sales to Crown corporations.

c. Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.

Include: sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

d. Clients outside Canada

Please report the percentage of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.

Include sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

What was this business's breakdown of sales by the following types of client?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Clients in Canada — individuals and households  
Clients in Canada — businesses  
Clients in Canada — governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions  
Clients outside of Canada  
Total percentage  

Sales by consumer location

1. What was the percentage breakdown of this business's sales by consumer location?

Consumer location is the location where the goods or services will ultimately be used.

If ultimate consumer location is not known, the following are acceptable substitutes:

  • shipping destination
  • client's billing address
  • location of this business's retail customers
  • location of this business's warehouses/distribution centres.
What was the percentage breakdown of this business's sales by consumer location?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Newfoundland and Labrador  
Prince Edward Island  
Nova Scotia  
New Brunswick  
British Columbia  
Northwest Territories  
United States  
All other countries  
Total percentage  

International transactions - Revenue received from exports

1. During the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business receive revenue from clients outside Canada for the sale of products, services, royalties, rights, licensing or franchise fees?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licenses fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

  • Yes
  • No

2. What was the revenue received from clients outside Canada?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licenses fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

Revenue received ( CAN$ '000 )

3. What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licenses fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
Total percentage  

4. What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by country?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licenses fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by country?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
United States  
Provide the percentage of revenue received from any other countries - top 4 clients only  
Total percentage  

International transactions - Purchases from outside Canada (Imports)

5. During the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business make payments to suppliers outside Canada for the purchase of products, services, royalties, rights, licensing or franchise fees?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licenses fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

  • Yes
  • No

6.  What were the payments made to suppliers outside Canada?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licenses fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

Payments made ( CAN$ '000 )

7. What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licenses fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
Total percentage  

8. What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by country?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licenses fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by country?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
United States  
Provide the percentage of payments made to any other countries - top 4 clients only  
Total percentage  


1. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, did this business experience additional expenses in 2021 to comply with public health and safety guidelines or corporate guidelines to be allowed to operate?

Additional expenses could include: purchases of cleaning supplies, sanitation measures, protective equipment for employees or customers and costs to retrofit business operations (e.g., Plexiglass barriers, new equipment that facilitates physical distancing, additional labour costs).

Public health and safety guidelines refer to guidelines from a federal, provincial or municipal health agency.


What were the total additional expenses in fiscal year 2021?

Report in thousands of dollars. For expenses less than $500, enter "0".

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Additional labour costs, if applicable (CAN$ '000)

$ ,000

Other additional expenses (CAN$ '000)

$ ,000

As a result of the additional expenses or business conditions, did this business delay plans to expand operating capacity or undertake investments?




2. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021 which of the following ways did this business change operating methods?

Include both temporary and ongoing changes.

Select all that apply.

Adopt or expand upon a contact-less business model

e.g., e-commerce sales, drive-through, delivery, curbside pickup, offer virtual services

Retrofit the workspace

Invest in e-commerce platforms

Use business intelligence technologies

e.g., cloud-based computing systems and big data analytic tools

Develop new supply chains

Ask some or all employees to work from home

Introduce or accelerate the introduction of new goods and services

Increase prices charged to customers of certain goods and services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

Decrease prices charged to customers of certain goods and services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

Change marketing strategy

Include re-allocating marketing budget.

Increase marketing budget

Decrease marketing budget

Expand to new markets

Substitute capital for labour

e.g., automation, robots for use in producing goods and services

Provided extra staff training

e.g., job specific training, managerial training, training in new technology, training in new business practices, digital skills training, data literacy skills, other training and development

Downsize business activities

e.g., reduce goods and services offered

Reduce labour costs

e.g., lay off employees, furlough employees, request employees take vacation, reduce hours of employees, offer early retirement package, outsource work

Reduce costs other than labour costs

Take other actions

Specify the additional actions taken


No changes to operating methods in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

3. Due to COVID-19, did this business receive public financial relief to avoid layoffs through the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy or Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy programs?


How much did your business obtain through these means?

Financial relief received (CAN$ '000)

$ ,000


Notification of intent to web scrape

1. Does this business have a website?

Changes or events

7. Indicate any changes or events that affected the reported values for this business or organization, compared with the last reporting period.

Select all that apply.

  • Strike or lock-out
  • Exchange rate impact
  • Price changes in goods or services sold
  • Contracting out
  • Organizational change
  • Price changes in labour or raw materials
  • Natural disaster
  • Recession
  • Change in product line
  • Sold business or business units
  • Expansion
  • New or lost contract
  • Plant closures
  • Acquisition of business or business units
  • Other
    Specify the other changes or events:
  • No changes or events

Contact person

8. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information.

Is the provided given names and the provided family name the best person to contact?

  • Yes
  • No

Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?

  • First name:
  • Last name:
  • Title:
  • Email address:
  • Telephone number (including area code):
  • Extension number (if applicable):
    The maximum number of characters is 5.
  • Fax number (including area code):


9. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.

  • Hours:
  • Minutes:

10. Do you have any comments about this questionnaire?

Why are we conducting this survey?

This survey is conducted by Statistics Canada in order to collect the necessary information to support the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP). This program combines various survey and administrative data to develop comprehensive measures of the Canadian economy.

The statistical information from the IBSP serves many purposes, including:

  • calculating each province and territory's fair share of federal-provincial transfer payments for health, education and social programs
  • establishing government programs to assist businesses
  • assisting the business community in negotiating contracts and collective agreements
  • supporting the government in making informed decisions about fiscal, monetary and foreign exchange policies
  • indexing social benefit programs and determining tax brackets
  • enabling academics and economists to analyze the economic performance of Canadian industries and to better understand rapidly evolving business environments.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations.

Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Enterprise Statistics Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at or by fax at 613-951-6583.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Business or organization and contact information

1. Verify or provide the business or organization's legal and operating name and correct where needed.

Note: Legal name modifications should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

Legal Name

The legal name is one recognized by law, thus it is the name liable for pursuit or for debts incurred by the business or organization. In the case of a corporation, it is the legal name as fixed by its charter or the statute by which the corporation was created.

Modifications to the legal name should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

To indicate a legal name of another legal entity you should instead indicate it in question 3 by selecting 'Not currently operational' and then choosing the applicable reason and providing the legal name of this other entity along with any other requested information.

Operating Name

The operating name is a name the business or organization is commonly known as if different from its legal name. The operating name is synonymous with trade name.

  • Legal name
  • Operating name (if applicable)

2. Verify or provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire and correct where needed.

Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Preferred language of communication
    • English
    • French
  • Mailing address (number and street)
  • City
  • Province, territory or state
  • Postal code or ZIP code
  • Country
    • Canada
    • United States
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
    The maximum number of characters is 10.
  • Fax number (including area code)

3. Verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

  • Operational
  • Not currently operational
    Why is this business or organization not currently operational?
    • Seasonal operations
      • When did this business or organization close for the season?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
    • Ceased operations
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Bankruptcy
        • Liquidation
        • Dissolution
        • Other - Specify the other reasons for ceased operations
    • Sold operations
      • When was this business or organization sold?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the buyer?
    • Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations
      • When did this business or organization amalgamate?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
      • What are the legal names of the other amalgamated businesses or organizations?
    • Temporarily inactive but will re-open
      • When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
      • Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive?
    • No longer operating due to other reasons
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?

4. Verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

Note: The described activity was assigned using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

This question verifies the business or organization's current main activity as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS, are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

The target entity for which NAICS is designed are businesses and other organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. They include farms, incorporated and unincorporated businesses and government business enterprises. They also include government institutions and agencies engaged in the production of marketed and non-marketed services, as well as organizations such as professional associations and unions and charitable or non-profit organizations and the employees of households.

The associated NAICS should reflect those activities conducted by the business or organizational units targeted by this questionnaire only, as identified in the 'Answering this questionnaire' section and which can be identified by the specified legal and operating name. The main activity is the activity which most defines the targeted business or organization's main purpose or reason for existence. For a business or organization that is for-profit, it is normally the activity that generates the majority of the revenue for the entity.

The NAICS classification contains a limited number of activity classifications; the associated classification might be applicable for this business or organization even if it is not exactly how you would describe this business or organization's main activity.

Please note that any modifications to the main activity through your response to this question might not necessarily be reflected prior to the transmitting of subsequent questionnaires and as a result they may not contain this updated information.

The following is the detailed description including any applicable examples or exclusions for the classification currently associated with this business or organization.

Description and examples

  • This is the current main activity
    • Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity
    • e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development
  • This is not the current main activity

Main activity

5. You indicated that is not the current main activity.

Was this business or organization's main activity ever classified as: ?

  • Yes
    • When did the main activity change?
    • Date
  • No

6. Search and select the industry classification code that best corresponds to this business or organization's main activity.

Select this business or organization's activity sector (optional)

  • Farming or logging operation
  • Construction company or general contractor
  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer
  • Provider of passenger or freight transportation
  • Provider of investment, savings or insurance products
  • Real estate agency, real estate brokerage or leasing company
  • Provider of professional, scientific or technical services
  • Provider of health care or social services
  • Restaurant, bar, hotel, motel or other lodging establishment
  • Other sector

7. You have indicated that the current main activity of this business or organization is:

Main activity

Are there any other activities that contribute significantly (at least 10%) to this business or organization's revenue?

  • Yes, there are other activities
    • Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's secondary activity
    • e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development
  • No, that is the only significant activity

8. Approximately what percentage of this business or organization's revenue is generated by each of the following activities?

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.

Approximately what percentage of this business or organization's revenue is generated by each of the following activities?
  Percentage of revenue
Main activity  
Secondary activity  
All other activities  
Total percentage  

Reporting period information

1. What are the start and end dates of this business's or organization's most recently completed fiscal year?

For this survey, the end date should fall between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022.

Here are twelve common fiscal periods that fall within the targeted dates:

  • May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021
  • June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021
  • July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
  • August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021
  • September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021
  • October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021
  • November 1, 2020 to October 31, 2021
  • December 1, 2020 to November 30, 2021
  • January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021
  • February 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022
  • March 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022
  • April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

Here are other examples of fiscal periods that fall within the required dates:

  • September 18, 2020 to September 15, 2021 (e.g., floating year-end)
  • June 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 (e.g., a newly opened business).
  • Fiscal year start date
  • Fiscal year-end date

2. What is the reason the reporting period does not cover a full year?

Select all that apply.

  • Seasonal operations
  • New business
  • Change of ownership
  • Temporarily inactive
  • Change of fiscal year
  • Ceased operations
  • Other
    • Specify reason the reporting period does not cover a full year

Additional reporting instructions

1. Throughout this questionnaire, please report financial information in thousands of Canadian dollars.

For example, an amount of $763,880.25 should be reported as:

CAN$ '000

I will report in the format above


1. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what was this business's revenue from each of the following sources?


  • a detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections
  • these questions are asked of many different industries. Some questions may not apply to this business
    • Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

a. Sales of goods and services (e.g., fees, commissions, services revenue)

Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business's ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales)
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

b. Rental and leasing

Include rental or leasing of apartments, commercial buildings, land, office space, residential housing, investments in co-tenancies and co-ownerships, hotel or motel rooms, long and short term vehicle leasing, machinery or equipment, storage lockers, etc.

c. Commissions

Include commissions earned on the sale of products or services by businesses such as advertising agencies, brokers, insurance agents, lottery ticket sales, sales representatives and travel agencies - compensation could also be reported under this item (for example, compensation for collecting sales tax).

d. Subsidies (including grants, donations, fundraising and sponsorships)


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

e. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted materials such as musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

f. Dividends


  • dividend income
  • dividends from Canadian sources
  • dividends from foreign sources
  • patronage dividends.

Exclude equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates.

g. Interest


  • investment revenue
  • interest from foreign sources
  • interest from Canadian bonds and debentures
  • interest from Canadian mortgage loans
  • interest from other Canadian sources.

Exclude equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates.

h. All other revenue (Include intracompany transfers)

Include amounts not included in questions a. to g.

Total revenue

The sum of sub-questions a. to h.

For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what was this business's revenue from each of the following sources?
  CAN$ '000
a. Sales of goods and services  
b. Rental and leasing  
c. Commissions  
d. Subsidies  
e. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
f. Dividends  
g. Interest  
h. Other  
Total revenue  


The following questions are about e-commerce activities.

E-commerce revenue: Sales of goods and services conducted over the Internet with or without online payment.

Include all revenue for which an order is received and commitment to purchase is made via the Internet, although payment can be made by other means, such as orders made on web pages, an extranet, mobile devices or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Exclude orders made by telephone, facsimile or email.

Sales from automated kiosks located within the business's establishments are excluded from E-commerce sales.

1. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what was this business's total revenue?


  • sales of goods and services
  • rental, leasing and property management
  • commissions
  • subsidies, grants, donations, fundraising and sponsorships
  • royalties
  • rights
  • licensing and franchise fees
  • dividends, interest and other revenue.

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Total revenue in CAN$ '000

2. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business have any e-commerce revenue?

E-commerce revenue: Sales of goods and services conducted over the Internet with or without online payment.

Include all revenue for which an order is received and commitment to purchase is made via the Internet, although payment can be made by other means, such as orders made on web pages, an extranet, mobile devices or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Exclude orders made by telephone, facsimile or email.

  • Yes
  • No

3. Of the $ [amount] reported in total revenue, what was the total e-commerce revenue?

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Total e-commerce revenue in CAN$ '000

4. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business make sales over the Internet through any of the following methods?

Select all that apply.

Mobile app

Include sales through any app, or application, that is downloaded and designed to run on a handheld device such as a smartphone or tablet (for example, places where a user may download these apps, including Apple's App Store, Google Play or Blackberry App World).

Company website Include sales through a browser-based website where your organization maintains control of the content.

Third-party website Include sales through a browser-based website where a third-party maintains the structure of the website and control of the look and feel while your company only provides the product to be sold (for example, Amazon, Expedia or Etsy).

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

A standard format for exchanging business data. EDI is based on the use of message standards, ensuring that all participants use a common language.

  • Via a mobile app
  • Via your company website
  • Via a third-party website
  • Via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • Other
    • Specify the other methods

5. Does this business have any full-time staff dedicated solely to activities related to e-commerce?

  • Yes
  • No

6. Why did this business not make sales over the Internet?

Select all that apply.

  • Goods and services do not lend themselves to online sales
  • Prefer to maintain current business model
  • Lack of skilled workers to implement and maintain e-commerce infrastructure
  • Cost of development is too high
  • Security concerns
  • Other
    • Specify the other reasons


1. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what were this business's expenses for the following items?


  • a detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections
  • these questions are asked of many different industries. Some questions may not apply to this business
    • Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.


a. Cost of goods sold

Many business units distinguish their costs of materials from their other business expenses (selling, general and administrative). This item is included to allow you to easily record your costs/expenses according to your normal accounting practices.


  • cost of raw materials and/or goods purchased for resale - net of discounts earned on purchases
  • freight in and duty.

Exclude all costs associated with salaries, wages, benefits, commissions and subcontracts (report at Employment costs and expenses, and Subcontracts).

b. Employment costs and expenses

b1. Salaries, wages and commissions

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay
  • bonuses (including profit sharing)
  • employee commissions
  • taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays)
  • severance pay.

Exclude all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers (report at Subcontracts).

b2. Employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans
  • insurance plans
  • employment insurance
  • pension plans
  • workers' compensation
  • association dues
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

c. Subcontracts

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers
  • custom work and contract work
  • subcontract and outside labour
  • hired labour.

d. Research and development fees

Expenses from activities conducted with the intention of making a discovery that could either lead to the development of new products or procedures, or to the improvement of existing products or procedures.

e. Professional and business fees


  • legal services
  • accounting and auditing fees
  • consulting fees
  • education and training fees
  • appraisal fees
  • management and administration fees
  • property management fees
  • information technology (IT) consulting and service fees (purchased)
  • architectural fees
  • engineering fees
  • scientific and technical service fees
  • other consulting fees (management, technical and scientific)
  • veterinary fees
  • fees for human health services
  • payroll preparation fees
  • all other professional and business service fees.

Exclude service fees paid to Head Office (report at All other costs and expenses).

f. Utilities

Utility expenses related to operating your business unit such as water, electricity, gas and heating.


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications
  • vehicle fuel (report at All other costs and expenses).

g. Office and computer related expenses


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines
  • postage and courier (used in the day to day office business activity)
  • computer and peripherals upgrade expenses
  • data processing.

Exclude telephone, Internet and other telecommunication expenses (report at Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication).

h. Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication


  • internet
  • telephone and telecommunications
  • cellular telephone
  • fax machine
  • pager.

i. Business taxes, licenses and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes
  • vehicle license fees
  • beverage taxes and business taxes
  • trade license fees
  • membership fees and professional license fees
  • provincial capital tax.

j. Royalties, franchise fees and memberships


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses
  • franchise fees.

Exclude Crown royalties

k. Crown charges

Federal or Provincial royalty, tax, lease or rental payments made in relation to the acquisition, development or ownership of Canadian resource properties.


  • Crown royalties
  • Crown leases and rentals
  • oil sand leases
  • stumpage fees.

l. Rental and leasing


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses
  • studio lighting and scaffolding
  • machinery and equipment rental expenses
  • storage expenses
  • road and construction equipment rental
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

m. Repair and maintenance


  • buildings and structures
  • machinery and equipment
  • security equipment
  • vehicles
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses
  • janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

n. Amortization and depreciation


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements
  • amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, patents, franchises, copyrights, trademarks, deferred charges, organizational costs).

o. Insurance

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.


  • professional and other liability insurance
  • motor vehicle and property insurance
  • executive life insurance
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

p. Advertising, marketing, promotion, meals and entertainment


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses
  • catalogues, presentations and displays
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion
  • fundraising expenses
  • meals, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

q. Travel, meetings and conventions


  • travel expenses
  • meeting and convention expenses, seminars
  • passenger transportation (e.g., airfare, bus, train)
  • accommodations
  • travel allowance and meals while travelling
  • other travel expenses.

r. Financial services


  • explicit service charges for financial services
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges
  • collection expenses and transfer fees
  • registrar and transfer agent fees
  • security and exchange commission fees
  • other financial service fees.

Exclude interest expenses (report at Interest expense).

s. Interest expense

Report the cost of servicing your company's debt.


  • interest
  • bank charges
  • finance charges
  • interest payments on capital leases
  • amortization of bond discounts
  • interest on short-term and long-term debt, mortgages, bonds and debentures.

t. Other non-production-related costs and expenses


  • charitable donations and political contributions
  • bad debt expense
  • loan losses
  • provisions for loan losses (minus bad debt recoveries)
  • inventory adjustments.

u. All other costs and expenses (including intracompany expenses)


  • production costs
  • pipeline operations, drilling, site restoration
  • gross overriding royalty
  • other producing property rentals
  • well operating, fuel and equipment
  • other lease rentals
  • other direct costs
  • equipment hire and operation
  • log yard expense, forestry costs, logging road costs
  • freight in and duty
  • overhead expenses allocated to cost of sales
  • other expenses
  • cash over/short (negative expense)
  • reimbursement of parent company expense
  • warranty expense
  • recruiting expenses
  • general and administrative expenses
  • interdivisional expenses
  • interfund transfer (minus expense recoveries)
  • exploration and development (including prospect/geological, well abandonment and dry holes, exploration expenses, development expenses)
  • amounts not included in sub-questions a. to t. above.

Total expenses

The sum of sub-questions a. to u.

For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what were this business's expenses for the following items?
  CAN$ '000
a. Cost of goods sold  
Opening inventories  
Closing inventories  
Cost of goods sold  
b. Employment costs and expenses  
Salaries, wages and commissions  
Employee benefits  
c. Subcontracts  
d. Research and development fees  
e. Professional and business fees  
f. Utilities  
g. Office and computer related expenses  
h. Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication  
o. Business taxes, licenses and permits  
j. Royalties, franchise fees and memberships  
k. Crown charges  
l. Rental and leasing  
m. Repair and maintenance  
n. Amortization and depreciation  
o. Insurance  
p. Advertising, marketing, promotion, meals and entertainment  
q. Travel, meetings and conventions  
r. Financial services  
s. Interest expense  
t. Other non-production-related costs and expenses  
u. All other costs and expenses  
Total expenses  

Industry characteristics

1. What were this business's sales for each of the following goods and services?

Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Note: If a breakdown cannot be provided for questions a1. and a2. (geophysical data acquisition, processing and interpreting geophysical data), please report the combined amount at question a3., Integrated geophysical services.

a. Geophysical surveying and mapping services If a breakdown cannot be provided for questions a1. and a2. (geophysical data acquisition, processing and interpreting geophysical data), please report the combined amount at question a3., Integrated geophysical services.

a1. Geophysical data acquisition by seismic or non-seismic methods

The collection of geophysical data by seismic or non-seismic methods for the purpose of characterizing subsurface conditions.

Exclude the collection of borehole geophysical data.

a2. Processing and interpreting geophysical data acquired by seismic or non-seismic methods

The processing of geophysical data in order to facilitate interpretation. The service may include reprocessing data or the integration of other sets of data collected by the same method. Interpretation involves the analysis of geophysical data acquired by seismic or non-seismic methods that are processed to generate models and predictions about the properties and structures of the subsurface. May include integration of geophysical data collected by other methods, or additional data including non-geophysical data.

Exclude processing and analysis of borehole geophysical data.

a3. Integrated geophysical services

Services which include two or more phases (collection, processing and analysis) of the process used to carry out geophysical surveys.

a4. Geophysical borehole logging surveys

Services which include two or more phases (collection, processing and analysis) of the process used to carry out geophysical surveys.

Include borehole geophysical surveys.

a5. Geophysical data sales

The sale of geophysical data and the brokerage of data. May include data that are available on a licence basis.

b. Non-geophysical surveying and mapping services

Geospatial photo and image acquisition and processing, and geospatial data interpretation.

b1. Geospatial airborne and spaceborne photo and image acquisition

Information about the earth's surface acquired from aircraft or spaceborne platforms, in which aerial cameras, radar, infra-red detectors, GPS receivers or other equipment aboard are the primary means of data collection. Products may be geospatially referenced, and in the case of aerial photography, there may have been additional processing.

b2. Geospatial photo and image processing (e.g., orthophoto and image processing, elevation and terrain modeling, aerotriangulation, photomosaics and photogrammetric mosaics)

  • orthophoto and image processing is the processing of aerial photographs or satellite imagery to remove distortions due to tilt, terrain relief and perspective. The result is an orthorectified photo or image
  • elevation and terrain modeling is the production of models describing the elevation of the earth's surface over a defined area. The models may take the form of a data array, a randomly distributed set of points, or an image produced using the digital elevation data. The elevations may have been corrected for the height of trees, vegetation, and buildings. The result is either a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) or a Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
  • aerotriangulation is the determination of horizontal or vertical co-ordinates of points on the ground from precise measurements on a photograph or image to create a control network sufficiently dense to provide a positionally accurate framework
  • photomosaics is the process by which individual photographs obtained directly from the negative are combined to form a photographic image of a larger area. This process is intended to lead to less distortion of scale by making adjustments and cuts of the original photographs. These are not rectified photographs
  • photogrammetric mosaics is the process for combining rectified aerial photographs so that the borders coincide and form a continuous photographic representation of part of the earth's surface
  • photogrammetric restitution is the process of converting information obtained from aerial photographs or satellite imagery into conventional symbols.

b3. Geospatial data interpretation

Analysis of the nature of objects whose images appear on a photograph or other imagery and the description of those objects; the characterization of the earth's surface, natural or man-made features covering the earth's surface.

c. Other non-geophysical surveying and mapping services

c1. Topographic and planimetric surveying and mapping services

Surveying for the purpose of determining the shape (relief) of the surface of the land or the location of natural and man-made features on the surface and the preparation or revision of a map indicating the elevation of the surface (relative to a datum point) and slope.

c2. Hydrographic and bathymetric surveying and mapping services

Surveying for the purpose of determining the geometric and dynamic characteristics of bodies of water, including:

  • the depth, temperature, or salinity of water
  • the configuration of the bottom
  • the velocities of currents
  • the heights and times of tides and water stages
  • the location of fixed objects used in navigation
  • the preparation or revision of maps showing this information.

c3. Boundary, property line and cadastral surveying and mapping services

Surveying for the purpose of establishing or re-establishing a boundary or property line on the ground, or for preparation of a map or plan showing a boundary or property line(s), including surveying for legal or cadastral purposes.

c4. Subdivision layout and design

Dividing a piece of land into smaller pieces such as:

  • lots, streets, and rights of way
  • marking or monumenting all necessary corners or dividing lines
  • preparing maps or plans showing all information regarding adjoining land affecting the boundaries
  • may include layout of roadway, and storm water/sanitary systems.

c5. Construction surveying

Surveying prior to and during construction to control elevation, horizontal location and dimensions, and configuration; to determine if the construction was adequately completed; and to obtain dimensions essential for calculating quantities used in paying for construction.

c6. Geodetic surveying and ground control support

Surveying for the purpose of determining the precise horizontal or vertical position of points or monumented locations to provide a reference framework for further surveys.

Include ground control support.

c7. Thematic and orthophoto mapping and aeronautical and nautical charting

  • thematic mapping is the preparation and revision of specialized map and data products designed to portray specific data themes such as natural resource, demographic, economic, biological, etc.
  • orthophoto mapping is the preparation and revision of orthophoto maps
  • aeronautical charting is the preparation and revision of charts designed primarily for use in aeronautical navigation. The aeronautical chart provides important information about flight paths, airport approaches and facilities, as well as landmark features
  • nautical charting is the preparation and revision of charts designed primarily for use in nautical navigation. Features usually shown are: bathymetric contours, navigational hazards, aids to navigation, port facilities, water depths and type of shoreline.

d. Geographic information system (GIS) development and customization

Design, development, modification and customization of a geospatially-referenced information system.

e. Other sales


  • geophysical software and equipment
  • geographic information system (GIS) software
  • satellite images
  • maps
  • geophysical data management services
  • geospatial data conversion and digitizing services
  • consulting services
  • expert witness services
  • training.
What were this business's sales for each of the following goods and services?
  CAN$ '000
Geophysical surveying and mapping services  
Geophysical data acquisition by seismic or non-seismic methods  
Processing and interpreting geophysical data  
Integrated geophysical services  
Geophysical borehole logging surveys  
Geophysical data sales  
Non-geophysical surveying and mapping services  
Geospatial airborne and spaceborne photo and image acquisition  
Geospatial photo and image processing  
Geospatial data interpretation  
Other non-geophysical surveying and mapping services  
Topographic and planimetric surveying and mapping services  
Hydrographic and bathymetric surveying and mapping services  
Boundary, property line and cadastral surveying and mapping services  
Subdivision layout and design  
Construction surveying  
Geodetic surveying and ground control support  
Thematic and orthophoto mapping and aeronautical and nautical charting  
Geographic information system (GIS) development and customization  
Total sales of goods and services  

Sales by type of client

1. What was this business's breakdown of sales by the following types of client?

Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

a. to c. Clients in Canada

a. Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

b. Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.

Include sales to Crown corporations.

c. Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.

Include: sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

d. Clients outside Canada

Please report the percentage of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.

Include sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

What was this business's breakdown of sales by the following types of client?
Clients in Canada — individuals and households  
Clients in Canada — businesses  
Clients in Canada — governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions  
Clients outside Canada  
Total percentage  

Sales by consumer location

1. What was the percentage breakdown of this business's sales by consumer location?

Consumer location is the location where the goods or services will ultimately be used.

If ultimate consumer location is not known, the following are acceptable substitutes:

  • shipping destination
  • client's billing address
  • location of this business's retail customers
  • location of this business's warehouse/distribution centres.
What was the percentage breakdown of this business's sales by consumer location?
Newfoundland and Labrador  
Prince Edward Island  
Nova Scotia  
New Brunswick  
British Columbia  
Northwest Territories  
United States  
All other countries  
Total percentage  

International transactions - revenue received from exports

1. During the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business receive revenue from clients outside Canada for the sale of products, services, royalties, rights, licensing or franchise fees?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

  • Yes
  • No

2. What was the revenue received from clients outside Canada?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

Revenue received (CAN$ '000)

3. What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?
Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
Total percentage  

4. What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by country?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by country?
United States  
Provide the percentage of revenue received from any other countries - top 4 clients only  
Other country 1  
Other country 2  
Other country 3  
Other country 4  
Total percentage  

International transactions - purchases from outside Canada (imports)

5. During the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business make payments to suppliers outside Canada for the purchase of products, services, royalties, rights, licensing or franchise fees?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

  • Yes
  • No

6. What were the payments made to suppliers outside Canada?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

Payments made (CAN$ '000)

7. What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?
Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
Total percentage  

8. What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by country?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by country?
United States  
Provide the percentage of payments made to any other countries - top 4 suppliers only  
Other country 1  
Other country 2  
Other country 3  
Other country 4  
Total percentage  


1. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, did this business experience additional expenses in 2021 to comply with public health and safety guidelines or corporate guidelines to be allowed to operate?

Additional expenses could include: purchases of cleaning supplies, sanitation measures, protective equipment for employees or customers and costs to retrofit business operations (e.g., Plexiglass barriers, new equipment that facilitates physical distancing, additional labour costs).

Public health and safety guidelines refer to guidelines from a federal, provincial or municipal health agency.


What were the total additional expenses in fiscal year 2021?

Report in thousands of dollars. For expenses less than $500, enter "0".

When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Additional labour costs, if applicable (CAN$ '000)

$ ,000

Other additional expenses (CAN$ '000)

$ ,000

As a result of the additional expenses or business conditions, did this business delay plans to expand operating capacity or undertake investments?




2. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021 which of the following ways did this business change operating methods?

Include both temporary and ongoing changes.

Select all that apply.

Adopt or expand upon a contact-less business model

e.g., e-commerce sales, drive-through, delivery, curbside pickup, offer virtual services

Retrofit the workspace

Invest in e-commerce platforms

Use business intelligence technologies

e.g., cloud-based computing systems and big data analytic tools

Develop new supply chains

Ask some or all employees to work from home

Introduce or accelerate the introduction of new goods and services

Increase prices charged to customers of certain goods and services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

Decrease prices charged to customers of certain goods and services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

Change marketing strategy

Include re-allocating marketing budget.

Increase marketing budget

Decrease marketing budget

Expand to new markets

Substitute capital for labour

e.g., automation, robots for use in producing goods and services

Provided extra staff training

e.g., job specific training, managerial training, training in new technology, training in new business practices, digital skills training, data literacy skills, other training and development

Downsize business activities

e.g., reduce goods and services offered

Reduce labour costs

e.g., lay off employees, furlough employees, request employees take vacation, reduce hours of employees, offer early retirement package, outsource work

Reduce costs other than labour costs

Take other actions

Specify the additional actions taken


No changes to operating methods in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

3. Due to COVID-19, did this business receive public financial relief to avoid layoffs through the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy or Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy programs?


How much did your business obtain through these means?

Financial relief received (CAN$ '000)

$ ,000


Notification of intent to web scrape

1. Does this business have a website?

Statistics Canada is piloting a web data extraction initiative, also known as web scraping, which uses software to search and compile publicly available data from business websites. As a result, we may visit the website for this business to search for, and compile, additional information. This initiative should allow us to reduce the reporting burden on businesses, as well as produce additional statistical indicators to ensure that our data remain accurate and relevant.

We will do our utmost to ensure the data are collected in a manner that will not affect the functionality of the website. Any data collected will be used by Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes only, in accordance with the agency's mandate.

Please visit Statistics Canada's web scraping initiative page- this link will open in a new window for more information.

Please visit Statistics Canada's transparency and accountability page- this link will open in a new window to learn more.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Statistics Canada Client Services, toll-free at 1-877-949-9492 (TTY: 1-800-363-7629) or by email at - this link will open in a new window. Additional information about this survey can be found by selecting the following link:

Changes or events

1. Indicate any changes or events that affected the reported values for this business or organization, compared with the last reporting period.

Select all that apply.

  • Strike or lock-out
  • Exchange rate impact
  • Price changes in goods or services sold
  • Contracting out
  • Organizational change
  • Price changes in labour or raw materials
  • Natural disaster
  • Recession
  • Change in product line
  • Sold business or business units
  • Expansion
  • New or lost contract
  • Plant closures
  • Acquisition of business or business units
  • Other
    • Specify the other changes or events:
  • No changes or events

Contact person

2. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information.

Is the provided given names and the provided family name the best person to contact?

  • Yes
  • No

Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?

  • First name:
  • Last name:
  • Title:
  • Email address:
  • Telephone number (including area code):
  • Extension number (if applicable):
  • The maximum number of characters is 5.
  • Fax number (including area code):


3. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.

  • Hours:
  • Minutes:

4. Do you have any comments about this questionnaire?

Why are we conducting this survey?

This survey is conducted by Statistics Canada in order to collect the necessary information to support the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP). This program combines various survey and administrative data to develop comprehensive measures of the Canadian economy.

The statistical information from the IBSP serves many purposes, including:

  • calculating each province and territory's fair share of federal-provincial transfer payments for health, education and social programs
  • establishing government programs to assist businesses
  • assisting the business community in negotiating contracts and collective agreements
  • supporting the government in making informed decisions about fiscal, monetary and foreign exchange policies
  • indexing social benefit programs and determining tax brackets
  • enabling academics and economists to analyze the economic performance of Canadian industries and to better understand rapidly evolving business environments.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations.

Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Enterprise Statistics Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at or by fax at 613-951-6583.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Business or organization and contact information

1. Verify or provide the business or organization's legal and operating name and correct where needed.

Note: Legal name modifications should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

Legal Name

The legal name is one recognized by law, thus it is the name liable for pursuit or for debts incurred by the business or organization. In the case of a corporation, it is the legal name as fixed by its charter or the statute by which the corporation was created.

Modifications to the legal name should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

To indicate a legal name of another legal entity you should instead indicate it in question 3 by selecting 'Not currently operational' and then choosing the applicable reason and providing the legal name of this other entity along with any other requested information.

Operating Name

The operating name is a name the business or organization is commonly known as if different from its legal name. The operating name is synonymous with trade name.

Legal name

Operating name (if applicable)

2. Verify or provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire and correct where needed.

Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Preferred language of communication
    • English
    • French
  • Mailing address (number and street)
  • City
  • Province, territory or state
  • Postal code or ZIP code
  • Country
    • Canada
    • United States
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
    The maximum number of characters is 10.
  • Fax number (including area code)

3. Verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

  • Operational
  • Not currently operational
    • Why is this business or organization not currently operational?
      • Seasonal operations
      • Ceased operations
      • Sold operations
      • Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations
      • Temporarily inactive but will re-open
      • No longer operating due to other reasons
    • When did this business or organization close for the season?
      • Date
    • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
      • Date
    • When did this business or organization cease operations?
      • Date
    • Why did this business or organization cease operations?
      • Bankruptcy
      • Liquidation
      • Dissolution
      • Other
    • Specify the other reasons why the operations ceased
    • When was this business or organization sold?
      • Date
    • What is the legal name of the buyer?
    • When did this business or organization amalgamate?
      • Date
    • What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
    • What are the legal names of the other amalgamated businesses or organizations?
    • When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
      • Date
    • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
      • Date
    • Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive?
    • When did this business or organization cease operations?
      • Date
    • Why did this business or organization cease operations?

4. Verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

Note: The described activity was assigned using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

This question verifies the business or organization's current main activity as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS , are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

The target entity for which NAICS is designed are businesses and other organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. They include farms, incorporated and unincorporated businesses and government business enterprises. They also include government institutions and agencies engaged in the production of marketed and non-marketed services, as well as organizations such as professional associations and unions and charitable or non-profit organizations and the employees of households.

The associated NAICS should reflect those activities conducted by the business or organizational units targeted by this questionnaire only, as identified in the 'Answering this questionnaire' section and which can be identified by the specified legal and operating name. The main activity is the activity which most defines the targeted business or organization's main purpose or reason for existence. For a business or organization that is for-profit, it is normally the activity that generates the majority of the revenue for the entity.

The NAICS classification contains a limited number of activity classifications; the associated classification might be applicable for this business or organization even if it is not exactly how you would describe this business or organization's main activity.

Please note that any modifications to the main activity through your response to this question might not necessarily be reflected prior to the transmitting of subsequent questionnaires and as a result they may not contain this updated information.

The following is the detailed description including any applicable examples or exclusions for the classification currently associated with this business or organization.

Description and examples

  • This is the current main activity
    Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity
    e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development
  • This is not the current main activity

Main activity

5. You indicated that is not the current main activity. Was this business or organization's main activity ever classified as: ?

  • Yes
    When did the main activity change?
  • No

6. Search and select the industry classification code that best corresponds to this business or organization's main activity.

Select this business or organization's activity sector (optional)

  • Farming or logging operation
  • Construction company or general contractor
  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer
  • Provider of passenger or freight transportation
  • Provider of investment, savings or insurance products
  • Real estate agency, real estate brokerage or leasing company
  • Provider of professional, scientific or technical services
  • Provider of health care or social services
  • Restaurant, bar, hotel, motel or other lodging establishment
  • Other sector

7. You have indicated that the current main activity of this business or organization is:

Main activity

Are there any other activities that contribute significantly (at least 10%) to this business or organization's revenue?

  • Yes, there are other activities
    Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's secondary activity
    e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development
  • No, that is the only significant activity

8. Approximately what percentage of this business or organization's revenue is generated by each of the following activities?

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.

Approximately what percentage of this business or organization's revenue is generated by each of the following activities?
  Percentage of revenue
Main activity  
Secondary activity  
All other activities  
Total percentage  

Reporting period information

1. What are the start and end dates of this business's or organization's most recently completed fiscal year?

For this survey, the end date should fall between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022.

Here are twelve common fiscal periods that fall within the targeted dates:

  • May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021
  • June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021
  • July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
  • August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021
  • September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021
  • October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021
  • November 1, 2020 to October 31, 2021
  • December 1, 2020 to November 30, 2021
  • January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021
  • February 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022
  • March 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022
  • April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

Here are other examples of fiscal periods that fall within the required dates:

  • September 18, 2020 to September 15, 2021 (e.g., floating year-end)
  • June 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 (e.g., a newly opened business).

Fiscal year start date

Fiscal year-end date

2. What is the reason the reporting period does not cover a full year?

Select all that apply.

  • Seasonal operations
  • New business
  • Change of ownership
  • Temporarily inactive
  • Change of fiscal year
  • Ceased operations
  • Other
    Specify reason the reporting period does not cover a full year

Additional reporting instructions

1. Throughout this questionnaire, please report financial information in thousands of Canadian dollars.

For example, an amount of $763,880.25 should be reported as:

CAN$ '000 : $764,000

I will report in the format above


1. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what was this business's revenue from each of the following sources?


  • a detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections
  • these questions are asked of many different industries. Some questions may not apply to this business

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.


a. Sales of goods and services ( e.g., fees, commissions, services revenue)

Report net of returns and allowances.

Sales of goods and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of goods and services (cash or credit), falling within a business's ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.


  • sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales)
  • transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.


  • transfers into inventory and consignment sales
  • federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes
  • intercompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

b. Rental and leasing Include rental or leasing of apartments, commercial buildings, land, office space, residential housing, investments in co-tenancies and co-ownerships, hotel or motel rooms, long and short term vehicle leasing, machinery or equipment, storage lockers, etc.

c. Commissions Include commissions earned on the sale of products or services by businesses such as advertising agencies, brokers, insurance agents, lottery ticket sales, sales representatives and travel agencies - compensation could also be reported under this item (for example, compensation for collecting sales tax).

d. Subsidies (including grants, donations, fundraising and sponsorships)


  • non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government
  • revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

e. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.

Include revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted materials such as musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

f. Dividends


  • dividend income
  • dividends from Canadian sources
  • dividends from foreign sources
  • patronage dividends.

Exclude equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates.

g. Interest


  • investment revenue
  • interest from foreign sources
  • interest from Canadian bonds and debentures
  • interest from Canadian mortgage loans
  • interest from other Canadian sources.

Exclude equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates.

h. All other revenue (Include intracompany transfers)

Include amounts not included in questions a. to g.

Total revenue

The sum of sub-questions a. to h.

The sum of sub-questions a. to h.
  CAN$ '000
a. Sales of goods and services  
b. Rental and leasing  
c. Commissions  
d. Subsidies  
e. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
f. Dividends  
g. Interest  
h. Other  
Total revenue  


The following questions are about e-commerce activities.

E-commerce revenue: Sales of goods and services conducted over the Internet with or without online payment. Include all revenue for which an order is received and commitment to purchase is made via the Internet, although payment can be made by other means, such as orders made on web pages, an extranet, mobile devices or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Exclude orders made by telephone, facsimile or email.

Sales from automated kiosks located within the business's establishments are excluded from E-commerce sales.

1. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what was this business's total revenue?


  • sales of goods and services
  • rental, leasing and property management
  • commissions
  • subsidies, grants, donations, fundraising and sponsorships
  • royalties
  • rights
  • licensing and franchise fees
  • dividends, interest and other revenue.

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Total revenue in CAN$ '000

2. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business have any e-commerce revenue?

E-commerce revenue: Sales of goods and services conducted over the Internet with or without online payment.

Include all revenue for which an order is received and commitment to purchase is made via the Internet, although payment can be made by other means, such as orders made on web pages, an extranet, mobile devices or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Exclude orders made by telephone, facsimile or email.

  • Yes
  • No

3. Of the [amount] reported in total revenue, what was the total e-commerce revenue?

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

Total e-commerce revenue in CAN$ '000

4. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business make sales over the Internet through any of the following methods?

Select all that apply.

  • Mobile app
    Include sales through any app, or application, that is downloaded and designed to run on a handheld device such as a smartphone or tablet (for example, places where a user may download these apps, including Apple's App Store, Google Play or Blackberry App World).
  • Company website
    Include sales through a browser-based website where your organization maintains control of the content.
  • Third-party website
    Include sales through a browser-based website where a third-party maintains the structure of the website and control of the look and feel while your company only provides the product to be sold (for example, Amazon, Expedia or Etsy).
  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
    A standard format for exchanging business data. EDI is based on the use of message standards, ensuring that all participants use a common language.
  • Via a mobile app
  • Via your company website
  • Via a third-party website
  • Via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • Other
    Specify the other methods

5. Does this business have any full-time staff dedicated solely to activities related to e-commerce?

  • Yes
  • No

6. Why did this business not make sales over the Internet?

Select all that apply.

  • Goods and services do not lend themselves to online sales
  • Prefer to maintain current business model
  • Lack of skilled workers to implement and maintain e-commerce infrastructure
  • Cost of development is too high
  • Security concerns
  • Other
    Specify the other reasons


1. For the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, what were this business's expenses for the following items?


  • a detailed breakdown may be requested in other sections
  • these questions are asked of many different industries. Some questions may not apply to this business

Report dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.


a. Cost of goods sold

Many business units distinguish their costs of materials from their other business expenses (selling, general and administrative). This item is included to allow you to easily record your costs/expenses according to your normal accounting practices.


  • cost of raw materials and/or goods purchased for resale - net of discounts earned on purchases
  • freight in and duty.

Exclude all costs associated with salaries, wages, benefits, commissions and subcontracts (report at Employment costs and expenses, and Subcontracts).

b. Employment costs and expenses

b1. Salaries, wages and commissions

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.


  • vacation pay
  • bonuses (including profit sharing)
  • employee commissions
  • taxable allowances ( e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays)
  • severance pay.

Exclude all payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers (report at Subcontracts).

b2. Employee benefits

Include contributions to:

  • health plans
  • insurance plans
  • employment insurance
  • pension plans
  • workers' compensation
  • association dues
  • contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans
  • contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

c. Subcontracts

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.


  • hired casual labour and outside contract workers
  • custom work and contract work
  • subcontract and outside labour
  • hired labour.

d. Research and development fees

Expenses from activities conducted with the intention of making a discovery that could either lead to the development of new products or procedures, or to the improvement of existing products or procedures.

e. Professional and business fees


  • legal services
  • accounting and auditing fees
  • consulting fees
  • education and training fees
  • appraisal fees
  • management and administration fees
  • property management fees
  • information technology (IT) consulting and service fees (purchased)
  • architectural fees
  • engineering fees
  • scientific and technical service fees
  • other consulting fees (management, technical and scientific)
  • veterinary fees
  • fees for human health services
  • payroll preparation fees
  • all other professional and business service fees.

Exclude service fees paid to Head Office (report at All other costs and expenses).

f. Utilities

Utility expenses related to operating your business unit such as water, electricity, gas and heating.


  • diesel, fuel wood, natural gas, oil and propane
  • sewage.


  • energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts
  • telephone, Internet and other telecommunications
  • vehicle fuel (report at All other costs and expenses).

g. Office and computer related expenses


  • office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines
  • postage and courier (used in the day to day office business activity)
  • computer and peripherals upgrade expenses
  • data processing.

Exclude telephone, Internet and other telecommunication expenses (report at Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication).

h. Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication


  • internet
  • telephone and telecommunications
  • cellular telephone
  • fax machine
  • pager.

i. Business taxes, licenses and permits


  • property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes
  • vehicle license fees
  • beverage taxes and business taxes
  • trade license fees
  • membership fees and professional license fees
  • provincial capital tax.

j. Royalties, franchise fees and memberships


  • amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks
  • gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs
  • resident and non-resident royalty expenses
  • franchise fees.

Exclude Crown royalties

k. Crown charges

Federal or Provincial royalty, tax, lease or rental payments made in relation to the acquisition, development or ownership of Canadian resource properties.


  • Crown royalties
  • Crown leases and rentals
  • oil sand leases
  • stumpage fees.

l. Rental and leasing


  • lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses
  • motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses
  • studio lighting and scaffolding
  • machinery and equipment rental expenses
  • storage expenses
  • road and construction equipment rental
  • fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

m. Repair and maintenance


  • buildings and structures
  • machinery and equipment
  • security equipment
  • vehicles
  • costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses
  • janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

n. Amortization and depreciation


  • direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements
  • amortization of intangible assets ( e.g., amortization of goodwill, patents, franchises, copyrights, trademarks, deferred charges, organizational costs).

o. Insurance

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.


  • professional and other liability insurance
  • motor vehicle and property insurance
  • executive life insurance
  • bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

p. Advertising, marketing, promotion, meals and entertainment


  • newspaper advertising and media expenses
  • catalogues, presentations and displays
  • tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion
  • fundraising expenses
  • meals, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

q. Travel, meetings and conventions


  • travel expenses
  • meeting and convention expenses, seminars
  • passenger transportation ( e.g., airfare, bus, train)
  • accommodations
  • travel allowance and meals while travelling
  • other travel expenses.

r. Financial services


  • explicit service charges for financial services
  • credit and debit card commissions and charges
  • collection expenses and transfer fees
  • registrar and transfer agent fees
  • security and exchange commission fees
  • other financial service fees.

Exclude interest expenses (report at Interest expense).

s. Interest expense

Report the cost of servicing your company's debt.


  • interest
  • bank charges
  • finance charges
  • interest payments on capital leases
  • amortization of bond discounts
  • interest on short-term and long-term debt, mortgages, bonds and debentures.

t. Other non-production-related costs and expenses


  • charitable donations and political contributions
  • bad debt expense
  • loan losses
  • provisions for loan losses (minus bad debt recoveries)
  • inventory adjustments.

u. All other costs and expenses (including intracompany expenses)


  • production costs
  • pipeline operations, drilling, site restoration
  • gross overriding royalty
  • other producing property rentals
  • well operating, fuel and equipment
  • other lease rentals
  • other direct costs
  • equipment hire and operation
  • log yard expense, forestry costs, logging road costs
  • freight in and duty
  • overhead expenses allocated to cost of sales
  • other expenses
  • cash over/short (negative expense)
  • reimbursement of parent company expense
  • warranty expense
  • recruiting expenses
  • general and administrative expenses
  • interdivisional expenses
  • interfund transfer (minus expense recoveries)
  • exploration and development (including prospect/geological, well abandonment and dry holes, exploration expenses, development expenses)
  • amounts not included in sub-questions a. to t. above.

Total expenses

The sum of sub-questions a. to u.

The sum of sub-questions a. to u.
  CAN$ '000
a. Cost of goods sold  
Opening inventories  
Closing inventories  
Cost of goods sold  
b. Employment costs and expenses  
Salaries, wages and commissions  
Employee benefits  
c. Subcontracts  
d. Research and development fees  
e. Professional and business fees  
f. Utilities  
g. Office and computer related expenses  
h. Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication  
i. Business taxes, licenses and permits  
j. Royalties, franchise fees and memberships  
k. Crown charges  
l. Rental and leasing  
m. Repair and maintenance  
n. Amortization and depreciation  
o. Insurance  
p. Advertising, marketing, promotion, meals and entertainment  
q. Travel, meetings and conventions  
r. Financial services  
s. Interest expense  
t. Other non-production-related costs and expenses  
u. All other costs and expenses  
Total expenses   

Industry characteristics

1. What were this business's sales for each of the following goods and services?

Please report all amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars.

a. Architectural services

a1. Single-family residential projects

Architectural services provided for single-family residential building projects.


  • the design of single-family homes in subdivision developments
  • townhouses with a floor-to-ceiling wall between each unit.

Exclude historical restoration projects.

a2. Multi-family residential projects

Architectural services provided for multi-family residential building projects.

Include the design of apartment blocks.


  • the design of nursing homes and similar residential health care building projects
  • the design of hotels, resorts and similar temporary overnight accommodation building projects
  • historical restoration projects.

a3. Office building projects

Architectural services for all types of office buildings, including those for public and institutional clients.

Include office parks.

Exclude historical restoration projects.

a4. Retail and restaurant projects

Architectural services for stores, restaurants and similar buildings.


  • shopping centres
  • retail stores
  • restaurants
  • gas stations.

Exclude historical restoration projects.

a5. Hotel and convention centre projects

Architectural services for buildings providing temporary overnight accommodations.


  • hotels
  • motels
  • resorts
  • convention centres.

Exclude historical restoration projects.

a6. Health care projects ( e.g., hospitals, nursing homes and similar projects)

Architectural services for buildings which provide health care.


  • active care hospitals and clinics
  • nursing homes
  • respite care centres.

Exclude historical restoration projects.

a7. Entertainment, recreational, and cultural building projects

Architectural services for entertainment, recreational and cultural building projects.


  • cinemas and theatres
  • museums
  • zoos
  • aquariums
  • health clubs
  • swimming pools
  • stadiums and arenas
  • community centres
  • monuments.

Exclude historical restoration projects.

a8. Educational building projects ( e.g., schools, colleges, universities)

Architectural services for educational buildings.


  • elementary, secondary and postsecondary projects
  • school and college instructional buildings
  • college dormitories and other buildings on college campuses
  • daycare centres.

Exclude historical restoration projects.

a9. Industrial building projects

Architectural services for industrial buildings.


  • mine buildings
  • manufacturing plants and similar processing and assembly buildings.


  • warehouses
  • historical restoration projects.

a10. Transportation and distribution facility projects

Architectural services for transportation and distribution facility projects, ( e.g., buildings involved in the movement of goods and people and the storage of goods).


  • bus stations
  • train stations
  • airport terminals
  • warehouses
  • distribution centres
  • truck terminals.

Exclude historical restoration projects.

a11. Other non-residential building projects ( e.g., churches, prisons)

Other specialized non-residential public building projects.


  • churches
  • prisons
  • religious building projects
  • military building projects.

Exclude historical restoration projects.

a12. Historical restoration projects

Architectural services that incorporate legal requirements to preserve or restore the historic character of a building.

a13. Architectural advisory services

The provision of advice, studies and reports on architectural matters, except when the advice relates to a specific project. Advice, studies and reports provided in conjunction with a project are classified based on the project type.

b. Landscape architectural services

Landscape architectural services are concerned with the design of built landscape.


  • landscape architectural services for a design-build project provided on a sub-contract basis
  • the provision of designs and construction documents
  • plans, studies and other advisory services related to specific projects
  • construction contract administration services.


  • non-landscape architectural products related to building projects, provided on a stand-alone basis ( e.g., construction management services, engineering design services and drafting services)
  • design-build contracts, in which you assume the construction risk as well as the design risk.

c. Urban planning services

Urban planning services develop plans for the use of land to achieve a community's objectives for a built and natural environment that is aesthetically pleasing, efficient and functional. Urban plans express public policies related to land use and development as outlined by municipalities or other levels of governments. They provide a framework within which the plans for actual projects can be developed.

Exclude the design of site master plans for actual construction projects.

d. Project site master planning services

Services that provide plans for a construction site with the proposed location of buildings, roads, parking lots and other features.

Exclude urban planning services.

e. Interior design services

Business activities related to the planning, designing and administering of projects in interior spaces to meet the physical and aesthetic needs of people, taking into consideration building codes, health and safety regulations, traffic patterns and floor planning, mechanical and electrical needs, and interior fittings and furniture.

Exclude retail or wholesale locations that also provide interior design or decorating as a service.

f. Engineering services

The application of physical laws and principles in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes, and systems.


  • the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to engineering projects
  • engineering design services for a design-build project that are provided on a sub-contract basis.

g. Other sales of goods and services - specify

All other architectural and landscape architectural services not defined above.

What were this business's sales for each of the following goods and services?
  CAN$ '000
Architectural services  
Single-family residential projects  
Multi-family residential projects  
Office building projects  
Retail and restaurant projects  
Hotel and convention centre projects  
Health care projects  
Entertainment, recreational and cultural building projects  
Educational building projects  
Industrial building projects  
Transportation and distribution facility projects  
Other non-residential building projects  
Historical restoration projects  
Architectural advisory services  
Landscape architectural services  
Urban planning services  
Project site master planning services  
Interior design services  
Engineering services  
Total sales of goods and services  

Industry characteristics

2. What were this business's sales by the following types of revenue?

a. Fee income

Revenues collected by the company for professional service fees rendered.


  • reimbursable expenses
  • subcontract fees awarded to other companies.

b. Subcontracts

Please report the value of the subcontracts awarded by you to other firms/consultants.

c. Reimbursables

Include the cost of all contract-related materials used in a project that are billed to the client.

Exclude subcontract fees.

What were this business's sales by the following types of revenue?
  CAN$ '000
Fee income  
Architectural consulting  
Other consulting  
Total sales  

3. During this reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, how many non-salaried partners and proprietors did this business have?

For unincorporated businesses, please report the number of partners and proprietors for whom earnings will be the net income of the partnership or proprietorship.

During this reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, how many non-salaried partners and proprietors did this business have?
Number of partners and proprietors, non-salaried, during this reporting period  

Sales by type of client

1. What was this business's breakdown of sales by the following types of client?

Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.

Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.

Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

a. to c. Clients in Canada

a. Individuals and households

Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

b. Businesses

Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.

Include sales to Crown corporations.

c. Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions ( e.g., hospitals, schools)

Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.

Include: sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.

d. Clients outside Canada

Please report the percentage of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.

Include sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

Clients in Canada — individuals and households  
Clients in Canada — businesses  
Clients in Canada — governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions  
Clients outside Canada  
Total percentage  

Sales by consumer location

1. What was the percentage breakdown of this business's sales by consumer location?

Consumer location is the location where the goods or services will ultimately be used.

If ultimate consumer location is not known, the following are acceptable substitutes:

  • shipping destination
  • client's billing address
  • location of this business's retail customers
  • location of this business's warehouse/distribution centres.
Newfoundland and Labrador  
Prince Edward Island  
Nova Scotia  
New Brunswick  
British Columbia  
Northwest Territories  
United States  
All other countries  
Total percentage  

International transactions - revenue received from exports

1. During the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business receive revenue from clients outside Canada for the sale of products, services, royalties, rights, licensing or franchise fees?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

  • Yes
  • No

2. What was the revenue received from clients outside Canada?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

Revenue received ( CAN$ '000 )

3. What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?
Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
Total percentage  

4. What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by country?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of revenue received from clients outside Canada by country?
United States  
Provide the percentage of revenue received from any other countries - top 4 clients only  
Other country 1  
Other country 2  
Other country 3  
Other country 4  
Total percentage  

International transactions - purchases from outside Canada (imports)

5. During the reporting period of YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD, did this business make payments to suppliers outside Canada for the purchase of products, services, royalties, rights, licensing or franchise fees?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

  • Yes
  • No

6. What were the payments made to suppliers outside Canada?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

Payments made ( CAN$ '000 )

7. What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by goods, services and royalties?
Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees  
Total percentage  

8. What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by country?

This section is intended to measure the value of international transactions on goods, services, royalties and licensing fees. It covers imported services and goods purchased outside Canada as well as the value of exported services and goods to clients/customers outside Canada. Please report also royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees paid to and/or received from outside Canada. Services cover a variety of industrial, professional, trade and business services.

What was the percentage breakdown of payments made to suppliers outside Canada by country?
United States  
Provide the percentage of payments made to any other countries - top 4 suppliers only  
Other country 1  
Other country 2  
Other country 3  
Other country 4  
Total percentage  


1. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, did this business experience in 2021 additional expenses to comply with public health and safety guidelines or corporate guidelines to be allowed to operate?

Additional expenses could include: purchases of cleaning supplies, sanitation measures, protective equipment for employees or customers and costs to retrofit business operations (e.g., Plexiglass barriers, new equipment that facilitates physical distancing, additional labour costs).
Public health and safety guidelines refer to guidelines from a federal, provincial or municipal health agency.


What were the total additional expenses in fiscal year 2021?
Report in thousands of dollars. For expenses less than $500, enter "0".
When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimate.

Additional labour costs, if applicable (CAN$ '000)
$ ,000
Other additional expenses (CAN$ '000)
$ ,000

As a result of the additional expenses or business conditions, did this business delay plans to expand operating capacity or undertake investments?


2. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021 which of the following ways did this business change operating methods? 

Include both temporary and ongoing changes.

Select all that apply.

  • Adopt or expand upon a contact-less business model (e.g., e-commerce sales, drive-through, delivery, curbside pickup, offer virtual services )
  • Retrofit the workspace
  • Invest in e-commerce platforms
  • Use business intelligence technologies (e.g., cloud-based computing systems and big data analytic tools)
  • Develop new supply chains
  • Ask some or all employees to work from home
  • Introduce or accelerate the introduction of new goods and services
  • Increase prices charged to customers of certain goods and services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Decrease prices charged to customers of certain goods and services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Change marketing strategy (Include re-allocating marketing budget)
  • Increase marketing budget
  • Decrease marketing budget
  • Expand to new markets
  • Substitute capital for labour (e.g., automation, robots for use in producing goods and services)
  • Provided extra staff training (e.g., job specific training, managerial training, training in new technology, training in new business practices, digital skills training, data literacy skills, other training and development)
  • Downsize business activities (e.g., reduce goods and services offered)
  • Reduce labour costs (e.g., lay off employees, furlough employees, request employees take vacation, reduce hours of employees, offer early retirement package, outsource work)
  • Reduce costs other than labour costs
  • Take other actions
  • Specify the additional actions taken


  • No changes to operating methods in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

3. Due to COVID-19, did this business receive public financial relief to avoid layoffs through the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy or Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy programs?

How much did your business obtain through these means?
Financial relief received (CAN$ '000)
$ ,000


Notification of intent to extract web data

1. Does this business have a website?

Statistics Canada is piloting a web data extraction initiative, also known as web scraping, which uses software to search and compile publicly available data from business websites. As a result, we may visit the website for this business to search for, and compile, additional information. This initiative should allow us to reduce the reporting burden on businesses, as well as produce additional statistical indicators to ensure that our data remain accurate and relevant.

We will do our utmost to ensure the data are collected in a manner that will not affect the functionality of the website. Any data collected will be used by Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes only, in accordance with the agency's mandate.

Please visit Statistics Canada's web scraping initiative page for more information.

Please visit Statistics Canada's transparency and accountability page to learn more.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Statistics Canada Client Services, toll-free at 1-877-949-9492 (TTY: 1-800-363-7629) or by email at

Changes or events

1. Indicate any changes or events that affected the reported values for this business or organization, compared with the last reporting period.

Select all that apply.

  • Strike or lock-out
  • Exchange rate impact
  • Price changes in goods or services sold
  • Contracting out
  • Organizational change
  • Price changes in labour or raw materials
  • Natural disaster
  • Recession
  • Change in product line
  • Sold business or business units
  • Expansion
  • New or lost contract
  • Plant closures
  • Acquisition of business or business units
  • Other
    Specify the other changes or events:
  • No changes or events

Contact person

2. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information.

Is the provided given names and the provided family name the best person to contact?

  • Yes
  • No

Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?

  • First name:
  • Last name:
  • Title:
  • Email address:
  • Telephone number (including area code):
  • Extension number (if applicable):
    The maximum number of characters is 5.
  • Fax number (including area code):


3. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.

  • Hours:
  • Minutes:

4. Do you have any comments about this questionnaire?

Why are we conducting this survey?

This survey is conducted by Statistics Canada in order to collect the necessary information to support the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP). This program combines various survey and administrative data to develop comprehensive measures of the Canadian economy.

The statistical information from the IBSP serves many purposes, including:

  • Obtaining information on the supply of and/or demand for energy in Canada
  • Enabling governmental agencies to fulfill their regulatory responsibilities in regards to public utilities
  • Enabling all levels of government to establish informed policies in the energy area
  • Assisting the business community in the corporate decision-making process.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Enterprise Statistics Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at or by fax at 613-951-6583.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut as well as with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government, the ministère des Finances du Québec, the ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques du Québec, the ministère de l' Énergie et des Ressources naturelles du Québec, Transition énergétique Québec, the Manitoba Department of Growth, Enterprise and Trade, Alberta Energy, the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, the Canada Energy Regulator, Natural Resources Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Business or organization and contact information

1. Verify or provide the business or organization's legal and operating name and correct where needed.

Note: Legal name modifications should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

Legal Name

The legal name is one recognized by law, thus it is the name liable for pursuit or for debts incurred by the business or organization. In the case of a corporation, it is the legal name as fixed by its charter or the statute by which the corporation was created.

Modifications to the legal name should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

To indicate a legal name of another legal entity you should instead indicate it in question 3 by selecting 'Not currently operational' and then choosing the applicable reason and providing the legal name of this other entity along with any other requested information.

Operating Name

The operating name is a name the business or organization is commonly known as if different from its legal name. The operating name is synonymous with trade name.

  • Legal name
  • Operating name (if applicable)

2. Verify or provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire and correct where needed.

Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Preferred language of communication
    • English
    • French
  • Mailing address (number and street)
  • City
  • Province, territory or state
  • Postal code or ZIP code
  • Country
    • Canada
    • United States
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
    The maximum number of characters is 10.
  • Fax number (including area code)

3. Verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

  • Operational
  • Not currently operational
    Why is this business or organization not currently operational?
    • Seasonal operations
      • When did this business or organization close for the season?
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
    • Ceased operations
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Bankruptcy
        • Liquidation
        • Dissolution
        • Other
          Specify the other reasons why the operations ceased
    • Sold operations
      • When was this business or organization sold?
      • What is the legal name of the buyer?
    • Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations
      • When did this business or organization amalgamate?
      • What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
      • What are the legal names of the other amalgamated businesses or organizations?
    • Temporarily inactive but will re-open
      • When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
      • Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive?
    • No longer operating due to other reasons
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?

4. Verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

Note: The described activity was assigned using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

This question verifies the business or organization's current main activity as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS , are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

The target entity for which NAICS is designed are businesses and other organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. They include farms, incorporated and unincorporated businesses and government business enterprises. They also include government institutions and agencies engaged in the production of marketed and non-marketed services, as well as organizations such as professional associations and unions and charitable or non-profit organizations and the employees of households.

The associated NAICS should reflect those activities conducted by the business or organizational units targeted by this questionnaire only, as identified in the 'Answering this questionnaire' section and which can be identified by the specified legal and operating name. The main activity is the activity which most defines the targeted business or organization's main purpose or reason for existence. For a business or organization that is for-profit, it is normally the activity that generates the majority of the revenue for the entity.

The NAICS classification contains a limited number of activity classifications; the associated classification might be applicable for this business or organization even if it is not exactly how you would describe this business or organization's main activity.

Please note that any modifications to the main activity through your response to this question might not necessarily be reflected prior to the transmitting of subsequent questionnaires and as a result they may not contain this updated information.

The following is the detailed description including any applicable examples or exclusions for the classification currently associated with this business or organization.

Description and examples

  • This is the current main activity
  • This is not the current main activity

Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity
e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development

Main activity

5. You indicated that is not the current main activity. Was this business or organization's main activity ever classified as: ?

  • Yes
    When did the main activity change?
  • No

6. Search and select the industry classification code that best corresponds to this business or organization's main activity.

Select this business or organization's activity sector (optional)

  • Farming or logging operation
  • Construction company or general contractor
  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer
  • Provider of passenger or freight transportation
  • Provider of investment, savings or insurance products
  • Real estate agency, real estate brokerage or leasing company
  • Provider of professional, scientific or technical services
  • Provider of health care or social services
  • Restaurant, bar, hotel, motel or other lodging establishment
  • Other sector

Method of collection

1. Indicate whether you will be answering the remaining questions or attaching files with the required information.

  • Answering the remaining questions
  • Attaching files

Sub-type for all electricity generation

1. Does this business generate electricity?

Electricity may be generated for internal use and/or for sale.

  • Yes
  • No

2. How will the quantity of electricity generated by this business be reported?

If both Net and Gross generation can be provided, please report the Net electricity generation.

  • Gross electricity generation
    • Gross electricity generation is the total amount of electricity generated by the power plant during the reporting period.
    • Gross electricity generation = Net electricity generation + Own use consumption.
  • Net electricity generation
    • Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period.
    • Net electricity generation = Gross electricity generation - Own use consumption.

3. What method is employed to generate electricity?

Select all that apply.

Nuclear: Electricity generated at an electric power plant whose turbines are driven by steam generated in a reactor by heat from the fission of nuclear fuel.

Hydro: Electric power generated from a plant in which the turbine generators are driven by flowing water.

Tidal: Electric power generated from a plant in which turbine generators are driven from tidal movements.

Wind: A power plant in which the prime mover is a wind turbine. Electric power is generated by the conversion of wind power into mechanical energy.

Solar: Electricity created using Photovoltaic (PV) technology which converts sunlight into electricity OR electricity created using solar thermal technology where sunlight heats a liquid or gas to drive a turbine or engine.

Wave: Electricity generated from mechanical energy derived from wave motion.

Geothermal: Electricity generated from heat emitted from within the earth's crust, usually in the form of hot water or steam.

  • Thermal generation - combustible fuels
    Exclude geothermal and nuclear
  • Nuclear
  • Hydro
  • Tidal
  • Wind
  • Solar
  • Wave
  • Geothermal
  • Other
    Specify other non-combustible methods

Electrical production by all selected methods and fuel types

4. Which types of combustible fuel were used for this business's thermal generation of electricity?

Select all that apply.

Coal: A readily combustible, black or brownish-black rock-like substance, whose composition, including inherent moisture, consists of more than 50% by weight and 70% by volume of carbonaceous material. It is formed from plant remains that have been compacted, hardened, chemically altered and metamorphosed by heat and pressure over geologic time without access to air.

Natural gas: A mixture of hydrocarbons (principally methane) and small quantities of various hydrocarbons existing in the gaseous phase or in solution with crude oil in underground reservoirs.

Wood (Report for "Dry" method): Wood and wood energy used as fuel, including round wood (cord wood), lignin, wood scraps from furniture and window frame manufacturing, wood chips, bark, sawdust, forest residues, charcoal and pulp waste.

Spent pulping liquor (black liquor): A by-product in the paper making process, containing carbohydrate and lignin decomposition products.

Landfill gas: A biogas composed principally of methane and carbon dioxide produced by anaerobic digestion of landfill waste.

Municipal and other waste: Wastes (liquids or solids) produced by households, industry, hospitals and others (examples: paper, cardboard, rubber, leather, natural textiles, wood, brush, grass clippings, kitchen waste and sewage sludge).

Other biomass (food processing): Can include residues produced during the processing of a product, such as cheese whey, canning factory residues, fruit pits, apple pomace and coffee grounds.

Other biomass (type unknown): Any other type of biomass not otherwise identified on the questionnaire. Specify in the spaces provided.

Petroleum: This covers both naturally occurring unprocessed crude oil and petroleum products that are made up of refined crude oil and used as a fuel source ( i.e. crude oil, synthetic crude oil, natural gas liquids, naphtha, kerosene, jet fuel, gasoline, diesel, and fuel oil; excludes Petroleum coke, bitumen and other oil products not specified).

For 'Other' combustible fuels - Thermal: This includes fuels such as propane, orimulsion, petroleum coke, coke oven gas, ethanol and any other type of thermal combustible fuel source not otherwise identified on the questionnaire. Specify in the spaces provided.

  • Thermal
    • Coal
    • Natural gas
    • Petroleum
    • Other
      Specify other combustible sources
  • Biomass
    • Wood
    • Spent pulping liquor
    • Methane (landfill gas)
    • Municipal and other waste
    • Other
      Specify other types of biomass

5. What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity generated from the following?

What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity generated from the following?
  Quantity in
Natural gas  
Total megawatt-hours generated from thermal electricity production  
Spent pulping liquor  
Methane (landfill gas)  
Municipal and other waste  
Total megawatt-hours generated from biomass  
Total electricity production from combustible fuels  
Total production of electricity  

Import of electricity from the United States

6. Did this business import electricity from the United States?

  • Yes
  • No

7. What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) and value of imported electricity from the United States?

If applicable, please report the total amount of electricity (MWh) and Canadian dollar value (thousands of dollars) this business imported/purchased from the United States.

Quantity in MWh

CAN$ '000

Withdrawals or purchases of electricity from other Canadian producers and distributors

8. Did this business receive electricity from other sources in Canada?


  • electricity received from other producers or distributors
  • withdrawals from the grid for own use
  • affiliated direct purchase and wholesale consumers
  • Yes
  • No

Withdrawals or purchases of electricity from other Canadian producers and distributors

9. From which province or territory was electricity purchased or withdrawn by this business?

Select all that apply.

  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Nova Scotia
  • New Brunswick
  • Quebec
  • Ontario
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Yukon
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut

10. What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) and the value of electricity received by this business?


  • electricity received from other producers or distributors
  • withdrawals from the grid for own use
  • affiliated direct purchase and wholesale consumers

If applicable, please report the total quantities of electricity ( MWh ) and total dollar value (thousands of dollars) purchased or received from within and/or other provinces ( e.g., other utilities/producers, transmitters, distributors).

What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) and the value of electricity received by this business?
  Quantity in
CAN$ '000
Newfoundland and Labrador    
Prince Edward Island    
Nova Scotia    
New Brunswick    
British Columbia    
Northwest Territories    
Total quantity and value of electricity, purchased or withdrawn from other domestic companies    

Total supply of electricity

11. This is a summary of your total supply of electricity from foreign and domestic suppliers.

This is the sum of Total Generation, Total Receipts from United States, Total Receipts from Other Provinces and Total Receipts from Within Province. The Total Supply number must equal the Total Disposal number.

This is a summary of your total supply of electricity from foreign and domestic suppliers.
in MWh
Total generation of electricity  
Total quantity of electricity imported from the United States  
Total quantity purchased or withdrawn from other companies in Canada  
Total supply of electricity  

12. This is a summary of your total cost of purchased electricity from foreign and domestic suppliers.

This is a summary of your total cost of purchased electricity from foreign and domestic suppliers.
  CAN$ '000
Total cost of electricity imported from the United States  
Total cost of electricity purchased or withdrawn from other companies in Canada  
Total cost of purchased electricity from foreign and domestic suppliers  

Company's own use - generated electricity

13. Did this business consume electricity for its own use, excluding electricity that is purchased?

Own use consumption (also known as Producer consumption or Station service) refers to consumption of self-generated electricity (excludes imported or purchased electricity) for the direct support of the plant or business itself during the reporting period.

Own use consumption= Gross electricity - Net electricity generation
(Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period. Gross electricity generation is the total amount of electricity generated by the power plant during the reporting period).

  • Yes
  • No

14. What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) of the electricity consumed by this business for its own use?

Own use consumption (also known as Producer consumption or Station service) refers to consumption of self-generated electricity (excludes imported or purchased electricity) for the direct support of the plant or business itself during the reporting period.

Own use consumption = Gross electricity - Net electricity generation
(Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period. Gross electricity generation is the total amount of electricity generated by the power plant during the reporting period).

Quantity in MWh

Export of electricity to the United States

15. Did this business export electricity to the United States?

  • Yes
  • No

16. What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) and value of exported electricity to the United States?

If applicable, please report the amount of electricity (MWh) and Canadian dollar value (thousands of dollars) this business sold/exported to the United States.

Quantity in MWh

CAN$ '000

Delivery of electricity to other domestic utilities or distributors

17. Did this business deliver electricity to other companies in Canada such as utilities, system operators (the grid), producers, transmitters and/or distributors for the purpose of resale?

e.g., utilities or distributors

  • Yes
  • No

18. Which province or territory was electricity delivered to?

Select all that apply.

  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Nova Scotia
  • New Brunswick
  • Quebec
  • Ontario
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Yukon
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut

19. What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) and value of electricity delivered to other companies in Canada such as utilities, system operators (the grid), producers, transmitters and/or distributors for the purpose of resale?

If applicable, please report the amount of electricity ( MWh ) and total dollar value your company sold to other domestic companies, by province or territory.

What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) and value of electricity delivered to other companies in Canada such as utilities, system operators (the grid), producers, transmitters and/or distributors for the purpose of resale?
in MWh
CAN$ '000
Newfoundland and Labrador    
Prince Edward Island    
Nova Scotia    
New Brunswick    
British Columbia    
Northwest Territories    
Total quantity and value of delivered electricity to other domestic businesses    

20. Did this business deliver electricity to consumers enrolled with retailers such as Direct Energy?

A retailer does not own any distribution lines, it operates as a middleman and relies on utility companies to deliver to their clients the electricity it has purchased on the markets.

Retailers only operate in Alberta and Ontario where the electricity markets have been deregulated, and where, by law, the generation, transmission and distribution activities must be performed by different companies.

  • Yes
  • No

21. What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity delivered to the following types of consumers enrolled with retailers?

Exclude electricity delivered to other utilities or distributors.

What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity delivered to the following types of consumers enrolled with retailers?
in MWh
Residential and agricultural consumers  
Residential - single meter  
Residential - bulk meter  
Family farms (at farm rates or an estimate)  
Corporate farms and support activities  
Irrigation (at irrigation rates only)  
Total quantity of electricity delivered to residential and agricultural consumers enrolled with retailers  
Mining and manufacturing consumers  
Iron ore mining  
Oil and gas extraction and support activities  
Other mining and support activities  
Food manufacturing  
Paper manufacturing  
Iron and steel manufacturing  
Aluminum and non-ferrous metal manufacturing  
Cement manufacturing  
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing  
Chemical, pesticide and fertilizer manufacturing  
Other manufacturing (not listed above)  
Total quantity of electricity delivered to mining and manufacturing consumers enrolled with retailers  
Other consumers  
Urban transit systems  
Pipeline transportation and natural gas distribution  
Public administration  
Street lighting (estimate if necessary)  
Commercial and other Institutional (not listed above)  
Total quantity of electricity delivered to other types of consumers enrolled with retailers  
Total quantity of electricity delivered to consumers enrolled with retailers  

22. What was the total number of customers for electricity delivered to the following types of consumers enrolled with retailers?

Exclude electricity delivered to other utilities or distributors.

What was the total number of customers for electricity delivered to the following types of consumers enrolled with retailers?
  Number of customers
Residential and agricultural consumers  
Residential - Single meter  
Residential - Bulk meter  
Family farms (at farm rates or an estimate)  
Corporate farms and support activities  
Irrigation (at irrigation rates only)  
Total number of customers for electricity delivered to residential and agricultural consumers enrolled with retailers  
Mining and manufacturing industries  
All other types of consumers enrolled with retailers  
Total number of customers for electricity delivered to consumers enrolled with retailers  

23. This is a summary of your total quantity (MWh) and number of customers for electricity delivered for consumers enrolled with retailers.

This is a summary of your total quantity (MWh) and number of customers for electricity delivered for consumers enrolled with retailers.
  Quantity in MWh Number of customers
Total quantity of electricity delivered to consumers enrolled with retailers    
Total number of customers for electricity delivered to consumers enrolled with retailers    

Delivery of electricity to ultimate consumer

24. Does this business deliver electricity to 'end use' consumers?

  • Yes
  • No

25. What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity delivered to the following types of 'end use' consumers?

Exclude electricity delivered to other utilities or distributors.

What was the quantity in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity delivered to the following types of 'end use' consumers?
  Quantity in
Residential and agricultural consumers  
Residential - single meter  
Residential - bulk meter  
Family farms (at farm rates or an estimate)  
Corporate farms and support activities  
Irrigation (at irrigation rates only)  
Total quantity of electricity delivered to the residential and agricultural 'end use' consumers  
Mining and manufacturing consumers  
Iron ore mining  
Oil and gas extraction and support activities  
Other mining and support activities  
Food manufacturing  
Paper manufacturing  
Iron and steel manufacturing  
Aluminum and non-ferrous metal manufacturing  
Cement manufacturing  
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing  
Chemical, pesticide and fertilizer manufacturing  
Other manufacturing (not listed above)  
Total quantity of electricity delivered to mining and manufacturing 'end use' consumers  
Other consumers  
Urban transit systems  
Pipeline transportation and natural gas distribution  
Public administration  
Street lighting (estimate if necessary)  
Commercial and other Institutional (not listed above)  
Total quantity of electricity delivered to other types of 'end use' consumers  
Total quantity of electricity delivered to 'end use' consumers  

26. What was the value of electricity delivered to the following types of 'end use' consumers?

What was the value of electricity delivered to the following types of 'end use' consumers?
  CAN$ '000
Residential and agricultural consumers  
Residential - Single meter  
Residential - Bulk meter  
Family farms (at farm rates or an estimate)  
Corporate farms and support activities  
Irrigation (at irrigation rates only)  
Total value of electricity delivered to the residential and agricultural 'end use' consumers  
Mining and manufacturing industries  
All other types of 'end use' consumers  
Total value of electricity delivered to 'end use' consumers  

27. What was the total number of customers for electricity delivered to the following types of 'end use' consumers?

What was the total number of customers for electricity delivered to the following types of 'end use' consumers?
  Number of customers
Residential and agricultural consumers  
Residential - Single meter  
Residential - Bulk meter  
Family farms (at farm rates or an estimate)  
Corporate farms and support activities  
Irrigation (at irrigation rates only)  
Total number of customers, delivered to the residential and agricultural 'end use' consumers  
Mining and manufacturing industries  
All other types of 'end use' consumers  
Total number of customers for electricity delivered to 'end use' consumers  

28. This is a summary of your total quantity (MWh), total value and number of customers for electricity delivered to 'end use' consumers.

This is a summary of your total quantity (MWh), total value and number of customers for electricity delivered to 'end use' consumers.
in MWh
Number of customers CAN$ '000
Total quantity of electricity delivered to 'end use' consumers      
Total number of customers for electricity delivered to 'end use' consumers      
Total value of electricity delivered to 'end-use' consumers      

Balancing electricity supply and disposition

29. This is a summary of your balancing electricity supply and disposition. Transmission, distribution, and other losses was automatically calculated as the difference between your reported total supply of electricity and total disposition of electricity.

Transmission, distribution and other losses


  • transmission losses
  • adjustments
  • "unaccounted for" amounts which are subject to variation because of cyclical billing.

Exclude generating station use output as measured at the generating station gate.

This is a summary of your balancing electricity supply and disposition. Transmission, distribution, and other losses was automatically calculated as the difference between your reported total supply of electricity and total disposition of electricity.
  Quantity in MWh
Production of electricity  
Imported electricity from the United States  
Withdrawal or purchased electricity from the grid  
Total supply of electricity  
Consumed, generated or purchased electricity  
Exported electricity to United States  
Delivered electricity to other domestic businesses  
Delivered electricity to consumers enrolled with retailers  
Delivered electricity to 'end use' consumers  
Total disposition of electricity  
Transmission, distribution and other losses  
Total supply of electricity  
Total disposition of electricity  
Transmission, distribution and other losses  

Changes or events

1. Indicate any changes or events that affected the reported values for this business or organization, compared with the last reporting period.

Select all that apply.

  • Strike or lock-out
  • Exchange rate impact
  • Price changes in goods or services sold
  • Contracting out
  • Organizational change
  • Price changes in labour or raw materials
  • Natural disaster
  • Recession
  • Change in product line
  • Sold business or business units
  • Expansion
  • New or lost contract
  • Plant closures
  • Acquisition of business or business units
  • Other
    Specify the other changes or events:
  • No changes or events

Contact person

1. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information. Is the provided given names and the provided family name the best person to contact?

  • Yes
  • No

Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?

  • First name:
  • Last name:
  • Title:
  • Email address:
  • Telephone number (including area code):
  • Extension number (if applicable):
    The maximum number of characters is 5.
  • Fax number (including area code):


1. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.

  • Hours:
  • Minutes:

2. Do you have any comments about this questionnaire?

Why are we conducting this survey?

This survey is conducted by Statistics Canada in order to collect the necessary information to support the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP). This program combines various survey and administrative data to develop comprehensive measures of the Canadian economy.

The statistical information from the IBSP serves many purposes, including:

  • Obtaining information on the supply of and/or demand for energy in Canada
  • Enabling governmental agencies to fulfill their regulatory responsibilities in regards to public utilities
  • Enabling all levels of government to establish informed policies in the energy area
  • Assisting the business community in the corporate decision-making process.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations.

Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Enterprise Statistics Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at or by fax at 613-951-6583

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut as well as with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government, the ministère des Finances du Québec, the ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques du Québec, the Ministère de l'énergie et des ressources naturelles du Québec, Transition énergétique Québec, the Manitoba Department of Growth, Enterprise and Trade, Alberta Energy, the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, the Canada Energy Regulator, Natural Resources Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Business or organization and contact information

1. Verify or provide the business or organization's legal and operating name and correct where needed.

Note: Legal name modifications should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

Legal Name

The legal name is one recognized by law, thus it is the name liable for pursuit or for debts incurred by the business or organization. In the case of a corporation, it is the legal name as fixed by its charter or the statute by which the corporation was created.

Modifications to the legal name should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

To indicate a legal name of another legal entity you should instead indicate it in question 3 by selecting 'Not currently operational' and then choosing the applicable reason and providing the legal name of this other entity along with any other requested information.

Operating Name

The operating name is a name the business or organization is commonly known as if different from its legal name. The operating name is synonymous with trade name.

  • Legal name
  • Operating name (if applicable)

2. Verify or provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire and correct where needed.

Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Preferred language of communication
    • English
    • French
  • Mailing address (number and street)
  • City
  • Province, territory or state
  • Postal code or ZIP code
  • Country
    • Canada
    • United States
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
  • The maximum number of characters is 10.
  • Fax number (including area code)

3. Verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

  • Operational
  • Not currently operational (e.g., temporarily or permanently closed, change of ownership)
    Why is this business or organization not currently operational?
    • Seasonal operations
      • When did this business or organization close for the season?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
    • Ceased operations
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Bankruptcy
        • Liquidation
        • Dissolution
        • Other
      • Specify the other reasons why the operations ceased
    • Sold operations
      • When was this business or organization sold?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the buyer?
    • Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations
      • When did this business or organization amalgamate?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
      • What are the legal names of the other amalgamated businesses or organizations?
    • Temporarily inactive but will re-open
      • When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
      • Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive?
    • No longer operating due to other reasons
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?

4. Verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

Note: The described activity was assigned using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

This question verifies the business or organization's current main activity as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS, are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

The target entity for which NAICS is designed are businesses and other organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. They include farms, incorporated and unincorporated businesses and government business enterprises. They also include government institutions and agencies engaged in the production of marketed and non-marketed services, as well as organizations such as professional associations and unions and charitable or non-profit organizations and the employees of households.

The associated NAICS should reflect those activities conducted by the business or organizational units targeted by this questionnaire only, as identified in the 'Answering this questionnaire' section and which can be identified by the specified legal and operating name. The main activity is the activity which most defines the targeted business or organization's main purpose or reason for existence. For a business or organization that is for-profit, it is normally the activity that generates the majority of the revenue for the entity.

The NAICS classification contains a limited number of activity classifications; the associated classification might be applicable for this business or organization even if it is not exactly how you would describe this business or organization's main activity.

Please note that any modifications to the main activity through your response to this question might not necessarily be reflected prior to the transmitting of subsequent questionnaires and as a result they may not contain this updated information.

The following is the detailed description including any applicable examples or exclusions for the classification currently associated with this business or organization.

Description and examples

  • This is the current main activity
    • Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity
    • e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development
  • This is not the current main activity

Main activity

5. You indicated that is not the current main activity.

Was this business or organization's main activity ever classified as: ?

  • Yes
    • When did the main activity change?
    • Date
  • No

6. Search and select the industry classification code that best corresponds to this business or organization's main activity.

Select this business or organization's activity sector (optional)

  • Farming or logging operation
  • Construction company or general contractor
  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer
  • Provider of passenger or freight transportation
  • Provider of investment, savings or insurance products
  • Real estate agency, real estate brokerage or leasing company
  • Provider of professional, scientific or technical services
  • Provider of health care or social services
  • Restaurant, bar, hotel, motel or other lodging establishment
  • Other sector

7. You have indicated that the current main activity of this business or organization is:

Main activity

Are there any other activities that contribute significantly (at least 10%) to this business or organization's revenue?

  • Yes, there are other activities
    • Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's secondary activity
    • e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development
  • No, that is the only significant activity

8. Approximately what percentage of this business or organization's revenue is generated by each of the following activities?

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimates.

Approximately what percentage of this business or organization's revenue is generated by each of the following activities?
  Percentage of revenue
Main activity  
Secondary activity  
All other activities  
Total percentage  

Method of collection

1. Indicate whether you will be answering the remaining questions or attaching files with the required information.

  • Answering the remaining questions
  • Attaching files

Attach files

2. Please attach the files that will provide the information required for the Annual Survey of Electric Power Thermal Generating Station Fuel Consumption (EPTG).

To attach files

  • Press the Attach files button.
  • Choose the file to attach. Multiple files can be attached.


  • Each file must not exceed 5 MB.
  • All attachments combined must not exceed 50 MB.
  • The name and size of each file attached will be displayed on the page.

Industrial generator

1. Does this business produce electricity, for own use and/or for sale?

  • Yes
  • No

Fuel consumption for industrial generation

2. Are the reported fuels consumed for the purpose of electricity generation only?

  • Yes
  • No

Generation and efficiency

3. What is the percentage of the actual electrical generator efficiency?

4. What percentage of the portion of steam is used to produce electricity?

Enter '0' if steam was not used to produce electricity.

Do not report negative values.

5. What is the percentage of the actual turbine efficiency?


6. Does this business generate both heat and electricity simultaneously from the same energy source at this location?

  • Yes
  • No

7. What is the primary purpose of the cogeneration?

  • To generate electricity for own use
  • To generate electricity for sale
  • To generate heat energy for own use
  • To generate heat energy for sale

8. How much heat was generated from the cogeneration process?

Heat energy (primary product) is defined as a product generated for the purpose of this business’s own use or for sale. It does not include heat by-products, such as waste heat or steam.

Quantity in Gigajoules (GJ)

  • To generate electricity for own use
  • To generate electricity for sale

9. How much heat was generated from the cogeneration process?

Quantity in Gigajoules (GJ)

10. What is the primary purpose for generating electricity?

Primary purpose

  • To generate electricity for own use
  • To generate electricity for sale

Sub-type for electricity generation

11. What sub-type method was used to generate electricity?

Select all that apply.

  • Combined cycle
  • Steam turbine
  • Combustion engine
  • Combustion turbine
  • Other
    Specify other sub-type method used to generate electricity

Sub-type for electricity generation

12. Which of the following sub-type methods were used for the cogeneration process?

Select all that apply.

  • Combined cycle
  • Steam turbine
  • Combustion engine
  • Combustion turbine
  • Other
    Specify other sub-type method used to generate electricity

Fuel used by generation method — Combined cycle

13. This business indicated that Combined cycle was used to generate electricity.

Which types of fuels were used to generate this electricity?

Select all that apply.

  • Solid fuels
    • e.g., coal, wood, municipal waste, biomass
  • Liquids
    • e.g., bio-fuels, diesel, propane, heavy& light fuel oil
  • Gaseous
    • e.g., natural gas, coke oven gas, methane, refined fuel gas
  • Other fuels used to generate electricity
    • e.g., waste heat

Fuel selection breakdown — Combined cycle

14. This business indicated that Combined cycle was used to generate electricity.

Which types of Solid fuels were used to generate this electricity?

Select all that apply.

  • Bituminous coal
    • Purchased from Canadian companies
    • Imported from foreign countries
  • Sub-bituminous coal
    • Purchased from Canadian companies
    • Imported from foreign countries
  • Lignite
  • Wood e.g., bark, hog-fuel
  • Petroleum coke
  • Agriculture biomass
  • Other biomass e.g., biomass from food processing
  • Other biomass - type unknown
  • Municipal and other waste
  • Other
    Specify other solid fuel used to generate electricity

15. This business indicated that Combined cycle was used to generate electricity.

Which types of Liquids were used to generate this electricity?

Select all that apply.

  • Biodiesel
  • Ethanol
  • Other biofuel
  • Light fuel oil
  • Heavy fuel oil
    • Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies
    • Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries
  • Propane
  • Diesel
  • Orimulsion
  • Spent pulping liquor
  • Other
    Specify other liquid fuel used to generate electricity

16. This business indicated that Combined cycle was used to generate electricity.

Which types of Gaseous fuels were used to generate this electricity?

Select all that apply.

  • Natural gas
  • Coke oven gas
  • Methane (land fill)
  • Refined fuel gas
  • Other
    Specify other gaseous fuel used to generate electricity

17. This business indicated that Combined cycle was used to generate electricity.

What Other fuels were used to generate this electricity?

If you are reporting for electricity generated using Waste heat, do not complete boiler efficiency, average heat content, quantity, or total cost.

  • Other
    Specify other type of fuel used to generate electricity

Fuel used by generation method — Steam turbine

18. This business indicated that Steam turbine was used to generate electricity.

Which types of fuels were used to generate this electricity?

Select all that apply.

  • Solid fuels
    • e.g., coal, wood, municipal waste, biomass
  • Liquids
    • e.g., bio-fuels, diesel, propane, heavy& light fuel oil
  • Gaseous
    • e.g., natural gas, coke oven gas, methane, refined fuel gas
  • Other fuels used to generate electricity
    • e.g., waste heat

Fuel selection breakdown — Steam turbine

19. This business indicated that Steam turbine was used to generate electricity.

Which types of Solid fuels were used to generate this electricity?

Select all that apply.

  • Bituminous coal
    • Purchased from Canadian companies
    • Imported from foreign countries
  • Sub-bituminous coal
    • Purchased from Canadian companies
    • Imported from foreign countries
  • Lignite
  • Wood e.g., bark, hog-fuel
  • Petroleum coke
  • Agriculture biomass
  • Other biomass e.g., biomass from food processing
  • Other biomass - type unknown
  • Municipal and other waste
  • Other
    Specify other solid fuel used to generate electricity

    20. This business indicated that Steam turbine was used to generate electricity.

    Which types of Liquids were used to generate this electricity?

    Select all that apply.

    • Biodiesel
    • Ethanol
    • Other biofuel
    • Light fuel oil
    • Heavy fuel oil
      • Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies
      • Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries
    • Propane
    • Diesel
    • Orimulsion
    • Spent pulping liquor
    • Other
      Specify other liquid fuel used to generate electricity

      21. This business indicated that Steam turbine was used to generate electricity.

      Which types of Gaseous fuels were used to generate this electricity?

      Select all that apply.

      • Natural gas
      • Coke oven gas
      • Methane (land fill)
      • Refined fuel gas
      • Other
        Specify other gaseous fuel used to generate electricity

      22. This business indicated that Steam turbine was used to generate electricity.

      What Other fuels were used to generate this electricity?

      If you are reporting for electricity generated using Waste heat, do not complete boiler efficiency, average heat content, quantity, or total cost.

      • Other
        Specify other type of fuel used to generate electricity

      Fuel used by generation method — Combustion engine

      23. This business indicated that Combustion engine was used to generate electricity.

      Which types of fuels were used to generate this electricity?

      Select all that apply.

      • Solid fuels
        • e.g., coal, wood, municipal waste, biomass
      • Liquids
        • e.g., bio-fuels, diesel, propane, heavy& light fuel oil
      • Gaseous
        • e.g., natural gas, coke oven gas, methane, refined fuel gas
      • Other fuels used to generate electricity
        • e.g., waste heat

      Fuel selection breakdown — Combustion engine

      24. This business indicated that Combustion engine was used to generate electricity.

      Which types of Solid fuels were used to generate this electricity?

      Select all that apply.

      • Bituminous coal
        • Purchased from Canadian companies
        • Imported from foreign countries
      • Sub-bituminous coal
        • Purchased from Canadian companies
        • Imported from foreign countries
      • Lignite
      • Wood e.g., bark, hog-fuel
      • Petroleum coke
      • Agriculture biomass
      • Other biomass e.g., biomass from food processing
      • Other biomass - type unknown
      • Municipal and other waste
      • Other
        Specify other solid fuel used to generate electricity

        25. This business indicated that Combustion engine was used to generate electricity.

        Which types of Liquids were used to generate this electricity?

        Select all that apply.

        • Biodiesel
        • Ethanol
        • Other biofuel
        • Light fuel oil
        • Heavy fuel oil
          • Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies
          • Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries
        • Propane
        • Diesel
        • Orimulsion
        • Spent pulping liquor
        • Other
          Specify other liquid fuel used to generate electricity

          26. This business indicated that Combustion engine was used to generate electricity.

          Which types of Gaseous fuels were used to generate this electricity?

          Select all that apply.

          • Natural gas
          • Coke oven gas
          • Methane (land fill)
          • Refined fuel gas
          • Other
            Specify other gaseous fuel used to generate electricity

          27. This business indicated that Combustion engine was used to generate electricity.

          What Other fuels were used to generate this electricity?

          If you are reporting for electricity generated using Waste heat, do not complete boiler efficiency, average heat content, quantity, or total cost.

          • Other
            Specify other type of fuel used to generate electricity

          Fuel used by generation method — Combustion turbine

          28. This business indicated that Combustion turbine was used to generate electricity.

          Which types of fuels were used to generate this electricity?

          Select all that apply.

          • Solid fuels
            • e.g., coal, wood, municipal waste, biomass
          • Liquids
            • e.g., bio-fuels, diesel, propane, heavy& light fuel oil
          • Gaseous
            • e.g., natural gas, coke oven gas, methane, refined fuel gas
          • Other fuels used to generate electricity
            • e.g., waste heat

          Fuel selection breakdown — Combustion turbine

          29. This business indicated that Combustion turbine was used to generate electricity.

          Which types of Solid fuels were used to generate this electricity?

          Select all that apply.

          • Bituminous coal
            • Purchased from Canadian companies
            • Imported from foreign countries
          • Sub-bituminous coal
            • Purchased from Canadian companies
            • Imported from foreign countries
          • Lignite
          • Wood e.g., bark, hog-fuel
          • Petroleum coke
          • Agriculture biomass
          • Other biomass e.g., biomass from food processing
          • Other biomass - type unknown
          • Municipal and other waste
          • Other
            Specify other solid fuel used to generate electricity

            30. This business indicated that Combustion turbine was used to generate electricity.

            Which types of Liquids were used to generate this electricity?

            Select all that apply.

            • Biodiesel
            • Ethanol
            • Other biofuel
            • Light fuel oil
            • Heavy fuel oil
              • Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies
              • Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries
            • Propane
            • Diesel
            • Orimulsion
            • Spent pulping liquor
            • Other
              Specify other liquid fuel used to generate electricity

              31. This business indicated that Combustion turbine was used to generate electricity.

              Which types of Gaseous fuels were used to generate this electricity?

              • Natural gas
              • Coke oven gas
              • Methane (land fill)
              • Refined fuel gas
              • Other
                Specify other gaseous fuel used to generate electricity

              32. This business indicated that Combustion turbine was used to generate electricity.

              What Other fuels were used to generate this electricity?

              If you are reporting for electricity generated using Waste heat, do not complete boiler efficiency, average heat content, quantity, or total cost.

              • Other
                Specify other type of fuel used to generate electricity

              Fuel used by generation method — Other sub-type

              33. This business indicated that [other sub-type method] was used to generate electricity.

              Which types of fuels were used to generate this electricity?

              Select all that apply.

              • Solid fuels
                • e.g., coal, wood, municipal waste, biomass
              • Liquids
                • e.g., bio-fuels, diesel, propane, heavy& light fuel oil
              • Gaseous
                • e.g., natural gas, coke oven gas, methane, refined fuel gas
              • Other fuels used to generate electricity
                • e.g., waste heat

              Fuel selection breakdown — Other sub-type

              34. This business indicated that [other sub-type method] was used to generate electricity.

              Which types of Solid fuels were used to generate this electricity?

              Select all that apply.

              • Bituminous coal
                • Purchased from Canadian companies
                • Imported from foreign countries
              • Sub-bituminous coal
                • Purchased from Canadian companies
                • Imported from foreign countries
              • Lignite
              • Wood e.g., bark, hog-fuel
              • Petroleum coke
              • Agriculture biomass
              • Other biomass e.g., biomass from food processing
              • Other biomass - type unknown
              • Municipal and other waste
              • Other
                Specify other solid fuel used to generate electricity

                35. This business indicated that [other sub-type method] was used to generate electricity.

                Which types of Liquid fuels were used to generate this electricity?

                Select all that apply.

                • Biodiesel
                • Ethanol
                • Other biofuel
                • Light fuel oil
                • Heavy fuel oil
                  • Purchased from Canadian companies
                  • Imported from foreign countries
                • Propane
                • Diesel
                • Orimulsion
                • Spent pulping liquor
                • Other
                  Specify other liquid fuel used to generate electricity

                  36. This business indicated that [other sub-type method] was used to generate electricity.

                  Which types of Gaseous fuels were used to generate this electricity?

                  Select all that apply.

                  • Natural gas
                  • Coke oven gas
                  • Methane (land fill)
                  • Refined fuel gas
                  • Other
                    Specify other gaseous fuels used to generate electricity

                  37. This business indicated that [other sub-type method] was used to generate electricity.

                  What Other fuels were used to generate this electricity?

                  If you are reporting for electricity generated using Waste heat, do not complete boiler efficiency, average heat content, quantity, or total cost.

                  • Other
                    Specify other type of fuel used to generate electricity

                  Questions for selected fuel types — Combined cycle

                  38. This business indicated that Combined cycle was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What percentage was the efficiency of the boiler?

                  Heat output (kJ)/Total Energy Content of the Fuel (kJ).

                  The proportion of useful heat produced to the total potential energy available by burning the fuel.

                  What percentage was the efficiency of the boiler?
                    Percentage (%)
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  39. This business indicated that Combined cycle was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the average heat content?

                  • Solid fuels: report in kJ/kg
                  • Liquids fuels: report in kJ/L
                  • Gaseous fuels: report in kJ/m3
                  • Other fuels: report in kJ/kg
                  What was the average heat content?
                    Average heat content
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  40. This business indicated that Combined cycle was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the quantity/volume used and the total cost?
                    Unit of measure Quantity/volume used CAN$ '000
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies      
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries      
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies      
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries      
                  e. Lignite      
                  f. Wood      
                  g. Petroleum coke      
                  h. Agriculture biomass      
                  i. Other biomass      
                  j. Other biomass — type unknown      
                  k. Municipal and other waste      
                  l. [Other solid fuel]      
                  m. Biodiesel      
                  n. Ethanol      
                  o. Other biofuel      
                  p. Light fuel oil      
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies      
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries      
                  s. Propane      
                  t. Diesel      
                  u. Orimulsion      
                  v. Spent pulping liquor      
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]      
                  x. Natural gas      
                  y. Coke oven gas      
                  z. Methane (land fill)      
                  aa. Refined fuel gas      
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]      
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]      

                  41. This business indicated that Combined cycle was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the quantity of electricity generated in megawatt-hours (MWh)?
                    Quantity in MWh
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  
                  42. For Combined cycle, the total net generation of electricity is:
                    Quantity in MWh
                  Total net generation of electricity using Combined cycle  

                  Questions for selected fuel types — Steam turbine

                  43. This business indicated that Steam turbine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What percentage was the efficiency of the boiler?

                  Heat output (kJ)/Total Energy Content of the Fuel (kJ).

                  The proportion of useful heat produced to the total potential energy available by burning the fuel.

                  What percentage was the efficiency of the boiler?
                    Percentage (%)
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  44. This business indicated that Steam turbine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the average heat content?

                  • Solid fuels: report in kJ/kg
                  • Liquids fuels: report in kJ/L
                  • Gaseous fuels: report in kJ/m3
                  • Other fuels: report in kJ/kg
                  What was the average heat content?
                    Average heat content
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  45. This business indicated that Steam turbine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the quantity/volume used and the total cost?
                    Unit of measure Quantity/volume used CAN$ '000
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies      
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries      
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies      
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries      
                  e. Lignite      
                  f. Wood      
                  g. Petroleum coke      
                  h. Agriculture biomass      
                  i. Other biomass      
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown      
                  k. Municipal and other waste      
                  l. [Other solid fuel]      
                  m. Biodiesel      
                  n. Ethanol      
                  o. Other biofuel      
                  p. Light fuel oil      
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies      
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries      
                  s. Propane      
                  t. Diesel      
                  u. Orimulsion      
                  v. Spent pulping liquor      
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]      
                  x. Natural gas      
                  y. Coke oven gas      
                  z. Methane (land fill)      
                  aa. Refined fuel gas      
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]      
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]      

                  46. This business indicated that Steam turbine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the quantity of electricity generated in megawatt-hours (MWh)?
                    Quantity in MWh
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  47. For Steam turbine, the total net generation of electricity is:

                  Total net generation of electricity using Steam turbine
                    Quantity in MWh
                  Total net generation of electricity using Steam turbine  

                  Questions for selected fuel types — Combustion engine

                  48. This business indicated that Combustion engine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What percentage was the efficiency of the boiler?

                  Heat output (kJ)/Total Energy Content of the Fuel (kJ).

                  The proportion of useful heat produced to the total potential energy available by burning the fuel.

                  What percentage was the efficiency of the boiler?
                    Percentage (%)
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  49. This business indicated that Combustion engine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the average heat content?

                  • Solid fuels: report in kJ/kg
                  • Liquids fuels: report in kJ/L
                  • Gaseous fuels: report in kJ/m3
                  • Other fuels: report in kJ/kg
                  What was the average heat content?
                    Average heat content
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  50. This business indicated that Combustion engine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the quantity/volume used and the total cost?
                    Unit of measure Quantity/volume used CAN$ '000
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies      
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries      
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies      
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries      
                  e. Lignite      
                  f. Wood      
                  g. Petroleum coke      
                  h. Agriculture biomass      
                  i. Other biomass      
                  j. Other biomass — type unknown      
                  k. Municipal and other waste      
                  l. [Other solid fuel]      
                  m. Biodiesel      
                  n. Ethanol      
                  o. Other biofuel      
                  p. Light fuel oil      
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies      
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries      
                  s. Propane      
                  t. Diesel      
                  u. Orimulsion      
                  v. Spent pulping liquor      
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]      
                  x. Natural gas      
                  y. Coke oven gas      
                  z. Methane (land fill)      
                  aa. Refined fuel gas      
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]      
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]      

                  51. This business indicated that Combustion engine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the quantity of electricity generated in megawatt-hours (MWh)?
                  Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period.
                  Net electricity generation = Gross electricity generation - Own use consumption
                    Quantity in MWh
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  52. For Combustion engine, the total net generation of electricity is:

                  Total net generation of electricity using Combustion engine
                    Quantity in MWh
                  Total net generation of electricity using Combustion engine  

                  Questions for selected fuel types — Combustion turbine

                  53. This business indicated that Combustion turbine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What percentage was the efficiency of the boiler?

                  Heat output (kJ)/Total Energy Content of the Fuel (kJ).

                  The proportion of useful heat produced to the total potential energy available by burning the fuel.

                  What percentage was the efficiency of the boiler?
                    Percentage (%)
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  54. This business indicated that Combustion turbine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the average heat content?

                  • Solid fuels: report in kJ/kg
                  • Liquids fuels: report in kJ/L
                  • Gaseous fuels: report in kJ/m3
                  • Other fuels: report in kJ/kg
                  What was the average heat content?
                    Average heat content
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  55. This business indicated that Combustion turbine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the quantity/volume used and the total cost?
                    Unit of measure Quantity/volume used CAN$ '000
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies      
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries      
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies      
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries      
                  e. Lignite      
                  f. Wood      
                  g. Petroleum coke      
                  h. Agriculture biomass      
                  i. Other biomass      
                  j. Other biomass — type unknown      
                  k. Municipal and other waste      
                  l. [Other solid fuel]      
                  m. Biodiesel      
                  n. Ethanol      
                  o. Other biofuel      
                  p. Light fuel oil      
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies      
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries      
                  s. Propane      
                  t. Diesel      
                  u. Orimulsion      
                  v. Spent pulping liquor      
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]      
                  x. Natural gas      
                  y. Coke oven gas      
                  z. Methane (land fill)      
                  aa. Refined fuel gas      
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]      
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]      

                  56. This business indicated that Combustion turbine was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the quantity of electricity generated in megawatt-hours (MWh)?
                  Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period.
                  Net electricity generation = Gross electricity generation - Own use consumption
                    Quantity in MWh
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  57. For Combustion turbine, the total net generation of electricity is:

                    Quantity in MWh
                  Total net generation of electricity using Combustion turbine  

                  Questions for selected fuel types — Other sub-type

                  58. This business indicated that [other sub-type method] was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What percentage was the efficiency of the boiler?

                  Heat output (kJ)/Total Energy Content of the Fuel (kJ).

                  The proportion of useful heat produced to the total potential energy available by burning the fuel.

                  What percentage was the efficiency of the boiler?
                    Percentage (%)
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  59. This business indicated that [other sub-type method] was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the average heat content?

                  • Solid fuels: report in kJ/kg
                  • Liquids fuels: report in kJ/L
                  • Gaseous fuels: report in kJ/m3
                  • Other fuels: report in kJ/kg
                  What was the average heat content?
                    Average heat content
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  60. This business indicated that [other sub-type method] was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the quantity/volume used and the total cost?
                    Unit of measure Quantity/volume used CAN$ '000
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies      
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries      
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies      
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries      
                  e. Lignite      
                  f. Wood      
                  g. Petroleum coke      
                  h. Agriculture biomass      
                  i. Other biomass      
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown      
                  k. Municipal and other waste      
                  l. [Other solid fuel]      
                  m. Biodiesel      
                  n. Ethanol      
                  o. Other biofuel      
                  p. Light fuel oil      
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies      
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries      
                  s. Propane      
                  t. Diesel      
                  u. Orimulsion      
                  v. Spent pulping liquor      
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]      
                  x. Natural gas      
                  y. Coke oven gas      
                  z. Methane (land fill)      
                  aa. Refined fuel gas      
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]      
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]      

                  61. This business indicated that [other sub-type method] was used to generate electricity. Please answer the following for the selected fuel types:

                  What was the quantity of electricity generated in megawatt-hours (MWh)?
                  Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period.
                  Net electricity generation = Gross electricity generation - Own use consumption
                    Quantity in MWh
                  a. Bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  b. Bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  c. Sub-bituminous coal purchased from Canadian companies  
                  d. Sub-bituminous coal imported from foreign countries  
                  e. Lignite  
                  f. Wood  
                  g. Petroleum coke  
                  h. Agriculture biomass  
                  i. Other biomass  
                  j. Other biomass - type unknown  
                  k. Municipal and other waste  
                  l. [Other solid fuel]  
                  m. Biodiesel  
                  n. Ethanol  
                  o. Other biofuel  
                  p. Light fuel oil  
                  q. Heavy fuel oil purchased from Canadian companies  
                  r. Heavy fuel oil imported from foreign countries  
                  s. Propane  
                  t. Diesel  
                  u. Orimulsion  
                  v. Spent pulping liquor  
                  w. [Other liquid fuel]  
                  x. Natural gas  
                  y. Coke oven gas  
                  z. Methane (land fill)  
                  aa. Refined fuel gas  
                  ab. [Other gaseous fuel]  
                  ac. [Other type of fuel]  

                  62. For [other sub-type method] , the total net generation of electricity is:

                  For [other sub-type method] , the total net generation of electricity is:
                    Quantity in MWh
                  Total net generation of electricity using [other sub-type method]  

                  Useful thermal energy — Combined cycle

                  63. This business indicated that it uses Combined cycle cogeneration process.

                  What was the useful thermal energy produced from this business for own use and sale?

                  Useful thermal energy produced: The amount of energy in the form of heat that is produced as a by-product of the generation of electricity and that is used for another application in a productive manner (e.g., the heating of industrial, commercial or residential space; steam used in an industrial process; etc.).

                  Own use consumption (also known as Producer consumption or Station service) refers to consumption of self-generate electricity (excludes imported or purchased electricity) for the direct support of the plant or business itself during the reporting period.

                  Own use consumption = Gross electricity - Net electricity generation
                  (Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period. Gross electricity generation is the total amount of electricity generated by the power plant during the reporting period).

                  • Own use (quantity in GJ)
                  • Sale (quantity in GJ)

                  Useful thermal energy — Steam turbine

                  64. This business indicated that it uses Steam turbine cogeneration process.

                  What was the useful thermal energy produced from this business for own use and sale?

                  Useful thermal energy produced: The amount of energy in the form of heat that is produced as a by-product of the generation of electricity and that is used for another application in a productive manner (e.g., the heating of industrial, commercial or residential space; steam used in an industrial process; etc.).

                  Own use consumption (also known as Producer consumption or Station service) refers to consumption of self-generate electricity (excludes imported or purchased electricity) for the direct support of the plant or business itself during the reporting period.

                  Own use consumption = Gross electricity - Net electricity generation
                  (Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period. Gross electricity generation is the total amount of electricity generated by the power plant during the reporting period).

                  • Own use (quantity in GJ)
                  • Sale (quantity in GJ)

                  Useful thermal energy — Combustion engine

                  65. This business indicated that it uses Combustion engine cogeneration process.

                  What was the useful thermal energy produced from this business for own use and sale?

                  Useful thermal energy produced: The amount of energy in the form of heat that is produced as a by-product of the generation of electricity and that is used for another application in a productive manner (e.g., the heating of industrial, commercial or residential space; steam used in an industrial process; etc.).

                  Own use consumption (also known as Producer consumption or Station service) refers to consumption of self-generate electricity (excludes imported or purchased electricity) for the direct support of the plant or business itself during the reporting period.

                  Own use consumption = Gross electricity - Net electricity generation
                  (Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period. Gross electricity generation is the total amount of electricity generated by the power plant during the reporting period).

                  • Own use (quantity in GJ)
                  • Sale (quantity in GJ)

                  Useful thermal energy — Combustion turbine

                  66. This business indicated that it uses Combustion turbine cogeneration process.

                  What was the useful thermal energy produced from this business for own use and sale?

                  Useful thermal energy produced: The amount of energy in the form of heat that is produced as a by-product of the generation of electricity and that is used for another application in a productive manner (e.g., the heating of industrial, commercial or residential space; steam used in an industrial process; etc.).

                  Own use consumption (also known as Producer consumption or Station service) refers to consumption of self-generate electricity (excludes imported or purchased electricity) for the direct support of the plant or business itself during the reporting period.

                  Own use consumption = Gross electricity - Net electricity generation
                  (Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period. Gross electricity generation is the total amount of electricity generated by the power plant during the reporting period).

                  • Own use (quantity in GJ)
                  • Sale (quantity in GJ)

                  Useful thermal energy — Other sub-type

                  67. This business indicated that it uses [other sub-type method] cogeneration process.

                  What was the useful thermal energy produced from this business for own use and sale?

                  Useful thermal energy produced: The amount of energy in the form of heat that is produced as a by-product of the generation of electricity and that is used for another application in a productive manner (e.g., the heating of industrial, commercial or residential space; steam used in an industrial process; etc.).

                  Own use consumption (also known as Producer consumption or Station service) refers to consumption of self-generate electricity (excludes imported or purchased electricity) for the direct support of the plant or business itself during the reporting period.

                  Own use consumption = Gross electricity - Net electricity generation
                  (Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period. Gross electricity generation is the total amount of electricity generated by the power plant during the reporting period).

                  • Own use (quantity in GJ)
                  • Sale (quantity in GJ)


                  68. What was the average heat content in gigajoules per metric tonne (Gj/MT) of Uranium?

                  Gigajoules per metric tonne (Gj/MT)

                  69. What quantity of Uranium was used and the total cost?

                  Unit of measure

                  • 100 cubic feet (Ccf)
                  • 33-pound cylinder
                  • Barrel
                  • Cubic Foot
                  • Cubic Metre
                  • Gallon: Imperial Gallon
                  • Gallon: U.S. Gallon
                  • Gigajoule
                  • Kilogram
                  • Kilolitre
                  • kWh
                  • Litre
                  • Long ton
                  • MWh
                  • Metric Tonne
                  • Mmbtu
                  • Pound
                  • Short ton
                  • ('000) Cubic Metres


                  Total cost

                  70. What was the total net quantity of electricity generated in megawatt-hours (MWh)?

                  Net electricity generation is the amount of electricity generated by the power plant that is delivered to the electricity grid during the reporting period.

                  Net electricity generation = Gross electricity generation - Own use consumption.


                  Changes or events

                  1. Indicate any changes or events that affected the reported values for this business or organization, compared with the last reporting period.

                  Select all that apply.

                  • Strike or lock-out
                  • Exchange rate impact
                  • Price changes in goods or services sold
                  • Contracting out
                  • Organizational change
                  • Price changes in labour or raw materials
                  • Natural disaster
                  • Recession
                  • Change in product line
                  • Sold business or business units
                  • Expansion
                  • New or lost contract
                  • Plant closures
                  • Acquisition of business or business units
                  • Other
                    Specify the other changes or events:
                  • No changes or events

                  Contact person

                  1. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information.

                  Is the provided given names and the provided family name the best person to contact?

                  • Yes
                  • No

                  Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?

                  • First name:
                  • Last name:
                  • Title:
                  • Email address:
                  • Telephone number (including area code):
                  • Extension number (if applicable):
                  • The maximum number of characters is 5.
                  • Fax number (including area code):


                  1. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

                  Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.

                  • Hours:
                  • Minutes:

                  2. Do you have any comments about this questionnaire?