Monthly Retail Trade Survey (MRTS) Data Quality Statement

Objectives, uses and users
Concepts, variables and classifications
Coverage and frames
Questionnaire design
Response and nonresponse
Data collection and capture operations
Revisions and seasonal adjustment
Data quality evaluation
Disclosure control

1. Objectives, uses and users

1.1. Objective

The Monthly Retail Trade Survey (MRTS) provides information on the performance of the retail trade sector on a monthly basis, and when combined with other statistics, represents an important indicator of the state of the Canadian economy.

1.2. Uses

The estimates provide a measure of the health and performance of the retail trade sector. Information collected is used to estimate level and monthly trend for retail sales. At the end of each year, the estimates provide a preliminary look at annual retail sales and performance.

1.3. Users

A variety of organizations, sector associations, and levels of government make use of the information. Retailers rely on the survey results to compare their performance against similar types of businesses, as well as for marketing purposes. Retail associations are able to monitor industry performance and promote their retail industries. Investors can monitor industry growth, which can result in better access to investment capital by retailers. Governments are able to understand the role of retailers in the economy, which aids in the development of policies and tax incentives. As an important industry in the Canadian economy, governments are able to better determine the overall health of the economy through the use of the estimates in the calculation of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

2. Concepts, variables and classifications

2.1. Concepts

The retail trade sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing merchandise, generally without transformation, and rendering services incidental to the sale of merchandise.

The retailing process is the final step in the distribution of merchandise; retailers are therefore organized to sell merchandise in small quantities to the general public. This sector comprises two main types of retailers, that is, store and non-store retailers. The MRTS covers only store retailers. Their main characteristics are described below. Store retailers operate fixed point-of-sale locations, located and designed to attract a high volume of walk-in customers. In general, retail stores have extensive displays of merchandise and use mass-media advertising to attract customers. They typically sell merchandise to the general public for personal or household consumption, but some also serve business and institutional clients. These include establishments such as office supplies stores, computer and software stores, gasoline stations, building material dealers, plumbing supplies stores and electrical supplies stores.

In addition to selling merchandise, some types of store retailers are also engaged in the provision of after-sales services, such as repair and installation. For example, new automobile dealers, electronic and appliance stores and musical instrument and supplies stores often provide repair services, while floor covering stores and window treatment stores often provide installation services. As a general rule, establishments engaged in retailing merchandise and providing after sales services are classified in this sector. Catalogue sales showrooms, gasoline service stations, and mobile home dealers are treated as store retailers.

2.2. Variables

Sales are defined as the sales of all goods purchased for resale, net of returns and discounts. This includes commission revenue and fees earned from selling goods and services on account of others, such as selling lottery tickets, bus tickets, and phone cards. It also includes parts and labour revenue from repair and maintenance; revenue from rental and leasing of goods and equipment; revenues from services, including food services; sales of goods manufactured as a secondary activity; and the proprietor’s withdrawals, at retail, of goods for personal use. Other revenue from rental of real estate, placement fees, operating subsidies, grants, royalties and franchise fees are excluded.

Trading Location is the physical location(s) in which business activity is conducted in each province and territory, and for which sales are credited or recognized in the financial records of the company. For retailers, this would normally be a store.

Constant Dollars: The value of retail trade is measured in two ways; including the effects of price change on sales and net of the effects of price change. The first measure is referred to as retail trade in current dollars and the latter as retail trade in constant dollars. The method of calculating the current dollar estimate is to aggregate the weighted value of sales for all retail outlets. The method of calculating the constant dollar estimate is to first adjust the sales values to a base year, using the Consumer Price Index, and then sum up the resulting values.

2.3. Classification

The Monthly Retail Trade Survey is based on the definition of retail trade under the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System). NAICS is the agreed upon common framework for the production of comparable statistics by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. The agreement defines the boundaries of twenty sectors. NAICS is based on a production-oriented, or supply based conceptual framework in that establishments are groups into industries according to similarity in production processes used to produce goods and services.

Estimates appear for 21 industries based on special aggregations of the 2007 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industries. The 21 industries are further aggregated to 11 sub-sectors.

Geographically, sales estimates are produced for Canada and each province and territory.

3. Coverage and frames

Statistics Canada’s Business Register ( BR) provides the frame for the Monthly Retail Trade Survey. The BR is a structured list of businesses engaged in the production of goods and services in Canada. It is a centrally maintained database containing detailed descriptions of most business entities operating within Canada. The BR includes all incorporated businesses, with or without employees. For unincorporated businesses, the BR includes all employers with businesses, and businesses with no employees with annual sales that have a Goods and Services Tax (GST) or annual revenue that declares individual taxes.  annual sales greater than $30,000 that have a Goods and Services Tax (GST) account (the BR does not include unincorporated businesses with no employees and with annual sales less than $30,000).

The businesses on the BR are represented by a hierarchical structure with four levels, with the statistical enterprise at the top, followed by the statistical company, the statistical establishment and the statistical location. An enterprise can be linked to one or more statistical companies, a statistical company can be linked to one or more statistical establishments, and a statistical establishment to one or more statistical locations.

The target population for the MRTS consists of all statistical establishments on the BR that are classified to the retail sector using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) (approximately 200,000 establishments). The NAICS code range for the retail sector is 441100 to 453999. A statistical establishment is the production entity or the smallest grouping of production entities which: produces a homogeneous set of goods or services; does not cross provincial boundaries; and provides data on the value of output, together with the cost of principal intermediate inputs used, along with the cost and quantity of labour used to produce the output. The production entity is the physical unit where the business operations are carried out. It must have a civic address and dedicated labour.

The exclusions to the target population are ancillary establishments (producers of services in support of the activity of producing goods and services for the market of more than one establishment within the enterprise, and serves as a cost centre or a discretionary expense centre for which data on all its costs including labour and depreciation can be reported by the business), future establishments, establishments with a missing or a zero gross business income (GBI) value on the BR and establishments in the following non-covered NAICS:

  • 4541 (electronic shopping and mail-order houses)
  • 4542 (vending machine operators)
  • 45431 (fuel dealers)
  • 45439 (other direct selling establishments)

4. Sampling

The MRTS sample consists of 10,000 groups of establishments (clusters) classified to the Retail Trade sector selected from the Statistics Canada Business Register. A cluster of establishments is defined as all establishments belonging to a statistical enterprise that are in the same industrial group and geographical region. The MRTS uses a stratified design with simple random sample selection in each stratum. The stratification is done by industry groups (the mainly, but not only four digit level NAICS), and the geographical regions consisting of the provinces and territories, as well as three provincial sub-regions. We further stratify the population by size.

The size measure is created using a combination of independent survey data and three administrative variables: the annual profiled revenue, the GST sales expressed on an annual basis, and the declared tax revenue (T1 or T2). The size strata consist of one take-all (census), at most, two take-some (partially sampled) strata, and one take-none (non-sampled) stratum. Take-none strata serve to reduce respondent burden by excluding the smaller businesses from the surveyed population. These businesses should represent at most ten percent of total sales. Instead of sending questionnaires to these businesses, the estimates are produced through the use of administrative data.

The sample was allocated optimally in order to reach target coefficients of variation at the national, provincial/territorial, industrial, and industrial groups by province/territory levels. The sample was also inflated to compensate for dead, non-responding, and misclassified units.

MRTS is a repeated survey with maximisation of monthly sample overlap. The sample is kept month after month, and every month new units are added (births) to the sample.  MRTS births, i.e., new clusters of establishment(s), are identified every month via the BR’s latest universe. They are stratified according to the same criteria as the initial population. A sample of these births is selected according to the sampling fraction of the stratum to which they belong and is added to the monthly sample. Deaths occur on a monthly basis. A death can be a cluster of establishment(s) that have ceased their activities (out-of-business) or whose major activities are no longer in retail trade (out-of-scope). The status of these businesses is updated on the BR using administrative sources and survey feedback, including feedback from the MRTS. Methods to treat dead units and misclassified units are part of the sample and population update procedures.

5. Questionnaire design

The Monthly Retail Trade Survey incorporates the following sub-surveys:

Monthly Retail Trade Survey - R8

Monthly Retail Trade Survey (with inventories) – R8

Survey of Sales and Inventories of Alcoholic Beverages

The questionnaires collect monthly data on retail sales and the number of trading locations by province or territory and inventories of goods owned and intended for resale from a sample of retailers. The items on the questionnaires have remained unchanged for several years. For the 2004 redesign, the general questionnaires were subject to cosmetic changes only. The questionnaire for Sales and Inventories of Alcoholic Beverages underwent more extensive changes. The modifications were discussed with stakeholders and the respondents were given an opportunity to comment before the new questionnaire was finalized. If further changes are needed to any of the questionnaires, proposed changes would go through a review committee and a field test with respondents and data users to ensure its relevancy.

6. Response and nonresponse

6.1. Response and non-response

Despite the best efforts of survey managers and operations staff to maximize response in the MRTS, some non-response will occur. For statistical establishments to be classified as responding, the degree of partial response (where an accurate response is obtained for only some of the questions asked a respondent) must meet a minimum threshold level below which the response would be rejected and considered a unit nonresponse.  In such an instance, the business is classified as not having responded at all.

Non-response has two effects on data: first it introduces bias in estimates when nonrespondents differ from respondents in the characteristics measured; and second, it contributes to an increase in the sampling variance of estimates because the effective sample size is reduced from that originally sought.

The degree to which efforts are made to get a response from a non-respondent is based on budget and time constraints, its impact on the overall quality and the risk of nonresponse bias.

The main method to reduce the impact of non-response at sampling is to inflate the sample size through the use of over-sampling rates that have been determined from similar surveys.

Besides the methods to reduce the impact of non-response at sampling and collection, the non-responses to the survey that do occur are treated through imputation. In order to measure the amount of non-response that occurs each month, various response rates are calculated. For a given reference month, the estimation process is run at least twice (a preliminary and a revised run). Between each run, respondent data can be identified as unusable and imputed values can be corrected through respondent data. As a consequence, response rates are computed following each run of the estimation process.

For the MRTS, two types of rates are calculated (un-weighted and weighted). In order to assess the efficiency of the collection process, un-weighted response rates are calculated. Weighted rates, using the estimation weight and the value for the variable of interest, assess the quality of estimation. Within each of these types of rates, there are distinct rates for units that are surveyed and for units that are only modeled from administrative data that has been extracted from GST files.

To get a better picture of the success of the collection process, two un-weighted rates called the ‘collection results rate’ and the ‘extraction results rate’ are computed. They are computed by dividing the number of respondents by the number of units that we tried to contact or tried to receive extracted data for them. Non-monthly reporters (respondents with special reporting arrangements where they do not report every month but for whom actual data is available in subsequent revisions) are excluded from both the numerator and denominator for the months where no contact is performed.

In summary, the various response rates are calculated as follows:

Weighted rates:

Survey Response rate (estimation) =
Sum of weighted sales of units with response status i / Sum of survey weighted sales

where i = units that have either reported data that will be used in estimation or are converted refusals, or have reported data that has not yet been resolved for estimation.

Admin Response rate (estimation) =
Sum of weighted sales of units with response status ii / Sum of administrative weighted sales

where ii = units that have data that was extracted from administrative files and are usable for estimation.

Total Response rate (estimation) =
Sum of weighted sales of units with response status i or response status ii / Sum of all weighted sales

Un-weighted rates:

Survey Response rate (collection) =
Number of questionnaires with response status iii/ Number of questionnaires with response status iv

where iii = units that have either reported data (unresolved, used or not used for estimation) or are converted refusals.

where iv = all of the above plus units that have refused to respond, units that were not contacted and other types of non-respondent units.

Admin Response rate (extraction) =
Number of questionnaires with response status vi/ Number of questionnaires with response status vii

where vi = in-scope units that have data (either usable or non-usable) that was extracted from administrative files

where vii = all of the above plus units that have refused to report to the administrative data source, units that were not contacted and other types of non-respondent units.

(% of questionnaire collected over all in-scope questionnaires)

Collection Results Rate =
Number of questionnaires with response status iii / Number of questionnaires with response status viii

where iii = same as iii defined above

where viii = same as iv except for the exclusion of units that were contacted because their response is unavailable for a particular month since they are non-monthly reporters.

Extraction Results Rate =
Number of questionnaires with response status ix / Number of questionnaires with response status vii

where ix = same as vi with the addition of extracted units that have been imputed or were out of scope

where vii = same as vii defined above

(% of questionnaires collected over all questionnaire in-scope we tried to collect)

All the above weighted and un-weighted rates are provided at the industrial group, geography and size group level or for any combination of these levels.

Use of Administrative Data

Managing response burden is an ongoing challenge for Statistics Canada. In an attempt to alleviate response burden and survey costs, especially for smaller businesses, the MRTS has reduced the number of simple establishments in the sample that are surveyed directly and instead derives sales data for these establishments from Goods and Service Tax (GST) files using a statistical model. The model accounts for differences between sales and revenue (reported for GST purposes) as well as for the time lag between the survey reference period and the reference period of the GST file.

For more information on the methodology used for modeling sales from administrative data sources, refer to ‘Monthly Retail Trade Survey: Use of Administrative Data’ under ‘Documentation’ of the IMDB.

Table 1 contains the weighted response rates for all industry groups as well as for total retail trade for each province and territory. For more detailed weighted response rates, please contact the Marketing and Dissemination Section at (613) 951-3549, toll free: 1-877-421-3067 or by e-mail at retailinfo@statcan.

6.2. Methods used to reduce non-response at collection

Significant effort is spent trying to minimize non-response during collection. Methods used, among others, are interviewer techniques such as probing and persuasion, repeated re-scheduling and call-backs to obtain the information, and procedures dealing with how to handle non-compliant (refusal) respondents.

If data are unavailable at the time of collection, a respondent's best estimates are also accepted, and are subsequently revised once the actual data become available.

To minimize total non-response for all variables, partial responses are accepted. In addition, questionnaires are customized for the collection of certain variables, such as inventory, so that collection is timed for those months when the data are available.

Finally, to build trust and rapport between the interviewers and respondents, cases are generally assigned to the same interviewer each month. This action establishes a personal relationship between interviewer and respondent, and builds respondent trust.

7. Data collection and capture operations

Collection of the data is performed by Statistics Canada’s Regional Offices.

Table 1
Weighted response rates by NAICS, for all provinces/territories: October 2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of table 1 weighted response rates by NAICS, for all provinces/territories: October 2012. The information is grouped by NAICS - Canada (appearing as row headers), Weighted Response Rates, Total, Survey, and Administrative (appearing as column headers).
  Weighted Response Rates
Total Survey Administrative
NAICS - Canada
Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers 92.5 93.2 63.3
Automobile Dealers 94.1 94.3 61.5
New Car Dealers1 95.5 95.5  
Used Car Dealers 69.4 70.5 61.5
Other Motor Vehicle Dealers 72.7 75.0 58.3
Automotive Parts, Accessories and Tire Stores 87.5 91.0 67.3
Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores 89.8 93.7 56.9
Furniture Stores 93.6 95.7 57.5
Home Furnishings Stores 83.7 90.0 56.7
Electronics and Appliance Stores 88.4 89.4 57.6
Building Material and Garden Equipment Dealers 92.6 94.5 79.1
Food and Beverage Stores 90.1 91.7 72.5
Grocery Stores 90.4 91.8 76.0
Grocery (except Convenience) Stores 92.6 93.9 79.1
Convenience Stores 62.1 63.5 55.4
Specialty Food Stores 66.9 71.2 51.5
Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores 94.9 95.7 66.0
Health and Personal Care Stores 91.4 91.5 90.5
Gasoline Stations 83.6 84.0 77.1
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores 91.2 93.0 35.9
Clothing Stores 92.6 94.6 32.0
Shoe Stores 90.1 90.2 80.6
Jewellery, Luggage and Leather Goods Stores 80.1 83.0 32.9
Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores 85.2 91.1 30.0
General Merchandise Stores 98.7 99.3 32.0
Department Stores 100.0 100.0  
Other general merchadise stores 97.7 98.6 32.0
Miscellaneous Store Retailers 85.1 89.6 46.2
Total 91.0 92.3 68.9
Newfoundland and Labrador 95.3 95.5 89.4
Prince Edward Island 90.4 91.3 47.8
Nova Scotia 95.5 95.9 85.7
New Brunswick 88.8 90.7 63.5
Québec 91.6 93.6 69.4
Ontario 92.2 93.3 70.2
Manitoba 88.4 88.6 78.0
Saskatchewan 88.1 89.6 56.0
Alberta 89.1 90.7 60.2
British Columbia 89.7 90.6 73.2
Yukon Territory 85.2 85.2  
Northwest Territories 86.1 86.1  
Nunavut 72.4 72.4  
1 There are no administrative records used in new car dealers

Weighted Response Rates

Respondents are sent a questionnaire or are contacted by telephone to obtain their sales and inventory values, as well as to confirm the opening or closing of business trading locations. Collection of the data begins approximately 7 working days after the end of the reference month and continues for the duration of that month.

New entrants to the survey are introduced to the survey via an introductory letter that informs the respondent that a representative of Statistics Canada will be calling. This call is to introduce the respondent to the survey, confirm the respondent's business activity, establish and begin data collection, as well as to answer any questions that the respondent may have.

8. Editing

Data editing is the application of checks to detect missing, invalid or inconsistent entries or to point to data records that are potentially in error. In the survey process for the MRTS, data editing is done at two different time periods.

First of all, editing is done during data collection. Once data are collected via the telephone, or via the receipt of completed mail-in questionnaires, the data are captured using customized data capture applications. All data are subjected to data editing. Edits during data collection are referred to as field edits and generally consist of validity and some simple consistency edits. They are used to detect mistakes made during the interview by the respondent or the interviewer and to identify missing information during collection in order to reduce the need for follow-up later on. Another purpose of the field edits is to clean up responses. In the MRTS, the current month’s responses are edited against the respondent’s previous month’s responses and/or the previous year’s responses for the current month. Field edits are also used to identify problems with data collection procedures and the design of the questionnaire, as well as the need for more interviewer training.

Follow-up with respondents occurs to validate potential erroneous data following any failed preliminary edit check of the data. Once validated, the collected data is regularly transmitted to the head office in Ottawa.

Secondly, editing known as statistical editing is also done after data collection and this is more empirical in nature. Statistical editing is run prior to imputation in order to identify the data that will be used as a basis to impute non-respondents. Large outliers that could disrupt a monthly trend are excluded from trend calculations by the statistical edits. It should be noted that adjustments are not made at this stage to correct the reported outliers.

The first step in the statistical editing is to identify which responses will be subjected to the statistical edit rules. Reported data for the current reference month will go through various edit checks.

The first set of edit checks is based on the Hidiriglou-Berthelot method whereby a ratio of the respondent’s current month data over historical (last month, same month last year) or auxiliary data is analyzed. When the respondent’s ratio differs significantly from ratios of respondents who are similar in terms of industry and/or geography group, the response is deemed an outlier.

The second set of edits consists of an edit known as the share of market edit. With this method, one is able to edit all respondents, even those where historical and auxiliary data is unavailable. The method relies on current month data only. Therefore, within a group of respondents, that are similar in terms of industrial group and/or geography, if the weighted contribution of a respondent to the group’s total is too large, it will be flagged as an outlier.

For edit checks based on the Hidiriglou-Berthelot method, data that are flagged as an outlier will not be included in the imputation models (those based on ratios). Also, data that are flagged as outliers in the share of market edit will not be included in the imputation models where means and medians are calculated to impute for responses that have no historical responses.

In conjunction with the statistical editing after data collection of reported data, there is also error detection done on the extracted GST data. Modeled data based on the GST are also subject to an extensive series of processing steps which thoroughly verify each record that is the basis for the model as well as the record being modeled. Edits are performed at a more aggregate level (industry by geography level) to detect records which deviate from the expected range, either by exhibiting large month-to-month change, or differing significantly from the remaining units. All data which fail these edits are subject to manual inspection and possible corrective action.

9. Imputation

Imputation in the MRTS is the process used to assign replacement values for missing data. This is done by assigning values when they are missing on the record being edited to ensure that estimates are of high quality and that a plausible, internal consistency is created. Due to concerns of response burden, cost and timeliness, it is generally impossible to do all follow-ups with the respondents in order to resolve missing responses. Since it is desirable to produce a complete and consistent microdata file, imputation is used to handle the remaining missing cases.

In the MRTS, imputation is based on historical data or administrative data (GST sales). The appropriate method is selected according to a strategy that is based on whether historical data is available, auxiliary data is available and/or which reference month is being processed.

There are three types of historical imputation methods. The first type is a general trend that uses one historical data source (previous month, data from next month or data from same month previous year). The second type is a regression model where data from previous month and same month previous year are used simultaneously. The third type uses the historical data as a direct replacement value for a non-respondent. Depending upon the particular reference month, there is an order of preference that exists so that top quality imputation can result. The historical imputation method that was labelled as the third type above is always the last option in the order for each reference month.

The imputation methods using administrative data are automatically selected when historical information is unavailable for a non-respondent. The administrative data source (annual GST sales) is the basis of these methods. The annual GST sales are used for two types of methods. One is a general trend that will be used for simple structure, e.g. enterprises with only one establishment, and a second type is called median-average that is used for units with a more complex structure.

10. Estimation

Estimation is a process that approximates unknown population parameters using only part of the population that is included in a sample. Inferences about these unknown parameters are then made, using the sample data and associated survey design. This stage uses Statistics Canada's Generalized Estimation System (GES).

For retail sales, the population is divided into a survey portion (take-all and take-some strata) and a non-survey portion (take-none stratum). From the sample that is drawn from the survey portion, an estimate for the population is determined through the use of a Horvitz-Thompson estimator where responses for sales are weighted by using the inverses of the inclusion probabilities of the sampled units. Such weights (called sampling weights) can be interpreted as the number of times that each sampled unit should be replicated to represent the entire population. The calculated weighted sales values are summed by domain, to produce the total sales estimates by each industrial group / geographic area combination. A domain is defined as the most recent classification values available from the BR for the unit and the survey reference period. These domains may differ from the original sampling strata because units may have changed size, industry or location. Changes in classification are reflected immediately in the estimates and do not accumulate over time. For the non-survey portion, the sales are estimated with statistical models using monthly GST sales.

For more information on the methodology for modeling sales from administrative data sources which also contributes to the estimates of the survey portion, refer to ‘Monthly Retail Survey: Use of Administrative Data’ under ‘Documentation’ of the IMDB.

The measure of precision used for the MRTS to evaluate the quality of a population parameter estimate and to obtain valid inferences is the variance. The variance from the survey portion is derived directly from a stratified simple random sample without replacement.

Sample estimates may differ from the expected value of the estimates. However, since the estimate is based on a probability sample, the variability of the sample estimate with respect to its expected value can be measured. The variance of an estimate is a measure of the precision of the sample estimate and is defined as the average, over all possible samples, of the squared difference of the estimate from its expected value.

11. Revisions and seasonal adjustment

Revisions in the raw data are required to correct known non-sampling errors. These normally include replacing imputed data with reported data, corrections to previously reported data, and estimates for new births that were not known at the time of the original estimates. Raw data are revised, on a monthly basis, for the month immediately prior to the current reference month being published. That is, when data for December are being published for the first time, there will also be revisions, if necessary, to the raw data for November. In addition, revisions are made once a year, with the initial release of the February data, for all months in the previous year. The purpose is to correct any significant problems that have been found that apply for an extended period. The actual period of revision depends on the nature of the problem identified, but rarely exceeds three years. Time series contain the elements essential to the description, explanation and forecasting of the behaviour of an economic phenomenon: "They are statistical records of the evolution of economic processes through time."1 Economic time series such as the Monthly Retail Trade Survey can be broken down into five main components: the trend-cycle, seasonality, the trading-day effect, the Easter holiday effect and the irregular component.

The trend represents the long-term change in the series, whereas the cycle represents a smooth, quasi-periodical movement about the trend, showing a succession of growth and decline phases (e.g., the business cycle). These two components—the trend and the cycle—are estimated together, and the trend-cycle reflects the fundamental evolution of the series. The other components reflect short-term transient movements.

The seasonal component represents sub-annual, monthly or quarterly fluctuations that recur more or less regularly from one year to the next. Seasonal variations are caused by the direct and indirect effects of the climatic seasons and institutional factors (attributable to social conventions or administrative rules; e.g., Christmas).

The trading-day component originates from the fact that the relative importance of the days varies systematically within the week and that the number of each day of the week in a given month varies from year to year. This effect is present when activity varies with the day of the week. For instance, Sunday is typically less active than the other days, and the number of Sundays, Mondays, etc., in a given month changes from year to year.

The Easter holiday effect is the variation due to the shift of part of April’s activity to March when Easter falls in March rather than April.

Lastly, the irregular component includes all other more or less erratic fluctuations not taken into account in the preceding components. It is a residual that includes errors of measurement on the 1. A Note on the Seasonal adjustment of Economic Time Series», Canadian Statistical Review, August 1974.  A variable itself as well as unusual events (e.g., strikes, drought, floods, major power blackout or other unexpected events causing variations in respondents’ activities).

Thus, the latter four components—seasonal, irregular, trading-day and Easter holiday effect—all conceal the fundamental trend-cycle component of the series. Seasonal adjustment (correction of seasonal variation) consists in removing the seasonal, trading-day and Easter holiday effect components from the series, and it thus helps reveal the trend-cycle. While seasonal adjustment permits a better understanding of the underlying trend-cycle of a series, the seasonally adjusted series still contains an irregular component. Slight month-to-month variations in the seasonally adjusted series may be simple irregular movements. To get a better idea of the underlying trend, users should examine several months of the seasonally adjusted series.

Since April 2008, Monthly Retail Trade Survey data are seasonally adjusted using the X-12- ARIMA2 software. The technique that is used essentially consists of first correcting the initial series for all sorts of undesirable effects, such as the trading-day and the Easter holiday effects, by a module called regARIMA. These effects are estimated using regression models with ARIMA errors (auto-regressive integrated moving average models). The series can also be extrapolated for at least one year by using the model. Subsequently, the raw series—pre-adjusted and extrapolated if applicable— is seasonally adjusted by the X-11 method.

The X-11 method is used for analysing monthly and quarterly series. It is based on an iterative principle applied in estimating the different components, with estimation being done at each stage using adequate moving averages3. The moving averages used to estimate the main components—the trend and seasonality—are primarily smoothing tools designed to eliminate an undesirable component from the series. Since moving averages react poorly to the presence of atypical values, the X-11 method includes a tool for detecting and correcting atypical points. This tool is used to clean up the series during the seasonal adjustment. Outlying data points can also be detected and corrected in advance, within the regARIMA module.

Lastly, the annual totals of the seasonally adjusted series are forced to the annual totals of the original series.

Unfortunately, seasonal adjustment removes the sub-annual additivity of a system of series; small discrepancies can be observed between the sum of seasonally adjusted series and the direct seasonal adjustment of their total. To insure or restore additivity in a system of series, a reconciliation process is applied or indirect seasonal adjustment is used, i.e. the seasonal adjustment of a total is derived by the summation of the individually seasonally adjusted series.

12. Data quality evaluation

The methodology of this survey has been designed to control errors and to reduce their potential effects on estimates. However, the survey results remain subject to errors, of which sampling error is only one component of the total survey error. Sampling error results when observations are made only on a sample and not on the entire population. All other errors arising from the various phases of a survey are referred to as nonsampling errors. For example, these types of errors can occur when a respondent provides incorrect information or does not answer certain questions; when a unit in the target population is omitted or covered more than once; when GST data for records being modeled for a particular month are not representative of the actual record for various reasons; when a unit that is out of scope for the survey is included by mistake or when errors occur in data processing, such as coding or capture errors.

Prior to publication, combined survey results are analyzed for comparability; in general, this includes a detailed review of individual responses (especially for large businesses), general economic conditions and historical trends.

A common measure of data quality for surveys is the coefficient of variation (CV). The coefficient of variation, defined as the standard error divided by the sample estimate, is a measure of precision in relative terms. Since the coefficient of variation is calculated from responses of individual units, it also measures some non-sampling errors.

The formula used to calculate coefficients of variation (CV) as percentages is:

CV (X) = S(X) * 100% / X
where X denotes the estimate and S(X) denotes the standard error of X.

Confidence intervals can be constructed around the estimates using the estimate and the CV. Thus, for our sample, it is possible to state with a given level of confidence that the expected value will fall within the confidence interval constructed around the estimate. For example, if an estimate of $12,000,000 has a CV of 2%, the standard error will be $240,000 (the estimate multiplied by the CV). It can be stated with 68% confidence that the expected values will fall within the interval whose length equals the standard deviation about the estimate, i.e. between $11,760,000 and $12,240,000.

Alternatively, it can be stated with 95% confidence that the expected value will fall within the interval whose length equals two standard deviations about the estimate, i.e. between $11,520,000 and $12,480,000.

Finally, due to the small contribution of the non-survey portion to the total estimates, bias in the non-survey portion has a negligible impact on the CVs. Therefore, the CV from the survey portion is used for the total estimate that is the summation of estimates from the surveyed and non-surveyed portions.

13. Disclosure control

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any data which would divulge information obtained under the Statistics Act that relates to any identifiable person, business or organization without the prior knowledge or the consent in writing of that person, business or organization. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.

Confidentiality analysis includes the detection of possible "direct disclosure", which occurs when the value in a tabulation cell is composed of a few respondents or when the cell is dominated by a few companies.


Frequently asked questions

Archived information

Archived information is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please "contact us" to request a format other than those available.

Who should fill out a questionnaire?

  1. Who needs to complete a Census of Agriculture questionnaire?
  2. What is the definition of an agricultural operator?
  3. How is an agricultural operation defined?
  4. Are hobby farms included in the Census of Agriculture?
  5. Why do operators of very small operations have to fill in the Census of Agriculture questionnaire?
  6. How does the Census of Agriculture benefit operators?
  7. What is the legal authority for the Census of Agriculture?
  8. Is it mandatory to answer and return the questionnaire?

Confidentiality and biosecurity

  1. Can a person be identified by the information they provide?
  2. Why does Statistics Canada conduct the Census of Agriculture?
  3. How are my data kept private?
  4. Is information from the Census of Agriculture and the Census of Population combined in any way?
  5. What safeguards are in place to protect biosecurity on farms?

Costs and response burden

  1. Why doesn't the Census of Agriculture use sampling?
  2. Why aren't there different questionnaires for different types of agricultural operations?
  3. How much does the Census of Agriculture cost?
  4. Why is the Census of Agriculture taken in May, such a busy time for farmers?
  5. Is Statistics Canada conducting a Farm Financial Survey this year in addition to the Census of Agriculture?
  6. What about my income tax return? The census seems to be asking for exactly the same information that I've already given the government.
  7. Why are other agriculture surveys taken at the same time as the census?
  8. What other agriculture surveys are being conducted during the 2011 Census window?
  9. How is response burden being reduced?

Content and data

  1. What is different about the 2011 Census of Agriculture from 2006?
  2. How was the content of the 2011 Census of Agriculture determined?
  3. How many agricultural operations were counted in the last Census of Agriculture?
  4. How are Census of Agriculture data used?
  5. Does the Census of Agriculture ask any questions that could be used to assess farming's impact on the environment?

Processing the data

  1. Where will Census of Agriculture data be processed?
  2. What steps are taken to ensure that all agricultural operations are counted?
  3. When will the 2011 Census of Agriculture data be available to the public, and how can I keep track of releases?
  4. Why does it take a year to release results from the Census of Agriculture?
  5. For what geographic areas are Census of Agriculture data available?
  6. How is the quality of the data evaluated?

Who should fill out a questionnaire?

1. Who needs to complete a Census of Agriculture questionnaire?

Any of the persons responsible for operating a farm or an agricultural operation should fill in a Census of Agriculture questionnaire.

2. What is the definition of an agricultural operator?

The Census of Agriculture uses the word operator to define a person responsible for the management and/or financial decisions made in the production of agricultural commodities. An agricultural operation can have more than one operator, such as a husband and wife, a father and son, two sisters, or two neighbours.

The terms "agricultural operator" and "operation" are used in the census because they are broader in scope than "farmer" and "farm", and better reflect the range of agricultural businesses from which the Census of Agriculture collects data. For example, the term farm would not usually be associated with operations such as maple sugar bushes, mushroom houses, ranches or feedlots.

3. How is an agricultural operation defined?

An agricultural operation is defined as a farm, ranch or other operation that produces agricultural products intended for sale.

The Census of Agriculture considers an agricultural operation to be:

Any operation that grows or produces any of the agricultural products listed below with the intent to sell these products (it is not necessary to have had sales of the products, only that they are being produced with the intent of selling them).


  • hay and field crops (hay, grains, field peas, beans, potatoes, coriander and other spices, etc.)
  • vegetables (all vegetables, herbs, rhubarb, melons, garlic, gourds, etc.)
  • sod, nursery products and Christmas trees
  • fruits, berries or nuts (apples, other fruit trees, grapes, blueberries and other berries, saskatoons, hazelnuts, etc.)
  • seed


  • laying hens and pullets
  • layer and broiler breeders
  • broilers, roasters and Cornish
  • turkeys
  • other poultry (geese, ducks, roosters, ostriches, emus, pheasants, quail, pigeons, etc.)
  • commercial poultry hatcheries


  • cattle and calves
  • pigs
  • sheep and lambs
  • other livestock (horses, goats, llamas, alpacas, rabbits, bison, elk, deer, wild boars, mink, fox, donkeys, mules, chinchillas, etc.)

Animal products:

  • milk or cream
  • eggs
  • wool
  • fur
  • meat

Other agricultural products:

  • greenhouse products
  • mushrooms
  • maple products
  • bees owned (for honey or pollination)

Other products or activities considered agricultural operations according to the Census of Agriculture are:

  • harvesting wild rice
  • sprouting alfalfa or beans
  • growing legal cannabis
  • growing mushrooms on logs in a controlled environment
  • wineries, if they grow any grapes or fruit
  • garden centres if they grow any of their products
  • hay processing or dehydration plants if they grow hay on land they own or lease
  • horse operations that do not sell agricultural products but offer boarding, riding or training services.

The following are NOT considered agricultural operations according to the Census of Agriculture:

Operations that harvest or grow only:

  • peat moss
  • top soil
  • gravel
  • fish (wild or aquaculture)
  • silviculture products
  • wild cones, wild Christmas trees, logs, firewood, pulpwood, evergreen boughs, etc.
  • wild berries, wild plants, wild mushrooms, etc.
  • all wild animals
  • racing pigeons
  • worms
  • crickets, rats, mice, etc. for pet stores
  • laboratory animal production
  • all pets (dogs, cats, pot-bellied pigs, guinea pigs, finches, budgies, etc.), including kennels for pets.

For the Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories only, the following activities qualify as an agricultural operation for the Census of Agriculture:

  • herding wild animals (such as caribou and muskox)
  • breeding sled dogs
  • horse outfitting and rigging
  • harvesting indigenous plants and berries.

4. Are hobby farms included in the Census of Agriculture?

Yes. Farms with very low farm revenues—commonly called "hobby" farms—are included as long as the agricultural products produced are intended for sale.

5. Why do operators of very small operations have to fill in the Census of Agriculture questionnaire?

The Census of Agriculture enumerates small operations because it is important that the total farm area and the total inventory of all crops, livestock and other agricultural products in Canada be counted. There are many small agricultural operations that as a group contribute significantly to agricultural inventories.

6. How does the Census of Agriculture benefit operators?

When an agricultural operator fills out and sends back his or her census questionnaire, it adds another voice to the quarter of a million answers that are reflected in census data. In combination they provide the only definitive statistical picture of Canada's farm sector available to farmers' own organizations and to agriculture policy-makers. The media also interpret census data, bringing current issues to the forefront of public attention.

Although there are other agriculture surveys, only the Census of Agriculture gives data at the local level. Its community-level data ensure that the issues affecting farmers, farm communities and agricultural operations are included when making decisions that affect them and their livelihood.

  • Operators can use census data to make production, marketing and investment decisions.
  • Producer groups and marketing agencies use census data in their non-government organizations to tell Canadians and government how they are doing economically.
  • Companies supplying agricultural products and services use the data to determine locations for their service centres.
  • Government policy advisors use the data to help develop programs related to safety nets and agricultural workers for the agriculture sector.
  • Operators can keep abreast of trends through the analysis of Census of Agriculture data published by the agriculture media.
  • Agriculture websites can target their information based on current trends and needs in the sector identified by census data.
  • Governments and farm organizations use census data to evaluate the impact of natural disasters on agriculture (such as floods, drought and icestorms) and react quickly.

7. What is the legal authority for the Census of Agriculture?

The mandate to conduct the Census of Agriculture every 10 years comes from the Constitution Act–1867 (formerly the British North America Act [BNA]).

Over the decades the mandate to conduct a census in the Constitution Act–1867 was augmented by the Statistics Act–1970, which stipulates that

"A census of agriculture of Canada shall be taken by Statistics Canada

  1. in the year 1971 and in every tenth year thereafter; and
  2. in the year 1976 and in every tenth year thereafter, unless the Governor in Council otherwise directs in respect of any such year, 1970-71-72, c. 15, s. 19."

8. Is it mandatory to answer and return the questionnaire?

Yes. Under the Statistics Act, agricultural operators are required to complete a Census of Agriculture form.

Confidentiality and biosecurity

9. Can a person be identified by the information they provide?

No. All published data are subject to confidentiality restrictions, and any data in which an individual or agricultural operation could be identified are suppressed.

10. Why does Statistics Canada conduct the Census of Agriculture?

The Census of Agriculture collects a wide range of data on the agriculture industry such as number of farms and farm operators, farm area, business operating arrangements, land management practices, livestock and crop inventories, operating expenses and receipts, farm capital and farm machinery and equipment.

These data provide a comprehensive picture of the agriculture industry across Canada every five years at the national, provincial and sub-provincial levels.

11. How are my data kept private?

All questionnaires are returned by mail to a single processing centre in the National Capital Region. Any telephone follow-up of incomplete questionnaires is from a centralized location outside your area.

While employees of Statistics Canada will see your personal information while your form is being processed, they have all sworn an oath of secrecy that comes with significant penalties should they disclose personal information.

12. Is information from the Census of Agriculture and the Census of Population combined in any way?

Yes. A special Agriculture–National Household Survey database is created after each census to provide a social profile of people involved in agriculture. Information can be found on the size of the farm population, marital status and language of farm operators and the size of farm families. The provisions on confidentiality ensure that the identity of individuals is protected and that they cannot be identified by the information they provide.

13. What safeguards are in place to protect biosecurity on farms?

All Census of Agriculture questionnaires are mailed to respondents, although in some parts of rural Canada enumerators visit your house to deliver your Census of Population questionnaire.

Diseases can be accidentally introduced by a visitor to a farm and agricultural operators may limit access to their land or farm buildings. Enumerators are asked to behave responsibly by showing sensitivity to the issues operators face, and by making sure their actions do not contribute to the risk of spreading infection.

Enumerators follow these practices when delivering census questionnaires:

  • Questionnaires are delivered to the residence or farmhouse only.
  • Enumerators do not cross farmland or fields to locate the operator if no one is home.
  • They also will not enter farm buildings, farm shops, etc., in an attempt to locate the operator.
  • Pets do not accompany an enumerator.

If there is a biosecurity sign at the entrance or main gate ("Restricted Access" for example) the enumerator will not enter the property but will record that "access is restricted" and another method (such as a phone call) will be used to ensure that the operator receives the census questionnaires.

Costs and response burden

14. Why doesn't the Census of Agriculture use sampling?

The Statistics Act requires that a census of all farm operations in Canada be conducted every five years. Since a census includes, by definition, every farm operation, sampling only a portion of operations would not honour the Act nor would it provide the complete picture a census can.

The Census of Agriculture is the primary source for small-area data and for survey sampling and it is important that each agricultural operation complete a Census of Agriculture questionnaire, regardless of size or geographic location. Samples are used for making agriculture estimates between census years.

15. Why aren't there different questionnaires for different types of agricultural operations?

The Census of Agriculture uses a generalized form for operators across Canada, since all respondents need to answer some questions. Using one form nation-wide ensures consistency across Canada, while tick boxes and different sections for specific types of operations allow operators to answer only those questions pertinent to their type of operation. A single form also keeps development costs down. Every effort is made to keep the questionnaire as concise as possible to minimize respondent burden.

16. How much does the Census of Agriculture cost?

The projected total cost for the 2011 Census of Agriculture over the six-year cycle is $42.4 million. An independently conducted Census of Agriculture would cost at least $13 million more in total than it does by combining it with the Census of Population.

17. Why is the Census of Agriculture taken in May, such a busy time for farmers?

In this particularly busy and stressful period the arrival of the 2011 Census of Agriculture questionnaire in May might seem ill-timed. But by working with the Census of Population, the Census of Agriculture is afforded an opportunity to save millions of taxpayers' dollars by sharing many aspects of collection, including postal costs and the processing centre. The timing of the larger Census of Population is driven by the need to maximize the number of Canadians who are home during enumeration. During the winter our retired "snowbirds" migrate south, and the moment school lets out many Canadian families with school children go on vacation. These factors have led the Census of Population to decide that May 10 will be Census Day. While it may take farm operators away from their work, filling in the questionnaire yields its own benefits.

Producer groups and marketing agencies use census data to tell Canadians and governments about their economic health, which can influence agriculture policies. Operators can keep abreast of trends through the analysis of Census of Agriculture data published by the agriculture media. And the agriculture websites used by farmers can target their information to current trends and needs based on census data.

18. Is Statistics Canada conducting a Farm Financial Survey this year in addition to the Census of Agriculture?

The Farm Financial Survey is conducted every year. In 2011, the collection period was in July and August and coincided with the census collection period. To lighten the burden on respondents, overlap with other agriculture surveys is minimized.

19. What about my income tax return? The census seems to be asking for exactly the same information that I've already given the government.

At this time respondents must provide business financial information for their agricultural operation on the Census of Agriculture questionnaire. However, Statistics Canada will use this information to determine how to use tax data to replace the detailed operating expenses in Step 32 for the 2016 Census of Agriculture in order to reduce the response burden for farmers.

20. Why are other agriculture surveys taken at the same time as the census?

Because timely information on the agriculture industry is required by governments and other users, it is necessary to conduct sample surveys with a shorter time frame than the census. The Census of Agriculture is a national activity that involves collecting information from every agricultural operation in Canada. The collection, follow-up, quality checks, tabulation and publication of data from such an extensive operation take about one year. The census could not replace small-scale surveys, which have a much more rapid turnaround time. It is also more economical to collect certain types of information on a sample basis, especially if the required data are only for specific provinces or population groups. Once available, Census of Agriculture data are used to benchmark farm surveys.

21. What other agriculture surveys are being conducted during the 2011 Census window?

Between mid-April and the end of June Statistics Canada conducts these agriculture surveys:

  • the Atlantic Agriculture Survey (sample size approximately 1,000 in the Atlantic Region)
  • the Fruit and Vegetable Survey, Spring (sample size approximately 12,000 nationally)
  • the Maple Survey (sample size approximately 2,000 in Ontario and New Brunswick)
  • the National Potato Area and Yield Survey (sample size approximately 200 in the Atlantic Region, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia)
  • the Ranch Fur Survey (sample size approximately 300 nationally)
  • the June Farm Survey (sample size approximately 24,850 nationally, excluding the Atlantic Region)
  • the July Livestock Survey (sample size approximately 10,500 in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia)
  • the Hay and Straw Prices Survey (Ontario only, sample size approximately 125).

22. How is response burden being reduced?

During the Census of Agriculture collection period, the Agriculture Division cancels some smaller surveys, reduces the sample size for others, and minimizes the overlap with big surveys like the Farm Financial Survey.

Offering farm operators choices in the way they respond to the Census of Agriculture—on paper with return by mail, online, or by telephone—can also make responding easier and faster. A toll-free help line to answer respondents' questions about the Census of Agriculture is also available.

Content and data

23. What is different about the 2011 Census of Agriculture from 2006?

The 2011 Census of Agriculture questionnaire contains questions asked in 2006 as well as new ones. Some questions remain unchanged to maintain consistency and comparability of data over time. Other questions have been added or deleted to reflect changes in the agriculture industry. For example:

  • Business Number: A question has been added to request the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number for the agricultural operation. In addition, a brief explanation of the intent of this question has been added to the back cover of the questionnaire. Using this data, a pilot project will evaluate the feasibility of replacing the financial information asked in Step 32 with CRA tax data, which could significantly reduce the response burden for farmers.
  • Paid work: The number of employees working full or part time has been added in order to provide a measure of the number of people working on farms. This will significantly add to the picture of agricultural labour when coupled with the established questions on the number of hours or weeks of paid work on farms.
  • Crop residue: A new step has been added to request the area from which crop residue was baled. This is an environmentally relevant question, as crop residue management affects erosion rates, contamination of surface and groundwater, greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon sequestration.
  • Practices and land features: Two new questions have been added to identify agricultural operations involved in "in-field winter grazing or feeding" and "nutrient management planning." These questions will provide more comprehensive data on farmers' adoption of environmental management techniques.
  • Internet: A question on access to high-speed Internet has been added in order to evaluate the accessibility of respondents to services provided by Internet. This will assist agriculture service providers in the public and private sectors in planning service delivery to farmers.
  • Farm-related injuries: These questions were removed because better quality data are available from alternative sources.
  • Organic but not certified: This category was removed in order to reflect the new regulations on the use of the term "organic."

An explanation of other changes or additions from the 2006 questionnaire is available by topic in the order they appear on the 2011 questionnaire. These changes are a result of user consultations and testing before the 2011 questionnaire was finalized. Some questions or categories have been combined in response to suggestions that doing so would make the question more understandable and easier to answer.

24. How was the content of the 2011 Census of Agriculture determined?

Census of Agriculture staff consulted with data users at a series of workshops held across Canada in 2007. Agricultural producer groups, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada analysts, other public and private sector analysts and academics suggested new topics for the 2011 Census of Agriculture by written submission after consultation workshops.

New or changed questions were developed in Head Office in consultation with industry experts and tested a number of times with farm operators who reflected regional diversity—in types of agriculture, production techniques, farm size, language and age. This testing proved that some questions would not perform well on the census, and that the wording of other questions would require fine-tuning.

Based on the test results, Statistics Canada finalized the content and design of the 2011 questionnaire in the fall of 2009. The questions were approved by Cabinet and prescribed by Order in Council as required under the Statistics Act in the spring of 2010.

25. How many agricultural operations were counted in the last Census of Agriculture?

The 2006 Census of Agriculture recorded 229,373 census farms.

Table 1 Number of agricultural operations in 2011 and 2006, Canada and provinces
Province 2011 2006
Newfoundland and Labrador 510 558
Prince Edward Island 1,495 1,700
Nova Scotia 3,905 3,795
New Brunswick 2,611 2,776
Quebec 29,437 30,675
Ontario 51,950 57,211
Manitoba 15,877 19,054
Saskatchewan 36,952 44,329
Alberta 43,234 49,431
British Columbia 19,759 19,844
Canada 205,730 229,373

26. How are Census of Agriculture data used?

Census of Agriculture data are used by:

  • farm operators, to formulate production, marketing and investment decisions
  • agricultural producer groups, to inform their members about industry trends and developments, to put the viewpoint of operators before legislators and the Canadian public, and to defend their interests in international trade negotiations
  • governments, to make policy decisions concerning agricultural credit, crop insurance, farm support, transportation, market services and international trade
  • Statistics Canada, to produce annual estimates between censuses for the agriculture sector
  • businesses, to market products and services and to make production and investment decisions
  • academics, to conduct research on the agriculture sector
  • the media, to portray the agriculture sector to the broader Canadian public.

27. Does the Census of Agriculture ask any questions that could be used to assess farming's impact on the environment?

Many of the questions on the census can contribute in some way to forming a picture of Canadian farms and the manner in which they shape the environment.

The Census of Agriculture asks questions about farming practices that conserve soil fertility and prevent erosion, pesticide and fertilizer use, and the land features used to prevent wind or water damage. There is a section on manure use, another on irrigation, one on tillage practices and one on baling crop residue. Data from these questions present a picture of farmers' relationship with the environment and, by evaluating and comparing the data over time, analysts can assess how operators are adapting their methods and fulfilling their role as stewards of the land.

Processing the data

28. Where will Census of Agriculture data be processed?

Once completed questionnaires are received by Canada Post, they go to a central processing centre in the National Capital Region where they are scanned and electronically imaged for data capture. Processing Census of Agriculture questionnaires includes many checks and balances to ensure high quality data. Its many steps—including several kinds of edits (clerical, subject-matter, geographic), matching and unduplicating individual farms, adjusting for missing data, validating data by comparing them to several benchmarks, and providing estimates—have evolved into a sophisticated system that ensures high-quality data. The data that emerge at the other end are stored on a database and used to generate publications and users' custom requests.

29. What steps are taken to ensure that all agricultural operations are counted?

In 2011, Canada Post delivered a Census of Agriculture questionnaire to addresses where it is believed a farm operator lives. The addresses are determined from the previous census and other agriculture surveys. Census of Population questionnaires were delivered by Canada Post as well, but may have been delivered by an enumerator in rural areas.

On the Census of Population questionnaire respondents are asked if there is a farm operator living in the household. This question triggers a follow-up from Head Office to help ensure that new farms are identified and counted.

Respondents were able to complete their questionnaires on paper, by telephone or via the Internet. Telephone follow-up will be conducted with those respondents who received questionnaires but did not return them.

In addition, the data processing sequence includes several safeguards that can find "missing" farms that were counted in 2006 but did not return a questionnaire in 2011 or, conversely, farms that did not exist in 2006 but have been identified on subsequent agriculture surveys since then.

30. When will the 2011 Census of Agriculture data be available to the public, and how can I keep track of releases?

First release: May 10, 2012 from the Census of Agriculture database. Interested data users can keep up-to-date on release dates through Agriculture Division's People, products and services directory. This document provides details on the 2011 Census of Agriculture and related products and services, including pricing and ordering information. Copies are available by calling 1-800-236-1136.

Statistics Canada's official release bulletin, The Daily, lists the full range of census data with highlights on major trends and findings.

Data from both the Census of Population and Census of Agriculture will appear in the general media and farm media. Users may also contact Census of Agriculture data and subject-matter consultation staff toll free at 1-800-236-1136.

31. Why does it take a year to release results from the Census of Agriculture?

The Census of Agriculture is a national activity that involves collecting information from every agricultural operation in Canada. The collection, follow-up, quality checks, processing, tabulation and publication of data from such an extensive operation take about one year.

All of these steps must be made to assure that data are accurate, even at very low levels of geography. This is critical since census data are used to benchmark estimates and draw survey samples between censuses.

32. For what geographic areas are Census of Agriculture data available?

Census of Agriculture data are available for Canada, the provinces and territories, and for areas corresponding to counties, crop districts and rural municipalities. User-defined areas are also available by calling Census of Agriculture data and subject-matter consultation staff toll free at 1-800-236-1136. All tabulated data are subjected to confidentiality restrictions, and any data that could result in the disclosure of information concerning any particular individual or agricultural operation are suppressed.

33. How is the quality of the data evaluated?

To ensure that data from the 2011 Census are accurate, control procedures are set up throughout collection and processing. Processing the data is a long and complex process. Its many steps—including several kinds of edits (clerical, subject-matter, geographic), matching and unduplicating individual farms, adjusting for missing data, validating data by comparing them to several other data sources, and providing estimates—have evolved into a sophisticated system that ensures high-quality data. The data that emerge at the other end are stored on a database and used to generate publications and users' custom requests.

When data are released on May 10, 2012, net undercoverage for the number of farms, farm area and gross farm receipts will also be available, based on an evaluation of Census of Agriculture coverage.

Date modified:

Statistics Canada surveys and analysis cost-recovery overview

Statistics Canada makes custom survey and analysis services available to Canadian organizations on a cost-recovery basis. Cost-recovery means that clients pay for the direct and indirect cost of doing the work. Custom services are not funded by the budget that Parliament allocates to Statistics Canada.

Statistics Canada accepts custom work under the following conditions:

  • It is compatible with Statistics Canada's mandate
  • It is statistical in nature
  • It will not compromise Statistics Canada's reputation
  • It will not harm Statistics Canada's relationships with respondents
  • Statistics Canada has the capacity available to do the work requested and complete it on a timely basis
  • The results, or outputs, of the work are made available to all Canadians

Direct costs include salary costs for highly skilled staff to plan surveys, collect data and provide post-collection services which can include data integration, data analysis and the development of socio-economic, health and macroeconomic models. Direct costs also include non-salary costs such as telecommunications, informatics systems, travel, postage, and so on.

Indirect costs include corporate administrative services and the marginal costs associated with the benefits from using Statistics Canada's world-class statistical infrastructure.

Whether Statistics Canada meets its clients' information needs by integrating their questions into existing surveys or by designing custom surveys for them, it does so at market-competitive per unit rates. But, the extra effort to plan and deliver superior methodology, as well as to collect and process data to rigorous standards, means Statistics Canada's surveys often carry a higher price tag than surveys conducted by other organizations.

Statistics Canada is synonymous with high quality survey methods and results:

  • Larger, scientific samples
  • Superior collection follow-up and processing practices
  • Explicit methods to measure and inform on accuracy (This includes reliability indicators determined by experts in statistical methodology.)
  • Sound and documented methods

In addition, Statistics Canada delivers higher response rates, provides more usable output, communicates reliability measures and provides standardized documentation.

Statistics Canada research analysts provide objective data analysis, policy relevant socio-economic, macroeconomic, demographic and health modeling, and can undertake data integration services to shed light on emerging socio-economic and health issues.

Statistics Canada also has a facilitated access to micro data bases that are held at the Research Data Centres and the Canadian Centre for Data Development where researchers with approved projects are given access to confidential data bases to address analytical issues.

Statistics Canada's cost-recovery services provide clients with value for their money—high quality information for making strategic decisions.

Archived – CIP Canada 2000 - ISCED 1997

In the following table, the concordances provide a detailed mapping of the relationships between the two classifications.

CIP Canada 2000 - ISCED 1997
CIP code CIP title ISCED code ISCED field of education
01.0000 Agriculture, General 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0101 Agricultural Business and Management, General 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0102 Agribusiness/Agricultural Business Operations 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0103 Agricultural Economics 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0104 Farm/Farm and Ranch Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0105 Agricultural/Farm Supplies Retailing and Wholesaling 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0106 Agricultural Business Technology 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0199 Agricultural Business and Management, Other 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0201 Agricultural Mechanization, General 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0204 Agricultural Power Machinery Operation 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0205 Agricultural Mechanics and Equipment/Machine Technology 52 Engineering and engineering trades
01.0299 Agricultural Mechanization, Other 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0301 Agricultural Production Operations, General 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0302 Animal/Livestock Husbandry and Production 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0303 Aquaculture 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0304 Crop Production 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0306 Dairy Husbandry and Production 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0307 Horse Husbandry/Equine Science and Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0399 Agricultural Production Operations, Other 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0401 Agricultural and Food Products Processing 54 Manufacturing and processing
01.0504 Dog/Pet/Animal Grooming 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0505 Animal Training 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0507 Equestrian/Equine Studies 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0508 Taxidermy/Taxidermist 21 Arts
01.0599 Agricultural and Domestic Animal Services, Other 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0601 Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations, General 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0603 Ornamental Horticulture 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0604 Greenhouse Operations and Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0605 Landscaping and Groundskeeping 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0606 Plant Nursery Operations and Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0607 Turf and Turfgrass Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0608 Floriculture/Floristry Operations and Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0699 Applied Horticulture/Horticultural Business Services, Other 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0701 International Agriculture 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0801 Agricultural and Extension Education Services 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0802 Agricultural Communication/Journalism 32 Journalism and information
01.0899 Agricultural Public Services, Other 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0901 Animal Sciences, General 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0902 Agricultural Animal Breeding 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0903 Animal Health 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0904 Animal Nutrition 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0905 Dairy Science 54 Manufacturing and processing
01.0906 Livestock Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.0907 Poultry Science 54 Manufacturing and processing
01.0999 Animal Sciences, Other 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.1001 Food Science 54 Manufacturing and processing
01.1002 Food Technology and Processing 54 Manufacturing and processing
01.1099 Food Science and Technology, Other 54 Manufacturing and processing
01.1101 Plant Sciences, General 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.1102 Agronomy and Crop Science 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.1103 Horticultural Science 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.1104 Agricultural and Horticultural Plant Breeding 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.1105 Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.1106 Range Science and Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.1199 Plant Sciences, Other 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.1201 Soil Science and Agronomy, General 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.1202 Soil Chemistry and Physics 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.1203 Soil Microbiology 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.1299 Soil Sciences, Other 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
01.9999 Agriculture, Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences, Other 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
03.0101 Natural Resources/Conservation, General 85 Environmental protection
03.0103 Environmental Studies 85 Environmental protection
03.0104 Environmental Science 42 Life sciences
03.0199 Natural Resources Conservation and Research, Other 85 Environmental protection
03.0201 Natural Resources Management and Policy, General 85 Environmental protection
03.0204 Natural Resource Economics 85 Environmental protection
03.0205 Water, Wetlands and Marine Resources Management 85 Environmental protection
03.0206 Land Use Planning and Management/Development 85 Environmental protection
03.0299 Natural Resources Management and Policy, Other 85 Environmental protection
03.0301 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
03.0501 Forestry, General 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
03.0502 Forest Sciences and Biology 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
03.0506 Forest Management/Forest Resources Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
03.0508 Urban Forestry 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
03.0509 Wood Science and Wood Products/Pulp and Paper Technology 54 Manufacturing and processing
03.0510 Forest Resources Production and Management 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
03.0511 Forest Technology/Technician 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
03.0599 Forestry, Other 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
03.0601 Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management 85 Environmental protection
03.9999 Natural Resources and Conservation, Other 85 Environmental protection
04.0201 Architecture (BArch, BA/BSc, MArch, MA/MSc, PhD) 58 Architecture and building
04.0301 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning 58 Architecture and building
04.0401 Environmental Design/Architecture 58 Architecture and building
04.0501 Interior Architecture 58 Architecture and building
04.0601 Landscape Architecture (BSc, BSLA, BLA, MSLA, MLA, PhD) 58 Architecture and building
04.0801 Architectural History and Criticism 58 Architecture and building
04.0901 Architectural Technology/Technician 58 Architecture and building
04.9999 Architecture and Related Services, Other 58 Architecture and building
05.0101 African Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0102 American/United States Studies/Civilization 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0103 Asian Studies/Civilization 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0104 East Asian Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0105 Central/Middle and Eastern European Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0106 European Studies/Civilization 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0107 Latin American Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0108 Near and Middle Eastern Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0109 Pacific Area/Pacific Rim Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0110 Russian Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0111 Scandinavian Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0112 South Asian Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0113 Southeast Asian Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0114 Western European Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0115 Canadian Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0116 Balkan Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0117 Baltic Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0118 Slavic Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0119 Caribbean Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0120 Ural-Altaic and Central Asian Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0121 Commonwealth Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0122 Regional Studies (U.S., Canadian, Foreign) 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0123 Chinese Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0124 French Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0125 German Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0126 Italian Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0127 Japanese Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0128 Korean Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0129 Polish Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0130 Spanish and Iberian Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0131 Tibetan Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0132 Ukraine Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0199 Area Studies, Other 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0201 African American/Black Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0202 Aboriginal Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0203 Hispanic American, Puerto Rican and Mexican American/Chicano Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0206 Asian American Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0207 Women's Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0208 Gay/Lesbian Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
05.0299 Ethnic, Cultural Minority and Gender Studies, Other 31 Social and behavioural science
05.9999 Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender Studies, Other 31 Social and behavioural science
09.0101 Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric 32 Journalism and information
09.0102 Mass Communication/Media Studies 32 Journalism and information
09.0199 Communication and Media Studies, Other 32 Journalism and information
09.0401 Journalism, General 32 Journalism and information
09.0402 Broadcast Journalism 32 Journalism and information
09.0404 Photojournalism 32 Journalism and information
09.0499 Journalism, Other 32 Journalism and information
09.0701 Radio and Television 21 Arts
09.0702 Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia 21 Arts
09.0799 Radio, Television and Digital Communication, Other 21 Arts
09.0901 Organizational Communication, General 34 Business and administration
09.0902 Public Relations/Image Management 34 Business and administration
09.0903 Advertising 34 Business and administration
09.0904 Political Communication 34 Business and administration
09.0905 Health Communication 34 Business and administration
09.0999 Public Relations, Advertising and Applied Communication, Other 34 Business and administration
09.1001 Publishing 32 Journalism and information
09.9999 Communication, Journalism and Related Programs, Other 32 Journalism and information
10.0105 Communications Technology/Technician 21 Arts
10.0201 Photographic and Film/Video Technology/Technician and Assistant 21 Arts
10.0202 Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician 21 Arts
10.0203 Recording Arts Technology/Technician 21 Arts
10.0299 Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians, Other 21 Arts
10.0301 Graphic Communications, General 21 Arts
10.0302 Printing Management 21 Arts
10.0303 Prepress/Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design 21 Arts
10.0304 Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects 21 Arts
10.0305 Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator, General Production 21 Arts
10.0306 Platemaker/Imager 21 Arts
10.0307 Printing Press Operator 21 Arts
10.0308 Computer Typography and Composition Equipment Operator 21 Arts
10.0399 Graphic Communications, Other 21 Arts
10.9999 Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services, Other 21 Arts
11.0101 Computer and Information Sciences, General 48 Computing
11.0102 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 48 Computing
11.0103 Information Technology 48 Computing
11.0199 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, General, Other 48 Computing
11.0201 Computer Programming/Programmer, General 48 Computing
11.0202 Computer Programming, Specific Applications 48 Computing
11.0203 Computer Programming, Vendor/Product Certification 48 Computing
11.0299 Computer Programming, Other 48 Computing
11.0301 Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician 48 Computing
11.0401 Information Science/Studies 32 Journalism and information
11.0501 Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst 48 Computing
11.0601 Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications, General 34 Business and administration
11.0602 Word Processing 48 Computing
11.0699 Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications, Other 48 Computing
11.0701 Computer Science 48 Computing
11.0801 Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design 48 Computing
11.0802 Data Modelling/Warehousing and Database Administration 48 Computing
11.0803 Computer Graphics 21 Arts
11.0899 Computer Software and Media Applications, Other 48 Computing
11.0901 Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications 48 Computing
11.1001 System Administration/Administrator 48 Computing
11.1002 System, Networking and LAN/WAN Management/Manager 48 Computing
11.1003 Computer and Information Systems Security 48 Computing
11.1004 Web/Multimedia Management and Webmaster 48 Computing
11.1099 Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management, Other 48 Computing
11.9999 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other 48 Computing
12.0301 Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, General 81 Personal services
12.0302 Funeral Direction/Service 81 Personal services
12.0303 Mortuary Science and Embalming/Embalmer 81 Personal services
12.0399 Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, Other 81 Personal services
12.0401 Cosmetology/Cosmetologist, General 81 Personal services
12.0402 Barbering/Barber 81 Personal services
12.0404 Electrolysis/Electrology and Electrolysis Technician 81 Personal services
12.0406 Makeup Artist/Specialist 81 Personal services
12.0407 Hair Styling/Stylist and Hair Design 81 Personal services
12.0408 Facial Treatment Specialist/Facialist 81 Personal services
12.0409 Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist 81 Personal services
12.0410 Nail Technician/Specialist and Manicurist 81 Personal services
12.0411 Permanent Cosmetics/Makeup and Tattooing 81 Personal services
12.0412 Salon/Beauty Salon Management/Manager 34 Business and administration
12.0413 Cosmetology, Barber/Styling and Nail Instructor 14 Teacher training and education science
12.0499 Cosmetology and Related Personal Grooming Services, Other 81 Personal services
12.0500 Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General 81 Personal services
12.0501 Baking and Pastry Arts/Baker/Pastry Chef 81 Personal services
12.0502 Bartending/Bartender 81 Personal services
12.0503 Culinary Arts/Chef Training 81 Personal services
12.0504 Restaurant, Culinary and Catering Management/Manager 81 Personal services
12.0505 Food Preparation/Professional Cooking/Kitchen Assistant 81 Personal services
12.0506 Meat Cutting/Meat Cutter 54 Manufacturing and processing
12.0507 Food Service, Waiter/Waitress and Dining Room Management/Manager 81 Personal services
12.0508 Institutional Food Workers 81 Personal services
12.0599 Culinary Arts and Related Services, Other 81 Personal services
12.9999 Personal and Culinary Services, Other 81 Personal services
13.0101 Education, General 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0201 Bilingual and Multilingual Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0202 Multicultural Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0203 Aboriginal Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0299 Bilingual, Multilingual and Multicultural Education, Other 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0301 Curriculum and Instruction 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0401 Educational Leadership and Administration, General 34 Business and administration
13.0402 Administration of Special Education 34 Business and administration
13.0403 Adult and Continuing Education Administration 34 Business and administration
13.0404 Educational, Instructional and Curriculum Supervision 34 Business and administration
13.0406 Higher Education/Higher Education Administration 34 Business and administration
13.0407 Community College and General and Vocational College (CEGEP) Administration 34 Business and administration
13.0408 Elementary and Middle School Administration/Principalship 34 Business and administration
13.0409 Secondary School Administration/Principalship 34 Business and administration
13.0410 Urban Education and Leadership 34 Business and administration
13.0411 Superintendency and Educational System Administration 34 Business and administration
13.0499 Educational Administration and Supervision, Other 34 Business and administration
13.0501 Educational/Instructional Media Design 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0601 Educational Evaluation and Research 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0603 Educational Statistics and Research Methods 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0604 Educational Assessment, Testing and Measurement 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0699 Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Research, Other 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0701 International and Comparative Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.0901 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1001 Special Education and Teaching, General 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1003 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1004 Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1005 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Emotional Disturbances 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1006 Education/Teaching of Intellectually-impaired Individuals 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1007 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1008 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Orthopedic and Other Physical Health Impairments 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1009 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Vision Impairments Including Blindness 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1011 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1012 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Speech or Language Impairments 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1013 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Autism 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1014 Education/Teaching of Individuals Who are Developmentally Delayed 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1015 Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1016 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1099 Special Education and Teaching, Other 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1101 Counsellor Education/School Counselling and Guidance Services 76 Social services
13.1102 College Student Counselling and Personnel Services 76 Social services
13.1199 Student Counselling and Personnel Services, Other 76 Social services
13.1201 Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1202 Elementary Education and Teaching 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1203 Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1205 Secondary Education and Teaching 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1206 Teacher Education, Multiple Levels 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1207 Montessori Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1208 Waldorf/Steiner Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1209 Kindergarten/Preschool Education and Teaching 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1210 Early Childhood Education and Teaching 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1299 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1301 Agricultural Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1302 Art Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1303 Business Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1304 Driver and Safety Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1305 English/English Language Arts Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1306 Aboriginal and Foreign Language Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1307 Health Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1308 Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1309 Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1310 Sales and Marketing Operations/Marketing and Distribution Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1311 Mathematics Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1312 Music Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1314 Physical Education Teaching and Coaching 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1315 Reading Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1316 Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1317 Social Science Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1318 Social Studies Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1319 Technical Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1320 Trade and Industrial Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1321 Computer Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1322 Biology Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1323 Chemistry Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1324 Drama and Dance Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1325 French Language/French Language Arts Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1326 German Language Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1327 Health Occupations Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1328 History Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1329 Physics Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1330 Spanish Language Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1331 Speech Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1332 Geography Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1333 Latin Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1334 School Librarian/School Library Media Specialist 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1335 Psychology Teacher Education 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1399 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1401 Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1402 Teaching French as a Second or Foreign Language 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1499 Teaching English or French as a Second or Foreign Language, Other 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1501 Teaching Assistants/Aides, General 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1502 Adult Literacy Tutor/Instructor 14 Teacher training and education science
13.1599 Teaching Assistants/Aides, Other 14 Teacher training and education science
13.9999 Education, Other 14 Teacher training and education science
14.0101 Engineering, General 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.0201 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.0301 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.0401 Architectural Engineering 58 Architecture and building
14.0501 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.0601 Ceramic Sciences and Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.0701 Chemical Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.0801 Civil Engineering, General 58 Architecture and building
14.0802 Geotechnical Engineering 58 Architecture and building
14.0803 Structural Engineering 58 Architecture and building
14.0804 Transportation and Highway Engineering 58 Architecture and building
14.0805 Water Resources Engineering 58 Architecture and building
14.0899 Civil Engineering, Other 58 Architecture and building
14.0901 Computer Engineering, General 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.0902 Computer Hardware Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.0903 Computer Software Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.0999 Computer Engineering, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.1001 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.1101 Engineering Mechanics 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.1201 Engineering Physics 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.1301 Engineering Science 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.1401 Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering 58 Architecture and building
14.1801 Materials Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.1901 Mechanical Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.2001 Metallurgical Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.2101 Mining and Mineral Engineering 54 Manufacturing and processing
14.2201 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.2301 Nuclear Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.2401 Ocean Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.2501 Petroleum Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.2701 Systems Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.2801 Textile Sciences and Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.3101 Materials Science 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.3201 Polymer/Plastics Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.3301 Construction Engineering 58 Architecture and building
14.3401 Forest Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.3501 Industrial Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.3601 Manufacturing Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.3701 Operations Research 46 Mathematics and statistics
14.3801 Surveying Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.3901 Geological/Geophysical Engineering 52 Engineering and engineering trades
14.9999 Engineering, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0000 Engineering Technology, General 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0101 Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0201 Civil Engineering Technology/Technician 58 Architecture and building
15.0303 Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0304 Laser and Optical Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0305 Telecommunications Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0399 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0401 Biomedical Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0403 Electromechanical Technology/Electromechanical Engineering Technology 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0404 Instrumentation Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0405 Robotics Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0499 Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0501 Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology/Technician (ACH/ACR/ACHR/HRAC/HVAC/AC Technology) 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0503 Energy Management and Systems Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0505 Solar Energy Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0506 Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology/Technician 85 Environmental protection
15.0507 Environmental Engineering Technology/Environmental Technology 85 Environmental protection
15.0508 Hazardous Materials Management and Waste Technology/Technician 85 Environmental protection
15.0599 Environmental Control Technologies/Technicians, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0607 Plastics Engineering Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0611 Metallurgical Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0612 Industrial Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0613 Manufacturing Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0699 Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0701 Occupational Safety and Health Technology/Technician 86 Security services
15.0702 Quality Control Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0703 Industrial Safety Technology/Technician 86 Security services
15.0704 Hazardous Materials Information Systems Technology/Technician 85 Environmental protection
15.0799 Quality Control and Safety Technologies/Technicians, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0801 Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0803 Automotive Engineering Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0805 Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0899 Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.0901 Mining Technology/Technician 54 Manufacturing and processing
15.0903 Petroleum Technology/Technician 54 Manufacturing and processing
15.0999 Mining and Petroleum Technologies/Technicians, Other 54 Manufacturing and processing
15.1001 Construction Engineering Technology/Technician 58 Architecture and building
15.1102 Surveying Technology/Surveying 58 Architecture and building
15.1103 Hydraulics and Fluid Power Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1199 Engineering-related Technologies, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1201 Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, General 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1202 Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1203 Computer Hardware Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1204 Computer Software Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1299 Computer Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1301 Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, General 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1302 CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1303 Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1304 Civil Drafting and Civil Engineering CAD/CADD 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1305 Electrical/Electronics Drafting and Electrical/Electronics CAD/CADD 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1306 Mechanical Drafting and Mechanical Drafting CAD/CADD 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1399 Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1401 Nuclear Engineering Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.1501 Engineering/Industrial Management 52 Engineering and engineering trades
15.9999 Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
16.0101 Aboriginal and Foreign Languages and Literatures, General 22 Humanities
16.0102 Linguistics 22 Humanities
16.0103 Language Interpretation and Translation 22 Humanities
16.0104 Comparative Literature 22 Humanities
16.0199 Linguistic, Comparative and Related Language Studies and Services, Other 22 Humanities
16.0201 African Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 22 Humanities
16.0300 East Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 22 Humanities
16.0301 Chinese Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0302 Japanese Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0303 Korean Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0304 Tibetan Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0399 East Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 22 Humanities
16.0400 Slavic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 22 Humanities
16.0401 Baltic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 22 Humanities
16.0402 Russian Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0404 Albanian Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0405 Bulgarian Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0406 Czech Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0407 Polish Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0408 Serbian, Croatian and Serbo-Croatian Languages and Literatures 22 Humanities
16.0409 Slovak Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0410 Ukrainian Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0499 Slavic, Baltic and Albanian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 22 Humanities
16.0500 Germanic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 22 Humanities
16.0501 German Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0502 Scandinavian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 22 Humanities
16.0503 Danish Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0504 Dutch/Flemish Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0505 Norwegian Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0506 Swedish Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0599 Germanic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 22 Humanities
16.0601 Modern Greek Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0700 South Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 22 Humanities
16.0701 Hindi Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0702 Sanskrit and Classical Indian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 22 Humanities
16.0704 Bengali Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0705 Punjabi Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0706 Tamil Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0707 Urdu Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0799 South Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 22 Humanities
16.0801 Iranian/Persian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 22 Humanities
16.0900 Romance Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 22 Humanities
16.0902 Italian Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0904 Portuguese Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0905 Spanish Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0906 Romanian Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0907 Catalan Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.0999 Romance Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 22 Humanities
16.1001 Aboriginal Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 22 Humanities
16.1100 Semitic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 22 Humanities
16.1101 Arabic Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1102 Hebrew Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1103 Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 22 Humanities
16.1199 Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 22 Humanities
16.1200 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 22 Humanities
16.1202 Ancient/Classical Greek Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1203 Latin Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1299 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 22 Humanities
16.1301 Celtic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 22 Humanities
16.1400 Southeast Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 22 Humanities
16.1401 Australian/Oceanic/Pacific Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 22 Humanities
16.1402 Bahasa Indonesian/Bahasa Malay Languages and Literatures 22 Humanities
16.1403 Burmese Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1404 Philippine/Tagalog Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1405 Khmer/Cambodian Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1406 Lao/Laotian Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1407 Thai Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1408 Vietnamese Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1499 Southeast Asian and Australasian/Pacific Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 22 Humanities
16.1501 Turkish Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1502 Finnish and Related Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 22 Humanities
16.1503 Hungarian/Magyar Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1504 Mongolian Language and Literature 22 Humanities
16.1599 Turkic, Ural-Altaic, Caucasian and Central Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 22 Humanities
16.1601 American Sign Language (ASL) 22 Humanities
16.1602 Linguistics of Sign Language 22 Humanities
16.1603 Sign Language Interpretation and Translation 22 Humanities
16.1699 Sign Language, Other 22 Humanities
16.1701 English as a Second Language 22 Humanities
16.1702 French as a Second Language 22 Humanities
16.1799 Second Language Learning, Other 22 Humanities
16.9999 Aboriginal and Foreign Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 22 Humanities
19.0000 Work and Family Studies 99 Not known or unspecified
19.0101 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General 99 Not known or unspecified
19.0201 Business, Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences 34 Business and administration
19.0202 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Communication 34 Business and administration
19.0203 Consumer Merchandising/Retailing Management 34 Business and administration
19.0299 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Business Services, Other 34 Business and administration
19.0401 Family Resource Management Studies, General 34 Business and administration
19.0402 Consumer Economics 31 Social and behavioural science
19.0403 Consumer Services and Advocacy 34 Business and administration
19.0499 Family and Consumer Economics and Related Services, Other 99 Not known or unspecified
19.0501 Foods, Nutrition and Wellness Studies, General 72 Health
19.0504 Human Nutrition 72 Health
19.0505 Foodservice Systems Administration/Management 34 Business and administration
19.0599 Foods, Nutrition and Related Services, Other 72 Health
19.0601 Housing and Human Environments, General 21 Arts
19.0604 Facilities Planning and Management 34 Business and administration
19.0605 Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers 21 Arts
19.0699 Housing and Human Environments, Other 21 Arts
19.0701 Human Development and Family Studies, General 31 Social and behavioural science
19.0702 Adult Development and Aging 31 Social and behavioural science
19.0704 Family Systems 31 Social and behavioural science
19.0706 Child Development 31 Social and behavioural science
19.0707 Family and Community Services 31 Social and behavioural science
19.0708 Child Care and Support Services Management 31 Social and behavioural science
19.0709 Child Care Provider/Assistant 76 Social services
19.0799 Human Development, Family Studies and Related Services, Other 31 Social and behavioural science
19.0901 Apparel and Textiles, General 54 Manufacturing and processing
19.0902 Apparel and Textile Manufacture 54 Manufacturing and processing
19.0904 Textile Science 54 Manufacturing and processing
19.0905 Apparel and Textile Marketing Management 54 Manufacturing and processing
19.0906 Fashion and Fabric Consultant 54 Manufacturing and processing
19.0999 Apparel and Textiles, Other 54 Manufacturing and processing
19.9999 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, Other 99 Not known or unspecified
21.0101 Technology Education/Industrial Arts Programs 01 Basic programmes
22.0000 Legal Studies, General 38 Law
22.0001 Prelaw Studies 38 Law
22.0101 Law (LLB, JD, BCL) 38 Law
22.0201 Advanced Legal Research/Studies, General (LLM, MCL, MLI, MSL, JSD/SJD) 38 Law
22.0202 Programs for Foreign Lawyers (LLM, MCL) 38 Law
22.0203 American/US Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence (LLM, MCJ, JSD/SJD) 38 Law
22.0204 Canadian Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence (LLM, MCJ, JSD/SJD) 38 Law
22.0205 Banking, Corporate, Finance and Securities Law (LLM, JSD/SJD) 38 Law
22.0206 Comparative Law (LLM, MCL, JSD/SJD) 38 Law
22.0207 Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Law (LLM, MSc, JSD/SJD) 38 Law
22.0208 Health Law (LLM, MJ, JSD/SJD) 38 Law
22.0209 International Law and Legal Studies (LLM, JSD/SJD) 38 Law
22.0210 International Business, Trade and Tax Law (LLM, JSD/SJD) 38 Law
22.0211 Tax Law/Taxation (LLM, JSD/SJD) 38 Law
22.0299 Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies (Post-LLB/JD), Other 38 Law
22.0301 Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary 34 Business and administration
22.0302 Legal Assistant/Paralegal 38 Law
22.0303 Court Reporting/Court Reporter 34 Business and administration
22.0399 Legal Support Services, Other 34 Business and administration
22.9999 Legal Professions and Studies, Other 38 Law
23.0101 English Language and Literature, General 22 Humanities
23.0401 English Composition 22 Humanities
23.0501 English Creative Writing 22 Humanities
23.0701 American Literature 22 Humanities
23.0702 English Canadian Literature 22 Humanities
23.0801 English Literature (British and Commonwealth) 22 Humanities
23.1001 English Speech and Rhetorical Studies 22 Humanities
23.1101 English Technical and Business Writing 22 Humanities
23.9999 English Language and Literature/Letters, Other 22 Humanities
24.0101 Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies 99 Not known or unspecified
24.0102 General Studies 99 Not known or unspecified
24.0103 Humanities/Humanistic Studies 22 Humanities
24.0199 Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other 99 Not known or unspecified
25.0101 Library Science/Librarianship 32 Journalism and information
25.0301 Library Assistant/Technician 32 Journalism and information
25.9999 Library Science, Other 32 Journalism and information
26.0101 Biology/Biological Sciences, General 42 Life sciences
26.0102 Biomedical Sciences, General 42 Life sciences
26.0202 Biochemistry 42 Life sciences
26.0203 Biophysics 42 Life sciences
26.0204 Molecular Biology 42 Life sciences
26.0205 Molecular Biochemistry 42 Life sciences
26.0206 Molecular Biophysics 42 Life sciences
26.0207 Structural Biology 42 Life sciences
26.0208 Photobiology 42 Life sciences
26.0209 Radiation Biology/Radiobiology 42 Life sciences
26.0210 Biochemistry/Biophysics and Molecular Biology 42 Life sciences
26.0299 Biochemistry/Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Other 42 Life sciences
26.0301 Botany/Plant Biology, General 42 Life sciences
26.0305 Plant Pathology/Phytopathology 42 Life sciences
26.0307 Plant Physiology 42 Life sciences
26.0308 Plant Molecular Biology 42 Life sciences
26.0399 Botany/Plant Biology, Other 42 Life sciences
26.0401 Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology 42 Life sciences
26.0403 Anatomy 42 Life sciences
26.0404 Developmental Biology and Embryology 42 Life sciences
26.0405 Neuroanatomy 42 Life sciences
26.0406 Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology 42 Life sciences
26.0407 Cell Biology and Anatomy 42 Life sciences
26.0499 Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, Other 42 Life sciences
26.0502 Microbiology, General 42 Life sciences
26.0503 Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology 42 Life sciences
26.0504 Virology 42 Life sciences
26.0505 Parasitology 42 Life sciences
26.0506 Mycology 42 Life sciences
26.0507 Immunology 42 Life sciences
26.0599 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology, Other 42 Life sciences
26.0701 Zoology/Animal Biology, General 42 Life sciences
26.0702 Entomology 42 Life sciences
26.0707 Animal Physiology 42 Life sciences
26.0708 Animal Behaviour and Ethology 42 Life sciences
26.0709 Wildlife Biology 42 Life sciences
26.0799 Zoology/Animal Biology, Other 42 Life sciences
26.0801 Genetics, General 42 Life sciences
26.0802 Molecular Genetics 42 Life sciences
26.0803 Microbial and Eukaryotic Genetics 42 Life sciences
26.0804 Animal Genetics 42 Life sciences
26.0805 Plant Genetics 42 Life sciences
26.0806 Human/Medical Genetics 42 Life sciences
26.0899 Genetics, Other 42 Life sciences
26.0901 Physiology, General 42 Life sciences
26.0902 Molecular Physiology 42 Life sciences
26.0903 Cell Physiology 42 Life sciences
26.0904 Endocrinology 42 Life sciences
26.0905 Reproductive Biology 42 Life sciences
26.0906 Neurobiology and Neurophysiology 42 Life sciences
26.0907 Cardiovascular Science 42 Life sciences
26.0908 Exercise Physiology 42 Life sciences
26.0909 Vision Science/Physiological Optics 42 Life sciences
26.0910 Pathology/Experimental Pathology 42 Life sciences
26.0911 Oncology and Cancer Biology 42 Life sciences
26.0999 Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences, Other 42 Life sciences
26.1001 Pharmacology 42 Life sciences
26.1002 Molecular Pharmacology 42 Life sciences
26.1003 Neuropharmacology 42 Life sciences
26.1004 Toxicology 42 Life sciences
26.1005 Molecular Toxicology 42 Life sciences
26.1006 Environmental Toxicology 42 Life sciences
26.1007 Pharmacology and Toxicology, Integrated 42 Life sciences
26.1099 Pharmacology and Toxicology, Other 42 Life sciences
26.1101 Biometry/Biometrics 42 Life sciences
26.1102 Biostatistics 42 Life sciences
26.1103 Bioinformatics 48 Computing
26.1199 Biomathematics and Bioinformatics, Other 42 Life sciences
26.1201 Biotechnology 42 Life sciences
26.1301 Ecology 42 Life sciences
26.1302 Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography 42 Life sciences
26.1303 Evolutionary Biology 42 Life sciences
26.1304 Aquatic Biology/Limnology 42 Life sciences
26.1305 Environmental Biology 42 Life sciences
26.1306 Population Biology 42 Life sciences
26.1307 Conservation Biology 42 Life sciences
26.1308 Systematic Biology/Biological Systematics 42 Life sciences
26.1309 Epidemiology 42 Life sciences
26.1399 Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and Population Biology, Other 42 Life sciences
26.9999 Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other 42 Life sciences
27.0101 Mathematics, General 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.0102 Algebra and Number Theory 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.0103 Analysis and Functional Analysis 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.0104 Geometry/Geometric Analysis 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.0105 Topology and Foundations 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.0199 Mathematics, Other 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.0301 Applied Mathematics, General 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.0303 Computational Mathematics 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.0399 Applied Mathematics, Other 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.0501 Statistics, General 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.0502 Mathematical Statistics and Probability 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.0599 Statistics, Other 46 Mathematics and statistics
27.9999 Mathematics and Statistics, Other 46 Mathematics and statistics
28.0501 Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers in the Armed Forces 86 Security services
29.0101 Military Technologies 86 Security services
30.0101 Biological and Physical Sciences 99 Not known or unspecified
30.0501 Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution 31 Social and behavioural science
30.0601 Systems Science and Theory 99 Not known or unspecified
30.0801 Mathematics and Computer Science 99 Not known or unspecified
30.1001 Biopsychology 42 Life sciences
30.1101 Gerontology 72 Health
30.1201 Historic Preservation and Conservation, General 58 Architecture and building
30.1202 Cultural Resource Management and Policy Analysis 22 Humanities
30.1299 Historic Preservation and Conservation, Other 22 Humanities
30.1301 Medieval and Renaissance Studies 22 Humanities
30.1401 Museology/Museum Studies 22 Humanities
30.1501 Science, Technology and Society 22 Humanities
30.1601 Accounting and Computer Science 34 Business and administration
30.1701 Behavioural Sciences 31 Social and behavioural science
30.1801 Natural Sciences 99 Not known or unspecified
30.1901 Nutrition Sciences 42 Life sciences
30.2001 International/Global Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
30.2101 Holocaust and Related Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
30.2201 Ancient Studies/Civilization 22 Humanities
30.2202 Classical, Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and Archeology 22 Humanities
30.2301 Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
30.2401 Neuroscience 42 Life sciences
30.2501 Cognitive Science 99 Not known or unspecified
30.9999 Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other 99 Not known or unspecified
31.0101 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 81 Personal services
31.0301 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management 81 Personal services
31.0501 Health and Physical Education, General 81 Personal services
31.0504 Sport and Fitness Administration/Management 34 Business and administration
31.0505 Kinesiology and Exercise Science 81 Personal services
31.0599 Health and Physical Education/Fitness, Other 81 Personal services
31.9999 Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, Other 81 Personal services
32.0101 Basic Skills, General 01 Basic programmes
32.0104 Numeracy and Computational Skills 08 Literacy and numeracy
32.0105 Job-seeking/Changing Skills 09 Personal development
32.0107 Career Exploration/Awareness Skills 09 Personal development
32.0108 Literacy and Communication Skills 08 Literacy and numeracy
32.0109 Second Language Learning (not for credit) 22 Humanities
32.0199 Basic Skills, Other 09 Personal development
33.0101 Citizenship Activities, General 31 Social and behavioural science
33.0102 American Citizenship Education 31 Social and behavioural science
33.0103 Community Awareness 31 Social and behavioural science
33.0104 Community Involvement 31 Social and behavioural science
33.0105 Canadian Citizenship Education 31 Social and behavioural science
33.0199 Citizenship Activities, Other 31 Social and behavioural science
34.0102 Birthing and Parenting Knowledge and Skills 72 Health
34.0103 Personal Health Improvement and Maintenance 72 Health
34.0104 Addiction Prevention and Treatment 72 Health
34.0199 Health-related Knowledge and Skills, Other 72 Health
35.0101 Interpersonal and Social Skills, General 09 Personal development
35.0102 Interpersonal Relationships Skills 09 Personal development
35.0103 Business and Social Skills 09 Personal development
35.0199 Interpersonal and Social Skills, Other 09 Personal development
36.0101 Leisure and Recreational Activities, General 81 Personal services
36.0102 Handicrafts and Model-making 81 Personal services
36.0103 Board, Card and Role-playing Games 81 Personal services
36.0105 Home Maintenance and Improvement 81 Personal services
36.0106 Nature Appreciation 81 Personal services
36.0107 Pet Ownership and Care 81 Personal services
36.0108 Sports and Exercise 81 Personal services
36.0109 Travel and Exploration 81 Personal services
36.0110 Art (not for credit) 81 Personal services
36.0111 Collecting 81 Personal services
36.0112 Cooking and Other Domestic Skills 81 Personal services
36.0113 Computer Games and Programming Skills 81 Personal services
36.0114 Dancing (not for credit) 81 Personal services
36.0115 Music (not for credit) 81 Personal services
36.0116 Reading 81 Personal services
36.0117 Theatre (not for credit) 81 Personal services
36.0118 Writing 81 Personal services
36.0119 Aircraft Pilot (Private) 84 Transport services
36.0199 Leisure and Recreational Activities, Other 81 Personal services
37.0101 Self-awareness and Personal Assessment 09 Personal development
37.0102 Stress Management and Coping Skills 09 Personal development
37.0103 Personal Decision-making Skills 09 Personal development
37.0104 Self-esteem and Values Clarification 09 Personal development
37.0199 Personal Awareness and Self-improvement, Other 09 Personal development
38.0101 Philosophy 22 Humanities
38.0102 Logic 22 Humanities
38.0103 Ethics 22 Humanities
38.0199 Philosophy, Logic and Ethics, Other 22 Humanities
38.0201 Religion/Religious Studies, General 22 Humanities
38.0202 Buddhist Studies 22 Humanities
38.0203 Christian Studies 22 Humanities
38.0204 Hindu Studies 22 Humanities
38.0205 Islamic Studies 22 Humanities
38.0206 Jewish/Judaic Studies 22 Humanities
38.0299 Religion/Religious Studies, Other 22 Humanities
38.9999 Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other 22 Humanities
39.0201 Bible/Biblical Studies 22 Humanities
39.0301 Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology 22 Humanities
39.0401 Religious Education 14 Teacher training and education science
39.0501 Religious/Sacred Music 21 Arts
39.0601 Theology/Theological Studies 22 Humanities
39.0602 Divinity/Ministry (BDiv, MDiv) 22 Humanities
39.0604 Pretheology/Preministerial Studies 22 Humanities
39.0605 Rabbinical Studies (MHL/Rav) 22 Humanities
39.0606 Talmudic Studies 22 Humanities
39.0699 Theological and Ministerial Studies, Other 22 Humanities
39.0701 Pastoral Studies/Counselling 22 Humanities
39.0702 Youth Ministry 22 Humanities
39.0799 Pastoral Counselling and Specialized Ministries, Other 22 Humanities
39.9999 Theology and Religious Vocations, Other 22 Humanities
40.0101 Physical Sciences, General 44 Physical sciences
40.0201 Astronomy 44 Physical sciences
40.0202 Astrophysics 44 Physical sciences
40.0203 Planetary Astronomy and Science 44 Physical sciences
40.0299 Astronomy and Astrophysics, Other 44 Physical sciences
40.0401 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, General 44 Physical sciences
40.0402 Atmospheric Chemistry and Climatology 44 Physical sciences
40.0403 Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics 44 Physical sciences
40.0404 Meteorology 44 Physical sciences
40.0499 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other 44 Physical sciences
40.0501 Chemistry, General 44 Physical sciences
40.0502 Analytical Chemistry 44 Physical sciences
40.0503 Inorganic Chemistry 44 Physical sciences
40.0504 Organic Chemistry 44 Physical sciences
40.0506 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 44 Physical sciences
40.0507 Polymer Chemistry 44 Physical sciences
40.0508 Chemical Physics 44 Physical sciences
40.0599 Chemistry, Other 44 Physical sciences
40.0601 Geology/Earth Science, General 44 Physical sciences
40.0602 Geochemistry 44 Physical sciences
40.0603 Geophysics and Seismology 44 Physical sciences
40.0604 Paleontology 44 Physical sciences
40.0605 Hydrology and Water Resources Science 44 Physical sciences
40.0606 Geochemistry and Petrology 44 Physical sciences
40.0607 Oceanography, Chemical and Physical 44 Physical sciences
40.0699 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other 44 Physical sciences
40.0801 Physics, General 44 Physical sciences
40.0802 Atomic/Molecular Physics 44 Physical sciences
40.0804 Elementary Particle Physics 44 Physical sciences
40.0805 Plasma and High-temperature Physics 44 Physical sciences
40.0806 Nuclear Physics 44 Physical sciences
40.0807 Optics/Optical Sciences 44 Physical sciences
40.0808 Solid State and Low-temperature Physics 44 Physical sciences
40.0809 Acoustics 44 Physical sciences
40.0810 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 44 Physical sciences
40.0899 Physics, Other 44 Physical sciences
40.9999 Physical Sciences, Other 44 Physical sciences
41.0101 Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician 42 Life sciences
41.0204 Industrial Radiologic Technology/Technician 44 Physical sciences
41.0205 Nuclear/Nuclear Power Technology/Technician 44 Physical sciences
41.0299 Nuclear and Industrial Radiologic Technologies/Technicians, Other 44 Physical sciences
41.0301 Chemical Technology/Technician 44 Physical sciences
41.0399 Physical Science Technologies/Technicians, Other 44 Physical sciences
41.9999 Science Technologies/Technicians, Other 99 Not known or unspecified
42.0101 Psychology, General 31 Social and behavioural science
42.0201 Clinical Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.0301 Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics 31 Social and behavioural science
42.0401 Community Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.0501 Comparative Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.0601 Counselling Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.0701 Developmental and Child Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.0801 Experimental Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.0901 Industrial and Organizational Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.1001 Personality Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.1101 Physiological Psychology/Psychobiology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.1601 Social Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.1701 School Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.1801 Educational Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.1901 Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.2001 Clinical Child Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.2101 Environmental Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.2201 Geropsychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.2301 Health/Medical Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.2401 Psychopharmacology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.2501 Family Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.2601 Forensic Psychology 31 Social and behavioural science
42.9999 Psychology, Other 31 Social and behavioural science
43.0102 Corrections 86 Security services
43.0103 Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration 86 Security services
43.0104 Criminal Justice/Safety Studies 86 Security services
43.0106 Forensic Science and Technology 86 Security services
43.0107 Criminal Justice/Police Science 86 Security services
43.0109 Security and Loss Prevention Services 86 Security services
43.0110 Juvenile Corrections 86 Security services
43.0111 Criminalistics and Criminal Science 86 Security services
43.0112 Securities Services Administration/Management 86 Security services
43.0113 Corrections Administration 86 Security services
43.0199 Criminal Justice and Corrections, Other 86 Security services
43.0201 Fire Protection and Safety Technology/Technician 86 Security services
43.0202 Fire Services Administration 34 Business and administration
43.0203 Fire Science/Firefighting 86 Security services
43.0299 Fire Protection, Other 86 Security services
43.9999 Security and Protective Services, Other 86 Security services
44.0000 Human Services, General 76 Social services
44.0201 Community Organization and Advocacy 76 Social services
44.0401 Public Administration 34 Business and administration
44.0501 Public Policy Analysis 31 Social and behavioural science
44.0701 Social Work, General 76 Social services
44.0702 Youth Services/Administration 76 Social services
44.0799 Social Work, Other 76 Social services
44.9999 Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other 76 Social services
45.0101 Social Sciences, General 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0201 Anthropology, General 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0202 Physical Anthropology 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0299 Anthropology, Other 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0301 Archeology 22 Humanities
45.0401 Criminology 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0501 Demography and Population Studies 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0601 Economics, General 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0602 Applied Economics 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0603 Econometrics and Quantitative Economics 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0604 Development Economics and International Development 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0605 International Economics 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0699 Economics, Other 31 Social and behavioural science
45.0701 Geography 44 Physical sciences
45.0702 Cartography 44 Physical sciences
45.0799 Geography and Cartography, Other 44 Physical sciences
45.0901 International Relations and Affairs 31 Social and behavioural science
45.1001 Political Science and Government, General 31 Social and behavioural science
45.1002 American Government and Politics (United States) 31 Social and behavioural science
45.1003 Canadian Government and Politics 31 Social and behavioural science
45.1099 Political Science and Government, Other 31 Social and behavioural science
45.1101 Sociology 31 Social and behavioural science
45.1201 Urban Studies/Affairs 31 Social and behavioural science
45.9999 Social Sciences, Other 31 Social and behavioural science
46.0000 Construction Trades, General 58 Architecture and building
46.0101 Masonry/Mason 58 Architecture and building
46.0201 Carpentry/Carpenter 58 Architecture and building
46.0301 Electrical and Power Transmission Installation/Installer, General 52 Engineering and engineering trades
46.0302 Electrician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
46.0303 Lineworker 52 Engineering and engineering trades
46.0399 Electrical and Power Transmission Installers, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
46.0401 Building/Property Maintenance and Management 58 Architecture and building
46.0402 Concrete Finishing/Concrete Finisher 58 Architecture and building
46.0403 Building/Home/Construction Inspection/Inspector 58 Architecture and building
46.0404 Drywall Installation/Drywaller 58 Architecture and building
46.0406 Glazier 58 Architecture and building
46.0408 Painting/Painter and Wall Coverer 58 Architecture and building
46.0410 Roofer 58 Architecture and building
46.0411 Metal Building Assembly/Assembler 58 Architecture and building
46.0412 Building/Construction Site Management/Manager 58 Architecture and building
46.0499 Building/Construction Finishing, Management and Inspection, Other 58 Architecture and building
46.0502 Pipefitting/Pipefitter and Sprinkler Fitter 58 Architecture and building
46.0503 Plumbing Technology/Plumber 58 Architecture and building
46.0504 Well Drilling/Driller 58 Architecture and building
46.0505 Blasting/Blaster 58 Architecture and building
46.0599 Plumbing and Related Water Supply Services, Other 58 Architecture and building
46.9999 Construction Trades, Other 58 Architecture and building
47.0000 Mechanics and Repairers, General 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0101 Electrical/Electronics Equipment Installation and Repair, General 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0102 Business Machine Repair 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0103 Communications Systems Installation and Repair Technology 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0104 Computer Installation and Repair Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0105 Industrial Electronics Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0106 Appliance Installation and Repair Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0110 Security System Installation, Repair and Inspection Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0199 Electrical/Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technology, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0201 Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC, HVACR) 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0302 Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0303 Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0399 Heavy/Industrial Equipment Maintenance Technologies, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0402 Gunsmithing/Gunsmith 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0403 Locksmithing and Safe Repair 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0404 Musical Instrument Fabrication and Repair 21 Arts
47.0408 Watchmaking and Jewellery Making 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0409 Parts and Warehousing Operations and Maintenance Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0499 Precision Systems Maintenance and Repair Technologies, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0501 Stationary Energy Sources Installer and Operator 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0603 Autobody/Collision and Repair Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0604 Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0605 Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0606 Small Engine Mechanics and Repair Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0607 Airframe Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0608 Aircraft Powerplant Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0609 Avionics Maintenance Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0610 Bicycle Mechanics and Repair Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0611 Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0612 Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0613 Medium/Heavy Vehicle and Truck Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0614 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0615 Engine Machinist 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0616 Marine Maintenance/Fitter and Ship Repair Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.0699 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technologies, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
47.9999 Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
48.0000 Precision Production Trades, General 99 Not known or unspecified
48.0303 Upholstery/Upholsterer 54 Manufacturing and processing
48.0304 Shoe, Boot and Leather Repair 54 Manufacturing and processing
48.0399 Leatherworking and Upholstery, Other 54 Manufacturing and processing
48.0501 Machine Tool Technology/Machinist 52 Engineering and engineering trades
48.0503 Machine Shop Technology/Assistant 52 Engineering and engineering trades
48.0506 Sheet Metal Technology/Sheetworking 52 Engineering and engineering trades
48.0507 Tool and Die Technology/Technician 52 Engineering and engineering trades
48.0508 Welding Technology/Welder 52 Engineering and engineering trades
48.0509 Ironworking/Ironworker 58 Architecture and building
48.0599 Precision Metal Working, Other 52 Engineering and engineering trades
48.0701 Woodworking, General 54 Manufacturing and processing
48.0702 Furniture Design and Manufacturing 54 Manufacturing and processing
48.0703 Cabinetmaking and Millwork 54 Manufacturing and processing
48.0799 Woodworking, Other 54 Manufacturing and processing
48.0801 Boilermaking/Boilermaker 52 Engineering and engineering trades
48.9999 Precision Production, Other 99 Not known or unspecified
49.0101 Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology, General 84 Transport services
49.0102 Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew 84 Transport services
49.0104 Aviation/Airway Management and Operations 84 Transport services
49.0105 Air Traffic Controller 84 Transport services
49.0106 Airline Flight Attendant 84 Transport services
49.0108 Flight Instructor 14 Teacher training and education science
49.0199 Air Transportation, Other 84 Transport services
49.0202 Construction/Heavy Equipment/Earthmoving Equipment Operation 58 Architecture and building
49.0205 Truck and Bus Driver/Commercial Vehicle Operation 84 Transport services
49.0206 Mobile Crane Operation/Operator 84 Transport services
49.0299 Ground Transportation, Other 84 Transport services
49.0303 Commercial Fishing 62 Agriculture, forestry and fishery
49.0304 Diver, Professional and Instructor 86 Security services
49.0309 Nautical Science/Merchant Marine Officer 84 Transport services
49.0399 Marine Transportation, Other 84 Transport services
49.9999 Transportation and Materials Moving, Other 84 Transport services
50.0101 Visual and Performing Arts, General 21 Arts
50.0201 Crafts/Craft Design, Folk Art and Artisanry 21 Arts
50.0301 Dance, General 21 Arts
50.0302 Ballet 21 Arts
50.0399 Dance, Other 21 Arts
50.0401 Design and Visual Communications, General 21 Arts
50.0402 Commercial and Advertising Art 21 Arts
50.0404 Industrial Design 21 Arts
50.0406 Commercial Photography 21 Arts
50.0407 Fashion/Apparel Design 21 Arts
50.0408 Interior Design 21 Arts
50.0409 Graphic Design 21 Arts
50.0410 Illustration 21 Arts
50.0499 Design and Applied Arts, Other 21 Arts
50.0501 Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General 21 Arts
50.0502 Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology 21 Arts
50.0504 Playwriting and Screenwriting 22 Humanities
50.0505 Theatre Literature, History and Criticism 21 Arts
50.0506 Acting 21 Arts
50.0507 Directing and Theatrical Production 21 Arts
50.0508 Theatre/Theatre Arts Management 34 Business and administration
50.0599 Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other 21 Arts
50.0601 Film/Cinema Studies 21 Arts
50.0602 Cinematography and Film/Video Production 21 Arts
50.0605 Photography 21 Arts
50.0699 Film/Video and Photographic Arts, Other 21 Arts
50.0701 Art/Art Studies, General 21 Arts
50.0702 Fine/Studio Arts, General 21 Arts
50.0703 Art History, Criticism and Conservation 21 Arts
50.0704 Arts Management 34 Business and administration
50.0705 Drawing 21 Arts
50.0706 Intermedia/Multimedia 21 Arts
50.0708 Painting 21 Arts
50.0709 Sculpture 21 Arts
50.0710 Printmaking 21 Arts
50.0711 Ceramic Arts and Ceramics 21 Arts
50.0712 Fibre, Textile and Weaving Arts 21 Arts
50.0713 Metal and Jewellery Arts 21 Arts
50.0799 Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other 21 Arts
50.0901 Music, General 21 Arts
50.0902 Music History, Literature and Theory 21 Arts
50.0903 Music Performance, General 21 Arts
50.0904 Music Theory and Composition 21 Arts
50.0905 Musicology and Ethnomusicology 21 Arts
50.0906 Conducting 21 Arts
50.0907 Piano and Organ 21 Arts
50.0908 Voice and Opera 21 Arts
50.0909 Music Management and Merchandising 34 Business and administration
50.0910 Jazz/Jazz Studies 21 Arts
50.0911 Violin, Viola, Guitar and Other Stringed Instruments 21 Arts
50.0912 Music Pedagogy 14 Teacher training and education science
50.0999 Music, Other 21 Arts
50.9999 Visual and Performing Arts, Other 21 Arts
51.0000 Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General 72 Health
51.0101 Chiropractic (DC) 72 Health
51.0201 Communication Disorders, General 72 Health
51.0202 Audiology/Audiologist and Hearing Sciences 72 Health
51.0203 Speech-language Pathology/Pathologist 72 Health
51.0204 Audiology/Audiologist and Speech-language Pathology/Pathologist 72 Health
51.0299 Communication Disorders Sciences and Services, Other 72 Health
51.0401 Dentistry (DDS, DMD) 72 Health
51.0501 Dental Clinical Sciences, General (MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.0502 Advanced General Dentistry (Cert., MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.0503 Oral Biology and Oral Pathology (MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.0504 Dental Public Health and Education (Cert., MSc, MPH, PhD, DPH) 72 Health
51.0505 Dental Materials (MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.0506 Endodontics/Endodontology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.0507 Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery (Cert., MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.0508 Orthodontics/Orthodontology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.0509 Pediatric Dentistry/Pedodontics (Cert., MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.0510 Periodontics/Periodontology (Cert., MS, PhD) 72 Health
51.0511 Prosthodontics/Prosthodontology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.0599 Advanced/Graduate Dentistry and Oral Sciences (Cert., MSc, PhD), Other 72 Health
51.0601 Dental Assisting/Assistant 72 Health
51.0602 Dental Hygiene/Hygienist 72 Health
51.0603 Dental Laboratory Technology/Technician 72 Health
51.0699 Dental Support Services and Allied Professions, Other 72 Health
51.0701 Health/Health Care Administration/Management 34 Business and administration
51.0702 Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management 34 Business and administration
51.0703 Health Unit Coordinator/Ward Clerk 34 Business and administration
51.0704 Health Unit Manager/Ward Supervisor 34 Business and administration
51.0705 Medical Office Management/Administration 34 Business and administration
51.0706 Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator 32 Journalism and information
51.0707 Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician 32 Journalism and information
51.0708 Medical Transcription/Transcriptionist 34 Business and administration
51.0709 Medical Office Computer Specialist/Assistant 48 Computing
51.0710 Medical Office Assistant/Specialist 34 Business and administration
51.0711 Medical/Health Management and Clinical Assistant/Specialist 72 Health
51.0712 Medical Reception/Receptionist 34 Business and administration
51.0713 Medical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder 34 Business and administration
51.0714 Medical Insurance Specialist/Medical Biller 34 Business and administration
51.0715 Health/Medical Claims Examiner 34 Business and administration
51.0716 Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary 34 Business and administration
51.0717 Medical Staff Services Technology/Technician 34 Business and administration
51.0799 Health and Medical Administrative Services, Other 34 Business and administration
51.0801 Medical/Clinical Assistant 72 Health
51.0802 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant 72 Health
51.0803 Occupational Therapist Assistant 72 Health
51.0805 Pharmacy Technician/Assistant 72 Health
51.0806 Physical Therapist Assistant 72 Health
51.0808 Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant 64 Veterinary
51.0809 Anesthesiologist Assistant 72 Health
51.0810 Emergency Care Attendant (EMT Ambulance) 72 Health
51.0811 Pathology/Pathologist Assistant 72 Health
51.0812 Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant 72 Health
51.0813 Chiropractic Assistant/Technician 72 Health
51.0899 Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services, Other 72 Health
51.0901 Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist 72 Health
51.0902 Electrocardiograph Technology/Technician 72 Health
51.0903 Electroneurodiagnostic/Electroencephalographic Technology/Technologist 72 Health
51.0904 Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic) 72 Health
51.0905 Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist 72 Health
51.0906 Perfusion Technology/Perfusionist 72 Health
51.0907 Medical Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiation Therapist 72 Health
51.0908 Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist 72 Health
51.0909 Surgical Technology/Technologist 72 Health
51.0910 Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician 72 Health
51.0911 Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiographer 72 Health
51.0912 Physician Assistant 72 Health
51.0913 Athletic Training/Trainer 72 Health
51.0914 Gene/Genetic Therapy 72 Health
51.0915 Cardiopulmonary Technology/Technologist 72 Health
51.0916 Radiation Protection/Health Physics Technician 72 Health
51.0999 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention and Treatment Professions, Other 72 Health
51.1001 Blood Bank Technology Specialist 72 Health
51.1002 Cytotechnology/Cytotechnologist 72 Health
51.1003 Hematology Technology/Technician 72 Health
51.1004 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician 72 Health
51.1005 Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist 72 Health
51.1006 Ophthalmic Laboratory Technology/Technician 72 Health
51.1007 Histologic Technology/Histotechnologist 72 Health
51.1008 Histologic Technician 72 Health
51.1009 Phlebotomy/Phlebotomist 72 Health
51.1010 Cytogenetics/Genetics/Clinical Genetics Technology/Technologist 72 Health
51.1011 Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician 72 Health
51.1099 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions, Other 72 Health
51.1101 Predentistry Studies 72 Health
51.1102 Premedicine/Premedical Studies 72 Health
51.1103 Prepharmacy Studies 72 Health
51.1104 Preveterinary Studies 64 Veterinary
51.1105 Prenursing Studies 72 Health
51.1199 Health/Medical Preparatory Programs, Other 72 Health
51.1201 Medicine (MD) 72 Health
51.1401 Medical Scientist (MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.1501 Substance Abuse/Addiction Counselling 76 Social services
51.1502 Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician 76 Social services
51.1503 Clinical/Medical Social Work 76 Social services
51.1504 Community Health Services/Liaison/Counselling 76 Social services
51.1505 Marriage and Family Therapy/Counselling 76 Social services
51.1506 Clinical Pastoral Counselling/Patient Counselling 76 Social services
51.1507 Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy 31 Social and behavioural science
51.1508 Mental Health Counselling/Counsellor 76 Social services
51.1509 Genetic Counselling/Counsellor 76 Social services
51.1599 Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other 76 Social services
51.1601 Nursing/Registered Nurse (RN, ASN, BScN, MScN) 72 Health
51.1602 Nursing Administration (MScN, MSc, PhD) 34 Business and administration
51.1603 Adult Health Nurse/Nursing 72 Health
51.1604 Nurse Anesthetist 72 Health
51.1605 Family Practice Nurse/Nurse Practitioner 72 Health
51.1606 Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing 72 Health
51.1607 Nurse Midwife/Nursing Midwifery 72 Health
51.1608 Nursing Science (MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.1609 Pediatric Nurse/Nursing 72 Health
51.1610 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing 72 Health
51.1611 Public Health/Community Nurse/Nursing 72 Health
51.1612 Perioperative/Operating Room and Surgical Nurse/Nursing 72 Health
51.1613 Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training (LPN, LVN, Cert., Dipl., AAS) 72 Health
51.1614 Nurse/Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Care Assistant 72 Health
51.1616 Clinical Nurse Specialist 72 Health
51.1617 Critical Care Nursing 72 Health
51.1618 Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing 72 Health
51.1699 Nursing, Other 72 Health
51.1701 Optometry (OD) 72 Health
51.1801 Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician 72 Health
51.1802 Optometric Technician/Assistant 72 Health
51.1803 Ophthalmic Technician/Technologist 72 Health
51.1804 Orthoptics/Orthoptist 72 Health
51.1899 Ophthalmic and Optometric Support Services and Allied Professions, Other 72 Health
51.1901 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy (DO) 72 Health
51.2001 Pharmacy (PharmD [USA], PharmD or BSc/BPharm [Canada]) 72 Health
51.2002 Pharmacy Administration and Pharmacy Policy and Regulatory Affairs (MSc, PhD) 34 Business and administration
51.2003 Pharmaceutics and Drug Design (MSc, PhD) 42 Life sciences
51.2004 Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (MSc, PhD) 42 Life sciences
51.2005 Natural Products Chemistry and Pharmacognosy (MSc, PhD) 42 Life sciences
51.2006 Clinical and Industrial Drug Development (MSc, PhD) 42 Life sciences
51.2007 Pharmacoeconomics/Pharmaceutical Economics (MSc, PhD) 31 Social and behavioural science
51.2008 Clinical, Hospital and Managed Care Pharmacy (MSc, PhD) 72 Health
51.2009 Industrial and Physical Pharmacy and Cosmetic Sciences (MSc, PhD) 34 Business and administration
51.2099 Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Administration, Other 42 Life sciences
51.2101 Podiatric Medicine/Podiatry (DPM) 72 Health
51.2201 Public Health, General (MPH, DPH) 72 Health
51.2202 Environmental Health 72 Health
51.2205 Health/Medical Physics 44 Physical sciences
51.2206 Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene 86 Security services
51.2207 Public Health Education and Promotion 72 Health
51.2208 Community Health and Preventive Medicine 72 Health
51.2209 Maternal and Child Health 72 Health
51.2210 International Public Health/International Health 72 Health
51.2211 Health Services Administration 34 Business and administration
51.2299 Public Health, Other 72 Health
51.2301 Art Therapy/Therapist 72 Health
51.2302 Dance Therapy/Therapist 72 Health
51.2305 Music Therapy/Therapist 72 Health
51.2306 Occupational Therapy/Therapist 72 Health
51.2307 Orthotist/Prosthetist 72 Health
51.2308 Physical Therapy/Therapist 72 Health
51.2309 Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy 72 Health
51.2310 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselling/Counsellor 72 Health
51.2311 Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist 72 Health
51.2312 Assistive/Augmentative Technology and Rehabilitation Engineering 72 Health
51.2399 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, Other 72 Health
51.2401 Veterinary Medicine (DVM) 64 Veterinary
51.2501 Veterinary Sciences/Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General (Cert., MSc, PhD) 64 Veterinary
51.2502 Veterinary Anatomy (Cert., MSc, PhD) 64 Veterinary
51.2503 Veterinary Physiology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 64 Veterinary
51.2504 Veterinary Microbiology and Immunobiology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 64 Veterinary
51.2505 Veterinary Pathology and Pathobiology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 64 Veterinary
51.2506 Veterinary Toxicology and Pharmacology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 64 Veterinary
51.2507 Large Animal/Food Animal and Equine Surgery and Medicine (Cert., MSc, PhD) 64 Veterinary
51.2508 Small/Companion Animal Surgery and Medicine (Cert., MSc, PhD) 64 Veterinary
51.2509 Comparative and Laboratory Animal Medicine (Cert., MSc, PhD) 64 Veterinary
51.2510 Veterinary Preventive Medicine Epidemiology, and Public Health (Cert., MS, PhD) 64 Veterinary
51.2511 Veterinary Infectious Diseases (Cert., MSc, PhD) 64 Veterinary
51.2599 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (Cert., MSc, PhD), Other 64 Veterinary
51.2601 Health Aide 72 Health
51.2602 Home Health Aide/Home Attendant 72 Health
51.2603 Medication Aide 72 Health
51.2699 Health Aides/Attendants/Orderlies, Other 72 Health
51.2703 Medical Illustration/Medical Illustrator 21 Arts
51.2706 Medical Informatics 48 Computing
51.2799 Medical Illustration and Informatics, Other 72 Health
51.3101 Dietetics/Dietitian (RD) 72 Health
51.3102 Clinical Nutrition/Nutritionist 72 Health
51.3103 Dietetic Technician (DTR) 72 Health
51.3104 Dietitian Assistant 72 Health
51.3199 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services, Other 72 Health
51.3201 Bioethics/Medical Ethics 22 Humanities
51.3301 Acupuncture 72 Health
51.3302 Traditional Chinese/Asian Medicine and Chinese Herbology 72 Health
51.3303 Naturopathic Medicine/Naturopathy (ND) 72 Health
51.3304 Homeopathic Medicine/Homeopathy 72 Health
51.3305 Ayurvedic Medicine/Ayurveda 72 Health
51.3399 Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Medical Systems, Other 72 Health
51.3401 Direct Entry Midwifery (LM, CPM) 72 Health
51.3499 Alternative and Complementary Medical Support Services, Other 72 Health
51.3501 Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage 72 Health
51.3502 Asian Bodywork Therapy 72 Health
51.3503 Somatic Bodywork 72 Health
51.3599 Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic Services, Other 72 Health
51.3601 Movement Therapy 72 Health
51.3602 Yoga Teacher Training/Yoga Therapy 72 Health
51.3603 Hypnotherapy/Hypnotherapist 72 Health
51.3699 Movement and Mind-Body Therapies, Other 72 Health
51.3701 Aromatherapy 72 Health
51.3702 Herbalism/Herbalist 72 Health
51.3703 Polarity Therapy 72 Health
51.3704 Reiki 72 Health
51.3799 Energy-based and Biologically-based Therapies, Other 72 Health
51.9999 Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other 72 Health
52.0101 Business/Commerce, General 34 Business and administration
52.0201 Business Administration and Management, General 34 Business and administration
52.0202 Purchasing, Procurement/Acquisitions and Contracts Management 34 Business and administration
52.0203 Logistics and Materials Management 34 Business and administration
52.0204 Office Management and Supervision 34 Business and administration
52.0205 Operations Management and Supervision 34 Business and administration
52.0206 Non-profit/Public/Organizational Management 34 Business and administration
52.0207 Customer Service Management 34 Business and administration
52.0208 E-commerce/Electronic Commerce 34 Business and administration
52.0209 Transportation/Transportation Management 34 Business and administration
52.0299 Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other 34 Business and administration
52.0301 Accounting 34 Business and administration
52.0302 Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping 34 Business and administration
52.0303 Auditing 34 Business and administration
52.0304 Accounting and Finance 34 Business and administration
52.0305 Accounting and Business/Management 34 Business and administration
52.0399 Accounting and Related Services, Other 34 Business and administration
52.0401 Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General 34 Business and administration
52.0402 Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary 34 Business and administration
52.0406 Receptionist 34 Business and administration
52.0407 Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry 34 Business and administration
52.0408 General Office Occupations and Clerical Services 34 Business and administration
52.0409 Parts, Warehousing and Inventory Management Operations 34 Business and administration
52.0410 Traffic, Customs, and Transportation Clerk/Technician 34 Business and administration
52.0411 Customer Service Support/Call Centre/Teleservice Operation 34 Business and administration
52.0499 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services, Other 34 Business and administration
52.0501 Business/Corporate Communications 34 Business and administration
52.0601 Business/Managerial Economics 34 Business and administration
52.0701 Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies 34 Business and administration
52.0702 Franchising and Franchise Operations 34 Business and administration
52.0703 Small Business Administration/Management 34 Business and administration
52.0799 Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, Other 34 Business and administration
52.0801 Finance, General 34 Business and administration
52.0803 Banking and Financial Support Services 34 Business and administration
52.0804 Financial Planning and Services 34 Business and administration
52.0806 International Finance 34 Business and administration
52.0807 Investments and Securities 34 Business and administration
52.0808 Public Finance 34 Business and administration
52.0809 Credit Management 34 Business and administration
52.0899 Finance and Financial Management Services, Other 34 Business and administration
52.0901 Hospitality Administration/Management, General 34 Business and administration
52.0903 Tourism and Travel Services Management 34 Business and administration
52.0904 Hotel/Motel Administration/Management 34 Business and administration
52.0905 Restaurant/Food Services Management 34 Business and administration
52.0906 Resort Management 34 Business and administration
52.0999 Hospitality Administration/Management, Other 34 Business and administration
52.1001 Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General 34 Business and administration
52.1002 Labour and Industrial Relations 34 Business and administration
52.1003 Organizational Behaviour Studies 34 Business and administration
52.1004 Labour Studies 34 Business and administration
52.1005 Human Resources Development 34 Business and administration
52.1099 Human Resources Management and Services, Other 34 Business and administration
52.1101 International Business/Trade/Commerce 34 Business and administration
52.1201 Management Information Systems, General 48 Computing
52.1206 Information Resources Management/Chief Information Officer (CIO) Training 34 Business and administration
52.1207 Knowledge Management 48 Computing
52.1299 Management Information Systems and Services, Other 48 Computing
52.1301 Management Science, General 46 Mathematics and statistics
52.1302 Business Statistics 46 Mathematics and statistics
52.1304 Actuarial Science 46 Mathematics and statistics
52.1399 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other 46 Mathematics and statistics
52.1401 Marketing/Marketing Management, General 34 Business and administration
52.1402 Marketing Research 34 Business and administration
52.1403 International Marketing 34 Business and administration
52.1499 Marketing, Other 34 Business and administration
52.1501 Real Estate 34 Business and administration
52.1601 Taxation 34 Business and administration
52.1701 Insurance 34 Business and administration
52.1801 Sales, Distribution and Marketing Operations, General 34 Business and administration
52.1802 Merchandising and Buying Operations 34 Business and administration
52.1803 Retailing and Retail Operations 34 Business and administration
52.1804 Selling Skills and Sales Operations 34 Business and administration
52.1899 General Sales, Merchandising and Related Marketing Operations, Other 34 Business and administration
52.1901 Auctioneering 34 Business and administration
52.1902 Fashion Merchandising 34 Business and administration
52.1903 Fashion Modelling 21 Arts
52.1904 Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations 34 Business and administration
52.1905 Tourism and Travel Services Marketing Operations 34 Business and administration
52.1906 Tourism Promotion Operations 81 Personal services
52.1907 Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations 34 Business and administration
52.1908 Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations 34 Business and administration
52.1909 Special Products Marketing Operations 34 Business and administration
52.1910 Hospitality and Recreation Marketing Operations 34 Business and administration
52.1999 Specialized Sales, Merchandising and Marketing Operations, Other 34 Business and administration
52.2001 Construction Management 34 Business and administration
52.9999 Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services, Other 34 Business and administration
53.0101 Regular/General High School/Secondary Diploma Programs 01 Basic programmes
53.0102 College/University Preparatory and Advanced High School/Secondary Diploma Programs 01 Basic programmes
53.0103 Vocational High School and Secondary Business/Vocational-Industrial/Occupational Diploma Programs 01 Basic programmes
53.0104 Honours/Regents High School/Secondary Diploma Programs 01 Basic programmes
53.0105 Adult High School/Secondary Diploma Programs 01 Basic programmes
53.0199 High School/Secondary Diploma Programs, Other 01 Basic programmes
53.0201 High School Equivalence Certificate Programs 01 Basic programmes
53.0202 High School Certificate of Competence Programs 01 Basic programmes
53.0203 Certificate of IEP Completion Programs 01 Basic programmes
53.0299 High School/Secondary Certificate Programs, Other 01 Basic programmes
54.0101 History, General 22 Humanities
54.0102 American History (United States) 22 Humanities
54.0103 European History 22 Humanities
54.0104 History and Philosophy of Science and Technology 22 Humanities
54.0105 Public/Applied History and Archival Administration 32 Journalism and information
54.0106 Asian History 22 Humanities
54.0107 Canadian History 22 Humanities
54.0199 History, Other 22 Humanities
55.0101 French Language and Literature, General 22 Humanities
55.0301 French Composition 22 Humanities
55.0401 French Creative Writing 22 Humanities
55.0501 French Canadian Literature 22 Humanities
55.0601 French Literature (France and the French Community) 22 Humanities
55.0701 French Speech and Rhetorical Studies 22 Humanities
55.0801 French Technical and Business Writing 22 Humanities
55.9999 French Language and Literature/Letters, Other 22 Humanities
60.0101 Dental/Oral Surgery Specialty Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0102 Dental Public Health Specialty Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0103 Endodontics Specialty Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0104 Oral Pathology Specialty Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0105 Orthodontics Specialty Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0106 Pedodontics Specialty Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0107 Periodontics Specialty Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0108 Prosthodontics Specialty Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0199 Dental Residency Programs, Other 72 Health
60.0201 Aerospace Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0202 Allergies and Immunology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0203 Anesthesiology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0204 Blood Banking Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0205 Cardiology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0206 Chemical Pathology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0207 Child/Pediatric Neurology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0208 Child Psychiatry Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0209 Colon and Rectal Surgery Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0210 Critical Care Anesthesiology 72 Health
60.0211 Critical Care Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0212 Critical Care Surgery Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0213 Dermatology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0214 Dermatopathology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0215 Diagnostic Radiology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0216 Emergency Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0217 Endocrinology and Metabolism Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0218 Family Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0219 Forensic Pathology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0220 Gastroenterology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0221 General Surgery Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0222 Geriatric Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0223 Hand Surgery Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0224 Hematology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0225 Hematological Pathology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0226 Immunopathology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0227 Infectious Disease Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0228 Internal Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0229 Laboratory Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0230 Musculoskeletal Oncology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0231 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0232 Nephrology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0233 Neurological Surgery/Neurosurgery Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0234 Neurology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0235 Neuropathology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0236 Nuclear Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0237 Nuclear Radiology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0238 Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0239 Occupational Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0240 Oncology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0241 Ophthalmology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0242 Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0243 Otolaryngology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0244 Pathology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0245 Pediatric Cardiology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0246 Pediatric Endocrinology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0247 Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0248 Pediatric Nephrology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0249 Pediatric Orthopedics Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0250 Pediatric Surgery Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0251 Pediatrics Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0252 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0253 Plastic Surgery Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0254 Preventive Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0255 Psychiatry Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0256 Public Health Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0257 Pulmonary Disease Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0258 Radiation Oncology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0259 Radioisotopic Pathology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0260 Rheumatology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0261 Sports Medicine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0262 Thoracic Surgery Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0263 Urology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0264 Vascular Surgery Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0265 Adult Reconstructive Orthopedics (Orthopedic Surgery) Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0266 Child Neurology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0267 Cytopathology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0268 Geriatric Medicine (Internal Medicine) Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0269 Pediatric Urology Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0270 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation/Psychiatry Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0271 Orthopedic Surgery of the Spine Residency Programs 72 Health
60.0299 Medical Residency Programs, Other 72 Health
60.0301 Veterinary Anesthesiology Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0302 Veterinary Dentistry Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0303 Veterinary Dermatology Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0304 Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0305 Veterinary Internal Medicine Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0306 Laboratory Animal Medicine Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0307 Veterinary Microbiology Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0308 Veterinary Nutrition Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0309 Veterinary Ophthalmology Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0310 Veterinary Pathology Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0311 Veterinary Practice Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0312 Veterinary Preventive Medicine Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0313 Veterinary Radiology Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0314 Veterinary Surgery Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0315 Theriogenology Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0316 Veterinary Toxicology Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0317 Zoological Medicine Residency Programs 64 Veterinary
60.0399 Veterinary Residency Programs, Other 64 Veterinary

Archived – MFS - CIP Concordance

Concordance between the Major Field of Study (MFS) (first two columns: MFS, MFS title) and the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) (third and fourth columns: CIP, CIP title).

Major Field of Study (MFS) - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Concordance
001 Education - General 13.0101 * Education, General
13.0901 * Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
13.1206 * Teacher Education, Multiple Levels
13.1207 * Montessori Teacher Education
19.0709 * Child Care Provider/Assistant
002 Elementary School Teaching - General 13.0101 * Education, General
13.1202 Elementary Education and Teaching
13.1203 * Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching
13.1206 * Teacher Education, Multiple Levels
003 Elementary School Teaching - Specialized 13.1315 * Reading Teacher Education
004 Early Childhood Education 13.1207 * Montessori Teacher Education
13.1209 Kindergarten/Preschool Education and Teaching
13.1210 Early Childhood Education and Teaching
19.0709 * Child Care Provider/Assistant
005 Secondary School Teaching 13.1205 Secondary Education and Teaching
006 English Language Teaching 13.1305 English/English Language Arts Teacher Education
007 French Language Teaching 13.1325 French Language/French Language Arts Teacher Education
008 Other Language Teaching 13.1306 Aboriginal and Foreign Language Teacher Education
13.1326 German Language Teacher Education
13.1330 Spanish Language Teacher Education
13.1333 Latin Teacher Education
009 Mathematics and/or Science Teaching 13.1311 Mathematics Teacher Education
13.1316 Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education
13.1322 Biology Teacher Education
13.1323 Chemistry Teacher Education
13.1329 Physics Teacher Education
010 Computer Teaching 13.1321 * Computer Teacher Education
011 Social Studies Teaching 13.0901 * Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
13.1317 * Social Science Teacher Education
13.1318 Social Studies Teacher Education
13.1328 History Teacher Education
13.1332 Geography Teacher Education
13.1335 Psychology Teacher Education
012 Secondary Basic Curriculum - Other 13.0301 Curriculum and Instruction
13.0501 * Educational/Instructional Media Design
013 Adult Education 13.1201 Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching
13.1502 * Adult Literacy Tutor/Instructor
014 Art and Fine Art Education 13.1302 * Art Teacher Education
13.1324 Drama and Dance Teacher Education
015 Business Education 13.1303 * Business Teacher Education
13.1310 Sales and Marketing Operations/Marketing and Distribution Teacher Education
016 Home Economics Education 13.1308 Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics Teacher Education
017 Industrial/Vocational Education 12.0413 * Cosmetology, Barber/Styling and Nail Instructor
13.1301 * Agricultural Teacher Education
13.1309 Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education
13.1319 Technical Teacher Education
13.1320 * Trade and Industrial Teacher Education
21.0101 * Technology Education/Industrial Arts Programs
018 Music Education 13.1312 Music Teacher Education
  50.0912 * Music Pedagogy
019 Religious Education 39.0401 * Religious Education
021 Special Education Teaching 13.1001 * Special Education and Teaching, General
13.1003 * Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness
13.1006 * Education/Teaching of Intellectually-impaired Individuals
13.1008 * Education/Teaching of Individuals with Orthopedic and Other Physical Health Impairments
13.1015 Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs
13.1331 * Speech Teacher Education
023 Native Education 13.0203 Aboriginal Education
13.1399 * Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other
16.1799 * Second Language Learning, Other
026 Special Education - Other 13.0202 * Multicultural Education
13.1001 * Special Education and Teaching, General
13.1003 * Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness
13.1004 Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented
13.1005 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Emotional Disturbances
13.1006 * Education/Teaching of Intellectually-impaired Individuals
13.1007 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities
13.1008 * Education/Teaching of Individuals with Orthopedic and Other Physical Health Impairments
13.1009 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Vision Impairments Including Blindness
13.1011 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities
13.1012 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Speech or Language Impairments
13.1013 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Autism
13.1014 Education/Teaching of Individuals Who are Developmentally Delayed
13.1016 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries
13.1099 Special Education and Teaching, Other
13.1331 * Speech Teacher Education
13.1502 * Adult Literacy Tutor/Instructor
16.1601 * American Sign Language (ASL)
16.1603 * Sign Language Interpretation and Translation
027 Educational Technology 13.0501 * Educational/Instructional Media Design
028 Educational Administration 13.0401 Educational Leadership and Administration, General
13.0402 Administration of Special Education
13.0403 Adult and Continuing Education Administration
13.0404 Educational, Instructional and Curriculum Supervision
13.0406 * Higher Education/Higher Education Administration
13.0407 * Community College and General and Vocational College (CEGEP) Administration
13.0408 Elementary and Middle School Administration/Principalship
13.0409 Secondary School Administration/Principalship
13.0410 Urban Education and Leadership
13.0411 Superintendency and Educational System Administration
13.0499 Educational Administration and Supervision, Other
13.0604 * Educational Assessment, Testing and Measurement
029 Educational Psychology and Measurement 13.0601 * Educational Evaluation and Research
13.0604 * Educational Assessment, Testing and Measurement
13.1001 * Special Education and Teaching, General
42.1701 School Psychology
42.1801 Educational Psychology
031 Philosophy of Education 13.0901 * Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
032 Educational Assistant 13.1501 Teaching Assistants/Aides, General
13.1599 * Teaching Assistants/Aides, Other
19.0709 * Child Care Provider/Assistant
033 Physical Education and Health 13.1307 * Health Teacher Education
13.1314 Physical Education Teaching and Coaching
31.0501 * Health and Physical Education, General
51.0913 * Athletic Training/Trainer
51.2207 * Public Health Education and Promotion
034 Kinesiology 13.1399 * Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other
31.0505 Kinesiology and Exercise Science
035 Recreation 13.1399 * Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other
31.0101 * Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies
31.0301 * Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management
31.0501 * Health and Physical Education, General
31.9999 * Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, Other
36.0101 Leisure and Recreational Activities, General
36.0103 Board, Card and Role-playing Games
36.0113 Computer Games and Programming Skills
36.0115 Music (not for credit)
36.0116 Reading
36.0117 Theatre (not for credit)
36.0119 Aircraft Pilot (Private)
36.0199 * Leisure and Recreational Activities, Other
036 Outdoor Recreation 31.0101 * Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies
31.0301 * Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management
31.0501 * Health and Physical Education, General
49.0304 * Diver, Professional and Instructor
037 Travel and Tourism 36.0109 Travel and Exploration
52.0903 * Tourism and Travel Services Management
52.1905 * Tourism and Travel Services Marketing Operations
52.1906 * Tourism Promotion Operations
038 Sports Administration 31.0301 * Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management
31.0501 * Health and Physical Education, General
31.0504 * Sport and Fitness Administration/Management
51.0913 * Athletic Training/Trainer
039 Fitness and Other Physical Recreation 01.0507 * Equestrian/Equine Studies
31.0301 * Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management
31.0501 * Health and Physical Education, General
31.0599 Health and Physical Education/Fitness, Other
36.0108 Sports and Exercise
36.0114 Dancing (not for credit)
36.0199 * Leisure and Recreational Activities, Other
49.0304 * Diver, Professional and Instructor
51.3602 * Yoga Teacher Training/Yoga Therapy
040 Counselling Services - General 13.1101 * Counsellor Education/School Counselling and Guidance Services
13.1102 College Student Counselling and Personnel Services
52.1099 * Human Resources Management and Services, Other
041 Counselling Psychology 42.0601 Counselling Psychology
042 Marriage, Family and Life Skills Counselling 51.1505 Marriage and Family Therapy/Counselling
043 Vocational Counselling 13.1101 * Counsellor Education/School Counselling and Guidance Services
044 Counselling Services - Other 13.1199 Student Counselling and Personnel Services, Other
51.1501 Substance Abuse/Addiction Counselling
51.1599 * Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other
045 Education, n.e.c. - Other 13.0101 * Education, General
13.0201 Bilingual and Multilingual Education
13.0202 * Multicultural Education
13.0299 Bilingual, Multilingual and Multicultural Education, Other
13.0406 * Higher Education/Higher Education Administration
13.0601 * Educational Evaluation and Research
13.0603 Educational Statistics and Research Methods
13.0699 Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Research, Other
13.0701 International and Comparative Education
13.0901 * Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
13.1203 * Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching
13.1206 * Teacher Education, Multiple Levels
13.1207 * Montessori Teacher Education
13.1208 Waldorf/Steiner Teacher Education
13.1301 * Agricultural Teacher Education
13.1302 * Art Teacher Education
13.1303 * Business Teacher Education
13.1307 * Health Teacher Education
13.1315 * Reading Teacher Education
13.1327 * Health Occupations Teacher Education
13.1399 * Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other
13.1401 * Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor
13.1499 * Teaching English or French as a Second or Foreign Language, Other
13.1502 * Adult Literacy Tutor/Instructor
13.1599 * Teaching Assistants/Aides, Other
13.9999 Education, Other
38.0103 * Ethics
046 Postsecondary Education Training 12.0413 * Cosmetology, Barber/Styling and Nail Instructor
13.0406 * Higher Education/Higher Education Administration
13.0407 * Community College and General and Vocational College (CEGEP) Administration
13.1299 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other
13.1303 * Business Teacher Education
13.1317 * Social Science Teacher Education
13.1320 * Trade and Industrial Teacher Education
13.1327 * Health Occupations Teacher Education
13.1399 * Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other
047 Fine Arts - General 10.0304 * Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects
50.0101 * Visual and Performing Arts, General
50.0201 * Crafts/Craft Design, Folk Art and Artisanry
50.0401 * Design and Visual Communications, General
50.0702 * Fine/Studio Arts, General
50.0706 * Intermedia/Multimedia
048 Art Studies 36.0110 * Art (not for credit)
50.0701 Art/Art Studies, General
50.0702 * Fine/Studio Arts, General
50.0703 * Art History, Criticism and Conservation
049 Art History 50.0703 * Art History, Criticism and Conservation
050 Painting and Drawing 50.0410 * Illustration
50.0705 Drawing
50.0708 Painting
051 Ceramics and Pottery 50.0711 Ceramic Arts and Ceramics
052 Sculpture 50.0709 Sculpture
053 Music and Musicology 39.0501 * Religious/Sacred Music
50.0901 Music, General
50.0902 * Music History, Literature and Theory
50.0903 Music Performance, General
50.0904 * Music Theory and Composition
50.0905 Musicology and Ethnomusicology
50.0906 Conducting
50.0909 * Music Management and Merchandising
50.0910 Jazz/Jazz Studies
50.0911 Violin, Viola, Guitar and Other Stringed Instruments
50.0999 * Music, Other
054 Music Composition 50.0904 * Music Theory and Composition
055 Piano 47.0404 * Musical Instrument Fabrication and Repair
50.0907 Piano and Organ
056 Music History and Theory 50.0902 * Music History, Literature and Theory
50.0912 * Music Pedagogy
057 Vocal Music 39.0501 * Religious/Sacred Music
50.0908 Voice and Opera
50.9999 * Visual and Performing Arts, Other
058 Performing Arts - General 50.0101 * Visual and Performing Arts, General
50.0301 * Dance, General
50.0501 * Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General
50.9999 * Visual and Performing Arts, Other
059 Dance 50.0301 * Dance, General
50.0302 Ballet
50.0399 Dance, Other
060 Drama 50.0501 * Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General
50.0506 * Acting
061 Theatre Arts 50.0501 * Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General
50.0502 Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology
50.0504 Playwriting and Screenwriting
50.0505 * Theatre Literature, History and Criticism
50.0506 * Acting
50.0507 Directing and Theatrical Production
50.0508 Theatre/Theatre Arts Management
50.0599 Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other
50.9999 * Visual and Performing Arts, Other
062 Commercial Art - General 50.0402 * Commercial and Advertising Art
063 Advertising Art 09.0903 * Advertising
50.0402 * Commercial and Advertising Art
064 Modeling 52.1903 Fashion Modelling
065 Graphic Arts and Design 10.0301 * Graphic Communications, General
10.0303 * Prepress/Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design
50.0409 Graphic Design
50.0410 * Illustration
066 Lithography 10.0305 * Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator, General Production
50.0710 * Printmaking
067 Photography 10.0201 * Photographic and Film/Video Technology/Technician and Assistant
10.0306 * Platemaker/Imager
50.0406 Commercial Photography
50.0605 Photography
069 Printing and Publishing 09.0903 * Advertising
09.1001 Publishing
10.0301 * Graphic Communications, General
10.0302 Printing Management
10.0303 * Prepress/Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design
10.0305 * Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator, General Production
10.0306 * Platemaker/Imager
10.0307 Printing Press Operator
10.0308 Computer Typography and Composition Equipment Operator
10.0399 Graphic Communications, Other
50.0710 * Printmaking
070 Audio-visual Arts 10.0299 * Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians, Other
50.0101 * Visual and Performing Arts, General
50.0401 * Design and Visual Communications, General
071 Creative and Design Arts - General 19.0905 * Apparel and Textile Marketing Management
19.0906 * Fashion and Fabric Consultant
19.0999 * Apparel and Textiles, Other
50.0401 * Design and Visual Communications, General
50.0407 Fashion/Apparel Design
50.0499 Design and Applied Arts, Other
50.0710 * Printmaking
50.0712 * Fibre, Textile and Weaving Arts
50.0713 * Metal and Jewellery Arts
50.0799 * Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other
52.1902 * Fashion Merchandising
072 Handicrafts (Arts and Crafts) 01.0508 * Taxidermy/Taxidermist
36.0102 Handicrafts and Model-making
46.0406 * Glazier
47.0402 * Gunsmithing/Gunsmith
47.0404 * Musical Instrument Fabrication and Repair
47.0408 * Watchmaking and Jewellery Making
50.0201 * Crafts/Craft Design, Folk Art and Artisanry
50.0712 * Fibre, Textile and Weaving Arts
50.0713 * Metal and Jewellery Arts
50.0799 * Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other
073 Interior Design and Decorating 19.0605 Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers
50.0408 Interior Design
074 Applied Arts - General 47.0408 * Watchmaking and Jewellery Making
50.0401 * Design and Visual Communications, General
075 Barbering 12.0402 Barbering/Barber
076 Beauty Culture and Cosmetology 12.0401 Cosmetology/Cosmetologist, General
12.0404 Electrolysis/Electrology and Electrolysis Technician
12.0406 Makeup Artist/Specialist
12.0408 Facial Treatment Specialist/Facialist
12.0409 Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist
12.0410 Nail Technician/Specialist and Manicurist
12.0411 Permanent Cosmetics/Makeup and Tattooing
12.0412 * Salon/Beauty Salon Management/Manager
12.0499 Cosmetology and Related Personal Grooming Services, Other
077 Hairdressing 12.0407 Hair Styling/Stylist and Hair Design
12.0412 * Salon/Beauty Salon Management/Manager
078 Upholstery and Furniture 48.0303 Upholstery/Upholsterer
48.0702 * Furniture Design and Manufacturing
079 Applied Arts - Repair and Renovation 19.0999 * Apparel and Textiles, Other
36.0105 Home Maintenance and Improvement
47.0403 Locksmithing and Safe Repair
47.0404 * Musical Instrument Fabrication and Repair
47.0408 * Watchmaking and Jewellery Making
48.0304 Shoe, Boot and Leather Repair
48.0399 * Leatherworking and Upholstery, Other
50.0703 * Art History, Criticism and Conservation
080 Classics 16.1200 * Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
30.2202 * Classical, Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and Archeology
081 Latin, Greek and Other Classical Languages 16.0702 Sanskrit and Classical Indian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.1102 * Hebrew Language and Literature
16.1103 * Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.1200 * Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
16.1202 Ancient/Classical Greek Language and Literature
16.1203 Latin Language and Literature
16.1299 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
083 History - General 54.0101 * History, General
54.0105 * Public/Applied History and Archival Administration
084 Canadian History 54.0107 Canadian History
085 Medieval and Ancient History 30.1301 * Medieval and Renaissance Studies
30.2201 Ancient Studies/Civilization
30.2202 * Classical, Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and Archeology
54.0199 * History, Other
087 History - Other 04.0801 Architectural History and Criticism
38.0299 * Religion/Religious Studies, Other
45.0699 * Economics, Other
54.0101 * History, General
54.0102 American History (United States)
54.0103 European History
54.0104 * History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
54.0105 * Public/Applied History and Archival Administration
54.0106 Asian History
54.0199 * History, Other
088 Library/Documentation Science 13.1334 School Librarian/School Library Media Specialist
13.1399 * Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other
25.0101 Library Science/Librarianship
25.0301 Library Assistant/Technician
25.9999 Library Science, Other
54.0105 * Public/Applied History and Archival Administration
089 Museology, Museum Studies 30.1401 Museology/Museum Studies
090 Communications 01.0802 * Agricultural Communication/Journalism
09.0101 Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric
09.0102 Mass Communication/Media Studies
09.0199 Communication and Media Studies, Other
09.0702 * Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia
09.0901 Organizational Communication, General
09.0903 * Advertising
09.0904 Political Communication
09.0905 Health Communication
09.0999 * Public Relations, Advertising and Applied Communication, Other
09.9999 Communication, Journalism and Related Programs, Other
50.0401 * Design and Visual Communications, General
52.0501 * Business/Corporate Communications
091 Cinematography, Film Studies 10.0201 * Photographic and Film/Video Technology/Technician and Assistant
10.0304 * Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects
50.0601 Film/Cinema Studies
50.0602 Cinematography and Film/Video Production
092 Radio and Television 09.0701 Radio and Television
09.0799 Radio, Television and Digital Communication, Other
10.0202 * Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician
093 Journalism, News Reporting 01.0802 * Agricultural Communication/Journalism
09.0401 Journalism, General
09.0402 Broadcast Journalism
09.0404 Photojournalism
09.0499 Journalism, Other
094 English Language and Literature - General 23.0101 * English Language and Literature, General
23.0401 English Composition
097 English and French Literature 23.0101 * English Language and Literature, General
098 English Language and Literature - Specialized 23.0101 * English Language and Literature, General
23.0701 American Literature
23.0702 English Canadian Literature
23.0801 English Literature (British and Commonwealth)
23.1001 English Speech and Rhetorical Studies
23.1101 English Technical and Business Writing
23.9999 English Language and Literature/Letters, Other
50.0505 * Theatre Literature, History and Criticism
099 French Language and Literature - General 55.0101 French Language and Literature, General
55.0301 French Composition
55.0601 French Literature (France and the French Community)
102 French Language and Literature - Specialized 16.0999 * Romance Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
55.0501 French Canadian Literature
55.0701 French Speech and Rhetorical Studies
55.0801 French Technical and Business Writing
55.9999 French Language and Literature/Letters, Other
103 Comparative Literature 16.0104 Comparative Literature
104 Asian Languages and Literature 16.0300 East Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
16.0301 Chinese Language and Literature
16.0302 Japanese Language and Literature
16.0303 Korean Language and Literature
16.0304 Tibetan Language and Literature
16.0399 East Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
16.0700 South Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
16.0701 Hindi Language and Literature
16.0704 Bengali Language and Literature
16.0705 Punjabi Language and Literature
16.0706 Tamil Language and Literature
16.0707 Urdu Language and Literature
16.0799 South Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
16.0801 * Iranian/Persian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.1101 Arabic Language and Literature
16.1199 * Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
16.1400 Southeast Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
16.1402 Bahasa Indonesian/Bahasa Malay Languages and Literatures
16.1403 Burmese Language and Literature
16.1405 Khmer/Cambodian Language and Literature
16.1406 Lao/Laotian Language and Literature
16.1407 Thai Language and Literature
16.1408 Vietnamese Language and Literature
16.1499 * Southeast Asian and Australasian/Pacific Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
16.1501 * Turkish Language and Literature
16.1504 Mongolian Language and Literature
16.1599 * Turkic, Ural-Altaic, Caucasian and Central Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
105 Germanic Language and Literature 16.0500 * Germanic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
16.0501 * German Language and Literature
16.0502 Scandinavian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.0503 Danish Language and Literature
16.0504 Dutch/Flemish Language and Literature
16.0505 Norwegian Language and Literature
16.0506 Swedish Language and Literature
16.0599 Germanic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
106 Italian Language and Literature 16.0902 Italian Language and Literature
107 Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature 16.0400 * Slavic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
16.0401 Baltic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.0402 Russian Language and Literature
16.0404 Albanian Language and Literature
16.0405 Bulgarian Language and Literature
16.0406 Czech Language and Literature
16.0407 Polish Language and Literature
16.0408 Serbian, Croatian and Serbo-Croatian Languages and Literatures
16.0409 Slovak Language and Literature
16.0410 Ukrainian Language and Literature
16.0499 Slavic, Baltic and Albanian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
108 Linguistics 16.0102 Linguistics
16.0199 * Linguistic, Comparative and Related Language Studies and Services, Other
16.0400 * Slavic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
16.0500 * Germanic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
16.0501 * German Language and Literature
16.0900 * Romance Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
16.1602 Linguistics of Sign Language
42.0301 * Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics
109 Other Languages and Literature 16.0101 Aboriginal and Foreign Languages and Literatures, General
16.0201 African Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.0601 Modern Greek Language and Literature
16.0801 * Iranian/Persian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.0900 * Romance Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
16.0904 Portuguese Language and Literature
16.0905 Spanish Language and Literature
16.0906 Romanian Language and Literature
16.0907 Catalan Language and Literature
16.0999 * Romance Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
16.1001 Aboriginal Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.1100 Semitic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General
16.1102 * Hebrew Language and Literature
16.1199 * Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
16.1301 Celtic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.1401 Australian/Oceanic/Pacific Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.1404 Philippine/Tagalog Language and Literature
16.1499 * Southeast Asian and Australasian/Pacific Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
16.1501 * Turkish Language and Literature
16.1502 Finnish and Related Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
16.1503 Hungarian/Magyar Language and Literature
16.1599 * Turkic, Ural-Altaic, Caucasian and Central Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
16.1601 * American Sign Language (ASL)
16.1699 Sign Language, Other
16.9999 Aboriginal and Foreign Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other
110 Philosophy - General 38.0101 Philosophy
38.0199 * Philosophy, Logic and Ethics, Other
111 Political Philosophy 45.1001 * Political Science and Government, General
113 Political Economy 45.0699 * Economics, Other
114 Philosophy - Specialized 12.0301 * Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, General
38.0102 Logic
38.0103 * Ethics
38.0199 * Philosophy, Logic and Ethics, Other
38.0205 * Islamic Studies
38.0299 * Religion/Religious Studies, Other
38.9999 * Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other
45.1001 * Political Science and Government, General
51.3201 Bioethics/Medical Ethics
54.0104 * History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
115 Religion, Religious Studies 16.1103 * Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
38.0201 * Religion/Religious Studies, General
38.0202 Buddhist Studies
38.0203 * Christian Studies
38.0204 Hindu Studies
38.0205 * Islamic Studies
38.0206 Jewish/Judaic Studies
38.0299 * Religion/Religious Studies, Other
38.9999 * Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other
39.0201 * Bible/Biblical Studies
39.0401 * Religious Education
116 Comparative Religion 38.0201 * Religion/Religious Studies, General
38.0299 * Religion/Religious Studies, Other
117 Divinity 39.0602 * Divinity/Ministry (BDiv, MDiv)
118 Theology 38.9999 * Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other
39.0601 Theology/Theological Studies
39.0602 * Divinity/Ministry (BDiv, MDiv)
39.0699 * Theological and Ministerial Studies, Other
39.9999 * Theology and Religious Vocations, Other
119 Religious Studies - Other 38.0203 * Christian Studies
38.0299 * Religion/Religious Studies, Other
38.9999 * Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other
39.0201 * Bible/Biblical Studies
39.0301 Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology
39.0401 * Religious Education
39.0602 * Divinity/Ministry (BDiv, MDiv)
39.0604 Pretheology/Preministerial Studies
39.0605 Rabbinical Studies (MHL/Rav)
39.0606 Talmudic Studies
39.0699 * Theological and Ministerial Studies, Other
39.0701 Pastoral Studies/Counselling
39.0702 Youth Ministry
39.0799 Pastoral Counselling and Specialized Ministries, Other
39.9999 * Theology and Religious Vocations, Other
120 Humanities - General Arts 24.0101 * Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
24.0102 * General Studies
24.0103 * Humanities/Humanistic Studies
36.0110 * Art (not for credit)
121 Second Language Training 13.1401 * Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor
13.1402 Teaching French as a Second or Foreign Language
13.1499 * Teaching English or French as a Second or Foreign Language, Other
16.1701 English as a Second Language
16.1702 French as a Second Language
16.1799 * Second Language Learning, Other
32.0109 Second Language Learning (not for credit)
122 Translation and Interpretation 16.0103 Language Interpretation and Translation
16.0199 * Linguistic, Comparative and Related Language Studies and Services, Other
16.1603 * Sign Language Interpretation and Translation
123 Creative Writing 23.0501 English Creative Writing
36.0118 Writing
55.0401 French Creative Writing
124 Humanities and Related Fields, n.e.c. - Other 05.9999 * Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender Studies, Other
24.0103 * Humanities/Humanistic Studies
30.1301 * Medieval and Renaissance Studies
32.0108 Literacy and Communication Skills
125 Anthropology - General 45.0201 * Anthropology, General
45.0202 * Physical Anthropology
127 Physical Anthropology 45.0202 * Physical Anthropology
128 Anthropology - Other 45.0201 * Anthropology, General
45.0202 * Physical Anthropology
45.0299 Anthropology, Other
130 Archeology 30.2202 * Classical, Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and Archeology
45.0301 Archeology
131 Asian Studies 05.0103 Asian Studies/Civilization
05.0104 East Asian Studies
05.0109 Pacific Area/Pacific Rim Studies
05.0112 South Asian Studies
05.0113 Southeast Asian Studies
05.0120 Ural-Altaic and Central Asian Studies
05.0123 Chinese Studies
05.0127 Japanese Studies
05.0128 Korean Studies
132 Canadian Studies 05.0115 Canadian Studies
05.0122 Regional Studies (U.S., Canadian, Foreign)
05.0201 * African American/Black Studies
05.0202 * Aboriginal Studies
133 Germanic Studies 05.0125 German Studies
134 Latin American Studies 05.0107 Latin American Studies
05.0130 * Spanish and Iberian Studies
135 Islamic and Near Eastern Studies 05.0108 Near and Middle Eastern Studies
38.0205 * Islamic Studies
136 Russian and Slavic Studies 05.0105 * Central/Middle and Eastern European Studies
05.0110 Russian Studies
05.0118 Slavic Studies
05.0129 Polish Studies
05.0132 Ukraine Studies
137 Area Studies - Other 05.0101 African Studies
05.0102 American/United States Studies/Civilization
05.0105 * Central/Middle and Eastern European Studies
05.0106 European Studies/Civilization
05.0111 Scandinavian Studies
05.0114 Western European Studies
05.0116 Balkan Studies
05.0117 Baltic Studies
05.0119 Caribbean Studies
05.0121 Commonwealth Studies
05.0124 French Studies
05.0126 Italian Studies
05.0130 * Spanish and Iberian Studies
05.0131 Tibetan Studies
05.0199 Area Studies, Other
05.0201 * African American/Black Studies
05.0202 * Aboriginal Studies
05.0203 Hispanic American, Puerto Rican and Mexican American/Chicano Studies
05.0206 Asian American Studies
138 Economics - General 45.0601 Economics, General
45.0602 * Applied Economics
139 Agricultural Economics 01.0103 Agricultural Economics
140 Econometrics and Mathematical Economics 45.0603 Econometrics and Quantitative Economics
141 International Development 45.0604 * Development Economics and International Development
45.0605 * International Economics
143 Economics - Other 03.0204 Natural Resource Economics
45.0602 * Applied Economics
45.0604 * Development Economics and International Development
45.0605 * International Economics
45.0699 * Economics, Other
52.0601 Business/Managerial Economics
52.1601 * Taxation
144 Geography - General 45.0701 * Geography
145 Cartography 15.1102 * Surveying Technology/Surveying
45.0702 * Cartography
146 Economic Geography 45.0701 * Geography
147 Historical Geography 45.0701 * Geography
45.0799 * Geography and Cartography, Other
148 Human and Social Geography 45.0701 * Geography
149 Environmental Geography 45.0799 * Geography and Cartography, Other
150 Physical Geography 45.0701 * Geography
45.0702 * Cartography
151 Urban Geography 04.0301 * City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning
45.1201 * Urban Studies/Affairs
152 Geography - Other 14.3801 * Surveying Engineering
153 Law and Jurisprudence - General 22.0000 Legal Studies, General
22.0001 Prelaw Studies
22.0101 * Law (LLB, JD, BCL)
22.0201 Advanced Legal Research/Studies, General (LLM, MCL, MLI, MSL, JSD/SJD)
22.0203 American/US Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence (LLM, MCJ, JSD/SJD)
22.0204 * Canadian Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence (LLM, MCJ, JSD/SJD)
22.0299 * Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies (Post-LLB/JD), Other
22.9999 * Legal Professions and Studies, Other
154 Civil/Criminal/Family Law 22.0101 * Law (LLB, JD, BCL)
22.0299 * Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies (Post-LLB/JD), Other
22.9999 * Legal Professions and Studies, Other
155 Commercial/Business Law 22.0101 * Law (LLB, JD, BCL)
22.0205 * Banking, Corporate, Finance and Securities Law (LLM, JSD/SJD)
22.0211 Tax Law/Taxation (LLM, JSD/SJD)
22.0299 * Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies (Post-LLB/JD), Other
156 Constitutional and International Law 22.0101 * Law (LLB, JD, BCL)
22.0204 * Canadian Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence (LLM, MCJ, JSD/SJD)
22.0209 International Law and Legal Studies (LLM, JSD/SJD)
22.0210 * International Business, Trade and Tax Law (LLM, JSD/SJD)
157 Law - Other 22.0101 * Law (LLB, JD, BCL)
22.0202 Programs for Foreign Lawyers (LLM, MCL)
22.0205 * Banking, Corporate, Finance and Securities Law (LLM, JSD/SJD)
22.0206 Comparative Law (LLM, MCL, JSD/SJD)
22.0207 Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Law (LLM, MSc, JSD/SJD)
22.0208 Health Law (LLM, MJ, JSD/SJD)
22.0210 * International Business, Trade and Tax Law (LLM, JSD/SJD)
22.0299 * Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies (Post-LLB/JD), Other
22.0302 * Legal Assistant/Paralegal
22.0399 * Legal Support Services, Other
158 Environmental Studies - General 03.0103 Environmental Studies
159 Human Ecology 19.0601 Housing and Human Environments, General
19.0699 Housing and Human Environments, Other
26.1301 * Ecology
160 Resource Management 03.0201 * Natural Resources Management and Policy, General
03.0205 * Water, Wetlands and Marine Resources Management
03.0206 * Land Use Planning and Management/Development
161 Urban and Regional Planning 03.0206 * Land Use Planning and Management/Development
04.0301 * City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning
19.0707 * Family and Community Services
45.1201 * Urban Studies/Affairs
162 Political Science - General 45.1001 * Political Science and Government, General
163 Political Science and Economics 45.9999 * Social Sciences, Other
165 International Relations 30.2001 * International/Global Studies
45.0901 * International Relations and Affairs
166 Political Science - Other 45.1001 * Political Science and Government, General
45.1002 American Government and Politics (United States)
45.1003 Canadian Government and Politics
45.1099 Political Science and Government, Other
167 Psychology - General 42.0101 Psychology, General
42.9999 * Psychology, Other
168 Early Childhood Development 19.0701 * Human Development and Family Studies, General
19.0706 * Child Development
42.0701 * Developmental and Child Psychology
42.2001 * Clinical Child Psychology
169 Clinical and Experimental Psychology 42.0201 Clinical Psychology
42.0801 Experimental Psychology
42.1901 * Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology
42.2001 * Clinical Child Psychology
170 Social Psychology 42.1601 Social Psychology
171 Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences 30.1001 Biopsychology
30.1701 * Behavioural Sciences
30.2501 Cognitive Science
42.0301 * Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics
42.0401 Community Psychology
42.0501 Comparative Psychology
42.0701 * Developmental and Child Psychology
42.0901 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
42.1001 Personality Psychology
42.1101 Physiological Psychology/Psychobiology
42.1901 * Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology
42.2101 Environmental Psychology
42.2201 Geropsychology
42.2301 Health/Medical Psychology
42.2401 Psychopharmacology
42.2501 Family Psychology
42.2601 Forensic Psychology
42.9999 * Psychology, Other
172 Sociology - General 45.1101 Sociology
173 Criminology 45.0401 Criminology
174 Demography 45.0501 Demography and Population Studies
176 Family Studies 19.0000 Work and Family Studies
19.0101 * Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General
19.0701 * Human Development and Family Studies, General
19.0704 Family Systems
177 Sociology - Other 05.0207 * Women's Studies
05.0208 Gay/Lesbian Studies
05.0299 Ethnic, Cultural Minority and Gender Studies, Other
12.0303 * Mortuary Science and Embalming/Embalmer
30.1501 Science, Technology and Society
178 Social Work - General 44.0701 Social Work, General
51.1503 * Clinical/Medical Social Work
179 Child and Youth Care 19.0701 * Human Development and Family Studies, General
19.0706 * Child Development
19.0708 Child Care and Support Services Management
19.0709 * Child Care Provider/Assistant
44.0702 Youth Services/Administration
180 Corrections 43.0102 Corrections
43.0110 * Juvenile Corrections
43.0113 Corrections Administration
43.0199 * Criminal Justice and Corrections, Other
181 Gerontology 19.0702 * Adult Development and Aging
30.1101 * Gerontology
182 Law Enforcement 13.1399 * Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other
22.0302 * Legal Assistant/Paralegal
22.0399 * Legal Support Services, Other
43.0103 Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration
43.0104 * Criminal Justice/Safety Studies
43.0107 Criminal Justice/Police Science
43.0199 * Criminal Justice and Corrections, Other
43.9999 * Security and Protective Services, Other
183 Protection Services (Fire and Other) 03.0511 * Forest Technology/Technician
15.0799 * Quality Control and Safety Technologies/Technicians, Other
15.9999 * Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
43.0106 * Forensic Science and Technology
43.0109 Security and Loss Prevention Services
43.0110 * Juvenile Corrections
43.0112 Securities Services Administration/Management
43.0199 * Criminal Justice and Corrections, Other
43.0201 Fire Protection and Safety Technology/Technician
43.0202 Fire Services Administration
43.0203 Fire Science/Firefighting
43.0299 Fire Protection, Other
43.9999 * Security and Protective Services, Other
184 Social Services - Other 01.0899 Agricultural Public Services, Other
19.0702 * Adult Development and Aging
19.0707 * Family and Community Services
30.1101 * Gerontology
30.1701 * Behavioural Sciences
43.0110 * Juvenile Corrections
44.0000 Human Services, General
44.0201 * Community Organization and Advocacy
44.0799 * Social Work, Other
51.1504 * Community Health Services/Liaison/Counselling
51.1508 Mental Health Counselling/Counsellor
51.2602 * Home Health Aide/Home Attendant
52.0206 * Non-profit/Public/Organizational Management
185 Military and Armed Forces 28.0501 Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers in the Armed Forces
29.0101 Military Technologies
186 Social Sciences - General 19.0101 * Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General
45.0101 Social Sciences, General
187 Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other 05.0207 * Women's Studies
05.9999 * Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender Studies, Other
12.0301 * Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, General
19.0202 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Communication
19.0299 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Business Services, Other
19.0701 * Human Development and Family Studies, General
19.0706 * Child Development
19.0799 Human Development, Family Studies and Related Services, Other
19.9999 * Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, Other
24.0101 * Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
24.0102 * General Studies
30.0501 Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution
30.1201 Historic Preservation and Conservation, General
30.1202 Cultural Resource Management and Policy Analysis
30.1299 Historic Preservation and Conservation, Other
30.2001 * International/Global Studies
30.2101 Holocaust and Related Studies
30.2301 Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity Studies
31.9999 * Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, Other
33.0103 Community Awareness
38.9999 * Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other
43.0104 * Criminal Justice/Safety Studies
43.0111 * Criminalistics and Criminal Science
44.0201 * Community Organization and Advocacy
44.9999 * Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other
45.1201 * Urban Studies/Affairs
45.9999 * Social Sciences, Other
51.1599 * Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other
188 Business and Commerce - General 52.0101 * Business/Commerce, General
52.0701 * Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies
189 Business Administration 52.0201 * Business Administration and Management, General
52.0206 * Non-profit/Public/Organizational Management
52.1301 * Management Science, General
190 International Business and Trade 45.0901 * International Relations and Affairs
52.0806 * International Finance
52.1101 International Business/Trade/Commerce
191 Business and Commerce - Other 12.0412 * Salon/Beauty Salon Management/Manager
50.0704 * Arts Management
50.9999 * Visual and Performing Arts, Other
52.0101 * Business/Commerce, General
52.0202 * Purchasing, Procurement/Acquisitions and Contracts Management
52.0203 * Logistics and Materials Management
52.0207 * Customer Service Management
52.0208 E-commerce/Electronic Commerce
52.0209 * Transportation/Transportation Management
52.0299 * Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other
52.0410 * Traffic, Customs and Transportation Clerk/Technician
52.0501 * Business/Corporate Communications
52.0701 * Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies
52.0702 Franchising and Franchise Operations
52.0703 Small Business Administration/Management
52.0799 Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, Other
52.1003 * Organizational Behaviour Studies
52.1201 * Management Information Systems, General
52.1601 * Taxation
52.1701 * Insurance
52.9999 Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services, Other
192 Financial Management - General 52.0801 Finance, General
52.0804 * Financial Planning and Services
193 Accounting 30.1601 Accounting and Computer Science
52.0301 Accounting
52.0302 * Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping
52.0303 Auditing
52.0304 Accounting and Finance
52.0305 Accounting and Business/Management
52.0399 Accounting and Related Services, Other
194 Assessment and Appraisal 44.9999 * Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other
52.0807 * Investments and Securities
52.1501 * Real Estate
52.1701 * Insurance
195 Financial Management - Other 46.0401 * Building/Property Maintenance and Management
52.0803 * Banking and Financial Support Services
52.0804 * Financial Planning and Services
52.0806 * International Finance
52.0807 * Investments and Securities
52.0808 Public Finance
52.0809 Credit Management
52.0899 Finance and Financial Management Services, Other
52.1501 * Real Estate
52.1601 * Taxation
52.1701 * Insurance
196 Industrial Relations/Management 52.0205 * Operations Management and Supervision
52.1002 * Labour and Industrial Relations
52.1003 * Organizational Behaviour Studies
197 Labour Relations 52.1002 * Labour and Industrial Relations
198 Public Administration 44.0401 Public Administration
44.0501 Public Policy Analysis
45.1001 * Political Science and Government, General
199 Human Resources Management 52.1001 Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General
52.1005 Human Resources Development
52.1099 * Human Resources Management and Services, Other
200 Industrial Management and Administration - Other 11.0501 * Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst
11.1002 * System, Networking and LAN/WAN Management/Manager
11.1099 * Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management, Other
15.1501 * Engineering/Industrial Management
19.0902 * Apparel and Textile Manufacture
19.0905 * Apparel and Textile Marketing Management
49.0104 * Aviation/Airway Management and Operations
52.0201 * Business Administration and Management, General
52.0204 * Office Management and Supervision
52.0205 * Operations Management and Supervision
52.0209 * Transportation/Transportation Management
52.2001 * Construction Management
201 Health Administration 51.0701 Health/Health Care Administration/Management
51.0702 Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management
51.0703 * Health Unit Coordinator/Ward Clerk
51.0704 Health Unit Manager/Ward Supervisor
51.0705 * Medical Office Management/Administration
51.1602 * Nursing Administration (MScN, MSc, PhD)
51.2211 Health Services Administration
202 Hotel and Food Administration 12.0504 * Restaurant, Culinary and Catering Management/Manager
12.0507 * Food Service, Waiter/Waitress and Dining Room Management/Manager
19.0505 * Foodservice Systems Administration/Management
52.0904 Hotel/Motel Administration/Management
52.0905 Restaurant/Food Services Management
52.0906 * Resort Management
203 Funeral Directing and Embalming 12.0301 * Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, General
12.0302 Funeral Direction/Service
12.0303 * Mortuary Science and Embalming/Embalmer
12.0399 Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, Other
204 Hospitality and Tourism 31.0504 * Sport and Fitness Administration/Management
52.0901 Hospitality Administration/Management, General
52.0903 * Tourism and Travel Services Management
52.0906 * Resort Management
52.0999 Hospitality Administration/Management, Other
205 Institutional Management - Other 19.0604 Facilities Planning and Management
46.0401 * Building/Property Maintenance and Management
50.0704 * Arts Management
52.0206 * Non-profit/Public/Organizational Management
52.0299 * Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other
206 Public Relations and Customer Services 09.0902 Public Relations/Image Management
09.0999 * Public Relations, Advertising and Applied Communication, Other
52.0411 Customer Service Support/Call Centre/Teleservice Operation
207 Marketing 09.0903 * Advertising
09.0999 * Public Relations, Advertising and Applied Communication, Other
19.0203 Consumer Merchandising/Retailing Management
19.0905 * Apparel and Textile Marketing Management
52.1401 Marketing/Marketing Management, General
52.1402 * Marketing Research
52.1403 * International Marketing
52.1499 * Marketing, Other
52.1801 * Sales, Distribution and Marketing Operations, General
52.1902 * Fashion Merchandising
52.1905 * Tourism and Travel Services Marketing Operations
52.1907 * Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations
52.1908 * Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations
52.1910 * Hospitality and Recreation Marketing Operations
208 Merchandising 50.0909 * Music Management and Merchandising
52.1802 * Merchandising and Buying Operations
52.1902 * Fashion Merchandising
52.1905 * Tourism and Travel Services Marketing Operations
52.1906 * Tourism Promotion Operations
209 Retailing and Sales 01.0105 Agricultural/Farm Supplies Retailing and Wholesaling
01.0608 * Floriculture/Floristry Operations and Management
12.0599 * Culinary Arts and Related Services, Other
52.1501 * Real Estate
52.1701 * Insurance
52.1803 Retailing and Retail Operations
52.1804 * Selling Skills and Sales Operations
52.1904 * Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations
52.1909 * Special Products Marketing Operations
210 Marketing and Sales - Other 19.0906 * Fashion and Fabric Consultant
47.0409 * Parts and Warehousing Operations and Maintenance Technology/Technician
52.0202 * Purchasing, Procurement/Acquisitions and Contracts Management
52.0207 * Customer Service Management
52.0409 * Parts, Warehousing and Inventory Management Operations
52.1402 * Marketing Research
52.1403 * International Marketing
52.1499 * Marketing, Other
52.1701 * Insurance
52.1801 * Sales, Distribution and Marketing Operations, General
52.1802 * Merchandising and Buying Operations
52.1804 * Selling Skills and Sales Operations
52.1899 General Sales, Merchandising and Related Marketing Operations, Other
52.1901 Auctioneering
52.1902 * Fashion Merchandising
52.1904 * Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations
52.1907 * Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations
52.1908 * Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations
52.1909 * Special Products Marketing Operations
52.1910 * Hospitality and Recreation Marketing Operations
52.1999 Specialized Sales, Merchandising and Marketing Operations, Other
211 Secretarial/Administrative - General 52.0101 * Business/Commerce, General
52.0204 * Office Management and Supervision
52.0401 * Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General
52.0402 Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary
52.0406 * Receptionist
52.0408 * General Office Occupations and Clerical Services
212 Bank and Financial Clerk 52.0803 * Banking and Financial Support Services
213 Office Systems Technology 52.0406 * Receptionist
52.0407 * Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry
52.0408 * General Office Occupations and Clerical Services
52.0499 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services, Other
214 Court Reporting 22.0303 Court Reporting/Court Reporter
215 Health Records Technician 51.0706 * Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator
51.0707 * Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician
216 Legal Secretary/Assistant 22.0301 * Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary
22.0302 * Legal Assistant/Paralegal
22.9999 * Legal Professions and Studies, Other
217 Medical Secretary, Medical Office Assistant 51.0703 * Health Unit Coordinator/Ward Clerk
51.0705 * Medical Office Management/Administration
51.0708 Medical Transcription/Transcriptionist
51.0710 Medical Office Assistant/Specialist
51.0711 Medical/Health Management and Clinical Assistant/Specialist
51.0712 * Medical Reception/Receptionist
51.0716 Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary
218 Secretarial Accounting/Bookkeeping 52.0302 * Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping
52.0401 * Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General
219 Word Processing 11.0602 Word Processing
22.0301 * Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary
220 Administrative/Clerical - Other 51.0712 * Medical Reception/Receptionist
51.0713 Medical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder
51.0714 Medical Insurance Specialist/Medical Biller
51.0715 Health/Medical Claims Examiner
51.0799 Health and Medical Administrative Services, Other
52.0207 * Customer Service Management
52.0408 * General Office Occupations and Clerical Services
52.0409 * Parts, Warehousing and Inventory Management Operations
221 Agricultural Science - General 01.0000 * Agriculture, General
01.0399 * Agricultural Production Operations, Other
01.0801 Agricultural and Extension Education Services
222 Animal Science - General 01.0901 * Animal Sciences, General
01.0902 * Agricultural Animal Breeding
01.0904 Animal Nutrition
01.0999 Animal Sciences, Other
26.0708 Animal Behaviour and Ethology
223 Crop Science / Agronomy 01.0304 * Crop Production
01.1102 Agronomy and Crop Science
01.1105 * Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management
01.1199 * Plant Sciences, Other
224 Food Science 01.0199 * Agricultural Business and Management, Other
01.1001 * Food Science
01.1099 * Food Science and Technology, Other
225 Horticulture/Floriculture 01.0601 Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations, General
01.0603 Ornamental Horticulture
01.0604 Greenhouse Operations and Management
01.0606 Plant Nursery Operations and Management
01.0608 * Floriculture/Floristry Operations and Management
01.0699 * Applied Horticulture/Horticultural Business Services, Other
01.1103 Horticultural Science
226 Plant Science 01.1101 Plant Sciences, General
01.1199 * Plant Sciences, Other
227 Floral Design / Florist 01.0608 * Floriculture/Floristry Operations and Management
228 Soil Science / Agrology 01.1201 Soil Science and Agronomy, General
01.1202 Soil Chemistry and Physics
01.1203 Soil Microbiology
01.1299 * Soil Sciences, Other
229 Agricultural Science - Other 01.0199 * Agricultural Business and Management, Other
01.0907 * Poultry Science
01.1106 * Range Science and Management
01.9999 Agriculture, Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences, Other
230 Agricultural Technology - General 01.0000 * Agriculture, General
01.0204 Agricultural Power Machinery Operation
15.9999 * Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
231 Agricultural Business 01.0101 Agricultural Business and Management, General
01.0102 * Agribusiness/Agricultural Business Operations
01.0104 Farm/Farm and Ranch Management
01.0106 Agricultural Business Technology
01.0199 * Agricultural Business and Management, Other
01.0301 * Agricultural Production Operations, General
232 Farming 01.0102 * Agribusiness/Agricultural Business Operations
01.0301 * Agricultural Production Operations, General
01.0399 * Agricultural Production Operations, Other
233 Agricultural Technology - Other 01.0199 * Agricultural Business and Management, Other
01.0301 * Agricultural Production Operations, General
01.0304 * Crop Production
01.0399 * Agricultural Production Operations, Other
01.0401 * Agricultural and Food Products Processing
01.0701 International Agriculture
01.1105 * Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management
01.1299 * Soil Sciences, Other
234 Animal Health Technology 01.0903 Animal Health
51.0808 * Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant
235 Dairy and Livestock Technology 01.0302 * Animal/Livestock Husbandry and Production
01.0306 * Dairy Husbandry and Production
01.0905 Dairy Science
01.0906 Livestock Management
01.0907 * Poultry Science
01.1106 * Range Science and Management
236 Equine Studies 01.0307 * Horse Husbandry/Equine Science and Management
01.0505 * Animal Training
01.0507 * Equestrian/Equine Studies
237 Veterinary Technician / Animal Care 01.0504 Dog/Pet/Animal Grooming
51.0808 * Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant
238 Animal Science Technologies - Other 01.0302 * Animal/Livestock Husbandry and Production
01.0307 * Horse Husbandry/Equine Science and Management
01.0505 * Animal Training
01.0508 * Taxidermy/Taxidermist
01.0599 Agricultural and Domestic Animal Services, Other
01.0901 * Animal Sciences, General
01.0902 * Agricultural Animal Breeding
239 Biochemistry 26.0202 * Biochemistry
26.0205 Molecular Biochemistry
26.0401 * Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology
30.1901 * Nutrition Sciences
240 Biology - General 26.0101 Biology/Biological Sciences, General
241 Genetics 26.0801 Genetics, General
26.0802 Molecular Genetics
26.0803 Microbial and Eukaryotic Genetics
26.0806 * Human/Medical Genetics
26.0899 Genetics, Other
51.1010 * Cytogenetics/Genetics/Clinical Genetics Technology/Technologist
242 Microbiology and Bacteriology 26.0502 Microbiology, General
26.0503 * Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology
243 Molecular Biology 26.0204 Molecular Biology
26.0308 * Plant Molecular Biology
26.0406 * Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology
244 Biology - Other 26.0207 Structural Biology
26.0208 Photobiology
26.0209 * Radiation Biology/Radiobiology
26.0401 * Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology
26.0404 Developmental Biology and Embryology
26.0405 Neuroanatomy
26.0406 * Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology
26.0407 Cell Biology and Anatomy
26.0499 Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, Other
26.0505 * Parasitology
26.0599 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology, Other
26.0709 * Wildlife Biology
26.0901 * Physiology, General
26.0902 Molecular Physiology
26.0903 * Cell Physiology
26.0905 * Reproductive Biology
26.0907 Cardiovascular Science
26.0909 Vision Science/Physiological Optics
26.0910 * Pathology/Experimental Pathology
26.0911 * Oncology and Cancer Biology
26.0999 Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences, Other
26.1002 Molecular Pharmacology
26.1003 * Neuropharmacology
26.1005 Molecular Toxicology
26.1006 Environmental Toxicology
26.1007 * Pharmacology and Toxicology, Integrated
26.1099 Pharmacology and Toxicology, Other
26.1101 Biometry/Biometrics
26.1103 Bioinformatics
26.1199 Biomathematics and Bioinformatics, Other
26.1301 * Ecology
26.1303 Evolutionary Biology
26.1304 * Aquatic Biology/Limnology
26.1305 Environmental Biology
26.1306 Population Biology
26.1307 Conservation Biology
26.1308 Systematic Biology/Biological Systematics
26.1399 Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and Population Biology, Other
26.9999 Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
245 Biophysics 26.0203 Biophysics
26.0206 Molecular Biophysics
246 Botany - General 26.0301 * Botany/Plant Biology, General
26.0399 Botany/Plant Biology, Other
247 Phycology 26.0301 * Botany/Plant Biology, General
248 Plant Sciences - Specialized 01.1104 Agricultural and Horticultural Plant Breeding
01.1105 * Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management
26.0301 * Botany/Plant Biology, General
26.0305 Plant Pathology/Phytopathology
26.0307 Plant Physiology
26.0308 * Plant Molecular Biology
26.0506 Mycology
26.0805 Plant Genetics
26.1201 * Biotechnology
26.1301 * Ecology
249 Homemaker 19.0101 * Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General
19.9999 * Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, Other
250 Consumer Studies 19.0101 * Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General
19.0201 Business, Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences
19.0402 Consumer Economics
19.0403 Consumer Services and Advocacy
19.0499 Family and Consumer Economics and Related Services, Other
251 Clothing and Textiles 19.0901 * Apparel and Textiles, General
19.0902 * Apparel and Textile Manufacture
19.0904 * Textile Science
19.0906 * Fashion and Fabric Consultant
19.0999 * Apparel and Textiles, Other
48.0399 * Leatherworking and Upholstery, Other
50.0712 * Fibre, Textile and Weaving Arts
252 Nutrition and Dietetics 01.1002 * Food Technology and Processing
01.1099 * Food Science and Technology, Other
19.0501 Foods, Nutrition and Wellness Studies, General
19.0504 Human Nutrition
19.0505 * Foodservice Systems Administration/Management
19.0599 * Foods, Nutrition and Related Services, Other
30.1901 * Nutrition Sciences
51.3101 Dietetics/Dietitian (RD)
51.3102 Clinical Nutrition/Nutritionist
51.3103 Dietetic Technician (DTR)
51.3104 Dietitian Assistant
51.3199 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services, Other
253 Food Services and Preparation 12.0500 Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General
12.0501 Baking and Pastry Arts/Baker/Pastry Chef
12.0502 Bartending/Bartender
12.0503 Culinary Arts/Chef Training
12.0504 * Restaurant, Culinary and Catering Management/Manager
12.0505 Food Preparation/Professional Cooking/Kitchen Assistant
12.0507 * Food Service, Waiter/Waitress and Dining Room Management/Manager
12.0508 Institutional Food Workers
12.0599 * Culinary Arts and Related Services, Other
19.0505 * Foodservice Systems Administration/Management
254 Home Economics 19.0101 * Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General
19.0401 Family Resource Management Studies, General
255 Veterinary Medicine 51.2401 Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
60.0301 Veterinary Anesthesiology Residency Programs
60.0303 Veterinary Dermatology Residency Programs
60.0304 Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Residency Programs
60.0305 Veterinary Internal Medicine Residency Programs
60.0308 Veterinary Nutrition Residency Programs
60.0309 Veterinary Ophthalmology Residency Programs
60.0311 Veterinary Practice Residency Programs
60.0312 Veterinary Preventive Medicine Residency Programs
60.0313 Veterinary Radiology Residency Programs
256 Veterinary Science and Pathology 51.2501 Veterinary Sciences/Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2502 Veterinary Anatomy (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2503 Veterinary Physiology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2504 Veterinary Microbiology and Immunobiology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2505 Veterinary Pathology and Pathobiology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2506 Veterinary Toxicology and Pharmacology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2507 Large Animal/Food Animal and Equine Surgery and Medicine (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2508 Small/Companion Animal Surgery and Medicine (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2509 Comparative and Laboratory Animal Medicine (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2510 Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2511 Veterinary Infectious Diseases (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.2599 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (Cert., MSc, PhD), Other
60.0306 Laboratory Animal Medicine Residency Programs
60.0307 Veterinary Microbiology Residency Programs
60.0310 Veterinary Pathology Residency Programs
60.0315 Theriogenology Residency Programs
60.0316 Veterinary Toxicology Residency Programs
257 Zoology - General 26.0701 * Zoology/Animal Biology, General
26.0799 Zoology/Animal Biology, Other
258 Animal Biology 01.0902 * Agricultural Animal Breeding
26.0701 * Zoology/Animal Biology, General
26.0707 Animal Physiology
26.0804 Animal Genetics
26.1301 * Ecology
259 Entomology 01.1105 * Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management
03.0502 * Forest Sciences and Biology
26.0702 Entomology
260 Fisheries Biology 03.0301 * Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management
26.0709 * Wildlife Biology
26.1304 * Aquatic Biology/Limnology
261 Marine Biology 26.1302 * Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography
26.1304 * Aquatic Biology/Limnology
262 Wildlife Biology 26.0701 * Zoology/Animal Biology, General
26.0709 * Wildlife Biology
26.1301 * Ecology
263 Aquaculture and Fisheries 01.0303 Aquaculture
01.0401 * Agricultural and Food Products Processing
03.0301 * Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management
49.0303 * Commercial Fishing
264 Food Processing Technologies - General 01.0306 * Dairy Husbandry and Production
01.0401 * Agricultural and Food Products Processing
01.1002 * Food Technology and Processing
12.0506 Meat Cutting/Meat Cutter
14.0301 * Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering
265 Trapping 03.9999 * Natural Resources and Conservation, Other
31.0101 * Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies
266 Natural Sciences 03.0201 * Natural Resources Management and Policy, General
30.1801 Natural Sciences
267 Architecture - General 04.0201 Architecture (BArch, BA/BSc, MArch, MA/MSc, PhD)
04.0301 * City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning
04.9999 Architecture and Related Services, Other
268 Architectural Engineering/Design 04.0501 Interior Architecture
04.0901 * Architectural Technology/Technician
14.0401 Architectural Engineering
14.3301 * Construction Engineering
269 Industrial Design 50.0404 Industrial Design
270 Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering 14.0201 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
47.0609 * Avionics Maintenance Technology/Technician
49.0101 * Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology, General
271 Biochemical Engineering 14.0301 * Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering
14.9999 * Engineering, Other
272 Biomedical Engineering 14.0501 Biomedical/Medical Engineering
273 Chemical Engineering 14.0701 Chemical Engineering
14.3201 * Polymer/Plastics Engineering
274 Civil Engineering 14.0801 Civil Engineering, General
14.0803 Structural Engineering
14.0804 * Transportation and Highway Engineering
14.0899 Civil Engineering, Other
14.3301 * Construction Engineering
14.3801 * Surveying Engineering
14.9999 * Engineering, Other
275 Systems Design Engineering 14.2701 * Systems Engineering
14.9999 * Engineering, Other
276 Computer Engineering 14.0901 Computer Engineering, General
14.0902 Computer Hardware Engineering
14.0903 Computer Software Engineering
14.0999 Computer Engineering, Other
277 Electrical/Electronic Engineering - General 14.1001 * Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
278 Sound and Recording Engineering 10.0203 * Recording Arts Technology/Technician
50.0904 * Music Theory and Composition
50.0999 * Music, Other
279 Industrial Engineering - General 14.2701 * Systems Engineering
14.3501 * Industrial Engineering
14.3601 * Manufacturing Engineering
280 Mechanical Engineering - General 14.1901 Mechanical Engineering
281 Instrumentation Engineering 14.9999 * Engineering, Other
282 Power Engineering 14.1001 * Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
14.9999 * Engineering, Other
283 Geological Engineering 14.0802 Geotechnical Engineering
14.3901 Geological/Geophysical Engineering
284 Metallurgical Engineering 14.0601 * Ceramic Sciences and Engineering
14.2001 Metallurgical Engineering
14.9999 * Engineering, Other
285 Mining Engineering 14.2101 Mining and Mineral Engineering
14.9999 * Engineering, Other
286 Petroleum Engineering 14.2501 Petroleum Engineering
40.0606 * Geochemistry and Petrology
287 Agricultural Engineering 14.0301 * Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering
288 Environmental/Resource Engineering 03.0104 * Environmental Science
14.1401 * Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering
289 Marine Engineering 14.2201 * Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
14.2401 * Ocean Engineering
15.0899 * Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, Other
290 Water Resources Engineering 14.0805 Water Resources Engineering
291 Engineering Science - General 14.1301 Engineering Science
27.0301 * Applied Mathematics, General
292 Engineering Physics 14.1201 nbsp;* Engineering Physics
293 Engineering, n.e.c. 14.0101 Engineering, General
14.0301 * Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering
14.0601 * Ceramic Sciences and Engineering
14.0804 * Transportation and Highway Engineering
14.1001 * Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
14.1101 * Engineering Mechanics
14.1201 * Engineering Physics
14.1401 * Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering
14.1801 Materials Engineering
14.2301 Nuclear Engineering
14.2401 * Ocean Engineering
14.2701 * Systems Engineering
14.2801 Textile Sciences and Engineering
14.3101 * Materials Science
14.3201 * Polymer/Plastics Engineering
14.3501 * Industrial Engineering
14.3601 * Manufacturing Engineering
14.3801 * Surveying Engineering
14.9999 * Engineering, Other
15.1501 * Engineering/Industrial Management
51.2099 * Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Administration, Other
294 Forestry - General 03.0299 * Natural Resources Management and Policy, Other
03.0501 Forestry, General
03.0502 * Forest Sciences and Biology
03.0506 * Forest Management/Forest Resources Management
295 Forest Engineering 14.3401 Forest Engineering
14.9999 * Engineering, Other
296 Forest Wildlife Management 03.0601 * Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management
298 Forestry - Other 03.0299 * Natural Resources Management and Policy, Other
03.0502 * Forest Sciences and Biology
03.0506 * Forest Management/Forest Resources Management
03.0508 Urban Forestry
299 Landscape Architecture - General 01.0605 * Landscaping and Groundskeeping
04.0401 Environmental Design/Architecture
04.0601 * Landscape Architecture (BSc, BSLA, BLA, MSLA, MLA, PhD)
300 Landscape Horticulture 01.0605 * Landscaping and Groundskeeping
01.0699 * Applied Horticulture/Horticultural Business Services, Other
301 Landscape Technology 01.0605 * Landscaping and Groundskeeping
01.0607 Turf and Turfgrass Management
04.0601 * Landscape Architecture (BSc, BSLA, BLA, MSLA, MLA, PhD)
302 Architectural Technology - General 04.0901 * Architectural Technology/Technician
15.0101 Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician
303 Architectural Drafting 15.1303 * Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD
304 Chemical Technology - General 15.9999 * Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
41.0301 * Chemical Technology/Technician
305 Biotechnology 26.1201 * Biotechnology
41.0301 * Chemical Technology/Technician
306 Plastics Engineering Technology 15.0607 Plastics Engineering Technology/Technician
15.0699 * Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians, Other
307 Textile Engineering Technology 19.0902 * Apparel and Textile Manufacture
19.0904 * Textile Science
308 Boat, Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture 14.2201 * Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
15.9999 * Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
47.0616 * Marine Maintenance/Fitter and Ship Repair Technology/Technician
309 Building Technology 15.1001 * Construction Engineering Technology/Technician
46.0000 * Construction Trades, General
46.0401 * Building/Property Maintenance and Management
46.0403 * Building/Home/Construction Inspection/Inspector
46.0410 * Roofer
46.0411 * Metal Building Assembly/Assembler
46.9999 * Construction Trades, Other
310 Construction Electrician 46.0301 Electrical and Power Transmission Installation/Installer, General
46.0302 Electrician
46.0303 * Lineworker
46.0399 Electrical and Power Transmission Installers, Other
46.9999 * Construction Trades, Other
311 Drywall, Lathing, Plastering 46.0404 * Drywall Installation/Drywaller
312 Heat and Insulation 15.0501 * Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology/Technician (ACH/ACR/ACHR/HRAC/HVAC/AC Technology)
46.0499 * Building/Construction Finishing, Management and Inspection, Other
47.0201 * Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC, HVACR)
313 Interior Finishing 46.0408 Painting/Painter and Wall Coverer
46.0499 * Building/Construction Finishing, Management and Inspection, Other
314 Masonry (Brick, Concrete, Stone) 46.0101 Masonry/Mason
46.0402 Concrete Finishing/Concrete Finisher
315 Plumbing and Related Pipe Trades 46.0404 * Drywall Installation/Drywaller
46.0502 * Pipefitting/Pipefitter and Sprinkler Fitter
46.0503 Plumbing Technology/Plumber
46.0599 Plumbing and Related Water Supply Services, Other
316 Welding Technologies 15.0699 * Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians, Other
48.0508 Welding Technology/Welder
48.0509 * Ironworking/Ironworker
48.0599 * Precision Metal Working, Other
317 Woodworking, Carpentry 46.0201 Carpentry/Carpenter
46.0410 * Roofer
48.0701 Woodworking, General
48.0702 * Furniture Design and Manufacturing
48.0703 Cabinetmaking and Millwork
48.0799 * Woodworking, Other
318 Data Processing and Data Entry 11.0103 * Information Technology
11.0301 Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician
11.0601 Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications, General
11.0699 Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications, Other
11.0802 * Data Modelling/Warehousing and Database Administration
319 Computer Science Technology 11.0701 * Computer Science
11.0901 * Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
11.1001 * System Administration/Administrator
15.1201 * Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, General
15.1202 * Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology
15.1203 * Computer Hardware Technology/Technician
47.0104 * Computer Installation and Repair Technology/Technician
320 Computer Programming 11.0102 * Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
11.0201 Computer Programming/Programmer, General
11.0202 * Computer Programming, Specific Applications
11.0203 * Computer Programming, Vendor/Product Certification
11.0299 Computer Programming, Other
11.0501 * Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst
11.0803 * Computer Graphics
15.1204 * Computer Software Technology/Technician
321 Microcomputer and Information Systems 09.0702 * Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia
10.0304 * Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects
11.0101 * Computer and Information Sciences, General
11.0103 * Information Technology
11.0199 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, General, Other
11.0203 * Computer Programming, Vendor/Product Certification
11.0401 * Information Science/Studies
11.0801 Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design
11.0802 * Data Modelling/Warehousing and Database Administration
11.0803 * Computer Graphics
11.0899 Computer Software and Media Applications, Other
11.0901 * Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
11.1001 * System Administration/Administrator
11.1002 * System, Networking and LAN/WAN Management/Manager
11.1003 Computer and Information Systems Security
11.1004 Web/Multimedia Management and Webmaster
11.1099 * Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management, Other
11.9999 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other
13.1321 * Computer Teacher Education
15.1201 * Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, General
15.1202 * Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology
15.1204 * Computer Software Technology/Technician
52.0407 * Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry
322 Electronic Technology 15.0303 * Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician
15.0403 * Electromechanical Technology/Electromechanical Engineering Technology
47.0101 * Electrical/Electronics Equipment Installation and Repair, General
47.0105 Industrial Electronics Technology/Technician
47.0199 * Electrical/Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technology, Other
323 Electrical Technology 15.0303 * Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician
47.0101 * Electrical/Electronics Equipment Installation and Repair, General
47.0199 * Electrical/Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technology, Other
324 Radar Technology 15.0399 * Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
325 Radio and Television Technology 10.0202 * Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician
10.0203 * Recording Arts Technology/Technician
47.0101 * Electrical/Electronics Equipment Installation and Repair, General
326 Telecommunications Technology 09.0702 * Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia
10.0105 Communications Technology/Technician
10.0202 * Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician
10.9999 Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services, Other
15.0303 * Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician
15.0305 Telecommunications Technology/Technician
47.0103 * Communications Systems Installation and Repair Technology
327 Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other 10.0299 * Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians, Other
10.0303 * Prepress/Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design
15.0303 * Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician
15.0399 * Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
15.0403 * Electromechanical Technology/Electromechanical Engineering Technology
46.0303 * Lineworker
47.0101 * Electrical/Electronics Equipment Installation and Repair, General
47.0103 * Communications Systems Installation and Repair Technology
47.0104 * Computer Installation and Repair Technology/Technician
47.0106 Appliance Installation and Repair Technology/Technician
47.0110 Security System Installation, Repair and Inspection Technology/Technician
47.0199 * Electrical/Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technology, Other
47.0501 * Stationary Energy Sources Installer and Operator
328 Environmental Technology - General 03.0101 Natural Resources/Conservation, General
03.0199 * Natural Resources Conservation and Research, Other
03.0201 * Natural Resources Management and Policy, General
03.0205 * Water, Wetlands and Marine Resources Management
03.0299 * Natural Resources Management and Policy, Other
15.0507 Environmental Engineering Technology/Environmental Technology
15.0599 * Environmental Control Technologies/Technicians, Other
15.9999 * Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
329 Water Treatment Technologies 03.0205 * Water, Wetlands and Marine Resources Management
15.0506 * Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology/Technician
15.0599 * Environmental Control Technologies/Technicians, Other
49.0304 * Diver, Professional and Instructor
330 Forest Conservation Technologies 03.0599 * Forestry, Other
331 Renewable Resources Technology 03.0199 * Natural Resources Conservation and Research, Other
03.0201 * Natural Resources Management and Policy, General
332 Fish and Wildlife Technology 03.0299 * Natural Resources Management and Policy, Other
03.0601 * Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management
03.9999 * Natural Resources and Conservation, Other
333 Civil Engineering Technologies - General 15.0201 Civil Engineering Technology/Technician
334 Construction Technologies, n.e.c. 15.1001 * Construction Engineering Technology/Technician
46.0000 * Construction Trades, General
46.0403 * Building/Home/Construction Inspection/Inspector
46.0411 * Metal Building Assembly/Assembler
46.0412 Building/Construction Site Management/Manager
46.0499 * Building/Construction Finishing, Management and Inspection, Other
46.9999 * Construction Trades, Other
48.0501 * Machine Tool Technology/Machinist
48.0509 * Ironworking/Ironworker
49.0202 * Construction/Heavy Equipment/Earthmoving Equipment Operation
49.0206 Mobile Crane Operation/Operator
52.2001 * Construction Management
335 Drafting - General 15.1301 * Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, General
50.0410 * Illustration
336 Drafting - Specialized 15.1301 * Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, General
15.1302 CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician
15.1303 * Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD
15.1304 * Civil Drafting and Civil Engineering CAD/CADD
15.1305 Electrical/Electronics Drafting and Electrical/Electronics CAD/CADD
15.1306 Mechanical Drafting and Mechanical Drafting CAD/CADD
15.1399 Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
45.0702 * Cartography
337 Instrumentation Technology 15.0404 * Instrumentation Technology/Technician
47.0000 * Mechanics and Repairers, General
338 Non-plumbing Piping Technologies 15.1103 * Hydraulics and Fluid Power Technology/Technician
46.0502 * Pipefitting/Pipefitter and Sprinkler Fitter
339 Surveying Technology 15.1102 * Surveying Technology/Surveying
15.1304 * Civil Drafting and Civil Engineering CAD/CADD
45.0702 * Cartography
340 Industrial Millwright 15.0612 * Industrial Technology/Technician
47.0303 Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology
47.0399 * Heavy/Industrial Equipment Maintenance Technologies, Other
48.0501 * Machine Tool Technology/Machinist
341 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration 15.0501 * Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology/Technician (ACH/ACR/ACHR/HRAC/HVAC/AC Technology)
47.0201 * Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC, HVACR)
342 Clothing/Fabric Products 19.0901 * Apparel and Textiles, General
19.0902 * Apparel and Textile Manufacture
19.0999 * Apparel and Textiles, Other
343 Machinist, Machine Shop 48.0501 * Machine Tool Technology/Machinist
48.0503 Machine Shop Technology/Assistant
48.0506 * Sheet Metal Technology/Sheetworking
48.9999 Precision Production, Other
344 Pattern Making 48.0507 * Tool and Die Technology/Technician
345 Sewing Machine Operator 19.0999 * Apparel and Textiles, Other
47.9999 * Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians, Other
346 Sheet Metal 48.0506 * Sheet Metal Technology/Sheetworking
48.0599 * Precision Metal Working, Other
347 Tool and Die 48.0501 * Machine Tool Technology/Machinist
48.0507 * Tool and Die Technology/Technician
348 Industrial Technologies - Other 15.0403 * Electromechanical Technology/Electromechanical Engineering Technology
15.0405 * Robotics Technology/Technician
15.0612 * Industrial Technology/Technician
15.0613 * Manufacturing Technology/Technician
15.0699 * Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians, Other
15.0702 * Quality Control Technology/Technician
41.0204 Industrial Radiologic Technology/Technician
46.0406 * Glazier
47.0409 * Parts and Warehousing Operations and Maintenance Technology/Technician
48.0000 Precision Production Trades, General
48.0507 * Tool and Die Technology/Technician
48.0509 * Ironworking/Ironworker
49.0299 * Ground Transportation, Other
52.0409 * Parts, Warehousing and Inventory Management Operations
349 Mechanical Engineering Technology - General 14.1101 * Engineering Mechanics
15.0403 * Electromechanical Technology/Electromechanical Engineering Technology
15.0613 * Manufacturing Technology/Technician
15.0805 Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician
47.0000 * Mechanics and Repairers, General
47.0302 * Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology/Technician
47.0613 * Medium/Heavy Vehicle and Truck Technology/Technician
47.0615 Engine Machinist
47.0699 * Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technologies, Other
47.9999 * Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians, Other
350 Aircraft/Aviation/Avionics Engineering Technology 15.0801 * Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology/Technician
47.0607 * Airframe Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology/Technician
47.0609 * Avionics Maintenance Technology/Technician
351 Agricultural Mechanics 01.0201 Agricultural Mechanization, General
01.0205 Agricultural Mechanics and Equipment/Machine Technology
01.0299 Agricultural Mechanization, Other
352 Aircraft Maintenance Mechanics 47.0607 * Airframe Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology/Technician
47.0608 Aircraft Powerplant Technology/Technician
353 Automobile Mechanics 46.0406 * Glazier
47.0603 Autobody/Collision and Repair Technology/Technician
47.0604 Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician
47.0605 * Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician
47.0612 Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Technology/Technician
47.0614 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Technology/Technician
47.0699 * Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technologies, Other
354 Heavy Equipment Mechanics 47.0302 * Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology/Technician
47.0605 * Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician
47.0613 * Medium/Heavy Vehicle and Truck Technology/Technician
355 Marine Mechanics 15.0899 * Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, Other
47.0605 * Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician
47.0616 * Marine Maintenance/Fitter and Ship Repair Technology/Technician
356 Office/Business Machine Technician 47.0102 Business Machine Repair
357 Small Engine Repair 47.0606 Small Engine Mechanics and Repair Technology/Technician
47.0611 Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair Technology/Technician
358 Power/Stationary Engineering 15.0503 * Energy Management and Systems Technology/Technician
41.0205 * Nuclear/Nuclear Power Technology/Technician
47.0501 * Stationary Energy Sources Installer and Operator
47.0605 * Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician
48.0801 Boilermaking/Boilermaker
49.0202 * Construction/Heavy Equipment/Earthmoving Equipment Operation
359 Forest Products Technology 03.0509 Wood Science and Wood Products/Pulp and Paper Technology
03.0510 Forest Resources Production and Management
03.0511 * Forest Technology/Technician
03.0599 * Forestry, Other
47.0302 * Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology/Technician
360 Mining Technology 15.0611 * Metallurgical Technology/Technician
15.0901 Mining Technology/Technician
15.0999 * Mining and Petroleum Technologies/Technicians, Other
15.9999 * Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
46.0505 Blasting/Blaster
361 Petroleum Technologies 15.0903 Petroleum Technology/Technician
46.0504 * Well Drilling/Driller
362 Water Well Drilling and Primary Resources - Other 15.0506 * Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology/Technician
46.0504 * Well Drilling/Driller
363 Transportation Technology - General 14.0804 * Transportation and Highway Engineering
49.9999 Transportation and Materials Moving, Other
52.0410 * Traffic, Customs and Transportation Clerk/Technician
364 Air Transportation Technology 49.0101 * Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology, General
49.0102 Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew
49.0104 * Aviation/Airway Management and Operations
49.0105 Air Traffic Controller
49.0106 Airline Flight Attendant
49.0108 Flight Instructor
49.0199 Air Transportation, Other
365 Marine Navigation 49.0303 * Commercial Fishing
49.0304 * Diver, Professional and Instructor
49.0309 Nautical Science/Merchant Marine Officer
49.0399 Marine Transportation, Other
366 Motor Transportation - Commercial/Public 49.0205 * Truck and Bus Driver/Commercial Vehicle Operation
367 Motor Transportation - Driving Instructor 13.1304 Driver and Safety Teacher Education
49.0205 * Truck and Bus Driver/Commercial Vehicle Operation
368 Rail Transportation 49.0299 * Ground Transportation, Other
52.0410 * Traffic, Customs and Transportation Clerk/Technician
369 Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c. 14.2701 * Systems Engineering
15.0000 Engineering Technology, General
15.0304 Laser and Optical Technology/Technician
15.0401 * Biomedical Technology/Technician
15.0403 * Electromechanical Technology/Electromechanical Engineering Technology
15.0404 * Instrumentation Technology/Technician
15.0405 * Robotics Technology/Technician
15.0499 Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians, Other
15.0501 * Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology/Technician (ACH/ACR/ACHR/HRAC/HVAC/AC Technology)
15.0503 * Energy Management and Systems Technology/Technician
15.0505 Solar Energy Technology/Technician
15.0508 Hazardous Materials Management and Waste Technology/Technician
15.0599 * Environmental Control Technologies/Technicians, Other
15.0611 * Metallurgical Technology/Technician
15.0613 * Manufacturing Technology/Technician
15.0699 * Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians, Other
15.0702 * Quality Control Technology/Technician
15.0703 * Industrial Safety Technology/Technician
15.0704 * Hazardous Materials Information Systems Technology/Technician
15.0799 * Quality Control and Safety Technologies/Technicians, Other
15.0803 Automotive Engineering Technology/Technician
15.0999 * Mining and Petroleum Technologies/Technicians, Other
15.1103 * Hydraulics and Fluid Power Technology/Technician
15.1199 Engineering-related Technologies, Other
15.1202 * Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology
15.1203 * Computer Hardware Technology/Technician
15.1204 * Computer Software Technology/Technician
15.1299 Computer Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
15.1401 Nuclear Engineering Technology/Technician
15.1501 * Engineering/Industrial Management
15.9999 * Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other
21.0101 * Technology Education/Industrial Arts Programs
41.0205 * Nuclear/Nuclear Power Technology/Technician
41.0299 Nuclear and Industrial Radiologic Technologies/Technicians, Other
46.0401 * Building/Property Maintenance and Management
47.0399 * Heavy/Industrial Equipment Maintenance Technologies, Other
47.0402 * Gunsmithing/Gunsmith
47.0499 Precision Systems Maintenance and Repair Technologies, Other
48.0599 * Precision Metal Working, Other
370 Dentistry - General 51.0401 Dentistry (DDS, DMD)
371 Dental Surgery 51.0507 Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery (Cert., MSc, PhD)
60.0101 Dental/Oral Surgery Specialty Residency Programs
372 Orthodontics 51.0508 Orthodontics/Orthodontology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
60.0105 Orthodontics Specialty Residency Programs
373 Dental Specialties 51.0502 Advanced General Dentistry (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.0506 Endodontics/Endodontology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.0509 Pediatric Dentistry/Pedodontics (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.0510 Periodontics/Periodontology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.0511 Prosthodontics/Prosthodontology (Cert., MSc, PhD)
51.0599 Advanced/Graduate Dentistry and Oral Sciences (Cert., MSc, PhD), Other
60.0102 Dental Public Health Specialty Residency Programs
60.0103 Endodontics Specialty Residency Programs
60.0104 Oral Pathology Specialty Residency Programs
60.0106 Pedodontics Specialty Residency Programs
60.0107 Periodontics Specialty Residency Programs
60.0108 Prosthodontics Specialty Residency Programs
60.0199 Dental Residency Programs, Other
375 General Practice Medicine 51.1201 Medicine (MD)
60.0218 Family Medicine Residency Programs
376 Medical Anatomy 26.0403 Anatomy
26.0910 * Pathology/Experimental Pathology
378 Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry 26.0202 * Biochemistry
51.2205 Health/Medical Physics
380 Medical Neurophysiology 26.0906 Neurobiology and Neurophysiology
60.0234 * Neurology Residency Programs
381 Medical Pharmacology 26.1001 Pharmacology
26.1003 * Neuropharmacology
26.1007 * Pharmacology and Toxicology, Integrated
382 Medical Physiology 26.0901 * Physiology, General
26.0903 * Cell Physiology
26.0905 * Reproductive Biology
26.0908 Exercise Physiology
383 Basic Medical Sciences - Other 26.0102 Biomedical Sciences, General
26.0806 * Human/Medical Genetics
26.0904 Endocrinology
26.1004 Toxicology
26.1007 * Pharmacology and Toxicology, Integrated
51.1010 * Cytogenetics/Genetics/Clinical Genetics Technology/Technologist
51.1401 * Medical Scientist (MSc, PhD)
51.2004 * Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (MSc, PhD)
384 Neuroscience 30.2401 Neuroscience
385 Paediatrics 60.0251 Pediatrics Residency Programs
386 Psychiatry 44.0799 * Social Work, Other
51.1507 Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
60.0208 Child Psychiatry Residency Programs
60.0255 Psychiatry Residency Programs
387 Radiology 26.0209 * Radiation Biology/Radiobiology
60.0215 Diagnostic Radiology Residency Programs
60.0237 Nuclear Radiology Residency Programs
388 Medical Specializations - Other 26.0911 * Oncology and Cancer Biology
51.1401 * Medical Scientist (MSc, PhD)
51.1901 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy (DO)
60.0201 Aerospace Medicine Residency Programs
60.0204 Blood Banking Residency Programs
60.0207 Child/Pediatric Neurology Residency Programs
60.0211 Critical Care Medicine Residency Programs
60.0213 Dermatology Residency Programs
60.0216 Emergency Medicine Residency Programs
60.0217 Endocrinology and Metabolism Residency Programs
60.0220 Gastroenterology Residency Programs
60.0222 Geriatric Medicine Residency Programs
60.0224 Hematology Residency Programs
60.0227 Infectious Disease Residency Programs
60.0228 Internal Medicine Residency Programs
60.0229 Laboratory Medicine Residency Programs
60.0230 Musculoskeletal Oncology Residency Programs
60.0231 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Residency Programs
60.0232 Nephrology Residency Programs
60.0234 * Neurology Residency Programs
60.0236 Nuclear Medicine Residency Programs
60.0239 Occupational Medicine Residency Programs
60.0240 Oncology Residency Programs
60.0241 Ophthalmology Residency Programs
60.0243 Otolaryngology Residency Programs
60.0246 Pediatric Endocrinology Residency Programs
60.0247 Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Residency Programs
60.0248 Pediatric Nephrology Residency Programs
60.0254 Preventive Medicine Residency Programs
60.0257 Pulmonary Disease Residency Programs
60.0258 Radiation Oncology Residency Programs
60.0260 Rheumatology Residency Programs
60.0261 Sports Medicine Residency Programs
60.0263 Urology Residency Programs
60.0266 Child Neurology Residency Programs
60.0268 Geriatric Medicine (Internal Medicine) Residency Programs
60.0269 Pediatric Urology Residency Programs
60.0270 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation/Psychiatry Residency Programs
60.0299 * Medical Residency Programs, Other
390 Medical Immunology 26.0507 * Immunology
60.0202 Allergies and Immunology Residency Programs
391 Medical Microbiology and Immunology 26.0503 * Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology
26.0507 * Immunology
392 Medical Pathology 26.0910 * Pathology/Experimental Pathology
60.0206 Chemical Pathology Residency Programs
60.0214 Dermatopathology Residency Programs
60.0219 Forensic Pathology Residency Programs
60.0225 Hematological Pathology Residency Programs
60.0226 Immunopathology Residency Programs
60.0235 Neuropathology Residency Programs
60.0244 Pathology Residency Programs
60.0259 Radioisotopic Pathology Residency Programs
60.0267 Cytopathology Residency Programs
393 Medical Parasitology and Virology 26.0504 Virology
26.0505 * Parasitology
394 Surgery - General 60.0221 General Surgery Residency Programs
395 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 60.0238 Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Programs
396 Orthopaedic Surgery 60.0242 Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery Residency Programs
60.0249 Pediatric Orthopedics Residency Programs
60.0265 Adult Reconstructive Orthopedics (Orthopedic Surgery) Residency Programs
60.0271 Orthopedic Surgery of the Spine Residency Programs
398 Surgical Specialties - Other 51.2101 * Podiatric Medicine/Podiatry (DPM)
60.0203 Anesthesiology Residency Programs
60.0205 * Cardiology Residency Programs
60.0209 Colon and Rectal Surgery Residency Programs
60.0210 Critical Care Anesthesiology Residency Programs
60.0212 Critical Care Surgery Residency Programs
60.0223 Hand Surgery Residency Programs
60.0233 Neurological Surgery/Neurosurgery Residency Programs
60.0250 Pediatric Surgery Residency Programs
60.0253 Plastic Surgery Residency Programs
60.0262 Thoracic Surgery Residency Programs
60.0264 Vascular Surgery Residency Programs
399 Nursing - General 51.1601 Nursing/Registered Nurse (RN, ASN, BScN, MScN)
51.1605 Family Practice Nurse/Nurse Practitioner
51.1608 Nursing Science (MSc, PhD)
400 Critical Care Nursing 51.1617 Critical Care Nursing
51.1699 * Nursing, Other
401 Gerontology Nursing 51.1699 * Nursing, Other
402 Medical Nursing 51.1612 * Perioperative/Operating Room and Surgical Nurse/Nursing
403 Midwifery and Obstetric Nursing 51.1607 Nurse Midwife/Nursing Midwifery
51.3401 * Direct Entry Midwifery (LM, CPM)
404 Psychiatric Nursing 51.1610 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing
405 Public Health Nursing 51.1611 Public Health/Community Nurse/Nursing
406 Nursing - Other 51.0601 * Dental Assisting/Assistant
51.1602 * Nursing Administration (MScN, MSc, PhD)
51.1603 Adult Health Nurse/Nursing
51.1604 Nurse Anesthetist
51.1606 Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing
51.1609 Pediatric Nurse/Nursing
51.1612 * Perioperative/Operating Room and Surgical Nurse/Nursing
51.1616 Clinical Nurse Specialist
51.1618 Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing
51.1699 * Nursing, Other
407 Nursing Assistant - General 51.1613 Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training (LPN, LVN, Cert., Dipl., AAS)
51.1614 * Nurse/Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Care Assistant
51.2601 * Health Aide
408 Health Care Aide 51.2601 * Health Aide
51.2602 * Home Health Aide/Home Attendant
51.2603 Medication Aide
51.2699 Health Aides/Attendants/Orderlies, Other
409 Long-term Care Aide 51.2601 * Health Aide
410 Nursing Aide 51.1614 * Nurse/Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Care Assistant
51.2601 * Health Aide
411 Optometry 51.1701 Optometry (OD)
51.1804 Orthoptics/Orthoptist
412 Pharmacy 51.0805 * Pharmacy Technician/Assistant
51.2001 Pharmacy (PharmD [USA], PharmD or BSc/BPharm [Canada])
51.2008 Clinical, Hospital and Managed Care Pharmacy (MSc, PhD)
413 Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology 51.0805 * Pharmacy Technician/Assistant
51.1099 * Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions, Other
51.2003 Pharmaceutics and Drug Design (MSc, PhD)
51.2004 * Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (MSc, PhD)
51.2006 * Clinical and Industrial Drug Development (MSc, PhD)
51.2009 * Industrial and Physical Pharmacy and Cosmetic Sciences (MSc, PhD)
51.2099 * Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Administration, Other
414 Public Health - General 51.0000 * Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General
51.2201 Public Health, General (MPH, DPH)
51.2207 * Public Health Education and Promotion
51.2210 International Public Health/International Health
51.2299 * Public Health, Other
60.0256 Public Health Medicine Residency Programs
415 Community Health 51.1504 * Community Health Services/Liaison/Counselling
51.2208 * Community Health and Preventive Medicine
51.2299 * Public Health, Other
416 Dental Hygiene 51.0602 Dental Hygiene/Hygienist
417 Epidemiology and Biostatistics 26.1102 Biostatistics
26.1309 Epidemiology
51.2208 * Community Health and Preventive Medicine
418 Industrial Health 15.0701 Occupational Safety and Health Technology/Technician
15.0703 * Industrial Safety Technology/Technician
15.0704 * Hazardous Materials Information Systems Technology/Technician
15.0799 * Quality Control and Safety Technologies/Technicians, Other
51.2202 * Environmental Health
51.2206 * Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene
419 Industrial Hygiene 15.0703 * Industrial Safety Technology/Technician
51.2202 * Environmental Health
51.2206 * Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene
421 Rehabilitation - General 60.0252 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Residency Programs
422 Speech Language Pathology 51.0201 * Communication Disorders, General
51.0202 Audiology/Audiologist and Hearing Sciences
51.0203 Speech-language Pathology/Pathologist
51.0204 Audiology/Audiologist and Speech-language Pathology/Pathologist
51.0299 * Communication Disorders Sciences and Services, Other
423 Occupational and Physical Therapy 51.0803 Occupational Therapist Assistant
51.2305 Music Therapy/Therapist
51.2306 Occupational Therapy/Therapist
51.2308 * Physical Therapy/Therapist
51.2309 * Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy
424 Physiotherapy 51.0913 * Athletic Training/Trainer
51.2308 * Physical Therapy/Therapist
425 Medical Laboratory Technology 51.0802 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant
51.0811 Pathology/Pathologist Assistant
51.1003 Hematology Technology/Technician
51.1004 * Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician
51.1005 Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist
51.1006 Ophthalmic Laboratory Technology/Technician
51.1007 Histologic Technology/Histotechnologist
51.1008 Histologic Technician
51.1099 * Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions, Other
426 Biological Laboratory Technology and Cytology 41.0101 Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician
51.1002 Cytotechnology/Cytotechnologist
427 Biomedical Electronic Technology 15.0401 * Biomedical Technology/Technician
428 Dental Technician 51.0603 Dental Laboratory Technology/Technician
429 Radiological Technology 51.0911 * Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiographer
430 Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 34.0199 * Health-related Knowledge and Skills, Other
431 Chiropractic Technology 51.0101 Chiropractic (DC)
51.0813 Chiropractic Assistant/Technician
432 Dental Assistant 51.0601 * Dental Assisting/Assistant
51.0699 * Dental Support Services and Allied Professions, Other
433 Emergency Paramedical Technology 51.0810 Emergency Care Attendant (EMT Ambulance)
51.0904 Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic)
434 Mental Health Counselling 51.1502 Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician
51.1599 * Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other
435 Respiratory Therapy Technology 51.0812 Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant
51.0908 Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist
436 Ultrasound Technology 51.0910 Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
437 X-ray - Radiography 51.0911 * Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiographer
51.1004 * Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician
438 X-ray - Radiation Therapy 51.0905 Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist
51.0907 Medical Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiation Therapist
439 Medical Treatment Technologies - Other 51.0299 * Communication Disorders Sciences and Services, Other
51.0801 * Medical/Clinical Assistant
51.0806 * Physical Therapist Assistant
51.0809 Anesthesiologist Assistant
51.0901 Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist
51.0902 Electrocardiograph Technology/Technician
51.0903 Electroneurodiagnostic/Electroencephalographic Technology/Technologist
51.0909 * Surgical Technology/Technologist
51.0911 * Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiographer
51.0912 * Physician Assistant
51.0913 * Athletic Training/Trainer
51.0915 Cardiopulmonary Technology/Technologist
51.0916 Radiation Protection/Health Physics Technician
51.0999 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention and Treatment Professions, Other
51.1001 Blood Bank Technology Specialist
51.1009 Phlebotomy/Phlebotomist
51.1011 Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician
51.1503 * Clinical/Medical Social Work
51.1506 Clinical Pastoral Counselling/Patient Counselling
51.2101 * Podiatric Medicine/Podiatry (DPM)
440 Optician, Optical Dispensing, Prosthetics and Orthotics 51.1801 Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician
51.1802 * Optometric Technician/Assistant
51.1803 * Ophthalmic Technician/Technologist
51.1899 Ophthalmic and Optometric Support Services and Allied Professions, Other
51.2307 Orthotist/Prosthetist
441 Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c. 34.0102 Birthing and Parenting Knowledge and Skills
34.0103 Personal Health Improvement and Maintenance
34.0104 Addiction Prevention and Treatment
34.0199 * Health-related Knowledge and Skills, Other
51.0000 * Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General
51.0201 * Communication Disorders, General
51.0299 * Communication Disorders Sciences and Services, Other
51.0501 Dental Clinical Sciences, General (MSc, PhD)
51.0503 Oral Biology and Oral Pathology (MSc, PhD)
51.0504 Dental Public Health and Education (Cert., MSc, MPH, PhD, DPH)
51.0505 Dental Materials (MSc, PhD)
51.0699 * Dental Support Services and Allied Professions, Other
51.0706 * Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator
51.0707 * Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician
51.0801 * Medical/Clinical Assistant
51.0806 * Physical Therapist Assistant
51.0899 Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services, Other
51.0906 Perfusion Technology/Perfusionist
51.0909 * Surgical Technology/Technologist
51.0912 * Physician Assistant
51.0914 Gene/Genetic Therapy
51.1101 Predentistry Studies
51.1102 Premedicine/Premedical Studies
51.1103 Prepharmacy Studies
51.1104 Preveterinary Studies
51.1105 Prenursing Studies
51.1199 Health/Medical Preparatory Programs, Other
51.1509 Genetic Counselling/Counsellor
51.1802 * Optometric Technician/Assistant
51.1803 * Ophthalmic Technician/Technologist
51.2002 Pharmacy Administration and Pharmacy Policy and Regulatory Affairs (MSc, PhD)
51.2005 Natural Products Chemistry and Pharmacognosy (MSc, PhD)
51.2006 * Clinical and Industrial Drug Development (MSc, PhD)
51.2007 Pharmacoeconomics/Pharmaceutical Economics (MSc, PhD)
51.2209 Maternal and Child Health
51.2301 Art Therapy/Therapist
51.2302 Dance Therapy/Therapist
51.2309 * Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy
51.2310 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselling/Counsellor
51.2311 Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist
51.2312 Assistive/Augmentative Technology and Rehabilitation Engineering
51.2399 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, Other
51.2703 Medical Illustration/Medical Illustrator
51.2706 Medical Informatics
51.2799 Medical Illustration and Informatics, Other
51.3301 Acupuncture
51.3302 Traditional Chinese/Asian Medicine and Chinese Herbology
51.3303 Naturopathic Medicine/Naturopathy (ND)
51.3304 Homeopathic Medicine/Homeopathy
51.3305 Ayurvedic Medicine/Ayurveda
51.3399 Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Medical Systems, Other
51.3401 * Direct Entry Midwifery (LM, CPM)
51.3499 Alternative and Complementary Medical Support Services, Other
51.3501 Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage
51.3502 Asian Bodywork Therapy
51.3503 Somatic Bodywork
51.3599 Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic Services, Other
51.3601 Movement Therapy
51.3602 * Yoga Teacher Training/Yoga Therapy
51.3603 Hypnotherapy/Hypnotherapist
51.3699 Movement and Mind-Body Therapies, Other
51.3701 Aromatherapy
51.3702 Herbalism/Herbalist
51.3703 Polarity Therapy
51.3704 Reiki
51.3799 Energy-based and Biologically-based Therapies, Other
51.9999 Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other
60.0205 * Cardiology Residency Programs
60.0245 Pediatric Cardiology Residency Programs
60.0299 * Medical Residency Programs, Other
442 Actuarial Science - General 52.1304 Actuarial Science
443 Applied Mathematics - General 27.0301 * Applied Mathematics, General
444 Computer Science - General 11.0101 * Computer and Information Sciences, General
11.0102 * Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
11.0202 * Computer Programming, Specific Applications
11.0701 * Computer Science
445 Computer Science - Systems Analysis 11.0501 * Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst
11.1002 * System, Networking and LAN/WAN Management/Manager
27.0303 * Computational Mathematics
30.0801 Mathematics and Computer Science
446 Operations Research 14.3701 Operations Research
52.0203 * Logistics and Materials Management
52.1301 * Management Science, General
447 Applied Mathematics - Other 27.0303 * Computational Mathematics
27.0399 Applied Mathematics, Other
45.9999 * Social Sciences, Other
52.1301 * Management Science, General
448 Chemistry - General 40.0501 Chemistry, General
449 Analytical Chemistry 40.0502 Analytical Chemistry
40.0599 * Chemistry, Other
450 Inorganic and Organic Chemistry 40.0503 Inorganic Chemistry
40.0504 Organic Chemistry
40.0507 * Polymer Chemistry
452 Physical Chemistry 40.0506 * Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
453 Mathematical and Theoretical Chemistry 40.0506 * Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
40.9999 * Physical Sciences, Other
454 Chemistry - Other 01.1001 * Food Science
40.0506 * Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
40.0507 * Polymer Chemistry
40.0599 * Chemistry, Other
455 Geology 40.0601 Geology/Earth Science, General
456 Geochemistry 40.0602 Geochemistry
457 Geophysics 40.0603 Geophysics and Seismology
40.0699 * Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other
458 Hydrogeology and Hydrology 40.0605 Hydrology and Water Resources Science
40.0699 * Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other
459 Gemology 50.0713 * Metal and Jewellery Arts
460 Geology - Other 03.0104 * Environmental Science
40.0604 Paleontology
40.0606 * Geochemistry and Petrology
40.0699 * Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other
463 Statistics 27.0501 Statistics, General
27.0502 Mathematical Statistics and Probability
27.0599 Statistics, Other
52.1302 Business Statistics
464 Mathematics 27.0101 Mathematics, General
27.0102 Algebra and Number Theory
27.0103 Analysis and Functional Analysis
27.0104 Geometry/Geometric Analysis
27.0105 Topology and Foundations
27.0199 Mathematics, Other
27.0301 * Applied Mathematics, General
27.9999 Mathematics and Statistics, Other
32.0104 Numeracy and Computational Skills
465 Metallurgy 14.3101 * Materials Science
40.0599 * Chemistry, Other
40.9999 * Physical Sciences, Other
466 Meteorology 40.0401 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, General
40.0402 Atmospheric Chemistry and Climatology
40.0403 Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics
40.0404 Meteorology
40.0499 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other
467 Oceanography and Marine Sciences 26.1302 * Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography
40.0607 Oceanography, Chemical and Physical
471 Physics - General 40.0801 * Physics, General
472 Astronomy 40.0201 Astronomy
40.0202 * Astrophysics
40.0203 Planetary Astronomy and Science
473 Nuclear Physics 40.0802 * Atomic/Molecular Physics
40.0806 Nuclear Physics
474 Chemistry Physics 40.0508 Chemical Physics
477 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 40.0810 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
478 Physics - Other 40.0202 * Astrophysics
40.0299 Astronomy and Astrophysics, Other
40.0801 * Physics, General
40.0802 * Atomic/Molecular Physics
40.0804 Elementary Particle Physics
40.0805 Plasma and High-temperature Physics
40.0807 Optics/Optical Sciences
40.0808 Solid State and Low-temperature Physics
40.0809 Acoustics
40.0899 Physics, Other
479 General Science 24.0101 * Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
24.0102 * General Studies
40.0101 Physical Sciences, General
480 Science Lab Technology 41.0399 * Physical Science Technologies/Technicians, Other
41.9999 * Science Technologies/Technicians, Other
51.1004 * Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician
481 All Other, n.e.c. 11.0401 * Information Science/Studies
12.9999 Personal and Culinary Services, Other
15.0801 * Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology/Technician
19.0599 * Foods, Nutrition and Related Services, Other
22.0399 * Legal Support Services, Other
26.0210 Biochemistry/Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Integrated
26.0299 Biochemistry/Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Other
30.0101 Biological and Physical Sciences
30.0601 Systems Science and Theory
31.0101 * Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies
41.0399 * Physical Science Technologies/Technicians, Other
41.9999 * Science Technologies/Technicians, Other
43.0106 * Forensic Science and Technology
43.0111 * Criminalistics and Criminal Science
47.0610 Bicycle Mechanics and Repair Technology/Technician
48.0799 * Woodworking, Other
50.0699 Film/Video and Photographic Arts, Other
50.0706 * Intermedia/Multimedia
51.0709 Medical Office Computer Specialist/Assistant
51.0717 Medical Staff Services Technology/Technician
51.2009 * Industrial and Physical Pharmacy and Cosmetic Sciences (MSc, PhD)
52.0206 * Non-profit/Public/Organizational Management
52.1004 Labour Studies
52.1201 * Management Information Systems, General
52.1206 Information Resources Management/Chief Information Officer (CIO) Training
52.1207 Knowledge Management
52.1299 Management Information Systems and Services, Other
52.1399 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other
60.0302 Veterinary Dentistry Residency Programs
60.0314 Veterinary Surgery Residency Programs
60.0317 Zoological Medicine Residency Programs
60.0399 Veterinary Residency Programs, Other
482 No Specialization 24.0101 * Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
24.0102 * General Studies
24.0199 Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
30.9999 Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other
32.0101 Basic Skills, General
32.0105 Job-seeking/Changing Skills
32.0107 Career Exploration/Awareness Skills
32.0199 Basic Skills, Other
33.0101 Citizenship Activities, General
33.0102 American Citizenship Education
33.0104 Community Involvement
33.0105 Canadian Citizenship Education
33.0199 Citizenship Activities, Other
35.0101 Interpersonal and Social Skills, General
35.0102 Interpersonal Relationships Skills
35.0103 Business and Social Skills
35.0199 Interpersonal and Social Skills, Other
36.0106 Nature Appreciation
36.0107 Pet Ownership and Care
36.0111 Collecting
36.0112 Cooking and Other Domestic Skills
37.0101 Self-awareness and Personal Assessment
37.0102 Stress Management and Coping Skills
37.0103 Personal Decision-making Skills
37.0104 Self-esteem and Values Clarification
37.0199 Personal Awareness and Self-improvement, Other
53.0101 Regular/General High School/Secondary Diploma Programs
53.0102 College/University Preparatory and Advanced High School/Secondary Diploma Programs
53.0103 Vocational High School and Secondary Business/Vocational-Industrial/Occupational Diploma Programs
53.0104 Honours/Regents High School/Secondary Diploma Programs
53.0105 Adult High School/Secondary Diploma Programs
53.0199 High School/Secondary Diploma Programs, Other
53.0201 High School Equivalence Certificate Programs
53.0202 High School Certificate of Competence Programs
53.0203 Certificate of IEP Completion Programs
53.0299 High School/Secondary Certificate Programs, Other

Archived – CIP-MFS and MFS-CIP - Introduction to the concordance

The CIP-MFS and MFS-CIP concordances show the relationship between each 6-digit class of CIP Canada 2000 and each detailed class of the Major Field of Study classification. The concordances provide a detailed mapping of the relationships between the two classifications.

The concordances were built from the example programs provided in CIP Canada 2000 to illustrate the content of each of its classes. Each of these programs was coded to MFS, resulting in a total of over 8,000 programs that were double-coded to the two classification systems. These code pairs were then summarized. This summary shows how the educational programs comprising each CIP class map into the categories of the MFS and, conversely, how the programs in each MFS class map into the categories of the CIP.

The concordances are of a type referred to as 'definitional', 'theoretical' or 'unweighted'. Definitional concordances allow users to see the relationships between the classes of the two systems. They are a convenient summary of the similarities and differences between two classifications. Definitional concordances differ from 'empirical', 'statistical' or 'weighted' concordances in that the latter include a measure of the practical significance of each of the class-to-class relationships.

These definitional concordances will be useful to users wanting to understand the conceptual relationships between the CIP and the MFS classifications. The concordances will also provide a structural framework for users wanting to attach weights for conversion of historical time-series. In each case, the weights will be determined by the relative importance of each field of study within the specific data series being converted. Definitional concordances are also a means of effecting one-to-one conversions.

Archived – How to Read the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada, 2000 and Major Field of Study (MFS) Concordance Tables

The concordance is presented in the form of tables arranged in the sequence of each classification. There are two concordances. The first concordance is in the order of CIP Canada 2000, with the CIP class code shown on the left side of the table. The second concordance is in the order of MFS, with the MFS class code shown on the left side of the table.

Below are examples illustrating types of concordances.

Example 1:
The CIP Canada 2000 and MFS class titles are identical, only the class codes are different. Concordance between the CIP Canada 2000 (first two columns: code, title) and the MFS (third and fourth columns: code, title).

Example 1:
The CIP Canada 2000 and MFS class titles are identical, only the class codes are different.
CIP Canada 2000 MFS
Code Title Code Title
01.0103 Agricultural Economics 139 Agricultural Economics

Example 2:
The CIP Canada 2000 and MFS classes are identical, but the code and title are different. Concordance between the CIP Canada 2001 (first two columns: code, title) and the MFS (third and fourth columns: code, title).

Example 2:
The CIP Canada 2000 and MFS classes are identical, but the code and title are different.
CIP Canada 2000 MFS
Code Title Code Title
13.1205 Secondary Education and Teaching 005 Secondary School Teaching

Example 3:
A class in one classification is equal to more than one class in the other classification. Concordance between the MFS (first two columns: code, title) and the CIP Canada 2000 (third and fourth columns: code, title).

Example 3:
A class in one classification is equal to more than one class in the other classification.
MFS CIP Canada 2000
Code Title Code Title
073 Interior Design and Decorating 19.0605 Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers
50.0408 Interior Design

Example 4:
A class in one classification is equivalent to part of a class in the other classification. Concordance between the CIP Canada 2000 (first two columns: code, title) and the MFS (third and fourth columns: code, title).

When the concordance relates one class on the left to only part of the class on the right, this partial relationship is denoted by an asterisk against the code on the right. (Note that the asterisk marked class will reappear against all the classes to which it partially relates.)

Example 4:
A class in one classification is equivalent to part of a class in the other classification.
CIP Canada 2000 MFS
Code Title Code Title
46.0402 Concrete Finishing/Concrete Finisher 314 * Masonry (Brick, Concrete, Stone)

Example 5:
A class in one classification is linked to more than one class in the other classification. Concordance between the CIP Canada 2000 (first two columns: code, title) and the MFS (third and fourth columns: code, title).

Example 5:
A class in one classification is linked to more than one class in the other classification.
CIP Canada 2000 MFS
Code Title Code Title
51.0913 Athletic Training/Trainer 033 * Physical Education and Health
038 * Sports Administration
424 * Physiotherapy
439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other

Example 6:
A class in one classification is linked to more than one class in the other classification, sometimes accounting for the entire class and sometimes only part of it. Concordance between the CIP Canada 2000 (first two columns: code, title) and the MFS (third and fourth columns: code, title).

Example 6:
A class in one classification is linked to more than one class in the other classification, sometimes accounting for the entire class and sometimes only part of it.
CIP Canada 2000 MFS
Code Title Code Title
46.0404 Drywall Installation/ Drywaller 311 Drywall, Lathing, Plastering
315 * Plumbing and Related Pipe Trades

Users are cautioned that data coded to one classification cannot automatically be converted to the other with the help of these concordance tables except for those classes that are identical.

Archived – CIP - MFS Concordance

Concordance between the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) (first two columns: CIP, CIP title) and the Major Field of Study (MFS) (third and fourth columns: MFS, MFS title).

CIP - MFS Concordance
01.0000 Agriculture, General 221 * Agricultural Science - General
230 * Agricultural Technology - General
01.0101 Agricultural Business and Management, General 231 * Agricultural Business
01.0102 Agribusiness/Agricultural Business Operations 231 * Agricultural Business
232 * Farming
01.0103 Agricultural Economics 139 Agricultural Economics
01.0104 Farm/Farm and Ranch Management 231 * Agricultural Business
01.0105 Agricultural/Farm Supplies Retailing and Wholesaling 209 * Retailing and Sales
01.0106 Agricultural Business Technology 231 * Agricultural Business
01.0199 Agricultural Business and Management, Other 224 * Food Science
229 * Agricultural Science - Other
231 * Agricultural Business
233 * Agricultural Technology - Other
01.0201 Agricultural Mechanization, General 351 * Agricultural Mechanics
01.0204 Agricultural Power Machinery Operation 230 * Agricultural Technology - General
01.0205 Agricultural Mechanics and Equipment/Machine Technology 351 * Agricultural Mechanics
01.0299 Agricultural Mechanization, Other 351 * Agricultural Mechanics
01.0301 Agricultural Production Operations, General 231 * Agricultural Business
232 * Farming
233 * Agricultural Technology - Other
01.0302 Animal/Livestock Husbandry and Production 235 * Dairy and Livestock Technology
238 * Animal Science Technologies - Other
01.0303 Aquaculture 263 * Aquaculture and Fisheries
01.0304 Crop Production 223 * Crop Science / Agronomy
233 * Agricultural Technology - Other
01.0306 Dairy Husbandry and Production 235 * Dairy and Livestock Technology
264 * Food Processing Technologies - General
01.0307 Horse Husbandry/Equine Science and Management 236 * Equine Studies
238 * Animal Science Technologies - Other
01.0399 Agricultural Production Operations, Other 221 * Agricultural Science - General
232 * Farming
233 * Agricultural Technology - Other
01.0401 Agricultural and Food Products Processing 233 * Agricultural Technology - Other
263 * Aquaculture and Fisheries
264 * Food Processing Technologies - General
01.0504 Dog/Pet/Animal Grooming 237 * Veterinary Technician / Animal Care
01.0505 Animal Training 236 * Equine Studies
238 * Animal Science Technologies - Other
01.0507 Equestrian/Equine Studies 039 * Fitness and Other Physical Recreation
236 * Equine Studies
01.0508 Taxidermy/Taxidermist 072 * Handicrafts (Arts and Crafts)
238 * Animal Science Technologies - Other
01.0599 Agricultural and Domestic Animal Services, Other 238 * Animal Science Technologies - Other
01.0601 Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations, General 225 * Horticulture/Floriculture
01.0603 Ornamental Horticulture 225 * Horticulture/Floriculture
01.0604 Greenhouse Operations and Management 225 * Horticulture/Floriculture
01.0605 Landscaping and Groundskeeping 299 * Landscape Architecture - General
300 * Landscape Horticulture
301 * Landscape Technology
01.0606 Plant Nursery Operations and Management 225 * Horticulture/Floriculture
01.0607 Turf and Turfgrass Management 301 * Landscape Technology
01.0608 Floriculture/Floristry Operations and Management 209 * Retailing and Sales
225 * Horticulture/Floriculture
227 Floral Design / Florist
01.0699 Applied Horticulture/Horticultural Business Services, Other 225 * Horticulture/Floriculture
300 * Landscape Horticulture
01.0701 International Agriculture 233 * Agricultural Technology - Other
01.0801 Agricultural and Extension Education Services 221 * Agricultural Science - General
01.0802 Agricultural Communication/Journalism 090 * Communications
093 * Journalism, News Reporting
01.0899 Agricultural Public Services, Other 184 * Social Services - Other
01.0901 Animal Sciences, General 222 * Animal Science - General
238 * Animal Science Technologies - Other
01.0902 Agricultural Animal Breeding 222 * Animal Science - General
238 * Animal Science Technologies - Other
258 * Animal Biology
01.0903 Animal Health 234 * Animal Health Technology
01.0904 Animal Nutrition 222 * Animal Science - General
01.0905 Dairy Science 235 * Dairy and Livestock Technology
01.0906 Livestock Management 235 * Dairy and Livestock Technology
01.0907 Poultry Science 229 * Agricultural Science - Other
235 * Dairy and Livestock Technology
01.0999 Animal Sciences, Other 222 * Animal Science - General
01.1001 Food Science 224 * Food Science
454 * Chemistry - Other
01.1002 Food Technology and Processing 252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
264 * Food Processing Technologies - General
01.1099 Food Science and Technology, Other 224 * Food Science
252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
01.1101 Plant Sciences, General 226 * Plant Science
01.1102 Agronomy and Crop Science 223 * Crop Science / Agronomy
01.1103 Horticultural Science 225 * Horticulture/Floriculture
01.1104 Agricultural and Horticultural Plant Breeding 248 * Plant Sciences - Specialized
01.1105 Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management 223 * Crop Science / Agronomy
233 * Agricultural Technology - Other
248 * Plant Sciences - Specialized
259 * Entomology
01.1106 Range Science and Management 229 * Agricultural Science - Other
235 * Dairy and Livestock Technology
01.1199 Plant Sciences, Other 223 * Crop Science / Agronomy
226 * Plant Science
01.1201 Soil Science and Agronomy, General 228 * Soil Science / Agrology
01.1202 Soil Chemistry and Physics 228 * Soil Science / Agrology
01.1203 Soil Microbiology 228 * Soil Science / Agrology
01.1299 Soil Sciences, Other 228 * Soil Science / Agrology
233 * Agricultural Technology - Other
01.9999 Agriculture, Agriculture Operations and Related Sciences, Other 229 * Agricultural Science - Other
03.0101 Natural Resources/Conservation, General 328 * Environmental Technology - General
03.0103 Environmental Studies 158 Environmental Studies - General
03.0104 Environmental Science 288 * Environmental/Resource Engineering
460 * Geology - Other
03.0199 Natural Resources Conservation and Research, Other 328 * Environmental Technology - General
331 * Renewable Resources Technology
03.0201 Natural Resources Management and Policy, General 160 * Resource Management
266 * Natural Sciences
328 * Environmental Technology - General
331 * Renewable Resources Technology
03.0204 Natural Resource Economics 143 * Economics - Other
03.0205 Water, Wetlands and Marine Resources Management 160 * Resource Management
328 * Environmental Technology - General
329 * Water Treatment Technologies
03.0206 Land Use Planning and Management/Development 160 * Resource Management
161 * Urban and Regional Planning
03.0299 Natural Resources Management and Policy, Other 294 * Forestry - General
298 * Forestry - Other
328 * Environmental Technology - General
332 * Fish and Wildlife Technology
03.0301 Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management 260 * Fisheries Biology
263 * Aquaculture and Fisheries
03.0501 Forestry, General 294 * Forestry - General
03.0502 Forest Sciences and Biology 259 * Entomology
294 * Forestry - General
298 * Forestry - Other
03.0506 Forest Management/Forest Resources Management 294 * Forestry - General
298 * Forestry - Other
03.0508 Urban Forestry 298 * Forestry - Other
03.0509 Wood Science and Wood Products/Pulp and Paper Technology 359 * Forest Products Technology
03.0510 Forest Resources Production and Management 359 * Forest Products Technology
03.0511 Forest Technology/Technician 183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
359 * Forest Products Technology
03.0599 Forestry, Other 330 Forest Conservation Technologies
359 * Forest Products Technology
03.0601 Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management 296 Forest Wildlife Management
332 * Fish and Wildlife Technology
03.9999 Natural Resources and Conservation, Other 265 * Trapping
332 * Fish and Wildlife Technology
04.0201 Architecture (BArch, BA/BSc, MArch, MA/MSc, PhD) 267 * Architecture - General
04.0301 City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning 151 * Urban Geography
161 * Urban and Regional Planning
267 * Architecture - General
04.0401 Environmental Design/Architecture 299 * Landscape Architecture - General
04.0501 Interior Architecture 268 * Architectural Engineering/Design
04.0601 Landscape Architecture (BSc, BSLA, BLA, MSLA, MLA, PhD) 299 * Landscape Architecture - General
301 * Landscape Technology
04.0801 Architectural History and Criticism 087 * History - Other
04.0901 Architectural Technology/Technician 268 * Architectural Engineering/Design
302 * Architectural Technology - General
04.9999 Architecture and Related Services, Other 267 * Architecture - General
05.0101 African Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0102 American/United States Studies/Civilization 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0103 Asian Studies/Civilization 131 * Asian Studies
05.0104 East Asian Studies 131 * Asian Studies
05.0105 Central/Middle and Eastern European Studies 136 * Russian and Slavic Studies
137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0106 European Studies/Civilization 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0107 Latin American Studies 134 * Latin American Studies
05.0108 Near and Middle Eastern Studies 135 * Islamic and Near Eastern Studies
05.0109 Pacific Area/Pacific Rim Studies 131 * Asian Studies
05.0110 Russian Studies 136 * Russian and Slavic Studies
05.0111 Scandinavian Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0112 South Asian Studies 131 * Asian Studies
05.0113 Southeast Asian Studies 131 * Asian Studies
05.0114 Western European Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0115 Canadian Studies 132 * Canadian Studies
05.0116 Balkan Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0117 Baltic Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0118 Slavic Studies 136 * Russian and Slavic Studies
05.0119 Caribbean Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0120 Ural-Altaic and Central Asian Studies 131 * Asian Studies
05.0121 Commonwealth Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0122 Regional Studies (U.S., Canadian, Foreign) 132 * Canadian Studies
05.0123 Chinese Studies 131 * Asian Studies
05.0124 French Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0125 German Studies 133 Germanic Studies
05.0126 Italian Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0127 Japanese Studies 131 * Asian Studies
05.0128 Korean Studies 131 * Asian Studies
05.0129 Polish Studies 136 * Russian and Slavic Studies
05.0130 Spanish and Iberian Studies 134 * Latin American Studies
137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0131 Tibetan Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0132 Ukraine Studies 136 * Russian and Slavic Studies
05.0199 Area Studies, Other 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0201 African American/Black Studies 132 * Canadian Studies
137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0202 Aboriginal Studies 132 * Canadian Studies
137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0203 Hispanic American, Puerto Rican and Mexican American/Chicano Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0206 Asian American Studies 137 * Area Studies - Other
05.0207 Women's Studies 177 * Sociology - Other
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
05.0208 Gay/Lesbian Studies 177 * Sociology - Other
05.0299 Ethnic, Cultural Minority and Gender Studies, Other 177 * Sociology - Other
05.9999 Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender Studies, Other 124 * Humanities and Related Fields, n.e.c. - Other
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
09.0101 Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric 090 * Communications
09.0102 Mass Communication/Media Studies 090 * Communications
09.0199 Communication and Media Studies, Other 090 * Communications
09.0401 Journalism, General 093 * Journalism, News Reporting
09.0402 Broadcast Journalism 093 * Journalism, News Reporting
09.0404 Photojournalism 093 * Journalism, News Reporting
09.0499 Journalism, Other 093 * Journalism, News Reporting
09.0701 Radio and Television 092 * Radio and Television
09.0702 Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia 090 * Communications
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
326 * Telecommunications Technology
09.0799 Radio, Television and Digital Communication, Other 092 * Radio and Television
09.0901 Organizational Communication, General 090 * Communications
09.0902 Public Relations/Image Management 206 * Public Relations and Customer Services
09.0903 Advertising 063 * Advertising Art
069 * Printing and Publishing
090 * Communications
207 * Marketing
09.0904 Political Communication 090 * Communications
09.0905 Health Communication 090 * Communications
09.0999 Public Relations, Advertising and Applied Communication, Other 090 * Communications
206 * Public Relations and Customer Services
207 * Marketing
09.1001 Publishing 069 * Printing and Publishing
09.9999 Communication, Journalism and Related Programs, Other 090 * Communications
10.0105 Communications Technology/Technician 326 * Telecommunications Technology
10.0201 Photographic and Film/Video Technology/Technician and Assistant 067 * Photography
091 * Cinematography, Film Studies
10.0202 Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician 092 * Radio and Television
325 * Radio and Television Technology
326 * Telecommunications Technology
10.0203 Recording Arts Technology/Technician 278 * Sound and Recording Engineering
325 * Radio and Television Technology
10.0299 Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians, Other 070 * Audio-visual Arts
327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
10.0301 Graphic Communications, General 065 * Graphic Arts and Design
069 * Printing and Publishing
10.0302 Printing Management 069 * Printing and Publishing
10.0303 Prepress/Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design 065 * Graphic Arts and Design
069 * Printing and Publishing
327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
10.0304 Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects 047 * Fine Arts - General
091 * Cinematography, Film Studies
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
10.0305 Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator, General Production 066 * Lithography
069 * Printing and Publishing
10.0306 Platemaker/Imager 067 * Photography
069 * Printing and Publishing
10.0307 Printing Press Operator 069 * Printing and Publishing
10.0308 Computer Typography and Composition Equipment Operator 069 * Printing and Publishing
10.0399 Graphic Communications, Other 069 * Printing and Publishing
10.9999 Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services, Other 326 * Telecommunications Technology
11.0101 Computer and Information Sciences, General 321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
444 * Computer Science - General
11.0102 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 320 * Computer Programming
444 * Computer Science - General
11.0103 Information Technology 318 * Data Processing and Data Entry
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.0199 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, General, Other 321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.0201 Computer Programming/Programmer, General 320 * Computer Programming
11.0202 Computer Programming, Specific Applications 320 * Computer Programming
444 * Computer Science - General
11.0203 Computer Programming, Vendor/Product Certification 320 * Computer Programming
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.0299 Computer Programming, Other 320 * Computer Programming
11.0301 Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician 318 * Data Processing and Data Entry
11.0401 Information Science/Studies 321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
11.0501 Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst 200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
320 * Computer Programming
445 * Computer Science - Systems Analysis
11.0601 Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications, General 318 * Data Processing and Data Entry
11.0602 Word Processing 219 * Word Processing
11.0699 Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications, Other 318 * Data Processing and Data Entry
11.0701 Computer Science 319 * Computer Science Technology
444 * Computer Science - General
11.0801 Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design 321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.0802 Data Modelling/Warehousing and Database Administration 318 * Data Processing and Data Entry
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.0803 Computer Graphics 320 * Computer Programming
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.0899 Computer Software and Media Applications, Other 321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.0901 Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications 319 * Computer Science Technology
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.1001 System Administration/Administrator 319 * Computer Science Technology
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.1002 System, Networking and LAN/WAN Management/Manager 200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
445 * Computer Science - Systems Analysis
11.1003 Computer and Information Systems Security 321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.1004 Web/Multimedia Management and Webmaster 321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.1099 Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management, Other 200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
11.9999 Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other 321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
12.0301 Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, General 114 * Philosophy - Specialized
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
203 * Funeral Directing and Embalming
12.0302 Funeral Direction/Service 203 * Funeral Directing and Embalming
12.0303 Mortuary Science and Embalming/Embalmer 177 * Sociology - Other
203 * Funeral Directing and Embalming
12.0399 Funeral Service and Mortuary Science, Other 203 * Funeral Directing and Embalming
12.0401 Cosmetology/Cosmetologist, General 076 * Beauty Culture and Cosmetology
12.0402 Barbering/Barber 075 Barbering
12.0404 Electrolysis/Electrology and Electrolysis Technician 076 * Beauty Culture and Cosmetology
12.0406 Makeup Artist/Specialist 076 * Beauty Culture and Cosmetology
12.0407 Hair Styling/Stylist and Hair Design 077 * Hairdressing
12.0408 Facial Treatment Specialist/Facialist 076 * Beauty Culture and Cosmetology
12.0409 Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist 076 * Beauty Culture and Cosmetology
12.0410 Nail Technician/Specialist and Manicurist 076 * Beauty Culture and Cosmetology
12.0411 Permanent Cosmetics/Makeup and Tattooing 076 * Beauty Culture and Cosmetology
12.0412 Salon/Beauty Salon Management/Manager 076 * Beauty Culture and Cosmetology
077 * Hairdressing
191 * Business and Commerce - Other
12.0413 Cosmetology, Barber/Styling and Nail Instructor 017 * Industrial/Vocational Education
046 * Postsecondary Education Training
12.0499 Cosmetology and Related Personal Grooming Services, Other 076 * Beauty Culture and Cosmetology
12.0500 Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General 253 * Food Services and Preparation
12.0501 Baking and Pastry Arts/Baker/Pastry Chef 253 * Food Services and Preparation
12.0502 Bartending/Bartender 253 * Food Services and Preparation
12.0503 Culinary Arts/Chef Training 253 * Food Services and Preparation
12.0504 Restaurant, Culinary and Catering Management/Manager 202 * Hotel and Food Administration
253 * Food Services and Preparation
12.0505 Food Preparation/Professional Cooking/Kitchen Assistant 253 * Food Services and Preparation
12.0506 Meat Cutting/Meat Cutter 264 * Food Processing Technologies - General
12.0507 Food Service, Waiter/Waitress and Dining Room Management/Manager 202 * Hotel and Food Administration
253 * Food Services and Preparation
12.0508 Institutional Food Workers 253 * Food Services and Preparation
12.0599 Culinary Arts and Related Services, Other 209 * Retailing and Sales
253 * Food Services and Preparation
12.9999 Personal and Culinary Services, Other 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
13.0101 Education, General 001 * Education - General
002 * Elementary School Teaching - General
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.0201 Bilingual and Multilingual Education 045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.0202 Multicultural Education 026 * Special Education - Other
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.0203 Aboriginal Education 023 * Native Education
13.0299 Bilingual, Multilingual and Multicultural Education, Other 045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.0301 Curriculum and Instruction 012 * Secondary Basic Curriculum - Other
13.0401 Educational Leadership and Administration, General 028 * Educational Administration
13.0402 Administration of Special Education 028 * Educational Administration
13.0403 Adult and Continuing Education Administration 028 * Educational Administration
13.0404 Educational, Instructional and Curriculum Supervision 028 * Educational Administration
13.0406 Higher Education/Higher Education Administration 028 * Educational Administration
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
046 * Postsecondary Education Training
13.0407 Community College and General and Vocational College (CEGEP) Administration 028 * Educational Administration
046 * Postsecondary Education Training
13.0408 Elementary and Middle School Administration/Principalship 028 * Educational Administration
13.0409 Secondary School Administration/Principalship 028 * Educational Administration
13.0410 Urban Education and Leadership 028 * Educational Administration
13.0411 Superintendency and Educational System Administration 028 * Educational Administration
13.0499 Educational Administration and Supervision, Other 028 * Educational Administration
13.0501 Educational/Instructional Media Design 012 * Secondary Basic Curriculum - Other
027 Educational Technology
13.0601 Educational Evaluation and Research 029 * Educational Psychology and Measurement
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.0603 Educational Statistics and Research Methods 045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.0604 Educational Assessment, Testing and Measurement 028 * Educational Administration
029 * Educational Psychology and Measurement
13.0699 Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Research, Other 045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.0701 International and Comparative Education 045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.0901 Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education 001 * Education - General
011 * Social Studies Teaching
031 Philosophy of Education
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.1001 Special Education and Teaching, General 021 * Special Education Teaching
026 * Special Education - Other
029 * Educational Psychology and Measurement
13.1003 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness 021 * Special Education Teaching
026 * Special Education - Other
13.1004 Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented 026 * Special Education - Other
13.1005 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Emotional Disturbances 026 * Special Education - Other
13.1006 Education/Teaching of Intellectually-impaired Individuals 021 * Special Education Teaching
026 * Special Education - Other
13.1007 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities 026 * Special Education - Other
13.1008 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Orthopedic and Other Physical Health Impairments 021 * Special Education Teaching
026 * Special Education - Other
13.1009 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Vision Impairments Including Blindness 026 * Special Education - Other
13.1011 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities 026 * Special Education - Other
13.1012 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Speech or Language Impairments 026 * Special Education - Other
13.1013 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Autism 026 * Special Education - Other
13.1014 Education/Teaching of Individuals Who are Developmentally Delayed 026 * Special Education - Other
13.1015 Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs 021 * Special Education Teaching
13.1016 Education/Teaching of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries 026 * Special Education - Other
13.1099 Special Education and Teaching, Other 026 * Special Education - Other
13.1101 Counsellor Education/School Counselling and Guidance Services 040 * Counselling Services - General
043 Vocational Counselling
13.1102 College Student Counselling and Personnel Services 040 * Counselling Services - General
13.1199 Student Counselling and Personnel Services, Other 044 * Counselling Services - Other
13.1201 Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching 013 * Adult Education
13.1202 Elementary Education and Teaching 002 * Elementary School Teaching - General
13.1203 Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching 002 * Elementary School Teaching - General
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.1205 Secondary Education and Teaching 005 Secondary School Teaching
13.1206 Teacher Education, Multiple Levels 001 * Education - General
002 * Elementary School Teaching - General
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.1207 Montessori Teacher Education 001 * Education - General
004 * Early Childhood Education
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.1208 Waldorf/Steiner Teacher Education 045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.1209 Kindergarten/Preschool Education and Teaching 004 * Early Childhood Education
13.1210 Early Childhood Education and Teaching 004 * Early Childhood Education
13.1299 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other 046 * Postsecondary Education Training
13.1301 Agricultural Teacher Education 017 * Industrial/Vocational Education
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.1302 Art Teacher Education 014 * Art and Fine Art Education
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.1303 Business Teacher Education 015 * Business Education
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
046 * Postsecondary Education Training
13.1304 Driver and Safety Teacher Education 367 * Motor Transportation - Driving Instructor
13.1305 English/English Language Arts Teacher Education 006 English Language Teaching
13.1306 Aboriginal and Foreign Language Teacher Education 008 * Other Language Teaching
13.1307 Health Teacher Education 033 * Physical Education and Health
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.1308 Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics Teacher Education 016 Home Economics Education
13.1309 Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education 017 * Industrial/Vocational Education
13.1310 Sales and Marketing Operations/Marketing and Distribution Teacher Education 015 * Business Education
13.1311 Mathematics Teacher Education 009 * Mathematics and/or Science Teaching
13.1312 Music Teacher Education 018 * Music Education
13.1314 Physical Education Teaching and Coaching 033 * Physical Education and Health
13.1315 Reading Teacher Education 003 Elementary School Teaching - Specialized
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.1316 Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education 009 * Mathematics and/or Science Teaching
13.1317 Social Science Teacher Education 011 * Social Studies Teaching
046 * Postsecondary Education Training
13.1318 Social Studies Teacher Education 011 * Social Studies Teaching
13.1319 Technical Teacher Education 017 * Industrial/Vocational Education
13.1320 Trade and Industrial Teacher Education 017 * Industrial/Vocational Education
046 * Postsecondary Education Training
13.1321 Computer Teacher Education 010 Computer Teaching
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
13.1322 Biology Teacher Education 009 * Mathematics and/or Science Teaching
13.1323 Chemistry Teacher Education 009 * Mathematics and/or Science Teaching
13.1324 Drama and Dance Teacher Education 014 * Art and Fine Art Education
13.1325 French Language/French Language Arts Teacher Education 007 French Language Teaching
13.1326 German Language Teacher Education 008 * Other Language Teaching
13.1327 Health Occupations Teacher Education 045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
046 * Postsecondary Education Training
13.1328 History Teacher Education 011 * Social Studies Teaching
13.1329 Physics Teacher Education 009 * Mathematics and/or Science Teaching
13.1330 Spanish Language Teacher Education 008 * Other Language Teaching
13.1331 Speech Teacher Education 021 * Special Education Teaching
026 * Special Education - Other
13.1332 Geography Teacher Education 011 * Social Studies Teaching
13.1333 Latin Teacher Education 008 * Other Language Teaching
13.1334 School Librarian/School Library Media Specialist 088 * Library/Documentation Science
13.1335 Psychology Teacher Education 011 * Social Studies Teaching
13.1399 Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other 023 * Native Education
034 * Kinesiology
035 * Recreation
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
046 * Postsecondary Education Training
088 * Library/Documentation Science
182 * Law Enforcement
13.1401 Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor 045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
121 * Second Language Training
13.1402 Teaching French as a Second or Foreign Language 121 * Second Language Training
13.1499 Teaching English or French as a Second or Foreign Language, Other 045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
121 * Second Language Training
13.1501 Teaching Assistants/Aides, General 032 * Educational Assistant
13.1502 Adult Literacy Tutor/Instructor 013 * Adult Education
026 * Special Education - Other
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.1599 Teaching Assistants/Aides, Other 032 * Educational Assistant
045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
13.9999 Education, Other 045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
14.0101 Engineering, General 293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.0201 Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 270 * Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
14.0301 Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 264 * Food Processing Technologies - General
271 * Biochemical Engineering
287 Agricultural Engineering
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.0401 Architectural Engineering 268 * Architectural Engineering/Design
14.0501 Biomedical/Medical Engineering 272 Biomedical Engineering
14.0601 Ceramic Sciences and Engineering 284 * Metallurgical Engineering
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.0701 Chemical Engineering 273 * Chemical Engineering
14.0801 Civil Engineering, General 274 * Civil Engineering
14.0802 Geotechnical Engineering 283 * Geological Engineering
14.0803 Structural Engineering 274 * Civil Engineering
14.0804 Transportation and Highway Engineering 274 * Civil Engineering
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
363 * Transportation Technology - General
14.0805 Water Resources Engineering 290 Water Resources Engineering
14.0899 Civil Engineering, Other 274 * Civil Engineering
14.0901 Computer Engineering, General 276 * Computer Engineering
14.0902 Computer Hardware Engineering 276 * Computer Engineering
14.0903 Computer Software Engineering 276 * Computer Engineering
14.0999 Computer Engineering, Other 276 * Computer Engineering
14.1001 Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering 277 Electrical/Electronic Engineering - General
282 * Power Engineering
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.1101 Engineering Mechanics 293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
349 * Mechanical Engineering Technology - General
14.1201 Engineering Physics 292 Engineering Physics
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.1301 Engineering Science 291 * Engineering Science - General
14.1401 Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering 288 * Environmental/Resource Engineering
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.1801 Materials Engineering 293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.1901 Mechanical Engineering 280 Mechanical Engineering - General
14.2001 Metallurgical Engineering 284 * Metallurgical Engineering
14.2101 Mining and Mineral Engineering 285 * Mining Engineering
14.2201 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 289 * Marine Engineering
308 * Boat, Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture
14.2301 Nuclear Engineering 293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.2401 Ocean Engineering 289 * Marine Engineering
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.2501 Petroleum Engineering 286 * Petroleum Engineering
14.2701 Systems Engineering 275 * Systems Design Engineering
279 * Industrial Engineering - General
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
14.2801 Textile Sciences and Engineering 293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.3101 Materials Science 293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
465 * Metallurgy
14.3201 Polymer/Plastics Engineering 273 * Chemical Engineering
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.3301 Construction Engineering 268 * Architectural Engineering/Design
274 * Civil Engineering
14.3401 Forest Engineering 295 * Forest Engineering
14.3501 Industrial Engineering 279 * Industrial Engineering - General
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.3601 Manufacturing Engineering 279 * Industrial Engineering - General
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.3701 Operations Research 446 * Operations Research
14.3801 Surveying Engineering 152 Geography - Other
274 * Civil Engineering
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
14.3901 Geological/Geophysical Engineering 283 * Geological Engineering
14.9999 Engineering, Other 271 * Biochemical Engineering
274 * Civil Engineering
275 * Systems Design Engineering
281 Instrumentation Engineering
282 * Power Engineering
284 * Metallurgical Engineering
285 * Mining Engineering
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
295 * Forest Engineering
15.0000 Engineering Technology, General 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0101 Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician 302 * Architectural Technology - General
15.0201 Civil Engineering Technology/Technician 333 Civil Engineering Technologies - General
15.0303 Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician 322 * Electronic Technology
323 * Electrical Technology
326 * Telecommunications Technology
327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
15.0304 Laser and Optical Technology/Technician 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0305 Telecommunications Technology/Technician 326 * Telecommunications Technology
15.0399 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other 324 Radar Technology
327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
15.0401 Biomedical Technology/Technician 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
427 Biomedical Electronic Technology
15.0403 Electromechanical Technology/Electromechanical Engineering Technology 322 * Electronic Technology
327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
349 * Mechanical Engineering Technology - General
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0404 Instrumentation Technology/Technician 337 * Instrumentation Technology
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0405 Robotics Technology/Technician 348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0499 Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maintenance Technologies/Technicians, Other 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0501 Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology/Technician (ACH/ACR/ACHR/HRAC/HVAC/AC Technology) 312 * Heat and Insulation
341 * Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0503 Energy Management and Systems Technology/Technician 358 * Power/Stationary Engineering
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0505 Solar Energy Technology/Technician 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0506 Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology/Technician 329 * Water Treatment Technologies
362 * Water Well Drilling and Primary Resources - Other
15.0507 Environmental Engineering Technology/Environmental Technology 328 * Environmental Technology - General
15.0508 Hazardous Materials Management and Waste Technology/Technician 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0599 Environmental Control Technologies/Technicians, Other 328 * Environmental Technology - General
329 * Water Treatment Technologies
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0607 Plastics Engineering Technology/Technician 306 * Plastics Engineering Technology
15.0611 Metallurgical Technology/Technician 360 * Mining Technology
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0612 Industrial Technology/Technician 340 * Industrial Millwright
348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
15.0613 Manufacturing Technology/Technician 348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
349 * Mechanical Engineering Technology - General
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0699 Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians, Other 306 * Plastics Engineering Technology
316 * Welding Technologies
348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0701 Occupational Safety and Health Technology/Technician 418 * Industrial Health
15.0702 Quality Control Technology/Technician 348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0703 Industrial Safety Technology/Technician 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
418 * Industrial Health
419 * Industrial Hygiene
15.0704 Hazardous Materials Information Systems Technology/Technician 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
418 * Industrial Health
15.0799 Quality Control and Safety Technologies/Technicians, Other 183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
418 * Industrial Health
15.0801 Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology/Technician 350 * Aircraft/Aviation/Avionics Engineering Technology
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
15.0803 Automotive Engineering Technology/Technician 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.0805 Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology/Technician 349 * Mechanical Engineering Technology - General
15.0899 Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians, Other 289 * Marine Engineering
355 * Marine Mechanics
15.0901 Mining Technology/Technician 360 * Mining Technology
15.0903 Petroleum Technology/Technician 361 * Petroleum Technologies
15.0999 Mining and Petroleum Technologies/Technicians, Other 360 * Mining Technology
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.1001 Construction Engineering Technology/Technician 309 * Building Technology
334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
15.1102 Surveying Technology/Surveying 145 * Cartography
339 * Surveying Technology
15.1103 Hydraulics and Fluid Power Technology/Technician 338 * Non-plumbing Piping Technologies
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.1199 Engineering-related Technologies, Other 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.1201 Computer Engineering Technology/Technician, General 319 * Computer Science Technology
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
15.1202 Computer Technology/Computer Systems Technology 319 * Computer Science Technology
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.1203 Computer Hardware Technology/Technician 319 * Computer Science Technology
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.1204 Computer Software Technology/Technician 320 * Computer Programming
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.1299 Computer Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.1301 Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, General 335 * Drafting - General
336 * Drafting - Specialized
15.1302 CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician 336 * Drafting - Specialized
15.1303 Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD 303 Architectural Drafting
336 * Drafting - Specialized
15.1304 Civil Drafting and Civil Engineering CAD/CADD 336 * Drafting - Specialized
339 * Surveying Technology
15.1305 Electrical/Electronics Drafting and Electrical/Electronics CAD/CADD 336 * Drafting - Specialized
15.1306 Mechanical Drafting and Mechanical Drafting CAD/CADD 336 * Drafting - Specialized
15.1399 Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other 336 * Drafting - Specialized
15.1401 Nuclear Engineering Technology/Technician 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.1501 Engineering/Industrial Management 200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
15.9999 Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other 183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
230 * Agricultural Technology - General
304 * Chemical Technology - General
308 * Boat, Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture
328 * Environmental Technology - General
360 * Mining Technology
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
16.0101 Aboriginal and Foreign Languages and Literatures, General 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.0102 Linguistics 108 * Linguistics
16.0103 Language Interpretation and Translation 122 * Translation and Interpretation
16.0104 Comparative Literature 103 Comparative Literature
16.0199 Linguistic, Comparative and Related Language Studies and Services, Other 108 * Linguistics
122 * Translation and Interpretation
16.0201 African Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.0300 East Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0301 Chinese Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0302 Japanese Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0303 Korean Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0304 Tibetan Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0399 East Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0400 Slavic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 107 * Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature
108 * Linguistics
16.0401 Baltic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 107 * Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature
16.0402 Russian Language and Literature 107 * Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature
16.0404 Albanian Language and Literature 107 * Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature
16.0405 Bulgarian Language and Literature 107 * Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature
16.0406 Czech Language and Literature 107 * Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature
16.0407 Polish Language and Literature 107 * Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature
16.0408 Serbian, Croatian and Serbo-Croatian Languages and Literatures 107 * Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature
16.0409 Slovak Language and Literature 107 * Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature
16.0410 Ukrainian Language and Literature 107 * Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature
16.0499 Slavic, Baltic and Albanian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 107 * Slavic or Eastern European Languages and Literature
16.0500 Germanic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 105 * Germanic Language and Literature
108 * Linguistics
16.0501 German Language and Literature 105 * Germanic Language and Literature
108 * Linguistics
16.0502 Scandinavian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 105 * Germanic Language and Literature
16.0503 Danish Language and Literature 105 * Germanic Language and Literature
16.0504 Dutch/Flemish Language and Literature 105 * Germanic Language and Literature
16.0505 Norwegian Language and Literature 105 * Germanic Language and Literature
16.0506 Swedish Language and Literature 105 * Germanic Language and Literature
16.0599 Germanic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 105 * Germanic Language and Literature
16.0601 Modern Greek Language and Literature 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.0700 South Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0701 Hindi Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0702 Sanskrit and Classical Indian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 081 * Latin, Greek and Other Classical Languages
16.0704 Bengali Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0705 Punjabi Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0706 Tamil Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0707 Urdu Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0799 South Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.0801 Iranian/Persian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.0900 Romance Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 108 * Linguistics
109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.0902 Italian Language and Literature 106 Italian Language and Literature
16.0904 Portuguese Language and Literature 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.0905 Spanish Language and Literature 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.0906 Romanian Language and Literature 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.0907 Catalan Language and Literature 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.0999 Romance Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 102 * French Language and Literature - Specialized
109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1001 Aboriginal Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1100 Semitic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1101 Arabic Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.1102 Hebrew Language and Literature 081 * Latin, Greek and Other Classical Languages
109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1103 Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 081 * Latin, Greek and Other Classical Languages
115 * Religion, Religious Studies
16.1199 Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1200 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 080 * Classics
081 * Latin, Greek and Other Classical Languages
16.1202 Ancient/Classical Greek Language and Literature 081 * Latin, Greek and Other Classical Languages
16.1203 Latin Language and Literature 081 * Latin, Greek and Other Classical Languages
16.1299 Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 081 * Latin, Greek and Other Classical Languages
16.1301 Celtic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1400 Southeast Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, General 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.1401 Australian/Oceanic/Pacific Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1402 Bahasa Indonesian/Bahasa Malay Languages and Literatures 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.1403 Burmese Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.1404 Philippine/Tagalog Language and Literature 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1405 Khmer/Cambodian Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.1406 Lao/Laotian Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.1407 Thai Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.1408 Vietnamese Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.1499 Southeast Asian and Australasian/Pacific Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1501 Turkish Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1502 Finnish and Related Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1503 Hungarian/Magyar Language and Literature 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1504 Mongolian Language and Literature 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
16.1599 Turkic, Ural-Altaic, Caucasian and Central Asian Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 104 * Asian Languages and Literature
109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1601 American Sign Language (ASL) 026 * Special Education - Other
109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1602 Linguistics of Sign Language 108 * Linguistics
16.1603 Sign Language Interpretation and Translation 026 * Special Education - Other
122 * Translation and Interpretation
16.1699 Sign Language, Other 109 * Other Languages and Literature
16.1701 English as a Second Language 121 * Second Language Training
16.1702 French as a Second Language 121 * Second Language Training
16.1799 Second Language Learning, Other 023 * Native Education
121 * Second Language Training
16.9999 Aboriginal and Foreign Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Other 109 * Other Languages and Literature
19.0000 Work and Family Studies 176 * Family Studies
19.0101 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General 176 * Family Studies
186 * Social Sciences - General
249 * Homemaker
250 * Consumer Studies
254 * Home Economics
19.0201 Business, Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences 250 * Consumer Studies
19.0202 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Communication 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
19.0203 Consumer Merchandising/Retailing Management 207 * Marketing
19.0299 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Business Services, Other 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
19.0401 Family Resource Management Studies, General 254 * Home Economics
19.0402 Consumer Economics 250 * Consumer Studies
19.0403 Consumer Services and Advocacy 250 * Consumer Studies
19.0499 Family and Consumer Economics and Related Services, Other 250 * Consumer Studies
19.0501 Foods, Nutrition and Wellness Studies, General 252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
19.0504 Human Nutrition 252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
19.0505 Foodservice Systems Administration/Management 202 * Hotel and Food Administration
252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
253 * Food Services and Preparation
19.0599 Foods, Nutrition and Related Services, Other 252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
19.0601 Housing and Human Environments, General 159 * Human Ecology
19.0604 Facilities Planning and Management 205 * Institutional Management - Other
19.0605 Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers 073 * Interior Design and Decorating
19.0699 Housing and Human Environments, Other 159 * Human Ecology
19.0701 Human Development and Family Studies, General 168 * Early Childhood Development
176 * Family Studies
179 * Child and Youth Care
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
19.0702 Adult Development and Aging 181 * Gerontology
184 * Social Services - Other
19.0704 Family Systems 176 * Family Studies
19.0706 Child Development 168 * Early Childhood Development
179 * Child and Youth Care
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
19.0707 Family and Community Services 161 * Urban and Regional Planning
184 * Social Services - Other
19.0708 Child Care and Support Services Management 179 * Child and Youth Care
19.0709 Child Care Provider/Assistant 001 * Education - General
004 * Early Childhood Education
032 * Educational Assistant
179 * Child and Youth Care
19.0799 Human Development, Family Studies and Related Services, Other 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
19.0901 Apparel and Textiles, General 251 * Clothing and Textiles
342 * Clothing/Fabric Products
19.0902 Apparel and Textile Manufacture 200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
251 * Clothing and Textiles
307 * Textile Engineering Technology
342 * Clothing/Fabric Products
19.0904 Textile Science 251 * Clothing and Textiles
307 * Textile Engineering Technology
19.0905 Apparel and Textile Marketing Management 071 * Creative and Design Arts - General
200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
207 * Marketing
19.0906 Fashion and Fabric Consultant 071 * Creative and Design Arts - General
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
251 * Clothing and Textiles
19.0999 Apparel and Textiles, Other 071 * Creative and Design Arts - General
079 * Applied Arts - Repair and Renovation
251 * Clothing and Textiles
342 * Clothing/Fabric Products
345 * Sewing Machine Operator
19.9999 Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, Other 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
249 * Homemaker
21.0101 Technology Education/Industrial Arts Programs 017 * Industrial/Vocational Education
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
22.0000 Legal Studies, General 153 * Law and Jurisprudence - General
22.0001 Prelaw Studies 153 * Law and Jurisprudence - General
22.0101 Law (LLB, JD, BCL) 153 * Law and Jurisprudence - General
154 * Civil/Criminal/Family Law
155 * Commercial/Business Law
156 * Constitutional and International Law
157 * Law - Other
22.0201 Advanced Legal Research/Studies, General (LLM, MCL, MLI, MSL, JSD/SJD) 153 * Law and Jurisprudence - General
22.0202 Programs for Foreign Lawyers (LLM, MCL) 157 * Law - Other
22.0203 American/US Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence (LLM, MCJ, JSD/SJD) 153 * Law and Jurisprudence - General
22.0204 Canadian Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence (LLM, MCJ, JSD/SJD) 153 * Law and Jurisprudence - General
156 * Constitutional and International Law
22.0205 Banking, Corporate, Finance and Securities Law (LLM, JSD/SJD) 155 * Commercial/Business Law
157 * Law - Other
22.0206 Comparative Law (LLM, MCL, JSD/SJD) 157 * Law - Other
22.0207 Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Law (LLM, MSc, JSD/SJD) 157 * Law - Other
22.0208 Health Law (LLM, MJ, JSD/SJD) 157 * Law - Other
22.0209 International Law and Legal Studies (LLM, JSD/SJD) 156 * Constitutional and International Law
22.0210 International Business, Trade and Tax Law (LLM, JSD/SJD) 156 * Constitutional and International Law
157 * Law - Other
22.0211 Tax Law/Taxation (LLM, JSD/SJD) 155 * Commercial/Business Law
22.0299 Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies (Post-LLB/JD), Other 153 * Law and Jurisprudence - General
154 * Civil/Criminal/Family Law
155 * Commercial/Business Law
157 * Law - Other
22.0301 Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary 216 * Legal Secretary/Assistant
219 * Word Processing
22.0302 Legal Assistant/Paralegal 157 * Law - Other
182 * Law Enforcement
216 * Legal Secretary/Assistant
22.0303 Court Reporting/Court Reporter 214 Court Reporting
22.0399 Legal Support Services, Other 157 * Law - Other
182 * Law Enforcement
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
22.9999 Legal Professions and Studies, Other 153 * Law and Jurisprudence - General
154 * Civil/Criminal/Family Law
216 * Legal Secretary/Assistant
23.0101 English Language and Literature, General 094 * English Language and Literature - General
097 English and French Literature
098 * English Language and Literature - Specialized
23.0401 English Composition 094 * English Language and Literature - General
23.0501 English Creative Writing 123 * Creative Writing
23.0701 American Literature 098 * English Language and Literature - Specialized
23.0702 English Canadian Literature 098 * English Language and Literature - Specialized
23.0801 English Literature (British and Commonwealth) 098 * English Language and Literature - Specialized
23.1001 English Speech and Rhetorical Studies 098 * English Language and Literature - Specialized
23.1101 English Technical and Business Writing 098 * English Language and Literature - Specialized
23.9999 English Language and Literature/Letters, Other 098 * English Language and Literature - Specialized
24.0101 Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies 120 * Humanities - General Arts
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
479 * General Science
482 * No Specialization
24.0102 General Studies 120 * Humanities - General Arts
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
479 * General Science
482 * No Specialization
24.0103 Humanities/Humanistic Studies 120 * Humanities - General Arts
124 * Humanities and Related Fields, n.e.c. - Other
24.0199 Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other 482 * No Specialization
25.0101 Library Science/Librarianship 088 * Library/Documentation Science
25.0301 Library Assistant/Technician 088 * Library/Documentation Science
25.9999 Library Science, Other 088 * Library/Documentation Science
26.0101 Biology/Biological Sciences, General 240 Biology - General
26.0102 Biomedical Sciences, General 383 * Basic Medical Sciences - Other
26.0202 Biochemistry 239 * Biochemistry
378 * Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry
26.0203 Biophysics 245 * Biophysics
26.0204 Molecular Biology 243 * Molecular Biology
26.0205 Molecular Biochemistry 239 * Biochemistry
26.0206 Molecular Biophysics 245 * Biophysics
26.0207 Structural Biology 244 * Biology - Other
26.0208 Photobiology 244 * Biology - Other
26.0209 Radiation Biology/Radiobiology 244 * Biology - Other
387 * Radiology
26.0210 Biochemistry/Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Integrated 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
26.0299 Biochemistry/Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Other 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
26.0301 Botany/Plant Biology, General 246 * Botany - General
247 Phycology
248 * Plant Sciences - Specialized
26.0305 Plant Pathology/Phytopathology 248 * Plant Sciences - Specialized
26.0307 Plant Physiology 248 * Plant Sciences - Specialized
26.0308 Plant Molecular Biology 243 * Molecular Biology
248 * Plant Sciences - Specialized
26.0399 Botany/Plant Biology, Other 246 * Botany - General
26.0401 Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology 239 * Biochemistry
244 * Biology - Other
26.0403 Anatomy 376 * Medical Anatomy
26.0404 Developmental Biology and Embryology 244 * Biology - Other
26.0405 Neuroanatomy 244 * Biology - Other
26.0406 Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology 243 * Molecular Biology
244 * Biology - Other
26.0407 Cell Biology and Anatomy 244 * Biology - Other
26.0499 Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences, Other 244 * Biology - Other
26.0502 Microbiology, General 242 * Microbiology and Bacteriology
26.0503 Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology 242 * Microbiology and Bacteriology
391 * Medical Microbiology and Immunology
26.0504 Virology 393 * Medical Parasitology and Virology
26.0505 Parasitology 244 * Biology - Other
393 * Medical Parasitology and Virology
26.0506 Mycology 248 * Plant Sciences - Specialized
26.0507 Immunology 390 * Medical Immunology
391 * Medical Microbiology and Immunology
26.0599 Microbiological Sciences and Immunology, Other 244 * Biology - Other
26.0701 Zoology/Animal Biology, General 257 * Zoology - General
258 * Animal Biology
262 * Wildlife Biology
26.0702 Entomology 259 * Entomology
26.0707 Animal Physiology 258 * Animal Biology
26.0708 Animal Behaviour and Ethology 222 * Animal Science - General
26.0709 Wildlife Biology 244 * Biology - Other
260 * Fisheries Biology
262 * Wildlife Biology
26.0799 Zoology/Animal Biology, Other 257 * Zoology - General
26.0801 Genetics, General 241 * Genetics
26.0802 Molecular Genetics 241 * Genetics
26.0803 Microbial and Eukaryotic Genetics 241 * Genetics
26.0804 Animal Genetics 258 * Animal Biology
26.0805 Plant Genetics 248 * Plant Sciences - Specialized
26.0806 Human/Medical Genetics 241 * Genetics
383 * Basic Medical Sciences - Other
26.0899 Genetics, Other 241 * Genetics
26.0901 Physiology, General 244 * Biology - Other
382 * Medical Physiology
26.0902 Molecular Physiology 244 * Biology - Other
26.0903 Cell Physiology 244 * Biology - Other
382 * Medical Physiology
26.0904 Endocrinology 383 * Basic Medical Sciences - Other
26.0905 Reproductive Biology 244 * Biology - Other
382 * Medical Physiology
26.0906 Neurobiology and Neurophysiology 380 * Medical Neurophysiology
26.0907 Cardiovascular Science 244 * Biology - Other
26.0908 Exercise Physiology 382 * Medical Physiology
26.0909 Vision Science/Physiological Optics 244 * Biology - Other
26.0910 Pathology/Experimental Pathology 244 * Biology - Other
376 * Medical Anatomy
392 * Medical Pathology
26.0911 Oncology and Cancer Biology 244 * Biology - Other
388 * Medical Specializations - Other
26.0999 Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences, Other 244 * Biology - Other
26.1001 Pharmacology 381 * Medical Pharmacology
26.1002 Molecular Pharmacology 244 * Biology - Other
26.1003 Neuropharmacology 244 * Biology - Other
381 * Medical Pharmacology
26.1004 Toxicology 383 * Basic Medical Sciences - Other
26.1005 Molecular Toxicology 244 * Biology - Other
26.1006 Environmental Toxicology 244 * Biology - Other
26.1007 Pharmacology and Toxicology, Integrated 244 * Biology - Other
381 * Medical Pharmacology
383 * Basic Medical Sciences - Other
26.1099 Pharmacology and Toxicology, Other 244 * Biology - Other
26.1101 Biometry/Biometrics 244 * Biology - Other
26.1102 Biostatistics 417 * Epidemiology and Biostatistics
26.1103 Bioinformatics 244 * Biology - Other
26.1199 Biomathematics and Bioinformatics, Other 244 * Biology - Other
26.1201 Biotechnology 248 * Plant Sciences - Specialized
305 * Biotechnology
26.1301 Ecology 159 * Human Ecology
244 * Biology - Other
248 * Plant Sciences - Specialized
258 * Animal Biology
262 * Wildlife Biology
26.1302 Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography 261 * Marine Biology
467 * Oceanography and Marine Sciences
26.1303 Evolutionary Biology 244 * Biology - Other
26.1304 Aquatic Biology/Limnology 244 * Biology - Other
260 * Fisheries Biology
261 * Marine Biology
26.1305 Environmental Biology 244 * Biology - Other
26.1306 Population Biology 244 * Biology - Other
26.1307 Conservation Biology 244 * Biology - Other
26.1308 Systematic Biology/Biological Systematics 244 * Biology - Other
26.1309 Epidemiology 417 * Epidemiology and Biostatistics
26.1399 Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and Population Biology, Other 244 * Biology - Other
26.9999 Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other 244 * Biology - Other
27.0101 Mathematics, General 464 * Mathematics
27.0102 Algebra and Number Theory 464 * Mathematics
27.0103 Analysis and Functional Analysis 464 * Mathematics
27.0104 Geometry/Geometric Analysis 464 * Mathematics
27.0105 Topology and Foundations 464 * Mathematics
27.0199 Mathematics, Other 464 * Mathematics
27.0301 Applied Mathematics, General 291 * Engineering Science - General
443 Applied Mathematics - General
464 * Mathematics
27.0303 Computational Mathematics 445 * Computer Science - Systems Analysis
447 * Applied Mathematics - Other
27.0399 Applied Mathematics, Other 447 * Applied Mathematics - Other
27.0501 Statistics, General 463 * Statistics
27.0502 Mathematical Statistics and Probability 463 * Statistics
27.0599 Statistics, Other 463 * Statistics
27.9999 Mathematics and Statistics, Other 464 * Mathematics
28.0501 Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers in the Armed Forces 185 * Military and Armed Forces
29.0101 Military Technologies 185 * Military and Armed Forces
30.0101 Biological and Physical Sciences 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
30.0501 Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
30.0601 Systems Science and Theory 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
30.0801 Mathematics and Computer Science 445 * Computer Science - Systems Analysis
30.1001 Biopsychology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
30.1101 Gerontology 181 * Gerontology
184 * Social Services - Other
30.1201 Historic Preservation and Conservation, General 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
30.1202 Cultural Resource Management and Policy Analysis 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
30.1299 Historic Preservation and Conservation, Other 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
30.1301 Medieval and Renaissance Studies 085 * Medieval and Ancient History
124 * Humanities and Related Fields, n.e.c. - Other
30.1401 Museology/Museum Studies 089 Museology, Museum Studies
30.1501 Science, Technology and Society 177 * Sociology - Other
30.1601 Accounting and Computer Science 193 * Accounting
30.1701 Behavioural Sciences 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
184 * Social Services - Other
30.1801 Natural Sciences 266 * Natural Sciences
30.1901 Nutrition Sciences 239 * Biochemistry
252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
30.2001 International/Global Studies 165 * International Relations
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
30.2101 Holocaust and Related Studies 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
30.2201 Ancient Studies/Civilization 085 * Medieval and Ancient History
30.2202 Classical, Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and Archeology 080 * Classics
085 * Medieval and Ancient History
130 * Archeology
30.2301 Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity Studies 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
30.2401 Neuroscience 384 Neuroscience
30.2501 Cognitive Science 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
30.9999 Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other 482 * No Specialization
31.0101 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies 035 * Recreation
036 * Outdoor Recreation
265 * Trapping
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
31.0301 Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management 035 * Recreation
036 * Outdoor Recreation
038 * Sports Administration
039 * Fitness and Other Physical Recreation
31.0501 Health and Physical Education, General 033 * Physical Education and Health
035 * Recreation
036 * Outdoor Recreation
038 * Sports Administration
039 * Fitness and Other Physical Recreation
31.0504 Sport and Fitness Administration/Management 038 * Sports Administration
204 * Hospitality and Tourism
31.0505 Kinesiology and Exercise Science 034 * Kinesiology
31.0599 Health and Physical Education/Fitness, Other 039 * Fitness and Other Physical Recreation
31.9999 Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, Other 035 * Recreation
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
32.0101 Basic Skills, General 482 * No Specialization
32.0104 Numeracy and Computational Skills 464 * Mathematics
32.0105 Job-seeking/Changing Skills 482 * No Specialization
32.0107 Career Exploration/Awareness Skills 482 * No Specialization
32.0108 Literacy and Communication Skills 124 * Humanities and Related Fields, n.e.c. - Other
32.0109 Second Language Learning (not for credit) 121 * Second Language Training
32.0199 Basic Skills, Other 482 * No Specialization
33.0101 Citizenship Activities, General 482 * No Specialization
33.0102 American Citizenship Education 482 * No Specialization
33.0103 Community Awareness 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
33.0104 Community Involvement 482 * No Specialization
33.0105 Canadian Citizenship Education 482 * No Specialization
33.0199 Citizenship Activities, Other 482 * No Specialization
34.0102 Birthing and Parenting Knowledge and Skills 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
34.0103 Personal Health Improvement and Maintenance 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
34.0104 Addiction Prevention and Treatment 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
34.0199 Health-related Knowledge and Skills, Other 430 Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
35.0101 Interpersonal and Social Skills, General 482 * No Specialization
35.0102 Interpersonal Relationships Skills 482 * No Specialization
35.0103 Business and Social Skills 482 * No Specialization
35.0199 Interpersonal and Social Skills, Other 482 * No Specialization
36.0101 Leisure and Recreational Activities, General 035 * Recreation
36.0102 Handicrafts and Model-making 072 * Handicrafts (Arts and Crafts)
36.0103 Board, Card and Role-playing Games 035 * Recreation
36.0105 Home Maintenance and Improvement 079 * Applied Arts - Repair and Renovation
36.0106 Nature Appreciation 482 * No Specialization
36.0107 Pet Ownership and Care 482 * No Specialization
36.0108 Sports and Exercise 039 * Fitness and Other Physical Recreation
36.0109 Travel and Exploration 037 * Travel and Tourism
36.0110 Art (not for credit) 048 * Art Studies
120 * Humanities - General Arts
36.0111 Collecting 482 * No Specialization
36.0112 Cooking and Other Domestic Skills 482 * No Specialization
36.0113 Computer Games and Programming Skills 035 * Recreation
36.0114 Dancing (not for credit) 039 * Fitness and Other Physical Recreation
36.0115 Music (not for credit) 035 * Recreation
36.0116 Reading 035 * Recreation
36.0117 Theatre (not for credit) 035 * Recreation
36.0118 Writing 123 * Creative Writing
36.0119 Aircraft Pilot (Private) 035 * Recreation
36.0199 Leisure and Recreational Activities, Other 035 * Recreation
039 * Fitness and Other Physical Recreation
37.0101 Self-awareness and Personal Assessment 482 * No Specialization
37.0102 Stress Management and Coping Skills 482 * No Specialization
37.0103 Personal Decision-making Skills 482 * No Specialization
37.0104 Self-esteem and Values Clarification 482 * No Specialization
37.0199 Personal Awareness and Self-improvement, Other 482 * No Specialization
38.0101 Philosophy 110 * Philosophy - General
38.0102 Logic 114 * Philosophy - Specialized
38.0103 Ethics 045 * Education, n.e.c. - Other
114 * Philosophy - Specialized
38.0199 Philosophy, Logic and Ethics, Other 110 * Philosophy - General
114 * Philosophy - Specialized
38.0201 Religion/Religious Studies, General 115 * Religion, Religious Studies
116 * Comparative Religion
38.0202 Buddhist Studies 115 * Religion, Religious Studies
38.0203 Christian Studies 115 * Religion, Religious Studies
119 * Religious Studies - Other
38.0204 Hindu Studies 115 * Religion, Religious Studies
38.0205 Islamic Studies 114 * Philosophy - Specialized
115 * Religion, Religious Studies
135 * Islamic and Near Eastern Studies
38.0206 Jewish/Judaic Studies 115 * Religion, Religious Studies
38.0299 Religion/Religious Studies, Other 087 * History - Other
114 * Philosophy - Specialized
115 * Religion, Religious Studies
116 * Comparative Religion
119 * Religious Studies - Other
38.9999 Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other 114 * Philosophy - Specialized
115 * Religion, Religious Studies
118 * Theology
119 * Religious Studies - Other
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
39.0201 Bible/Biblical Studies 115 * Religion, Religious Studies
119 * Religious Studies - Other
39.0301 Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology 119 * Religious Studies - Other
39.0401 Religious Education 019 Religious Education
115 * Religion, Religious Studies
119 * Religious Studies - Other
39.0501 Religious/Sacred Music 053 * Music and Musicology
057 * Vocal Music
39.0601 Theology/Theological Studies 118 * Theology
39.0602 Divinity/Ministry (BDiv, MDiv) 117 Divinity
118 * Theology
119 * Religious Studies - Other
39.0604 Pretheology/Preministerial Studies 119 * Religious Studies - Other
39.0605 Rabbinical Studies (MHL/Rav) 119 * Religious Studies - Other
39.0606 Talmudic Studies 119 * Religious Studies - Other
39.0699 Theological and Ministerial Studies, Other 118 * Theology
119 * Religious Studies - Other
39.0701 Pastoral Studies/Counselling 119 * Religious Studies - Other
39.0702 Youth Ministry 119 * Religious Studies - Other
39.0799 Pastoral Counselling and Specialized Ministries, Other 119 * Religious Studies - Other
39.9999 Theology and Religious Vocations, Other 118 * Theology
119 * Religious Studies - Other
40.0101 Physical Sciences, General 479 * General Science
40.0201 Astronomy 472 * Astronomy
40.0202 Astrophysics 472 * Astronomy
478 * Physics - Other
40.0203 Planetary Astronomy and Science 472 * Astronomy
40.0299 Astronomy and Astrophysics, Other 478 * Physics - Other
40.0401 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, General 466 * Meteorology
40.0402 Atmospheric Chemistry and Climatology 466 * Meteorology
40.0403 Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics 466 * Meteorology
40.0404 Meteorology 466 * Meteorology
40.0499 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other 466 * Meteorology
40.0501 Chemistry, General 448 Chemistry - General
40.0502 Analytical Chemistry 449 * Analytical Chemistry
40.0503 Inorganic Chemistry 450 * Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
40.0504 Organic Chemistry 450 * Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
40.0506 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 452 Physical Chemistry
453 * Mathematical and Theoretical Chemistry
454 * Chemistry - Other
40.0507 Polymer Chemistry 450 * Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
454 * Chemistry - Other
40.0508 Chemical Physics 474 Chemistry Physics
40.0599 Chemistry, Other 449 * Analytical Chemistry
454 * Chemistry - Other
465 * Metallurgy
40.0601 Geology/Earth Science, General 455 Geology
40.0602 Geochemistry 456 Geochemistry
40.0603 Geophysics and Seismology 457 * Geophysics
40.0604 Paleontology 460 * Geology - Other
40.0605 Hydrology and Water Resources Science 458 * Hydrogeology and Hydrology
40.0606 Geochemistry and Petrology 286 * Petroleum Engineering
460 * Geology - Other
40.0607 Oceanography, Chemical and Physical 467 * Oceanography and Marine Sciences
40.0699 Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Other 457 * Geophysics
458 * Hydrogeology and Hydrology
460 * Geology - Other
40.0801 Physics, General 471 Physics - General
478 * Physics - Other
40.0802 Atomic/Molecular Physics 473 * Nuclear Physics
478 * Physics - Other
40.0804 Elementary Particle Physics 478 * Physics - Other
40.0805 Plasma and High-temperature Physics 478 * Physics - Other
40.0806 Nuclear Physics 473 * Nuclear Physics
40.0807 Optics/Optical Sciences 478 * Physics - Other
40.0808 Solid State and Low-temperature Physics 478 * Physics - Other
40.0809 Acoustics 478 * Physics - Other
40.0810 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 477 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
40.0899 Physics, Other 478 * Physics - Other
40.9999 Physical Sciences, Other 453 * Mathematical and Theoretical Chemistry
465 * Metallurgy
41.0101 Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician 426 * Biological Laboratory Technology and Cytology
41.0204 Industrial Radiologic Technology/Technician 348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
41.0205 Nuclear/Nuclear Power Technology/Technician 358 * Power/Stationary Engineering
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
41.0299 Nuclear and Industrial Radiologic Technologies/Technicians, Other 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
41.0301 Chemical Technology/Technician 304 * Chemical Technology - General
305 * Biotechnology
41.0399 Physical Science Technologies/Technicians, Other 480 * Science Lab Technology
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
41.9999 Science Technologies/Technicians, Other 480 * Science Lab Technology
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
42.0101 Psychology, General 167 * Psychology - General
42.0201 Clinical Psychology 169 * Clinical and Experimental Psychology
42.0301 Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics 108 * Linguistics
171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.0401 Community Psychology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.0501 Comparative Psychology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.0601 Counselling Psychology 041 Counselling Psychology
42.0701 Developmental and Child Psychology 168 * Early Childhood Development
171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.0801 Experimental Psychology 169 * Clinical and Experimental Psychology
42.0901 Industrial and Organizational Psychology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.1001 Personality Psychology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.1101 Physiological Psychology/Psychobiology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.1601 Social Psychology 170 Social Psychology
42.1701 School Psychology 029 * Educational Psychology and Measurement
42.1801 Educational Psychology 029 * Educational Psychology and Measurement
42.1901 Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology 169 * Clinical and Experimental Psychology
171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.2001 Clinical Child Psychology 168 * Early Childhood Development
169 * Clinical and Experimental Psychology
42.2101 Environmental Psychology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.2201 Geropsychology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.2301 Health/Medical Psychology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.2401 Psychopharmacology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.2501 Family Psychology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.2601 Forensic Psychology 171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
42.9999 Psychology, Other 167 * Psychology - General
171 * Psychology - Other Behavioural Sciences
43.0102 Corrections 180 * Corrections
43.0103 Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration 182 * Law Enforcement
43.0104 Criminal Justice/Safety Studies 182 * Law Enforcement
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
43.0106 Forensic Science and Technology 183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
43.0107 Criminal Justice/Police Science 182 * Law Enforcement
43.0109 Security and Loss Prevention Services 183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
43.0110 Juvenile Corrections 180 * Corrections
183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
184 * Social Services - Other
43.0111 Criminalistics and Criminal Science 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
43.0112 Securities Services Administration/Management 183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
43.0113 Corrections Administration 180 * Corrections
43.0199 Criminal Justice and Corrections, Other 180 * Corrections
182 * Law Enforcement
183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
43.0201 Fire Protection and Safety Technology/Technician 183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
43.0202 Fire Services Administration 183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
43.0203 Fire Science/Firefighting 183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
43.0299 Fire Protection, Other 183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
43.9999 Security and Protective Services, Other 182 * Law Enforcement
183 * Protection Services (Fire and Other)
44.0000 Human Services, General 184 * Social Services - Other
44.0201 Community Organization and Advocacy 184 * Social Services - Other
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
44.0401 Public Administration 198 * Public Administration
44.0501 Public Policy Analysis 198 * Public Administration
44.0701 Social Work, General 178 * Social Work - General
44.0702 Youth Services/Administration 179 * Child and Youth Care
44.0799 Social Work, Other 184 * Social Services - Other
386 * Psychiatry
44.9999 Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other 187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
194 * Assessment and Appraisal
45.0101 Social Sciences, General 186 * Social Sciences - General
45.0201 Anthropology, General 125 * Anthropology - General
128 * Anthropology - Other
45.0202 Physical Anthropology 125 * Anthropology - General
127 Physical Anthropology
128 * Anthropology - Other
45.0299 Anthropology, Other 128 * Anthropology - Other
45.0301 Archeology 130 * Archeology
45.0401 Criminology 173 Criminology
45.0501 Demography and Population Studies 174 Demography
45.0601 Economics, General 138 * Economics - General
45.0602 Applied Economics 138 * Economics - General
143 * Economics - Other
45.0603 Econometrics and Quantitative Economics 140 Econometrics and Mathematical Economics
45.0604 Development Economics and International Development 141 * International Development
143 * Economics - Other
45.0605 International Economics 141 * International Development
143 * Economics - Other
45.0699 Economics, Other 087 * History - Other
113 Political Economy
143 * Economics - Other
45.0701 Geography 144 Geography - General
146 Economic Geography
147 * Historical Geography
148 Human and Social Geography
150 * Physical Geography
45.0702 Cartography 145 * Cartography
150 * Physical Geography
336 * Drafting - Specialized
339 * Surveying Technology
45.0799 Geography and Cartography, Other 147 * Historical Geography
149 Environmental Geography
45.0901 International Relations and Affairs 165 * International Relations
190 * International Business and Trade
45.1001 Political Science and Government, General 111 Political Philosophy
114 * Philosophy - Specialized
162 Political Science - General
166 * Political Science - Other
198 * Public Administration
45.1002 American Government and Politics (United States) 166 * Political Science - Other
45.1003 Canadian Government and Politics 166 * Political Science - Other
45.1099 Political Science and Government, Other 166 * Political Science - Other
45.1101 Sociology 172 Sociology - General
45.1201 Urban Studies/Affairs 151 * Urban Geography
161 * Urban and Regional Planning
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
45.9999 Social Sciences, Other 163 Political Science and Economics
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
447 * Applied Mathematics - Other
46.0000 Construction Trades, General 309 * Building Technology
334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
46.0101 Masonry/Mason 314 * Masonry (Brick, Concrete, Stone)
46.0201 Carpentry/Carpenter 317 * Woodworking, Carpentry
46.0301 Electrical and Power Transmission Installation/Installer, General 310 * Construction Electrician
46.0302 Electrician 310 * Construction Electrician
46.0303 Lineworker 310 * Construction Electrician
327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
46.0399 Electrical and Power Transmission Installers, Other 310 * Construction Electrician
46.0401 Building/Property Maintenance and Management 195 * Financial Management - Other
205 * Institutional Management - Other
309 * Building Technology
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
46.0402 Concrete Finishing/Concrete Finisher 314 * Masonry (Brick, Concrete, Stone)
46.0403 Building/Home/Construction Inspection/Inspector 309 * Building Technology
334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
46.0404 Drywall Installation/Drywaller 311 Drywall, Lathing, Plastering
315 * Plumbing and Related Pipe Trades
46.0406 Glazier 072 * Handicrafts (Arts and Crafts)
348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
353 * Automobile Mechanics
46.0408 Painting/Painter and Wall Coverer 313 * Interior Finishing
46.0410 Roofer 309 * Building Technology
317 * Woodworking, Carpentry
46.0411 Metal Building Assembly/Assembler 309 * Building Technology
334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
46.0412 Building/Construction Site Management/Manager 334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
46.0499 Building/Construction Finishing, Management and Inspection, Other 312 * Heat and Insulation
313 * Interior Finishing
334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
46.0502 Pipefitting/Pipefitter and Sprinkler Fitter 315 * Plumbing and Related Pipe Trades
338 * Non-plumbing Piping Technologies
46.0503 Plumbing Technology/Plumber 315 * Plumbing and Related Pipe Trades
46.0504 Well Drilling/Driller 361 * Petroleum Technologies
362 * Water Well Drilling and Primary Resources - Other
46.0505 Blasting/Blaster 360 * Mining Technology
46.0599 Plumbing and Related Water Supply Services, Other 315 * Plumbing and Related Pipe Trades
46.9999 Construction Trades, Other 309 * Building Technology
310 * Construction Electrician
334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
47.0000 Mechanics and Repairers, General 337 * Instrumentation Technology
349 * Mechanical Engineering Technology - General
47.0101 Electrical/Electronics Equipment Installation and Repair, General 322 * Electronic Technology
323 * Electrical Technology
325 * Radio and Television Technology
327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
47.0102 Business Machine Repair 356 Office/Business Machine Technician
47.0103 Communications Systems Installation and Repair Technology 326 * Telecommunications Technology
327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
47.0104 Computer Installation and Repair Technology/Technician 319 * Computer Science Technology
327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
47.0105 Industrial Electronics Technology/Technician 322 * Electronic Technology
47.0106 Appliance Installation and Repair Technology/Technician 327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
47.0110 Security System Installation, Repair and Inspection Technology/Technician 327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
47.0199 Electrical/Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technology, Other 322 * Electronic Technology
323 * Electrical Technology
327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
47.0201 Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC, HVACR) 312 * Heat and Insulation
341 * Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
47.0302 Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technology/Technician 349 * Mechanical Engineering Technology - General
354 * Heavy Equipment Mechanics
359 * Forest Products Technology
47.0303 Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology 340 * Industrial Millwright
47.0399 Heavy/Industrial Equipment Maintenance Technologies, Other 340 * Industrial Millwright
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
47.0402 Gunsmithing/Gunsmith 072 * Handicrafts (Arts and Crafts)
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
47.0403 Locksmithing and Safe Repair 079 * Applied Arts - Repair and Renovation
47.0404 Musical Instrument Fabrication and Repair 055 * Piano
072 * Handicrafts (Arts and Crafts)
079 * Applied Arts - Repair and Renovation
47.0408 Watchmaking and Jewellery Making 072 * Handicrafts (Arts and Crafts)
074 * Applied Arts - General
079 * Applied Arts - Repair and Renovation
47.0409 Parts and Warehousing Operations and Maintenance Technology/Technician 210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
47.0499 Precision Systems Maintenance and Repair Technologies, Other 369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
47.0501 Stationary Energy Sources Installer and Operator 327 * Electronic and Electrical Technology - Other
358 * Power/Stationary Engineering
47.0603 Autobody/Collision and Repair Technology/Technician 353 * Automobile Mechanics
47.0604 Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician 353 * Automobile Mechanics
47.0605 Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician 353 * Automobile Mechanics
354 * Heavy Equipment Mechanics
355 * Marine Mechanics
358 * Power/Stationary Engineering
47.0606 Small Engine Mechanics and Repair Technology/Technician 357 * Small Engine Repair
47.0607 Airframe Mechanics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology/Technician 350 * Aircraft/Aviation/Avionics Engineering Technology
352 * Aircraft Maintenance Mechanics
47.0608 Aircraft Powerplant Technology/Technician 352 * Aircraft Maintenance Mechanics
47.0609 Avionics Maintenance Technology/Technician 270 * Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
350 * Aircraft/Aviation/Avionics Engineering Technology
47.0610 Bicycle Mechanics and Repair Technology/Technician 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
47.0611 Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair Technology/Technician 357 * Small Engine Repair
47.0612 Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Technology/Technician 353 * Automobile Mechanics
47.0613 Medium/Heavy Vehicle and Truck Technology/Technician 349 * Mechanical Engineering Technology - General
354 * Heavy Equipment Mechanics
47.0614 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Technology/Technician 353 * Automobile Mechanics
47.0615 Engine Machinist 349 * Mechanical Engineering Technology - General
47.0616 Marine Maintenance/Fitter and Ship Repair Technology/Technician 308 * Boat, Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture
355 * Marine Mechanics
47.0699 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technologies, Other 349 * Mechanical Engineering Technology - General
353 * Automobile Mechanics
47.9999 Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians, Other 345 * Sewing Machine Operator
349 * Mechanical Engineering Technology - General
48.0000 Precision Production Trades, General 348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
48.0303 Upholstery/Upholsterer 078 * Upholstery and Furniture
48.0304 Shoe, Boot and Leather Repair 079 * Applied Arts - Repair and Renovation
48.0399 Leatherworking and Upholstery, Other 079 * Applied Arts - Repair and Renovation
251 * Clothing and Textiles
48.0501 Machine Tool Technology/Machinist 334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
340 * Industrial Millwright
343 * Machinist, Machine Shop
347 * Tool and Die
48.0503 Machine Shop Technology/Assistant 343 * Machinist, Machine Shop
48.0506 Sheet Metal Technology/Sheetworking 343 * Machinist, Machine Shop
346 * Sheet Metal
48.0507 Tool and Die Technology/Technician 344 Pattern Making
347 * Tool and Die
348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
48.0508 Welding Technology/Welder 316 * Welding Technologies
48.0509 Ironworking/Ironworker 316 * Welding Technologies
334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
48.0599 Precision Metal Working, Other 316 * Welding Technologies
346 * Sheet Metal
369 * Other Engineering Technologies, n.e.c.
48.0701 Woodworking, General 317 * Woodworking, Carpentry
48.0702 Furniture Design and Manufacturing 078 * Upholstery and Furniture
317 * Woodworking, Carpentry
48.0703 Cabinetmaking and Millwork 317 * Woodworking, Carpentry
48.0799 Woodworking, Other 317 * Woodworking, Carpentry
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
48.0801 Boilermaking/Boilermaker 358 * Power/Stationary Engineering
48.9999 Precision Production, Other 343 * Machinist, Machine Shop
49.0101 Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology, General 270 * Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
364 * Air Transportation Technology
49.0102 Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew 364 * Air Transportation Technology
49.0104 Aviation/Airway Management and Operations 200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
364 * Air Transportation Technology
49.0105 Air Traffic Controller 364 * Air Transportation Technology
49.0106 Airline Flight Attendant 364 * Air Transportation Technology
49.0108 Flight Instructor 364 * Air Transportation Technology
49.0199 Air Transportation, Other 364 * Air Transportation Technology
49.0202 Construction/Heavy Equipment/Earthmoving Equipment Operation 334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
358 * Power/Stationary Engineering
49.0205 Truck and Bus Driver/Commercial Vehicle Operation 366 Motor Transportation - Commercial/Public
367 * Motor Transportation - Driving Instructor
49.0206 Mobile Crane Operation/Operator 334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
49.0299 Ground Transportation, Other 348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
368 * Rail Transportation
49.0303 Commercial Fishing 263 * Aquaculture and Fisheries
365 * Marine Navigation
49.0304 Diver, Professional and Instructor 036 * Outdoor Recreation
039 * Fitness and Other Physical Recreation
329 * Water Treatment Technologies
365 * Marine Navigation
49.0309 Nautical Science/Merchant Marine Officer 365 * Marine Navigation
49.0399 Marine Transportation, Other 365 * Marine Navigation
49.9999 Transportation and Materials Moving, Other 363 * Transportation Technology - General
50.0101 Visual and Performing Arts, General 047 * Fine Arts - General
058 * Performing Arts - General
070 * Audio-visual Arts
50.0201 Crafts/Craft Design, Folk Art and Artisanry 047 * Fine Arts - General
072 * Handicrafts (Arts and Crafts)
50.0301 Dance, General 058 * Performing Arts - General
059 * Dance
50.0302 Ballet 059 * Dance
50.0399 Dance, Other 059 * Dance
50.0401 Design and Visual Communications, General 047 * Fine Arts - General
070 * Audio-visual Arts
071 * Creative and Design Arts - General
074 * Applied Arts - General
090 * Communications
50.0402 Commercial and Advertising Art 062 Commercial Art - General
063 * Advertising Art
50.0404 Industrial Design 269 Industrial Design
50.0406 Commercial Photography 067 * Photography
50.0407 Fashion/Apparel Design 071 * Creative and Design Arts - General
50.0408 Interior Design 073 * Interior Design and Decorating
50.0409 Graphic Design 065 * Graphic Arts and Design
50.0410 Illustration 050 * Painting and Drawing
065 * Graphic Arts and Design
335 * Drafting - General
50.0499 Design and Applied Arts, Other 071 * Creative and Design Arts - General
50.0501 Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General 058 * Performing Arts - General
060 * Drama
061 * Theatre Arts
50.0502 Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology 061 * Theatre Arts
50.0504 Playwriting and Screenwriting 061 * Theatre Arts
50.0505 Theatre Literature, History and Criticism 061 * Theatre Arts
098 * English Language and Literature - Specialized
50.0506 Acting 060 * Drama
061 * Theatre Arts
50.0507 Directing and Theatrical Production 061 * Theatre Arts
50.0508 Theatre/Theatre Arts Management 061 * Theatre Arts
50.0599 Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other 061 * Theatre Arts
50.0601 Film/Cinema Studies 091 * Cinematography, Film Studies
50.0602 Cinematography and Film/Video Production 091 * Cinematography, Film Studies
50.0605 Photography 067 * Photography
50.0699 Film/Video and Photographic Arts, Other 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
50.0701 Art/Art Studies, General 048 * Art Studies
50.0702 Fine/Studio Arts, General 047 * Fine Arts - General
048 * Art Studies
50.0703 Art History, Criticism and Conservation 048 * Art Studies
049 Art History
079 * Applied Arts - Repair and Renovation
50.0704 Arts Management 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
205 * Institutional Management - Other
50.0705 Drawing 050 * Painting and Drawing
50.0706 Intermedia/Multimedia 047 * Fine Arts - General
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
50.0708 Painting 050 * Painting and Drawing
50.0709 Sculpture 052 Sculpture
50.0710 Printmaking 066 * Lithography
069 * Printing and Publishing
071 * Creative and Design Arts - General
50.0711 Ceramic Arts and Ceramics 051 Ceramics and Pottery
50.0712 Fibre, Textile and Weaving Arts 071 * Creative and Design Arts - General
072 * Handicrafts (Arts and Crafts)
251 * Clothing and Textiles
50.0713 Metal and Jewellery Arts 071 * Creative and Design Arts - General
072 * Handicrafts (Arts and Crafts)
459 Gemology
50.0799 Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other 071 * Creative and Design Arts - General
072 * Handicrafts (Arts and Crafts)
50.0901 Music, General 053 * Music and Musicology
50.0902 Music History, Literature and Theory 053 * Music and Musicology
056 * Music History and Theory
50.0903 Music Performance, General 053 * Music and Musicology
50.0904 Music Theory and Composition 053 * Music and Musicology
054 Music Composition
278 * Sound and Recording Engineering
50.0905 Musicology and Ethnomusicology 053 * Music and Musicology
50.0906 Conducting 053 * Music and Musicology
50.0907 Piano and Organ 055 * Piano
50.0908 Voice and Opera 057 * Vocal Music
50.0909 Music Management and Merchandising 053 * Music and Musicology
208 * Merchandising
50.0910 Jazz/Jazz Studies 053 * Music and Musicology
50.0911 Violin, Viola, Guitar and Other Stringed Instruments 053 * Music and Musicology
50.0912 Music Pedagogy 018 * Music Education
056 * Music History and Theory
50.0999 Music, Other 053 * Music and Musicology
278 * Sound and Recording Engineering
50.9999 Visual and Performing Arts, Other 057 * Vocal Music
058 * Performing Arts - General
061 * Theatre Arts
191 * Business and Commerce - Other
51.0000 Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General 414 * Public Health - General
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0101 Chiropractic (DC) 431 * Chiropractic Technology
51.0201 Communication Disorders, General 422 * Speech Language Pathology
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0202 Audiology/Audiologist and Hearing Sciences 422 * Speech Language Pathology
51.0203 Speech-language Pathology/Pathologist 422 * Speech Language Pathology
51.0204 Audiology/Audiologist and Speech-language Pathology/Pathologist 422 * Speech Language Pathology
51.0299 Communication Disorders Sciences and Services, Other 422 * Speech Language Pathology
439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0401 Dentistry (DDS, DMD) 370 Dentistry - General
51.0501 Dental Clinical Sciences, General (MSc, PhD) 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0502 Advanced General Dentistry (Cert., MSc, PhD) 373 * Dental Specialties
51.0503 Oral Biology and Oral Pathology (MSc, PhD) 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0504 Dental Public Health and Education (Cert., MSc, MPH, PhD, DPH) 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0505 Dental Materials (MSc, PhD) 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0506 Endodontics/Endodontology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 373 * Dental Specialties
51.0507 Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery (Cert., MSc, PhD) 371 * Dental Surgery
51.0508 Orthodontics/Orthodontology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 372 * Orthodontics
51.0509 Pediatric Dentistry/Pedodontics (Cert., MSc, PhD) 373 * Dental Specialties
51.0510 Periodontics/Periodontology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 373 * Dental Specialties
51.0511 Prosthodontics/Prosthodontology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 373 * Dental Specialties
51.0599 Advanced/Graduate Dentistry and Oral Sciences (Cert., MSc, PhD), Other 373 * Dental Specialties
51.0601 Dental Assisting/Assistant 406 * Nursing - Other
432 * Dental Assistant
51.0602 Dental Hygiene/Hygienist 416 Dental Hygiene
51.0603 Dental Laboratory Technology/Technician 428 Dental Technician
51.0699 Dental Support Services and Allied Professions, Other 432 * Dental Assistant
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0701 Health/Health Care Administration/Management 201 * Health Administration
51.0702 Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management 201 * Health Administration
51.0703 Health Unit Coordinator/Ward Clerk 201 * Health Administration
217 * Medical Secretary, Medical Office Assistant
51.0704 Health Unit Manager/Ward Supervisor 201 * Health Administration
51.0705 Medical Office Management/Administration 201 * Health Administration
217 * Medical Secretary, Medical Office Assistant
51.0706 Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator 215 * Health Records Technician
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0707 Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician 215 * Health Records Technician
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0708 Medical Transcription/Transcriptionist 217 * Medical Secretary, Medical Office Assistant
51.0709 Medical Office Computer Specialist/Assistant 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
51.0710 Medical Office Assistant/Specialist 217 * Medical Secretary, Medical Office Assistant
51.0711 Medical/Health Management and Clinical Assistant/Specialist 217 * Medical Secretary, Medical Office Assistant
51.0712 Medical Reception/Receptionist 217 * Medical Secretary, Medical Office Assistant
220 * Administrative/Clerical - Other
51.0713 Medical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder 220 * Administrative/Clerical - Other
51.0714 Medical Insurance Specialist/Medical Biller 220 * Administrative/Clerical - Other
51.0715 Health/Medical Claims Examiner 220 * Administrative/Clerical - Other
51.0716 Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary 217 * Medical Secretary, Medical Office Assistant
51.0717 Medical Staff Services Technology/Technician 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
51.0799 Health and Medical Administrative Services, Other 220 * Administrative/Clerical - Other
51.0801 Medical/Clinical Assistant 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0802 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant 425 * Medical Laboratory Technology
51.0803 Occupational Therapist Assistant 423 * Occupational and Physical Therapy
51.0805 Pharmacy Technician/Assistant 412 * Pharmacy
413 * Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology
51.0806 Physical Therapist Assistant 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0808 Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant 234 * Animal Health Technology
237 * Veterinary Technician / Animal Care
51.0809 Anesthesiologist Assistant 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.0810 Emergency Care Attendant (EMT Ambulance) 433 * Emergency Paramedical Technology
51.0811 Pathology/Pathologist Assistant 425 * Medical Laboratory Technology
51.0812 Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant 435 * Respiratory Therapy Technology
51.0813 Chiropractic Assistant/Technician 431 * Chiropractic Technology
51.0899 Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services, Other 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0901 Cardiovascular Technology/Technologist 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.0902 Electrocardiograph Technology/Technician 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.0903 Electroneurodiagnostic/Electroencephalographic Technology/Technologist 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.0904 Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic) 433 * Emergency Paramedical Technology
51.0905 Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist 438 * X-ray - Radiation Therapy
51.0906 Perfusion Technology/Perfusionist 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0907 Medical Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiation Therapist 438 * X-ray – Radiation Therapy
51.0908 Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist 435 * Respiratory Therapy Technology
51.0909 Surgical Technology/Technologist 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0910 Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician 436 Ultrasound Technology
51.0911 Radiologic Technology/Science – Radiographer 429 Radiological Technology
437 * X-ray - Radiography
439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.0912 Physician Assistant 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0913 Athletic Training/Trainer 033 * Physical Education and Health
038 * Sports Administration
424 * Physiotherapy
439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.0914 Gene/Genetic Therapy 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.0915 Cardiopulmonary Technology/Technologist 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.0916 Radiation Protection/Health Physics Technician 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.0999 Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention and Treatment Professions, Other 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.1001 Blood Bank Technology Specialist 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.1002 Cytotechnology/Cytotechnologist 426 * Biological Laboratory Technology and Cytology
51.1003 Hematology Technology/Technician 425 * Medical Laboratory Technology
51.1004 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician 425 * Medical Laboratory Technology
437 * X-ray - Radiography
480 * Science Lab Technology
51.1005 Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist 425 * Medical Laboratory Technology
51.1006 Ophthalmic Laboratory Technology/Technician 425 * Medical Laboratory Technology
51.1007 Histologic Technology/Histotechnologist 425 * Medical Laboratory Technology
51.1008 Histologic Technician 425 * Medical Laboratory Technology
51.1009 Phlebotomy/Phlebotomist 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.1010 Cytogenetics/Genetics/Clinical Genetics Technology/Technologist 241 * Genetics
383 * Basic Medical Sciences - Other
51.1011 Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.1099 Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions, Other 413 * Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology
425 * Medical Laboratory Technology
51.1101 Predentistry Studies 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.1102 Premedicine/Premedical Studies 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.1103 Prepharmacy Studies 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.1104 Preveterinary Studies 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.1105 Prenursing Studies 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.1199 Health/Medical Preparatory Programs, Other 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.1201 Medicine (MD) 375 * General Practice Medicine
51.1401 Medical Scientist (MSc, PhD) 383 * Basic Medical Sciences - Other
388 * Medical Specializations - Other
51.1501 Substance Abuse/Addiction Counselling 044 * Counselling Services - Other
51.1502 Psychiatric/Mental Health Services Technician 434 * Mental Health Counselling
51.1503 Clinical/Medical Social Work 178 * Social Work - General
439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.1504 Community Health Services/Liaison/Counselling 184 * Social Services - Other
415 * Community Health
51.1505 Marriage and Family Therapy/Counselling 042 Marriage, Family and Life Skills Counselling
51.1506 Clinical Pastoral Counselling/Patient Counselling 439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.1507 Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy 386 * Psychiatry
51.1508 Mental Health Counselling/Counsellor 184 * Social Services - Other
51.1509 Genetic Counselling/Counsellor 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.1599 Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other 044 * Counselling Services - Other
187 * Social Sciences and Related, n.e.c. - Other
434 * Mental Health Counselling
51.1601 Nursing/Registered Nurse (RN, ASN, BScN, MScN) 399 * Nursing - General
51.1602 Nursing Administration (MScN, MSc, PhD) 201 * Health Administration
406 * Nursing - Other
51.1603 Adult Health Nurse/Nursing 406 * Nursing - Other
51.1604 Nurse Anesthetist 406 * Nursing - Other
51.1605 Family Practice Nurse/Nurse Practitioner 399 * Nursing - General
51.1606 Maternal/Child Health and Neonatal Nurse/Nursing 406 * Nursing - Other
51.1607 Nurse Midwife/Nursing Midwifery 403 * Midwifery and Obstetric Nursing
51.1608 Nursing Science (MSc, PhD) 399 * Nursing - General
51.1609 Pediatric Nurse/Nursing 406 * Nursing - Other
51.1610 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing 404 Psychiatric Nursing
51.1611 Public Health/Community Nurse/Nursing 405 Public Health Nursing
51.1612 Perioperative/Operating Room and Surgical Nurse/Nursing 402 Medical Nursing
406 * Nursing - Other
51.1613 Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training (LPN, LVN, Cert., Dipl., AAS) 407 * Nursing Assistant - General
51.1614 Nurse/Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Care Assistant 407 * Nursing Assistant - General
410 * Nursing Aide
51.1616 Clinical Nurse Specialist 406 * Nursing - Other
51.1617 Critical Care Nursing 400 * Critical Care Nursing
51.1618 Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing 406 * Nursing - Other
51.1699 Nursing, Other 400 * Critical Care Nursing
401 Gerontology Nursing
406 * Nursing - Other
51.1701 Optometry (OD) 411 * Optometry
51.1801 Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician 440 * Optician, Optical Dispensing, Prosthetics and Orthotics
51.1802 Optometric Technician/Assistant 440 * Optician, Optical Dispensing, Prosthetics and Orthotics
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.1803 Ophthalmic Technician/Technologist 440 * Optician, Optical Dispensing, Prosthetics and Orthotics
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.1804 Orthoptics/Orthoptist 411 * Optometry
51.1899 Ophthalmic and Optometric Support Services and Allied Professions, Other 440 * Optician, Optical Dispensing, Prosthetics and Orthotics
51.1901 Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy (DO) 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
51.2001 Pharmacy (PharmD [USA], PharmD or BSc/BPharm [Canada]) 412 * Pharmacy
51.2002 Pharmacy Administration and Pharmacy Policy and Regulatory Affairs (MSc, PhD) 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2003 Pharmaceutics and Drug Design (MSc, PhD) 413 * Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology
51.2004 Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (MSc, PhD) 383 * Basic Medical Sciences - Other
413 * Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology
51.2005 Natural Products Chemistry and Pharmacognosy (MSc, PhD) 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2006 Clinical and Industrial Drug Development (MSc, PhD) 413 * Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2007 Pharmacoeconomics/Pharmaceutical Economics (MSc, PhD) 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2008 Clinical, Hospital and Managed Care Pharmacy (MSc, PhD) 412 * Pharmacy
51.2009 Industrial and Physical Pharmacy and Cosmetic Sciences (MSc, PhD) 413 * Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
51.2099 Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Administration, Other 293 * Engineering, n.e.c.
413 * Pharmaceutical Sciences/Technology
51.2101 Podiatric Medicine/Podiatry (DPM) 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
439 * Medical Treatment Technologies - Other
51.2201 Public Health, General (MPH, DPH) 414 * Public Health - General
51.2202 Environmental Health 418 * Industrial Health
419 * Industrial Hygiene
51.2205 Health/Medical Physics 378 * Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry
51.2206 Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene 418 * Industrial Health
419 * Industrial Hygiene
51.2207 Public Health Education and Promotion 033 * Physical Education and Health
414 * Public Health - General
51.2208 Community Health and Preventive Medicine 415 * Community Health
417 * Epidemiology and Biostatistics
51.2209 Maternal and Child Health 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2210 International Public Health/International Health 414 * Public Health - General
51.2211 Health Services Administration 201 * Health Administration
51.2299 Public Health, Other 414 * Public Health - General
415 * Community Health
51.2301 Art Therapy/Therapist 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2302 Dance Therapy/Therapist 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2305 Music Therapy/Therapist 423 * Occupational and Physical Therapy
51.2306 Occupational Therapy/Therapist 423 * Occupational and Physical Therapy
51.2307 Orthotist/Prosthetist 440 * Optician, Optical Dispensing, Prosthetics and Orthotics
51.2308 Physical Therapy/Therapist 423 * Occupational and Physical Therapy
424 * Physiotherapy
51.2309 Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy 423 * Occupational and Physical Therapy
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2310 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselling/Counsellor 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2311 Kinesiotherapy/Kinesiotherapist 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2312 Assistive/Augmentative Technology and Rehabilitation Engineering 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2399 Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, Other 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2401 Veterinary Medicine (DVM) 255 * Veterinary Medicine
51.2501 Veterinary Sciences/Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General (Cert., MSc, PhD) 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2502 Veterinary Anatomy (Cert., MSc, PhD) 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2503 Veterinary Physiology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2504 Veterinary Microbiology and Immunobiology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2505 Veterinary Pathology and Pathobiology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2506 Veterinary Toxicology and Pharmacology (Cert., MSc, PhD) 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2507 Large Animal/Food Animal and Equine Surgery and Medicine (Cert., MSc, PhD) 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2508 Small/Companion Animal Surgery and Medicine (Cert., MSc, PhD) 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2509 Comparative and Laboratory Animal Medicine (Cert., MSc, PhD) 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2510 Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health (Cert., MSc, PhD) 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2511 Veterinary Infectious Diseases (Cert., MSc, PhD) 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2599 Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (Cert., MSc, PhD), Other 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
51.2601 Health Aide 407 * Nursing Assistant - General
408 * Health Care Aide
409 Long-term Care Aide
410 * Nursing Aide
51.2602 Home Health Aide/Home Attendant 184 * Social Services - Other
408 * Health Care Aide
51.2603 Medication Aide 408 * Health Care Aide
51.2699 Health Aides/Attendants/Orderlies, Other 408 * Health Care Aide
51.2703 Medical Illustration/Medical Illustrator 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2706 Medical Informatics 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.2799 Medical Illustration and Informatics, Other 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3101 Dietetics/Dietitian (RD) 252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
51.3102 Clinical Nutrition/Nutritionist 252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
51.3103 Dietetic Technician (DTR) 252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
51.3104 Dietitian Assistant 252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
51.3199 Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services, Other 252 * Nutrition and Dietetics
51.3201 Bioethics/Medical Ethics 114 * Philosophy - Specialized
51.3301 Acupuncture 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3302 Traditional Chinese/Asian Medicine and Chinese Herbology 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3303 Naturopathic Medicine/Naturopathy (ND) 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3304 Homeopathic Medicine/Homeopathy 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3305 Ayurvedic Medicine/Ayurveda 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3399 Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Medical Systems, Other 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3401 Direct Entry Midwifery (LM, CPM) 403 * Midwifery and Obstetric Nursing
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3499 Alternative and Complementary Medical Support Services, Other 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3501 Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3502 Asian Bodywork Therapy 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3503 Somatic Bodywork 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3599 Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic Services, Other 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3601 Movement Therapy 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3602 Yoga Teacher Training/Yoga Therapy 039 * Fitness and Other Physical Recreation
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3603 Hypnotherapy/Hypnotherapist 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3699 Movement and Mind-Body Therapies, Other 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3701 Aromatherapy 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3702 Herbalism/Herbalist 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3703 Polarity Therapy 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3704 Reiki 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.3799 Energy-based and Biologically-based Therapies, Other 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
51.9999 Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
52.0101 Business/Commerce, General 188 * Business and Commerce - General
191 * Business and Commerce - Other
211 * Secretarial/Administrative - General
52.0201 Business Administration and Management, General 189 * Business Administration
200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
52.0202 Purchasing, Procurement/Acquisitions and Contracts Management 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.0203 Logistics and Materials Management 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
446 * Operations Research
52.0204 Office Management and Supervision 200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
211 * Secretarial/Administrative - General
52.0205 Operations Management and Supervision 196 * Industrial Relations/Management
200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
52.0206 Non-profit/Public/Organizational Management 184 * Social Services - Other
189 * Business Administration
205 * Institutional Management - Other
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
52.0207 Customer Service Management 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
220 * Administrative/Clerical - Other
52.0208 E-commerce/Electronic Commerce 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
52.0209 Transportation/Transportation Management 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
52.0299 Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
205 * Institutional Management - Other
52.0301 Accounting 193 * Accounting
52.0302 Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping 193 * Accounting
218 * Secretarial Accounting/Bookkeeping
52.0303 Auditing 193 * Accounting
52.0304 Accounting and Finance 193 * Accounting
52.0305 Accounting and Business/Management 193 * Accounting
52.0399 Accounting and Related Services, Other 193 * Accounting
52.0401 Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General 211 * Secretarial/Administrative - General
218 * Secretarial Accounting/Bookkeeping
52.0402 Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary 211 * Secretarial/Administrative - General
52.0406 Receptionist 211 * Secretarial/Administrative - General
213 * Office Systems Technology
52.0407 Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry 213 * Office Systems Technology
321 * Microcomputer and Information Systems
52.0408 General Office Occupations and Clerical Services 211 * Secretarial/Administrative - General
213 * Office Systems Technology
220 * Administrative/Clerical - Other
52.0409 Parts, Warehousing and Inventory Management Operations 210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
220 * Administrative/Clerical - Other
348 * Industrial Technologies - Other
52.0410 Traffic, Customs and Transportation Clerk/Technician 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
363 * Transportation Technology - General
368 * Rail Transportation
52.0411 Customer Service Support/Call Centre/Teleservice Operation 206 * Public Relations and Customer Services
52.0499 Business Operations Support and Assistant Services, Other 213 * Office Systems Technology
52.0501 Business/Corporate Communications 090 * Communications
191 * Business and Commerce - Other
52.0601 Business/Managerial Economics 143 * Economics - Other
52.0701 Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies 188 * Business and Commerce - General
191 * Business and Commerce - Other
52.0702 Franchising and Franchise Operations 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
52.0703 Small Business Administration/Management 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
52.0799 Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, Other 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
52.0801 Finance, General 192 * Financial Management - General
52.0803 Banking and Financial Support Services 195 * Financial Management - Other
212 Bank and Financial Clerk
52.0804 Financial Planning and Services 192 * Financial Management - General
195 * Financial Management - Other
52.0806 International Finance 190 * International Business and Trade
195 * Financial Management - Other
52.0807 Investments and Securities 194 * Assessment and Appraisal
195 * Financial Management - Other
52.0808 Public Finance 195 * Financial Management - Other
52.0809 Credit Management 195 * Financial Management - Other
52.0899 Finance and Financial Management Services, Other 195 * Financial Management - Other
52.0901 Hospitality Administration/Management, General 204 * Hospitality and Tourism
52.0903 Tourism and Travel Services Management 037 * Travel and Tourism
204 * Hospitality and Tourism
52.0904 Hotel/Motel Administration/Management 202 * Hotel and Food Administration
52.0905 Restaurant/Food Services Management 202 * Hotel and Food Administration
52.0906 Resort Management 202 * Hotel and Food Administration
204 * Hospitality and Tourism
52.0999 Hospitality Administration/Management, Other 204 * Hospitality and Tourism
52.1001 Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General 199 * Human Resources Management
52.1002 Labour and Industrial Relations 196 * Industrial Relations/Management
197 Labour Relations
52.1003 Organizational Behaviour Studies 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
196 * Industrial Relations/Management
52.1004 Labour Studies 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
52.1005 Human Resources Development 199 * Human Resources Management
52.1099 Human Resources Management and Services, Other 040 * Counselling Services - General
199 * Human Resources Management
52.1101 International Business/Trade/Commerce 190 * International Business and Trade
52.1201 Management Information Systems, General 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
481 * All Other, n.e.c.
52.1206 Information Resources Management/Chief Information Officer (CIO) Training 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
52.1207 Knowledge Management 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
52.1299 Management Information Systems and Services, Other 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
52.1301 Management Science, General 189 * Business Administration
446 * Operations Research
447 * Applied Mathematics - Other
52.1302 Business Statistics 463 * Statistics
52.1304 Actuarial Science 442 Actuarial Science - General
52.1399 Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods, Other 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
52.1401 Marketing/Marketing Management, General 207 * Marketing
52.1402 Marketing Research 207 * Marketing
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1403 International Marketing 207 * Marketing
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1499 Marketing, Other 207 * Marketing
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1501 Real Estate 194 * Assessment and Appraisal
195 * Financial Management - Other
209 * Retailing and Sales
52.1601 Taxation 143 * Economics - Other
191 * Business and Commerce - Other
195 * Financial Management - Other
52.1701 Insurance 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
194 * Assessment and Appraisal
195 * Financial Management - Other
209 * Retailing and Sales
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1801 Sales, Distribution and Marketing Operations, General 207 * Marketing
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1802 Merchandising and Buying Operations 208 * Merchandising
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1803 Retailing and Retail Operations 209 * Retailing and Sales
52.1804 Selling Skills and Sales Operations 209 * Retailing and Sales
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1899 General Sales, Merchandising and Related Marketing Operations, Other 210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1901 Auctioneering 210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1902 Fashion Merchandising 071 * Creative and Design Arts - General
207 * Marketing
208 * Merchandising
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1903 Fashion Modelling 064 Modeling
52.1904 Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations 209 * Retailing and Sales
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1905 Tourism and Travel Services Marketing Operations 037 * Travel and Tourism
207 * Marketing
208 * Merchandising
52.1906 Tourism Promotion Operations 037 * Travel and Tourism
208 * Merchandising
52.1907 Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations 207 * Marketing
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1908 Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations 207 * Marketing
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1909 Special Products Marketing Operations 209 * Retailing and Sales
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1910 Hospitality and Recreation Marketing Operations 207 * Marketing
210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.1999 Specialized Sales, Merchandising and Marketing Operations, Other 210 * Marketing and Sales - Other
52.2001 Construction Management 200 * Industrial Management and Administration - Other
334 * Construction Technologies, n.e.c.
52.9999 Business, Management, Marketing and Related Support Services, Other 191 * Business and Commerce - Other
53.0101 Regular/General High School/Secondary Diploma Programs 482 * No Specialization
53.0102 College/University Preparatory and Advanced High School/Secondary Diploma Programs 482 * No Specialization
53.0103 Vocational High School and Secondary Business/Vocational-Industrial/Occupational Diploma Programs 482 * No Specialization
53.0104 Honours/Regents High School/Secondary Diploma Programs 482 * No Specialization
53.0105 Adult High School/Secondary Diploma Programs 482 * No Specialization
53.0199 High School/Secondary Diploma Programs, Other 482 * No Specialization
53.0201 High School Equivalence Certificate Programs 482 * No Specialization
53.0202 High School Certificate of Competence Programs 482 * No Specialization
53.0203 Certificate of IEP Completion Programs 482 * No Specialization
53.0299 High School/Secondary Certificate Programs, Other 482 * No Specialization
54.0101 History, General 083 * History - General
087 * History - Other
54.0102 American History (United States) 087 * History - Other
54.0103 European History 087 * History - Other
54.0104 History and Philosophy of Science and Technology 087 * History - Other
114 * Philosophy - Specialized
54.0105 Public/Applied History and Archival Administration 083 * History - General
087 * History - Other
088 * Library/Documentation Science
54.0106 Asian History 087 * History - Other
54.0107 Canadian History 084 Canadian History
54.0199 History, Other 085 * Medieval and Ancient History
087 * History - Other
55.0101 French Language and Literature, General 099 * French Language and Literature - General
55.0301 French Composition 099 * French Language and Literature - General
55.0401 French Creative Writing 123 * Creative Writing
55.0501 French Canadian Literature 102 * French Language and Literature - Specialized
55.0601 French Literature (France and the French Community) 099 * French Language and Literature - General
55.0701 French Speech and Rhetorical Studies 102 * French Language and Literature - Specialized
55.0801 French Technical and Business Writing 102 * French Language and Literature - Specialized
55.9999 French Language and Literature/Letters, Other 102 * French Language and Literature - Specialized
60.0101 Dental/Oral Surgery Specialty Residency Programs 371 * Dental Surgery
60.0102 Dental Public Health Specialty Residency Programs 373 * Dental Specialties
60.0103 Endodontics Specialty Residency Programs 373 * Dental Specialties
60.0104 Oral Pathology Specialty Residency Programs 373 * Dental Specialties
60.0105 Orthodontics Specialty Residency Programs 372 * Orthodontics
60.0106 Pedodontics Specialty Residency Programs 373 * Dental Specialties
60.0107 Periodontics Specialty Residency Programs 373 * Dental Specialties
60.0108 Prosthodontics Specialty Residency Programs 373 * Dental Specialties
60.0199 Dental Residency Programs, Other 373 * Dental Specialties
60.0201 Aerospace Medicine Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0202 Allergies and Immunology Residency Programs 390 * Medical Immunology
60.0203 Anesthesiology Residency Programs 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
60.0204 Blood Banking Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0205 Cardiology Residency Programs 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
60.0206 Chemical Pathology Residency Programs 392 * Medical Pathology
60.0207 Child/Pediatric Neurology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0208 Child Psychiatry Residency Programs 386 * Psychiatry
60.0209 Colon and Rectal Surgery Residency Programs 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
60.0210 Critical Care Anesthesiology Residency Programs 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
60.0211 Critical Care Medicine Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0212 Critical Care Surgery Residency Programs 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
60.0213 Dermatology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0214 Dermatopathology Residency Programs 392 * Medical Pathology
60.0215 Diagnostic Radiology Residency Programs 387 * Radiology
60.0216 Emergency Medicine Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0217 Endocrinology and Metabolism Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0218 Family Medicine Residency Programs 375 * General Practice Medicine
60.0219 Forensic Pathology Residency Programs 392 * Medical Pathology
60.0220 Gastroenterology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0221 General Surgery Residency Programs 394 Surgery - General
60.0222 Geriatric Medicine Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0223 Hand Surgery Residency Programs 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
60.0224 Hematology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0225 Hematological Pathology Residency Programs 392 * Medical Pathology
60.0226 Immunopathology Residency Programs 392 * Medical Pathology
60.0227 Infectious Disease Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0228 Internal Medicine Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0229 Laboratory Medicine Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0230 Musculoskeletal Oncology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0231 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0232 Nephrology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0233 Neurological Surgery/Neurosurgery Residency Programs 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
60.0234 Neurology Residency Programs 380 * Medical Neurophysiology
388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0235 Neuropathology Residency Programs 392 * Medical Pathology
60.0236 Nuclear Medicine Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0237 Nuclear Radiology Residency Programs 387 * Radiology
60.0238 Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Programs 395 Obstetrics and Gynaecology
60.0239 Occupational Medicine Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0240 Oncology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0241 Ophthalmology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0242 Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery Residency Programs 396 * Orthopaedic Surgery
60.0243 Otolaryngology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0244 Pathology Residency Programs 392 * Medical Pathology
60.0245 Pediatric Cardiology Residency Programs 441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
60.0246 Pediatric Endocrinology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0247 Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0248 Pediatric Nephrology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0249 Pediatric Orthopedics Residency Programs 396 * Orthopaedic Surgery
60.0250 Pediatric Surgery Residency Programs 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
60.0251 Pediatrics Residency Programs 385 Paediatrics
60.0252 Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Residency Programs 421 Rehabilitation - General
60.0253 Plastic Surgery Residency Programs 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
60.0254 Preventive Medicine Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0255 Psychiatry Residency Programs 386 * Psychiatry
60.0256 Public Health Medicine Residency Programs 414 * Public Health - General
60.0257 Pulmonary Disease Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0258 Radiation Oncology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0259 Radioisotopic Pathology Residency Programs 392 * Medical Pathology
60.0260 Rheumatology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0261 Sports Medicine Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0262 Thoracic Surgery Residency Programs 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
60.0263 Urology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0264 Vascular Surgery Residency Programs 398 * Surgical Specialties - Other
60.0265 Adult Reconstructive Orthopedics (Orthopedic Surgery) Residency Programs 396 * Orthopaedic Surgery
60.0266 Child Neurology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0267 Cytopathology Residency Programs 392 * Medical Pathology
60.0268 Geriatric Medicine (Internal Medicine) Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0269 Pediatric Urology Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0270 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation/Psychiatry Residency Programs 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
60.0271 Orthopedic Surgery of the Spine Residency Programs 396 * Orthopaedic Surgery
60.0299 Medical Residency Programs, Other 388 * Medical Specializations - Other
441 * Alternative Medicine and Other Health Sciences, n.e.c.
60.0301 Veterinary Anesthesiology Residency Programs 255 * Veterinary Medicine
60.0302 Veterinary Dentistry Residency Programs 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
60.0303 Veterinary Dermatology Residency Programs 255 * Veterinary Medicine
60.0304 Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Residency Programs 255 * Veterinary Medicine
60.0305 Veterinary Internal Medicine Residency Programs 255 * Veterinary Medicine
60.0306 Laboratory Animal Medicine Residency Programs 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
60.0307 Veterinary Microbiology Residency Programs 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
60.0308 Veterinary Nutrition Residency Programs 255 * Veterinary Medicine
60.0309 Veterinary Ophthalmology Residency Programs 255 * Veterinary Medicine
60.0310 Veterinary Pathology Residency Programs 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
60.0311 Veterinary Practice Residency Programs 255 * Veterinary Medicine
60.0312 Veterinary Preventive Medicine Residency Programs 255 * Veterinary Medicine
60.0313 Veterinary Radiology Residency Programs 255 * Veterinary Medicine
60.0314 Veterinary Surgery Residency Programs 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
60.0315 Theriogenology Residency Programs 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
60.0316 Veterinary Toxicology Residency Programs 256 * Veterinary Science and Pathology
60.0317 Zoological Medicine Residency Programs 481 * All Other, n.e.c.
60.0399 Veterinary Residency Programs, Other 481 * All Other, n.e.c.