StatCan Professionals Network: Challenges and Events (Update) - Privacy impact assessment summary


The StatCan Professionals Network (SPN) (formerly the Statistics Canada Young Professionals Network) periodically holds various challenges and events to bring together experts and students from a variety of fields. The events are designed to engage participants with Statistics Canada data with the goal of creating innovative products to increase data accessibility among Canadians and increase public awareness of Agency programs and services.


The objectives of these events are: to raise public awareness on the importance of statistics in the economic and social development of Canada; to engage experts and students with new technologies; develop solutions to concrete Government of Canada business cases; recruit talented individuals; and/or, develop new partnerships across the public service and academia.

Participants register online and are asked to provide basic personal information, strictly limited to registration purposes. In some cases, participants’ images could be captured for promotional purposes.


A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for these events, including the online registration process and promotional activities, was conducted to determine if there were any privacy, confidentiality and security issues, and to make recommendations to resolve them.

Risk Area Identification and Categorization

The PIA identifies the level of potential risk (level 1 is the lowest level of potential risk and level 4 is the highest) associated with the following risk areas:

  Risk scale
a) Type of program or activity
Administration of program or activity and services. 2
b) Type of personal information involved and context
Only personal information, with no contextual sensitivities, collected directly from the individual or provided with the consent of the individual for disclosure under an authorized program. 1
c) Program or activity partners and private sector involvement
Within the institution (among one or more programs within the same institution) 1
d) Duration of the program or activity
Long-term program or activity (ongoing) 3
e) Program population
The program's use of personal information for external administrative purposes affects certain individuals. 3
f) Personal information transmission
The personal information is transmitted using wireless technologies. 4
g) Technology and privacy
This activity involves the implementation of new software which is a secure platform developed by Statistics Canada using Orchard. The platform is hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud, which is an approved Government of Canada cloud infrastructure.
h) Potential risk that in the event of a privacy breach, there will be an impact on the individual or employee.
There is a very low risk of a breach of some of the personal information being disclosed. The impact would be minimal as the information is not very sensitive.


This assessment of the events held by the StatCan Professionals Network did not identify any privacy risks that cannot be managed using existing safeguards.

Data quality, concepts and methodology: Explanatory notes on direct program payments to agriculture producers

Payments Enhancing Receipts

Explanatory notes for programs which existed prior to 2007 can be found in the discontinued Direct Payments to Agriculture Producers publication (21-015-X).

Agricultural Revenue Stabilization Account (ARSA) (2000 to 2002)

The objective of the Agricultural Revenue Stabilization Account program was to offer a risk management tool to farming operations in Quebec, based on the operation's gross income. To this effect, the program established two individual funds, for contributions from participants and La Financière agricole du Québec, and made provisions for withdrawals from these funds to compensate for reductions in farm income. The ARSA was a program developed and administered by La Financière agricole du Québec.

Following the introduction of the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization Program, La Financière agricole du Québec terminated this program in the 2002 program year. Consequently, participants had five years to make withdrawals from their account, at an annual minimum of 20% of the government contribution held on February 1st, 2005.

AgriInvest (2008 to present)

This program was created under the Growing Forward policy framework (2007 – 2013) and has continued under Growing Forward 2 (2013 – 2018) and the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (effective April 1, 2018). AgriInvest replaces part of the coverage that had been available under the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program, and, operates similar to the former Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA) program.

Through government and producer contributions, AgriInvest provides cash flow to help producers manage small income declines, as well as provide support for investments to mitigate risks or improve market income. Producers can deposit up to 100% of their Allowable Net Sales, with the first 1% matched by governments. The limit on matching government contributions is $10,000 per AgriInvest account. AgriInvest is administered by the Federal government in all provinces except Quebec.

Agri-Québec (2011 to present)

Agri-Québec is a self-directed risk management program offered to all farming and aqua-farming operations in Quebec. The program allows participants to deposit an amount in an account under their name, in order to receive matching contributions from La Financière agricole du Québec. Participants can then withdraw the funds from the accounts, based on their operational needs. Agri-Québec is managed jointly by the provincial and federal governments, as it is similar and complimentary to AgriInvest.

Agri-Québec Plus (2015 to present)

The Agri-Québec Plus program offers additional financial assistance to eligible operations. Agri-Québec Plus complements AgriStability by offering a coverage level of 85% of the reference margin rather than 70%. The program covers agriculture products that are not covered or not associated with the ASRA program (Farm Income Stabilization Program) and are not supply-managed. Participation in the program is linked to the respect of environmental requirements.

AgriRecovery (2008 to present)

The AgriRecovery framework is part of a suite of federal-provincial-territorial (FPT) Business Risk Management (BRM) tools under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (replacing Growing Forward 2, as of 2018).

AgriRecovery was designed to provide quick, targeted assistance to producers in case of natural disasters, with a focus on the extraordinary costs producers must take on to recover from disasters. Federal and provincial governments jointly determine whether further assistance beyond existing programs already in place is necessary, and what form of assistance should be provided. AgriRecovery initiatives are cost-shared on a 60:40 basis between the federal government and participating provinces or territories. The assistance provided will be unique to the specific disaster situation and often unique to a province or region. Examples of programs included in AgriRecovery are the 2017 and 2018 Canada-BC Wildfire Recovery Initiatives, and the 2017 Canada-Quebec Hail Assistance Initiative.

AgriStability (2007 to present)

This program was created under the Growing Forward policy framework (2007 – 2013) and has continued under Growing Forward 2 (2013 – 2018) and the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (effective April 1, 2018). AgriStability was developed as a margin-based program that provides income support when a producer experiences a large margin decline. AgriStability has replaced part of the coverage that had been provided under the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program. Under the current program, a payment is triggered when the production margin falls below 70 percent of the producer's historical reference margin.

AgriStability is delivered in Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Yukon by the Federal government. In British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, and Prince Edward Island, AgriStability is delivered provincially.

Assiniboine Valley Producers Flood Assistance Program (2007 to 2011)

This Province of Manitoba program provided financial assistance for Assiniboine Valley agricultural producers who experienced crop loss or the inability to seed a crop in 2005 and 2006 along the Assiniboine River from the Shellmouth Dam to Brandon, due to flooding. This program also provided assistance in 2011, following flooding in 2010.

These programs were managed through the Manitoba Agricultural Service Corporation (MASC).

Beekeepers Financial Assistance Program (2014)

Due to harsh winter conditions in Ontario in 2014, and other pollinator health issues, Ontario's bee colonies experienced higher than normal mortality rates. To help offset these losses, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food provided one-time financial assistance of $105 per hive to beekeepers who have 10 hives or more and lost over 40 per cent of their colonies between Jan. 1, 2014, and Oct. 31, 2014.

Canada-Ontario General Top-Up Program (2005 to 2007)

This was a special top-up payment program which provided whole farm coverage to the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program participants in Ontario, who were automatically enrolled. All commodities eligible for CAIS payment were covered under this program. In order to qualify, participants must have experienced a decline in their program year production margin as calculated by the CAIS Program Administrator and be eligible to receive the government portion of the CAIS payment. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs were responsible for the overall administration of the program.

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program (2004 to 2008)

The CAIS program was available to producers across Canada and provided assistance to those producers who had experienced a loss of income as a result of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or other factors. The program integrated stabilization and disaster protection into a single program, helping producers protect their farming operations from both small and large drops in income.

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization Inventory Transition Initiative (CITI) (2006 to 2007)

CITI was a one-time federal government injection of $900 million into Canada's Agriculture and Agri-food industry. The funds were delivered to producers by recalculating how the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program valued inventory change for the 2003, 2004, and 2005 CAIS program years.

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization Ontario Inventory Transition Initiative (2006 to present)

The Ontario Inventory Transition Payment was an additional one-time payment from the province of Ontario, for the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program participants, as it transitioned to a new method of valuing inventory for CAIS.

Compensation for animal losses (1981 to present)

Formerly a program under the Animal Disease and Protection Act, this compensation program is now administered by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in accordance with requirements established under the Health of Animals Act. Producers in all provinces are compensated when farm animals infected with certain contagious diseases are ordered to be slaughtered. Compensation also includes applicable transportation and disposal costs and compensation for animals injured during testing.

Cost of Production Payment (COP) (2007 to 2010)

This program helped non-supply managed commodities producers with the rising cost of production. This federal program was based on producers' net sales for 2000-2004 (or in the case of new producers: payments were based on average net sales for 2005-2006).

Cover Crop Protection Program (CCPP) (2006 to 2008)

The CCPP was a Government of Canada initiative designed to provide financial assistance to agricultural producers who were unable to seed commercial crops as a result of flooding in the spring of 2005 and/or 2006.

Crop Insurance (1981 to present)

Crop Insurance (now referred to as AgriInsurance) is a federal-provincial-producer cost-shared program that stabilizes a producer's income by minimizing the economic effects of production losses caused by natural hazards. AgriInsurance is a provincially delivered program to which the federal government contributes a portion of total premiums and administrative costs. Premiums for most crop insurance programs are cost-shared: 40 per cent by participating producers, 36 per cent by the federal government and 24 per cent by the province, while administrative costs are funded by governments, 60 per cent by the federal government and 40 per cent by the province.

AgriInsurance plans are developed and delivered by each province to meet the needs of the producers in that province. AgriInsurance helps to cover production losses as well as losses from poor product quality. Both yield and non-yield based plans are offered. These plans cover traditional crops such as wheat, corn, oats and barley as well as horticultural crops such as lettuce, strawberries, carrots and eggplants. Some provinces also provide coverage for bee mortality as well as maple syrup production. The provinces constantly work to improve their programs by adjusting existing plans and implementing new ones to meet changing industry requirements.

Crop Loss Compensation (1981 to present)

Crop loss compensation programs are generally one element of a province's Wildlife damage compensation programs, which can also include separate Waterfowl damage and Livestock predation programs. This Big Game program reduces the financial loss incurred by producers in these provinces from wildlife damage to eligible crops, and can include compensation for wildlife excreta contaminated crops and silage in pits and tubes. In some provinces damage to honey producers and leafcutter bee products is also included.

Also see Livestock predation compensation, Waterfowl damage and Wildlife damage compensation programs.

Cull Animal Program (2003 to 2006)

This program was intended to assist farmers with the additional cost of feeding surplus animals while the US border was closed to Canadian animals over 30 months of age. With the goal of discouraging on-farm slaughter and encouraging movement of mature animals to domestic markets in an orderly fashion.

Cull Breeding Swine Program (2008)

This federally funded program for 2008, administered by the Canadian Pork Council, was designed to help restructure the industry to bring it in line with market realities. The objective was to reduce the national breeding herd size by up to 10% over and above normal annual reductions. Producers were eligible to receive a per head payment for each animal slaughtered as well as reimbursement for slaughter and disposal costs. Producers had to agree to empty at least one barn, and not restock for a three year period.

Dairy Direct Payment Program (2019 to present)

The objective of the Dairy Direct Payment Program is to support dairy producers as a result of market access commitments made under recent international trade agreements, namely the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). The federal government announced in August 2019, that it will make available $1.75 billion over eight years to supply-managed cow's milk producers.

The Dairy Direct Payment Program provided payments in 2019-20 of $345 million to compensate cow's milk producers. The one-year program ended on March 31, 2020. The Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) delivered funding.

The federal government will continue to work with the Dairy Farmers of Canada to determine the terms and conditions for future years.

Drought Assistance for Livestock Producers (2007 to 2008)

This program was enacted in 2007, to assist livestock owners in Northern B.C. who suffered economic hardship in 2006 due to drought. Drought conditions in the summer of 2006 reduced hay and forage yields by up to 50% and producers were left with higher costs for feed, water and other expenses.

Ontario Edible Horticulture Support Program for Edible Horticulture Farmers (2018-2019)

This program provides financial support to Ontario producers of edible horticulture products (small and medium-size agricultural operators) to adjust to the changing small business environment. This program is funded by the Government of Ontario and the payments are based on net sales of edible horticulture. Self-Directed Risk Management Program participants are enrolled automatically.

Fed Cattle Set Aside Program (2005 to 2006)  

The program was part of a national strategy to assist Canada's cattle industry to reposition itself to help ensure its long-term viability.

Frost loss Program (2018-2019)

The Frost Loss Program helped Nova Scotia Farmers recover from crop and financial losses from the frost in June 2018.

This program provided financial assistance in addition with other Business Risk Management programs that were available, such as AgriInsurance.

Golden Nematode Disaster Program (2007 to 2009)

The objective of this programs was to assist producers affected by Golden Nematode with the costs of disposing potatoes  and a per hectare support payment to assist potato producers and producers of nursery and greenhouse crops with extraordinary costs not covered under existing programs. The program was funded by the federal government.

Grains and Oilseeds Payment (GOPP) (2006)

The Grains and Oilseeds Payment Program was a one-time program for producers of grains, oilseeds, or special crops, to help address the severe economic hardships they were facing.

Hazelnut Renewal Program (2020-2021)

This provincially funded program provides funds to remove infected trees to mitigate the spread of Eastern Filbert Blight and to provide incentives for the planting of new disease-resistant hazelnut trees in British Columbia.

Types of Program Funding:

  • Hazelnut Renewal: Funding to provide incentives for the planting of new Eastern Filbert Blight (EFB) resistant hazelnut trees in British Columbia.
  • Removal of EFB Infected Hazelnut Trees: Funding to remove infected trees to mitigate the spread of EFB and to protect new orchards.

Hog Transition Fund (2008)

This program was designed to assist Nova Scotia hog producers who were having financial difficulties due to declining market prices in 2006-2007. The program was administered through Pork Nova Scotia.

Lake Manitoba Flood Assistance Program (2011 to present)

This program was designed to provide financial compensation to crop and livestock producers affected by the flooding of Lake Manitoba in 2011. Part A - Lake Manitoba Pasture Flooding Assistance Component and Part B - Lake Manitoba Transportation and Crop/Forage Loss Component, are included. This program is funded entirely by the provincial government.

Livestock Insurance Programs (1991 to present)

The Livestock Insurance Programs include a number of provincially administered livestock insurance programs. These programs include:

The Cattle Price Insurance Program (2009 to present), designed to provide Alberta cattle producers with an effective price risk management tool reflective of their risk. As of 2014, this program is now referred to as the Western Livestock Price Insurance Program.

Dairy Livestock Insurance (1991 to present), implemented to assist Nova Scotia producers when a number of cattle were lost due to disease outbreaks. The program continues to exist for situations resulting in a significant loss in production, causing a loss of revenue.

The Hog Price Insurance Program (2011 to present), designed to provide Alberta hog producers with protection against unexpected declines in Alberta hog prices, over a defined period of time. As of 2014, this program is now referred to as the Western Livestock Price Insurance Program.

Livestock Insurance in Newfoundland and Labrador (1991 to present) compensates producers for the death or injury to sheep, goats, dairy cattle or beef cattle caused by dogs or other predators.

Livestock Insurance in Prince Edward Island (2009 to present) offers two types of coverage: compensation to cattle producers for the death of an animal due to disease, as well as compensation to dairy producers whose production levels fall beneath a set threshold, causing a loss of income.

The Overwinter Bee Mortality Insurance (2012 to present) insures Manitoban beekeepers against unmanageable wintering losses, including weather-related damages, diseases and pests. As of 2014 the data for this program is included in Crop Insurance.

Poultry Insurance (2008 to present) compensates Nova Scotia producers for the loss of poultry (which includes broilers, breeders, breeder pullets, layer pullets, commercial layers and integrated layers) to the disease infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT).

The Western Livestock Price Insurance Program (WLPIP) (2014 to present) enables livestock producers to purchase price protection on cattle and hogs in the form of an insurance policy. It offers protection against an unexpected drop in prices over a defined period of time, and is available to producers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Administration costs are covered by the federal and provincial governments through Growing Forward 2. Premiums will be fully funded by producers, but any deficit after four years will be made up by the federal government. The four-province program will be managed by the Alberta Agriculture Financial Services Corp, which ran the pre-existing Cattle and Hog Price Insurance programs in Alberta. Crop insurance entities in Manitoba and Saskatchewan will deliver the WLPIP in those provinces. The Business Risk Management Branch of the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture delivers the program in that province.

Additional notes on the Livestock Insurance Programs

Producer premiums for the Prince Edward Island Livestock Insurance and Dairy Livestock Insurance in Nova Scotia (as of 2006) are partially subsidized by the provincial and federal governments.

Premiums are not subsidized for the Cattle Price Insurance Program, the Hog Price Insurance Program, Livestock Insurance in Newfoundland and Labrador, Poultry Insurance program in Nova Scotia, or the Western Livestock Price Insurance Program. However, the costs of administrating the programs are funded by provincial governments and/or Crown Corporations.

Prior to 2005, Dairy Livestock Insurance in Nova Scotia and Livestock Insurance in Newfoundland and Labrador were reported under Programs funded by the private sector.

Livestock Predation Compensation Program

Manitoba (1999 to present) - This program compensates livestock producers in Manitoba for losses from injury or death of eligible livestock that resulted from losses due to natural predators such as black bear, cougar, wolf or coyote. Compensation is available to 100% of the assessed value of the animal, for a confirmed loss due to predation and to 50% of the value for a probable loss. In respect for livestock injured, the payment will be the lesser of the veterinary treatment or the value of the livestock. The government of Manitoba pays 60% of program payments and the Government of Canada 40%. Administration costs are cost-shared 50/50 between the Government of Canada and the Government of Manitoba.

Saskatchewan (2010 to present) - Under the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program, the Saskatchewan Compensation for Livestock Predation compensates producers for livestock killed or injured by predators. The first 80 percent of the program funding is cost-shared by federal and provincial governments. The provincial government contributes the remaining amount. The program is administered by the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation. Other components of the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program include Waterfowl damage compensation and Crops loss compensation (reported separately).

Also see Crop loss compensation, Waterfowl damage and Wildlife damage compensation programs.

Manitoba Ruminant Assistance Program (2008)

This one-time payment for 2008, funded jointly by the province of Manitoba and the federal government, allowed cattle producers to receive a direct payment of up to 3% of historical net sales. The payment, administered by the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC), was provided to all ruminant producers and was in proportion to the size of the producer's livestock operations.

Manitoba Spring Blizzard Livestock Mortalities Assistance Program (2011 to 2012)

The 2011 Manitoba Spring Blizzard Mortalities Assistance program provided assistance to Manitoba producers who experienced livestock losses following the blizzard that hit April 29th and 30th, 2011. Compensation is provided for animal deaths that occurred, as a result of the storm, between April 29th and May 5th 2011. This program is funded and administered by Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI).

Marketing and Vineyard Improvement Program (MVIP) (2015-2016)

This program provides funds for eligible vineyard improvements to enable growers in Ontario to produce quality grapes in order to respond to the growing demands of Ontario wine manufacturers and to adapt ongoing and emerging vineyard challenges. This payment will be overseen by Agricorp (a provincial crown corporation) and was created under the Wine and Grape Strategy to promote Ontario VQA (Ontario's Wine Authority) and support vineyard production improvements. Only certain non-capital payments to producers are included in the Direct payments data series (e.g. wine grape vine removal, land preparation, etc.).

Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA) (1991 to 2009)

The Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA) was established in 1991 under the Farm Income Protection Act.

The purpose of NISA was to encourage producers to save a portion of their income for use during periods of reduced income. Producers could deposit up to 3% of their Eligible Net Sales (ENS) annually in their NISA account and receive matching government contributions. The federal government and several provinces offered enhanced matching contributions over and above the base 3% on specified commodities. All these deposits earn a 3% interest bonus in addition to the regular rates offered by the financial institution where the account is held.

Most primary agricultural products were included in the calculation of Eligible Net Sales (sales of qualifying commodities minus purchases of qualifying commodities), the main exception being those covered by supply management (dairy, poultry and eggs).

The NISA account was comprised of two funds. Fund No. 1 which held producer deposits while Fund No. 2 contained the matching government contributions and all accumulated interest earned on both Fund 1 and Fund 2. Included as payments in the series «Direct Program Payments to Producers» were the producer withdrawals from Fund 2.

Nova Scotia Beef Kickstart Program (2008)

This one-time payment for 2008 provided funding for Nova Scotia's beef industry with the goal of helping the sector move toward greater economic self-sustainability.

Nova Scotia Margin Enhancement Program (2007 to 2008)

This initiative introduced in 2006, was a provincial initiative that provided additional income support to Nova Scotia producers. Using 2003 CAIS program data, reference margins of CAIS participants were increased by 10%.

Ontario Cattle, Hog and Horticulture Program (OCHHP) (2008)

This one-time payment for 2008, funded by the province of Ontario, was to assist farmers suffering from multiple financial pressures due to the stronger Canadian dollar, and lower market prices. Payments for cattle and hog producers were based on 12% of their historic allowable net sales, while payments for horticulture were based on 2% of allowable net sales.

Ontario Cost Recognition Top-up Program (2007 to 2010)

This program was a 40% matching provincial contribution to the federal Cost of Production Payment Program. This program was a direct payment to producers in recognition of rising production costs over the previous few years. The Ontario Top-Up Program payments were distributed after the payment details regarding the federal program were released.

Ontario Duponchelia Assistance Program (2008)

The purpose of this initiative was to provide financial support to horticulture producers in the Niagara Region of Ontario affected by Duponchelia, a reportable pest. The initiative provided a federal share (60%) of financial compensation to assist these producers in addressing plant replacement costs and in dealing with extraordinary expenses incurred due to quarantine measures imposed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

Ontario Edible Horticulture Crop Payment (2006)

This one-time payment compensates Ontario producers of edible horticulture crops for losses experienced on their 2005 crop.

Ontario Special Beekeepers Fund (2007 to 2008)

The Special Beekeepers Fund, enacted in June, 2007, provided direct compensation to beekeepers who suffered higher than normal hive losses during the winter of 2006. The assistance was designed to help bring Ontario's bee population back to near-normal levels, and beekeepers back to normal business.

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Programs (PED)

Prince Edward Island (2014) - The Prince Edward Island PED program provided financial aid to hog farmers for increased sanitation and screening measures to help combat the pig virus. This was a cost-shared program between the federal and provincial governments under Growing Forward 2. The program was administered by the PEI Hog Board.

Québec (2015 to present) - Emergency Fund Program in Response to Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) and Swine Delta Coronavirus (SDCV) in Québec. The purpose of this program is to provide assistance to affected operations, up to a maximum of $20,000 per production site, to cover certain additional expenses required to combat this disease and prevent it from spreading. The program is financed by La Financière agricole and administered by the Québec swine health team (EQSP). The fund has a maximum budget of $400,000.

Portage Diversion Fail-Safe compensation program (2014 to present)

This program was designed to provide financial assistance to Manitoba agricultural producers affected by the 2014 flooding due to the operation of the Portage diversion fail-safe. This program was fully funded by the Manitoba Government and is being administrated by Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC).

Prince Edward Island Beef Industry Initiative (2007 to 2008)

This one-time payment for 2008 was designed to assist beef producers in Prince Edward Island to adjust to current market conditions and develop improved quality in their herds. The program provided immediate assistance to producers to help mitigate risk and provided genetics and enhanced herd health incentives. Payments were based on a combination of their average net sales and December 2007 inventory.

Prince Edward Island Hog Transition Fund (2008)

This program was designed to reduce hog numbers through a buyout program. It provided funds for producers to transition out of hog production.

Privately funded programs

Private hail insurance (1981 to present)

Private Hail Insurance is purchased by agricultural producers to protect themselves against the loss of their crops due to hail. Hail insurance is privately funded through producer premiums and producers may have the option to extend coverage for damage to crops due to loss through fire, depending on the insurance provider.

Other Private Programs (2011 to present)

Alberta Hog and Cattle Levy Refund (2011 to present)

In May 2011, Alberta Pork announced it would refund 85 cents for every dollar of levies it had collected from producers during the 2010-2011 fiscal year to assist producers coping with rising feed costs and small profit margins.

Legislation regarding levies in Alberta also changed in 2011. Levies for pork, beef, lamb, and potato producers had been mandatory until a change is legislation gave these producers the right to ask for a refund of the levies paid. Since that time, estimates for the hog and cattle levies refunded have been produced.

Heinz payment (2013)

Due to the closure of the Ontario Heinz processing plant in 2013, Heinz has paid a one-time 'goodwill' payment to compensate the farmers that were under contract to deliver processing tomatoes in 2013. The payment was to help offset costs that farmers may have incurred in preparing for the 2013 crop.

Programme d'aide pour les inondations en Montérégie (2011 to 2012)

This program provided financial assistance to agricultural enterprises affected by the floods of spring 2011, in the Richelieu valley. Compensation was offered to producers for loss of income due to flooded farmland, and/or losses due to unseeded acreage.

Programme d'appui à la replantation des vergers de pommiers au Québec (2007 to 2010)

The first component of this MAPAQ (Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec) program offered replanting help in order to improve efficiency, profitability as well as competitiveness. The objective of the second component was to compensate apple producers for the loss of apple trees due to winter-kill (frost) in 1994.

Provincial Stabilization Programs (1981 to present)

Under provincial stabilization programs, payments are made in order to support producer incomes affected by small profit margins, or low prices, for selected commodities. Provincial stabilization programs are partly funded by the provincial government, either directly through the subsidization of producer premiums, or indirectly by absorbing a part, or the whole, of the cost of administering the program. These programs are optional, and producers are required to pay premiums in order to participate.

Farm Income Stabilization Program (ASRA) (1981 to present)

The Farm Income Stabilization Insurance Program is designed to guarantee a positive net annual income to producers in Quebec. Producers participating in the program receive funds when the average selling price falls below a stabilized income, which is based on the average production cost in a specific sector. ASRA is complementary to AgriStability, but participation in AgriStability is not mandatory. Payments under ASRA decrease in accordance to amounts paid out through AgriStability. ASRA premiums are partially funded by the provincial government, which pays two thirds of the cost of premiums, while producers pay the remaining third.

Ontario Risk Management Program (RMP) (2007 to present)

ORMP is a provincial program that offers compensation to Ontario producers for losses of income caused by fluctuating market prices and rising production costs. Commodities eligible for compensation include a variety of grains and oilseeds, as well as certain livestock, including cattle, calves, hogs and sheep. The program also offers compensation for unseeded acres, under certain conditions. In order to participate in this program, producers must also participate in AgriStability, as well as Production Insurance (for grains and oilseeds). Payments made under ORMP count as an advance on the provincial portion of AgriStability for the corresponding program year. Because ORMP is provincially funded, it has no impact on the federal portion of AgriStability payments. ORMP premiums are partly funded by the provincial government, which pays 40% of the cost of premiums, while producers pay the remaining 60%.

Saskatchewan Cattle and Hog Support Program (2009)

This program helped producers retain their breeding herds and address immediate cash flow needs.

Saskatchewan Feed and Forage Program - 2011 (2011 to 2012)

This program provided compensation to producers who had to transport additional feed to their livestock, or transport their livestock to alternate locations for feeding and grazing, due to feed shortages caused by excess moisture. In addition, financial assistance was provided to producers who had to reseed hay, forage or pasture land that had been damaged by excess moisture. This provincially-funded program replaces the initial Saskatchewan Feed and Forage Program (2010-2011), which was jointly offered by the provincial and federal governments, as part of AgriRecovery.

Self-Directed Risk Management (SDRM) (2005 to present)

SDRM is a provincial program designed to help Ontarian horticultural producers manage farm operation risk. Under the program, over 150 edible horticultural crops are eligible for coverage, including fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs and spices, nuts, honey and maple products. To be eligible, producers must also participate in AgriStability, and meet the minimum amount of allowable net sales (ANS). Participating producers can deposit up to a maximum of 2% of their ANS into an account, and have their contribution matched by the provincial government. Payments made under SDRM count as an advance on the provincial portion of AgriStability for the corresponding program year. Because SDRM is provincially funded, it has no impact on the federal portion of AgriStability payments. Amounts received under Production Insurance for a crop also covered by SDRM will be deducted from SDRM payments.

Shoal Lakes Agriculture Flooding Assistance Program (2011)

The purpose of this program is to provide financial support to agriculture producers affected by chronic flooding in the Shoal Lakes Complex in the Interlake of Manitoba.

  1. Land payments on a per acre basis were provided to farm operators to compensate for lost income related to agricultural production that cannot be realized due to flooded acres in 2010 and 2011.
  2. Financial assistance for transportation costs incurred between April 1, 2011 and March 15, 2012 to those farm operators who needed to transport feed to livestock or livestock to feed, due to the flooding.

This payment was administered by the Manitoba Agriculture Corporation (MASC), with the assistance of Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives (MAFRI).

Support Program for the Eradication of Chronic Wasting Disease in Cervids (CWD) (2019 to present)

This program implemented by La Financière agricole du Québec offers financial aid to cervid producers affected by the measures taken to eradicate CWD.

There are two categories of aid under this program:

  • The first compensates cervid producers ordered to slaughter and dispose of animals under the Animal Health Protection Act.
  • The second financially supports cervid producers required to implement sanitary measures stipulated under the Animal Health Protection Act.

Syndrome de dépérissement postsevrage (SDP) (2008 to 2010)

This MAPAQ (Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec) program granted financial support to Quebec feeder hog operations affected by Post Weaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome (PMWS).

Transitional Production Adjustment Program (1996) (1993 to 1997 and 1999 to 2008)

Under the Tree Fruit Revitalization Program, British Columbia orchardists were guaranteed specific annual revenue per acre during the first three years, following replant of orchards to new high density tree fruit varieties.

Tree fruit grafting/budding and replant program (2008 to 2011, 2012 to present)

In 2008, the Transitional Production Adjustment Program ended and the Tree fruit grafting/budding and replant program started. In July 2007, the federal and provincial governments jointly announced that they were investing $8 million to help British Columbia's tree fruit and grape industries adapt to changing markets. The cost was shared (60% federal, 40% provincial) and the program lasted for three years.  In 2012, the provincial government invested an additional $2 million to replant tree fruit orchards to expand domestic markets through high-quality products by targeting the planting of premium varieties. The program, which also includes a grafting and budding component, concluded in 2014. The 2015 program is the first year of a 7 year commitment by British Columbia of $8.4 million announced in Nov 2014. This is a British Columbia Agriculture Department program that shares the administration of the program with the British Columbia Fruit Growers Association under contract until 2016.

Unseeded Acreage Payment - 2006 (2006 to 2007)

This program provided a payment to Saskatchewan farmers who experienced excess moisture conditions prior to June 20, 2006 and were unable to seed 95% of the acres they would normally intend to seed.

Waterfowl Damage (1981 to present)

Waterfowl damage payment programs are designed to compensate producers for crop losses caused by waterfowl. Compensation is also available for cleaning excreta contaminated grain in some provinces, and for prevention management.

Also see Crop loss compensation, Livestock predation compensation and Wildlife damage compensation programs.

Wildlife Damage Compensation Program

British Columbia (2002 to present) - The British Columbia Wildlife Compensation program is part of an Agricultural Environment Partnership Initiative that includes the following programs: The Waterfowl Damage to Forage Fields in Delta, Wild Predator Loss Control and Compensation Program for Cattle and East Kootenay Agriculture Wildlife Pilot Project. These programs are designed to compensate producers for the losses incurred to crops and livestock due to wildlife.

New Brunswick (2014 to present) - This cost-shared program compensates producers who suffer livestock or crop losses due to wildlife. Compensation is available for specified crops and livestock for damage caused by eligible wildlife. The maximum compensation per producer is $50,000 per year. The New Brunswick Agricultural Insurance Commission (NBAIC) administers this program, applicants are not required to be an insurance client to receive compensation.

Nova Scotia (2008 to present) - This cost-shared program, announced in 2008, will help address some of the risks experienced by Nova Scotia farmers regarding damage to eligible agricultural products because of the activities of wildlife, including wildlife predation on livestock and damage to crops. Applicants are not required to have crop insurance.

Ontario (2008 to present) - The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program provides financial assistance to eligible applicants whose livestock and poultry have been injured or killed by wolves, coyotes, bears and other species of wildlife identified in the program guidelines, or whose bee-colonies, bee-hives and bee-hive related equipment have been damaged by bears, raccoons, deer and skunks. The program was funded by the provincial government up to the fiscal year of 2008/2009 and became part of Growing Forward - a federal, provincial and territorial initiative starting from fiscal year 2009/2010, when cost-sharing of the program began between the governments of Canada and Ontario.

Also see Crop loss compensation, Livestock predation compensation and Waterfowl damage programs.

Business or organization and contact information

1. Please verify or provide the business or organization's legal and operating name and correct where needed.

2. Please verify or provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire and correct where needed.

3. Please verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

4. Please verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

All employees and working owners of incorporated businesses for the survey reference period

1. What was the total number of employees in the last pay period of the survey reference period?

2. Which category of employees are you reporting for the last pay period of the survey reference period?

3. Did you have more than 1 payroll for any category of employees for the last pay period of the survey reference period?

4. How many payrolls for the following categories of employees did you have for the last pay period of the survey reference period?

  1. Number of payrolls for employees paid by the hour.
  2. Number of payrolls for salaried employees.
  3. Number of payrolls for working owners of incorporated businesses.
  4. Number of payrolls for other employees.

Employees paid by the hour during the last pay period of the survey reference period

5. For payroll x of the employees paid by the hour, how many received pay for work performed or an employer paid absence for the last pay period of the survey reference period?

6. For payroll x of the employees paid by the hour, what were the start and end dates of the last pay period of the survey reference period?

7. For payroll x of the employees paid by the hour, what is the pay frequency?

8a. For payroll x of the employees paid by the hour, what was the regular gross pay payable including overtime, for the last pay period?

8b. For payroll x of the employees paid by the hour, what was the overtime pay payable included in question 8a? Enter "0", if no overtime was paid.

9a. For payroll x of the employees paid by the hour, what was the total number of hours payable including overtime hours worked, for the last pay?

9b. For payroll x of the employees paid by the hour, what was the total number of overtime hours worked included in question 9a? Enter "0", if no overtime was worked. If necessary, enter a decimal value e.g., 0.25.

11. This is a summary of your reported data for all your employees paid by the hour.

Special payments paid to employees paid by the hour during the month of the survey reference period

13. At any time during the survey reference period, were there any special payments paid to employees paid by the hour?

14. At any time during the survey reference period, how many special payments were paid to employees paid by the hour?

15. At any time during the survey reference period, what special payments were paid to employees paid by the hour?

What period does the payment cover?

What amount was paid?

Salaried employees during the last pay period of the survey reference period

16. For payroll x of the salaried employees, how many received pay for work performed or an employer paid absence for the last pay period of the survey reference period?

17. For payroll x of the salaried employees, what were the start and end dates of the last pay period of the survey reference period?

18. For payroll x of the salaried employees, what is the pay frequency?

19a. For payroll x of the salaried employees, what was the regular gross pay payable including overtime pay, for the last pay period?

19b. For payroll x of the salaried employees, what was the overtime pay payable included in question 19a. Enter "0", if no overtime was paid.

21. For payroll x of the salaried employees, what was the average number of scheduled working hours in a week?

22. This is a summary of your reported data for all your salaried employees.

Special payments paid to salaried employees during the month of the survey reference period

24. At any time during the survey reference period, were there any special payments paid to salaried employees?

25. At any time during the survey reference period, how many special payments were paid to salaried employees?

26. At any time during the survey reference period, what special payments were paid to salaried employees?

What period does the payment cover?

What amount was paid?

Working owners of incorporated businesses during the last pay period of the survey reference period

27. For payroll x of the working owners, how many received pay for work performed or an employer paid absence for the last pay period of the survey reference period?

28. For payroll x of the working owners, what were the start and end dates of the last pay period of the survey reference period?

29. For payroll x of the working owners, what is the pay frequency?

30. For payroll x of the working owners, what was the regular gross pay payable including overtime pay, for the last pay period?

31. This is a summary of your reported data for all your working owners.

Special payments paid to working owners of incorporated businesses during the month of the survey reference period

33. At any time during the survey reference period, were there any special payments paid to working owners?

34. At any time during the survey reference period, how many special payments were paid to working owners?

35. At any time during the survey reference period, what special payments were paid to working owners?

What period does the payment cover?

What amount was paid?

Other employees during the last pay period of the survey reference period

36. For payroll x of the other employees, how many received pay for work performed or an employer paid absence for the last pay period of the survey reference period?

37. For payroll x of the other employees, what were the start and end dates of the last pay period of the survey reference period?

38. For payroll x of the other employees, what is the pay frequency?

39. For payroll x of the other employees, what was the regular gross pay payable including overtime pay, for the last pay period?

40. This is a summary of your reported data for all your other employees.

Special payments paid to other employees during the month of the survey reference period

42. At any time during the survey reference period, were there any special payments paid to other employees?

43. At any time during the survey reference period, how many special payments were paid to other employees?

44. At any time during the survey reference period, what special payments were paid to other employees?

What period does the payment cover?

What amount was paid?

Special Situation Questions

45. During the last pay period, were there any employees paid for work that were unable to perform their work duties due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic?

46. During the last pay period, how many employees were unable to perform their work duties due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic but were still paid?

Wage Subsidy Questions

47. Which of the following wage subsidies did this business receive?

48. For each claim period, please provide the total amount of the CEWS this business received.

49. What was the withheld amount by which your business reduced its payroll deduction for the 10% Temporary Wage Subsidy for Employers?

Contact person

50. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information. Is xxxx xxxx the best person to contact?


51. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

52. We invite your comments about this questionnaire.

Data Sharing Agreement

1. Do you agree to share the information you provided with your provincial or territorial statistical agency?

Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP)

Reporting Guide

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the 2019 Annual Retail Trade Survey. If you need more information, please call the Statistics Canada Help Line at the number below.

Help Line: 1-800-858-7921 or TTY 1-800-363-7629

Table of contents

Reporting instructions
Business or organization and contact information
Reporting period information
Industry Characteristics
Sales by type of client
Distribution of operating revenue by method of sale
Appendix 1 - Gasoline service station guide
Appendix 2 - Beer, wine and liquor chains
Notification of intent to extract web data

Reporting instructions

1. Please report all dollar amounts in thousands of Canadian dollars ('000 CAN$).

2. Do not include sales tax.

3. Percentages should be rounded to whole numbers

4. When precise figures are not available, please provide your best estimates.

Business or organization and contact information

This section verifies or requests basic identifying information of the business or organization such as legal name, operating name (if applicable), contact information of the designated contact person, current operational status, and main activity(ies).

  1. Legal name and Operating name

Legal Name
The legal name is one recognized by law, thus it is the name liable for pursuit or for debts incurred by the business or organization. In the case of a corporation, it is the legal name as fixed by its charter or the statute by which the corporation was created.

Modifications to the legal name should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

To indicate a legal name of another legal entity you should instead indicate it in question 3 by selecting ‘Not currently operational’ and then choosing the applicable reason and providing the legal name of this other entity along with any other requested information.

Operating Name
The operating name is a name the business or organization is commonly known as if different from its legal name. The operating name is synonymous with trade name.

  1. Designated contact person

Verify or provide the requested contact information of the designated business or organization contact person. The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire. If different than the designated contact person, the contact information of the person completing the questionnaire can be indicated later in the questionnaire.

  1. Current operational status

Verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name in question 1. If indicating the operational status of the business or organization is ‘Not currently operational’ then indicate an applicable reason and provide the requested information.

  1. Main activity

This question verifies the business or organization’s current main activity as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS, are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

The target entity for which NAICS is designed are businesses and other organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. They include farms, incorporated and unincorporated businesses and government business enterprises. They also include government institutions and agencies engaged in the production of marketed and non-marketed services, as well as organizations such as professional associations and unions and charitable or non-profit organizations and the employees of households.

The associated NAICS should reflect those activities conducted by the business or organizational unit(s) targeted by this questionnaire only, as identified in the ‘Answering this questionnaire’ section and which can be identified by the specified legal and operating name. The main activity is the activity which most defines the targeted business or organization’s main purpose or reason for existence. For a business or organization that is for-profit, it is normally the activity that generates the majority of the revenue for the entity.

The NAICS classification contains a limited number of activity classifications; the associated classification might be applicable for this business or organization even if it is not exactly how you would describe this business or organization's main activity.

Please note that any modifications to the main activity through your response to this question might not necessarily be reflected prior to the transmitting of subsequent questionnaires and as a result they may not contain this updated information.

If the current NAICS associated with this business or organizations is not correct, please provide a brief description of the main activity and provide any additional information as requested.

Reporting period information

Here are twelve common fiscal periods that fall within the targeted dates:

  • May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019
  • June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019
  • July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019
  • August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019
  • September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019
  • October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019
  • November 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019
  • December 1, 2018 to November 30, 2019
  • January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019
  • February 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020
  • March 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020
  • April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020

Here are other examples of fiscal periods that fall within the required dates:

  • September 18, 2018 to September 15, 2019 (e.g., floating year-end)
  • June 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 (e.g., a newly opened business)


  1. Sales of goods and services (e.g., fees, admissions, services revenue)

Sales of products and services are defined as amounts derived from the sale of products and services (cash or credit), falling within a business’s ordinary activities. Sales should be reported net of trade discount, value added tax and other taxes based on sales.

Include: Sales from Canadian locations (domestic and export sales); Transfers to other business units or a head office of your firm.
Exclude: Transfers into inventory and consignment sales; Federal, provincial and territorial sales taxes and excise duties and taxes; Intracompany sales in consolidated financial statements.

  1. Rental and leasing

Include: Rental or leasing of apartments, commercial buildings, land, office space, residential housing, investments in co-tenancies and co-ownerships, hotel or motel rooms, long and short term vehicle leasing, machinery or equipment, storage lockers, etc.

  1. Commissions

Include: Commissions earned on the sale of products or services by businesses such as advertising agencies, brokers, insurance agents, lottery ticket sales, sales representatives, and travel agencies – (Compensation could also be reported under this item (for example, compensation for collecting sales tax)).

  1. Subsidies (including grants, donations and fundraising)

Include: Non-repayable grants, contributions and subsidies from all levels of government; Revenue from private sector (corporate and individual) sponsorships, donations and fundraising.

  1. Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees

A royalty is defined as a payment received by the holder of a copyright, trademark or patent.
Include: Revenue received from the sale or use of all intellectual property rights of copyrighted materials such as musical, literary, artistic or dramatic works, sound recordings or the broadcasting of communication signals.

  1. Dividends

Include: Dividend income; Dividends from Canadian sources; Dividends from foreign sources; Patronage dividends.
Exclude: Equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates.

  1. Interest

Include: Investment revenue; Interest from foreign sources; Interest from Canadian bonds and debentures; Interest from Canadian mortgage loans; Interest from other Canadian sources.
Exclude: Equity income from investments in subsidiaries or affiliates.

  1. Other revenue (please specify)

Include: Amounts not included in questions (1) to (7)

  1. Total revenue

The sum of questions (1) to (8).


  1. Cost of goods sold

Many business units distinguish their costs of materials from their other business expenses (selling, general and administrative). This item is included to allow you to easily record your costs/expenses according to your normal accounting practices.
Include: Cost of raw materials and/or goods purchased for re-sale – net of discounts earned on purchases; Freight in and duty.

  1. Employment costs and expenses
  1. Salaries, wages and commissions

Please report all salaries and wages (including taxable allowances and employment commissions as defined on the T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid) before deductions for this reporting period.
Include: Vacation pay; Bonuses (including profit sharing); Employee commissions; Taxable allowances (e.g., room and board, vehicle allowances, gifts such as airline tickets for holidays); Severance pay.
Exclude: All payments and expenses associated with casual labour and outside contract workers (report these amounts at question 3 - Subcontracts).

  1. Employee benefits

Include contributions to: Health plans; Insurance plans; Employment insurance; Pension plans; Workers’ compensation; Association dues; Contributions to any other employee benefits such as child care and supplementary unemployment benefit (SUB) plans; Contributions to provincial and territorial health and education payroll taxes.

  1. Subcontracts

Subcontract expense refers to the purchasing of services from outside of the company rather than providing them in-house.
Include: Hired casual labour and outside contract workers; Custom work and contract work; Subcontract and outside labour; Hired labour.

  1. Research and development fees

Expenses from activities conducted with the intention of making a discovery that could either lead to the development of new products or procedures, or to the improvement of existing products or procedures.

  1. Professional and business fees

Include: Legal services; Accounting and auditing fees; Consulting fees; Education and training fees; Appraisal fees; Management and administration fees; Property management fees; Information technology (IT) consulting and service fees (purchased); Architectural fees; Engineering fees; Scientific and technical service fees; Other consulting fees (management, technical and scientific); Veterinary fees; Fees for human health services; Payroll preparation fees; All other professional and business service fees.
Exclude: Service fees paid to Head Office (report at question 21 - All other costs and expenses).

  1. Utilities

Utility expenses related to operating your business unit such as water, electricity, gas, heating and hydro.
Diesel, wood, natural gas, oil and propane; Sewage.
Exclude: Energy expenses covered in your rental and leasing contracts; Telephone, Internet and other telecommunications (report this amount at question 8 - Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication expenses); Vehicle fuel (report at question 21 - All other costs and expenses).

  1. Office and computer related expenses

Include: Office stationery and supplies, paper and other supplies for photocopiers, printers and fax machines; Postage and courier (used in the day to day office business activity); Diskettes and computer upgrade expenses; Data processing.
Exclude: Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication expenses (report this amount at question 8 - Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication expenses).

  1. Telephone, Internet and other telecommunications

Include: Internet; Telephone and telecommunications; Cellular telephone; Fax machine; Pager.

  1. Business taxes, licenses and permits

Include: Property taxes paid directly and property transfer taxes; Vehicle license fees; Beverage taxes and business taxes; Trade license fees; Membership fees and professional license fees; Provincial capital tax.

  1. Royalties, franchise fees and memberships

Include: Amounts paid to holders of patents, copyrights, performing rights and trademarks; Gross overriding royalty expenses and direct royalty costs; Resident and non-resident royalty expenses; Franchise fees.
Exclude: Crown royalties

  1. Crown charges

Federal or Provincial royalty, tax, lease or rental payments made in relation to the acquisition, development or ownership of Canadian resource properties.
Include: Crown royalties; Crown leases and rentals; Oil sand leases; Stumpage fees.

  1. Rental and leasing

Include: Lease rental expenses, real estate rental expenses, condominium fees and equipment rental expenses; Motor vehicle rental and leasing expenses; Studio lighting and scaffolding; Machinery and equipment rental expenses; Storage expenses; Road and construction equipment rental; Fuel and other utility costs covered in your rental and leasing contracts.

  1. Repair and maintenance

Include: Buildings and structures; Machinery and equipment; Security equipment; Vehicles; Costs related to materials, parts and external labour associated with these expenses; Janitorial and cleaning services and garbage removal.

  1. Amortization and depreciation

Include: Direct cost depreciation of tangible assets and amortization of leasehold improvements; Amortization of intangible assets (e.g., amortization of goodwill, patents, franchises, copyrights, trademarks, deferred charges, organizational costs).

  1. Insurance

Insurance recovery income should be deducted from insurance expenses.
Include: Professional and other liability insurance; Motor vehicle and property insurance; Executive life insurance; Bonding, business interruption insurance and fire insurance.

  1. Advertising, marketing, promotion, meals and entertainment

Include: Newspaper advertising and media expenses; Catalogues, presentations and displays; Tickets for theatre, concerts and sporting events for business promotion; Fundraising expenses; Meals, entertainment and hospitality purchases for clients.

  1. Travel, meetings and conventions

Include: Travel expenses; Meeting and convention expenses, seminars; Passenger transportation (e.g., airfare, bus, train, etc.); Accommodations; Travel allowance and meals while travelling; Other travel expenses.

  1. Financial services

Include: Explicit service charges for financial services; Credit and debit card commissions and charges; Collection expenses and transfer fees; Registrar and transfer agent fees; Security and exchange commission fees; Other financial service fees.
Exclude: Interest expenses (report at question 19 - Interest expense).

  1. Interest expense

Report the cost of servicing your company’s debt.
Include: Interest; Bank charges; Finance charges; Interest payments on capital leases; Amortization of bond discounts; Interest on short-term and long-term debt, mortgages, bonds and debentures.

  1. Other non-production-related costs and expenses

Include: Charitable donations and political contributions; Bad Debt expense; Loan losses; Provisions for loan losses (minus Bad debt recoveries); Inventory adjustments

  1. All other costs and expenses (including intracompany expenses)

Include: Production costs; Pipeline operations, drilling, site restoration; Gross overriding royalty; Other producing property rentals; Well operating, fuel and equipment; Other lease rentals; Other direct costs; Equipment hire and operation; Log yard expense, forestry costs, logging road costs; Freight in and duty; Overhead expenses allocated to costs of sales; Other expenses; Cash over/short (negative expense); Reimbursement of parent company expense; Warranty expense; Recruiting expenses; General and administrative expenses; Interdivisional expenses; Interfund transfer (minus expense recoveries); Exploration and Development (including prospect/geological, well abandonment & dry holes, exploration expenses, development expenses); Amounts not included in questions 1 to 20 above.

  1. Total expenses

The sum of lines 1 to 21

Industry Characteristics

All revenue reported should exclude sales taxes (GST/HST, PST and QST) and be net of returns, discounts, sales allowances, and charges for outward transportation by common or contract carriers. Do not deduct the value of trade-ins.

  1. Sales of all goods purchased for resale, net of returns and discounts


  • Excise taxes (such as those on gasoline, liquor, and tobacco) and other taxes that are levied on the manufacturer/importer and included in the cost of products purchased by this business unit;
  • Sales of all goods purchased for resale; please report gross sales of new and used goods less returns and discounts;
  • Parts used in generating repair and maintenance revenue; report the labour portion of repair and maintenance at question 3.

Do not deduct the value of trade-ins.


  • Taxes collected directly from customers and paid directly by this operating unit to provincial and federal tax agencies;
  • Sales and revenue from concessions.
  1. Sales of goods manufactured as a secondary activity by this retailing business unit

Report revenue from sales of goods of own manufacture.

  1. Labour revenue from repair and maintenance


  • Labour revenue from installations, warranty and repair work;
  • Parts used in generating installation, repair and maintenance revenue are to be included at question 1.
  1. Revenue from rental and leasing of goods and equipment


  • Video/computer game rental;
  • Rug shampoo equipment rental;
  • Tool rental.
  1. Revenue from rental of real estate


  • Revenue received from renting out or leasing property owned by this business unit.

Sales by type of client

This section is designed to measure which sector of the economy purchases your services.
Please provide a percentage breakdown of your sales by type of client.
Please ensure that the sum of percentages reported in this section equals 100%.

  1. Clients in Canada

a. Individuals and households
Please report the percentage of sales to individuals and households who do not represent the business or government sector.

b. Businesses
Percentage of sales sold to the business sector should be reported here.

  • Sales to Crown corporations.

c. Governments, not-for-profit organizations and public institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools)
Percentage of sales to federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments should be reported here.

  • Sales to hospitals, schools, universities and public utilities.
  1. Clients outside Canada

Please report the percentage of total sales to customers or clients located outside Canada including foreign businesses, foreign individuals, foreign institutions and/or governments.

  • Sales to foreign subsidiaries and affiliates.

Distribution of operating revenue by method of sale

  1. In-store sales

Please report total operating revenue of goods and services which are purchased in a fixed point-of-sale location accessible to the public.
Include: sales at pumps for gasoline stations.

  1. E-commerce

Please report total operating revenue of goods and services conducted over the Internet with or without online payment.
Include: all revenue where the order is received and the commitment to purchase is made via the Internet, although payment can be made by other means, orders made in web pages, extranet, mobile devices or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
Exclude: orders made by telephone calls, facsimile or e-mail.

  1. Catalogue and mail-order or telephone

Please report total operating revenue of goods and services generated from customer ordering their goods from catalogues and mail order flyers.
Include: sales purchased via telephone and fax.

  1. All other methods

Please report total operating revenue of goods and services generated from all other methods.
Include: sales at trade shows, special events, in-home sales and card lock.


Mobile app

Include: sales through any app, or application, that is downloaded and designed to run on a handheld device such as a smartphone or tablet (for example, places where a user may download these apps include Apple’s App Store, Google Play or Blackberry App World).

Company website

Include: sales through a browser-based website where your organization maintains control of the content.

Third-party website

Include: sales through a browser-based website where a third-party maintains the structure of the website and control of the look and feel while your company only provides the product to be sold (for example, Amazon, Expedia, Etsy).

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

A standard format for exchanging business data. EDI is based on the use of message standards, ensuring that all participants use a common language.

Appendix 1 - Gasoline service station guide

I - Independent retail dealer

An independent retail dealer purchases gasoline for resale from a supplier (e.g., an oil refinery or wholesaler), i.e., owns the inventories.

An independent dealership is a typical retail operation and should report all data as requested on the questionnaire.

A franchisee is usually an independent retail dealer.

Reporting instructions:

Section - Revenue


  • provincial sales taxes (PST and QST);
  • goods and services tax (GST) or harmonized sales tax (HST).


  • excise taxes;
  • revenue from repairs, rentals, car washes and other services.

II - Retail commissioned agent

A retail commissioned agent sells petroleum products on consignment and does not own the inventory of gasoline; may also purchase and carry inventories of other merchandise for resale.

A retail commissioned agent also receives a commission or flat fee from supplier of products sold on consignment.

Reporting instructions:

Section - Revenue

Please report only the commissions or fees received for consignment sales, plus excise taxes, and total sales of other merchandise not on consignment, as well as revenue from repairs, rentals, car washes and other services.


  • provincial sales taxes (PST and QST);
  • goods and services tax (GST), or harmonized sales tax (HST).

Section - Expenses, questions 1 a), b), c) and d) (Cost of goods sold)


  • inventories and purchases of goods held on consignment.


  • all other merchandise, preferably valued at cost price.

Section - Expenses, questions 2 a) and b) (Employment costs and expenses)

Report as requested on questionnaire.

III - Lessee

For purposes of the survey, a lessee can be either an independent dealer or a retail commissioned agent.

If a lessee purchases gasoline for resale, i.e., he owns the inventories, he should report as an independent dealer.

If a lessee sells gasoline on consignment, i.e., he does not own the inventories, he should report as a retail commissioned agent.

IV - Oil refinery or other wholesale supplier

An oil-producing company, refinery or other wholesale supplier involved in gasoline retailing through:

a) company owned-and-operated gasoline service stations;
b) retail commissioned agents or lessees who sell company-owned gasoline on consignment.

Reporting instructions:

Report for each location, depending upon its type, i.e.:

a) company-owned;
b) retail commissioned agent or lessee.

Section - Revenue

a) Company owned-and-operated stations


  • total retail sales of petroleum products;
  • sales of all other merchandise;
  • receipts from repairs, rentals, car washes and other services;
  • excise taxes.


  • provincial sales taxes (PST and QST);
  • goods and services tax (GST) or harmonized sales tax (HST).

b) Retail commissioned agents or lessees who sell on consignment


  • only the value of retail sales of petroleum products sold on consignment, including excise taxes.


  • commissions or fees paid to agents or lessees;
  • provincial sales taxes (PST and QST);
  • goods and services tax (GST) or harmonized sales tax (HST).

Section - Expenses, questions 1 a), b), c) and d) (Cost of goods sold)

Report total inventories of petroleum products held at retail locations (both company owned-and-operated and retail commissioned agents or lessees), as well as at any other locations where the inventories are segregated pending sale on consignment or through company owned-and-operated outlets.

Inventories should be reported at transfer or wholesale value.

For company owned-and-operated stations, inventories of other merchandise held for resale (e.g., food, auto parts, etc.) should also be reported.

Section - Expenses, question 1 b) (Purchases)

Report the transfer or wholesale value of all petroleum products sold on consignment or through company owned-and-operated stations.

Purchases of other merchandise sold through company owned-and-operated outlets should also be included, at cost of goods sold.

Section - Expenses, questions 2 a) and b) (Employment costs and expenses)

Report for all employees of company owned-and-operated stations, plus a portion of the administrative salaries (overhead) applicable to both the company owned-and-operated outlets as well as to the stations operated by retail commissioned agent or lessees who sell on consignment.


If none of the above categories applies to your service station business, please enclose a note with your questionnaire.

Appendix 2 - Beer, wine, and liquor chains

The information in this appendix applies, if and only if, your company is requested to complete the Monthly Survey on Sales and Inventory of Alcoholic Beverages.

If you are not sure whether your company receives the Monthly Survey on Sales and Inventory of Alcoholic Beverages, please call us at 1 800 858 7921 or TTY 1-800-363-7629 for clarification.

If you are primarily a retailer of beer, wine and/or liquor and your company also receives the Monthly Survey on Sales and Inventory of Alcoholic Beverages, you are requested to complete the entire questionnaire for both your retail and wholesale trade operations.

The definition of store retailers is included in ‘Business activity’ section. Your retail stores should be reported in the section ‘Details on this business’s locations’ of the questionnaire with NAICS code 445310 - Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores.

Your wholesale distribution centers (i.e., distribution outlets that are not retail stores and that sell directly to commercial accounts) should be reported in the section ‘Details on this business’s locations’ of the questionnaire with NAICS code 413220 - Alcoholic Beverage Wholesaler-Distributors.

It is expected that the total operating revenue that you report on this questionnaire will be similar to the total sales, excluding taxes that have been reported for the relevant months on the Survey on Sales and Inventory of Alcoholic Beverages. If there is a substantial difference and you have not provided an explanation in the Comments section, it is likely that Statistics Canada will telephone you in an attempt to understand the reasons for the differences.

Notification of intent to extract web data

Statistics Canada is piloting a web data extraction initiative, also known as web scraping, which uses software to search and compile publicly available data from organization websites. As a result, we may visit the website for this organization to search for, and compile, additional information. This initiative should allow us to reduce the reporting burden on organization, as well as produce additional statistical indicators to ensure that our data remain accurate and relevant.

We will do our utmost to ensure the data are collected in a manner that will not affect the functionality of the website. Any data collected will be used by Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes only, in accordance with the agency's mandate.

For more information regarding Statistics Canada's web scraping initiative, please visit About us.

To learn more about Statistics Canada's transparency and accountability, please visit Transparency and accountability.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Statistics Canada Client Services, toll-free at 1-877-949-9492 (TTY: 1-800-363-7629) or by email at Additional information about this survey can be found by selecting the following link:

Consult the reporting guide at Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP) for further information.

Environment and Energy Statistics Division
Energy section

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the
2020 Monthly Natural Gas Storage Survey.

Help Line: 1-877-604-7828

Storage facilities include natural gas storage caverns such as: depleted oil and gas reservoirs, aquifer reservoirs, salt cover reservoirs. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) storage facilities are out of scope for this survey.

Units: Report Gigajoules (GJ) of natural gas stored during the month under review.


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Table of contents

A - General information

Purpose of survey

The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on the supply of, and demand for, energy in Canada. This information serves as an important indicator of Canadian economic performance, and is used by all levels of government in establishing informed policies in the energy area. In the case of public utilities, it is used by governmental agencies to fulfill their regulatory responsibilities. The private sector also uses this information in the corporate decision-making process. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut as well as with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government, the Ministère de l'énergie et des ressources naturelles du Québec, the Manitoba Department of Growth, Enterprise and Trade, the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, the Canada Energy Regulator, Natural Resources Canada, and Environment and Climate Change Canada.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Data linkage

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

B - Reporting Instructions

Please report information for a specific reference month in 2020.

Please complete all sections as applicable.

If the information requested is unknown, please provide your best estimate.

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the Monthly Natural Gas Storage Survey. If you need more information, please call 1-877-604-7828.

C - Reporting Instructions and Natural Gas Definitions

Question 1: Opening inventory

1a: Opening inventory of base or cushion gas

Report total amount of base or cushion gas held by the establishment on the first day of the month under review. This should equal the closing inventory of the previous month.


Base gas, also referred to as cushion gas is the amount of gas that must be present in storage at all times to maintain a storage facility's pressure.

1b: Opening inventory of working gas

Report total amount of working gas held by the establishment on the first day of the month under review. This should equal the closing inventory of the previous month.


Working gas is the amount of gas that can be withdrawn from storage while maintaining a storage facility's minimum operating pressure.

Total opening inventory of natural gas

Report total amount of natural gas held by the establishment on the first day of the month under review. This should equal the sum of the base/cushion gas and working gas.

Question 2: Closing inventory

2a: Closing inventory of base or cushion gas

Report total amount of base or cushion gas held by the establishment on the last day of the month under review.


Base gas, also referred to as cushion gas is the amount of gas that must be present in storage at all times to maintain a storage facility's pressure.

2b: Closing inventory of working gas

Report total amount of working gas held by the establishment on the last day of the month under review.


Working gas is the amount of gas that can be withdrawn from storage while maintaining a storage facility's minimum operating pressure.

Total closing inventory of natural gas

Report total amount of natural gas held by the establishment on the last day of the month under review. This should equal the sum of the base/cushion gas and working gas.

Question 3: Heating value of stored natural gas

3: End of the month heating value of stored natural gas in gigajoules per thousand cubic metres

Report the heat content of your natural gas held in storage for the last day of the month under review.

Question 4: Injected, withdrawn, and inventory adjustments of natural gas storage

4a: Injected in to storage

Report total amount of natural gas received by the establishment for month under review.

4b: Withdrawn from storage

Report total amount of natural gas delivered by the establishment for month under review.

4c: Other adjustments

This calculated amount is the difference between (1) opening and closing inventories and (2) injections and withdrawals. This difference includes discrepancies due to meter inaccuracies and/or leakage or other losses. Inventory adjustments can be a positive or negative value.

Inventory adjustments = (closing – opening inventories) – (withdrawals – injections)

Net withdrawals of natural gas from inventories

This calculated amount is the difference between (1) withdrawals and (2) the sum of injections and inventory adjustments. Net withdrawals can be a positive or negative value.

Net withdrawals = (injections - withdrawals + inventory adjustments)

Question 5: Natural gas held in the United States

5: Natural gas in storage facilities in the United States

Report total amount of natural gas held by the establishment in storage facilities located in the United States for eventual use in Canada.

Thank you for your participation.

Why are we conducting this survey?

This survey collects data on capital and repair expenditures in Canada. The information is used by Federal and Provincial government departments and agencies, trade associations, universities and international organizations for policy development and as a measure of regional economic activity.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce the reporting burden, Statistics Canada may combine the acquired data with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations.
Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Enterprise Statistics Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at or by fax at 613-951-6583.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut as well as Environment and Climate Change Canada, Infrastructure Canada, the Canada Energy Regulator and Natural Resources Canada.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Business or organization and contact information

1. Verify or provide the business or organization's legal and operating name and correct where needed.

Note: Legal name modifications should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

Legal Name

The legal name is one recognized by law, thus it is the name liable for pursuit or for debts incurred by the business or organization. In the case of a corporation, it is the legal name as fixed by its charter or the statute by which the corporation was created.

Modifications to the legal name should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

To indicate a legal name of another legal entity you should instead indicate it in question 3 by selecting 'Not currently operational' and then choosing the applicable reason and providing the legal name of this other entity along with any other requested information.

Operating Name

The operating name is a name the business or organization is commonly known as if different from its legal name. The operating name is synonymous with trade name.

  • Legal name
  • Operating name (if applicable)

2. Verify or provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire and correct where needed.

Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Preferred language of communication
    • English
    • French
  • Mailing address (number and street)
  • City
  • Province, territory or state
  • Postal code or ZIP code
  • Country
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
    The maximum number of characters is 10.
  • Fax number (including area code)

3. Verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

  • Operational
  • Not currently operational
    Why is this business or organization not currently operational?
    • Seasonal operations
      • When did this business or organization close for the season?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
    • Ceased operations
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Bankruptcy
        • Liquidation
        • Dissolution
        • Other - Specify the other reasons why the operations ceased
    • Sold operations
      • When was this business or organization sold?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the buyer?
    • Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations
      • When did this business or organization amalgamate?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
      • What are the legal names of the other amalgamated businesses or organizations?
    • Temporarily inactive but will re-open
      • When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
      • Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive?
    • No longer operating due to other reasons
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?

4. Verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

Note: The described activity was assigned using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

This question verifies the business or organization's current main activity as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS , are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

The target entity for which NAICS is designed are businesses and other organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. They include farms, incorporated and unincorporated businesses and government business enterprises. They also include government institutions and agencies engaged in the production of marketed and non-marketed services, as well as organizations such as professional associations and unions and charitable or non-profit organizations and the employees of households.

The associated NAICS should reflect those activities conducted by the business or organizational units targeted by this questionnaire only, as identified in the 'Answering this questionnaire' section and which can be identified by the specified legal and operating name. The main activity is the activity which most defines the targeted business or organization's main purpose or reason for existence. For a business or organization that is for-profit, it is normally the activity that generates the majority of the revenue for the entity.

The NAICS classification contains a limited number of activity classifications; the associated classification might be applicable for this business or organization even if it is not exactly how you would describe this business or organization's main activity.

Please note that any modifications to the main activity through your response to this question might not necessarily be reflected prior to the transmitting of subsequent questionnaires and as a result they may not contain this updated information.

The following is the detailed description including any applicable examples or exclusions for the classification currently associated with this business or organization.

Description and examples

  • This is the current main activity
  • This is not the current main activity
    Provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity
    e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development

Main activity

5. You indicated that is not the current main activity. Was this business or organization's main activity ever classified as: ?

  • Yes
    When did the main activity change?
  • No

6. Search and select the industry classification code that best corresponds to this business or organization's main activity.

Select this business or organization's activity sector (optional)

  • Farming or logging operation
  • Construction company or general contractor
  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer
  • Provider of passenger or freight transportation
  • Provider of investment, savings or insurance products
  • Real estate agency, real estate brokerage or leasing company
  • Provider of professional, scientific or technical services
  • Provider of health care or social services
  • Restaurant, bar, hotel, motel or other lodging establishment
  • Other sector

Reporting period information

1. What are the start and end dates of this organization's fiscal year for this survey?

Note: For this survey, the end date should fall between April 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020

Here are twelve common fiscal periods that fall within the targeted dates:

  • May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019
  • June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019
  • July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019
  • August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019
  • September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019
  • October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019
  • November 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019
  • December 1, 2018 to November 30, 2019
  • January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019
  • February 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020
  • March 1, 2019 to February 28, 2020
  • April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020

Here are other examples of fiscal periods that fall within the required dates:

  • September 18, 2018 to September 15, 2019 ( e.g., floating year-end)
  • June 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 ( e.g., a newly opened business).

Fiscal Year Start date:

Fiscal Year-End date:

2. What is the reason the reporting period does not cover a full year?

Select all that apply.

  • Seasonal operations
  • New business
  • Change of ownership
  • Temporarily inactive
  • Change of fiscal year
  • Ceased operations
  • Other reason - specify:

Additional reporting instructions

3. Throughout this questionnaire, please report financial information in thousands of Canadian dollars. For example, an amount of $763,880.25 should be reported as:

CAN$ '000

I will report in the format above

Total capital and repair expenditures

1. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the organization's gross capital and repair expenditures for the following categories?

Include acquisitions, renovations, leasehold improvements, and additions to work in progress.

Exclude asset transfers and business acquisitions.

A) Gross capital expenditures, excluding land


  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.
  • cost of all new buildings, engineering, machinery and equipment which normally have a life of more than one year and are charged to fixed asset accounts
  • modifications, acquisitions and major renovations
  • subsidies
  • capitalized interest charges on loans with which capital projects are financed.

How to Treat Leases


  • assets acquired as a lessee through either a capital or financial lease
  • assets acquired for lease to others as an operating lease.


  • assets acquired for lease to others, either as a capital or financial lease.

B) Land

Total should include all costs associated with the purchase of the land that are not amortized or depreciated. Improvements of land should be reported in Gross capital expenditures, excluding land.

C) Non-capitalized repair and maintenance expenditures

This represents the repair and maintenance of assets in contrast to the acquisition of assets or the renovation of assets.


  • gross non-capital repair and maintenance expenditures on non-residential buildings, other structures and on machinery and equipment
  • value of repair work done by your own employees as well as payments to persons outside your employment
  • building maintenance such as janitorial services, snow removal and sanding, etc.

D) Non-capitalized repair and maintenance expenditures for machinery and equipment


  • equipment maintenance such as oil changes and lubrication of vehicles and other machinery, etc.
For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the organization's gross capital and repair expenditures for the following categories?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
A) Gross capital expenditures, excluding land  
B) Land  
C) Non-capitalized repair and maintenance expenditures  
D) Of the amount reported for non-capitalized repair and maintenance expenditures, enter an amount representing machinery and equipment (include vehicles and office equipment)  

2. What is the total dollar value of your capital work in progress (buildings, other construction, machinery and equipment, software) at year end?

These capital costs should be reported as Capital Expenditures in the year that they occurred.

Work in Progress: Work in progress represents accumulated costs since the start of capital projects which are intended to be capitalized upon completion.

CAN$ '000

Total capital and repair expenditures

3. You have reported that no capital or repair expenditures were incurred for the operations covered by this questionnaire. Please indicate the reason.

Select all that apply.

  • No capital or repair expenditures to report this year, but may in future
  • No fixed assets (buildings, computers, software, etc. ) held and none expected to be held by the legal entity covered by this questionnaire
    e.g. , financial fund, holding company
  • No fixed assets (buildings, computers, software, etc. ) are used in carrying out the operations covered by this questionnaire
    e.g. , fixed assets used in other operations included in a separate questionnaire
  • Other - specify:

Gross Capital Expenditures - Residential Construction

4. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for residential construction?

Include housing and accommodation units with exclusive use of kitchen and bathroom facilities.


  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizens residences). These should be included in non-residential construction.
  • associated services and townsite facilities ( e.g. , natural gas mains and services, electric power lines). These should be included in non-residential construction.

Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for residential structures (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees).

Include the housing portion of multi-purpose projects and of townsites.

Exclude buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g., some student and senior citizens residences) and associated expenditures on services.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for residential construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
Residential construction  
i. New Assets  
ii. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets  
iii. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  

Gross Capital Expenditures - Non-residential construction

5. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, did this organization have capital expenditures for non-residential construction?

Include acquisitions, renovations, leasehold improvements, and additions to work in progress.

Exclude asset transfers and business acquisitions.

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years.

  • Yes
  • No

Gross Capital Expenditures - Non-residential construction

6. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, which non-residential construction assets were acquired?

Include acquisitions, renovations, leasehold improvements, and additions to work in progress.

Exclude asset transfers and business acquisitions.

Select all that apply.

Construction structures should be classified to an asset according to its principal use unless it is a multi-purpose structure where we would like you to separate the components. The cost of any machinery and equipment which is an integral or built-in feature of the structure ( e.g. , elevators, heating equipment, sprinkler systems, environmental controls, intercom systems, etc. ) should be reported as part of that structure as well as landscaping, associated parking lots, etc.

Industrial Building

Select all assets that apply.

  • Manufacturing plants
  • Industrial depots and service buildings
    e.g. , maintenance garages
  • Farm buildings and structures
  • Other industrial sites and buildings - specify:

Commercial Building

Select all assets that apply.

  • Industrial laboratories and research and development centres
  • Warehouses
    e.g. , distribution centres
  • Service stations
    Include automotive repair shops
  • Office buildings
    Include bank buildings
  • Hotels and motels
  • Restaurants
    Include nightclubs
  • Shopping centres, plazas, malls and stores
  • Theatres and halls
  • Indoor recreational facilities
    e.g. , indoor ice skating rinks, indoor swimming pools
  • Other collective dwellings
    e.g. , bunkhouse, workcamps
  • Student residences
  • Airports and other passenger terminals
    e.g. , bus stations, boat passenger/ferry terminals
  • Communications buildings
  • Sports facilities with spectator capacity
  • Other commercial buildings, not elsewhere classified - specify:
    e.g. , car/automotive dealerships, grain elevators, mail sorting facilities

Institutional Building

Select all assets that apply.

  • Schools, colleges, universities and other educational buildings
  • Religious centres and memorial sites
  • Hospitals
  • Nursing homes and senior citizen homes
  • Other health care buildings, not elsewhere classified
    e.g. , dentist offices, physicians' offices
  • Daycare centres
  • Libraries
  • Historical sites
  • Museums
    Include observatories, art galleries, public archives, science centres
  • Public safety facilities
    e.g. , prisons, fire stations
  • Other institutional buildings, not elsewhere classified - specify:

Marine Engineering Infrastructure

Select all assets that apply.

  • Seaports and harbours
  • Canals and waterways
  • Marinas
  • Other marine infrastructure - specify:

Transportation Engineering Infrastructure

Select all assets that apply.

  • Parking lots and garages
    Include electric car charging stations
  • Highways, roads and streets
  • Runways (include lighting)
  • Railway tracks
    Include light rails, underground or elevated, rapid transit systems
  • Bridges
  • Tunnels
  • Other land transportation infrastructure, not elsewhere classified - specify:

Waterworks Engineering Infrastructure

Select all assets that apply.

  • Water filtration plants
  • Water supply infrastructure

Sewage Engineering Infrastructure

Select all assets that apply.

  • Sewage treatment plants
  • Sewage collection and disposal infrastructure

Electric Power Engineering Infrastructure

Select all assets that apply.

  • Natural gas, coal and oil power plants
  • Nuclear power plants
  • Hydro-electric power plants
  • Other power generating plants (wind, solar, biomass)
  • Power transmission networks
  • Power distribution networks

Communication networks

Select all assets that apply.

  • Telecommunications transmission cables and lines (except optical fibre)
    e.g. , aerial, underground and submarine
  • Telecommunications transmission optical fibre cables
    e.g. , aerial, underground and submarine
  • Telecommunications transmission support structures
    e.g. , towers, poles and conduit
  • Other communications networks - specify:

Oil and Gas Engineering Construction

Select all assets that apply.

  • Oil refineries
  • Natural gas processing plants
  • Pipelines (except water supply conduits)
  • Development drilling for oil and gas
  • Production facilities in oil and gas extraction
  • Enhanced recovery techniques for oil and gas
  • Site development services for oil and gas fields
  • Gas distribution systems (mains and services) and other oil and gas infrastructure
    e.g. , storage tanks

Mining Engineering Construction

Select all assets that apply.

  • Mine surface buildings (except for beneficiation)
  • Mine buildings for ore beneficiation
  • Mine structures (except buildings)
  • Tailings disposal systems and settling ponds
  • Site development for mining

Other Engineering Construction

Select all assets that apply.

  • Pollution abatement and control infrastructure
  • Outdoor recreational facilities
    e.g. , parks, hiking trails, campgrounds
  • Waste disposal facilities
  • Irrigation networks
  • Site remediation
  • Reclaimed land
  • Flood protection infrastructures
  • Other engineering works, not elsewhere classified - specify:

7. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for industrial building construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for industrial building construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Manufacturing plants    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Industrial depots and service buildings    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Farm buildings and structures    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other industrial sites and buildings    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

8. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for commercial building construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for commercial building construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Industrial laboratories, research and development centres    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Service stations    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Office buildings    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Shopping centres, plazas, malls and stores    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Theatres and halls    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Indoor recreational facilities    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other collective dwellings    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Student residences    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Airports and other passenger terminals    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Communications buildings    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Sports facilities with spectator capacity    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other commercial buildings, not elsewhere classified    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

9. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for institutional building construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for institutional building construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Schools, colleges, universities and other educational buildings    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Religious centres and memorial sites    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Nursing homes, homes for the aged    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Health centres, clinics and other health care buildings    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Daycare centres    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Historical sites    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Public security facilities    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other institutional buildings, not elsewhere classified    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

10. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for marine engineering construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for marine engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Canals and waterways    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Marinas and harbours    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other marine infrastructure    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

11. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for transportation engineering construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for transportation engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Parking lots and garages    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Highway and road structures and networks    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Runways (include lighting)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Railway lines    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other land transportation infrastructure, not elsewhere classified    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

12. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for waterworks engineering construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for waterworks engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Water filtration plants    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Water supply infrastructure    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

13. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for sewage engineering construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for sewage engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Sewage treatment plants    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Sewage collection and disposal infrastructure    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

14. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for electric power engineering construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for electric power engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Steam production plants    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Nuclear production plants    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Hydro-electric power plants    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other Power generating plants    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Power transmission networks    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Power distribution networks    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

15. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for communications networks construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for communications networks construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Telecommunications transmission cables and lines (except optical fibre) - (e.g., aerial, underground and submarine)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Telecommunications transmission optical fibre cables (e.g., aerial, underground and submarine)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Telecommunications transmission support structures - towers, poles, conduit    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other communications networks    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

16. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for oil and gas engineering construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for oil and gas engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Oil refineries    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Natural gas processing plants    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Development drilling for oil and gas    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Production facilities in oil and gas extraction    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Enhanced recovery techniques for oil and gas    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Site development services for oil and gas fields    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Gas distribution systems (mains and services) and other oil and gas infrastructure    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

17. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for mining engineering construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres,
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables,
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g., some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

For commissioning phase or start-up (pre-commercial operations) mining activities please exclude the capitalized operating costs.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) / (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 X 20) + (100 X 10) + (10 X 30)) / 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for mining engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Mine surface buildings (except for beneficiation)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Mine buildings for beneficiation treatment of minerals    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Mine structures    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Tailing disposal systems settling ponds    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Mine-site development    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

18. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for other engineering construction?

Non-Residential Construction: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for non-residential building and engineering construction (on a contracted basis and/or by your own employees) whether for your own use or rent to others.


  • manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, shopping centres, etc.
  • roads, bridges, sewers, electric power lines, underground cables, etc.
  • the cost of demolition of buildings, land servicing and site preparation
  • leasehold and land improvements
  • additions to work in progress
  • townsite facilities such as streets, sewers, stores and schools
  • buildings that have accommodation units without self contained or exclusive use of bathroom and kitchen facilities ( e.g. , some student and senior citizen residences) and associated expenditures on services
  • all preconstruction planning and design costs such as engineer and consulting fees and any materials supplied to construction contractors for installation, etc.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for other engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Pollution abatement and control    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Outdoor recreational facilities    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Waste disposal facilities    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Irrigation networks    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Site remediation    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Reclaimed land    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Flood protection infrastructure    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other engineering works, not elsewhere classified    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

19. Capital Expenditures for Non-Residential Construction

Capital Expenditures for Non-Residential Construction
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
Industrial Building  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Commercial Building  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Institutional Building  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Marine Engineering Infrastructure  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Transportation Engineering Infrastructure  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Waterworks Engineering Infrastructure  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Sewage Engineering Infrastructure  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Electric Power Engineering Infrastructure  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Communication Networks  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Oil and Gas Engineering Construction  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Mining Engineering Construction  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Other Engineering Construction  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Total Used Assets  
Box A1 + A2  
Box A1 + A2  
Box A1 + A2  

Gross Capital Expenditures - Machinery and Equipment

20. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, did this organization have capital expenditures for machinery and equipment?

Include renovations and acquisitions to work in progress.

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

  • Yes
  • No

21. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, which machinery and equipment assets were acquired?

Include renovations and acquisitions to work in progress.

Select all that apply.

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

Medium and Heavy Trucks, Buses and Other Motor Vehicles

Select all assets that apply.

  • Medium and heavy-duty trucks
  • Buses
  • Freight and utility trailers
  • Special-purpose vehicles
    e.g. , ambulances, garbage truck, fire trucks, tow trucks
  • Materials handling trucks and tractors
    e.g. , forklifts
  • Other motor vehicles

Passenger Cars and Light Trucks

Select all assets that apply.

  • Passenger cars, light-duty trucks, vans and SUVs

Other Transportation Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment
  • Civilian aircraft
  • Non-military ships, barges and platforms
  • Boats and personal watercraft
  • Other transportation equipment - specify:

Processing Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Water treatment equipment
  • Filters and strainers for fluids and fluid power systems
  • Packing, packaging, and bottling machinery
  • Mineral crushing, screening, processing and beneficiation machinery and equipment
  • Metalworking machinery
  • Industrial moulds, special dies, and patterns
  • Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified - specify:
    Include tooling

Computers and Office Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Computers and computer peripheral equipment
  • Optical and projection equipment, photocopiers, and office machines (except computers and peripherals)
  • Office furniture

Telecommunications, Cable and Broadcasting Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Broadcast, studio, alarm, and signalling equipment
    e.g. , alarm systems
  • Navigational and guidance instruments
  • Telephone and data communications equipment
  • Televisions and other audio and video equipment
  • Other communication equipment - specify:

Commercial and Service Industry Machinery and Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Commercial cooking and food-warming equipment
  • Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified

Other Industrial Machinery and Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Heavy-gauge metal containers (including intermodal)
  • Hand tools and power hand tools (except welding and soldering equipment)
  • Logging machinery and equipment
  • Rock drilling machinery and equipment
  • Other mining and quarrying machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified
  • Oil and gas field production machinery and equipment
  • Construction machinery and equipment
  • Nuclear reactor steam supply systems
  • Welding and soldering equipment
  • Industrial furnaces and ovens, and electric industrial heating equipment
  • Other materials handling equipment, conveyors, and elevators

Medical, Scientific and Technical Instruments and equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Medical and laboratory equipment (except scientific instruments)
  • Scientific and technical instruments (except electromedical and irradiation equipment)
  • Other measuring, control, and scientific instruments (except electromedical and irradiation equipment)
  • Medical, dental and personal safety supplies

Other Machinery and Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Institutional and other furniture, not elsewhere classified (including furniture frames)
  • Engines (except gasoline and diesel engines for motor vehicles, and aircraft engines) and mechanical power transmission equipment
  • Pumps and compressors
  • Heating and cooling equipment (except household refrigerators and freezers)
    e.g. , heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
  • Power and distribution transformers
  • Other transformers
  • Military aircraft
  • Military ships
  • Military armoured vehicles
  • Billboards
  • Non-residential mobile buildings
  • Electric motors and generators
  • Switchgear, switchboards, relays, and industrial control apparatus
  • Turbines, turbine generators, and turbine generator sets
  • Boilers, metal tanks, industrial valves and seals
  • Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment
  • Instruments for measuring electricity
  • Industrial and commercial fans, blowers and air purification equipment
  • Appliances
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones)
  • Partitions, shelving, lockers and other fixtures
  • Batteries
  • Sporting and athletic goods
  • Other machinery and equipment - specify:

22. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for medium and heavy trucks, buses and other motor vehicles?

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for medium and heavy trucks, buses and other motor vehicles?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Medium and heavy-duty trucks    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Freight and utility trailers    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Special-purpose vehicles    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Materials handling trucks and tractors    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other motor vehicles    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

23. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for passenger cars and light trucks?

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for passenger cars and light trucks?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Passenger cars, light-duty trucks, vans and SUVs    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

24. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for other transportation equipment?

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for other transportation equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Civilian aircraft    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Non-military ships, barges and platforms    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Boats and personal watercraft    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other transportation equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

25. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for processing equipment?

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for processing equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Water treatment equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Filters and strainers for fluids and fluid power systems    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Packing, packaging, and bottling machinery    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Mineral crushing, screening, processing and beneficiation machinery and equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Metalworking machinery    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Industrial moulds, special dies, and patterns    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

26. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for computers and office equipment?

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for computers and office equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Computers and computer peripheral equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Optical and projection equipment, photocopiers, and office machines (except computers and peripherals)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Office furniture    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

27. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for telecommunications, cable and broadcasting equipment?

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for telecommunications, cable and broadcasting equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Broadcast, studio, alarm, and signalling equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Navigational and guidance instruments    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Telephone and data communications equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Televisions and other audio and video equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other communication equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

28. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for commercial and service industry machinery and equipment?

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for commercial and service industry machinery and equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Commercial cooking and food-warming equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

29. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for other industrial machinery and equipment?

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

For commissioning phase or start-up (pre-commercial operations) mining activities please exclude the capitalized operating costs.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A X Years of Asset A) + (Asset B X Years of Asset B) + (Asset C X Years of Asset C)) / (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 X 20) + (100 X 10) + (10 X 30)) / 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for other industrial machinery and equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Heavy-gauge metal containers (including intermodal)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Hand tools and power hand tools (except welding and soldering equipment)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Logging machinery and equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Rock drilling machinery and equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other mining and quarrying machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Oil and gas field production machinery and equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Construction machinery and equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Nuclear reactor steam supply systems    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Welding and soldering equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Industrial furnaces and ovens, and electric industrial heating equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other materials handling equipment, conveyors, and elevators    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

30. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for medical, scientific and technical instruments and equipment?

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for medical, scientific and technical instruments and equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Medical and laboratory equipment (except scientific instruments)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Scientific and technical instruments (except electromedical and irradiation equipment)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other measuring, control, and scientific instruments (except electromedical and irradiation equipment)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Medical, dental and personal safety supplies    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

31. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for other machinery and equipment?

Machinery and Equipment: Capital expenditures incurred during the reporting period for machinery and equipment, whether for your own use or for lease or rent to others.


  • automobiles, trucks, professional and scientific equipment, office and store furniture and appliances
  • computers (hardware only), broadcasting, telecommunications and other information and communication technologies equipment
  • motors, generators, transformers
  • any capitalized tooling expenses
  • acquisitions to work in progress
  • progress payments paid out before delivery in the year in which such payments are made
  • any balance owing or holdbacks should be reported in the year the cost is incurred.

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for other machinery and equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Institutional and other furniture, not elsewhere classified (including furniture frames)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Engines (except gasoline and diesel engines for motor vehicles, and aircraft engines) and mechanical power transmission equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Pumps and compressors    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Heating and cooling equipment (except household refrigerators and freezers)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Power and distribution transformers    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other transformers    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Military aircraft    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Military ships    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Military armoured vehicles    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Non-residential mobile buildings    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Electric motors and generators    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Switchgear, switchboards, relays, and industrial control apparatus    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Turbines, turbine generators, and turbine generator sets    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Boilers, metal tanks, industrial valves and seals    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Instruments for measuring electricity    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Industrial and commercial fans, blowers and air purification equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones)    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Partitions, shelving, lockers and other fixtures    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Sporting and athletic goods    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Other machinery and equipment    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

32. Capital Expenditures for Machinery and Equipment

Capital Expenditures for Machinery and Equipment
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
Medium and Heavy Trucks, Buses and Other Motor Vehicles  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Passenger Cars and Light Trucks  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Other Transportation Equipment  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Processing Equipment  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Computers and Office Equipment  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Telecommunications, Cable and Broadcasting  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Commercial and Service Industry Machinery and Equipment  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Other Industrial Machinery and Equipment  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Medical, Scientific and Technical Instruments and equipment  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Other Machinery and Equipment  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Total New Assets  
Total Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration  
Total new assets (including renovation, retrofit, refurbishing, overhauling, restoration)  
Total Used Machinery  
Box A1 + A2  

Gross Capital Expenditures - Software

33. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, did this organization have capital expenditures for software?

  • Yes
  • No

34. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's expenditures for software?

New Assets: Report Capital Expenditures for acquisitions of new assets including the portion of work in progress for the current year. Include imports of used assets since they represent newly acquired assets for the Canadian economy.

Purchase of Used Canadian Assets: The object of our survey is to measure the acquisitions of new fixed assets separately from used fixed assets in the Canadian economy as a whole. This is because the acquisition of used assets does not increase the total inventory of fixed assets, it only transfers them within the Canadian economy. Report acquisition of used assets separately in this column.

Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling and Restoration: Report Capital Expenditures for existing assets being upgraded, renovated, retrofitted, refurbished, overhauled or restored.

Expected Useful Life of Assets: Report the expected life of the asset in years. If you have purchased similar assets with varying expected useful lives, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's expenditures for software?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Expected useful life (years)
Pre-packaged software    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    
Custom software    
a. New Assets    
b. Purchase of Used Canadian Assets    
c. Renovation, Retrofit, Refurbishing, Overhauling, Restoration    

Gross Capital Expenditures - Oil and gas and mineral exploration

35. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, did this organization have capital expenditures for oil and gas and mineral exploration?

  • Yes
  • No

36. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's expenditures for oil and gas and mineral exploration?

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's expenditures for oil and gas and mineral exploration?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
a. Exploration drilling for oil and gas  
b. Other oil and gas exploration  
c. Mineral exploration  
d. Total expenditures  

Gross Capital Expenditures - Environmental protection activities and resources management activities

The next questions cover the capital and repair expenditures made by this organization in order to prevent, reduce or eliminate pollution and other forms of degradation of the environment while performing your production activity, i.e., within your organization. Expenditures made to restore the environment from a degraded state are included.

Exclude expenditures made to improve employee health, workplace safety, and site beautification. Please report all environmental protection or resources management expenditures whether or not they are in response to current or anticipated Canadian or international regulations, conventions or voluntary agreements.

37. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, did this organization have capital expenditures for environmental protection and resources management activities?

Environmental protection activities are:

  • solid waste management
  • wastewater management
  • air pollution management
  • protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water
  • protection and restoration of biodiversity and habitat
  • noise and vibration abatement
  • protection against radiation.

Resources management activities are:

  • heat and energy savings and management
  • use of fuel efficient vehicle and efficient transportation goods or technologies
  • production of energy from renewable sources or nuclear energy.

Environmental protection expenditures: all capital and repair expenditures whose primary purpose is the prevention, reduction or elimination of pollution and/or other forms of degradation of the environment as well as measures taken to restore the environment from a degraded state.

Include expenditures that this specific operation incurred for pollution prevention, abatement and control; solid waste management; wastewater management; protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water; protection and restoration of biodiversity and habitat; etc.

Exclude expenditures made to improve employee health, workplace safety, and site beautification. Expenses incurred to produce pollution prevention or abatement and control equipment for sale are also excluded as they would appear twice in the expenditure data produced by Statistics Canada. Expenditures for environment-related research and development are also excluded since they are collected elsewhere in Statistics Canada.

  • Yes
  • No

38. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, for which of the following environmental protection and resources management activities did this organization have capital expenditures?

Select all that apply.

Solid waste management

Examples of related technologies:

  • Collection-related goods and technologies:
    • collection vehicles for waste, recycling and organics
    • containers for collection of waste, recycling and organics
    • other recycling equipment used in collection.
  • Separating and sorting-related goods and technologies: air classifiers, magnetic separators, eddy current separators, etc.
  • Compaction-related goods and technologies: balers, densifiers, compactors, shredders, granulators, etc.
  • Centralized biological reprocessing technologies: centralized composters, etc.
  • Disposal-related goods and technologies:
    • equipment for landfill leachate collection and containment
    • equipment for landfill gas management
    • equipment for thermal treatment ( e.g., rotary kiln incinerator, mass burning, starved air incinerator, fluidized bed).
  • High-level radioactive waste: waste that contains or is contaminated with radionuclides at a concentration or radioactivity level that is high enough that shielding is required during normal handling and transportation.

Wastewater management

Examples of related technologies:

  • Physical or chemical treatment of industrial wastewater:
    • tanks and related components for dilution or equalization, neutralization, sedimentation, chemical precipitation
    • oil separators, skimmers
    • ion exchange beds
    • air stripping tanks or columns
    • liquid extraction columns
    • micro-porous membrane adsorbers
    • equipment for advanced chemical oxidation or UV radiation
    • pre-treatment filters.
  • Centralized physical or chemical and biological treatment of sewage:
    • intake screens
    • air sparging grit chambers
    • oil separators, skimmers
    • tanks and related components for sedimentation, chemical precipitation or flocculation, aerobic biological treatment, aeration, clarification, disinfection
    • membrane bioreactors
    • trickling filters
    • anaerobic digesters.

Air pollution management

Examples of related technologies:

  • Physical or chemical treatment technologies:
    • filters and cyclones
    • electrostatic precipitators
    • scrubbers
    • waste gas absorbers and waste gas flare or incinerators
    • industrial catalytic converters
    • pollutant recovery condensers
    • adsorbers.
  • Greenhouse gas control technologies:
    • clean coal processing technologies
    • carbon capture and sequestration technologies and storage
    • air and off-gas treatments.
  • Air quality and air pollution technologies: low emitting burners.
  • Monitoring and compliance technologies:
    • leak detection technologies
    • environmental measurement apparatus.

Protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water

Examples of related activities:

  • In situ biological treatments:
    • enhanced bioremediation
    • phytoremediation
    • bioventing.
  • Ex situ biological treatments:
    • bioreaction
    • biopiles
    • landfarming
    • slurry phase biological treatment.
  • In situ physical and chemical treatments:
    • biochar
    • chemical oxidation
    • fracturing
    • soil flushing
    • soil vapour extraction
    • solidification
    • stabilization
    • air sparging
    • bioslurping
    • directional wells
    • dual phase extraction
    • thermal treatment
    • hydrofracturing enhancements
    • in-well air stripping
    • passive and reactive treatment walls.
  • Ex situ physical and chemical treatments:
    • chemical extraction
    • chemical reduction and oxidation
    • dehalogenation
    • separation
    • soil washing
    • solidification
    • stabilization
    • adsorption and absorption
    • advanced oxidation
    • air stripping
    • ion exchange
    • precipitation
    • flocculation
    • coagulation
    • separation
    • sprinkler irrigation.
  • In situ thermal treatments:
    • hot air injection
    • electrical resistance.
  • Ex situ thermal treatments:
    • incineration
    • pyrolysis
    • thermal desorption.
  • Containment

Heat and energy savings and management

Examples of related goods and technologies:

  • Efficient industrial or commercial equipment:
    • high efficiency burners and boilers (Energy Star)
    • high efficiency pumps (Energy Star) and motors (NEMA Premium TM)
    • high efficiency industrial or commercial HVAC (Energy Star)
    • combined heat and power generation (CHP/cogeneration)
    • high efficiency industrial or commercial lighting systems (Energy Star)
    • automation and control technologies
    • energy efficient filters and processes
    • advanced insulation ( e.g., super insulating materials (SIMs); vacuum insulation panels (VIP), gas-filled panels (GFP); and aerogel-based products (ABP))
    • predictive maintenance technologies ( e.g., twinning, sensors, related software).
  • Demand management technologies:
    • smart inverters
    • smart meters and devices
    • phasor measurement units
    • management systems (software).
  • Energy storage technologies:
    • flywheels
    • equipment for pumped hydro systems
    • equipment for compressed air systems
    • advanced batteries ( e.g., NiCd , NiMH , Li-ion , NaS , NaNiCl , hybrid flow, redox flow, hydrogen storage, synthetic natural gas)
    • fuel cells
    • thermal storage systems
    • double-layer capacitors (DLC)
    • superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES).

Production of renewable energy

Renewable energy: energy obtained from resources that can be naturally replenished or renewed within a human lifespan, that is, the resource is a sustainable source of energy. This includes: wind, solar aero-thermal, geothermal, hydrothermal and ocean energy, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases.

Wind energy systems or equipment: horizontal and vertical axis turbines; towers and other types of equipment used to generate energy and electricity.

Geothermal: hot water or steam extracted from the Earth's interior and used for geothermal heat pumps, water heating or electricity generation.

Solar energy systems or equipment: active and passive solar systems; photovoltaics; solar thermal generators; solar water and space heating systems.

Bioenergy (Biomass energy): systems and equipment (turbines, boilers, process equipment) that use organic matter such as forest and agricultural residues to produce electricity, steam, or heat.

Waste to energy: use of a non-biomass waste product to produce electricity, steam, or heat.

Other renewable energy systems or equipment: systems and equipment for energy production from wave, tidal, and ocean thermal energy conversion systems.

Environmental protection activities

Solid waste management

Capital expenditures related to non-hazardous and hazardous solid waste collection, transport, treatment, storage, disposal, recycling, and composting, and activities related to measurement, control, and laboratories.

Exclude capital expenditures on sewage or wastewater management, and treatment of high-level radioactive waste.

Wastewater management

Capital expenditures related to prevention of wastewater through in-process modifications, wastewater treatment (including pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe) processes), management of substances released to surface waters, municipal sewer systems, soil, or underground. Include capital expenditures related to treatment of cooling water for disposal, installation of sewage infrastructure, expenditures related to the use, collection, treatment and disposal of sewage (including septic tanks), and activities related to measurement, control, and laboratories.

Exclude capital expenditures on the protection of groundwater from pollutant infiltration and the cleaning up of soil and water bodies after pollution.

Air pollution management

Capital expenditures related to air pollution prevention ( i.e., the elimination of pollution at the source) and air pollution abatement and control ( i.e., end-of-pipe processes), including monitoring.
e.g., scrubbers, air and off-gas treatments, low emitting burners, leak detection technologies

Exclude heat or energy savings and management, the purchase or lease of fuel efficient vehicles and equipment, the production of renewable or clean energy, the purchase of biofuels, biochemicals or biomaterials, and the purchase of carbon offset credits and carbon taxes.

Protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water

Capital expenditures for the prevention of pollution infiltration, cleaning up of soil and water bodies, protection of soil from erosion, salinization and physical degradation, monitoring, and site reclamation and decommissioning. Include decommissioning expenditures incurred in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020 even if the site closed before this period.

Exclude capital expenditures on wastewater management.

Protection of biodiversity and habitat

Capital expenditures related to protecting wildlife and habitat from the effects of economic activity and to restoring wildlife or habitat that has been adversely affected by such activity, including monitoring.

Noise and vibration abatement

Capital expenditures related to the control, reduction and abatement of industrial and transport noise and vibration related to the activities of this organization.

Exclude the abatement of noise and vibration for the purpose of workplace protection.

Protection against radiation

Capital expenditures for the reduction or elimination of the negative consequences of high-level radiation, including the handling, transportation and treatment of high-level radioactive waste - that is, waste that requires shielding during normal handling and transportation because of its high radionuclide content.

Exclude the management of low-level radioactive waste, and the protection against radiation for the purpose of workplace protection.

Other environmental protection activities

Capital expenditures related to other initiatives not listed above. Report imputed interest on funds held in trust against future environmental liabilities.

Exclude capital expenditures related to research and development, to heat or energy savings and management, the purchase or lease of fuel efficient vehicles and transportation goods, the production of renewable or clean energy, and the purchase of biofuels, biochemicals or biomaterials.

Resources management activities

Heat and energy savings and management

Capital expenditures related to minimizing the intake of energy through in-process modifications as well as the minimisation of heat and energy losses. This includes in-process modifications, insulation activities, energy recovery, monitoring related to energy saving, and lighting upgrades.

Use of fuel efficient vehicles and transportation goods or technologies

Capital expenditures related to the purchase or the lease of electric and hybrid vehicles, vehicles using alternative fuels, alternative fuel retrofits on existing vehicles, and low-rolling resistance tires.

Production of nuclear energy, whether for sale or own use

Capital expenditures related to the production of nuclear power.

Production of energy from renewable sources, whether for sale or own use

Capital expenditures related to the production of electricity or heat from renewable sources.
e.g., wind, geothermal, hydro, solar, and waste to energy

39. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for each environmental protection and resources management activity?

When precise figures are not available, provide your best estimate.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were this organization's gross capital expenditures for each environmental protection and resources management activity?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
Environmental protection activity  
Solid waste management  
Wastewater management  
Air pollution management  
Protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water  
Protection of biodiversity and habitat  
Noise and vibration abatement  
Protection against radiation  
Other environmental protection activities  
Resources management activity  
Heat and energy savings and management  
Use of fuel efficient vehicles and transportation goods or technologies  
Production of nuclear energy, whether for sale or own use  
Production of energy from renewable sources, whether for sale or own use  

Environmental protection and resources management activities

40. Which of the following were drivers to the adoption of new or significantly improved clean technologies, systems or equipment for this organization during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020.

Select all that apply.

  • Sufficient return on investment
    i.e., sufficient business case
  • Regulations
  • Government incentives
  • Carbon pricing
  • Voluntary agreement
  • Public image
  • Corporate policy
  • Part of regular capital turnover
  • Other drivers - Specify other drivers:
  • There were no drivers during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020

41. Which of the following were obstacles to the adoption of new or significantly improved clean technologies, systems or equipment for this organization during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020.

Select all that apply.

  • Lack of regulations
  • Changing regulations
  • Insufficient return on investment
    i.e., no business case
  • Competing capital investments
  • Difficulty obtaining financing
    e.g., internal, private or government
  • Lack of information or knowledge related to systems or equipment (new or significantly improved)
  • Lack of available systems or equipment (new or significantly improved)
  • Lack of technical skills required to support this type of investment
  • Lack of technical support or services
    e.g., from consultants or vendors
  • Regulatory or policy barriers
  • Organizational structure too inflexible
  • Decisions made by parent, affiliate or subsidiary businesses
  • Difficulty in integrating new technologies with existing infrastructure, systems, standards and processes
  • Other obstacles - Specify other obstacles:
  • There were no obstacles during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020

Source of funding

42. Please provide the source of funding breakdown of the capital expenditures reported earlier in the survey.

Note: Sum of a to d should be equal to the total of capital expenditures reported for construction and machinery and equipment previously in the survey.

Sources of funding include grants, subsidies, donations, credit and venture capital from external sources, as well as internal funding.

Please provide the source of funding breakdown of the capital expenditures reported earlier in the survey.
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
a. Municipal or regional government grants, subsidies, contributions  
b. Provincial and territorial government grants, subsidies, contributions  
c. Federal government grants, subsidies, contributions  
d. Private, internal and other sources of funding  

Gross Capital Expenditures - Cost Components of Expenditures

43. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, were any internal costs included in the reported capital and repair expenditures?

Internal construction or development costs (such as material and labour) that are capitalized as part of the asset costs (such as own employee installation or erection of fixed assets, systems and software development staff).

Include all materials and supplies provided free to contractors and all architects, engineering and consultants fees and similar services.

  • Yes
  • No

Cost Components of Expenditures

44. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, please provide details on the cost of own account (internal costs) imputed to fixed assets.

Salaries and Wages: Show the total value of salaries and wages paid to your employees. Salaries and wages are gross earnings before deductions such as income tax and include incentive bonuses and vacation pay but exclude fringe benefits.

Materials and Supplies: Report total cost of materials and supplies used by your own employees and those provided free to contractors relating to the expenditures reported.

Other Charges: Examples of other charges are insurance, power, telephone and also architectural, legal, and engineering fees considered to be applicable to the expenditures reported.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, please provide details on the cost of own account (internal costs) imputed to fixed assets.
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
Non-residential construction (such as site preparation by own employees, internal pre-construction planning costs)  
i. Salaries and Wages  
ii. Materials and Supplies  
iii. Other Charges  
Total - Value of Own account work  
Non-capitalized repair and maintenance construction  
i. Salaries and Wages  
ii. Materials and Supplies  
iii. Other Charges  
Total - Value of Own account work  
Machinery and equipment capital expenditures ( e.g. , ship built for own-use, upgrades to vehicles by own employees, capitalized tooling by own employees, etc. )  
i. Salaries and Wages  
ii. Materials and Supplies  
iii. Other Charges  
Total - Value of Own account work  
Non-capitalized machinery and equipment repair and maintenance expenses  
i. Salaries and Wages  
ii. Materials and Supplies  
iii. Other Charges  
Total - Value of Own account work  
Software development capital expenditures (internal development for internal use)  
i. Salaries and Wages  
ii. Materials and Supplies  
iii. Other Charges  
Total - Value of Own account work  

Disposals and Sales of Fixed Assets

45. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, did this organization dispose or sell any fixed assets?

  • Yes
  • No

46. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, which assets were disposed of or sold?

Select all that apply.


Residential construction

Industrial Building

Select all assets that apply.

  • Manufacturing plants
  • Industrial depots and service buildings
    e.g. , maintenance garages
  • Farm buildings and structures
  • Other industrial sites and buildings - specify:

Commercial Building

Select all assets that apply.

  • Industrial laboratories, research and development centres
  • Warehouses
    e.g. , distribution centres
  • Service stations
    Include automotive repair shops
  • Office buildings
    Include bank buildings
  • Hotels and motels
  • Restaurants
    Include nightclubs
  • Shopping centres, plazas, malls and stores
  • Theatres and halls
  • Indoor recreational facilities
    e.g. , indoor ice skating rinks, indoor swimming pools
  • Other collective dwellings
    e.g. , bunkhouse, workcamps
  • Student residences
  • Airports and other passenger terminals
    e.g. , bus stations, boat passenger/ferry terminals
  • Communications buildings
  • Sports facilities with spectator capacity
  • Other commercial properties, not elsewhere classified - specify:
    e.g. , car/automotive dealerships, grain elevators, mail sorting facilities

Institutional Building

Select all assets that apply.

  • Schools, colleges, universities and other educational buildings
  • Religious centres and memorial sites
  • Hospitals
  • Nursing homes and senior citizen homes
  • Other health care buildings, not elsewhere classified
    e.g. , dentist offices, physicians' offices
  • Daycare centres
  • Libraries
  • Historical sites
  • Museums
    Include observatories, art galleries, public archives, science centres
  • Public safety facilities
    e.g. , prisons, fire stations
  • Other institutional buildings, not elsewhere classified - specify:

Marine Engineering Infrastructure

Select all assets that apply.

  • Seaports and harbours
  • Canals and waterways
  • Marinas
  • Other marine engineering infrastructure - specify:

Transportation Engineering Infrastructure

Select all assets that apply.

  • Parking lots and garages
    Include electric car charging stations
  • Highways, roads and streets
  • Runways (include lighting)
  • Railway tracks
    Include light rails, underground or elevated, rapid transit systems
  • Bridges
  • Tunnels
  • Other land transportation infrastructure, not elsewhere classified - specify:

Waterworks Engineering Infrastructure

Select all assets that apply.

  • Water filtration plants
  • Water supply infrastructure

Sewage Engineering Infrastructure

Select all assets that apply.

  • Sewage treatment plants
  • Sewage collection and disposal infrastructure

Electric Power Engineering Infrastructure

Select all assets that apply.

  • Natural gas, coal and oil power plants
  • Nuclear power plants
  • Hydro-electric power plants
  • Other power generating plants (wind, solar, biomass)
  • Power transmission networks
  • Power distribution networks

Communication Networks

Select all assets that apply.

  • Telecommunications transmission cables and lines (except optical fibre)
    e.g. , aerial, underground and submarine
  • Telecommunications transmission optical fibre cables
    e.g. , aerial, underground and submarine
  • Telecommunications transmission support structures
    e.g. , towers, poles and conduit
  • Other communications networks - specify:

Oil and Gas Engineering Construction

Select all assets that apply.

  • Oil refineries
  • Natural gas processing plants
  • Pipelines (exclude water supply conduits)
  • Development drilling for oil and gas
  • Production facilities in oil and gas extraction
  • Enhanced recovery techniques for oil and gas
  • Site development services for oil and gas fields
  • Gas distribution systems (mains and services) and other oil and gas infrastructure
    e.g. , storage tanks

Mining Engineering Construction

Select all assets that apply.

  • Mine surface buildings (except for beneficiation)
  • Mine buildings for ore beneficiation
  • Mine structures (except buildings)
  • Tailings disposal systems and settling ponds
  • Site development for mining

Other Engineering Construction

Select all assets that apply.

  • Pollution abatement and control infrastructure
  • Outdoor recreational facilities
    e.g. , parks, hiking trails, campgrounds
  • Waste disposal facilities
  • Irrigation networks
  • Site remediation
  • Reclaimed land
  • Flood protection infrastructure
  • Other engineering works, not elsewhere classified - specify:

Medium and Heavy Trucks, Buses and Other Motor Vehicles

Select all assets that apply.

  • Medium and heavy-duty trucks
  • Buses
  • Freight and utility trailers
  • Special-purpose vehicles
    e.g. , ambulances, garbage truck, fire trucks, tow trucks
  • Materials handling trucks and tractors
    e.g. , forklifts
  • Other motor vehicles

Passenger Cars and Light Trucks

Select all assets that apply.

  • Passenger cars, light-duty trucks, vans and SUVs

Other Transportation Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment
  • Civilian aircraft
  • Non-military ships, barges and platforms
  • Boats and personal watercraft
  • Other transportation equipment - specify:

Processing Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Water treatment equipment
  • Filters and strainers for fluids and fluid power systems
  • Packing, packaging, and bottling machinery
  • Mineral crushing, screening, processing and beneficiation machinery and equipment
  • Metalworking machinery
  • Industrial moulds, special dies, and patterns
  • Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified - specify:
    Include tooling

Computers and Office Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Computers and computer peripheral equipment
  • Optical and projection equipment, photocopiers, and office machines (except computers and peripherals)
  • Office furniture

Telecommunications, Cable and Broadcasting Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Broadcast, studio, alarm, and signalling equipment
    e.g. , alarm systems
  • Navigational and guidance instruments
  • Telephone and data communications equipment
  • Televisions and other audio and video equipment
  • Other communication equipment - specify:

Commercial and Service Industry Machinery and Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Commercial cooking and food-warming equipment
  • Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified

Other Industrial Machinery and Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Heavy-gauge metal containers (including intermodal)
  • Hand tools and power hand tools (except welding and soldering equipment)
  • Logging machinery and equipment
  • Rock drilling machinery and equipment
  • Other mining and quarrying machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified
  • Oil and gas field production machinery and equipment
  • Construction machinery and equipment
  • Nuclear reactor steam supply systems
  • Welding and soldering equipment
  • Industrial furnaces and ovens, and electric industrial heating equipment
  • Other materials handling equipment, conveyors, and elevators

Medical, Scientific and Technical Instruments and equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Medical and laboratory equipment (except scientific instruments)
  • Scientific and technical instruments (except electromedical and irradiation equipment)
  • Other measuring, control, and scientific instruments (except electromedical and irradiation equipment)
  • Medical, dental and personal safety supplies

Other Machinery and Equipment

Select all assets that apply.

  • Institutional and other furniture, not elsewhere classified (including furniture frames)
  • Engines (except gasoline and diesel engines for motor vehicles, and aircraft engines) and mechanical power transmission equipment
  • Pumps and compressors
  • Heating and cooling equipment (except household refrigerators and freezers)
    e.g. , heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
  • Power and distribution transformers
  • Other transformers
  • Military aircraft
  • Military ships
  • Military armoured vehicles
  • Billboards
  • Non-residential mobile buildings
  • Waste and scrap of iron and steel
  • Waste and scrap of aluminum and aluminum alloy
  • Waste and scrap of other non-ferrous metals
  • Electric motors and generators
  • Switchgear, switchboards, relays, and industrial control apparatus
  • Turbines, turbine generators, and turbine generator sets
  • Boilers, metal tanks, industrial valves and seals
  • Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment
  • Instruments for measuring electricity
  • Industrial and commercial fans, blowers and air purification equipment
  • Appliances
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones)
  • Partitions, shelving, lockers and other fixtures
  • Batteries
  • Sporting and athletic goods
  • Other machinery and equipment - specify:


Select all assets that apply.

  • Pre-Packaged Software
  • Custom software

47. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price and gross book value of the disposed or sold land?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted. For land transfers, please report the market value in the gross book value section.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price and gross book value of the disposed or sold land?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000
a. Selling Price  
b. Gross Book Value  

48. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold residential construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold residential construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Residential construction    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

49. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for industrial building construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for industrial building construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Manufacturing plants    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Industrial depots and service buildings    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Farm buildings and structures    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other industrial sites and buildings    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

50. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for commercial building construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for commercial building construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Industrial laboratories, research and development centres    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Service stations    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Office buildings    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Shopping centres, plazas, malls and stores    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Theatres and halls    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Indoor recreational facilities    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other collective dwellings    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Student residences    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Airports and other passenger terminals    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Communications buildings    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Sports facilities with spectator capacity    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other commercial properties, not elsewhere classified    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

51. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for institutional building construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for institutional building construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Schools, colleges, universities and other educational buildings    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Religious centres and memorial sites    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Nursing homes, homes for the aged    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Health centres, clinics and other health care buildings    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Daycare centres    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Historical sites    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Public security facilities    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other institutional buildings, not elsewhere classified    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

52. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for marine engineering construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for marine engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Canals and waterways    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Marinas and harbours    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other marine engineering infrastructure    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

53. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for transportation engineering construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for transportation engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Parking lots and garages    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Highway and road structures and networks    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Runways (include lighting)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Railway lines    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other land transportation infrastructure, not elsewhere classified    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

54. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for waterworks engineering construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for waterworks engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Water filtration plants    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Water supply infrastructure    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

55. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for sewage engineering construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for sewage engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Sewage treatment plants    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Sewage collection and disposal infrastructure    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

56. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for electric power engineering construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for electric power engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Steam production plants    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Nuclear production plants    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Hydro-electric power plants    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other power generating plants (wind, solar, biomass)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Power transmission networks    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Power distribution networks    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

57. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for communication networks construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for communication networks construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Telecommunications transmission cables and lines (except optical fibre) - (e.g., aerial, underground and submarine)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Telecommunications transmission optical fibre cables (e.g., aerial, underground and submarine)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Telecommunications transmission support structures - towers, poles, conduit    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other communications networks    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

58. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for oil and gas engineering construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for oil and gas engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Oil refineries    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Natural gas processing plants    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Development drilling for oil and gas    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Production facilities in oil and gas extraction    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Enhanced recovery projects    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Site development and other pre-mining costs    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Gas distribution systems (mains and services) and other oil and gas infrastructure    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

59. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for mining engineering construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for mining engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Mine surface buildings (except for beneficiation)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Mine buildings for beneficiation treatment of minerals    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Mine structures    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Tailing disposal systems settling ponds    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Mine-site development    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

60. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for other engineering construction?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for other engineering construction?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Pollution abatement and control    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Outdoor recreational facilities    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Waste disposal facilities    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Irrigation networks    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Site remediation    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Reclaimed land    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Flood protection infrastructure    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other engineering works, not elsewhere classified    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

61. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for medium and heavy trucks, buses and other motor vehicles?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for medium and heavy trucks, buses and other motor vehicles?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Medium and heavy-duty trucks    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Freight and utility trailers    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Special-purpose vehicles    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Materials handling trucks and tractors    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other motor vehicles    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

62. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for passenger cars and light trucks?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for passenger cars and light trucks?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Passenger cars, light-duty trucks, vans and SUVs    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

63. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for other transportation equipment?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for other transportation equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Locomotives, railway rolling stock, and rapid transit equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Civilian aircraft    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Non-military ships, barges and platforms    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Boats and personal watercraft    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other transportation equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

64. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for processing equipment?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for processing equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Water treatment equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Filters and strainers for fluids and fluid power systems    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Packing, packaging, and bottling machinery    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Mineral crushing, screening, processing and beneficiation machinery and equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Metalworking machinery    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Industrial moulds, special dies, and patterns    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other industry-specific manufacturing machinery, not elsewhere classified    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

65. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for computers and office equipment?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for computers and office equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Computers and computer peripheral equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Optical and projection equipment, photocopiers, and office machines (except computers and peripherals)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Office furniture    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

66. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for telecommunications, cable and broadcasting equipment?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for telecommunications, cable and broadcasting equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Broadcast, studio, alarm, and signalling equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Navigational and guidance instruments    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Telephone and data communications equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Televisions and other audio and video equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other communication equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

67. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for commercial and service industry machinery and equipment?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for commercial and service industry machinery and equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Commercial cooking and food-warming equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

68. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for other industrial machinery and equipment?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for other industrial machinery and equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Heavy-gauge metal containers (including intermodal)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Hand tools and power hand tools (except welding and soldering equipment)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Logging machinery and equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Rock drilling machinery and equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other mining and quarrying machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Oil and gas field production machinery and equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Construction machinery and equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Nuclear reactor steam supply systems    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Welding and soldering equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Industrial furnaces and ovens, and electric industrial heating equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other materials handling equipment, conveyors, and elevators    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

69. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for medical, scientific and technical instruments and equipment?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for medical, scientific and technical instruments and equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Medical and laboratory equipment (except scientific instruments)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Scientific and technical instruments (except electromedical and irradiation equipment)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other measuring, control, and scientific instruments (except electromedical and irradiation equipment)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Medical, dental and personal safety supplies    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

70. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for other machinery and equipment?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for other machinery and equipment?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Institutional and other furniture, not elsewhere classified (including furniture frames)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Engines (except gasoline and diesel engines for motor vehicles, and aircraft engines) and mechanical power transmission equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Pumps and compressors    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Heating and cooling equipment (except household refrigerators and freezers)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Power and distribution transformers    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other transformers    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Military aircraft    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Military ships    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Military armoured vehicles    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Non-residential mobile buildings    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Waste and scrap of iron and steel    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Waste and scrap of aluminum and aluminum alloy    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Waste and scrap of other non-ferrous metals    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Electric motors and generators    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Switchgear, switchboards, relays, and industrial control apparatus    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Turbines, turbine generators, and turbine generator sets    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Boilers, metal tanks, industrial valves and seals    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Agricultural, lawn and garden machinery and equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Instruments for measuring electricity    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Industrial and commercial fans, blowers and air purification equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones)    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Partitions, shelving, lockers and other fixtures    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Sporting and athletic goods    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Other machinery and equipment    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

71. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for software?

Selling Price: The total value, or the sales of fixed assets which were disposed of or sold, even if traded in for credit in the acquisition or purchase of new fixed assets. When land and buildings are sold together, please report the selling price of the land separately, along with other land sales.

Gross Book Value: This value should represent total capital expenditures for an asset, at and since the time of original construction or purchase, including all subsequent capital expenditures for the purpose of modernization, expansion, etc. Any subsidies received should not be subtracted.

Age: Report the age of the fixed asset at the time of disposal. If you have disposed of or sold similar assets of varying ages, report them separately or combine the data and provide a weighted average for the ages, please combine the data and provide a weighted average for the number of years.

Example of how to calculate a weighted average for years:

  • Asset A costs $1,000.00 and has a useful life of 20 years
  • Asset B costs $100.00 and has a useful life of 10 years
  • Asset C costs $10.00 and has a useful life of 30 years

Years = ((Asset A × Years of Asset A) + (Asset B × Years of Asset B) + (Asset C × Years of Asset C)) ÷ (Total Capital Expenditures)

Years = ((1000 × 20) + (100 × 10) + (10 × 30)) ÷ 1110

Years = 19

If it is not possible to provide the weighted average, please provide the useful life for the asset which had the largest acquisition cost.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, what were the selling price, gross book value and age of the disposed or sold assets for software?
Table summary
This table contains no data. It is an example of an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada.
  CAN$ '000 Years
Pre-Packaged Software    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    
Custom software    
a. Selling Price    
b. Gross Book Value    
c. Age    

Notification of intent to extract web data

72. Does this business have a website?

  • Yes
  • No

Specify the business website address


Statistics Canada is piloting a web data extraction initiative, also known as web scraping, which uses software to search and compile publicly available data from organizational websites. As a result, we may visit the website for this organization to search for, and compile, additional information. This initiative should allow us to reduce the reporting burden on organizations, as well as produce additional statistical indicators to ensure that our data remain accurate and relevant.

We will do our utmost to ensure the data are collected in a manner that will not affect the functionality of the website. Any data collected will be used by Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes only, in accordance with the agency's mandate.

Please visit Statistics Canada's web scraping initiative page for more information.

Please visit Statistics Canada's transparency and accountability page to learn more.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Statistics Canada Client Services, toll-free at 1-877-949-9492 (TTY: 1-800-363-7629) or by email at Additional information about this survey can be found by selecting the following link:

Annual Capital and Repair Expenditures Survey: Actual for 2019

Changes or events

73. Indicate any changes or events that affected the reported values for this business or organization, compared with the last reporting period.

Select all that apply.

  • Strike or lock-out
  • Exchange rate impact
  • Price changes in goods or services sold
  • Contracting out
  • Organizational change
  • Price changes in labour or raw materials
  • Natural disaster
  • Recession
  • Change in product line
  • Sold business or business units
  • Expansion
  • New or lost contract
  • Plant closures
  • Acquisition of business or business units
  • Other
    Specify the other changes or events:
  • No changes or events

Contact person

74. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information. Is the provided given names and the provided family name the best person to contact?

  • Yes
  • No

Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?

  • First name:
  • Last name:
  • Title:
  • Email address:
  • Telephone number (including area code):
  • Extension number (if applicable):
    The maximum number of characters is 5.
  • Fax number (including area code):


75. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.

  • Hours:
  • Minutes:

76. Do you have any comments about this questionnaire?

Environment and Energy Statistics Division
Energy Section

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the
2020 Monthly Natural Gas Distribution Survey.

Help Line: 1-877-604-7828

Gas distributors are establishments primarily engaged in the distribution of natural or synthetic gas to the ultimate consumers through a system of mains

Amounts: Report amounts in Gigajoules (GJs) of natural gas received and delivered during the month under review.

Value (cost to customer): dollar values exclude provincial taxes (if applicable), goods and services tax (GST) and harmonized sales tax (HST). Further, rebates paid to the customer should be deducted in order to arrive at "value".


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Table of contents

A - General information

Purpose of survey

The purpose of this survey is to obtain information on the supply of, and demand for, energy in Canada. This information serves as an important indicator of Canadian economic performance, and is used by all levels of government in establishing informed policies in the energy area. In the case of public utilities, it is used by governmental agencies to fulfill their regulatory responsibilities. The private sector also uses this information in the corporate decision-making process. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial and territorial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon.

The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician and returning it with the completed questionnaire. Please specify the organizations with which you do not want to share your data.

For this survey, there are Section 12 agreements with the statistical agencies of Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut as well as with the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government, the Ministère de l'énergie et des ressources naturelles du Québec, Transition énergétique Québec, the Manitoba Department of Growth, Enterprise and Trade, the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, the Canada Energy Regulator, Natural Resources Canada, and Environment and Climate Change Canada.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Data linkage

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

B - Reporting Instructions

Please report information for a specific reference month 2020.

Please complete all sections as applicable.

If the information requested is unknown, please provide your best estimate.

This guide is designed to assist you as you complete the Monthly Natural Gas Distribution Survey. If you need more information, please call 1-877-604-7828.


C - Supply of Natural Gas Unit of Measure

Amounts: report amounts (1000m3 or Gigajoules) of natural gas received and delivered during the month under review.

D - Receipts from Transmission Pipelines

Report volumes of gas received from transmission pipelines (NAICS 486210) connected directly to your company's distribution system.

Transmission pipelines are establishments primarily engaged in the pipeline transportation of natural gas, from gas fields or processing plants to local distribution systems.

E - Receipts from Storage Facilities

Report volumes of gas received from storage facilities (NAICS 493190) connected directly to your company's distribution system.

Storage facilities include natural gas storage caverns and liquefied natural gas storage but exclude establishments primarily engaged liquefaction and regassification of natural gas for purposes of transport (NAICS 488990).

F - Receipts from Other Gas Distributors

Report volumes of gas received from other gas distributors (NAICS 221210) connected directly to your company's distribution system.

Gas distributors are establishments primarily engaged in the distribution of natural or synthetic gas to the ultimate consumers through a system of mains.

G - Total Supply of Natural Gas

Report total volumes of gas received

H - Average Heating Value in Gigajoules/Thousand Cubic Meters

Report average heat content of your natural gas receipts for the reported reference month.


I - Deliveries to System Gas Consumers

Report deliveries of utility-purchased natural gas to consumers. Report the quantity and value of the natural gas delivered and the number of customers.

J - Deliveries to Consumers Enrolled with a Third Party Marketer

Report deliveries to consumers who have purchased their natural gas through a gas marketer or broker. Report the quantity and value of natural gas delivered and the number of customers.

K - Deliveries to Consumers who have Purchased Directly from Suppliers

Report deliveries to consumers who have purchased their natural gas directly from suppliers. Report the quantity of natural gas delivered and the number of customers.

L - Deliveries to Power Generation Plants

Report gas delivered to electric power generation plants (NAICS 2211) connected directly to your company's distribution system (at metered interconnections).

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the generation of bulk electric power, by natural gas.

M - Deliveries to Other Industrial Consumers

Report gas delivered to industrial establishments other than power generation plants.


  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing


  • Electric power generation
  • Wholesale and retail trade
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Other commercial buildings (e.g., public institutions)
  • Natural gas transmission pipelines
  • Natural gas storage facilities
  • Natural gas distributors

N - Deliveries to Commercial and Institutional Consumers

Report gas delivered to commercial and institutional establishments.


  • Wholesale and retail trade
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Other commercial buildings (e.g., public institutions)

O - Deliveries to Residential Consumers

Report gas delivered for domestic use (including multi-dwelling apartments).

P - Deliveries to Transmission Pipelines

Report volumes of gas delivered to transmission pipelines (NAICS 486210) connected directly to your company's distribution system.

Transmission pipelines are establishments primarily engaged in the pipeline transportation of natural gas, from gas fields or processing plants to local distribution systems.

Q - Deliveries to Storage Facilities

Report volumes of gas delivered to storage facilities (NAICS 493190) connected directly to your company's distribution system.

Storage facilities include natural gas storage caverns and liquefied natural gas storage but exclude establishments primarily engaged liquefaction and regassification of natural gas for purposes of transport (NAICS 488990).

R - Deliveries to Other Gas Distributors

Report volumes of gas deliveries to other gas distributors (NAICS 221210) connected directly to your company's distribution system.

Gas distributors are establishments primarily engaged in the distribution of natural or synthetic gas to the ultimate consumers through a system of mains.

S - Own Use

Report volumes of gas consumed in operating your pipeline system.

T - Line Pack Fluctuation

Report differences in the pipeline system due to changes of temperature and/or pressure.

U - Metering Differences, Line Loss, Other Unaccounted for and Cyclical Billing Adjustments

Report the difference between the total supply and total disposition. This difference includes leakage or other losses, discrepancies due to meter inaccuracies and other variants particularly billing lag.

V - Average Heating Value in Gigajoules/ Thousand Cubic Meters

Report the average heat content of your total natural gas disposition for the reference month.

W - Total Disposition

Report total volumes of gas disposition.

Thank you for your participation.

Why do we conduct this survey?

The purpose of this survey is to produce monthly statistics on production and stocks of various dairy products and sales of fluid milk and cream from dairy processors in Canada.

The information is grouped with other dairy statistics to provide valuable information for milk marketing agencies, farmers and processor associations, and government departments.

Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.

Your participation in this survey is required under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Other important information

Authorization to collect this information

Data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.


By law, Statistics Canada is prohibited from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent, or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes only.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey and to reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Data-sharing agreements

To reduce respondent burden, Statistics Canada has entered into data-sharing agreements with provincial and territorial statistical agencies and other government organizations, which have agreed to keep the data confidential and use them only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada will only share data from this survey with those organizations that have demonstrated a requirement to use the data.

Section 11 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with provincial and territorial statistical agencies that meet certain conditions. These agencies must have the legislative authority to collect the same information, on a mandatory basis, and the legislation must provide substantially the same provisions for confidentiality and penalties for disclosure of confidential information as the Statistics Act. Because these agencies have the legal authority to compel businesses to provide the same information, consent is not requested and businesses may not object to the sharing of the data.

For this survey, there are Section 11 agreements with the provincial statistical agencies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. The shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province.

Section 12 of the Statistics Act provides for the sharing of information with federal, provincial or territorial government organizations. Under Section 12, you may refuse to share your information with any of these organizations by writing a letter of objection to the Chief Statistician, specifying the organizations with which you do not want Statistics Canada to share your data and mailing it to the following address:

Chief Statistician of Canada
Statistics Canada
Attention of Director, Enterprise Statistics Division
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

You may also contact us by email at\ or by fax at 613-951-6583.

For this survey, there is a Section 12 agreement with the Prince Edward Island statistical agency.

For agreements with provincial and territorial government organizations, the shared data will be limited to information pertaining to business establishments located within the jurisdiction of the respective province or territory.

Business or organization and contact information

1. Please verify or provide the business or organization's legal and operating name and correct where needed.

Note: Legal name modifications should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

Legal Name

The legal name is one recognized by law, thus it is the name liable for pursuit or for debts incurred by the business or organization. In the case of a corporation, it is the legal name as fixed by its charter or the statute by which the corporation was created.

Modifications to the legal name should only be done to correct a spelling error or typo.

To indicate a legal name of another legal entity you should instead indicate it in question 3 by selecting 'Not currently operational' and then choosing the applicable reason and providing the legal name of this other entity along with any other requested information.

Operating Name

The operating name is a name the business or organization is commonly known as if different from its legal name. The operating name is synonymous with trade name.

  • Legal name
  • Operating name (if applicable)

2. Please verify or provide the contact information of the designated business or organization contact person for this questionnaire and correct where needed.

Note: The designated contact person is the person who should receive this questionnaire. The designated contact person may not always be the one who actually completes the questionnaire.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Preferred language of communication
    • English
    • French
  • Mailing address (number and street)
  • City
  • Province, territory or state
  • Postal code or ZIP code
  • Country
    • Canada
    • United States
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
    The maximum number of characters is 5.
  • Fax number (including area code)

3. Please verify or provide the current operational status of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

  • Operational
  • Not currently operational (e.g., temporarily or permanently closed, change of ownership)
    Why is this business or organization not currently operational?
    • Seasonal operations
      • When did this business or organization close for the season?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
    • Ceased operations
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Bankruptcy
        • Liquidation
        • Dissolution
        • Other - Specify the other reasons why the operations ceased
    • Sold operations
      • When was this business or organization sold?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the buyer?
    • Amalgamated with other businesses or organizations
      • When did this business or organization amalgamate?
        • Date
      • What is the legal name of the resulting or continuing business or organization?
      • What are the legal names of the other amalgamated businesses or organizations?
    • Temporarily inactive but will re-open
      • When did this business or organization become temporarily inactive?
        • Date
      • When does this business or organization expect to resume operations?
        • Date
      • Why is this business or organization temporarily inactive?
    • No longer operating due to other reasons
      • When did this business or organization cease operations?
        • Date
      • Why did this business or organization cease operations?

4. Please verify or provide the current main activity of the business or organization identified by the legal and operating name above.

Note: The described activity was assigned using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

This question verifies the business or organization's current main activity as classified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the three economies. NAICS is based on supply-side or production-oriented principles, to ensure that industrial data, classified to NAICS , are suitable for the analysis of production-related issues such as industrial performance.

The target entity for which NAICS is designed are businesses and other organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. They include farms, incorporated and unincorporated businesses and government business enterprises. They also include government institutions and agencies engaged in the production of marketed and non-marketed services, as well as organizations such as professional associations and unions and charitable or non-profit organizations and the employees of households.

The associated NAICS should reflect those activities conducted by the business or organizational units targeted by this questionnaire only, as identified in the 'Answering this questionnaire' section and which can be identified by the specified legal and operating name. The main activity is the activity which most defines the targeted business or organization's main purpose or reason for existence. For a business or organization that is for-profit, it is normally the activity that generates the majority of the revenue for the entity.

The NAICS classification contains a limited number of activity classifications; the associated classification might be applicable for this business or organization even if it is not exactly how you would describe this business or organization's main activity.

Please note that any modifications to the main activity through your response to this question might not necessarily be reflected prior to the transmitting of subsequent questionnaires and as a result they may not contain this updated information.

The following is the detailed description including any applicable examples or exclusions for the classification currently associated with this business or organization.

Description and examples

  • This is the current main activity.
  • This is not the current main activity.

Please provide a brief but precise description of this business or organization's main activity.

e.g., breakfast cereal manufacturing, shoe store, software development

Main activity

5. You indicated that is not the current main activity.

Was this business or organization's main activity ever classified as: ?

  • Yes
    When did the main activity change?
    • Date
  • No

6. Please search and select the industry classification code that best corresponds to this business or organization's main activity.

Select this business or organization's activity sector (optional)

  • Farming or logging operation
  • Construction company or general contractor
  • Manufacturer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer
  • Provider of passenger or freight transportation
  • Provider of investment, savings or insurance products
  • Real estate agency, real estate brokerage or leasing company
  • Provider of professional, scientific or technical services
  • Provider of health care or social services
  • Restaurant, bar, hotel, motel or other lodging establishment
  • Other sector

Method of collection

1. Indicate whether you will be answering the remaining questions or attaching files with the required information.

  • Answering the remaining questions
  • Attaching files


1. Please attach the files that will provide the information required for the Monthly Dairy Factory Production and Stocks Survey.

To attach files

  • Press the Attach files button
  • Choose the file to attach. Multiple files can be attached


  • Each file attached must not exceed 5 MB
  • All attachments combined must not exceed 50 MB .
  • The name and size of each file attached will be displayed on the page.

Dairy products and by-products

1. Which of the following products did this location manufacture or stock in [month] ?

Select all that apply.

  • Dairy products and by-products
    • Include all manufacturer's stocks owned whether they are stored in your storage room, a public warehouse, a cheese grading station or ready for shipment.
    • Exclude stocks held on Canadian Dairy Commission accounts.
  • Other varieties of cheese
    • Exclude cheddar and mozzarella.
  • Cottage cheese, yogurt or sour cream
    • Include both spoonable and drinkable yogurt, and kefir.
  • Butter and butter oil (creamery butter, whey butter, butter oil or ghee)
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Other varieties of cheeses
    e.g., Brick, Colby, Gouda
  • Processed cheese products
  • Cottage cheese, yogurt or sour cream
  • Concentrated products
    e.g., concentrated milks, milk powders
  • Frozen products
    e.g., ice cream, frozen yogurt, milkshake mix
  • None of the above

2. In [month], did this location process and sell any fluid milk or cream in [Province/Territory] ?

Milk and Cream Sales

This question covers all fluid milk and cream processed and packaged in your plant and sold in your province.

Exclude bulk cream sent to other processing plants for packaging into fluid creams.

  • Yes
  • No

Butter and butter oil

3. What were the total production and stocks in kilograms (kg) for the following butter and butter oil products?

Butter and butter oil


  • production for the entire month
  • stocks on the last day of the month
  • all manufacturer's stocks owned whether they are stored in your storage room, a public warehouse, a cheese grading station or ready for shipment.

Exclude stocks held on Canadian Dairy Commission accounts.

Butter oil and ghee

Butter oil and ghee is the pure butterfat left after milk solids and water are removed from the butter.

Table summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
  Total production for [month] (kg) Total stocks on the last day of [month] (kg)
a. Creamery butter
Include salted, unsalted, whipped, light, cultured, sweet, calorie-reduced butter and dairy spread.
Exclude reworked butter and manufacturing cream.
b. Whey butter    
c. Butter oil and ghee    

Cheddar cheese

4. What were the total production and stocks in kilograms (kg) for cheddar cheese?

Include all sizes: block, stirred curd, curd and cheddar cheese used to make processed cheese.

Cheddar cheese


  • 'light' or 'lite' varieties of cheddar cheeses
  • production for the entire month
  • stocks on the last day of the month
  • all manufacturer's stocks owned whether they are stored in your storage room, a public warehouse, a cheese grading station or ready for shipment.

Exclude stocks held on Canadian Dairy Commission accounts.

Total production for [month]:

Total stocks on the last day of [month]:

5. Of the total cheddar cheese stocks reported above, what was the total stocks in kilograms (kg) for the following types of cheddar cheese?

Cheddar cheese


  • 'light' or 'lite' varieties of cheddar cheeses
  • stocks on the last day of the month
  • all manufacturer's stocks owned whether they are stored in your storage room, a public warehouse, a cheese grading station or ready for shipment.

Exclude stocks held on Canadian Dairy Commission accounts.

Table summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
  Total stocks on the last day of [month] (kg)
a. Mild cheddar
Include stocks of cheddar cheese matured for less than 3 months or processed,
sold and labeled as 'mild' cheddar cheese.
b. Medium cheddar
Include stocks of cheddar cheese matured for 3 to 9 months or processed,
sold and labeled as 'medium' cheddar cheese.
c. Old, strong, extra-old cheddar
Include stocks of cheddar cheese matured for more than 9 months or processed,
sold and labeled as 'old', 'strong', 'extra-old' cheddar cheese.
Total stocks for [month] for cheddar cheese  

Mozzarella cheese

6. What were the total production and stocks in kilograms (kg) for the following types of mozzarella cheese?

Mozzarella cheese


  • production for the entire month
  • stocks on the last day of the month
  • all manufacturer's stocks owned whether they are stored in your storage room, a public warehouse, a cheese grading station or ready for shipment.

Exclude stocks held on Canadian Dairy Commission accounts.

Table summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
  Total production for [month] (kg) Total stocks on the last day of [month] (kg)
a. Mozzarella American full fat
27% to 28% Butter fat
b. Mozzarella American low fat
17% to 20% Butter fat
c. Mozzarella Italian full fat
22% to 24% Butter fat
d. Mozzarella Italian low fat
15% Butter fat
e. All other mozzarella cheese    
Total production and stocks for [month] for mozzarella cheese    

Other varieties of cheeses other than cheddar and mozzarella

7. What was the total production in kilograms (kg) for the following other varieties of cheeses?

Other varieties of cheeses other than cheddar and mozzarella

Report varieties of 'light' or 'lite' cheeses with the respective category of cheese, for example: report 'light' feta cheese at question m. Feta.

Include production for the entire month.


  • cheddar and mozzarella
  • stocks held on Canadian Dairy Commission accounts.
Table summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
  Total production for [month] (kg)
a. Bakers  
b. Bocconcini  
c. Brie  
d. Brick  
e. Caciocavallo  
f. Camembert  
g. Casata  
h. Colby  
i. Cream cheese  
j. Edam  
k. Emmental  
l. Farmer's  
m. Feta  
n. Friulano  
o. Gouda  
p. Havarti  
q. Marble  
r. Monterey Jack  
s. Parmesan  
t. Pizza
Include cheeses other than mozzarella cheese that are used as topping for pizza.
u. Provolone  
v. Ricotta  
w. Romano  
x. Skim milk  
y. Swiss  
z. Curd cheese
Include cheese curd other than cheddar curd.
aa. Other - specify other variety of cheese 1:  
ab. Other - specify other variety of cheese 2:  
ac. Other - specify other variety of cheese 3:  
ad. Other - specify other variety of cheese 4:  
ae. Other - specify other variety of cheese 5:  
af. Other - specify other variety of cheese 6:  
ag. Other - specify other variety of cheese 7:  
ah. Other - specify other variety of cheese 8:  
ai. Other - specify other variety of cheese 9:  
aj. Other - specify other variety of cheese 10:  
Total production for [month] for other varieties of cheeses  

8. What was the total stocks in kilograms (kg) for other varieties of cheeses?

Exclude cheddar and mozzarella.

Total stocks on the last day of [month]:

Processed cheese products

9. What were the total production and stocks in kilograms (kg) for processed cheese products?

Include processed cheese, processed cheese food, processed cheese spread made from cheddar cheese or other cheeses.

Processed cheese products


  • production for the entire month
  • stocks on the last day of the month
  • all manufacturer's stocks owned whether they are stored in your storage room, a public warehouse, a cheese grading station or ready for shipment.

Exclude stocks held on Canadian Dairy Commission accounts.

Total production for [month]:

Total stocks on the last day of [month]:

Cottage cheese, yogurt and sour cream

10. What was the total production in kilograms (kg) for the following products?

Cottage cheese, yogurt and sour cream

Include production for the entire month.

Table summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
  Total production for [month] (kg)
a. Cottage cheese
Include curds and creamed cottage cheeses.
b. Yogurt
Include both spoonable and drinkable yogurt, and kefir.
Exclude volumes of fruits and additives.
c. Sour cream
Include regular and light sour cream.

Concentrated products

11. What were the total production and stocks in kilograms (kg) for the following concentrated products?

Concentrated products


  • production for the entire month
  • stocks on the last day of the month
  • all manufacturer's stocks owned whether they are stored in your storage room, a public warehouse, a cheese grading station or ready for shipment.

Exclude stocks held on Canadian Dairy Commission accounts.

Table summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
  Total production for [month] (kg) Total stocks on the last day of [month] (kg)
a. Concentrated milk (evaporated whole milk)    
b. Sweetened concentrated milk (condensed whole milk)    
c. Concentrated skim milk (evaporated skim milk)    
d. Sweetened concentrated skim milk (condensed skim milk)    
e. Concentrated partly skimmed milk - 2% (evaporated partly skimmed milk - 2%)    
f. Skim milk powder
Include instantized.
g. Whole milk powder    
h. Buttermilk powder    
i. Whey powder    
j. Other - specify other concentrated product 1:    
k. Other - specify other concentrated product 2:    
l. Other - specify other concentrated product 3:    
m. Other - specify other concentrated product 4:    
n. Other - specify other concentrated product 5:    

Frozen products

12. What was the total production in litres (L) for the following frozen products?

Frozen products

Include production for the entire month.

Table summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
  Production mix for [month] (L) Production frozen for [month] (L)
a. Soft ice cream
Over 5% Butter fat
b. Hard ice cream
Over 5% Butter fat
Total ice cream mix    
c. Soft frozen yogurt mix    
d. Hard frozen yogurt mix
Less than 5% Butter fat.
e. Ice milk mix    
f. Milkshake mix    
g. Sherbet    
h. Water ices    
i. Other - specify all other frozen products:    

Milk and cream sales

13. What was the total volume in litres (L) sold for the following milk and cream products?

Include all fluid milk and cream processed and packaged in your plant and sold in [Province/Territory] .

Exclude bulk cream sent to other processing plants for packaging into fluid creams.

Table summary
This is an empty data table used by respondents to provide data to Statistics Canada. This table contains no data.
  Total volume of sales for [month] (L)
a. Standard milk
3.25% Butter fat and over
b. 2% partly skimmed milk
1.9% to 2.1% Butter fat
c. 1% partly skimmed milk
0.9% to 1.1% Butter fat
d. Skim milk
Under 0.3% Butter fat
e. Buttermilk  
f. Chocolate milk and other flavoured milk  
g. Light cream
5.0% to 9.9% Butter fat
h. Cereal cream
10.0% to 15.9% Butter fat
i. Table cream
16.0% to 31.9% Butter fat
j. Whipping cream
32.0% Butter fat and over
k. Eggnog  
l. Other - specify other milk or cream product 1:  
m. Other - specify other milk or cream product 2:  
n. Other - specify other milk or cream product 3:  
o. Other - specify other milk or cream product 4:  
p. Other - specify other milk or cream product 5:  

Specify other milk or cream product 5

Changes or events

14. Indicate any changes or events that affected the reported values for this business or organization, compared with the last reporting period.

Select all that apply.

  • Strike or lock-out
  • Exchange rate impact
  • Price changes in goods or services sold
  • Contracting out
  • Organizational change
  • Price changes in labour or raw materials
  • Natural disaster
  • Recession
  • Change in product line
  • Sold business or business units
  • Expansion
  • New or lost contract
  • Plant closures
  • Acquisition of business or business units
  • Equipment failure
  • Seasonal operations
  • Increased market demand
  • Decreased market demand
  • Other - specify the other changes or events:
  • No changes or events

Contact person

15. Statistics Canada may need to contact the person who completed this questionnaire for further information.

Is Provided Given Names, Provided Family Name the best person to contact?

  • Yes
  • No

Who is the best person to contact about this questionnaire?

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Title
  • Email address
  • Telephone number (including area code)
  • Extension number (if applicable)
    The maximum number of characters is 5.
  • Fax number (including area code)


16. How long did it take to complete this questionnaire?

Include the time spent gathering the necessary information.

  • Hours
  • Minutes

17. Do you have any comments about this questionnaire?